My First Ever GangBang

[ M+/f, nc, mast, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 25-Feb-2011

Word Count: 5886

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

I woke up feeling groggy and my ass hurt. As I climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom I started remembering what happened yesterday and couldn't believe it. It was like watching a movie only it was me in it! Just thinking about what I did made me blush and get wet at the same time.

Yesterday, about two in the afternoon I was coming out of Ezra's Bar and Deli, two blocks north of campus. Usually I don't drink so early in the afternoon, but I was still mad at Tom and starting to miss him. He should have called to apologize by now.

It was two weeks since our argument, during my period. He was mad at me for having my period on a weekend, like as if I could help it. And then last week I got laid off from my job at the campus library. They said it would just be for two weeks until the new shipment of books arrived, and then they would need me again, but I was feeling down. Down, broke, and far from home. A long ways from Wisconsin to L.A. God I could feel those three beers. Should have had something to eat.

Meeting Sylvia

Three guys, I guess about my age, maybe a little older, pulled over to the curb near me. The black guy was older for sure because he even had some gray hair. The two white guys looked my age at first, but then I thought they were probably at least three or four years older than me. I always try to prove I'm not prejudiced but would have probably been scared if it was three black guys. But it was two white guys and Sylvia, their black friend with the girl's name. They were joking around with me and I went over to their car. The driver said they were lost.

They were having fun. I was used to guys flirting with me since I'm cute and pretty well stacked, but these guys joked about my figure and asked questions at the same time, so I didn't know who to answer. I started laughing; they were so funny trying to flirt with me.

One of the guys kept holding a little camera while he talked, but he didn't seem to take any pictures with it, at least there weren't any flashes. He said they were getting ready to shoot a documentary and needed somebody to show them the highlights on campus.

He asked me my name and I said, "Tammy."

"Tammy. Really. We need some help. We'll give you a hundred dollars to show us around. Maybe we could ask you some questions."

"No. I'm pretty new here myself."

"That's even better." He said. "How old are you?"

At the same time Sylvia, that's the black guy who was driving, asked, "Where are you from?"

I had to laugh since they were all talking at once. I said, "OK. I'm Tammy from Wisconsin, and I'm eighteen. Almost nineteen."

"You're fine. We can interview you. Get in." He opened the back door of the car. It was a nice car, but I don't remember what kind it was.

"No. You guys are funny. I can't ride with strangers. Besides I've got a boyfriend."

They all introduced themselves at the same time and I had to laugh again.

"Where's your boyfriend right now, Tammy." The white guy in the front seat asked. They were parked and he was leaning out the window.

Sylvia said, "Oh come on, Tammy. You're not scared of black guys, are you?"

I was getting used to them talking at once. I decided, what the hell, and got in the back. I said, "Tom is at work. At least I think so. I haven't seen him for two weeks."

"Perfect." Said the driver. "We'll just head back towards campus. What's your major, Tammy?"

"I'm in communications now, but might change majors. My next class is in two hours."

"We'll have you back in plenty of time." Said Sylvia while he turned away from campus.

I think the guy's name was Joe who was riding in the front seat, because Sylvia said, "You'll like Joe, too. As much as me. Cute outfit, Baby."

"It's not 'Baby.' It's Tammy." I was acting indignant, but smiling. "And I mean it about being back in two hours."

"Oh shit." Said Joe.

"What's the matter?" asked Brad, the guy beside me in the back seat.

"I need to get the other camera. Damn. Maybe we could do the first part of the interview back in our studio. It's only a few blocks. Is that OK, Tammy?"

"The main thing is I need to get back to campus for my 4:30 class."

"No problemo." Said Joe, joking around. "It shouldn't take more than an hour to get some shots of you for the interview part. I bet you do some modeling, too, don't you, Tammy?"

"You'll really give me a hundred dollars just for answering some questions?"

"Sure we will." Said Joe. Now he was laughing, too. "A hundred buck for answering some questions. We need to see your driver's license to be sure you're over eighteen so we can pay you."

I started digging through my purse to get my license. I handed it to Joe.

"Where the fuck is Sheboygan, Wisconsin?" He laughed.

"It's near Milwaukee." I said.

Brad was aiming the little camera at me and then sometimes at whoever was talking. He surprised me by saying, "And another hundred to interview you topless. I bet you would look great topless, Tammy. Sharp. Are those natural?" He aimed his little camera at my breasts.

I was insulted, but it was funny the way he came right out and asked me. Most guys just hint at that question. "These are all mine. Brought them all the way from Wisconsin with me."

They laughed.

Brad said, "Let me check." And he reached his hand over to feel them.

"Hey. No!" I said, blocking his arm and covering my chest. The other guys laughed and told me not to mind Brad.

Sylvia said, "He wants to grab everything he can, Tammy. Don't mind him. We'll go back and have an interview. Maybe some snacks. Another beer or two. Order some pizza."

"Tube steak." Said Joe. "I bet she would like some tube steak."

"Most blondes love tube steak, Tammy." Said Brad.

"I'm full." I said. "And I shouldn't have any more beer, especially since I have a class in two hours. I hardly ever drink during the day. I'm a good girl from Wisconsin." I was trying to act silly with them.

They laughed, "Well you'll be even fuller in a little while, Tammy. I still think you would like to try some tube steak."

"I've never had it. I don't like Chinese food. Too salty. Is it Chinese?" I said. We were only a few blocks the other direction from campus, and it wasn't as nice a neighborhood, but somehow I felt OK with these guys. They kept joking around. Now Brad was kidding about not liking Chinese food as we got out of the car.

I went inside with them and they did have a little studio set up, lights and everything, so I felt like they had been telling me the truth.

"Sit here, Tammy. Get comfortable and sign this paper. I've got to make a copy of your license so we can pay you. And Brad was right about the extra hundred for a topless interview."

I was sitting on the front edge of a big couch as I signed the paper and handed it back to Joe. There were a couple other guys over on the other side of the big studio room watching TV. Somehow I felt more comfortable with more guys around. There were two black guys, a really handsome Hispanic guy watching TV, and the two white guys who were in the car.

Sylvia sat beside me and laid back against the cushions. He had a nice smile and looked like he lifted weights. Nice looking man.

Joe took the papers and sat them on a table. "All signed up, Tammy. What do you think about the extra hundred for a topless interview?"

"I don't know. It won't be on TV, will it?" I said.

"No, of course these won't be on TV!" He shook his head as if I had said something stupid.

"Well, OK then." I surprised myself as I stood up. I would show these guys that Wisconsin girls weren't shy. I took off my shirt and Brad tried to grab my breasts again. "No." I laughed. "No touching. Come on. Or I'll leave."

"I was just trying to help." He said. "Let me help you with the snaps."

I had my blouse off which Joe took and laid across a chair, I turned around to let Brad unfasten the snaps. He unfastened then and helped take my bra off. His hand was back on my breast again as I sat down next to Sylvia. "Hey, I didn't say you could touch them."

Joe said, "We have to make sure they're real, like you said, Baby. It's OK. He won't hurt them."

"Look at those nipples. Hard as rocks. Baby, you're tits are great." Said the handsome Hispanic guy who had come over while I was taking off my white blouse.

My blouse was semi-sheer and went good with my navy, silk slacks. My white pumps matched the belt and blouse.

I stuck my chest out. "These are natural."

Brad and Tony were both feeling them now, despite my feigned attempts to protect them. They were all telling me how pretty they were and that my nipples would probably stay hard even if they weren't touching them. Then I put my hands back on the couch to let them feel them. I said, "OK. You can make sure these are real, but just for a minute." They all massaged them. Brad was a little rough on my nipples - pinching and pulling then letting them snap back, but I didn't move my hands. I just said, "Ooohh." Each time he let them snap back.

"These babies are perfect." He said.

I smiled. "See? I told you."

"Oh, Baby. You're such a hot little slut. Aren't you?" asked Joe. They were all talking and touching at once again.

For some reason it struck me funny and I laughed. "I'm not a slut! I told you, I'm a good girl from Wisconsin." I laughed again. "A good girl with good tits."

Joe must be the one in charge because he was standing in front of the couch with a different camera and said, "So Tammy, want to try some tube steak? Then we'll do the interview." The other guys seemed to do whatever he said.

"But I'm not hungry." I was sitting between two guys.

"Just say you'll take a little bite. Just a nibble. I bet you'll like it." Said Joe as he knelt down in front of me. Only Brad was still feeling my breasts as I continued to hold them out.

"Well, OK. Just a nibble. But I'm not hungry. I'll try it."

"Baby, I think you'll like it. Sylvia, show her your tube steak."

"Have you ever seen a black cock before, Tammy?" Sylvia asked me. Then I knew what they meant by a tube steak. He raised his hips and pulled his jogging pants down to his knees and there was his huge, black cock. He waved it at me, holding it by the base with his right hand.

I was shocked. Just stared at it, biting my lower lip.

Joe said, "Look at it, Baby. Pretty big, isn't it? Did you ever see a black cock before?"

He was shaved, too, and that made it look even bigger. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Joe and the others were telling me to touch it. "No. I'm not going to touch it." I protested, but I couldn't look away.

Joe said, "But, Baby, you said you would try a bite. Go ahead. Touch it. Then kiss the end of it at least. Did you ever see a big, black cock before?"

"No." I said, "I mean no, I never saw one."

"Well, hold it. Come on, Baby. Grab hold of it. You promised. We're giving you two hundred dollars."

Sylvia took my hand and put it on him. I leaned towards it and started touching it with my right hand. It was so big. I kept staring at it and touching it. Brad was rubbing my bare back and his hand slid down my back and reached under my bottom.

I sat up and turned towards Brad. "I didn't say you could touch me. All those cameras make me nervous. What are you doing anyway?"

"We're just getting some shots to remember you. That's all. Our visit from Miss Wisconsin." Said Brad.

"Don't be so shy, Miss Wisconsin. You're not scared are you?" asked Joe. "Go ahead and kiss it. You promised you would take a little nibble."

Joe said, "Give his cock a little communications major kiss. Communicate with it. Go on. You're staring at it." The other guys laughed.

Somebody said, "She wants to kiss it. Look at her."

"She's too shy, Man." Said the nice looking Hispanic guy. I couldn't remember his name now.

For some reason I wanted to show them I wasn't too shy.

"She's going for it." Said Joe. "Go ahead, Baby. You promised. We're giving you two hundred dollars. Go ahead and suck it."

"Hey!" I sat up straight. "I didn't say I would suck on it. I'm just going to kiss it." I leaned back down, scooting my bottom over towards Brad and resting my weight on my left elbow. My head was over Sylvia's tummy. I was looking at it closely. "I'm only going to kiss it. That's all." I was staring at it. "And I have to get back to class pretty soon anyway."

"Go on then. Give it a kiss."

"It won't bite you." Said Sylvia. "Come on, Baby. Miss Wisconsin. You're not too shy, are you?"

I leaned down the rest of the way and kissed it. I sat back up quickly, but was still holding it. "There. See? I did it. I'm not too shy."

"Oh come on, Baby. You can give more than that for two hundred dollars. Just put the tip in your mouth." Some of them were kidding me. They were still joking around, asking if I ever gave head before, things like that.

"OK. Just for a minute. I'll put the tip in. But it's so big. I don't think I could get more than the tip of it in my mouth even if I wanted to. Which I don't!" I leaned back down and tried to put the tip in my mouth. It got quiet in the room as I slid down farther and started going up and down on it. Only the tip and about one-inch fit in my mouth. It was hard - hard and big.

It was still quiet when Brad put his hand back under my bottom and started feeling me. I scooted my left leg over towards him, just a little, so I could get more comfortable while kissing Sylvia's huge cock. The all watched me suck him, and I saw flashes from one of the cameras. The lights seemed pretty bright. Brad was rubbing his hand between my legs while I sucked Sylvia.

Brad said, "This bitch is wet! You should feel her pants. Open up, Baby."

I opened my legs a little more but didn't stop sucking. It was so big in my mouth. I was getting turned on. Brad kept rubbing me.

Joe said, "Make his cock wet. Slobber on it."

I slobbered more, and it was easier to slide down farther on it. The guys were saying things like, "way to go." "Swallow that hog." "You can do it, Tammy. Go down farther."

Brad was still feeling me between my legs, pressing in. "Her pants are getting soaked. She is really excited. I think she likes black cock."

Joe said, "Baby, you can't go back to class if your pants are wet. Better take these pants off." Somebody was taking off my shoes. I ignored them and kept sucking. It felt great. It filled my mouth.

"Baby. Think about it. You can't go to class if your pants are wet. Take these off so they can dry while you're sucking Sylvia's cock. That's all. Then we'll drive you back."

I knew they were wet. I could feel them myself. Joe was right. I sat up. "OK. I'll take them off to let them dry off, but I'm keeping my panties on."

"Of course, Baby." Said Brad. He took my hand and helped me stand up. Joe pulled down my pants and tried to get my panties, too, but I held them up. I was glad they were clean ones, and not my everyday, cotton panties. I was wearing white, lacy ones, with satin in the back. I could tell they were wet. Brad was feeling between my legs again, telling everybody how wet I was.

I sat on the edge of the couch and Sylvia stood right in front of me with his pants down. He started taking off his sweatshirt. I took his penis in my hand and started sucking again right away, anxious to feel it in my mouth.

Brad said, "Did you suck Tom much? Other guys? Looks like you're pretty good."

I backed off and said, "Yes, Tom liked it, and I had four other boyfriends back in Wisconsin." I started sucking again.

"Ever suck anything this big, Baby? You are one hot, little slut."

"She loves black cock." Said Brad. "That's why she got so wet."

I tried to say, "I'm not a slut." But Sylvia was holding the back of my head so I could back off far enough to talk. It sounded like, "unnff nmm aaa mmmmpff." They laughed and so did I.

Joe said, "Hard to talk with your mouth full? Try to say, 'I'm Tammy from Wisconsin' with your mouth full. Go ahead. Try it."

"Aaaaammm ammmmeeee uuuuummm iioooonnnnnuuuunnnn." Was all I could say.

"What was that, Baby? I couldn't understand you. I thought a communications major could enunciate better than that!"

I was laughing and trying to talk. "Aaaaammm ammmmeeee uuuuummm iioooonnnnnuuuunnnn." I said louder.

They all laughed. "Nothing like a big, black cock in her mouth. She can't say she's not a slut. You're a hot, little slut, Baby." They kept joking around. One guy was on the phone; some other guy just came in the room, but I was just enjoying the sensations in my mouth, and didn't look around.

"Say, 'I like having a big black dick in my mouth.' Come on." Said Joe. "Keep slobbering. You can slide faster if it's wet."

"Ahhh unnngh a uuuunnng iiiiii innnn mmmm mmmmooouu." They all broke up and had me try to say it again.

"Those panties are too wet, Tammy" said Joe. "Sit back Sylvia, let her get more comfortable."

Sylvia leaned back against the cushions, almost lying on the big couch, naked. Brad was trying to pull off my panties again, but I held them up. I stood there waiting for Sylvia to get into position. "We've got some dry ones for you, Tammy. Step out."

"No. Don't take off my panties." I protested.

Joe said, "OK, Smarty Pants. If you don't take them off, you can't suck Sylvia's big, black cock any more."

I stood still for a minute, looking at the big cock. "OK." I said, and pulled them down to my knees. They were soaked all right. Brad pulled them the rest of the way and I stepped out of the panties. The air felt cold on my bare pussy.

Brad said, "Hop up and down and turn around for the cameras. That way we can tell those tits are real."

I was feeling giddy. I laughed as I turned around, hopping, and said, "I'm Tammy, from Wisconsin, and these are real." I squeezed them towards each of the cameras, put my arms up in the air and made them bounce.

Joe said, "You'll get to start sucking again in just a minute. You want to suck some more, don't you?"


"Yes, what?" He asked.

"Yes, I want to suck some more." I said. It was embarrassing and I knew I was blushing, too, but I was anxious to get back to Sylvia's big cock.

Lay back on the couch a minute and spread your legs so I can get a close up of that pretty, wet, Wisconsin pussy. Looks like you shave your lips."

As I laid on my back and lifted my knees up and apart, they all looked closely and said how hot I was.

Joe said, "God damn, she's wet!"

"Almost dripping." Said somebody else.

"Lathered up like a racehorse." Brad practically had his face in my pussy.

Brad started to touch it, and I pushed his hand away. "No. Don't touch me there. It's OK on my tits, but not my pussy. OK?" And I stood up again.

They helped me get in a hands and knees position on the couch so I could suck Sylvia easier. My ass was up in the air and my knees were apart on the couch. I started sucking. It felt so good in my mouth. I knew I was wet and could feel them sliding their fingers around on my pussy and ass, then a finger slid in my pussy. I had told them not to, but they did anyway. "Hey, I didn't say you could put your fingers in me."

Joe said, "Put your mouth back on the black cock, Sweetie. Go down on it. Don't mind us. We're just touching your beautiful ass. It's as pretty as your tits. Nice, pink asshole - puckered and ready. Open your legs a little more and suck on that cock."

I opened my knees wider and started sucking Sylvia again. Somebody started licking my pussy and I heard myself moan.

Joe said, "There, nobody has his fingers in your pussy. Just go ahead and suck. That's a good, little whore."

My hips were turning slow circles. My right hand was behind Sylvia's back as I sucked him. I could hear myself moaning, but couldn't stop it. Whoever was licking my pussy brought me to my first orgasm. 'Ohhh" I said, while sucking Sylvia. Somebody else started licking and fingering me while I kept sucking.

Joe said, "This bitch is hot man. Look at this cunt. Hold my camera and get a close up as my finger goes in. Tammy, say, 'I love LA,' while I stick my finger in your ass." He slid a finger all the way in my ass. Pressing it all the way in. "Go on. Say it."

"Aaaa unnn llll aaah" I said. They kept laughing and joking. I laughed, too.

Joe said, "go get the door. I think the pizza is here." Then he helped me sit up and four naked guys stood right in front of me. "Come on, Tammy, you little slut from Wisconsin, give us each a turn." They put my right hand on one dick and my left on another as I sat on the edge of the couch.

I started sucking the one in front of me and kept squeezing and stroking the two in my hands. They let me suck a minute and then put a different cock in my mouth. I could hear the other guys talking in the background, but it seemed like I was in a dream. The dicks were all different, but so good. It felt like I was hungry for them. Starved. Couldn't get enough.

"Here's another one for you, Tammy." A new guy scooted into the circle. He was just starting to get hard. It was white and the smallest of all, but it curved up and the tip was really big. I wanted to try it, make it get the rest of the way hard.

"Tammy, tell us your name and where you're from again. The new guy doesn't know where you're from."

"Aaaaammm ammmmeeee uuuuummm iioooonnnnnuuuunnnn." I tried to say with the cock at the back of my mouth.

"Say it again. Louder."

"Aaaaammm ammmmeeee uuuuummm iioooonnnnnuuuunnnn." I kept sucking on it, licking and getting it all wet with my saliva. My head was going up and down, getting it wet.

The guy I was sucking said, "Yep. It's her. Tammy. She's in my Intro to Psyche class."

I stopped and sat up straight. "Oh." I said as I looked at him. I did recognize him but didn't know his name. I let go of the dicks, feeling weak.

Joe said, "Come on, Tammy. This is his tip. Suck the tip for his tip." The other guys laughed. They were still partying. Two guys took my hands and put a dick in each one again.

I couldn't talk. Sylvia took my head in his hands, "Show the pizza guy how far you can put my cock in your little, white mouth. Show him."

I slid down on it as far as I could. "Relax the back of your mouth, Tammy. Just relax it so you don't choke. You can get down a little farther." I was stroking the dicks in my hand again and tried to relax the back of my mouth, sliding on even farther. Then I choked and backed off, coughing. They all laughed.

"This little slut from Wisconsin is learning fast. Suck the pizza guy some more. Show him how far you can go." They put my head in front of his cock and I opened. It slid in and I tried to relax my mouth. He kept sliding it in and out. I was moaning again. Couldn't remember starting to moan, but I was aware of it.

"Say, 'thanks for the pizza' with his dick in your mouth. Go ahead. You don't want to stop now. Say it."

"Annnnn ooorrr aaa eeenghaaaa." I said. They all laughed.

"Slide faster and say it again, Baby. You little slut. Get it wet. You're doing great."

My eyes were closed and I started bobbing my head faster, "Annnnn ooorrr aaa eeenghaaaa." His dick started tasting funny and I realized he was going to cum. I wasn't sure what to do.

He said, "I'm cumming already."

"When you start to taste it, Tammy, back off and open your mouth wide. We've got to get a close up."

Another guy said, "Hold your tongue out."

I backed off and opened wide, keeping my eyes closed. I could see flashes of light through my closed eyelids. Somebody reminded me to stick out my tongue. As soon as I did he started shooting his wad into my mouth. One of the guys told me not to swallow yet, so I let it fill my mouth. It made a hot puddle on my tongue. They were still taking pictures as I swallowed it.

After I swallowed they put my mouth back on his dick, which was starting to get soft already. "Suck out the rest of it, Tammy. That's a good little slut."

"How was that, Baby?" Asked Joe, as the pizza guy left. I still didn't know his name, but figured I would try to tell him what happened sometime later, maybe after class.

They all wanted me to say something while I was sucking them because they said it tickled. So I tried to say, "I'm Tammy, from Wisconsin and I like it in LA." But it didn't sound like that when I had a hard dick in my mouth. They kept laughing and joking while I sucked them or stroked them. More flashes reminded me they were taking pictures. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but it was like a dream.

Sylvia laid on the couch and they put me on my hands and knees over him so my pussy was right against his cock. "Slide on it, Baby. We'll put it in slowly. Then you can suck somebody else while you're getting fucked by the first black cock of your life."

They eased it in to me as I leaned my weight back. It was so big it hurt. "Ow." I said. "It's too big." It filled me. God, it felt good once it got part way in.

One of the guys stood on the couch, leaning against the back of it with his feet apart so I could suck his dick while Sylvia slowly fucked me. I moaned as I sat farther back on it.

They changed me around while they each took turns fucking me. I couldn't even keep track of who was in me and who I was sucking. Always dicks in my hands, mouth, and pussy. They kept moving me around. Somebody kept putting a finger up my ass whenever I wasn't getting fucked. I moaned as he slid two fingers up my ass. I felt him putting lubricant on my ass and wondered what he was up to, but was concentrating on somebody else cumming in my mouth.

Joe said, "Come on, Baby. You're such a naughty girl. Take this one up your ass. It's the smallest dick of all. Your first black cock in your mouth, and your first ass fuck. I just bet. Right?"

I tried to tell them not to but there was dick in my mouth again and they all laughed. I felt it pressing against my asshole but couldn't talk with that dick pressing against the back of my mouth. Hands held the back of my head so I couldn't get off the dick to talk. Then the cock was inside, sliding way in to me. It hurt that first time, and I said "Oooonnnnnngh unnnn." But the cock kept pushing in even as I struggled to get up.

One of the guys told me to relax my ass so it wouldn't hurt. The dick backed out of me and he put more greasy stuff on me and slid it right back in. This time it went in easier and didn't hurt so I stopped fighting it. Made me feel full. I heard the doorbell again and wondered what time it was. I would have to get ready for class soon. The guy fucking my ass stopped and pulled out, holding my ass wide open with both hands. "That's it, Baby. Keep it relaxed so we can get a good picture. Oh shit. It closed up already. I'm going to fuck your ass for a minute and then keep it relaxed when I pull out. OK?"

"Unnnn unnn." The guys all laughed again as he slid his cock in my ass.

"Feels good now that you're used to it, doesn't it?" Somebody asked. I didn't recognize the voice. It didn't matter.

"Unnnn unnn." I said, and kept sucking and nodded my head. The guy standing behind me was fucking away and then pulled out. I tried to keep my ass relaxed as they took pictures of it.

"That's it, Baby. We're shooting pictures of the inside of your pink asshole." The other guys commented on what a cute ass I had. Then he stuck his dick in again and began banging pretty fast. "Man, this whore loves it."

Joe said, "This is Brian, Baby. He just got here. He want's to cum in your mouth, too, but first he wants to fuck you for a few minutes. Want him to fuck your ass or pussy?"

I looked at his stiff cock and didn't think it was too big. I was on my hands and knees up on the couch with my knees apart so the guy could reach my ass. "Either one." I said and started sucking. I backed off enough to talk again. "Ass first."

Joe said, "Say 'please. Please fuck my ass first.' Be a good slut and say it."

I lifted my head off the cock and said, "Please fuck my ass first." They laughed. Joe told him to put a quarter in my purse and then he could fuck me.

The guy who had been fucking my ass stopped suddenly and they flipped me onto my back again while he jumped forward to start cumming in my mouth. The new guy started fucking my pussy. It was the first time I saw his face. I was relieved that at least he didn't look familiar. Probably the oldest guy here. They lifted my knees up and slipped a pillow under my ass, then Brian started fucking my ass. I was massaging my breasts while he fucked my ass. I moaned. A minute later he stepped up and came in my mouth, too.

"Man, this little slut sure loves cum! She sucked all of us dry. Swallowed it all." Said Joe.

Brad said, "You did great, Tammy. You want to come over and get fucked again sometime?"

"Maybe." I said.

"Did you like getting ass fucked?" asked Joe. There was a camera near my face again.


"Come on, Baby. Say it all. 'Yes, I liked getting my ass fucked.' Be a good whore and say it for the camera."

I felt weak, but said, "Yes, I like getting my ass fucked."

They sat me up and I felt like I must look like a mess with cum all over me and in my hair. I was dazed. Could hardly talk. They were still taking pictures of me. "How did you like your interview, Tammy? And how do you like tubesteak?"

"I like it." I said weakly.

Brad said, "You're a hot, little slut from Wisconsin, aren't you?"

"No!" I said, but didn't have much strength left. "I'm not a slut."

They all laughed. Brad took me to the door with my clothes and purse in my hand. He led me outside. "Don't be late for class! Get walking." He said, and slammed the door.

I was standing outside their studio, inside a big garage area, naked, holding my clothes in my hand. They didn't let me back in when I banged on the door. I could see people walking along on the street just ten feet away. No panties. I sat on the step and got dressed to head home. Took about forty-five minutes to walk home and I was glad that I didn't run in to anybody I knew. It would have been embarrassing with sticky stuff in my hair. I was walking slower than usual, trying to keep my asshole closed tight so I wouldn't have an accident in my pants.

When I got home I noticed there wasn't any extra money in my purse except some quarters, and my driver's license was missing. Jeez. Oh God! I forget to tell them to use condoms. And shit, I hope they don't show those pictures to anybody!

Should I go back? I need my driver's license. I'd better wait a couple days though. My ass still hurts.

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