Angel in the Laundromat

[ M/g, modeling, dog ]

by Corn53

Published: 24-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"OK, you can take my picture." I smiled at him. I had to sit in the laundromat twice a week. In the summer I went on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons when it wasn't crowded. We just live two blocks over and I pull our bag of clothes over in our wire basket with the wheels on it. I met Marcus in May, before school was out, on a Wednesday. He came in on different days usually, he said, but since I told him two weeks ago that I always come in on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the summers, he started coming in on Wednesdays and Thursdays, too.

"I can see the laundromat from my place so I came over when I saw you get here, Angel. I wanted to test out my new digital camera."

He seemed like a pretty nice guy and said he had a dog. Marcus would always buy me a pop, too, and I liked that because I only had enough quarters to do our laundry.

We talked about his dog and I said I liked them but was scared sometimes until they get to know me.

He always told me I looked cute and that I reminded him of his little sister when he was a kid back in West Virginia years ago.

"Did she wear glasses and have braces on her teeth, too?"

"Just glasses. She needed braces but we couldn't afford them. I think you're already so cute, Angel."

I laughed, not sure if he was kidding. "Even with my glasses and braces? I wish I didn't have to have braces. Maybe someday I'll get contact lenses."

"Well I think you're real cute and I want to take your picture. Here..." He picked me up and sat me on the washing machines. It was OK because Claudia wasn't there. She got pretty bossy because her uncle owned the place and she worked there on days they expected customers. Mostly she just came in after four in the afternoon during the summers and all day on Saturdays. She smoked all the time even though there were signs all over the place that said "No Smoking."

"Go ahead and act like a model, Angel." He said. I laid across three machines with one knee up lying on my side with my head on my hand. "You're so cute. Thanks for letting me take pictures."

I had on shorts and a T-shirt and my sandals like usual, but left my sandals on the chair with the laundry baskets so I was barefooted.

I quickly got down when Mrs. Sanchez came in to get her laundry out of the dryer. While she was in there, Marcus bought me a pop and we sat and made fun of some of the people in the People Magazine. He is funny.

When she left, Marcus helped me put my laundry into the dryer. He held up a pair of Mom's panties and said they looked pretty sexy. Then he held up a pair of my white cotton panties with the flowers all over them and said they looked almost the same size, which sounded funny to me because my Mom is pretty fat. I looked at the two pairs of panties and he stretched mine just a little and they did look almost the same size even though I'm only eleven. We both laughed.

Then Marcus put his laundry in the dryer. He told me to find a model to imitate in one of the teen magazines. It seemed funny to have such glamorous magazines in our laundromat since most of the customers weren't glamorous at all. He told me again that I was the prettiest girl in the whole neighborhood.

"Why don't you drive over here?" He asked.

I giggled, thinking he was kidding again. "I'm only twelve, Marcus. How old did you think I was?"

"Well, you're getting such a cute figure I thought you must be about fifteen or sixteen. How much do you weigh, Angel?"

"About ninety, I guess. Haven't weighed myself lately."

"You seemed pretty solid to me when I lifted you up on top the washers. I figured you was a hundred or so." Then he pulled the little camera out of his pocket again while I stood on the washing machines and acted like a model walking down a runway. Nobody else was in the laundromat or I wouldn't be walking around on top of them. He took some pictures. His camera didn't flash. I bet Claudia would have choked on one of her cigarettes if she could see me on top of her washing machines. She always called them her machines, as if she owned the place.

My laundry was almost done when I had to use the bathroom. He opened our dryer and said, "Here, big girl, try these on. I bet they would fit you."

I wasn't sure if I should, since Mom would probably get mad if I got her panties dirty. Marcus said she would never know, because I could put them back in the dryer before the rest of the laundry was done anyway. They felt dry, so I took them in the bathroom with me.

It was exciting. I felt nervous in my tummy as I tried on the lacy, silky, pink panties. They did fit me because of the elastic on the top, but they were also kind of baggy. I carried my other panties out in my hand. He had me model them by pulling my shorts down my hips and pulling the panties up. I held up the T-shirt and tied it in front of my chest, and looked like a ghetto clothes ad - the way my shorts were below the top of my panties. Just like on MTV. He held my old panties while I did some different poses, giggling the whole time.

Marcus showed me a picture from one of the magazines of a girl with her shorts unsnapped in front so we could see her panties in the ad. "But there aren't any snaps on these shorts, Marcus."

"Well wear some pants with snaps tomorrow, OK? Maybe a little baggy. Even a baggy shirt. You're starting to get a cute figure. Just pull your shorts a little lower in front."

"OK. You're funny." Then he handed me a pair of clean panties from the dryer and said he wanted to measure the ones I had been wearing because maybe he would buy me a new pair. "Maybe a bra, too." He was exaggerating about my figure. Mommy said they weren't as big as half oranges yet and that's why she didn't get me a bra. Some of the girls at school had bras even though they were still flat as boards. At least I did have boobies. "Mommy told me I wouldn't need a bra until they started to sag or get "as big as a whole orange."

Marcus laughed. "They look almost as big as oranges to me... or at least big lemons." We both laughed.

I went back in the bathroom and changed panties again. It made me feel giggly inside my tummy. He gave me another pop to take home with me, and said he would let me know if the pictures turned out.

Thursday he was there already when I got there with our bag of laundry. He gave me a pop right away and he said he liked my jean shorts with the snap in front. "It's a good way to model lingerie, Angel." He said. "Do you have any short skirts?"

"I don't wear skirts or dresses in the summer, Marcus. Just shorts." I was glad the place was empty because then he showed me a few pairs of really sexy lacy panties. Different colors and styles. All frilly and fancy. He showed me some pictures in a teen magazine of girls with shorts open to show their panties, or a short skirt pulled up like standing with one foot up on a chair. In some of the pictures the girls were standing in just their panties and bras.

I was feeling kind of nervous, wondering if people would come in and spoil our game. "But the models are all wearing lipstick." I said, acting silly, like I was trying to find a reason not to model.

Then he opened another bag that had a pair of sheer, lacy white panties and a matching bra. "I figured this would be about your size, Angel."

I took it from him. "Oh, this is so pretty, Marcus. And the panties, too." He handed me the panties and I couldn't hold the panties and bra up against me at the same time. I started giggling when one side of the bra fell in front of me, so it looked like my titties were sideways.

"I think it will fit you just fine, Angel"

"Thank you, Marcus. This is so pretty. I don't have any bras yet."

"I'm surprised." He said. "You really are getting such a cute figure!"

I looked at him to see if he was teasing me. "Really?" I asked.

"Yes, Little Angel. You are." He patted me on my bottom. "Now go try something on before anybody else comes in here. We could see the parking area in front of the laundromat so we would know before anybody came in.

I went in and put on the bra and matching panties, then my T-shirt and shorts. When I came out he said I looked and walked more like a lady since I was wearing such pretty panties and under things.

Then a thought struck me. "But I can't take these home. Mom might see them. Then she would start asking questions."

He thought for a minute. "Maybe you could take one pair of panties home with you, and I could keep the rest for you. Then you could practice wearing the bra just when I see you, or if you come over to my house to walk my dog. You know, like for a job. Lots of kids get paid to walk somebody else's dog. Do you think your Mom would let you come over?"

"Where do you live?" I knew she wouldn't even notice if I was gone somewhere in the neighborhood. He told me where he lived, even pointed to his house. He only lived a block down the street, across from the laundromat.

I said I could probably do it. "Would I get paid? Really?"

He laughed. "I could pay you a little bit for exercising Max, but I would pay you more to be a model. You are so cute, and I'm learning photography." He thought another minute. "So it would help me even more to have a model to practice on. I could get some high heels, lipstick ... just like in the magazines."

I was smiling. "Cool!" I said.

"I'll get you swim suits, lots of cute things to wear."

I hugged him. "I've been wanting a job. What kind of dog is it? Do you have like a place set up to take pictures?"

He laughed and hugged me back. "Yes, I have a place set up to take pictures in my basement. I just need a beautiful, young model. That's all. And Max is a mix of about ten different breeds. He's nice and especially likes girls. You don't care if he watches you model, do you?"

I laughed. Then he said, "I know he'll like you and he'll know you when you come over."

"How?" I asked.

"Because I let him smell your panties last week. I told him you might be coming over to visit sometime and he got all excited."

"Really?" I laughed. I didn't know if he was kidding, but it did seem like dogs always smell people right on their underwear. That's so funny.

"Do you want to take pictures today, Marcus? Nobody's here."

"I know that!" He laughed, "or I wouldn't be handing you fancy underwear. Let me get some shots of you in your new panties and bra."

I must have blushed and looked scared - like worried, because he said, "Relax. It's just like wearing a swimsuit. Look in these teen magazines, and you'll see girls in less underwear than what I just gave you. Pretend you're in a swim suit."

"Oh. But what if somebody comes in?" I was feeling nervous again.

"Just stand in the bathroom and get ready to pose. If anybody comes in I'll knock on the door twice. Just open it a little bit when you're ready."

"Well, these are really pretty. And my swimming suit is about the same size I guess. Thanks for buying these for me, Marcus. I guess it's OK to take my picture. This is my first bra." I started to take the things into the bathroom, and turned around. "You won't show the pictures to anybody, will you?"

"No." He smiled. "I promise. This will be our secret. You could tell your Mom that you're getting paid to walk my dog, but don't tell her, or anybody, about the modeling."

I smiled at him. He held out his hand like to shake hands. I took his hand and said. "OK. It's our secret. And thanks. I'm still nervous, though."

"I can tell that, Angel. But you don't need to be. It's just me. Nobody is here. Models shouldn't be so shy!" and he patted my bottom as I turned to go into the bathroom.

A minute later I was standing in the bathroom with the bra and panties on. My shorts and T-shirt were in my hands in case I had to get dressed in a hurry. When I opened the door to peek out, Marcus was standing beside the soap vending machine, across from the bathroom door, like he was watching the parking lot while deciding on what kind of soap to get. "It's all clear." He said without turning around to look at me.

"I'm ready." I said.

He pulled out his little camera and took some pictures of me, telling me how cute I was, and to put a hand behind my head, things like that. "OK. Just drop your clothes on the floor. Put one foot up on the toilet seat and put your elbow on your knee. Now put your head on your hand. Good."

It only took him a minute to take ten or fifteen pictures, and then he closed the door and said to try on a different pair of panties. "Which ones?" I asked.

"The sexiest ones, Angel, because you're such a sexy girl." He patted my bottom again, and closed the door. I was smiling and feeling nervous inside.

I was glad that the bathroom was down the hallway in the back of the laundromat, across from the vending machines. So really, even if somebody did come in they couldn't see in the bathroom or see that Marcus was looking in at me.

He took pictures of me, front and back, while I modeled the pink panties with my new bra. "Now try these, Angel. Only a couple more pair." The ones he handed me had like a real skinny back part like a string almost.

"But these are so narrow in the back, Marcus." I was holding them up. "You could see my bottom."

"No more than what you see in the ads. Right?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Besides, boy's bottoms and girl's bottoms look the same when you're younger. So it's OK. Right?"

I thought a minute. "OK. It's just kind of embarrassing. That's all."

"But you have such a cute figure. Hurry up before anybody comes in."

"Well, OK. I'll try them."

He took pictures front and back again, while I turned and tried to act like a glamour model. He told me I had a beautiful bottom and he bet the boys at the pool liked to flirt with me.

I blushed again, thinking about the boys in the pool. They did like to throw me around and play with me.

The last pair he handed me was red with black ruffles around the legs, like really sexy. I took them without saying anything, kind of in a hurry to get done now.

When I opened the door and looked out I heard another voice. Marcus said, "How you doing today? Hot enough for you?" He was standing over by the pop machine. Well, I guess I would have to model these for him another time.

I closed the door and got dressed. I put our clothes in the dryer. When the lady went out to get another basket out of her car, Marcus whispered. If she's still here when you're ready to leave just come over to my house tomorrow. Around noon. OK?"

I handed him the bra and panties, except for the new sexy ones I was wearing. "OK. What should I do about the panties I'm wearing now?"

"Just keep wearing them, Angel. When it's time for you to go, just go back in the bathroom and change back into your little girl panties and give me the sexy ones. I'll let you model them tomorrow." The lady was coming up to the glass door with her plastic basket of clothes. "OK." I said, feeling like a spy. It was so exciting.

Marcus was kind of nice looking for an old guy - like he lifted weights and had big shoulders, even though his tummy was kind of fat. It looked like he used to have acne years ago like when he was a teenager or something and his hair was in a crew cut - kind of old fashioned, and it made his neck look even bigger. But he was nice.

The lady stayed inside, reading magazines, even skimming through the pages with teenage girls in their underwear, but like she was twice as big as those models. I went in and changed panties before putting the bag of laundry in our cart to pull home. Marcus walked outside like to get something out of his car when I left, and I handed him the panties. I guess I would get my old panties back another time.

"I'll see you tomorrow around noon." I whispered, not looking at him as I slipped the sexy panties into his big hand.

"Good. Don't worry about Max. I'll let him sniff these panties, too, so he'll know who you are."

"OK." I said, not knowing what else to say, as I headed down the cracked sidewalk.

Max was in the yard the next day when I got to Marcus' house. Mom didn't know I was gone since she was at work, so I didn't even need to tell her. Max barked once and then came over to smell me. He couldn't reach the sidewalk because of his leash, but could reach Marcus' steps by the front porch. I let him sniff me, and sure enough he started smelling my shorts.

Marcus came out and brought Max and me in at the same time. His house was just like ours except the furniture was different. There were cracks in his plaster, too, and the ceiling light was hanging on a wire, like it came out. His TV was in a different place from our house and looked newer than ours. He got two glasses of lemonade led us both down his basement. He said he needed to turn on the lights and I should just let Max sniff me.

Since Max kept wagging his tail I wasn't scared, but he did look like a pretty strong dog, kind of like a boxer, but shorter and fatter, with a thick neck like Marcus. The studio area was just some sheets against the wall with a couch and chair in front. There was different photography stuff in the room, and I could see tools and a workbench over in the corner by the water heater.

"Let me get some pictures of you in your play clothes first, Angel, before you try on some other things, OK?"

"OK." Then I modeled for him on the couch, standing and turning, or sitting on the chair. It was like a kitchen chair and he had me sit backwards on it so one of my knees was on either side as I looked over the back at Marcus. Then I noticed like a TV camera on a stand thing besides, the camera he had in his hand. Marcus said that sometimes he likes to take video too, but he probably wouldn't today. Max was still wagging his tail like he was happy to have company.

"Try these on next, Angel. I'll get some more pictures." He handed me the bra and panty set.

"But you already took my picture while I was wearing these." I said.

"I want to put you in some different poses, my sweet, little Angel." He laughed. "Remember, just think of it as wearing your swimming suit."

"Where should I change?" I was thinking that a swimming suit was made of thicker material that you couldn't see through.

He looked around. "Hmm. Usually the models just turn away and change right here, but maybe you're too shy."

Marcus could tell I wasn't sure what to do, so he said, "If you want I'll go upstairs."

"Thanks, Marcus..." I didn't know what to say, because I didn't want him to think I didn't trust him.

Then he said, "But remember that boys and girls look the same from behind. You could either turn around and change here, or I could go upstairs, or maybe you could go over around the corner and change on the stairs."

"Well, you did see my bottom already, when I had on those other panties. So I guess it's OK for me to just turn around."

He smiled. "Good girl. Besides that will be faster."

He led me over in front of the couch and went back to where the camera stuff was. I undressed, careful not to turn too far so he could see my crack. Max was bumping against me still wagging his tail and trying to sniff me. That made it harder to undress and put my clothes on the couch. When I pushed him away he came right back to sniff me again. It was embarrassing because he kept putting his nose right between my legs.

Finally I was completely undressed except for my gym shoes and socks. Marcus said, "Just put your hands on your head a minute, Angel and let him sniff you. Then once he knows you he won't bother you so much. I know it's hard to change clothes with him nosing around."

I laughed. "It's embarrassing, too. Like this?" I asked as I put my hands on my head. Max was pushing me with his nose.

"Yes. Perfect. He'll get used to you faster. If he pushes you off balance, just put your feet apart while he sniffs you. It's OK. Max won't bite."

He was pushing me off balance so I put my feet apart.

"Maybe bend your knees and put your feet wider. That way he won't push you over, Angel. I'll put him upstairs in a minute if he doesn't leave you alone."

I put my feet farther apart, keeping my hands on my head like Marcus said. Then I bent my knees so I was like squating and couldn't get pushed over as Max sniffed me. Then he started licking me. "Marcus, he's licking me! Does that mean he's going to bite me?" I was getting worried.

"No, he won't bite. Just count to ten and then I'll take him upstairs. Seems like he doesn't want to leave you alone."

"One, two, three..."

"Count slower. Give him time. Start over, Angel. It doesn't hurt when he licks you, does it?"

I laughed. "No, it doesn't hurt but I'm getting all wet. One." I counted slower as Max kept licking me between the legs. "Two. Like this slow?"

"Yes, that's better. It won't hurt you. We can dry you off with a towel before you model. Start over, Angel. Maybe count even a little slower. Or do you want me to count?"

I tried to laugh. "It tickles, Marcus. Maybe you should count."

"OK, I'll count for you. Maybe put your feet a little bit wider so he doesn't push you over. You can put your hands on your knees for balance. Keep your knees bent and your feet wide apart like that. It's easier for him to get your scent. I'll pay you for walking him today, too, since he's getting used to you."

I put my feet wider and squated down another couple inches. Now Max didn't have to stretch his neck so much. He kept licking me when I heard Marcus start to count.

When he got to four he said, "It's OK to move your hips around, Angel, while he's getting to know you. That way it won't hurt your back."

"OK." I said, "But it doesn't hurt. It just tickles. Ohh." I moved my hips like Marcus said.

"Did that tickle you?" Marcus asked.


"Well, he won't bite. Five. Just move your hips and try to stay down so he can reach you. It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No." I moved my hips around.

"OK. He's getting used to you, Angel. He won't hurt you. Keep moving your hips. That's a girl. Some dogs like to sniff people."

I didn't say anything, but kept moving my hips. A minute later Marcus said, "Five."

I was going to tell him he already said that, but I didn't. Marcus kept licking me and it tickled in a funny way. It didn't hurt. When I moved my hips, Max moved his head with me, and kept licking.

When Marcus finally got to ten he came around and got Max. I stood up and my legs felt kind of weak. "Just sit down a minute, Angel. I'll be right back. Don't dress yet, I'll bring down a washcloth and towel."

"OK." I sat on the edge of the couch. My pussy was feeling all tingly and my tummy felt shaky inside.

"Just lay back and I'll take your shoes off and then wash you. It's OK, Angel. I think Max really likes you now. You'll get thrity dollars for modeling and exercising Max today." He untied my shoes and took them off. "I have some high heels for you in a few minutes. Just rest now, while I wash you. I already saw you between the legs and I will be dressing you. It's OK. You're a model now. They have to get used to changing clothes in front of people."

I didn't say anything as he opened my legs and washed me off with the warm washcloth. "I don't want to get doggie breath on these new panties. You're so pretty, Angel. Just starting to get some hair. I knew you were a big girl. He put his big hands on my thighs and pulled my pussy open. "I need to check you, Angel. It looks like you're fine. I knew Max wouldn't bite. Close your eyes."

I was laying there with my knees open, one leg leaning against the back of the couch. "It didn't hurt when Max licked you here, did it, Angel?" He was rubbing his thumb on my magic bump, as I called it.

"No. It didn't hurt. It felt funny. Like tickling, but not exactly."

"Did it make you start to feel mushy in your tummy?"


"Just lay back while I take a couple pictures. Do you feel sleepy?"

"I feel funny inside. Not sleepy exactly. But I'm not wearing any clothes!" I was waking up, and sat up straight.

"That's OK, Angel. These are just private pictures. Remember? Besides, I already saw you. This will help me pick out more outfits for you to model. And you get paid extra when I take your picture when you're in between outfits."

I thought that over.

"Just lay back again. I'll take a few more pictures and then you can model the panties for me. Lay on your tummy now. That's it."

He was right. He had already seen me after Max licked me. I rolled over on my tummy and he moved around and took a few pictures. Then I put my legs apart when he said, and then got on my hands and knees. I laid on my side and my back. He kept telling me how cute I was. "And such a perfect model, too!" He said. "I'll be taking lots more pictures of you. And maybe you could get paid for taking Max for a walk when really all you have to do is let him sniff you. He likes to do that, doesn't he?"

"Yes! It's embarrassing, Marcus."

"But it didn't hurt, did it? And it's good exercise for Max."

"No." He was right about that. It didn't hurt.

I modeled for another half hour, trying on several different pairs of panties, and even some thigh-high hose and high heel shoes and a fancy bra. I walked around for him, and then he gave me some panties to try on. He didn't try to touch me naughty, like they warned us about at school, so I guess it was OK. It seemed like I tried on lots of outfits to model for him. He took my picture between outfits, too. It made me feel all excited inside.

"You did great, Angel. You're such a grown-up model now. Can you come again Friday?"


Then I went home with forty dollars!

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great start - I hope you will continue it.


It's been several years since I wrote this story, but I remember writing a part two and don't think I ever posted it... but in that section, our litte Angel did 'funny things' with Max, and Max got lots of slippery goo all over Angel. Other photographers came over to 'help' with those scenes, and little Angel grew up. I'll look for part two in my old files. Let me know if you'd like to read more of Angel's adventure. - Corn53


I hope you find part its a great story.


loved this story...


Yes, please write more about Angel. You have a fantastic writting style, all the stories are soo believable. I look forward to reading more from you. Thank you.


Wow! Loved the story! Find part 2 please!!!


yes loved the story would love to read part 2


great tale again.Maybe a bit more with Max?it would do her good.Thanks


MMMMMM love this . we need part 2

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