Published: 22-Feb-2011
Word Count:
Ms. Ginny walked me upstairs after Bob left. Uncle Doug said, "Ginny, I knew he would like Karen." Then he leaned his face closer to me. "And you must have done a great job acting, Karen, because he wants to see you if you stay here again. I hope your Mom goes out of town again soon."
"Me, too, Uncle Doug!"
He knelt down in front of me. "You're taller with the heels on, Karen. I can kneel up straight and kiss your belly button; even your chest." It tickled me when he started kissing my tummy and making noises like making a little baby giggle. It made me giggle, too.
He felt between my thighs and knees. "Did you get all his cum off her legs, Ginny."
"Yes, and there was quite a bit. Our little star did an excellent job. I didn't even have time to get her into her special costume!"
"Well, she can wear that tomorrow. Tonight she'll be Ms. Sweet and Innocent again."
"But I want to try on the outfit." I turned to Ms. Ginny. "You said I would wear things to get my picture taken." I was still excited and kind of hopping up and down. It was fun wearing special things and getting my picture taken.
They both laughed and Uncle Doug winked at Ms. Ginny. Uncle Doug patted my bare bottom. "Maybe we'll let you try on the outfit for tonight's guests, Karen. But first you have to be sweet and innocent for about an hour."
Ms. Ginny said, "I think maybe we should blindfold her and get her spankings out of the way right away. The guests would love watching her get spanked. Maybe they would help us. You know - let them spank her or use the buzzer. Take off only her panties and finish the spanking. Then she could say she was sorry and meet the guests after we take off her blindfold."
Uncle Doug thought that over. "What do you think, Karen? How would you feel about getting a spanking and your panties pulled down in front of strangers you haven't met yet?"
"It's OK. I mean you wouldn't spank me too hard, would you?"
He laughed again and hugged me. "OK then. That's a plan. Our little Karen is a wonderful actress. And such a great model."
"So then would I get to wear the new outfit? Like to show your guests?"
"Of course." said Uncle Doug.
Ms. Ginny said, "Sure!" at the same time.
We all laughed.
"The spankings will have to sting a little bit for you to earn the new outfit. OK?" asked Ms. Ginny.
"OK. Sure. I can't wait to see it."
They both took me upstairs to wash me again. We talked about my session with Bob and they explained that sometimes men who have to always tell other people what to do, like to have somebody tell him what to do once in a while. They told me I was good therapy for him and that lots of people would be grateful that he was in a better mood.
Then Ms. Ginny gave me some hints about the costume and said I would love being even taller when I was "the boss!" She said that in a deep voice, like imitating Bob's voice.
I told Uncle Doug that I spanked him real hard just like Ms. Ginny said.
He made a hmmm noise, and said he heard that Bob even kissed my fanny.
I giggled. "He kissed it! Lots of times."
"He certainly did." added Ms. Ginny. "Even licked her while I held her bottom open wider for him."
Uncle Doug said that lots of important people in our state would be jealous of me if they ever found out. Then he reminded me that all this modeling and acting practice was our secret.
I said, "I know that. I won't tell Mom, or my friends, or anybody. I promised you when I first posed for you. Remember?" I looked each of them in the face and said, "Cause you said we couldn't play these games or I wouldn't be allowed to visit if anybody ever found out about this."
"Right, Dear." said Ms. Ginny. She squeezed my bare titties while she washed them. "These are just starting to get ripe and this will feel better to you all the time. What a terrible waste if we had to stop now." She clucked her tongue. "And you already have some fans who want to see you again. Do you really like being sweet and innocent and then getting touched or undressed or spanked?"
"And do you like being the boss sometimes? Like to spank or tickle the grown up?"
I laughed, remembering the fun I had with Bob and last month with Aaron and Roger. "Un huh. That's fun."
Uncle Doug helped me put on fresh panties (Bob had taken the ones I was wearing earlier).
They helped me get dressed but Ms. Ginny said she would do my hair and make-up after dinner while Doug was getting drinks for tonight's guests.
As we went back downstairs I asked her why they kept giving me baths. "We want to keep you sparkling clean, Karen." Then she whispered, "Besides, we never know where someone will want to kiss you." She stopped me and stood two stairs below me, touching me under the dress on my pink, satin panties. She rubbed between my legs from in front to the back and pushed her finger against my bottom. "And besides, Doug likes to wash you so he can touch you more."
"Cool." I said.
I was careful during dinner not to spill pizza down my white dress. They had some kind of steak and noodles dish, but I wanted pizza. Then Ms. Ginny took me upstairs and started on my hair, nails, make-up, and some more hints about innocent behavior. She painted my fingernails and toenails pink, like the lipstick and panties and bra. She even put pink ribbons in my hair. The lipstick had that wet look.
We heard Uncle Doug greet the guests. I heard men's and a woman's voice but couldn't tell what they were saying.
Ms. Ginny left me in the kitchen while she joined the guests in the living room. Uncle Doug came in to get me a little while later. It was so exciting when he blindfolded me and led me into the living room. They stopped talking for a minute while he led me around the room. I was wearing the short, white satin dress again, with the petticoats, and pink, lacy ankles socks and pink high heels, but not real high.
Ms Ginny said, "Her pink, lacy, hip-hugger panties matches her shoes and socks."
A younger woman's voiced said, "and her ribbons and nails. Ginny, she is absolutely adorable.
The two new men said I was really cute and they wanted to hug me and kiss me right away.
Then as Doug led me around the living room again, I had to stand in front of each guest and hold up my skirt.
I said, "I've been naughty and have to pull down my panties and get a spanking. Thank you for helping me learn to be a good girl."
Each of the guests said they would be glad to help. There were two other ladies besides Ms. Ginny. One of them sounded old - like she smoked and drank a lot and it made her voice gravelly. One of the men who said he wanted to help me, said that he wanted to kiss me all over after my spankings.
They all stood up when Ms. Ginny said, so they could take turns spanking me on the couch. I had to keep holding up my dress in front while they felt me all over. They asked me questions.
I answered, "I'm twelve years old."
"No, I don't really need a bra, but it makes me feel older to wear one." I said to the man who kept feeling my chest and tummy from behind me.
"Sure, you can kiss me." I said to the older lady. She started kissing me while feeling my chest. A man was pulling my panties down at the same time - getting me ready for the spankings. It felt like I was the center of attention.
Ms. Ginny started directing and pretty soon I was laying across the older lady's lap. She played with my bottom and pushed my feet wide apart so my panties were stretched between my knees. Her spankings weren't too hard but they did make slapping noises.
I heard the buzzer start and was looking forward to it, when Ms. Ginny changed the people around again. I had to stand there holding up my dress with the panties still stretched between my knees. I think it was the younger woman who was kneeling in front of me with a hand on my hip. I lifted my skirt higher for her.
They laid me across a man's lap while Ms. Ginny was explaining to all of them that I needed harder spankings or she wouldn't have to use the buzzer to soften me up. They all said they would spank harder because they wanted to help soften me up, too.
It was embarrassing when Ms. Ginny told them that the buzzer would make me so juicy that I might get wet spots on their clothes. They all said that would be OK. Somebody was taking pictures, and he said he would be sure not to get anyone's face in his snapshots.
"These have to be nice, crisp spankings so she can earn her new outfit tonight. Then she can model for us, and if anyone wants to let her practice being a boss, maybe our sweet, little Karen will give you a quick private session.
"What do you mean?" asked the older woman.
It got quiet while Ms. Ginny answered. "I mean that if she earns her black, stiletto shoes, garter belt, lacy stockings, and special, black bra, that she might be the boss of you, and feel and spank you while you are fastened in some unladylike position."
It stayed quiet for a minute while I held up my dress. I was worried they thought I was mean, but then they all started saying again how pretty I looked, and that the sweetest ones often turn out to be the best. I smiled and stood up straighter as they all said they would love to have a session. The older lady said she was even starting to get wet just imagining it.
They all promised Ms. Ginny they would spank me hard enough so I would earn the new outfit. "I bet she will be a great mistress if she can also take a nice spanking."
The older lady said she wanted to help me cool down after my spanking. She also offered to take care of the buzzer to get me nice and relaxed, "but not too relaxed right away. I'll try to keep her on the edge."
I wasn't sure what she meant, but Ms. Ginny was moving us all around again so somebody else could hold me across his lap. Then the older lady sat on the couch between my legs while I laid across the man's lap, and I heard her moving the buzzer around between my thighs. But she didn't touch me with it.
The spankings were spaced out, and were hard enough to sting just a little. I twitched and lifted my bottom, like Ms. Ginny said. "If she lifts her bottom again right after the spank, then buzz her longer."
"That's it, Ruth. Just glancing across her. Get her softened up for the next spank. Oh yes, across her thighs and flicking over her button. Good."
So the older lady's name was Ruth.
One of the men was asking Ms. Ginny something and then she had everybody stop for a minute. "Maybe just buzz her thighs a minute, Ruth. We'll be right back."
A minute later they placed my hands on the sides of my fanny, but not in the spanking area and told me to lift my bottom off the lap and hold my fanny open. They were about done with the spankings. "You'll get buzzed and spanked quickly in just a minute, Karen. Hold it up and open. That's a good girl."
Somebody was putting something gooey on my anus, and then I felt a big finger pushing up my anus. Ms. Ginny said, "That's it, Joe, slowly but be firm. Take your time."
After putting more slippery stuff in my bottom he pressed his big finger all the way in me. I had to try to lift up my bottom while Ruth started buzzing higher up my thighs.
Harder spanks were coming faster and I tried to lift up again after each one as fast as I could. Ruth had the buzzer across my button - back and forth - while I kept trying to lift up and the finger was pressing down.
I noticed I was also wiggling and making noises as they continued. Nobody was talking. My tummy was feeling mushy inside and then it kind of exploded as my twitches started. They stopped spanking and Ruth held the buzzer on my button while I twitched over and over.
She slid it down my thighs while Joe slowly pulled his finger out. He said, "I could feel her spasms gripping my finger."
It was quiet again while I calmed down. They were feeling my legs and back and massaging my fanny. Ruth slid a finger up my vagina. It just slid right in, even though it felt tight. Then other fingers took turns pushing in my vagina.
I lifted my bottom for them. "Does this hurt, Karen? Are you too sensitive?" Ruth asked.
"No. It's OK." I said.
Ms. Ginny told them to let me calm down now while she got a towel to wipe me off. They were all saying that I surely earned my new outfit. They wanted to see me model it and then I could do pretending with them.
Ms. Ginny wiped off my fanny, and a little bit right between my legs. They all helped me stand up. My panties were missing and I didn't even remember somebody taking them off me.
She led me around, still blindfolded, and I stood in front of each person again. They were all standing while Uncle Doug got them each another drink. Everybody wanted to kiss and hug me, even the two women. That felt funny at first but it was OK. The older lady put her tongue in my mouth. I didn't know what to do, so I just let her and kissed her back.
Uncle Doug handed me a soft drink and Ms. Ginny took my blindfold off. She started undressing me as she introduced me to each person. The ladies were dressed up and the two men were wearing long pants and sport shirts. I talked with each person but nobody mentioned my spankings. They just said things like I was getting so grown up, and that I was pretty, and things like that. But each one of them did say they thought I was a good actress and model and they would like to play games with me later. I guess they meant when I would be the boss, or some other kind of pretending game.
Finally I was naked except for the high heels and ankle socks. Ms. Ginny freshened my lipstick while I talked with the guests. They all seemed to like feeling my breasts and pinching my nipples. They asked me if it hurt and I said it didn't so they kept taking turns feeling or pinching them.
Brian was younger than the others, I guess about thirty, and it looked like he was a soccer player or a swimmer because he was pretty slim and clean cut. He had brown eyes, dark hair and kept smiling. He whispered to me that he had been a "bad boy" lately and he was hoping I could help him learn manners later.
Larry was older than the lady I thought sounded old. I guess he was about fifty or sixty, but I'm not sure. He smoked a pipe which made him seem even older. His hair was about half gray and half brown and half gone. His bushy eyebrows reminded me of Santa Claus.
I was surprised that the lady I thought sounded so much older just had a deep, scratchy voice. She was smoking cigarettes and drinking bourbon so maybe that made her sound older, but Vanessa was only about forty. Her face was tan and hair blond, but I'm not sure if she was a natural blond. She said she wanted to help me learn things about being a boss, and Ms. Ginny said the two of them would give me some special tips before my other sessions in a few minutes.
Gwen was cute. And stacked. She even asked me if I wanted to feel them when she noticed me looking. Her smile was playful and I wondered if she was still in college because she didn't look too much older than high school. I thought her short skirt was sexy.
Before I could really talk much with any of them, Ms. Ginny and Vanessa led me down the basement. It was still set up from Bob's visit, but looked like it would be easy to change around. While they coached me on what to do and say with the men, they undressed me and put the ankle straps and wrist straps on me. They had me stand with my feet apart and hands over my head while they adjusted the fastening ropes. "While you're tied up, they won't be able to do much except touch you, Karen. They won't spank you. Then we'll let you loose and fasten one of the men in these bonds.
Vanessa said, "We might come in while they are touching and kissing you, and then change your position, but you won't get spanked, and nobody will put anything in you except a finger."
"Or a tongue." added Gwen who came in to check on us. Vanessa told me that Gwen had done this lots of times.
"On both sides." said Gewn. "Sometimes I spank and sometimes I'm the one who gets tied up and spanked." She began feeling me between the legs and her finger slid up into me. "I think you'll like this, Karen. Maybe we'll be working together sometime." She bent down and kissed me on the lips. I hadn't noticed how tall she was earlier, I guess because I was looking at her figure. She must be about five ten. Ms. Ginny and Vanessa were leaving, but Gwen was feeling my breasts, lightly pinching my nipples.
"Time to go." said Ms. Ginny.
"I was just helping her stand at attention for the men. That's all." laughed Gwen, like she was trying to be real innocent.
As they left, Uncle Doug brought the two men and said, "... and no touching, no putting anything in her besides a finger. OK. Enjoy. In a few minutes, one of you will change places with her. Ginny will be in shortly."
The men continually touched and tickled me. I giggled, even when they patted my bottom as if they were spanking me. Larry kept fingering my vagina and telling me how slippery I was. Brian liked playing with my breasts and kept saying they were like firm, springy tangerines. He sucked on them, too.
Ms. Ginny came back in in a few minutes and unfastened me while they kept on feeling me. She told Larry to take me out so Gwen and Vanessa could dress me while she got Brian ready for his spankings.
"Be sure to smack him hard, Karen!" said Gwen.
Vanessa added, "We want to hear it out here. If he talks or tells you what to do, wack him!"
Larry watched the two women put on the black, lacy, thigh-high hose and a garter belt, a matching stretchy bra and then shoes that made me six inches taller. The toes of the shoes were about three inches thick and the spiked black heels made me feel like I was standing on my tippy toes on blocks of wood. Gloves that came up almost to my armpits with a band of lace around my upper arms felt like I was wearing hose on my arms. As the ladies put on some very bright red lipstick they gave me more hints. Larry took pictures of me. Gwen was in some of the pictures, but Vanessa always stepped away when he said he was going to take a picture.
Gwen said she had a similar outfit and that some men just loved it when she spanked them. She said that Larry and Brian would both "just love you, and shoot pretty quick."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You'll see." said Gwen. "Maybe after a little bit of punishment, take off your panties and rub his thing with them."
"And maybe kiss it." suggested Larry. "Men like that."
"Oh be quiet, Larry." said Gwen. "Let her do whatever she wants."
"Come in, Karen. Brian is ready for his punishment." Ms. Ginny said as she came out of the punishment room. "You look stunning." I smiled.
When I walked in, and the door closed, I noticed that Brian was stretched out like Bob had been. His wrists and ankles had the leather bracelets with the metal rings and he was chained into position. His penis was so big! And it was hard as a rock, like it was straining to get even bigger. The big head and upwards curve reminded me of Bob except Brian's was so much bigger in every way.
Brian smiled and watched me look at it. "Don't be afraid, Karen. It won't bite." He pushed it towards me.
Ms. Ginny had told me how to handle that kind of situation. I walked around behind him without saying anything. I picked up the paddle on the way, and smacked him real hard. "Don't talk, Brian!" I said and smacked him again.
Reaching between his legs I began to tickle his balls with my left hand. He didn't say anything. I smacked him again anyway, but not quite as hard. "You have to learn to behave yourself, Brian." I said softly, while still tickling his balls. "You're in no position to intimidate me." (Ms. Ginny taught me that word and said when to use it.) I smacked him again for good measure.
As I circled him with the paddle in my hand, his thing stayed just as big. "So you like to spank little girls, do you, Brian?" I patted the palm of my left hand with the paddle. Then I sat down the paddle and took off my panties. "So if you want to look, then go ahead and look." I put my panties in his face. Then I rubbed them on his penis like Gwen suggested. He seemed to like that, so I left them hanging on it. It did kind of remind me of a big clothes hook.
I stood back and looked at him. As I started rubbing myself between the legs, I said, "I bet you even wish you could touch me. Don't you, Brian?" I leaned back on the stuffed chair and touched myself while saying some of the teasing things Ms. Ginny taught me. "This feels good, Brian. I bet you would like to touch me here, wouldn't you?"
Brian didn't say a word but nodded his head. I said, "Good boy, Brian. No talking. You can nod your head. Would you like me to take off my bra?"
He nodded. I stood and pretended that I couldn't get it off. "Oh, too bad. It's stuck. And you can't help me."
Brian's face told me how much he wished he could help me take it off.
"I bet if I did take it off I could hang in on your big clothes hook." I walked around him again, touching him with my left hand. I patted his bottom while I was behind him, and then rubbed my panties up and down softly on his penis, then bent and kissed it. "Gee, my panties feel wet, Brian. I guess I was nervous. Probably sweating a little bit. I'll let them dry on the hook a little longer."
Then I stepped back and took off my bra. "Oh. I guess it's not stuck after all." And I hung it on his stiff penis and started rubbing it up and down. Just lightly. I bent and kissed the tip again. "This is too big to put in my mouth, Brian. Let me see how far I can get." I tried to put the tip as far in my mouth as I could but couldn't get it all in." It tasted funny, kind of like the other guys stuff that squirted out, just more watery, and hardly any - just some on the tip. I rubbed it some more and talked to him.
While I was hugging him from in front, with his penis rubbing against my tummy and rips - almost up to my breasts - his stuff started really squirting. If I backed up it would get all over me, so I kept hugging him until he was done.
I backed up and put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. I scooped some off my chest with a finger and tasted it. Yes. Just like Bob's, Uncle Doug's, and the other men's stuff. I don't know why I wanted to taste more of it, but I bent over and sucked some of it, as his big thing got smaller and smaller. My panties! Ugh! There was lots of stuff on my panties.
I pushed the buzzer for Ms. Ginny, and all three women came in. They didn't talk, but Gwen looked at her watch and nodded to me with a wink. As the two women visitors cleaned me up, Ms. Ginny unhooked Brian who still didn't talk.
Larry was pretty much the same story, except his penis was lots smaller. It took longer, too, and I didn't want to spank as hard because he looked pretty old. He really loved it when I played with his balls, and spanked him lightly at the same time. Since he was shorter and I had on those really high heels I could hug him and his thing hit me right in the belly button. That pleased him, too - the hugging. He didn't have as much stuff, but it tasted the same. It came out while I was kissing it.
Now it was time for the sessions with the ladies! I was so curious about this. The men left and the ladies gave me another bath. I had never had so many baths in one day.
The first session was with Vanessa and it was in two parts, actually more, since we changed positions several times - while she was teaching me - like I pretended I was the one getting punished, and then while I punished her.
Vanessa liked it best when I was fastened on my hands and knees with my knees spread apart and my elbows on the cushions. She kept licking my bottom and telling me that girls really like that. It did feel good, but I didn't think I would want to lick hers.
And fingering - she loved fingering me - my vagina and my bottom. Then she licked me some more. She hardly even spanked me because she said I had probably been spanked enough. Instead she patted my bottom because she said it was so firm. Vanessa liked to jiggle my boobies, too, and said they were so firm.
Ms. Ginny led me out, when my turn was done so Vanessa could get strapped up and then I would punish her. The first thing I noticed was that she was shaved. Her pussy was almost as bald as mine, except it kind of felt like sandpaper. She was blindfolded, so I wouldn't be shy about looking and feeling her, Ms. Ginny said when she led me in the room. She was right. I kept looking and touching all over.
Sometimes I spanked her. If she didn't seem to move, I was supposed to spank harder. That was our signal. She liked it pretty hard, so that's what I did. Ms. Ginny said before she led me in, that a good actress will please the person who is getting punished, even if it seems too hard to me. So I really smacked her good. She didn't give me the signal that it was too hard, so I kept doing it that hard. The smack noise was pretty loud and I knew that Gwen and Ms. Ginny would be listening.
I sucked on her breasts. Her nipples were so much bigger than mine, like the center part - seemed bigger than peas, but mine were more like b-bs. While I was sucking her breasts I started fingering her pussy. She had like extra folds of wrinkly skin sticking out of her pussy, but it was wet and gooey inside. Real gooey.
Then Ms. Ginny came in and we tied her on her hands and knees. I didn't want to lick her bottom, but I did stick my finger in it. It felt lots tighter to push in than her pussy. Ms. Ginny had told me earlier that if I put a finger in her bottom then I shouldn't put the same finger in her pussy unless I wash it first. I put my right index finger in her bottom and my left hand finger in her pussy and slid them both in and out, sometimes alternating, and sometimes at the same time. Then I stopped and spanked her again.
I played with her breasts while they were hanging down. Earlier Vanessa showed me what she thought Gwen would like - using the buzzer, fingering her fanny, things like that. And I liked what she did so I guess older ladies would like the same feelings. Vanessa sure did. While I was fingering her bottom again, right after a good spanking, I touched the vibrator on her button and she made noises.
A few minutes later Ms. Ginny came in and unfastened Vanessa. Vanessa took me out and rinsed me off again but just with a warm wash cloth. She gave me more suggestions on how to punish Gwen. "She likes it even harder than me, Karen"
While Ms. Ginny was getting Gwen ready, Vanessa helped me put on a fresh bra and panty set, and more red lipstick.
Gwen was on her hands and knees, with her knees extremely wide apart. She was all fastened up and blindfolded. Ms. Ginny said I could ride her, and handed me a riding crop like jockeys use. "But smack her hard if you want her to go faster, Karen. Really hard."
Before Ms. Ginny left the room, she helped me lay down in front of Gwen and scooted me forward so she could bend down and lick me. "Good horsy." Said Ms. Ginny as Gwen licked me - in front and then in back. After she helped me stand back up and handed me the crop, Ms. Ginny left me alone to punish Gwen.
Before riding her, I wanted to feel her big breasts. The red part around the nipple seemed lots bigger than my reddish area. I played with her breasts for a while - pulling, squeezing, and bouncing them, and then went for a ride. I sat on her back and told her to bounce me while I whacked her with the riding crop. The riding crop had little pieces of leather attached all around the shaft, so I rubbed it up and down along her pussy before smacking her again. It was kind of fun, and it felt good to be sitting on her with my own legs so far apart that I was sliding on her.
I got off and walked around her. Her pussy was really wet. Wet and open. She had extra flappy parts in her pussy, but not nearly as much as Vanessa's. I took a close look and put a finger in. She was wet and slippery. The wet stuff looked kind of silvery and was coating my finger. I pushed the slippery finger all the way in her bottom and spanked her. I could feel her flinch with each smack. Her anus squeezed my finger. That was kind of fun, too, so I did it some more.
Whenever I pushed my finger in and spanked her at the same time, she really jerked against her bonds - so I kept doing that. Her pussy was getting so wet that it was almost dripping. Remembering what Ms. Ginny told me, I started egging her on, "When you're ready to accept my finger, then lift your bottom towards me and try to make it open. Show me."
She strained against the ropes to lift her fanny higher towards me. "That's a good girl." I said as I pushed a finger in all the way as fast as I could and smacked her with the paddle. As soon as she jerked away from the smack she scooted her fanny back towards me again, so I pushed my finger in and smacked again. We did that for a little bit. She did like it hard.
So I stopped. She was making whimpering sounds and pushing back towards me, lifting her ass as high as she could against the ropes which were almost cutting into her knees.
I stood and walked around in front of the blindfolded Gwen. "If you want the rest of your spankings, you'll have to lick me again." I laid down and scooted my legs under her chest. She began licking before I got all the way to her mouth. She licked my thighs above the hose and stretched her neck to reach my pussy.
"Lick it good if you want the rest of your spankings!"
She didn't answer but licked harder and faster. Her tongue was reaching inside of me and driving me crazy. Someond knocked on the door to remind me to finish Gwen. I picked up a ruler and ked her pussy a few times, then fingered her bottom while spanking her pussy. She made loud moaning noises and I pushed two fingers in her pussy to feel her spasms like Ms. Ginny had suggested.
A minute later, Uncle Doug, Vanessa, and Ms. Ginny came in and untied Gwen. They took me upstairs and I sat in the middle of the couch and leaned back. Uncle Doug and Vanessa held my legs up and apart while Ms. Ginny kneeled and began licking me. She licked until I made those moaning noises and felt my whole tummy squeeze.
They all said I was a hot, little girl and they wanted to see me again. "There's so much more to teach you!" said Vanessa.
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