Bless Me, Father - Angie's Confession

[ M+/g, spank, mast, finger, video ]

by Corn53

Published: 26-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned... " She began.

Father Thomas recognized her voice. Angela again. A smile caused his gray whiskers to move. "Welcome, My Child. Go on."

She continued, "My last confession was two weeks ago. I thought nasty thoughts and..." She stopped, embarrassed. "I let a man look up my dress on purpose. I pretended not to know he was looking."

"Tell me about it. You must confess that which you are most embarrassed about. That's the only way to get God's forgiveness." He said, leaning closer to the curtain. "You masturbated while thinking about that? Thinking about him looking between your legs?"

"Yes, Father. Last weekend I was at the mall with some of my girlfriends and I noticed a man looking at me because of my short skirt and like where he was sitting. One empty table between us, but like at an angle. Well, the way he was sitting and the way I was sitting a few tables away from him, I knew he could see up my skirt. But I let him, and didn't try to close my legs. The other girls had their backs to him, and I pretended that I didn't know he was looking at me. I left my legs open while I talked to my girlfriends."

"Did he keep looking at you?"

"Yes, Father. I could see him on the edge of my vision. I know. I may have caused him to sin, too, and that makes it worse for me, doesn't it? I'm sorry."

"How long did you let him look up your dress, My Child?"

"About fifteen minutes. Maybe longer. We were drinking pop and talking. But sometimes I closed my legs, and then pretty soon I opened them again, like to pick something up out of my bag on the floor next to me. He kept sitting there, too, like as if he was reading a store newspaper ad, while he was drinking coffee."

"So, you opened and closed your legs while he kept looking at you?"

"Yes, Father. It's almost like I can't help it sometimes, like when an older man is looking at me that way, I let them look. Like I don't want to at first, but once I notice a man it's like I want him to look at me. But see, he doesn't know who I am or anything. I figured it wouldn't hurt to let him look for a little while."

"Do you always have panties on when you do this?"

"Oh yes, Father." She said quickly.

"Remember, My Child, the Lord knows if you are telling the truth. You must tell the truth and do your penance if you want forgiveness."

"Well, um, once after swim team practice, like my panties were wet from where my swimming suit was laying on them while I changed, and besides, like I shaved along the edges and didn't want my panties to rub me where I just shaved that morning, so I just, um... well, I didn't wear them, Father."

"I see. How much did you shave?"

"Oh, just a little bit, like for my swimming suit. Like along the two sides and some in front. All the girls do, Father, for like our swimming suits. It looks gross on the ladies who don't shave. Like around the edge of their swimming suits. By their legs. I didn't have to shave much on the sides though, because I don't have much hair anyway and it's kind of fine like. Real wispy."

"Yes, My Child. I see. Then you wore shorts or a skirt? And where did you go without your panties?"

"It was a skirt, Father. I had shorts, but figured they might rub, too, because they are so tight, so I wore the skirt."

"Go on. Where did you go?"

"Well, I had to take my little brother to his guitar lesson, so I went over to the mall for a Coke while I was waiting for him to finish his music lesson. One hour. That's all."

"Did you sit in the table area? Near all those fast food outlets?"

She hesitated. Father Thomas reminded her to tell me the whole truth if she wanted forgiveness. "And you must answer all of my questions completely. Don't hold back your thoughts. Did you sit in the table area again, where you had previously let a man look up your dress?"

"Yes, Father. And I admit it. I found a table two tables over from a man sitting by himself drinking from a Styrofoam cup and reading the paper, like he was waiting for his wife or something."

"So you sat across from him? Then did you let him look up your skirt? Did your skirt go down to your knees when you were standing?"

"No, Father. Long skirts are old fashioned. And it's still summer. Well almost. School just started a week ago. And, yes, the skirt is pretty short, like about half way up from my knees to my ... ummm. You know. And I had some of the flyers, like ads from the stores. So I sat across from him a while drinking my pop and looking at the ads and maybe my knees went apart. That's all."

"That's all?"

"Yes, Father."

"That's all?" He raised his voice in a question, although he was still whispering. "My Child. Did you open your legs for this man, too? Without your panties on?"

She hesitated, then answered. "Yes, Father. I did."

"And did he look at you? Could you tell?"

"Yes, Father. He was looking, all right. He was almost staring. But I pretended not to notice. Like I was reading the ads."

"And did you keep opening and closing your legs, giving him better views? Anything else?"

"Sometimes I scratched my foot. It really did itch. Like maybe my feet weren't all the way dry from the pool."

"And you let him look - opening and closing - moving around - without any panties on? Just the short skirt?"

"Yes. I did. I'm sorry. I will pray for myself and for him. Because he was looking at me. It's mostly my fault. But like I didn't make him look. He just wanted to. So I let him."

"Did it excite you, knowing he was looking at your bare body between your legs?"

"Yes, Father."

"Do you think he could tell you weren't wearing panties?"

She started to laugh but stopped herself. "I'm sure of it. Like especially since I'm mostly shaved. Just a blond patch above it, like... you know. And I'm real pale there from my swimming suit."

"Did you masturbate when you got home?"

"I almost didn't need to. From just walking to the car, and then when I got in I touched myself. But just a little bit. I touched myself for a minute and then stopped, Father. I tried not to. Each time I touched myself there, I stopped after just a minute. Besides, I was driving. I was driving to pick up my little brother. Then I took him home and went to my room and rubbed it while changing clothes."

The priest listened. They were both aware of the silence that followed her confession. Then he said, "When you touched yourself, did you imaging the man looking at you?"

"Yes, Father."

"That was a good confession, My Daughter. Say ten Our Fathers and ten Hail Marys. This is a serious bad habit you're developing, and you need to make additional penance; accept more punishment since you also led others into bad thoughts with your behavior. You must stop this while you're still young. Do you want God's forgiveness?"

"Yes, Father." Her voice soft, betraying her nervousness.

"Very good. To get God's forgiveness you must perform acts of charity. Charity and humility. Sometimes embarrassment is the best punishment for showing off like that. Then your sins will be completely forgiven. Are you willing to make sacrifices as part of your penance?"

"Yes, Father. What should I do?"

"Report to my classroom Monday after school, during the freshman basketball game. Come to my room at five O'clock, which should be about halftime. If anyone asks, just say you need to get something out of your locker. Come alone. Don't tell anyone."

"Yes, Father, but what do I have to do?"

"I will explain when you get there. You want to have your sins forgiven, and help the church at the same time, don't you?"

"Yes, Father. I'll be there."

"Don't change clothes after school. Wear your uniform. Spend some time in the library right after school, so you won't even go home, where you might be expected to change clothes. Then go to the game."

"Yes, Father. Five O'clock."

At the sound of the knock, Father Thomas's visitors slipped into the large closet. He looked through the curtain covering his classroom door into the hall. Angela was alone. "Come in, My Child." He said with a smile. "Does anyone know you came here?"

"No, Father. You said to keep it a secret. What must I do for the rest of my penance?" She walked in and looked around as she sat her books on a desk near the door. "I hope it's not a writing assignment."

"Are you ready to do the penance?"

She seemed puzzled because she had just asked what she needed to do, but she said, "Yes, Father. I'm ready." At five eight, Angela was almost as tall as Father Thomas, but her one hundred three pounds was less than half of Father Thomas' weight.

"Do you promise to do your penance, even if it is embarrassing? Remember, embarrassment is a suitable punishment for a girl who shows herself to strangers. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Father. Whatever you tell me to do I promise I will do it." She replied bravely, but stepping backwards to keep a safe distance between them.

"You must repeat your confession, My Child..." he said, and noted the flicker of relief on her face. He watched her intently as he continued, "... while you get a spanking. Repeat your confession while you accept a spanking."

Her face instantly went red, her scarlet flesh obvious with her blond hair and fair complexion. He smiled his reassuring smile. "No. Not me, My Daughter. I have assistants waiting in the closet." He tilted his head towards the bookroom. As part of their penance they must assist me with your punishment. Now I must blindfold you so that you cannot see who is helping me. Helping God. Helping me as I help God punish sinners so that they may become pure and worthy of Heaven later. You want to be purified, don't you, Angela?"

"Yes, Father." She looked down at the floor

He took her hand and led her towards the desk in the front of the room. Angela began chewing on her bottom lip, sucking it in, as she took another look at the big book closet at the side of the room.

"Remember, Angela, embarrassment is... "

"Yes, I know, Father. This is part of my penance. I have been bad. This will certainly teach me a lesson."

He turned her towards the desk, thighs pressing against it. The top of his desk was uncharacteristically empty. He put the blindfold on her, tying it tight. "Now turn around, Angela. Face me and begin your confession again. The most embarrassing parts. That will bring true forgiveness."

She heard the closet door open followed by the soft sounds of feet on the wood floor.

"Face us, Angela. Lift up your skirt and begin telling me about how you let strangers look up your dress."

Red face glowing, she lifted the front of her navy blue jumper and began, "Bless me, Father. I have let men look up my dress. On purpose. I sat in the mall in a short skirt and let men look up my dress."

Someone tugged her dress higher, so she held it higher and continued explaining how she opened and closed her legs while a man looked up her dress. As she talked one of the three adults from the closet set up the video camera. Father Thomas had her sit in a chair and demonstrate how she opened and closed her legs. She was prompted to hold her skirt up high and reenact how she opened and closed her legs.

After a reminder from Father Thomas, the blushing Angela began again, not knowing she was being videotaped. "I'm Angela and I sinned. In the mall I let a man look up my dress while I opened and closed my knees, like if I didn't know he was looking. I've done this lots of times in the last few months and it's bad. I had on a short skirt in the mall, not my school uniform. The other high school girls do it too, sometimes. I've seen them." She was holding her dress up while the video camera zoomed in - on her face and then her panties.

She held her dress up as part of her embarrassment treatment, letting the adults and the video camera see her panties. Father Thomas told her to stand and remove her panties and then explain about the time she went to the mall alone after she left the swimming pool. Angela blushed but dutifully stood and pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. She sat back down, knees together, dress over her lap.

Angela blushed and began, "After swimming last weekend I had to take my little brother to his guitar lesson, and I accidentally laid my swimming suit on my shorts and panties so they got all wet. Then I had to just wear the skirt I wore to the pool over my swimming suit that morning...."

Father Thomas reminded her to talk about the shaving first, and then lift her skirt again. "And then, since you like to show off your baldness, lean back and put your knees apart while you hold up your skirt and tell us what you did."

Angie was glowing red as she held up her skirt and began. "Well, um, like for our swim suits most of us girls shave like around the tops of our legs and beside our ... you know. And maybe I accidentally shaved off too much on the sides of it, but really there wasn't much hair anywhere except some on top and I just trimmed that. See?" She held up her dress, set it down again on her legs and bunched up more material and lifted it again. With her better grip she pulled her dress above her belly button to reveal her flat, athletic tummy.

Father Thomas said, "Angie, since you liked showing it off so much, scoot your hips forward and open your knees. That way we can see all of it before we spank you. Open your legs wide."

Angie scooted her hips forward on the wood teacher chair, and opened her legs obediently.

Father Thomas said, "Continue explaining now Angie. You're making a good confession. Get everything off your chest. The embarrassment is part of your punishment."

"Well, I was wearing the short skirt but no panties, so I sat near a man, facing him from about ten feet away. I pretended to look at some ads I had with me, while I was drinking a pop. I would open and close my knees so he could see up my short skirt. I knew he could tell I wasn't wearing panties because I'm so pale there because I always had on a swimming suit out in the sun, so it looks pretty white. I knew he was looking but I kept pretending not to notice him. But I didn't open my legs this far."

One of the men knelt down beside her left knee and pulled her knees wider apart. He stroked her thighs after signaling the man working the camera to turn it off for a minute.

"Keep your legs open, Angie. You wanted to show it off and now you will know how it feels to have men looking at you up close. The men helping me tonight have been tempted by girls like you, and they have been led into sin. They are going to spank you, to help you learn a lesson. Now they will look closely at you and touch you. I hope you are embarrassed. This is God's punishment for you. Tell us what you thought while you opened and closed your legs."

"Well, the time I was in the mall without any panties, and the man was sitting by himself, I thought, 'I'll give him something to think about while he's waiting for his wife.' And then I opened my legs and leaned back in my chair with one of the advertising flyers in my hands. I slowly opened and closed my legs and let him look at me. I figured he would get a better look and he would feel braver to like take a longer look if he couldn't see my face. Then he would like know I couldn't see where he was looking. And it gave me kind of a tingly feeling down there each time I put my knees apart. And I felt safe in the mall so if he would like come over I would tell him to go away and act like I didn't know what he was talking about. There was a security guard over near the Taco Bell about a hundred feet away, but the guard could only see the back of my head even if he did look over this way. But like, since I knew the man wouldn't try anything I let him get a good, long look."

One of the men had the video camera in his hand and was kneeling right in front of her, zooming in on her very wet pussy. She continued talking, unaware of the camera. She kept opening and closing her legs, with a man's hands on each of her knees. Her pussy made wet, pop-open noises each time her knees went wider than two feet apart.

"Show these men how you touched yourself in the car and when you got home. I want you to demonstrate your sin."

"I usually just use my right fingers and lightly tickle around the edges for a little bit first, but that day I was already too tingly inside, so I drove with my left hand and rubbed myself with my right hand. Like this." She demonstrated for the men and the camera, although she didn't know about the camera.

With her knees wide apart, she explained, "See? I like tickle around the outside edge with my fingernail, but it feels different since I shaved off the hairs that were there. There weren't many and it was pretty fine, but I can tell the difference. It's like my panties or my swimming suit tickles me. And then I kind or rub the top part up here, like massaging my magic button and flicking it. Like this." She demonstrated, getting her finger wet at the opening to her vagina and then rubbing on her clit.

"Young Lady, since you enjoy showing off your teenage panties to strange men, I want you to keep explaining how you touch yourself. Except that now don't you touch yourself. Let these men will touch you. Keep both your hands on your dress, holding it up high. Scoot forward and open your legs wide apart. That's it. Now explain again how you touch yourself and they will try to follow your directions."

"But this is so embarrassing." she protested, as she scooted her hips to the very edge of the chair.

"Yes, of course it is! Now keep talking. Tell them how you touch yourself. Confess what you did. This will teach you a lesson. Tell these men how you like to tease men and let them look up your dress. Tell them how you touch yourself."

She opened her legs. The two men put their hands back on her knees and helped her spread wider. "First I tickle around the edges, like I said. That's it. I do that for a little while."

One of the men was tickling the edge of her pussy, going up down and around. The other man lightly scratched his fingernails up her thighs. "When I tickle myself like this, like to get started, I think about a man looking at my panties, and that he wants to look even closer. And then ... Oh, Uh..." she said as one of the men flicked across her swollen clit.

The third man was still kneeling with the video camera as his friend began circling Angie's vagina with his finger. When his finger was wet, he rubbed the lubricant on Angie's magic button. Father Thomas told her to keep talking and explaining how she liked to tease men. "They will touch you while you explain your sins, Angels. Keep talking."

"Well... Oh! Well, I think about the man looking at my panties and it starts to get me tingly there. Oh! Yes, right there. And like when I get home from school I usually go up to change panties, because they get pretty damp when I'm at school, and especially if I stopped at the mall after school, like to get a coke and look at one of my school books. Oh!" She said as the man rubbing her pussy pushed a finger farther into her vagina. She tried to close her legs but the men held her knees apart.

"Angie," said Father Thomas, "do you imagine a man putting his finger in you?"

"Yes, Father. Sometimes I imagine that. Ohhh." She moaned as the man massaging her pussy pushed a finger all the way into her tight, wet vagina. Her hips moved.

Father Thomas said, "This is not a sin now, Angie, because I'm asking you to demonstrate your sins from the past. I want you to see that this is very embarrassing. It would embarrass you if your wishes came true. Are you embarrassed? Are you sorry for teasing men?"

"Yes." She breathed out huskily, as the man continued to finger her pussy.

The other man straddled the top of her pussy with both hands and expertly pulled her open, lifting the skin off her pink, magic button. He pinched it gently and flicked a wet finger back and forth across the exposed, erect clit.

"This is not a sin, Angie. Keep your legs open for the men while they look at you and touch you."

"Yes, ahh, ohh, yes, Father. Umm" Her hips were moving. The men could tell she was on the brink of an orgasm.

"Stop now." Said Father Thomas quietly. "It's time for your spankings now, Angie."

The men held their hands still, but kept them on her pussy. Angie held her legs apart, continued to rotate her hips, but not as obviously. Father Thomas said, "If this is really embarrassing you, Angie, then keep talking. They will continue to embarrass you with their fingers until you stop talking. Is there more you want to confess before your spankings?"

He legs opened wider as she began to speak. "Yes, Father. I also imagined that... ohh, that men were touching me, and ... ohhh... and looking at me, ohhh..." With each "oh" she opened wider and rotated her hips. Two of the three men changed duties. As one stood up and took the camera, the first cameraman knelt and thrust a finger all the way in her vagina. Although Angie was extremely wet, he still had to push hard to slide his big finger up her tight hole. Angie moaned louder despite trying to muffle her noises as he slid in and out faster.

"Ohhhh! Ungh! Unn!" Angie moaned as she lifted both hands to her breasts and squeezed. The men held still until she stopped squirming and moaning.

Angie put her hands back down and the men took their hands off her pussy. Angie blushed brightly. It was quiet in the room as she closed her legs.

Father Thomas took her hand and helped her stand. He led her to the side of the big desk again and bent her over it. She complied without a word. The men positioned her feet against the legs on either side of the heavy dark wood desk. She bent over while the men lifted her dress. The men could see that she was still very wet - a silvery slickness forming on the opening to her vagina.

The spankings lasted five minutes, captured on video. She followed directions and lifted her ass towards the spankers quickly after each smack. They were not hard, and Father Thomas explained that most of her punishment was administered in the form of embarrassment.

They helped her step back into her panties and each man kissed her on the mouth. She thanked all three of them for helping her learn her lesson. Father Thomas had her stand, holding up her dress, with her panties stretched between her knees while he reviewed her penance assignment.

"And now a penance - for all four of you: Angie, I want you to go to the mall several times this week. Wear white panties and a short, dark skirt. Which days could you go there without raising any questions? And you'll need to go alone."

"I could go about any day, really, but Tuesday and Thursdays, and then Saturday afternoon after I take my little brother to his guitar lesson. Maybe even Friday, but at 3:15, like right after school."

"OK. Gentlemen I want each of you to give her ten dollars, maybe more, right now, for shopping money, and so she can go buy soft drinks when she goes to the food court area."

Two of the men put twenty dollars in her purse, and the third man gave her twelve, but promised more next time."

"Next time?" asked Angie.

Father Thomas said, "Yes, Angie. You must learn your lesson. I want you to stop at the mall Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and even Saturday. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Father."

"Very good, My Daughter. You are atoning for your sins, and helping these men to realize that they must learn to rise above their lustful thoughts when they see a pretty, young girl like you. They must learn not to look." He paused. "But for now here is what you must do...." And he explained to Angie that she should try to show her panties to two or three different men each day after school, but in such a way that it seems accidental. Let one man look, and then go in a store for a little while and then come out, get another soft drink and sit somewhere where another man could see up your dress. Don't be too obvious about it. Perhaps some of the men who will look up your dress will be one of the penitents here this afternoon, or perhaps a total stranger... It's not for you to know. This may help you get over your temptations. However, when you have teased three different men each day, you are to go home and change clothes. But when you change clothes, do not change your panties. Do not touch your panties. Do not touch yourself. You must not masturbate all week. Next Monday I want you to report back here again during the next freshman basketball game."

Angie had begun squirming while he explained her additional penance. She became self-conscious in the following silence, holding up her dress. Angie blushed and held still. Father Thomas asked her if she was ready to do her additional penances and she said she was.

"Very good. If you follow these directions, and if you refrain from touching yourself afterwards, you will gain extra grace, My Child. However, if you get excited from the teasing and you are unable to keep from touching yourself, then next Monday your punishment will be more severe. Do you understand? There may be one or two additional men here to help me punish you if you've been bad. And you may be spanked harder. And you may be farther embarrassed - exposing your breasts; exposing your bottom - even pulling your bottom open between your spankings. Perhaps a light front spanking. You may have to do things to the men as part of your punishment. Things that would embarrass you." Then his voice lightened, "But only if you are bad. If you refrain from touching yourself then no additional punishments will follow, you won't need to pull down your panties in front of strangers, and then you can go in peace. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father. Thank you for helping me learn my lesson."

"Very good, Angie. You may pull up your panties now." Father Thomas helped smooth out her dress and led her to the classroom door while the three men took the camera with them back into the closet.

He untied the blindfold and reminded her not to talk about her punishment to anyone. She looked past him into the classroom, but the men were gone. He smiled. "Not knowing who watched you pull down your panties, while you talked of touching yourself is part of your punishment. Whenever you see a man this week, you won't know if he knows your secret. Now remember to go to the mall after school this week. OK?"

"Yes, Father." She left and closed the door behind her. On the way back to the basketball game, with books in her hand, the cool air blowing up her school uniform made her aware that her panties were wet. She wanted to go straight to the mall, but decided to wait until Tuesday. She was thinking about which skirts and panties to wear.

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I had forgotten about writing these 'confessional' stories. I myself, confessed many times in high school - always the same thing: 'touching myself while thinking naughty thoughts or looking at naughty pictures.' Somewhere is a Part Two for Angie's story, and if I can find it, I'll post it on here. I do remember that Angie had found it impossible not to touch herself that week. (as Father Thomas had predicted to his friends) The following Monday she was fingered - front and back - by several more men... and spanked front and back. To Angie's surprise she enjoyed the light front spankings on her bare pussy. She came three or four times during that confession. - Corn53


wow - I'm drooling for the next episodes. Hoping that eventually the front spankings will become severe belt whippings...


Hot series. I've enjoyed all three. Would love to read a fourth.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.