Published: 26-Feb-2011
Word Count:
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned... " I started telling Father Thomas about my sins since last week, because I always went to mass on Sunday with my Mom and my fourteen year old half-brother, Johnny, so if I wanted to get communion I had to give Father Thomas a full confession. He wants to know everything naughty that I did or even thought about. He especially wants to know how my big brother, Johnny touched me and if I liked it.
We've only been Catholics for six weeks, since moving to one of the parish's fixed-up, subsidized houses, but I'm trying to learn everything. Usually I don't do any sins on Saturday because Johnny is at his Dad's house, so it was just me and Mom at home, and we went to the laundry mat, and cleaned up the house. Usually we made a pizza for Saturday night and we called it our 'girl's night' unless one of her dates came over.
Father Thomas recognized my voice in the confessional, even though we've only lived here for six weeks, like I said. He helped us get into one of their parish's subsidized houses. We had to meet with him before we could move in. Father Thomas said the special housing for select families, was one of his pet projects, and he was even involved in getting the old house refurbished. He said, "And since we are trying to rehab this neighborhood, but there are still some pretty rough people living around here, one of the benefactors who helps our parish has a security company and he even installed some security devices in your house for your protection. One of those things is the alarm system which I'll show you how to operate.
Father Thomas was kind of new to the parish, too, like he got here just a year before us. He said he got transferred here to help raise money to keep the parish going. Him and Sister Ginny. He said they were excellent fund raisers and had saved several parishes from bankruptcy so the bishop let him do some unorthodox projects. I didn't know what he was talking about. He liked Mom and me and my half-brother, Johnny, and told Mom that he would get me and Johnny involved in after school activities and sports and let us earn a little money by helping out with things at the church, and he even fixed Mom up with a job on second shift at a nearby factory where most of the ladies were like Japanese or something. Johnny and me had to do our homework before Mom got home from work at ten o'clock. We had to play in the house or in our little yard or else over at the church playground because the neighborhood was still pretty rough and Johnny isn't very big for his age. He's fourteen.
The night we got accepted to live in the house just a couple blocks from the church and school - well, Sister Ginny took me back to what would be my room and helped me try on the Catholic School jumper. Sister Ginny doesn't wear those old fashioned, black habits with the funny black and white hat. She just wore a kind of grey business suit. We weren't Catholics yet, but Father Thomas and Sister Ginny promised to spend extra time with us to save our souls. The rooms in our new house were even furnished and it was lots nicer than the trailer where we used to live. Sister Ginny was real nice and had a bag full of new clothes for me. It was the whole uniform even shoes and socks and panties and a training bra for me. Some of the panties were pretty fancy, and as she helped me try them on she said they weren't for school, because I should just wear the white, cotton ones under my uniform at school. I had a training bra already since I'm twelve, but I don't really need one. Sister Ginny told me to take off all my clothes first and then she would help me put on one piece at a time. I wouldn't have let her, except before they got to our new house, Mom kept telling us to be extra nice to Father Thomas and Sister Ginny. After I was naked, Sister Ginny helped me try on the whole outfit and checked to make sure nothing was too tight on me after I tried on each piece. She even put a little bit of make-up and lipstick on me after I was dressed. Then we walked out to show Mom and Father Thomas. Father Thomas smiled when he saw me. Sister Ginny told him I would make a good, little, Catholic school girl, and could eventually be a great help with his fund raising efforts.
Then Sister Ginny took Johnny back to his room. Sister Ginny had a bag with his uniform in it. She took Johnny's hand and led him back to his room to try it on. I was surprised, but didn't say anything. I was even more surprised that Johnny let her take him back there. We were all smiling when my brother came out in his uniform. His uniform was just navy blue pants and a white shirt. Mine was a navy blue, plaid jumper and white shirt, with black flats and white ankle socks with lace around the ankle.
Mom said that Johnny and me had to go get ready for bed in a minute. We each had our own little bedroom in the new house. He's kind of a slob, but I miss having him in the same room with me at night. Father Thomas told Mom that the rent would normally be six hundred dollars a month, but because Johnny and me would be helping him with some of the church chores and like carrying things for him or going to special presentations to help him, that the parish would waive the rent each month when me and Johnny helped him with things. Mom was really happy. Then she told us to go on to our rooms.
Then when school started the next week, Father Thomas was my history teacher which was during fourth period, right after lunch. There were only twelve kids in my class, which was nicer than my last school. He tried to make it interesting, and we watched lots of like historical movies, but I had trouble paying attention. I mean like who cares about that old stuff anyway?
A week after we moved in, Sister Ginny was telling our small Catechism class, which was just me and Johnny and three other girls, about confession and that we had to tell all our sins so we would get forgiveness and we had to answer all the priest's questions, too. Johnny was kind of embarrassed in class because he was the only boy, especially when she was telling us about sex sins. We would have our classes for six weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Thursdays Father Thomas came in, too, and was teaching us that messerbation, or something like that, was really bad and we had to confess that sin for sure. Then he let Johnny leave early and then he showed us four girls pictures of boys who were messerbating. Mary, who is ten, said, "It's probably called that because a boy makes a little mess when he does it." Then she got quiet and blushed.
I didn't say anything, but Johnny's thing makes a little mess, like when he plays doctor with me and rubs it, or if he has me rub it for him. After Johnny left, each of us had to admit that yes, we had seen a boy's thing when it was stiff, and yes, we had each seen a boy's thing squirt the white stuff out of it, and yes we had each rubbed ourselves at night between our legs. Mary said she hadn't seen one for about six months since they moved to our parish.
Father Thomas kept asking it in different ways and pretty soon each of us admitted that we have seen a boy's or man's thing squirt out the white, gooey stuff. It was so embarrassing but we kept looking at the pictures of the boy's things. You couldn't see the boys' faces, but one of the girls said, "These here pictures is just boys and not grown men, because their things are not like really, really big and they don't have like too much hair, and like there isn't any hair on the balls part."
Father Thomas told her she was being so honest and that God wanted the little girls in his special class to be honest like that and he would talk to her later about how she knew that and he would give her full forgiveness for seeing a man's thing. I was kind of surprised because Tracey looked so innocent and she was only nine years old. Father Thomas and Sister Ginny both told us that whatever we talk about in our Catechism class was our secret and we shouldn't tell anybody. That we could talk and we would never tell anybody what anybody else said, or about what we did in our private class. I think he was referring to the pictures of the naked boys, too, not just what we were talking about. He said if we wanted he could show us video clips of the boys squirting their stuff or even watch video clips of girls demonstrating their sins, but that we couldn't see anybody's face. He asked if we wanted to see those kinds of videos as part of our class and all four of us girls said we did, and that it would help us be better Catholic girls.
We were wearing our school uniforms and the four of us girls were sitting on wooden chairs that were smaller than the grown-up chair that Father Thomas was sitting on. Sister Ginny was sitting over to one side. We were in a semi-circle in front of him. Then Father Thomas had us pull down our panties but keep our uniforms down over our laps for modesty, and leave our panties on one ankle so we would still be wearing them, and then he had us each put a hand up under our dress and put our legs apart while we sat on the chair, but to stay sitting and touch ourselves where we knew we shouldn't rub ourselves. He counted to fifty while each of us rubbed ourselves like in our cracks on the wrinkly things and like going a little bit in our vaginas. He reminded us to keep our dresses down and to be modest. It was real quiet in the office area in the back of the church, through a door, back behind the altar. Sister Ginny had locked the door after Johnny left. The red carpeting was so thick that you couldn't even hear your footsteps when you walked. He told us that what we were doing would usually be considered a sin but because we were in the church and because he was teaching us things, that it wasn't a sin.
Then we pulled our hands out from under our dresses and held out our fingers so he could see if our fingers were wet. They were. He took my right hand and looked closely, and then the next girl and so on. He made the sign of the cross and said we were each forgiven. He said that now we knew the kinds of things we would each have to confess. And he said that if somebody else was rubbing us that we shouldn't fight because fighting was an even bigger sin than rubbing our clitty bumps, as he called our wrinkly things. He told Sister Ginny to give each of us a warm, wet, soapy washcloth and little towel so we could clean our hands and then pull up our panties.
Father Thomas said, "If somebody else, like a big brother, or an uncle, or a neighbor man, pulls down your panties then they are the one committing a mortal sin and it was just a venial sin for us to let them, so that you shouldn't fight them unless they are trying to have sex with us and trying to put their penis in your vaginas." He asked us if we knew what he meant and each of us said we knew what he was talking about.
At my first confession I told him a little bit about playing doctor with my friend where I used to live and he must have recognized me already because he started asking me if I ever did that kind of thing with my big brother. He even guessed right away that Bobby liked to massage my chest and suck on my tiny titties. So a minute later I had to tell him that Johnny and I would play doctor and things like that when Mom was gone. He told me not to tell my Mother about it because that would upset her, and that if Johnny touched me or did things, that as long as he didn't have actual sex with me, like sticking his thing in me, that it wouldn't be my fault, but I should still tell Father Thomas everything when I went to confession, and that it was another sin to start fighting, or to tell lies to Father Thomas, so I shouldn't like start fighting with my brother to keep him from touching me or like pulling down my panties, but he said I shouldn't pull them down myself. Father Thomas said, "Just let him see you and touch you so he won't get mad at you, and then pretty soon his stuff will squirt out, and you should just clean it up and never talk about it. Has your brother squirted his stuff on you?"
"Yes, Father. That's right."
"Very good, Margaret. I'm glad you are so honest with me. Where does his white, gooey stuff get on you when it squirts out of his penis?"
"Sometimes on my legs, or on my tummy, or on my chest if I have my shirt off."
"Did he get any of it on your new bra?"
"No, Father. He likes to take that off, too, and then feel me there first. He says that helps him get excited when he feels me there, so I don't want to fight with him so I let him feel around on me, or put a finger in me."
"Very good, Margaret. You know you mustn't fight. And you always clean yourself off when he is done?"
"Yes, Father."
"And do you like to look at his thing?"
I blushed, even though he couldn't see me. I knew I had to tell the truth. "Yes, Father. I like to look at it."
"Does he want you to touch it?"
"Yes, Father, sometimes he wants me to touch him and to rub it or to kiss it."
"You are being a good girl to not fight. You know he will squirt pretty soon and then leave you alone, don't you?"
"Yes, Father. After it squirts, we both get cleaned up and do our homework like we're supposed to."
"Does he ever come in the bathroom when you take a bath?"
"Yes, Father. He likes to do that, too, and he likes me to stand up so he can look at me and rub his wet, soapy hands around on me."
"That's very nice of him to help wash you. Yes, let him do that."
"Margaret, perhaps you could invite Johnny to get in the tub with you, so you could wash him, too. That would be a good, little sister. It's not naughty to wash each other, only if you keep touching each other in those private parts." Father Thomas was quiet for a little bit and I didn't say anything. Then he said, "Now then, I don't want you to cause him to sin, but it is OK if you ask him to wash your back when you go in to take your bath. If he wants to keep touching you, just make him wait a little bit, then maybe he won't try to touch you and get himself excited. Let him wash your back and your legs. If he keeps trying to touch in naughty places, then you could offer to wash him, and then maybe he would stop trying to touch you so much and he would let you wash him. But if he keeps trying to touch you, then you know you shouldn't fight. Is that correct, Margaret, that you know you shouldn't fight him?"
"Yes, Father. I don't want to fight with anybody."
"Good girl. But it is OK if you ask him to wash your back. And make sure you have all the lights on, so nobody will slip in the tub and get hurt. Then you can wash his back. If you only touch each other on the back then there is no sin involved."
"OK. I'll let his wash my back, Father, and I'll offer to wash his back, too. And I'll make sure the lights are on for safety."
"Good girl. Are you ready for your penance?"
"Yes, Father."
Then he told me how many of which prayers to say and then he said I was forgiven and to be sure to come back early next week.
School was getting easier, and my new best friends with the girls in my Catechism class. It was kind of fun in our special afternoon, Catechism class, especially after Johnny left. Sister Ginny had us practice saying our name and age into a little camera she had one day. We had to walk towards her one at a time and say our name and age and turn around. The first few times we did it, each of us giggled. It was pretty funny. She said she was trying to teach us poise, too.
That Thursday, Father Thomas showed us some videos of boys messerbating and we watched their stuff squirt out in slow motion. He let us watch one boy several times and had us count the number of squirts, since we each got a different answer the first time we watched it squirt. It was hard to tell the last few squirts because his hand was in the way and it kind of dribbled out. The first four squirts were easy to count because they squirted way out.
And I couldn't keep from messerbating myself that night. Johnny was playing basketball until later than usual so I was in bed already when Mom got home.
The next day in confession I told Father Thomas about it. He said not to worry about it, especially since I was getting so good at going to confession a few times each week. But then he said that I was doing it so much more than average, that I needed a little extra punishment. He told me to report to his office after school, but not right away because he had to turn in some paperwork.
"Should I go home first and change clothes, Father?"
"No, my child. Leave your school uniform on."
So, Friday after school I played on the playground for about an hour, trying not to get too dirty, and then went back in the school building. It seemed deserted. I could hear my footprints on the terrazzo floor. I went up the steps to his office and knocked. He came to the door. I started to say something, but he put a finger to his lips to hush me. Father Thomas didn't look mad, but he wasn't smiling either, as he took my hand and led me to a classroom on the top floor. It was one of the rooms we never used. He unlocked it and then locked it again after he led me in. The blinds were closed, but it still wasn't dark in the room. He turned on the lights and led me up to the teacher's desk.
Finally he said something. "Margaret, don't talk. Just nod or shake your head. I don't want you to talk whenever I bring you here for special punishments. You know that punishment is required for your sins, don't you?"
I nodded me head and looked down at the floor.
He had me stand up against the side of the empty desk and bend over it. He said, "I won't spank you hard, Margaret. Just like when you say prayers for your penance, it's not as difficult as harsher punishments. It's called 'symbolic' which means it isn't as hard as real punishments might be. So now, for your symbolic punishment, I'm going to give you twenty spanks so your soul will be pure and clean again. Nod if you understand."
I nodded my head and bent over onto the desk, so my feet were hanging down. They didn't touch the floor and my left shoe fell off. He said, "I will get blocks for you to stand on. Put your shoe back on, Margaret. You're being good about not talking or giggling like you do sometimes in our Catechism class."
While I put my shoe back on, he got two concrete blocks that were on the floor next to the old chalk board, so I guess short kids could step on them to work problems on the board. He put one on each corner on the side of the desk where I had been standing. I stepped up onto the blocks. My feet seemed pretty far apart, but I didn't say anything. He pushed my shoulders forward and flipped up the back of my school uniform.
I stayed in position for about two or three minutes in the quiet room. He didn't move or spank me or say anything. Then he opened one of the drawers and took out a black, leather strap about as long as a ruler, and a flat, wooden paddle that was also about a foot long. He said, "Point to the paddle you want me to use first, Margaret. And I won't spank you hard with them, or with any of the other paddles. This is partly for your embarrassment, too, as part of the punishment. Is it embarrassing for you with your uniform flipped up in back?"
I started to say, "Yes," but then nodded instead. I pointed to the black, leather paddle, because I was curious about it.
He laid them on the desk in front of my head and told me to close my eyes and to keep them shut.
I did. I heard him walk to a closet and unlock it, and get something out. He fiddled around with it, whatever it was, while I worried about how hard he was going to spank me.
Then he picked up the paddle and slapped it across my bottom. It did kind of sting, even though he didn't hit me very hard with it. I jumped and then got back in position. He spanked me four more times and then rubbed my bottom with his hands. He said, "Nod if you want me to soothe your bottom for you after every few spanks."
So I nodded my head and he kept rubbing my bottom and also my legs and thighs. It felt good, and I was starting to tingle a little bit.
He finished spanking me that way. He would give me five or six spanks and then rub my bottom and panties and the tops of my legs. I had to arch my back and keep my bottom sticking up so he would rub me. The last few times he rubbed me, he even rubbed my panties between my legs. It felt kind of good the way he did it, but it was embarrassing because I knew my panties must feel damp. It was almost like he read my mind, because he said, "If this is embarrassing to you, then that's better for your penance, and it helps the sting go away faster, too. Is this embarrassing you, My Child?"
I nodded my head.
"Do you want me to keep rubbing you for a little bit longer next time?"
I nodded my head again.
After the next few spanks he stopped and said, "Keep your eyes closed, and keep your back arched up like that. Hold still. I need to embarrass you just a little more for today's punishment. And I also need to make sure there are no spanking marks on your bottom." Then he pulled my panties down to my knees. He didn't say anything, but I head him walk a few steps towards the closet and fiddle with something and then he came up to me and rubbed me in the usual way - like making big circles on my bottom, starting between my legs and them pulling my bottom up and apart and then circling back down to the middle again. He said, "Is this embarrassing you, Margaret?"
I nodded.
"Good." He said. "Then I won't have to give you the last ten spanks. I want you to rub it yourself for a minute. Try to pull your bottom wide open the way I did and hold it that way. Then it will be more embarrassing for you so I won't have to finish your spankings."
I rubbed it like he said, and held it wide open. It was really embarrassing - and tingling and I knew it was wet. I sure hoped he didn't notice. He just stood a few feet back behind me. My eyes were still closed. I heard him shuffling around with something. He told me to keep my eyes closed and pull up my panties, so I did. Then he put something in the closet and locked the door and came over to me. He patted my bottom and felt around on my legs and panties.
"You bottom doesn't hurt from the spankings, does it, Margaret?"
I shook my head no.
"Nod your head yes, if you know that you are not to tell anyone, including your big brother, about our private punishment sessions. You understand this, don't you?"
I nodded my head yes.
"Good. And don't ask Johnny about his punishments, or any of the other students in your Catechism class. This is a very private thing. And if you notice anything different about Johnny, don't ask about it or make any comments. You're doing very well about not talking, Margaret. I think you will need a little session every Friday. Each time it will be slightly more embarrassing. You are to report here about an hour after school lets out, unless you see one of the teachers or other staff members inside the building. If you do, then just wait until I come out and get you. Do you understand?"
I nodded my head.
He led me down to the school door and let me out. He said, "Go in peace." I heard him lock the door behind me, as I headed home.
That night Johnny took a bath with me. We didn't talk but washed each other all over. His thing was really stiff and kind of curved up. He led me down the hall to my bedroom and had me lie on my back with my legs apart so my feet were hanging over the edge of the bed. He felt around and fingered me - being extra gentle - but didn't let me touch him.
The first thing he said was, "I'm ready to squirt, so don't touch it yet. I want to try something first, and then you can rub it for me."
He bent forward and sniffed my pussy. "Very clean." He said. "I washed it extra good." Then he started licking me there. I started to giggle because it was so funny, but he was still serious and I started to notice that it felt good the way he was licking it. He did that for a little while and then let me suck him. I had done that before so it didn't seem strange for me to lick and suck him, but that was the first time he licked me.
It only took a minute and he started squirting in my mouth. I let it all squirt into my mouth and then went back in the bathroom to spit it out in the toilet and brush my teeth again. Johnny was already dressed by the time I got the bathroom cleaned up and went back to my room to put on my pajamas.
The next Tuesday, Mary and Tracy weren't in our Catechism class even though they had been in school at least until lunch period. Sister Ginny said they were getting a special lesson from Father Thomas and that I should just forget about it. She said, "Father Thomas took them to help him at a conference. He will bring them back in an hour, so they will be here to go home at the usual time. Sometimes he will need help from some of you for his fund raising conferences."
It happened again Thursday. Sister Ginny was in class with us, but Father Thomas and Johnny and Tracy weren't there. Sister Ginny let us watch more videos of boys who were demonstrating how boys commit sins. She said not to ask questions about anyone who wasn't there with us, and that the videos never showed anyone's face, and that we would all get to take turns helping with some of Father Thomas' special fund raising projects. She was looking right at me when she said that, so I didn't ask Johnny about it when he got home.
All Johnny said when he got home was that it was fun helping Father Thomas but he wasn't supposed to talk about it and that I shouldn't tell Mom that he wasn't in the Catechism class. He had a bag of treats for us - like candy bars and corn chips and some plastic bottles of pop.
He said he didn't want to take a bath with me when I asked him to wash my back. He even stayed dressed when he came in to wash me all over, and then he licked me again while I laid on my bed with my feet over the side so he could kneel by the bed and put his face on my pussy. He stayed dressed the whole time.
After he licked me for a while, he pulled down his zipper and pulled his thing out through the hole in his briefs underwear. It was pretty stiff and I wanted to suck on it, but he said, "It's a little tired and I don't know if I can squirt another time today. Let me just rub it while I lick you. OK?"
"OK." I said.
He licked me for a minute and it was starting to feel good when he stood up and took his pants off, but left his briefs on, with his stiff penis sticking through the opening in his white underpants. He said, "I don't want to get any on my school pants. Suck me, Margaret."
I didn't want to start a fight, so I knelt down in front of him and started licking and sucking. I had never done it while he was still wearing his underwear. He squirted in my mouth and wanted me to hold his penis in my mouth for a little bit until it got soft again. It's funny how it gets so soft and little. By the time he let go of my head, I had swallowed most of his stuff.
Then I put on my Pajamas and he got dressed again and we went downstairs and had some pop and watched TV. It was nice now, with Mom working, and the nicer house, and we had pop and snacks in the house.
The next day was Friday again, and I hung around in the playground for almost an hour. The school looked deserted, so I went in. Father Thomas met me and locked the door. He led me up to his private classroom again and locked that door, too. I didn't know if I was allowed to talk, so I just went with him. There was a thick, folded blanket on top of the desk so it would be softer for me to lay across it for my spankings. The concrete blocks were in place on the floor, with one block next to each of the side corners of his big desk.
He said, "Before we start with today's punishment and special grace service, I want you to close your eyes. Keep them shut tight. When I tell you, I want you to tell me your name and your age and then get completely undressed for today's session."
Well, I didn't know what to do. Something told me I shouldn't take off all my clothes in front of him, but he told me to do it, and Mom told me to always do whatever Father Thomas said. So, I did what he said, even though it was embarrassing. He unlocked the closet while I stood there with my eyes closed. Then he said to start, so I said, "My name is Margaret and I'm twelve years old." Then I took off all my clothes and stood still. He told me last week that it would get more embarrassing each time, but this was really embarrassing! I could hear him moving some things around after he unlocked the closet, but I didn't know what he was doing.
Then he said, "Tell me your name and age again, and then demonstrate how you touch yourself - on your breasts and on your pussy. You're getting lots of extra grace today, Margaret, for following directions. Go ahead."
"I'm Margaret and I'm twelve years old and my main sin is touching myself because it feels good, or letting my big brother touch me. I like to tickle and squeeze my titties.... Oh sorry. I mean 'breasts,' especially the pink, soft part in front, my nipples. Sometimes I pinch them a little bit. Sometimes Johnny does it too hard, so I have to tell him to pinch softer." I was demonstrating while I talked.
I heard a click, and then Father Thomas said, "You're doing very well, Margaret. Now tell me about how you and how Johnny touches your pussy and things like that."
"Yes, Father." I said, and I heard another click sound. "Johnny especially likes me to open my legs so he can see inside me, and he rubs the wrinkly thing in the middle. Sometimes he puts his finger in me. And he started doing something new this week, too. He likes to lick me here. And it feels good, but I know it's a sin, but I don't want to fight with him either." I was rubbing my pussy. I wanted to mention that I didn't want to fight with Johnny, so like that was part of the reason I let him lick me or finger me.
I heard the click again, and then Father Thomas asked me if my wrinkly thing would stiffen up or swell up when it was getting rubbed or licked, and he also asked if I got real wet between my legs when Johnny did that. Then I heard the click sound again.
I said, "Yes, Father. I can tell it gets stiffer when I touch it or when Johnny licks it, and I guess it gets a little bit bigger, too. Not like Johnny's thing. It really gets big. But mine gets a little bit bigger. And yes, it gets real wet down there, or like even when I'm thinking about it - you know - with him giving me a bath or touching me or licking me or like when I have to get my spankings."
I heard the click sound and he came over to me and reminded me to keep my eyes closed as he put me in spanking position with my feet on the concrete blocks and my tummy, chest, and shoulders resting on the top of his desk. I crossed my hands under my head. He said that I was being very good about explaining everything and that besides God's forgiveness I would also get lots of extra grace for being so honest. When I was in position, he took my hands and said I could rub my bottom myself after he double-tapped me on my bottom with the paddle. He said I should reach in to the middle and pull out and up on my bottom to help cool it off. He said to keep rubbing myself slowly and pulling myself wide open until he stroked my thigh with the paddle, and then I should move my hands out of the way for the next spankings. "You'll only need twenty spanks on your bottom today, and then I'll give you some very light spankings on your front, which seems to be the source of your sin. It won't hurt you, Margaret. I'll teach you how we're going to do the front spankings in a few minutes. Now put your hands up near your head and get ready. Will you rub yourself the way I told you, pulling it wide open to cool off your bottom?"
"Yes, Father." I said and put my hands up by my head. I arched my back like he showed me last week, so my bottom was sticking up in the air and ready for the spankings.
He gave me some spanks with the wooden paddle and they stung a little bit, but not too bad. And then I rubbed myself, pulling my bottom open wide like he said. When I held it wide open the air felt cool on my pussy so I knew it was wet, and I could feel it tingling.
After about five sets of spankings and rubbing it, he had me lie on my back on his desk and hold my knees up by my chest. He put a little cushion under my bottom to make it easier for me to keep my feet way up in the air. Then I had to show him how far apart I could spread my legs while they were still up in the air.
"Very good, Margaret. You are being very obedient and cooperative. You are earning lots of grace for this. Now I will give you the front spankings, but they will be even softer than the spankings on your bottom."
He was using a much smaller paddle of some kind. After a dozen taps which were right on the font of my pussy and were also hitting my wrinkly thing since my feet were so far apart, he told me to open my eyes to look at the paddle he was using. It was a red, plastic ruler, and my name was scratched in it. He said, "I got this out of your desk today. Now you can use this ruler as a signal to me. Whenever you have sinned and need to be punished with more front spankings, I want you to lay your ruler on your desk during history class. If I pick it up, then that means you should report to me after school."
He looked at my pussy for a whole minute, while he patted the ruler on his hand. He said, "You are starting to get a little bush, Margaret. It means you are growing up. But, it also interferes with the front spankings, so Monday, after school, I want you to report to Sister Ginny's clinic room next to my office. She will trim this off..." he tugged on a little tuft of reddish-blond pubic hair. "And then she will shave you. She won't nick or cut you and she is very good with shaving naughty boys and girls. But I can't tell you to do this. Think about it over the weekend, and on Monday, if you want to be shaved for your punishments, and if you want to go with me to help me with some of the special fund raising meetings, then put your ruler on your desk, and I will make sure that Sister Ginny stays in the building after school to prepare you. Then you can report directly to me for more, gentle front spankings. Do you remember that I explained that gentle, 'symbolic' spankings represent much more severe punishments that you deserve, but that I'm giving you special dispensations with each spanking?"
"Yes, Father." I said. I kind of remembered him talking about the 'symbolic spankings' wouldn't be as hard as real spankings, but it wasn't real clear in my mind.
He started tapping my pussy again with my ruler - going faster and a little bit harder. If I flinched my legs together when he hit directly on my wrinkly things, I had to open my legs again real fast. It was making me really tingle and I could tell I was breathing heavier, just like when Johnny fingers me.
I could tell I was getting wetter and wetter as he kept tapping my pussy. My bottom was wiggling around and he said that it was OK to wiggle if it felt jittery inside me, but that I should hold my legs apart as best I could. Whenever I flinched and closed my legs, he stopped for a few seconds until I was wide open again. It felt like I was ready to explode inside, and I kept wiggling around and saying, "Nnnn, ohh, unnn, ohhh." While he tapped me.
Then he stopped suddenly and helped me stand up. That's when I saw the cameras. There were two cameras aimed at me on those tripod things. I didn't say anything, but turned red. Father Thomas noticed me staring at the cameras. "Don't be alarmed, Margaret. This is just to make your punishments more embarrassing for you, and to... well, I'll explain more later. You are going to accept your punishments, aren't you?"
"Yes, Father, but...."
"But what, Margaret?"
"Well, the other kids.... I mean...."
"No. Don't worry. The other kids here in our parish will never see your face in any of our video clips. I'm going to work the cameras before you get dressed. I want you to introduce yourself and then get in both spanking positions. When you rub yourself, be sure to hold yourself open for the cameras and count to twenty so I can zoom in and out. I might use these clips at another parish in a few years, just like you get to see some clips of other boys and girls who demonstrate their sins on camera. They got full forgiveness for their sins, just as you are getting today. And I always make sure that no faces are seen on any of the clips that Sister Ginny or I show to other students who are in our special Catechism classes. Once we have video clips of you, then you will be able to see other video clips of boys and girls. OK?"
"OK. I'm glad they won't see these. And it is extra embarrassing, like you said."
Then, while he worked the cameras, I said my name and age and got into the spanking positions. When I was in position for the front spankings, he wanted me to demonstrate how I finger myself and how I stimulate the wrinkly thing, so I did that, too. It was really tingling, just knowing that other boys and girls might see parts of this video.
Johnny was gone all weekend, and I kept thinking about being in a video. It made it hard to do my homework!
Monday I put the ruler on my desk during history class. He picked it up and slapped it against his hand while he walked around, teaching us about feudalism in the Middle Ages in Europe. Then we took turns reading from our history text book.
After school I went to see Sister Ginny. She seemed so glad to see me, and locked the clinic door after she took my hand and led me inside.
She had me take off my panties and I had to hold my school uniform up. She pulled a little camera out of her drawer and took a picture of my pussy with the wispy, reddish-blond pubic hairs. She told me I had a sparse bush and I should look up that work in my dictionary at home. And she explained that it would be easier to get me as smooth as a baby since I didn't have a lot of hair. She slid a wastebasket between my legs and snipped off what she could with a small scissors. Then she used a little electric razor that buzzed around on me. She said, "Your lips are still bald, Margaret, so I won't have to shave them." She looked at my lower legs and said she would shave my legs too.
I took off my shoes and socks and she washed and put lather on my left leg, below the knee, and then she shaved it. Then she did my right leg while I kept holding up my uniform. It seemed like she kept glancing up at my pussy while she shaved my legs.
Then she put the lather around on my pussy and kept massaging it and rubbing it all over, even back between my legs and I felt her finger on my anus. "No hair, back here either," she said. "So I won't have to shave your lips or around your anus, but I'll get you all washed clean when I'm done shaving you. This is an honor for you, Margaret, to help serve the parish, too. Your Mom will continue to get free rent because of your extra service. And you'll probably have fun, too. The razor kind of scared me, but it went pretty quick and just over the top of my lips. After rinsing me off with a wet wash cloth, she had me take off all my clothes and stand in the shower area so she could shower off the bottom half of my body. The shower had one of those hoses with the shower head you could hold in your hand and move around.
After drying me off, she put a sweet-smelling lotion all over the lower half of my body - massaging it in. It felt really good. Then she held the mirror in front of my pussy so I could see it. She took more pictures of me - some close-ups of my pussy and then I turned around so she could get the full-body shots she said she needed. I asked her why she needed the pictures as I got dressed, and she said that Father Thomas would explain that later, but it was partly for my embarrassment punishments, which was connected with doing penance and getting extra grace.
She took me up to Father Thomas' special classroom, and knocked on the door. I heard church music inside and heard footsteps on the wood floor. A minute later Father Thomas unlocked and opened the door. Sister Ginny said, "Smooth as a baby. Perfumed lotion. So soft and firm and smooth. Beautiful lips - so firm and plump - just ripe for spanking. She is a cute, slim, little girl, and now that she is bald, I bet she could pass for nine and a half. A few minutes ago she was rinsed and dried off. She's all yours now, Father."
Father Thomas nodded.
Sister Ginny said, "Lift the front of your dress, Margaret. Show him what a great shaving job I did for you."
I lifted the front of my dress and Father Thomas bent down for a close look. He said, "Wonderful job as usual, Sister Ginny. Very good."
Sister Ginny said, "I didn't put her panties back on her because I want to let her freshly shaved skin get some air. I have other panties in my pocket if you would like her to wear some to begin your punishment session. Should I put these silky panties on her for you?"
Father Thomas shook his head no. "That's won't be necessary, Sister. Thank you."
"Yes, Father. And I didn't give her any additional stimulation to prepare her for the front spankings. I didn't know if you wanted me to use the other buzzer to get her ready."
Sister Ginny turned to go down the stairs, but Father Thomas said, "Wait, Sister. Put this blindfold on her. She will be blindfolded for the first part of today's punishment. I'll lead her into the room. And she won't need the panties. I will stimulate her to get her ready for today's spankings. She will be more sensitive to the light, front spankings then. But thank you for offering. Put the blindfold on her, and go in peace, Sister."
Sister Ginny was still smiling. "Of course, Father. I'm glad to help. It's all in the service to the Lord." She had me stand with my back against her front. She put the blindfold on my face and moved my hands up to hold the sides of it next to my ears so she could tie it. But before she tied it, she wrapped her arms around me. She whispered in my ear. "You're learning to be such a big help to our parish, Margaret." She put her hands on my breasts and squeezed them again, just like she did when she was drying me off, and when she put lotion on me and I had to stand still. It felt funny, but gave me tingles, too. Then she tied the back of my blindfold and went down the stairs.
Father Thomas took my arm and led me into the empty classroom. He locked the door and then led me up to the desk. He said, "I want you to introduce yourself again, Margaret, only this time say that you're nine and a half, and lift the front of your uniform. Hold it up while you count to thirty seven. And then take off the rest of your clothes except for your shoes and lacy, ankle socks. Just drop your clothes on the floor, and then demonstrate how you touch yourself when you are naughty - your breasts and your pussy, and keep demonstrating your sins until I clap my hands. Then get in spanking position. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Father."
The music sounded like from the middle ages. Sometimes he played different kinds of music for us in history class.
It was hard to hear what he was doing, but I started undressing. I said, "My name is Margaret, and I'm nine and a half years old." I was little for my age, and I guess with the shaved pussy I would look even younger. And I was glad that Sister Ginny said I was so cute and talked about me so nice to Father Thomas. I kept undressing. After taking off my uniform dress, I turned around, and then I took off my blouse and training bra. I knew that I still had faint tan lines from the top and bottoms of my two piece swimming suit, even though I didn't get to go swimming much, I still used to play outside in just my swimming suit where I used to live. Anyway, after I was naked except for my shoes and socks I started 'demonstrating' my sins. "I like to feel my breasts and squeeze them sometimes, and pinch the tip part, or lightly tickle them. And I like it when my brother sucks on them, too."
Then I put my hand on my pussy and rubbed it. "I like to put my finger in me, and really like it when my bit brother puts his finger in me and like slides it in and out. And I like to rub on the wrinkly thing in the front, like between my lips.
A minute later, after I kept rubbing my pussy and my breasts, I heard Father Thomas clap his hands, so I got in spanking position. Right away, I started rubbing my bottom and pulling my bottom open, trying to hold it wide open and count. But I forgot what he wanted me to count to, so I just tried to do it for a whole minute by counting to sixty. I was pretty sure he had the cameras turned on again, and it made me tingle to think that other boys and girls would watch me do what I was doing, even though they couldn't see my face.
Then the spankings started. They seemed a little bit harder this time, and I jumped and squirmed and even said, "Ouch!" a few times, so he did it softer. After every five or six spanks, I rubbed my bottom, taking my time and pulling it wide open. I was partly doing this to stall before getting the next spankings, and partly because it gave me tingles to think other kids watching the video of me holding it open for the camera, and I wanted to see the videos of other boys and girls getting spankings and things like that.
While I was holding my bottom open, Father Thomas surprised me by stroking his fingernail across my bottom, like right across my anus, and I flinched. He said to keep myself pulled open while he checked my reflexes on my anus. Each time he stroked his fingernail across it, I felt it flinch. He said, "Very good reflexes; very responsive, Margaret. Some girls really enjoy getting a finger pushed up their bottom. Of course the boy would use lots of lubricant and go real slow at first, but then most girls really love it because it makes her wrinkly thing swell up even bigger than usual, and get more sensitive. Has Johnny put his finger up your bottom yet?"
"No, Father."
"Well, he probably will. Boys and men like to do that with a girl - push a finger up her bottom. Some girls even orgasm while getting fingered back there, especially if she is being tapped, I mean 'lightly spanked' on her wrinkly thing at the same time."
"Oh, gee." I said. "Really?"
"Yes, and some boys like it, too, once they get used to it. I'm not suggesting this of course, but if Johnny does it with you, then sometime you might try it with him. That way you could see what it feels like on your finger when you push into him. In case you play doctor with another girl again, then you could take turns doing that with each other. Would you like to play doctor with another girl sometime, Margaret? And if you were doing it as a demonstration of what girls should not do because it's a sin, well, it wouldn't be a sin because you would be helping to teach other boys and girls about things they should not do."
I was getting confused, and wasn't sure what he was asking, but it sounded like fun. When I didn't say anything, he asked, "Would you play with another girl so we could make little videos to show other boys and girls what they should not do?"
"Yes, Father. I would do that."
"Very good. You are getting lots of extra grace today, Margaret. And would you also demonstrate these things with a man? A man who I would approve of, of course, so you could trust him completely. Would you let a man demonstrate putting a finger slowly into your vagina or into your bottom? He would use lubricant for your bottom, so his finger would be slippery. Your vagina gets very wet and slippery on its own, doesn't it, Margaret?"
"Yes, Father. It gets real wet there sometimes, and even makes my panties wet. It's kind of embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed, My Child." He said. He kept stroking my anus the whole time we were talking, and I could feel it flinching. Then he started rubbing a finger in my pussy slit - forward and back through my oozing, wet opening. Father Thomas said, "I'm not touching you, My Child. This is one of the men who offered to help me with the training program. A wealthy man who gives large amounts of money to the church. He is the man who is paying the rent for the house where you and your Mother and Johnny live." I heard Father Thomas' gentle voice move as he walked up by my head. He said, "I've asked him to help me. He is touching you. There is another man here helping me today, too. He is working the cameras so that we will have lots of close ups showing what is happing with you when you get spanked and fingered. You are doing a good job today, Margaret. I told you things would get a little more embarrassing each time, didn't I?"
"Yes, Father"
"These two men are here helping me today. It is not sinful for them to be touching you in these intimate ways because they are helping me prepare materials to use to help teach other boys and girls. And it's not a sin for you either, of course. It is OK for you to enjoy the feelings as they stimulate you. Even the spankings stimulate you, don't they, Margaret? Can you feel your pussy begin to tingle when you are getting spanked on your bottom or on your pussy?"
"Yes, Father. It gets so tingly."
"And can you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter during your spankings?"
"Yes, Father. It is."
"That means it also feels exciting to you. Exciting and good. Let it feel good. You should start to enjoy these training and punishment sessions. And I explained that the more embarrassing it is, that it feels even better. I explained that, didn't I?"
"Unnn, ohhh." The man was flicking his wet finger across my wrinkly thing. "Yes, Father. Ohhhh. This is so embarrassing. Unnn."
"And I see that you are still pulling yourself wide open so that it's easier for the man to touch you."
"Unnn. Ohhh."
"I'm going to continue your spankings now, Margaret. Put your hands up by your head. He will wait until after six spanks to finger you again. If, after six spanks, you reach back with both hands and pull your bottom wide open for him, he will finger your wrinkly thing and perhaps put a finger up inside your vagina. But if you want to enjoy the pleasure of his finger, you have to reach back and pull your bottom open real fast. Ready? These will be a little harder."
"Ready." I said.
Smack! There were pauses of several seconds between each smack while I got back in position with my back arched. The spanks were harder, but it only stung for a second.
Smack! I reached back and pulled my bottom wide open with both hands.
That's when I heard his voice - the other man's. He said, "She is wetter, Father. You are right. She likes the spankings. When they are a little bit harder like that, it really stimulates her."
He pushed his big finger slowly up my wet vagina. "Unnnnnn, ohhhh." It felt so good.
Father Thomas said, "Does that feel good to you, My Child?"
"Unnnn! Ohhh! Yes, Father. Unnnn."
"He is going to lubricate your bottom now, Margaret, and then, after your next spankings, if you quickly pull yourself wide-open for the cameras and my assistants, then he will introduce you to the pleasure of a finger up your anus. Keep yourself pulled open while he gets you ready. That's a good girl. Keep your back arched."
I felt the man putting cool, slippery stuff on my anus. He pushed his finger in me part ways. After doing this a few times, his finger went in farther. And then even farther. I heard myself saying, "Unnn," each time he pushed some of the cool, slippery stuff in me. He took his finger all the way out each time to get more of the stuff on his finger. Then he pushed his finger all the way in me. "Unnnnn. Ohhhh." And I could tell my bottom was moving around. I couldn't help it.
Father Thomas said, "That doesn't hurt, does it, My Child?"
"Unnnnn, no. Ohhhh."
Then Father Thomas asked, "Does it feel good to you? Are you glad I have a helper here today who can touch you?"
"Yes! Unnnn."
The man pulled his finger out and stopped. It was time for more spankings. These stung a little bit, too, but after the sixth one, I reached down and pulled my bottom open as fast as I could.
He pushed his finger all the way in my bottom. I said, "Oh! Unnnn. Gee, ohhh."
The man said, "Her ass is so tight! Great. Such a perfect pussy and ass! So responsive and firm. Her finger is squeezing my finger! She loves this."
Then Father Thomas that it was time for my front spankings, so the two men picked me up and laid me on my back - with pillows under my bottom and under my head. My hands and wrists were pulling my knees up by my chest with my legs apart. Somebody started tapping the little, wooden paddle on my wrinkly thing and pussy lips.
While the taps continued at an irregular pace, with some taps harder than others, the man pushed a finger up my bottom. "Ohhhh, Geez! Unnn! Ohhhh, ohh, ohh, ohh..." it felt like I was exploding inside. I let go of my legs and put them together and put my hands over my pussy so they couldn't spank it again. I kept saying "Ohhhh, unnn!"
The man with his finger up my bottom held it still. He didn't push it in any farther or pull it out, but just held still. He said, "She's having an orgasm. A big one. Her spasms are squeezing my finger."
Whatever they did felt so great, like exploding with pleasure in my tummy and pussy and even down my thighs.
My spasms slowed down, and then stopped, like a whole minute later. That felt so good. I could hear myself still moaning. Finally I said, "Unnn, oh, phew. Gee."
Father Thomas said, "Did that feel good, My Child?"
"Yes. Unn. What happened? It was like ... unnn... I don't know."
The man said, "You had an orgasm, Sweetie. Did it feel good?"
"Unn, oh, yes. Gee."
The man said, "So Father is right. It feels better when you're embarrassed because of the cameras and strange men. Doesn't it, Sweetie?"
"Open your legs for the camera, Sweetie. We want to watch your excitement ooze out after your wonderful orgasm. Just relax. We won't spank your pussy again today."
I relaxed and opened my legs and moved my hands.
The man said, "Very good. Get a close up. Lots of excitement oozing out. Wonderful." As he said the word, 'wonderful,' he pulled his finger out of my bottom. He pulled it out really fast.
I said, "Ohhhh! Unnnnn." And another spasm washed over my whole tummy, pussy and upper legs. "Ohhhh."
They slid me a little ways back onto the desk, which was easy for them because I only weigh 84 pounds and was on the blanket which slid. Then they put my feet and calves down so they were hanging over the edge of the desk.
The man said, "Just relax, Sweetie. Rest a minute. Then I'll lick you off, once you've recovered from your fantastic orgasm."
I rested and listened to the music. The two men were touching my arms and legs. I knew they were looking at me, too, and that the cameras were probably still on. A few minutes later they lifted my knees so my feet were on the edge of the desk. One of the men was holding my feet so they wouldn't slip off, and then he leaned forward and licked me. It was the man who had fingered me. He said, "You are delicious, Sweetie. I want to lap up your excitement, and then you can get dressed." He licked me again and then kept licking me.
I started moving my hips and saying, "Ohh, unnnn," again. Then I had another orgasm. "Ohhhh!" When I did that, I pushed his head away from me, like it was too sensitive. Then they let me rest again. A little while later I heard Father Thomas open the door. He was talking softly with somebody. I just laid there - naked except for my shoes and socks.
Father Thomas and the other person walked closer. I heard him saying, "... a wonderful orgasm, and finger in her bottom. Liked the spanks harder today. Get's very wet. I'll let you get her dressed, Sister, once we're downstairs and I take care of business with our assistants. We'll have a lot of footage to edit tonight."
The music stopped, and I heard footsteps leaving. The door closed. Then Sister Ginny took the blindfold off me. I felt tired and limp. She kept telling me that I did a wonderful job, and that the assistants were very pleased and it would be such a big help for the parish and the school and my mother. She took me downstairs into the clinic again, and gave me some pop and cookies. She was being so nice to me, and then gave me some fresh, clean panties to put on under my uniform.
A little while later, she walked outside with me. "Are you awake enough to walk on home, Margaret?"
"Yes, Sister. Gee."
"You can't talk about this with anyone, you know."
"Oh, gosh! I know that. Not even with Johnny!"
"He will notice that I shaved you, but that's OK. Johnny can keep a secret. We trust both of you. You're a good girl, Margaret, to help with our special projects this way. Every Friday, and maybe some other days, be sure to report for your sessions. You want to help with more special projects, don't you?"
"Yes, Sister."
"Good. And thank you for doing such a good job today. Now go relax at home. Here is a little bag of treats for you and Johnny."
"Thank you, Sister." I put the bag in my book bag next to my math book and the catechism booklet, and walked two blocks to our house.
Shy girl
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