Published: 28-Feb-2011
Word Count:
The five girl's gathered around Ms. Ginny and me in the hallway. They were dressed in frilly, feminine blouses, short skirts, and their new panties and bras. They had on white, lacy ankle socks, and two-inch heels, which made all but Stacey, walk slowly. The shoes and socks would come off before the girls started doing the limbo dance. After freshening their make-up, we brushed their hair into ponytails, braids, or somehow put their hair up with clips and bows. Ms. Ginny said, "You will each introduce yourself and tell the audience and the camera your age before we start."
Dianne asked, "Like the camera, is that um, like hooked up so other people can see us, too?"
I said, "Yes. Some of the photographers who could not make it tonight will be watching live over the Internet. And we're making another video tonight that we might share with other photographers later. This could lead to more modeling business for each of you in the future, so don't be shy."
Dianne continued questioning me, squirming nervously, "And, um, will other people see the videotape of us? I mean like the part where after we take off our panties, um, will other strangers see us without our panties on?"
Ms. Ginny looked at me. "Go ahead, Andrea. Tell the girls about their pictures and videos."
I said, "Well yes, lots of people will be watching you tonight, but mostly just the photographers will see clips from tonight's games. Only those we trust." I noticed that all of the girls were silent and squirming as I explained about strangers seeing video clips of them without their panties on. "Each of you girls is the star of a video and booklet already. We have video clips from your very first modeling sessions, and then other sessions over the next two to six weeks up until just last weekend. You girls were invited to this special session because each of you is so sexy and pretty."
Ms. Ginny added, "We've gotten so much fan mail for each of you. Lots of people want you to model for them. People from all over the world."
I asked, "Would any of you like to see some of the pictures that we didn't show your mothers? Your mothers saw pictures of you modeling cute outfits and even panties or nighties, but they didn't see the naked pictures of you; the close-up pictures of your bare pussies or bottoms. Would you like to see your pictures and pictures of the other girls here?"
Brandi said, "Yes!" first, but all of the other girls looked excited about seeing their pictures.
"Good!" said Ms. Ginny. "We'll show you pictures of yourselves that hundreds of other people have already seen of you - your bare bottoms; pictures of you smiling and looking into the cameras as you pinch your titties; and close up pictures of you opening your legs for our cameras and video cameras. You are very sexy, pretty girls! Do you want to have some fun tonight?"
"Yes!" they all said, smiling, squirming, and fidgeting nervously.
I continued. "Well, perk yourselves up a moment while we get ready to start playing the games tonight." They all started massaging their breasts while I talked. "Anyway, Diane, hardly anybody in this country except our photographer friends will see these clips of you while you play the games tonight, and yes, including the videos as you take off your panties and then open your legs for the cameras, if that's what you're worried about. Mostly people in other countries." I squeezed her shoulder in reassurance. All the girls were smiling and squirming. Sally was blushing brightly.
I said, "So be sure to use the pretend names we gave you, but tell them your real age. Speak clearly. Don't forget that other people will see you - right now or later - people all over the world. People who may want you to model for them."
I could tell Sally had reservations, so I said, "Sally, and the rest of you ... what did your mother tell you when we picked you up?"
Sally said, "She told me to do whatever you said."
And did you hear me tell you mother that we would probably take some pictures of you in just your underwear?"
"Yes." She said. All the girls were paying close attention, although still squirming.
"That's right. She knows that if you follow directions then there will be a nice bonus for her ... if you're a good model. Right?"
"And do you remember when I told her that for some of the pictures you might get a pretend spanking and that the person who was pretending to spank you would pull your panties down? I told her the spankings wouldn't be hard and that probably only people in Japan or some of the countries that do business with Japan would ever see those pictures. Do you remember that?"
"Yes, I remember."
"And your mother said that it was OK with her if we took your panties off to spank you and we didn't need to spank softly either. 'You can really smack her ass, Andrea. Especially if she talks back!' Your mother said. Do you remember that?"
"Then you and I laughed along with your mother. I told her what a good model you are and that we certainly wouldn't need to spank you hard. I remember you said, 'I promise to be a good model and do everything you say, Andrea.' Do you remember saying that?"
"Yes, I remember. It was funny. We were all laughing."
I laughed. Sally smiled. The other girls were smiling, too, and I said, "It was funny, Sally. And then later that day we did pull your panties down in front of the camera and gave you a pretend spanking after your mother left, didn't we?"
"Yes, lots of pretend spankings. It was funny." Sally was squirming more now, like the other girls. "And it didn't hurt. Maybe a little sting, but it didn't hurt. Not too much. You said it made my bottom red."
"That's right, Sally. Your cute, little bottom got nice and red while we were taking pictures. Pictures and video. I think you pulled down five different pairs of panties and got in position for your spankings." I laughed, "And you even wanted me to do it again, remember?"
"I remember." She laughed, while still blushing. She rubbed her bottom as if it was sore. The other girls laughed.
I asked the other girls if they would like to see the pictures of Sally's spanking and they all said "yes!" at the same time. I said, "Girls, you've all seen each other as we've taken baths and gotten you dressed, but you will also get to see your pictures that we showed to some of the photographers. Pictures and video. Won't that be fun?"
"Yes!" They all said again.
"Sally, we showed some of those pictures and video clips - your bare-bottom spankings - to the photographers who are here tonight, and to some of our associate photographers in other parts of the world. They already heard you giggle on the video clip as you pulled down your panties and took them off for the cameras. You did that several times. Remember? Undressing and getting in the spanking position with your bare bottom towards the cameras? Knees apart. All of your girls did that." I looked at each of them. "Remember?"
Diane said, "Yes. It was kind of embarrassing, but it didn't hurt."
Sally added, "Thinking of strangers seeing me without my panties on made me blush, and you teased me."
I hugged her to me. "Girls..." I looked at them. "The photographers here tonight and hundreds of other photographers around the world have seen each of you undress and get in funny positions. We've gotten lots of compliments for you. Sally, they just love your freckles. Diane, they loved your full lips - top and bottom. Stacey, some of the men said they liked your pink nipples and pink anus. Brittany, your glasses and braces really impressed some of the men. They said you looked especially innocent in your school girl outfit with braids, glasses, and braces. And they enjoyed watching you do your gymnastics in just those sheer panties. Remember how Ms. Ginny told you that your 'cupcakes' giggled when you did some of your bouncing moves?"
Brittany said, "Yes. It was funny, because I could feel them jiggling around while I did jumping jacks."
I continued, "And Brandi, I think your southern accent turned on some of the men when you talked as you undressed and pinched your puffy acorns for Ms. Ginny's camera."
Brandi, smiled, blushed, and sucked on her lower lip like she always did when she was self-conscious. I said, "Not just pinched, but you pinched, pulled and twisted them. You pulled them out for the video camera and let them snap back. Remember?"
"Yes." She giggled. Brandi's accent made her "yes" sound more like "yeh-ass."
"And, Brandi, several men said they couldn't believe you are only ten with such a cute figure already."
The girls were all smiling with their memories. "We're going to play some fun games tonight, girls. Every time you take your panties off for the cameras or for a photographer you will get a new pair." I looked at them. "And we're keeping track, and each time you get a new pair of panties your mother will get a nice bonus! And you will get more modeling jobs in the future. We're keeping track of everything you do this weekend and every time you do a good job of following directions we will add money to the bonus your mothers will get Sunday evening when we drive you back home."
Ms. Ginny and I could feel the tension in the nervous girls. They were anxious to get into the room and start playing games.
"However..." I held up my finger. "Remember to act shy at first. Once your panties are off, then you can relax, but pretend you're reluctant to take them off at first. OK? Now who's ready to play our first game?"
All of the girls held up their hands, including Sally, when she saw that the other girls all had a hand in the air.
We walked into the living room and the photographers clapped, making the nervous girls smile and blush even more. One of our "photographers" had modified a pair of old wooden chairs by drilling holes down the back of one of the wooden arms and glued three inch dowel rods rod to support the limbo bar at different heights, kind of like a high-jump track event. Tammy was setting up the chairs over a long, narrow, thick Oriental rug for the girls to hop on as they did the limbo dance under the bar. The big digital video camera was on a tripod about three yards in front of the pair of chairs - so that the girls would be facing the camera as they hopped forward under the bar. Several other photographers held cameras or video recorders near our official camera.
I announced to the photographers and girls, "We're going to have some fun with the Limbo Game, where the girls try to dance under this bar." I held up the broomstick. "I'll put it on the highest notch to start with in just a minute, but first our youthful models will walk down our little runway and introduce themselves. Then each girl will take off her shoes and socks to get ready for our first game. Each girl is wearing her new bra and panties set which she won earlier this evening."
I noticed five new faces in our little audience - photographers who had arrived while we were downstairs having our "girls-only" meeting. "Don't get confused by the pretend names the girls will use in front of the cameras. You all know their real names anyway." I turned to the girls, "And, Young Ladies, I'll introduce you to our new photographers after we do the limbo dance. Ready?" They were looking at the men and women in our audience of fourteen adults.
Stacey came forward immediately when I pointed to her. She walked up to the 'X' on the floor and said, "I'm Beth and I'm twelve years old, the oldest model here tonight. This is fun. We're going to do the limbo game for you, so let me take off my shoes." She looked right into the camera and added, "And we're wearing our new bras and panties tonight. Just for this game. You'll get to see in a few minutes." She blushed which surprised us.
They went in order of age, introducing themselves. Brandi forgot to use her stage name, which made all the girls laugh.
Once each of the girls had introduced herself and removed her shoes and socks I started the music. Tammy demonstrated how to hop under the bar without knocking it off the supports and without using hands.
After two rounds I had the girls remove their skirts so they wouldn't drag on the ground. One at a time, taking turns in order, each girl looked at the camera and removed her skirt, then hopped under the bar.
Still all of the girls were getting under the bar without trouble. We removed blouses, and on the next round the bras came off for the cameras. It looked like Sally was the least limber so I let her be the first one to remove her panties at the start of the next round. She handed her panties to Tammy and blushed brightly as she made it under the bar again. The other girls followed suit and soon we had five naked contestants.
It got down to Stacey, the tallest, and Brittany, our two slender twelve-year-olds. Finally we declared Brittany the winner after she made it under with the bar on the lowest rung.
After the contest I handed each of the naked girls a peach-colored camisole and string bikini panties and told them to let the photographers help them get dressed. After dressing, they put their ankle socks and high heels back on and went to the snack table and bar while the photographers told each of them what a fine job they did. The girls accepted the congratulations gracefully, along with lots of hugs and kisses.
The girls were led off individually to other parts of the room by small groups of photographers. Each girl carried her plate of snacks and a soft drink as they milled around. Some of the girls demonstrated how limber they were to interested photographers. The girls were getting used to being posed or felt by the photographers.
Sally was sitting on Mr. Johnston's lap sipping her soda as he told her how cute she was. And he was telling her that he would definitely like her to model some of the special lingerie and clothing accessories that he designed. "I'm sorry I missed the first session with you girls tonight, Sally, but I got to see the video from your first session tonight. I watched it while you girls were downstairs in your secret meeting. And I watched your special video lots of time and bought all the pictures." Sally blushed but didn't say anything.
I sat on the couch beside them with an armload of _____________. "Isn't that great, Sally? Mr. Johnston wants you to model lingerie for his catalog."
"Yes." She said quietly, but blushing brighter.
"I just love your freckles and your big pussy mound with such full lips. You can't see your clit until your legs are spread wide open, and then it's just your clit and... "
I interrupted, "Better not say too much, Henry. Don't want to spoil any surprises." Then I turned to Sally to get her mind back to the present. "Sally, stand up and let Henry pull down your panties so he can see you up close. So far he has only seen you in pictures and video. Show him how good you are at following directions."
Sally stood up, glowing. As she sipped her cola, Henry pulled her panties down to her knees and pushed her knees apart to stretch the panties. I said, "Sally was shy at first, Henry, but she is getting used to modeling now. Aren't you, Sally?"
"Yes." She said quietly, trying to ignore Henry's thumb and fingers pulling her pussy this way and that.
I said, "And you can change clothes in front of people now and you do your best to follow directions, don't you, Sally?"
"Yes, Andrea. I'm getting braver like you said." She didn't try to turn to the side or push Henry's hand off her pussy.
I said to Henry. "See, Henry? I told you she's not as shy as she was in her first sessions when she didn't want to change panties if there was a camera nearby."
Sally was watching other girls around the room get their panties pulled down. She stood still, panties stretched between her knees, sipping her drink while Henry played with her pussy. Henry knew not to put a finger inside yet. He asked politely, "May I feel your breasts now Sally? I want to make sure they are getting big enough for some of my special fashions."
"OK." She kept sipping while Henry felt her breasts with his left hand and massaged her pussy with his left.
"I have to take the girls out in a few minutes, Henry, to get them ready for our next fun session. We're going to be playing with dolls."
"Dolls?" Said Sally, her disappointment so obvious it was funny.
Henry asked, "Would your rather play with dolls or get a spanking on your bare bottom?"
"Hmmm." She hesitated.
I laughed. "Sally, Henry liked watching you get your spankings, especially when you asked for another one."
He said, "It didn't hurt you, did it?"
"No. It didn't hurt. Maybe a little sting when Andrea did it harder, but it didn't hurt exactly. She said it made my bottom red." Sally giggled and continued, "But then when she did it harder ... like she waited longer between the spanks. But it didn't hurt. She said I was tough and brave, besides just pretty."
"You certainly were!" He said. "And excited. I would have guessed that you even liked getting your spankings. Did it excite you to get spanked on your pretty, round bottom?"
She blushed. "Well, I think it's exciting being a model. And it didn't hurt. So I tried to show her how brave I am. It makes me feel shaky inside in front of the cameras."
Henry said, "You were very excited. It showed in the close-ups. I would like you to wear some of my special designs and get a spanking tonight..."
"OK." She said before he could finish his sentence.
"I would like to spank you tonight! Before you get shaved in the morning. I want to get pictures of you in my specialty lingerie before your pretty, red pubic hairs get shaved off." He tugged on Sally's sparse, reddish bush - making the freckles on her pale pussy dance.
"I hate to interrupt you're conversation, but it's almost time for us girls to go play with dolls."
Henry and I laughed again at the disappointment on Sally's face.
"But first..." I said, "Step out of those panties and sit back down on Henry's lap. I want to show you a few pictures."
After she sat down, looking at the five photo albums next to me, I said, "Who do you want to see first, Sally. We have time for you to skim through two or three of these."
"I want to see all of them." She said.
"Not time for that now. Besides you girls will want to watch the videos tomorrow. You'll get to see everybody. But which one do you want to see first? You or one of the other girls?"
"I want to see mine first."
Each album had ten pages with four to six photos on each side of the page. Her first two pages showed "innocent" shots, the ones her mother had seen, of Sally in various outfits, posing in our Japanese school room setting or the frilly, girl's bedroom set. The next two pages were underwear. Her mother had seen some of these pictures - Sally standing in her black pumps with white ankle or knee socks and a matching panty and training bra set. I said, "See? You could almost use a B-cup, Sally, the 32-A is too tight on you."
Sally didn't say anything but just stared at her pictures. Her feet were on either side of Henry's lap with her knees apart - the way he had positioned the pantiless girl as I handed her the large album. I took her soft drink glass as I handed her the book. She was holding it open and studying the photos. The next page fascinated her. Starting in a school uniform she got into spanking position and flipped up her skirt. A photo showed a paddle on her bottom. The next group of photos showed her with panties pulled down and then a picture with the panties off, knees wide apart, and shoulders on the floor. This 8 x 10 close up showed her excitement clearly - whitish liquid filled her vaginal opening and her lips were wet. The pinkish, clitoral ridge down the center was wet and glistening.
"Oh. My bottom does look red, doesn't it?" She said, not mentioning the wetness.
Sally didn't have any "flaps" as one of the girls called them when looking at a picture of an older girl. When I had shown two of the other girls their photos, they didn't comment on their own wetness either, as if all girls were wet there.
Henry said, "This is the picture I liked so much of your spankings, Sally. It's why I want you to model some of my specialty clothing. I can tell you get excited modeling."
"Uh, huh." She agreed. "It's fun to model."
The album moved slightly as Henry's right hand continued to massage her open pussy while she sat on his lap. Sally lifted the album so the pictures wouldn't move, but she didn't say anything about Henry stroking her between her lips.
Henry pointed to the picture with his free hand, while his right hand was busy in Sally's pussy. "Look how you can see the paddle marks on your fanny." He pointed to the marks. "And that one on the back of your thigh. Red heads mark up so nicely during a spanking. I like that. And you said it didn't hurt, Sally?"
"No, not much. Just a little sting. But when she spanked harder to make it sting, then Andrea waited a minute before spanking me again, like for me to stop squirming around. She told me I was doing great as a model and that she needed a good spanking model."
I agreed, "Yes. You did great, Sally. Absolutely fantastic. And you did a good job of staying in position for me."
I looked at my watch. "Oh dear! We need to get started on the next activity. We'll look at the rest of these later. And then you can see pictures of the other girls. But now you know that all the photographers here tonight, and those watching from far away have already see pictures of your open pussy, Sally. OK?"
"Yes. I guess they've already seen it. It's embarrassing, but they say it's pretty." She smiled as she stood up.
"Yes. You're turning into an excellent model. And you will let Henry dress you in his special outfits and then spank you later?"
"OK. I will." She looked at Henry. "You won't spank me too hard, will you, Henry?"
"No. Not too hard. Just little stings, like you're used to."
Sally smiled and blushed.
I stood and clapped my hands. "Girls, it's time to go change clothes and get ready for our next session. We will have time later for private modeling sessions, but now its time to go change clothes. Give your panties to whomever you're with, and they will save them for you. Let them take them off without your help." I chuckled to myself, noticing that none of the girls were still wearing panties.
As I sat the albums on the couch, Henry whispered, "My God, she is wet!"
A moment later the pantiless girls were standing with us at the foot of the stairs. Tammy, Ms. Ginny, and I took the girls back upstairs to help them dress for our next game.
We stood outside the poolroom in the finished basement. I said, "We're going to play with dolls now." They looked less than thrilled, which made Tammy, Ginny, and I laugh. Then I said, "But we're not going to play with Barbie dolls. Tonight we're going to play with Dickie Dolls!"
Ginny and I would let Tammy lead this session. We were along to get pictures and video of the girls as they played with the Dickie dolls, and to offer encouragement as needed.
Our five models were dressed as school girls again, in their very short, jumpers, sheer blouses, cotton panties of various colors and patterns - which the girls complained about as "not very sexy," cable knit knee socks in colors to more-or-less match the panties and black, patent leather pumps. Brittany had on her glasses - not just so she could see better, but it made her look so innocent. Each girl had ribbons and bows in her freshly curled hair. Their fingernails and toenails were painted red to match the red lipstick. Tammy was dressed the same - a sexy schoolgirl in a very short plaid jumper.
None of the girls were wearing a bra, and the blouses where extra sheer. Ginny and I figured this might help the Dickie dolls stand up even straighter so the little girls could play with them.
I said, "Let me give each of you a little outfit to put on one of the Dickie dolls." Ms. Ginny and I handed each of the girls, and Tammy, a special doll outfit - complete with hat and a pair of boots or shoes on a string that would hang over the erect "Dickie."
Tammy held up her doll outfit and said, "This will be fun. I want to teach you some of the things I know about playing with them. I think by playing with them, you'll see they are cute, and not frightening or dangerous. Are you ready?"
The girls were giggling and fidgeting.
Tammy led them into the brightly-lit room with eight men waiting in their special costumes. The costumes were black trash bags with a mask taped to the bag so that the mans hands were free and he could hold the trash bag tightly around his waist, but nothing was visible on the man above his bellybutton. The black masks covered the man's face so that only his eyes were visible. The men were naked except for these funny outfits and most of the nine men were already at least partially erect. Ginny and I noticed that they politely 'stood up' as we walked in with the girls.
Tammy had chosen the first group of men to find the smallest penises so that the girls would notice the difference later. The men could watch the girls through their masks, but the girls wouldn't recognize the men.
Tammy said, "We'll dress up the Dickie dolls in a few minutes, but now watch this." She knelt down on a pillow in front of one of the men with a full erection and showed the girls how to gently tickle the balls. She cautioned the girls to be gentle with the balls but then demonstrated that it was ok to be much rougher with the Dickie Doll. She slapped it a few times - back and forth, then kissed it and rubbed it. "Don't put it in your mouth yet..." and she demonstrated, going down on the lucky penis, "you'll each get to do that later if you want, but for now just play with them. Be sure to kiss it and I guess it's OK to lick the side, but don't put it all the way in your mouth yet. If you find one that is getting wet on the tip, let me know. We'll dress up our Dickie dolls in a minute, but now just play with them. Go around the room and touch them."
The eager, giggling girls fanned out into the room. Some of the men stood up straight and some leaned against the arm of one of the big, overstuffed chairs. Several of the men stood against the pool table.
Ginny and I took Brittany aside. She could pass for a tall ten-year-old with her glasses and braces. Her blond braids and school uniform added to her "innocence." Ms. Ginny said, "Brittany, I told Andrea about your uncle, and that you have already seen a naked Dickie before."
She blushed. She stood with us as we watched the other four girls walk around tentatively touching the erections under the trash bags. I said, "It's OK, Brittany. We won't tell anyone about you and your uncle. But tell me quickly what you did."
Without looking away from the other girls and the Dickie dolls, she said, "I used to stay at my uncles house sometimes a year ago and we used to play games."
"What kind of games?"
"Like different ones, but then I would undress so he could search me. Then he undressed once and I looked at him and he wanted me to touch him, so I did. Then he licked me between the legs and said it wasn't dirty, but that it felt good."
"Did you think it felt good?" I asked.
"Yes. He did it while he rubbed me with his hands and then he asked me if I wanted to lick him. I thought he was kidding but then he said he would give me more shopping money if I licked him. And I did like to look at it. It looked sort of like that one." She pointed to the man leaning against the end of the couch. I estimated about five or six inches, not too fat, but the head was much bigger than the shaft.
I asked, "Did you lick it for him? You can play with the Dickie dolls in a minute but I need to know if you tasted your uncle's cum."
"Yes. Every time I went over there so he could baby-sit me. I probably tasted it about five times and his friend once."
"His friend?" Ginny asked, surprised. "You didn't tell me about him."
"I'm sorry. But they told me never to tell anybody. Yes. I tasted his friend and Uncle Jack. Uncle Jack about five or maybe ten times. I don't remember exactly. After that first time he used to give me five dollars to dance and undress for him and another five to let him lick me and then five more to suck on him and a bonus of five dollars if I swallowed his squirty."
"Any you only sucked his friend once?" Asked Ms. Ginny. She seemed more surprised than me. Brittany looked so innocent.
"Twice, I guess."
"Did you learn to like the taste of it? Of his squirty?"
"At first I didn't like it, and spit most of it out and then drank a Coke. The next weekend after we played the other games and he licked me for a while he said I had to swallow all of it if I wanted the bonus five dollars, so I did. Then like it didn't taste so bad anymore. I swallowed his friend's squirty, too, and it tasted the same. His friend's thing was lots bigger. I don't see any that size." She was looking around the room.
Ms. Ginny said, "We would like your help. Which of the girls seems the most shy to you?"
"Sally." She said, without having to think. "I like her. She's quiet. And she's cute, too. I like her red hair and freckles."
"That's right." I said. "You're very observant. Well we don't want her to get scared. She is shy, but I think she looks up to you since you're twelve. Maybe you could walk around with her. Show her it's not so bad. Go ahead and let her see you get one or two of the Dickie dolls to squirt in your mouth and the swallow the squirty and tell her it's not so bad. Will you do that? Sally's mother really needs the money from these modeling jobs. I don't want Sally to get scared and quit."
"OK." She said, eager to join the other girls who were now dressing up the Dickie dolls.
I said, "But don't tell Sally or anybody else that you've already tasted it. Act surprised and then tell her it tastes OK. If you get her to try it, you'll get a nice bonus, too." I added, realizing that she liked earning extra shopping money.
She went over to Sally and they walked around together. Pretty soon Sally was giggling as they dressed up one of the Dickie dolls together - putting on different hats and jackets. Then Brittany asked Sally if she dared her to put Dickie's head in her mouth. She did, of course, and then the girls started taking turns trying to fit the whole tip inside her mouth. Brittany pointed to a different unattended Dickie doll and they went over there - leaving the outfits on the one they had just dressed.
Tammy showed that if they take off their panties they could hang a pair of panties on the Dickie doll and it was just like hanging them on a hook. Ms. Ginny and I turned on our small digital video cameras, while staying near the side of the room, and began getting clips of the girls playing with the dolls. Our little helper was getting Sally to play with the Dickie dolls.
We got great clips of Brittany and Sally taking off their panties and hanging them on one of the Dickie dolls. Like kids playing in a swimming pool, Sally tried to do everything that Brittany did. Brittany knelt down and made the "OHHHHHHHHH" sound while tapping the penis against her lips so it sounded like "oh-ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh" the way kids make "Indian" sounds hitting their open mouth with their palms. Then Sally did it. They giggled. Brittany put the tip in her mouth again, seeing how far into her mouth she could get it... they both laughed, then Sally tried it.
All of the girls and Tammy were enjoying the game (as were the Dickie dolls), when Tammy called them to come over to watch her demonstrate sometime new. As the gathered around her, Tammy said, "Watch this. If the Dickie doll says, 'ready,' then you need to get ready quickly, like this."
She slid her experienced mouth up and down on the stiff shaft until the man said, "ready." Tammy quickly opened her mouth wide and held the doll in her right hand, keeping her tongue out so it was pressed against the underside of the doll's head. She held that position for a few seconds and explained. "When the doll says, "Ready!" you have to get in position quickly. This is for lots of bonus points. You'll see. But for now we're just going to practice getting in 'ready' position. Let Ms. Ginny or Ms. Andrea get a picture of you as you get in 'ready' position. I want each of you to practice a few times. Remember, this is for extra bonus points... prizes for you and more modeling jobs, and also more money for your mothers. And remember to get the tip of it real wet in your mouth and slide back and forth over the tip of it real fast. Don't bite too hard, but you should be able to feel it against your teeth and lips. Then open wide and hold your tongue against the underside of it." She demonstrated again. "OK, now each of you practice on a few different dolls." She said to the dolls, "And I want you dolls to say, 'practice ready' unless it's the real thing."
The giggling girls began practicing. Brittany held Sally's hand as they went over to the pool table to practice right beside each other. Sally watched Brittany do it and then she tried. They were getting faster. Both girls were still laughing and clowning around with their dolls.
Ginny and I got lots of pictures and video clips of the girls practicing. What fun. I told Tammy about referring to cum as 'squirty' and she loved the term.
Then Tammy said to the group, "Come over and watch me when one of the dolls is really 'ready.' You'll see what to do." She asked for a volunteer doll to come over to her to show the girls how they can get an extra 25 bonus points.
Several of the dolls started for her but she pointed to one of them. The girls gathered around. Tammy said, "When the 'squirty stuff' comes out try to catch most of it in your mouth. That's why you want to keep your mouth wide open. Some dolls will want to hold it in their own hand, so let them if they want to, but try to keep it on your tongue. Ms. Ginny or Ms. Andrea will try to get pictures so we can keep track of the points. OK, now watch." She slid up and down over the head of the penis, getting it very wet. The girls were watching closely. Tammy stopped and said, "Girls, it will work better if you hold up your skirts. If any of you still have on your panties, take them off. Let him see your bare pussies. When he squirts he stuff out, I'll try to catch most of it in my mouth. It's really good, but you have to get used to it. I like it. I think squirty tastes good."
She started sliding on it again while the girls held up their jumpers, exposing their bare pussies. A moment later the doll said, "Ready!"
Tammy got into position as the squirty started shooting out. Five shots and some dribble. She turned her head so the girls could see it in her mouth. Ms. Ginny was getting pictures as Tammy swallowed it. "Ummm. I like squirty." Then she looked at the doll. "There is a little more oozing out. Does anybody want to taste it?"
Brittany did. She sucked out what was in the tip and said, "Oh. Not bad. I want to try it."
I reminded the girls there were soft drinks on the bar at the side of the room if they wanted something to drink after swallowing some of the squirty.
As the much quieter girls went off to visit the other dolls, Tammy suggested undressing first so that none of the squirty would get on their clothes. She also said, that seeing a pretty, little pussy sometimes helps the dolls get ready to squirt. Tammy turned on the music and began helping Brandi. Ms. Ginny helped Diane and Stacey who had paired up while playing with the dolls, and I helped Sally and Brittany.
They undressed and walked around, feeling some of the dolls before selecting one to start with. A small one - under five inches and not very fat. It wasn't very big, but it certainly was standing up tall and ready. I encouraged them to try sliding quickly and reminded Brittany to get it real wet in her mouth. Soon the doll said, "ready!" and I got a nice video clip of Brittany catching most of the squirty in her open mouth. She let Sally taste some that was still left on the doll.
"Ugh. I don't like it." She said.
"Well, you didn't get a big enough taste, Sally." Laughed Brittany. "Come on, let's try this one." The doll jumped to attention as the two girls wearing only shoes and socks approached.
"But it looks too big to fit in my mouth!" said Sally, a comment that caused the doll to get even bigger. When the doll said, "Ready!" Sally got quickly into position, but not fast enough. Some shot past her face and got on Brittany. Then Sally held it firmly on her tongue catching the next two shots. Sally swallowed her mouth full of squirty as the next shot hit her squarly in the forehead. She opened her mouth and caught the rest. She looked at Brittany as she swallowed the rest. Brittany burst out laughing and then so did Sally. I was relieved. And I had a priceless video clip.
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