Preteen Catalog Models, Part 1

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 27-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

The "Find Your Panties" Game

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Andrea, master of ceremonies tonight. Let me introduce our models for the weekend." I said to the dozen photographers. Of course, none of them were really photographers but the girls didn't need to know that. They all had cameras.

The five nervous girls, ages ten to twelve, were standing behind Ginny and me in the front of the big living room near the center hall. We had just come down the stairs, and fortunately none of the nervous models tripped in her high heels. They were wearing short skirts, sheer blouses, white, ruffled ankle socks, and two-inch heels. All of the girls except Stacey were wearing training bras - visible through their blouses. Each girl's outfit was slightly different in color and style, but similar in that the short, loose-fitting skirt was so short it exposed her panties as she walked or turned. The girls had on make-up, including red lipstick to match freshly painted fingernails and toenails. Each girl's hair had been done that afternoon in our beauty shop. The added bows made them look especially feminine. All were slender. My announcements and introductions were primarily reminders of our rules to the photographers and modeling tips for our youthful models, as well as to further our ploy with the girls that this was a real modeling event.

"We'll wait on taking pictures until later, after the girls play the games to get their new panties and bras." I said to the audience. "Tonight we're going to play games and dance to help these young models relax. Later on we'll take pictures of them one at a time on our little stage, in the Japanese Room, or in some of the specialty rooms. All of you have seen our different specialty rooms, but the girls haven't seen them yet. They have just gotten hints and are anxious to see the rooms and play games with you tonight. You can pick out models later to use for your particular shoots or scenes, or even to play other games if the girls want to play." I looked at the girls. They were all smiling nervously. "One of the reasons the girls are here this weekend is to prove that they are not too shy to model panties and lingerie." I looked at the girls again as I said this. They looked eager to prove they weren't too shy.

"These girls and their mothers know that this is a screening weekend audition, and that this is their chance to prove they are obedient and not too shy to be one of our models. Only "selected" girls will be invited back for more weekend modeling sessions. Each of the girls' mothers wants her daughter to be selected to return. Besides the very generous modeling fees, these girls get free modeling and acting lessons."

I looked at the girls and said, "Besides, it's fun! Isn't it?"

"Yes." They all giggled.

"These girls have only been in training as models with us for two months or less, and this is their very first weekend session. Their mothers have all signed contracts and the girls have practiced modeling swimsuits, shoes, and lingerie for our overseas art magazine publishers or web sites. Primarily soft sites so far. The girls and their mothers know that these photos will only be seen in Japan or Europe and perhaps in some of the countries that are trading partners with Japan or Europe. Each of the girls has been practicing modeling panties and ..." I paused again, looked at the girls, then added, "... and other special clothes or actions ... like undressing or getting spankings ... for this weekend."

The audience already knew about this ruse - and the further stretch - that panty ads are big in Japan because of spanking in the schools, so that the average schoolgirl wants to wear pretty panties in case she is spanked in front of the class. The mothers didn't question this as long as they got the generous modeling fees, witnessed some of the photo sessions, and saw some of the mild lingerie photos done up as Japanese magazine ads. They were also shown layouts for other Japanese panty ads - some quite provocative, but no bare pubic shots. The mothers were impressed by the Japanese Room set up in each of our three screening studios, and with the contracts written in Japanese that each mother had to sign before we gave her five the first hundred dollars cash. We didn't tell the mothers that these contracts were entirely fake, or that we had no idea what they said. But the mothers all signed and accepted the cash.

I said, "Each of the girls had posed for pretend spanking pictures. One of the mothers, who had stayed to watch part of that particular modeling session with her daughter, laughed and even encouraged Ms. Ginny's female helper to spank harder. Once the girl's mother left we had her pose for more light spankings with panties up. Then, without any coercion, we did more light spanking pictures and video, including pulling her panties down, assuming various modeling positions, etc. Our spankings are more playful than hard - just enough to give those firm, little buns a pink glow." I looked at the girls, who smiled sheepishly.

During the panties-down portion of the photo shoot spanking, the close-ups revealed which of the girls enjoyed the sensations - or pulling down her panties in front of cameras. The silvery wetness was an undeniable giveaway. However, the photographers and trainers were careful never to mention a girl's wetness, no matter how obvious. All of the adults lavished praise on these lucky models - for being cute, for following directions, and for being so sexy. But we wouldn't mention wetness - not wanting to make them self-conscious.

I turned to the girls, "Young ladies, perk yourselves up. I want you to walk down our isle and model these panties. This is just for practice. Then we'll play games. Later we'll take turns modeling in the other rooms. You'll get to wear really sexy panties then." The room got silent.

"Stacy, since you're the oldest why don't you go first? Remember; show our visiting photographers the panties you are modeling. Front and back. And remember what else I said upstairs." I winked at her.

As Stacy started down our runway, I turned on soft but lively music. I explained to the audience, "We're starting with boring and modest, 'little girl' panties, but they are anxious to get more glamorous panties from you in a little while when we play our first panty game of the evening. We'll play other games after they collect their sexy panties from you."

We were in a large living room with folding chairs on either side of our "runway." The girls would walk down the twelve-foot isle, pose, turn around, and walk back. The Persian rugs had been rolled to one side of the room so that the girls could hear the click of their high heels on the wood, parquet floor. The ten men and two women in our audience were all well dressed and smiling.

When I said, "perk yourselves up," the girls looked self-consciously at each other and then massaged their own breasts for a minute, pinching and pulling through their blouses. Each girl had been taught to massage her breasts before a photo session and throughout the session whenever the photographer suggested it. I figured that "perking themselves up" would help them relax, before walking down the short runway in front of our audience tonight. Two of the girls got the giggles while they were squeezing their breasts, but then they blushed and stood up straight. The girls continued their "perking" as Stacey started down the isle.

Stacy, the tallest yet flattest model, pinched her acorn-sized, puffy nipples and massaged her small, pale breasts - just puffy acorn nipples on small, pale mounds. She began walking down the short "isle" between our photographers while still pinching herself. She blushed and dropped her hands to her sides. It looked as if she had on a training bra because her tan lines were so stark. Her small breasts practically glowed in the dark through her sheer, navy blue blouse. Her nipples were such a light pink they hardly showed except for the stiff, little, pink tips in the center of her very pale breasts. At five feet, one, she was almost as tall as me, and taller than all of the other girls.

She stopped and assumed several standing poses at the end of our runway area. Stacey lifted her skirt in front, and said in one breath, "I'm Stacy and I'm twelve and I want to model for you." She held up her short skirt in front to reveal her white, tight fitting, little-girl panties with pink teddy bears on them. The narrow waistband and leg bands were also pink. After turning around, she lifted her skirt in the back and turned around again.

Stacey smiled and blushed. As she bent slightly forward, she smacked her bottom with her right hand three times. "I don't mind getting spankings for the pictures."

She wouldn't have had to give her name since everyone in the audience had seen each of these girls in our preview video. Our compilation featured video and stills of each girl during her initial training sessions. And those who saw Stacey's complete portfolio video could all tell that she wasn't as shy now as she had been during her first photo session six weeks ago.

Each of the girls also starred in a longer video of her own, although she didn't know it. These videos started with the initial interview with the girl and her mother, followed by the girl's self-conscious first panty modeling session with her mother present. Each girl had to walk to the "X" on the floor in the clothes she wore to the studio and then undress down to her panties and bra and walk back again. The girls blushed fiercely. Most of the girls walked back from the X with her hands in front of her panties. Then the model sat between her mother and me while I showed them pictures of girls modeling panties in our "ads" from pretend Japanese or German magazines. Some of the ads were quite provocative although without any "bare" shots. In our studios various cameras were positioned to capture the girl's face as she looked at the ads she would soon be featured in. Most chewed their lips nervously while staring at the sexy photos. As the girl squirmed nervously in her seat, I assured both the girl and her mother that the photos would only be seen in Japan or Europe, or perhaps some of the countries Japan or Europe did business with.

This afternoon, while the girls were getting ready, the patrons (photographers) who arrived early were watching these videos in the den or one of the bedrooms that were off limits to the girls. The men and women present in the afternoon would generally watch one of the videos and then go meet that girl casually in the beauty shop while she was getting her fingernails or toenails polished, or taking a bath, or trying on assorted lingerie. The girls didn't know about their videos or even question how the adults knew their names when they walked in our dressing rooms. Three of the girls still reflexively covered herself with her hands when a male photographer walked it, but we reminded them not to be shy. Then each of the girls would introduce herself to the visitor and shake his hand, even if standing in the bathtub.

Each of these feature videos was well over an hour long. The mothers left us alone about thirty to forty-five minutes into the first photography session. Without exception, the mothers told their daughters to do everything they were told to do, as she left with her cash in a manila envelope.

Once she left with her cash, we soon had the youthful model changing in front of a video camera. Of course she didn't know she was being videotaped while she changed behind the short curtain near the middle of the room. There were cameras all over the studio, so the girls and their mothers didn't think anything of it.

So, the photographers in our audience tonight would remember Stacey, so self-conscious in her short skirt that first day in Ginny's studio. She didn't say a word for the first twenty minutes, and only showed her new panties to the camera after her mother and Ginny prompted her several times. It took three more tries before she undressed down to her new training bra and panties. Her mother stayed in the room, offering encouragement, and then "strict orders" to do everything Ginny told her. When Ginny explained to them about the pretend spankings for the advertising pictures, her mother told Ginny to spank as hard as she wanted, and told Stacey to accept them. That was a highlight of the video, Stacey's mother pointed her finger, and "You do whatever she says, Young Lady! Don't be shy. You're a cute, young girl, Stacey, and if you don't let Ginny spank you, then I'll spank you when you get home! And you won't be wearing panties!"

Stacey relaxed more as soon as her mother left. Within fifteen minutes, she was changing panties and bras in front of the cameras, not knowing they were turned on, and accepted the spankings with a smile ... only a few "ouches," and jumps. Ginny then pulled Stacey's panties down and continued spanking, a little harder than the photos would have required. After each flinch and "Ouch," Stacey arched her back - holding her bottom out for the next spank. I was glad that Ginny had turned on every one of the video cameras before the session.

Stacey was tall for her age, and her flatness made her look even younger, but she got very wet each time she modeled. One scene showed Ginny trying to help her relax. Ginny said, "Act silly while you're between costumes! While I'm picking out your next panty and bra set, pretend you're a doggie and wag your tail towards this chair." Ginny pointed to a stool that was at the base of a video camera. Stacey got the giggles, but got on her hands and knees with nothing but her ankle socks on and wagged her tail towards the camera, making barking noises. Ms. Ginny took advantage of Stacey's sudden playfulness and said, "Good doggie! Put your knees apart and put your head and shoulders on the floor while I give you a quick, little spanking." Stacey put her knees apart and lowered her head and shoulders to the floor while Ginny zoomed in. Then Ginny stood over Stacey's head and spanked and massaged Stacey's cute, little bottom for the camera. It was one of the highlights of this group of videos. Then Stacey wagged her tail and barked for the camera again.

Stacey, like the other models, also enjoyed looking at pictures of other girls modeling in the Japanese room. They liked looking at each other. At first we only showed them the more formal pictures of lingerie modeling, but some of the pictures showed bare bottoms and glimpses of bald or nearly bald pussy which all of the girls studied - staring at the pictures of each other. They didn't know they were being videotaped while studying pictures of the other girls every two weeks during our modeling practice sessions. Ginny and I always took an extra minute to change film or pick out the next outfit, so the model had three or four minutes to look through an album of pictures.

Ginny or I would say something like, "While I'm picking out your next outfit why don't you sit here and perk yourself up. Look through one of those portfolio albums of one of the other girls if you want."

Each of our portfolio videos featured one girl. During the first two sessions we took photos for panty "ads" which were printed out, with Japanese writing down one side of the picture. These mild pictures were shown to the mothers, along with a few photos showing her daughter getting a spanking with her panties up.

When we took pictures (and video) of the girls with their panties down, we told the girls that there mothers wouldn't see these pictures. Then the girls relaxed more and enjoyed posing.

As part of each video, the model was captured studying the photos of the other girls, including some of the nude "open" shots. The girl's didn't question these pictures as part of the portfolio they were looking through while "perking themselves up." Ginny or I mentioned things like, "seeing what each model looks like real close up - so the clothing designer can pick a model with a shape to accentuate that particular panty design."

The Japanese ploy was Loren's idea and we had been using it with the new girls and their mothers for the last two years. Thinking that the nearly nude photos of their daughters would only be seen overseas helped the mothers decide to participate. This was our largest "crop" of new models ever, and the "visiting photographers" gladly paid the hefty fee to attend. More would arrive tomorrow.

Now, as Stacey approached me, I clapped and so did the audience. Stacy smiled. The other girls seemed eager to try the same routine. Stacey's face was flushed, but she was grinning from ear to ear.

Then twelve-year old Brittany paraded her firm cupcakes, which rode high on her chest, almost directly between her armpits. Her big lemon-sized breasts appeared bigger because she was so thin. I referred to them as lemons because they were so firm and so pointy, cantilevered from her chest. Her blond hair was in braids for the evening party. She was the second tallest at five feet even, and the only one with braces on her teeth. Her knees looked bigger than her thighs because her legs were so slim. She looked at one of the men while she held up her skirt facing him. I noticed that he smiled back at her.

She had asked him to help her pick out a panty and bra set to try on that afternoon when he stopped in our "beauty salon" to see how the models were coming along. She was awkwardly flirting with him. Without appearing to notice, I observed Brittany ask him to help her try on the other bra and panties. He was glad to help. After she tried on the new bra, she held up one pair of panties after another to get his opinion. Young Brittany held the panties in front of her belly button, letting him look at her pussy while pretending to see if the bra and panties looked good together. Very precocious! I'll try to question her later.

Brittany also spanked her own bottom with her skirt held high in back. She said, "I don't mind if you spank me while you take pictures."

Next down the isle was Sally, our red headed eleven-year old, who also had high, naturally perky, small breasts. Her freckles glowed as she walked down between the adults and lifted her skirt to introduce herself. She didn't lift her skirt as high as Stacy, verifying the impression from her video that she was the most shy of tonight's models. She blushed easily. When she blushed she turned a blotchy red all over, especially her pale skin which had been under her two-piece swimming suit all summer. She wore her glasses tonight because she wanted to see everything. Her curly - almost kinky - light red hair was down to her shoulders. She introduced herself while holding up her skirt, but she didn't spank herself like I had suggested in the afternoon.

Then eleven-year old Elaine paraded down our isle. Elaine had short, dark hair and full lips that gave her mouth a movie star look, especially with the red lipstick. Her tan lines were so stark from her two-piece that they showed through her blouse. She held her skirt up high, showing off her white cotton panties with navy trim that matched her skirt. Even in these boring, "little girl" panties we could all recognize her large pubic mound and remembered seeing that her lower lips were full as well. I wondered if she was wet already. She surprised me by pulling her panties down to her knees before she spanked herself. Elaine said, "You can spank me for the pictures, too, even with my panties down. It's OK."

And finally, I introduced Brandi. "The youngest tonight is ten-year old Brandi. She comes from the South as you'll be able to tell when you talk with her later. And if you want to tickle her, it won't take long until she starts giggling." When I said that Brandi started giggling while she was walking down the runway area. She giggled when she held up her skirt, and soon the adults were chuckling, too. Brandi also blushed easily. It showed brightly because of her blond hair and fair coloring. She skipped the spanking part because she could hardly get through introducing herself without going into uncontrollable giggles. She spanked herself without saying a word. As if to make up for her lack of speech at the moment, she spanked herself very hard. Six times. She walked back to the front of the room holding up her skirt in front and back, not remembering to let it back down.

I said, "Let's hear it for our five, beautiful models tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen." We all clapped while the girls blushed.

"Girls, pull you panties to you knees. That's it. All together. Keep you knees apart so your panties won't slide to the floor. Now stand up straight and lift your skirts high. The girls stood next to one another holding up their skirts. I wanted them to immediately begin proving they weren't shy. Sally and Brandi were blushing but smiling at the applause while they held their skirts high. They all looked bald from a distance of ten feet or more, but we knew they weren't.

"Let's get some group pictures of our young models now. We'll start the first game in a minute, but if any of you want to take a picture, come on up."

Everyone stood and came towards the girls. I said, "Knees a little wider, Girls. Stretch those panties!" Brandi giggled while they all shuffled their feet farther apart to stretch out the panties between their knees. They held their skirts high and smiled as the cameramen kept taking photos. It was obvious to the girls when one of the cameramen (or women) was zooming in on her most personal spot but, thanks to our training, they subtly thrust their hips towards the camera and waited.

Our audience of photographers clapped as they returned to their chairs. I explained that our group photo shoot was now over. "You can take individual pictures later in our photo rooms or on one of the stages we'll set up later. But now let's help these girls find their sexy panties. The girls will be dancing for you in a little while, shortly after the find-the-panties game.

They'll be doing the Limbo in their new, special dance outfits. When Tammy gets here, she will lead the girls when they do the Limbo, the chicken dance, and maybe the Y-M-C-A dance. But right now we're going to play the 'find-the-panties' game. Before we came out of our dressing room, the girls complained that these were such boring 'little-girl' panties. Now they can find the cute ones they'll be modeling for you later."

I turned to the girls. "Young ladies, each of the men or women in our audience has one or two pairs of panties in their pockets. We'll mix around here in the living room. Then you go up to someone and ask him, or her, if he, or she, has one of your pairs of panties. The adult will then help you take off the panties you're wearing, and ... you're not allowed to help." I wanted to stress the "or her" so that the girls would also ask the women in the audience to play in the panty game, too.

The girls were blushing and giggling softly, looking around the room. I said, "There are four pairs of panties with your name on them somewhere in this room. Don't be in a rush. Go up to an adult who isn't busy helping another model, and ask him, or her, if they have a pair of panties for you. Tell him your name and then hold up your skirt. He, or she, will check the fit and then pull down the panties you're wearing and help you step out of them. They might ask you some questions, but keep holding your skirt up while you talk. Let them inspect you closely while you talk."

I looked at the girls. They were listening intently, but still fidgeting and squirming around, standing behind me. I continued, looking at the girls, "Once your panties are off, then ask that person again if they have a pair of your panties. If they give you a pair with your name on them, then let them help you put them on, talk a minute, letting them check the fit, and then go to the next person. If they don't have a pair of your panties, then you have to go to the next person without any panties on. When you pick out someone to ask, stand in front of that person and lift your skirt. Lift it high. Whether you have on panties or not, lift your skirt nice and high and tell the person your name and ask them if they have a pair of your panties. Understand?"

"Yes!" or "OK." Each of the girls answered in the affirmative. It was impossible for them to stand still.

I continued, "And once you have a pair of panties on, go on to the next person and start again. Each person you ask will help you take off the ones you're wearing, if you are wearing a pair. When you get a pair with your name on them, they will hand them to you to carry with you, but you can't put them back on once you take them off. Sooner or later you will have all four pairs of panties with your name on them. You can come back to me for your prize once you collect all four. It's not a race. It's a game. If you forget to hold up your skirt nice and high, then whomever you're taking to will give you five soft spankings. The spankings don't count against you. It's just a game for fun. Do you understand the directions?"

"Yes." They all said.

"If you're not sure of the rules, just ask one of the adults any questions you want. We're all getting to know you, too. Remember; keep those skirts pulled up high in front so they can see the panties you're modeling, or so they can see that you still need to find your other panties. Once you've found some of your panties, the guests might ask you to try them on for them, so go ahead. They will have to feel how well they fit you - like we've practiced while you modeled back in our training studios. Then they will help you take them off again and ask questions or talk with you for a minute. They might even ask you to pose in a special way, or hop up and down or any silly thing so you can practice following directions. Are you ready to play the game?"

"Yes." They all said quickly, even though I could tell some of the girls weren't sure of the directions.

"Over there." I pointed to the video camera set up behind a Japanese screen, "is a video camera next to the chair. Each of you needs to ask whoever is sitting in that chair if he has your panties, because we want to get a clip of each of you playing the game." I didn't tell them that the screen was really to safeguard the identities of the members or our audience. Strict rules - no pictures, voice, or video of any of our guests.

"I'm going to play music while we play." I said. "And you can dance while getting help with the panties."

I started the music, and while the adults dispersed out over the living room, I bent over and whispered to the girls, "Just for fun, make sure your let your skirt drop after your panties are off with at least one of the guests. I want to see if they remember the rules and spank you. They won't spank hard, of course, because this is just a game. Will you do that?"

The girls giggled and nodded their heads vigorously.

"Good. And make sure you get a spanking for the video camera. Be sure to keep your feet apart and hold your ankles. Face your bottom to the camera, like we practiced back in our studios where you first started modeling. I'm sure you'll all do great. Are you ready?"

"Yes!" They giggled, eager to get started.

I turned up the music - a soft rock cd, and said, "If you want something to drink, go on over to the bar and get a soft drink, but not if you're wearing panties. No panties allowed at the bar. Ready? Now make yourselves perky, and go ahead." I smiled. Most of the adults moved to other chairs or couches around the big living room. Some of the men were freshening up their drinks at the bar.

The girls waited a minute, perking up their breasts, and then fanned out into the room - like nervous, young flamingos - awkward in their high heels. The amount of giggling told me they were excited and nervous about the game. Each girl klip-klopped to one of the photographers.

The adults were friendly, immediately complimenting any model who approached them - about how pretty she was, what a good sport, so good at following directions, etc.

I watched each of them, keeping tabs on how they were reacting to the situation in case I had to intervene or escort one of the models out of the room for a possible quick trip home. Fortunately all of the girls seemed happy and excited to be playing the game. None of them balked, although they weren't sure who to approach first.

I noticed that Brittany headed straight for the camera. Good. She loved to undress in front of a camera - and what a dancer! She loved gyrating her hips. Her wispy, blond bush would get shaved off later tonight, although you couldn't even tell she was developing a bush from more than a few feet away.

Sally, the red head, went directly to the older woman sitting in the overstuffed loveseat near the bar. As she lifted her skirt two of the men at the bar walked over to stand behind the loveseat. Sally blushed, but kept her skirt up. I had always sensed that Sally was nervous around men, and it tickled me that she went to a woman first. I walked over to the bar. My first intention was to observe the Brittany session, but it would be on video anyway. I decided to watch Sally as she approached Ellen.

Sally looked at the woman, almost as if the men weren't there, and lifted her skirt. The woman took charge and told Sally how pretty she was. "I've always liked red heads." She said. "And you're especially pretty. Lift the back of your skirt, too, and turn around slowly. I want to see how well these boring panties fit you."

Ellen put her hands on Sally's hips and introduced herself. "Keep turning around. You're so pretty."

Sally blushed but kept smiling, lifting both the front and back as she turned. Ellen was smiling, too, as she felt Sally's behind - checking the fit of the panties. Ellen nonchalantly felt Sally's pubic mound as she turned. She told Sally how great her fanny looked and that she had been looking for a cute model like her with such firm, round buns.

I was sure that Sally's panties would be quite damp by now, especially after pulling them down in front of the group a few minutes ago. All the girls were probably wet, since they had been so excited all afternoon. Most of the men and both women had come into the dressing rooms or bathrooms earlier, while the girls were getting bathed, or getting their hair done, or their fingernails and toenails polished... usually wearing nothing more than panties. All of the girls began to like having the men photographers stop in to check on them, even in the bathtub. Even Sally smiled as she blushed - standing naked in the tub with soapsuds running down her body.

The visitor would always compliment the girl's hair, nails, beauty, poise, etc. Brittany especially liked having the men stop in and always found some excuse to change panties, or try on a different pair during such visits. She would take off her panties, hand them to the man, and ask him to pick out another pair for her to try on. I glanced over at Brittany who was standing in front of the camera with skirt high, and panties off, feet farther apart than necessary.

"Are you limber, Sally?" Ellen asked.

"Yes, Mam." She answered timidly.

"Let me help you off with these old fashioned panties and then I'll check to see if I have a pair with your name on them. That's a girl. Good. Face away from me and put your feet apart more so these will slide down." Ellen slipped them over the girl's hips. "Very good, Sally. So good at following directions. A perfect little, rounded fanny. So pale and sparkling with your scattered freckles. Cute!"

She slid the panties down Sally's thighs almost to her knees. "Now turn around and face me, Sally. That's a girl. Yes. So good at following directions. I can see you're a good model. See if you can do this: see if you can turn around and keep your panties stretched between your knees. Don't let them fall down yet, and don't touch them with your hands. That's it."

Sally took quick baby steps as she turned around, then lifted the front of her skirt again. She seemed more confident in the high heels than she had earlier. She was turning and bouncing in rhythm with the soft rock music. Ellen said, "Great, Sally. Keep dancing but try to see how far those panties will stretch without ripping."

As Sally held her skirt high and gyrated her hips to the music, Ellen turned to one of the men behind the couch. "I think she is an excellent model, don't you?" Both men agreed as they watched intently. Ellen continued, "But those little girl panties... look how far she can stretch them and they don't rip. That's the opposite of sexy panties, don't you think?" Both men agreed again, and Sally said, "Yes, these are boring panties. This is as far as I can stretch them." Sally must have heard spanking noises and looked over at Elaine bending over in front of a nearby chair, getting playfully spanked by an older, heavy-set man with gray hair. I chuckled, knowing that Stan would surely spank each of the girls. Elaine was bending over so she could hold her ankles while he spanked her. I watches Sally look across the room to see the other girls acting silly while getting their panties taken off, spanked, or standing in funny poses. Sally got distracted watching the older man massage Elaine's bottom while Elaine was bending over.

Ellen helped Sally step out of the panties. Sally dropped her skirt when she stood up, standing between Ellen's knees. Ellen laughed. "Oh, oh, Sally. You forgot about holding up your skirt. Turn around and bend over. That's it. Hold your ankles and keep your feet apart. How many spanks should I give you?"

"Five. Soft ones!" She added quickly.

Ellen laughed and so did the men, as Ellen began the playful taps on Sally's bottom. She massaged Sally's bottom after each spank, stretching her cheeks wide apart. Ellen and the men got a good look at Sally's tiny, pink anus. We could also see moisture building in Sally's vagina when Ellen pulled her open between the playful spanks. She told Sally to bend a little farther and put her wider apart for five harder spanks. The blushing Sally complied. Ellen didn't spank hard, but deftly massaged the young girl's bottom between those five "official spanks." Ellen complimented Sally on following directions and for not being too shy to be a panties model.

The two men behind Ellen's chair bent forward slightly to get a closer look as Ellen pulled Sally's bottom open again. Brad and I were looking too, from about three yards away. We could all tell that little Sally was getting very wet.

"Andrea?" Brad took my elbow. "Got a minute?"

"Yes." I stepped over towards the door with him.

"Loren shared some of the background preparations, security and so on, about this weekend, but he said to ask you about any details in particular. He said you coordinate and run this whole thing on the East Coast. Loren and I discussed starting a similar operation on the West Coast. My biggest question is how do you find these cute models?"

"I met Loren three years ago and helped with the project for the last two years. This year I made all the arrangements. We're expecting twenty-seven "photographers" this weekend, who each paid a generous fee, as you did, to be included as one of the designers or photographers. Many of our customers provide or order special outfits. The special outfits, or personalized photos or videos are available to trusted customers or though two of our overseas websites. Some adults will be spending one or both nights here. You'll be glad you can spend the whole weekend if you want to get a feel for how things progress. I hope you can come back again in two weeks when we have another weekend session with some of our 'experienced' girls.

We looked at the girls playing and laughing with the photographers. I said, "The girls like these sessions almost as much as their mothers like the money!"

Brad said, "That leads to my biggest question. How do you recruit girls and how do you keep out of trouble?"

I laughed. "Now that is the big question!"

We sat on two of the folding chairs near the bar, and continued talking in private, while watching our young models play the "find-the-panties" game. I said, "Ginny and I and one other woman are in charge of recruiting. We each have a little studio set up in our own city. It's up to us to keep an eye on playgrounds in the so-called 'white trash' areas of town and find suitable girls. Then we make contact with that girl's mother to see if she would like to earn some good money if her daughter qualifies to be one of our models. Most of the mothers jump at the chance and stay for most of the first session. They are impressed by the studio, and look at the pictures done up as magazine pages with Japanese script down the side of the picture. If they balk at the lingerie aspect on the first visit, we take a few pictures of her daughter in a frilly dress or swim suit and give them a token payment. But they are not invited back. I think the 'Japanese' angle takes pressure off any worries that their daughter might be seen in ads in just her underwear, although they all admit to seeing pictures like that in their local newspapers. When we do the 'contract,' we offer to pay them with an agency check or with cash. They all take cash, especially after we explain that checks will take six weeks to process.

"The next part of the screening involves the daughter's looks and attitude. I don't want to select a girl with any tattoos - she just wouldn't look young and innocent enough. And if she is too shy it won't work out. A little shy is fine, but too shy will eliminate her. The mothers encourage their daughters to be very cooperative after they get the first five hundred dollars. Of course we point out that their daughters tend to be less shy if 'Mom is not around,' so they usually leave us alone after the first session. It's also why we only use female photographers for the first two sessions.

"As far as how far each model will go while being photographed or videotaped, well, that's an unknown, but usually most of the girls enjoy the attention and are soon happy changing in front of the guest photographers, or posing for our more 'sexy' pictures. If a girl balks at changing in front of me and the male photographer, I threaten to tell her mother that we won't be able to use her unless she cooperates - fully and quickly, because time is money in the glamour business. Then the girls cooperate much faster during the next session, asking few, if any, questions. Soon they begin to love undressing in front of the men, who tell her how sexy she is."

"What about acting out the fantasies Loren mentioned to me?"

"Most of our customers like to pretend things with the girls, knowing that none of the girls are obligated to go all the way, or even give head. It's part of the mystery. We want to keep them innocent at least for the first day or two of our weekend sessions."

"Give head?" he repeated, eyebrows up, smiling as he looked at one of the models getting a pretend spanking. We could hear the slaps - hard enough for a slight sting - but the girls giggled and counted out their "punishment strokes."

"Most of the girls are very curious, once I let them watch."

I looked at him a moment, "Would you like to help demonstrate?" I asked him. "Most of the customers like to let one of the girls watch him get off, especially thinking that the girl has never seen an adult's cock before."

I confessed, "The thought of one of our little models seeing a blow job for the first time, and then maybe wanting to try it for herself - or at least lick it - really turns me on, too." I felt my own pussy tingle as I told Brad about it.

"Yes!" Brad interrupted my explanations. "Sure I would. Especially as part of my research."

"It's only Friday night, but I think most of the girls would be open to at least watching. They look up to me as one of the people in charge, so I make it seem like a special honor for them to 'help' Tammy as she helps one of our photographers 'relieve tension.' That's what I call it. Tammy does the sucking while the little girl model dances and undresses. That way our model gets to see a grown man's cock. Up close. Usually they want to help and at least kiss or lick the side. They feel honored that one of the men would like to watch her undress, or act out some fantasy like a schoolgirl spanking or playing doctor."

We watched the girls move to another photographer, holding their skirts high. Smiling all the while.

I said, "They want to help me keep the photographers satisfied and they also like to watch Tammy as she gives blowjobs. She should be getting here pretty soon. Only nineteen. Likes little girls almost as much as I do!"

We watched the girls playing and following directions. "So, Brad, who would you like me to ask? I'm sure Brittany would love to do a striptease and then learn to give head tonight. She went right to the video tape area to pull her panties down in front of the camera!"

"Hmm." He smiled. "They are all so cute, but for some reason Sally seems the most appealing to me. Maybe the most shy. And I love the way she blushes. Will you be with us? I mean with Tammy, me, and Sally?"

I said, "Yes, I would enjoy that. I can be the photographer." I laughed at the look on his face. "Don't worry, I won't get your face in any of the photos or the video. Then you can remember the experience over and over."

"I would like to have a special session with each of them." Brad said with a slow grin.

"OK. I'll ask Sally later tonight. Here's how this works..... " I explained the set up and rules to him.

I let him think about it while we watched the girls go to different photographers again, "I'll pull Sally aside in a couple hours, perhaps when she's done modeling in the Japanese room, or taking her turn undressing to music in front of the group. I'm sure you understand about the extra fee for each of these 'special' services."

"No problem." Said Brad. "I'm looking forward to it."

"And Brad..."

"Yes?" he turned from watching Sally blush as she held her skirt high in front of Hugh. Sally had just moved to the photographer sitting closest to us.

"You'll like Tammy, too. She's very poised and pretty. Slim. A real model, but of course, this pays much better and she loves to teach little girls how to do things.

"Only sucking tonight, though." I reminded him. "Tomorrow Tammy will demonstrate more to those who seem to want to learn more. We don't want to rush the girls."

He nodded and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

"So am I." I thought. "We don't rush the girls. It's why our 'first weekends' are so popular." Sally would have been my pick, too. So tonight she'll get a private modeling lesson. Very private. And maybe her first taste of cum.

I went back to watch Sally try on the panties Hugh had just given her and felt a rush watching her blush and squirm while he felt how well the new, sheer, white, bikini panties fit her. My panties were probably as wet as hers! Sally was developing more of a figure and would get shaved in the morning - hardly anything to shave, but it would be fun doing it. And it will make for excellent close-up video. All the girls will get shaved in the morning.

When it was time to move on to the next person she had to choose a man again since the two women photographers were at the bar. She approached the oldest man timidly. Perhaps she thought he would be the most "harmless."

"Hi. I'm Sally." She said quietly.

He stood up and kissed her, telling her he thought she was one of the cutest models. "My name is Leon and I just love redheads." He said, as he sat back down. "Better lift your skirt, Sally, so I don't have to spank you." He laughed.

Within a minute she was turning and modeling for him, holding her skirt high while she smiled at his compliments. He pulled her panties down and Sally blushed brightly, but continued smiling. Leon was feeling her with both hands as she turned for him. Although Leon was trim and looked to be in great health I knew he was about seventy. He had known Loren for many years and had attended every one of these sessions with the new girls.

"May I spank you now, Sally? You did forget to hold your skirt up when you first got here." He was staring at Sally's pussy, with the few longer, red pubic hairs at the top of her crack. No sign of her clit between those firm, full pussy lips. You couldn't see it unless she spread her legs wide apart, as we proved on video back in the studio just a four weeks ago. Leon had her turn and bend over with feet about shoulder width apart. He patted her bottom several times - not hard enough to be called spanks. "Is that too hard?" He asked.

"No. I can hardly feel it." She giggled.

"How's this then?" and he spanked her a little bit harder, just enough to make noise.

"That's better, but it doesn't sting a bit! Ms. Ginny says I'm really good at getting spankings, and that she likes how red my bottom gets."

I could see where Leon was going with this and felt my panties get wetter. I would have to change them before we played the next game.

"Did she ever spank your pussy, like to give it a rosy glow?" Now I knew for certain he had seen that part of Sally's video - the front spanking with a ruler. Ginny had explained to Sally that she wanted to give it a "rosy glow" for the camera. Ginny kept lightly spanking Sally's pussy with a ruler as she zoomed the video camera in for a close up. She had Sally put her legs wider and wider apart until at last you could see the ridge over her clit and a puddle of silvery wetness defying gravity as Ginny kept tapping the top of her pussy and the clitoral ridge with her ruler. Then, in that video, Ginny had broken one of our photographer rules and ran her finger down one side and up the other, scooping up a fingertip full of Sally's virgin lubricant which had collected in the opening of her vagina. I was sure that Ginny tasted her finger after dipping up Sally's wetness.

Leon said, "Turn around, Sally, so I ."

Sally turned to face him and held her skirt high, keeping her feet shoulder width apart. She didn't say anything and was watching Leon as he pulled a ruler from his suitjacket pocket. She said, "That's just like the one Ms. Ginny used!"

"Yes, just like it, Sally. Is this too hard?" He patted it on her pussy as she stood there, holding up her skirt. It made smacking noises.

"No, it's not too hard, just a little embarrassing."

"But look around, Sally. All you cute little models will be getting pussy spankings tonight. It makes your pussy lips firmer for the panty modeling. Didn't Ms. Ginny explain that to you when she spanked your pussy?"

Sally saw that Stacey was getting her pussy spanked, too. Diane was laying across one of the younger men's lap with her skirt up while the man patted her pussy with his hand. She heard Diane laughing.

"Step closer, Sally, and put your legs apart so you can straddle my lap. Keep holding up your skirt and sit down on my knees. That's it." Sally was facing Leon, sitting on his lap. His knees were about eight inches apart so her weight was supported with her hands on his knees, and her thighs on Leon's legs. This opened Sally's pussy so Leon could now see her glistening clitoral ridge, which he tapped gently and quickly with the ruler. Leon was now tapping upwards directly onto her clit and Sally twitched each time the ruler struck her. She twitched and giggled. He slowed down and tapped her harder - just enough to make little smacking noises. The noises, and her twitches made Sally giggle.

"This will make your lips swell even more, if I tap you here." Leon said. "Did Ms. Ginny explain that when she gave you a pussy spanking?"

"Yes." Sally replied, and then giggled again as she twitched and heard the noise. "It tickles, too."

"What exactly did Ms. Ginny tell you, Sally. Close your eyes now, so you can't see when the next little spank is coming. Sometimes I'll just caress you like this." Leon held the ruler in his right hand but reached under the girls bottom and lightly stroked upwards across her parted lips. "Tell me, Sally."

"She told me that I have nice, full lips which are good for panty pictures, and that ... Oh!" She giggled again because she had jumped when the ruler tapped upwards on her open pussy. She continued, "She said that by spanking my lips, like the way you are doing, makes them swell up even more. Oh!" She giggled again.

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No. It kind of tickles in a way, like sort of makes me itch there. Oh!" He tapped her harder as she finished her sentence.

"What else did Ms. Ginny do to make it swell up? You have such a beautiful, full, firm mound, Sally, but a little front spanking helps it swell even bigger. Did Ms. Ginny do anything else besides spank it?"

"Yes. Oh!" she giggled as she jumped. "She massaged it, too. Spanked it and massaged it."

"Did she put her finger in you?"

"Yes. She said that would help me swell up. She put her finger up me, and then spanked it and massaged it every time I had to wear different panties.

Brad came over beside me as we stood behind Stan's chair. He talked to the girl while spanking her clit and massaging her pussy. Sally was squirming on his lap, keeping her legs open for his ministrations. He knew it was against the rules to put his finger in her yet, so he looked at me for permission. I nodded my head. He pushed his big finger up her pussy and tapped her clit with the ruler at the same time. Sally was keeping her eyes closed and squirmed around on his lap as he continued to "help her swell."

I could hardly wait to finger her myself, but that would have to wait.

We had all seen Ms. Ginny do the same thing on Sally's video, but this was more exciting - watching it live. A total stranger looking at her clit, spanking it, and fingering her, here in a room full of people.

"Sally." I said.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, then blushed brightly and tried to close her legs. She couldn't because her knees were outside Leon's legs as she sat on his lap facing him. Sally's hands were on Leon's knees as she leaned back, but she sat up straight now.

I laughed. "It's OK, Sally. You're doing great at following directions. Didn't we talk about how important it is to do everything the photographer says?"

"Yes." She answered softly.

"You're doing great. You are swelling up more now. Lean back and open yourself as wide as you can. That way you will be more swollen for the pictures later. OK?" I smiled and nodded at her.

"OK." She smiled self-consciously with the three of us watching. Sally looked at my camera. She leaned back again and opened her legs wider. Leon patted her clit with the ruler.

"Good girl, Sally." I said. "I'm going to shoot a little video clip of your pussy spankings. That way I can show the video to other girls so they will open wide and cooperate like you are. Thanks for helping. You'll be a fine lingerie model! Ms. Ginny told me that you are very limber. Try to open your legs even wider. Good Girl!"

Sally watched us as we watched Leon slide his big finger up her pussy and spank her clit with the ruler at the same time. My digital video camera was less that three feet from her open, very wet pussy. With her skirt pulled up on her chest as she leaned back we could she was flushed, more than just her usual blushing. The pale skin around her belly button down to her pussy was mottled red through the many freckles. I said, "It might even feel good, Sally, as Stan helps you swell up. That's OK. I'm sure Ms. Ginny explained that when your tummy starts to feel good and squishy inside that means you are completely swollen. Did she explain that to you?" (Of course we knew Ms. Ginny had explained it, because we had all seen the video of Ms. Ginny masturbating the young girl while explaining how important it is to get swelled up for the pictures.

"Yes." Her voice was husky. She was squirming and still trying to suppress the volume of her moaning.

"It's OK, Sally. It's OK if it feels good, too. Just let it go. You're almost completely swollen. Go ahead. Lots of other girls or other photographers will get to see this little video of your pussy spanking. It will help the girls follow directions, and it will show the other photographers who aren't here what a good model you are. So good at following directions."

Stan was fingering steadily as he spanked her clit with the ruler or massaged her wet pussy.

I said, "Keep your legs open, Sally, so I can zoom in on you as you get all swollen. It's OK if other people see your pussy, isn't it?

"Yes." She said, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"Good." I said. "Lots of men and girls will watch this video. Keep your legs open. Very good."

Then Sally came. We could see her tummy tensing and relaxing as the waves of pleasure washed across her. Leon held his finger deep inside her and stopped tapping her clit so I could get a close up as she came.

We let her calm down and complimented her on her obedience and told her that her pussy was very swollen and beautiful now. "Stand up, Sally. Come with me. I want you to show a few people how swollen you are. Perk yourself up."

As she stood, I suggested she thank Leon for helping her get all swollen.

"Thank you." She said, looking at the floor.

"Sally, if it felt good, then thank him for helping you feel good, too. Swelling up and feeling good."

"Thank you, Leon, for helping me swell up. It felt real good."

"You're welcome, Young Lady. I want to take pictures of you later. Come back when you can."

"OK." She smiled.

She was having trouble walking in the high heels as I led her by the arm. Sally massaged her breasts as we walked to the other women in the room. I had her lift her skirt high and told each woman to notice how swollen Sally's pussy was now. They knew what I was saying and smiled at the girl, complimenting her, feeling her swollen pussy, making a fuss over it. Sally smiled, holding her hips forward as each woman looked at it and felt it. We watched some of the other girls getting touched, spanked, fingered, or posed in various positions.

After we showed her pussy to both women and a few of the men, I let her continue finding her panties to wrap up our first game of the evening.

Things went on like that for another thirty minutes as each of the girls found her four pairs of marked panties. Each girl had been seen and felt by each of the photographers and most had been spanked, front and back, by almost everyone. The girls were really wound up as they collected their prizes - new panty and bra sets. Sheer, white triangles in front with thongs in back and sheer, lacy bras.

The room got quiet again as the girls stood behind me, filled with anticipation. "We're going to take a little break now so the girls can come downstairs for some pop and pizza while you gentlemen have dinner up here."

I noticed some of the looks. I said, "Don't worry. Well freshen up and be back up soon. Tammy and the girls will do the limbo dance ... and other things ... for the camera for all those who can't be with us tonight. I'll explain those rules later."

I turned to the girls, "Did you have fun?"

"Yes!" they all giggled and fidgeted around.

I faced our audience, "Let's have a little applause for our excellent, obedient, young models!"

Everyone clapped and the girls continued to blush, smile, and giggle.

It was now time for dinner and our "Secret Meeting," - girls only - while the men ate dinner upstairs. We girls would have pizza downstairs in private. Tammy would arrive soon and join us.

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Hey corn53. Loved this one too. Im the one that asked about a massage spanking story. What if the girl is a model,and she hurts her back bending backwards, and maybe the photographer knows an older gent who does massage for a living. Maybe he talks her into spank therapy and she considers lieing on her tummy on his massage table? shyly letting him maybe use a paddle on her little bare bottom. Maybe she was curious about the paddle on the table beside the massage table and asks about it. Anywy, love all your stories. keep it up...


Dear Daywalkerer, Thanks for the suggestion. Very hot.Will start a new story soon. Please send me a direct email to suggest names to use, other situations, etc. I'll probably use an 'innocent' model or dancing student ... one who is not already stripping, etc. in front of cameras... and will let the 'older gentleman' (kind of 'old school') do the 'special massage' to help her back... getting her off, of course... so the little model loves those massages. I'm sure that if the nine year old dancer has her very first orgasm at the hands of the 'old gentleman' while being artfully spanked while getting a 'deep massage' at the same time, that she will want to come back again and again... and then maybe he will .... well, we'll see what else happens! Thanks, Corn53


You know, when i was about 12 my friends mom would host lingerie parties on occasion. My friend always had to sleep over at my house when she had them so there would be no kids around. I always thought it was unfair that only older woman have such parties.

I'm betting that you could be inspired to write about a lingerie party just for preteens and teens? No boys allowed of course. :)


wow yet another corker you do have the knack thanks

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