Karen's Party, Part 4

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo, inc ]

by Corn53


Published: 21-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

The next month seemed to take forever before Mom had to go out of town again. I complained that I didn't want to go clear to Uncle Doug's and suggested again that maybe one of my girlfriends could stay with me for the weekend. Of course she told me again that she didn't trust me to be on my own, "especially with your girlfriends here."

Then she started in on me, "You're only twelve years old, Karen, for Heavens sake! Just go to Doug's house and have a good time. You could lay out in the sun or go play at the park. Watch TV, and maybe even read some of your homework! Maybe he'll take you to a nice place for dinner again. I'll pack your dress-up clothes."

"Oh, Mom. OK."

It turned out that Uncle Doug was going to be in the city so I didn't have to take the bus to his town. I was so excited as we drove to Ms. Ginny's place. Uncle Doug asked me about state politics and I didn't know anybody. "Like who cares about those guys?" I asked. "It's all so boring. Why don't you ask me about who's in some of the cool music videos on MTV?"

Ms. Ginny sent me on upstairs to undress while she and Uncle Doug talked about it being safe to call certain customers. Sometimes grownups can be so boring, but they were nice to me, especially Uncle Doug and Ms. Ginny.

It would be fun getting the special costumes on, so like I could be the boss over some people later. I would get to spank them or blindfold them, or touch them wherever I wanted. On my last visit, Ginny told me lots of ideas on how to tease them or "torment" them, as she said. It sounded like fun games to me.

I smiled all the way to Ms. Ginny's.

She took me right upstairs for another bath. She shaved my legs and inspected me between the legs. "Just a little new fuzz. We'll shave it. I know he'll like it. Such a sweet, innocent, cute, little girl."

"Who?" I asked as she continued inspecting my pussy while she washed it.

"Oh, just a naughty man who deserves a spanking." She told me some more ideas while she washed me.

Ms. Ginny gave me a white, satin dress with ruffles on the short sleeves. There were petticoats under the skirt part so it was fluffy. She gave me white, patent leather shoes with medium heels and white lacy ankle socks. The hem of my dress was so high it was almost even with my hips - like way above my knees and then flared out because of the stiff petticoats. There was a border of lace along the hem of the skirt. I felt like a little kid getting ready for First Communion, or to be a flower girl in a wedding, or something like that, except the dress was so short.

Uncle Doug said it made me look like a sweet, little angel - so innocent. Then he laughed. So did Ms. Ginny. They said I would be perfect. They said the new photographers this weekend would absolutely love me.

They both coached me while Ms. Ginny shaved my legs, pubic area, and armpits again so I would be extra smooth. They said I didn't really need it yet but they wanted me to be especially clean for these new photographers.

Then I got dressed again in my shorts, T-shirt, and gym shoes to go to a fast food place for dinner. Ms. Ginny said she would come over later that night to introduce me to our first official customer.

I asked if Roger and Aaron were coming and Uncle Doug said they might come over on Sunday afternoon, but that I would be busy modeling and acting with some of the new photographers that night and most of Saturday. They promised me special treats if I did a good job.

"You'll need to act so innocent and sweet at first; let him feel your pretty dress; kiss you. He might give you some new panties to try on. Then act excited and turn around and change right there in the living room. Leave your old panties on the floor, or better yet, hand your old panties to him and then take the new ones to try on. Let him feel how good the new panties fit you. If he wants to hold them for you while you step in, it's OK, but try not to let him see your pussy yet."

"OK, Uncle Doug. Will they be taking lots of pictures?"

"We'll take pictures and get some video, in your white dress, and again later in your mistress outfit, but most of the time you will just be acting and there won't even be any cameras in the room."

"But I thought they were photographers."

Uncle Doug thought a minute. "Yes, that's right. But they want to get to know you first, then they will take some pictures of you. We'll tell you what to do. Don't worry about it."

So it's more like a game with them at first?" I asked.

"Yes, it's a game, Karen. That's it. A game. You have to act so sweet and be a real goodie-goodie at first. At least until they give you some presents. They might want to play games with you or hold you on their lap. You'll only be with one of the photographers at a time. Just me or Ms. Ginny and the special photographer. You'll be alone with him, ... or her, while Ms. Ginny and I go out to the kitchen. We even have a special playroom set up in the basement for later where you can be the boss. You'll like playing that game, Karen. I think you like being the boss and giving spankings, don't you?"

"It's so funny to tell grown-ups what to do. I like it." and I started giggling remembering the games with Roger and Aaron.

"Ms. Ginny will give you more suggestions, Karen. Some for each customer. You'll get to tease the grown-up and spank him, or maybe even a grown-up lady, and touch them. Ms. Ginny will give you some ideas. I think you'll have fun."

"Wow. This will be cool." I said, "Like telling grown-ups what to do and spanking them." I giggled, "And it's kind of fun to touch them, too, and like, you know, pull down their pants." I smiled so big that Uncle Doug started laughing. "But why do you call them 'customers?' I thought they were some of your photography friends."

"Oh, they are my friends, Karen. We're pretending like they want to see what it would be like to have such a young boss. You know - like acting lessons."

"OK. It sounds like fun."

A minute later he said, "They will want to watch you, too, Karen, so don't undress all the way right away. Make them wait. Making them wail will be another way to tease them." He told me some other things I could do. We were both laughing when we got to his house.

I was so excited that I could hardly eat. When I heard Ms. Ginny pull up I ran upstairs to get undressed. She stayed downstairs talking to Uncle Doug so finally I went down to see what was taking them so long.

They laughed when they saw me coming downstairs with just a washcloth in front of me. "I think our little girl is anxious to play games tonight." Ms. Ginny said while looking at Uncle Doug.

"I'm so excited, Ms. Ginny. It will be fun getting to be the boss again!"

She got a serious look on her face. "And you will have to do other things with each of the photographers, too, like we talked about."

"I know. That will be fun, too!" I smiled.

"OK. We'll get you ready for Bob. Act so innocent at first, but let him touch you>"

"I know, Ms. Ginny. We talked about it already. It will be like part of our trick like you said. So like since he was a bad boy for touching me then I'll have to spank him. Right?"

She laughed again and pulled me against her and hugged me tight. "Yes. They will want to touch you all right. And each of them will certainly be 'bad,' and need to be punished for it."

"What time is he coming, Ms. Ginny?"

"Not for another hour yet."

I must have looked disappointed because they both chuckled again.

Then Ms. Ginny said, "Doug, why don't you go in and pretend with our budding little actress here? Pretend you're Bob and have her try on the panties for you, walk around in these high heels." She handed me some sheer, white lacy panties and a pair of black, high heeled shoes which I would wear later when I got to be the boss.

Uncle Doug felt me all over and had me squeeze and bounce my titties for him. He sat me on his lap and felt me and had me practice taking off the panties while I had on the shoes and then step back into them while he held my hand or held the panties for me.

When Ms. Ginny came in the living room with her drink, Uncle Doug told me to show her that my titties were bouncier this month. I hopped and wiggled while they watched and said that I was really growing up.

Then Ms. Ginny said she would take me up to get dressed up now. She fixed my hair into two pony tails, one on each side, and then did my eye make-up and put on lipstick and a perfume which I could hardly smell. Then I put on a lacy training bra that matched the panties I had been wearing for the last half hour while I practiced with Uncle Doug. The petticoats looked funny before I put on the white satin dress. I thought I looked like a ballerina. We both laughed when I pretended to be a ballerina and turn around. But after I put the dress on I did feel like an innocent little girl.

I heard a car pull up, but I had to stay upstairs until Bob had a drink or two. It seemed like forever before Ms. Ginny came up to get me. I was so excited.

He looked like a regular man, just kind of distinguished and dressed up to be wearing a baseball hat, like he was pretending to be just a man on the street. But he liked me and stood up to shake my hand. He said how cute I was in the party dress. I giggled and felt myself blush. I was so excited I could hardly talk. He borrowed one of Uncle Doug's cameras and took some pictures of me while I skipped around.

Ms. Ginny put some fast music on her cd player and had me show Bob how good I could dance. The three grown-ups sat on the couch sipping their drinks and talking while they watched me dance. Bob kept his eyes on me the whole time and kept telling me what a great dancer I was.

When he held out his arms for me to come and sit on his lap Uncle Doug and Ms. Ginny said they had to go out in the kitchen for a little be and told me to be the hostess and get Bob anything he wanted. Then they left. There I was and I could feel myself tingling inside, knowing about the trick I was going to play on him and then the games we would play.

He held me on his lap and then tickled me. I giggled and giggled. Bob said, "You're even prettier than Ginny said, Karen. How old are you? Do you drive a car yet?"

"No, Silly. I'm only twelve, but I'm getting big for my age and weigh almost a hundred. Only eight more pounds to go. And I'm already five feel tall. Well, with shoes on I'm five feet tall." I added in case he could tell I wasn't really that tall.

"And do you weigh 'almost a hundred' with or without all your clothes on?" He smiled at me.

"With." I said, "But I didn't have a coat on. Just my school clothes."

"You are so cute, Karen. Stand up and turn around and let me look at you." He scooted back on the center of the couch and I stood up turned around between his knees. My giggling was starting to subside, but I still was laughing and squeezing my hands together in front of my chin and my elbows at my sides - like I was trying to hold in my giggles.

He put his hands on my knees as I turned around and had me keep on turning around. He felt my hips and shoulders, and even my arms, stopping me sometimes. "Put your foot on the couch, Karen. Let me look at your pretty shoes. Oh, aren't these ankle socks lovely? They are so lacy."

"Uh huh." I said, "They match my panties and new bra, too. All white and lacy. I feel like such a young lady." I was trying to act cool and grown up like Ms. Ginny said, except I started blushing after I mentioned my panties and bra.

Bob must have noticed because he rubbed his hands up and down my right leg, but to just above my thigh. "Ginny said you liked pretty things, Karen, so I brought you some presents."

"Oh cool!" I said.

"Are your toenails painted a sparkly pink just like your fingernails? And your nails kind of match your lipstick. That wet-look lipstick matches ... and ... it makes you look so grown up, like you said." He rubbed his right hand up my leg almost to my panties, but he stopped.

"Here's one little present." He said and pulled a wrapped package from behind his back. There was a pink ribbon and bow on it.

"Can I open it now?" I was still on the edge of giggling.

"Sure." He said. "Sit on my lap and open it."

Bob lifted me and sat me across his lap so his right arm was around me as I opened the package. There was a tiny pair of sheer panties with a little frog button in the center of the elastic band. I could see my hand clearly through the panties. There was no cotton liner between the legs - just sheer all over. In fact, there was hardly any material between the legs or up the back. Kind of like a one inch white, lacy waist band with the elastic on top, and then a triangle of sheer material in the front which went to a very narrow strip of material that went on up to the waistband in back.

I kept turning them around and looking at them. "Wow. These are so pretty. And so sexy." I looked in his face and he was watching me. I stood and held them in front of me.

"Would you like to try them on, Karen?" He asked softly, almost hoarse.

"Yes. Really. I mean these look so grown up!"

"Hold up your dress and I'll hold them in front of you."

As I stood between my knees and held up my dress, including the silky slips, he put the panties in front of the ones I was wearing. "These are pretty, too." He said as he touched the waistband of my panties. Then he hooked a finger in my waistband and slid his hand back and forth, stretching my panties away from my tummy.

"Can I go try these on, Bob? They are really pretty. White is my favorite color for panties. Most of the ones I wear to school are just white cotton, and some have pictures on them, but nothing this sexy!" I turned and headed for the stairs. "I'll be back down in a minute."

"Wait. You could just change panties in here. After all you have a dress on. It's not like I could see you." He smiled at me. His smile was so pretty, like I would believe anything he said, but I knew this was part of our game so I walked back and stood between his knees and reached under my dress.

I tugged the panties down to my knees and he held my hand while I stepped one leg out and then the other. My left shoe got caught and I had to hop a little bit to keep from losing my balance. Then Bob had me hold up my foot and he took the panties off for me. But he didn't set my foot down right away.

"These are such pretty socks, Karen." He said, while he stroked my leg again. "So feminine. So young and firm."

"Silly. How can socks be firm?" I laughed. "You like to tease, don't you, Bob?"

He laughed. "You're the silly one, Karen. I mean YOU are so young and firm and feminine." Then he held up the new panties. "Let me help you." He put the panties I had been wearing in his pocket.

Bob put the panties over my shoe and up past my ankle. Then he put that foot on the floor and I lifted my other foot. After he put the panties over that foot he pulled them all the way up so his hands were under the hem of my skirt. He brushed me off, like he was smoothing me out, and had me walk around.

"Oh. These are really comfortable, Bob. Thank you so much." I put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He was still sitting on the edge of the couch. He smiled and put his hands on my bottom under my dress and pulled me against him. "I wonder if you can kiss like a big girl, too."

So we kissed a few times. Then he wanted me to hold up my dress in front so he could see how good my new panties fit me. I did. He stared at me. I knew he could see right through them. After I turned around a few times, with both of us holding up my dress, we agreed that they fit just fine.

Then he wanted to feel if they were stretchy enough so I held up my dress while facing him and he put one finger under the elastic band, next to the little frog button and pulled them out towards him, and then slid his finger back and forth. Then his finger slipped up inside the leg hole and he did the same thing. Then the other side. I felt his finger brush against my pussy again and again.

"That tickles." I giggled.

"Oh it does?" He grinned as he pulled me towards him and laid me back on the couch and started tickling me again. "I'll show you tickle!"

I couldn't help but double up, lifting my knees to my chest in self defense. After a minute or so of giggling my head off, he flipped me over on my tummy across his lap and began rubbing my back. "There, there. You did great, Karen. You like your new panties, don't you?"

"Yes." I admitted. "They are so pretty."

"Would you like more pretty clothes the next time I see you?" He was rubbing the backs of my legs and even over my bare bottom. It felt bare because the thin piece of material just went up the center between my buns.

I got quiet when he put my feet apart on the couch. I was still laying across his lap with my tummy and hips over his legs. His finger reached under the back and he moved from the waistband to between my legs, slowly stretching them away from me and sliding his finger from between my legs in front to the waistband in back, and then back again. I knew he could see me. Sometimes he lightly brushed his finger against me.

His finger began to stroke between my lips. "So feminine, and young, and firm." over and over again, he whispered as he slid his finger along the panties, and along me.

"What are you doing!" Ms. Ginny said loudly. It wasn't a question. I didn't even hear her come in.

I stood up and then sat on the end of the couch. "Bob! I'm surprised at you, Young Man!"

And I was surprised that Ms. Ginny called him "Young Man," when Bob was obviously much older that Ms. Ginny. Bob looked about forty or fifty or sixty. It's hard to tell with grown ups.

Bob stood up with his head down. "I'm sorry."

"Go stand in the corner!" Then she cooed to me and asked me if Bob hurt me or touched me anyplace naughty.

"No. He gave me a present. Some panties. And then he wanted to look at them and touch them to see if they fit OK. That's all."

"That's all?" Ms. Ginny sounded upset. "Did he touch you between the legs?"


"That's it, Bob. I think you need to be punished. Go on down the basement. You know where the punishment room is.

"Yes, Mam." He said and turned to go into the kitchen where the basement stairs were.

"Wait just a minute." She said. Then turning to me she said, "Show me the panties he gave you."

I lifted my dress to show her. Front and back.

"Poor Dear. The man was naughty to you. Take those panties off and give them to me."

I took them off, walked over to her, and handed them to her. Ms. Ginny held them out and looked at them, as if she was holding them in front of a giant mannequin.

"He is such a naughty man, Karen." Then her face brightened and she stood up taller. "Say, why don't you help me punish him for being naughty, Karen. Would you please help me?"

"Um. OK. I guess. What do I have to do?"

"Just wait up here for now, Darling, while I take him downstairs to get ready for his punishment."

While I waited upstairs, Uncle Doug came out and said I was just an absolutely perfect actress. "You did especially good when you giggled and acted nervous!"

I decided not to tell him that I really was nervous.

It was about twenty minutes later when Ms. Ginny came upstairs and said he was all ready for his punishments. When I started into the kitchen, she put her hand on my shoulder. "Let him wait a little bit, Karen. That will be part of his punishment." Then she got another drink and I had a pop while we talked some more about what kind of punishment he needed for being such a naughty man.

I finished my pop in a minute, and Ms. Ginny told me to relax.

It was exciting going down the basement for the first time, too. They wouldn't let me go downstairs the last couple times I was there. "What about changing outfits, Ms. Ginny? Didn't you say I would get a special outfit while I punished him?"

She smiled and led me through one of the doors. The room was as big as my bedroom upstairs and had a carpeted floor. Then I saw Bob. He was naked and he had on ankle and wrist straps. His feet were wider apart than his shoulders, held my little chains to some bolt things in the walls, and his arms were apart and up over his head, strapped to bolt things in the boards in the ceiling. Bob penis was stiff and curved upwards. He was taller than Ms. Ginny and even Uncle Doug who is six feet.

Ms. Ginny and I walked up to him. "He's not allowed to talk while he's being punished, Karen. I'll be listening from the next room. Let me show you how hard to spank him." She picked up a paddle from a table full of different things, one looked like what jockeys hit the racehorses with in the movies, and some looked like leather whips except there were lots of strands of black leather.

After circling him, stepping over the straps, Ginny smacked him on the fanny with the paddle. It made a loud smack. Then I tried it. It took several tries before she thought I was doing it hard enough. Then she felt his penis and had me feel it, too. "Naughty men get this way when they look at little girls, Karen. They should know better. But Bob even touched you. And he gave you those panties so he could see through them and look at your private places."

We walked around him again. He was watching me, but didn't say anything. "If he talks, give him five good ones, Karen. I'll be listening. If he talks and you don't give him five smacks, I might have to give you some." Then she hugged me. "I wouldn't spank you hard, Karen. You know that."

"Yes." I said, but I remembered that I could feel it when she spanked me two months ago. She warmed my bottom. I squirmed just remembering it. For some reason thinking about that spanking started to get me tingly inside.

Ginny patted my bottom, as if she knew what I had been thinking. "Let's get this dress off, Karen. The naughty man has already seen you so we might as well let him watch you change. That will be part of his punishment. You can touch him, but he can't touch you."

She helped me take off the dress and the petticoats and slips. Then when I was in just the lacy bra and ankle socks and white pumps, she handed me some very high heeled black shoes. They were a little big on me, but I felt so strong and grown-up.

Ginny put a booklet on the floor about six feet in front of Bob and told me to look at it whenever I needed more punishment ideas. She left the room.

After she left, I walked around behind him and hugged him. "I won't hurt you too bad, Bobby, but you have been a bad boy. Here comes a few spanks."

I smacked him two hard ones, just like Ms. Ginny said, and because I knew she would be listening. My hand reached between his legs and tickled his balls. They got tighter and smaller as I tickled them, so I went around in front to look while I tickled them some more.

I pushed his penis to the side and watched it spring back to center.

Walking behind him again, I gave him two more, then went back around to the front and looked at him again. I walked around in front of him, just to let him look at me. "Now what should I do next?" I asked myself out loud.

"Let me check the notes." I got on my hands and knees in front of Bob, so he could see my fanny plainly while I looked through the booklet. Then I scooted forward and put my elbows on the carpeting and moved my knees apart. I remembered Ginny saying I should give him "lots of 'good looks' at your goodies."

I turned my head to see if he was staring at my bottom. He was.

"You like to look at little girls, don't you?" I said while standing up.

"Yes." he admitted.

"You're not supposed to talk, Bob. Remember? Now I'll have to spank you. You're such a naughty man!" I walked over to him and playfully slapped his stiff penis." It was fun watching it spring from side to side when I slapped it. "Is that too hard, Bob? I don't want to hurt you."

"No. It's OK." He said.

I slapped it harder and watched it go back and forth. As I was walking over to the table with the paddles, Ms. Ginny came in. "I heard him talk, Young Lady. Why didn't you spank him right away?"

"I was just getting ready to. See? I'm deciding which paddle to use."

"I think you might need a reminder, Young Lady. Remember this?" She held out the white vibrator they used when they spanked me.

"Yes." I kept looking at it. "Are you going to spank me and tickle me with the buzzer again?" I was hoping she would say yes, and she nodded.

After helping me put on the new panties, which took a while because the high heels kept getting caught, she put me on my hands and knees in front of Bob. She pressed the buzzer between my legs to get me relaxed for the spanking. I couldn't help but move my hips while she spanked and buzzed me. She didn't spank very hard, just hard enough for a little sting and to make noise. Ms. Ginny kept asking Bob if he would like to help spank me. She scolded him again for looking and touching little girls, and said a man in his position should know better. Ms. Ginny also told him that it was his fault that I was getting a spanking. "See what I have to do to her tight little bottom? Just because you gave her these panties and then couldn't keep your hands off her." While she was talking to us, and spanking and buzzing me, I started to get that funny feeling in my tummy again - like it was going to start twitching. But Ms. Ginny stopped and said they would spank me more later, but now we had to spank Bob.

She helped me stand up, but I wanted to touch myself between the legs. Ms. Ginny said, "Later! You'll get more spankings pretty soon, Karen. Now we have to spank Bob for causing all this.

"Let's take those panties back off now, Karen." She knelt beside me and pulled them down. "These are getting all wet. We should air you out. Let me lay these panties on this little table to dry."

Bob was looking at the panties in her hand and then at me. Back and forth. Ms. Ginny pulled one of the little TV tray tables out in front of Bob. "Why don't we pretend Bob's mouth is a washing machine, Karen. Open wide, Bob." She handed me the wet panties to put in Bob's mouth so he could be a washing machine. I stuffed them in his mouth, but they fit in pretty easily since they were so little. Bob closed his mouth and started swishing them around.

"Spank him while he washes your panties, Karen."

I smacked him with the paddle pretty hard. Five times. Then she wanted me to spank his pee-pee with my hand.

After I spanked his penis a few times she told me to stop and look closely at it. "Is it starting to get wet?"

I held it and looked closely at the big, ret tip. "Yes, it looks like there is water on the tip of it, Ms. Ginny."

"Then it's time for me to change his position, Karen. You run on up and get another soda. Don't touch yourself."

"Yes, Mam." and I went upstairs.

About fifteen minutes later, Ms. Ginny brought me back down to the punishment room. Bob was tied over a narrow coffee table, so his knees were on the floor, but tied wide apart to the legs of the coffee table. His head was hanging over the other end of the coffee table and his arms were tied to the legs at that end, so like he couldn't close his legs or put his hands together.

Bob looked up at me. Ms. Ginny had me stand right in front of him and said to stay back just far enough so he could kiss me if he stretched. I let him kiss my thighs, and pussy while he tried to stretch his head forward. Then I backed away. It was fun trying to just let him lick me or kiss my pussy and then I would back away. It was funny that he tried so hard to kiss me there.

"Come back and look how he hangs down, Karen." She led me behind him and we both tickled his balls and rubbed his penis, which was completely stiff again. While I was tickling his balls, Ms. Ginny put her hands on his fanny and pulled his ass open. "Look, Karen. Maybe some other day we could put our fingers or other things up his bottom while we give him his spankings. Wouldn't that be fun?" she asked.

"Yes. That would be so funny." Then I remembered last month. "And it was funny last month when you and Uncle Doug put your fingers in my bottom while I was getting a spanking. That felt funny. Especially with the buzzer on my front!"

She smiled. "Don't you worry, Karen. You'll get buzzed and get more spankings later. Want to ride the horsey, Karen? Climb on if you want." She patted Bob's back.

I put my leg over him and sat on him, scooting up and back like I was riding a horse. Ms. Ginny said I was doing great and that some of my juices were smearing on his back. She handed me the horse whip thing, like it was braided and had a little flat part on the end and told me to smack the horse and try to ride faster. I smacked him on the rear while I kept scooting up and back. It did look like some of my wetness was rubbing onto his back.

"Harder, Karen. Whip that naughty horse a little harder. That's a girl." She patted me on my back while I rode and whipped him. Ms. Ginny unsnapped my bra and helped me take it off.

She helped me dismount and walk around in front. "Let's see if the horsey wants to lick your apples, Karen. Bounce up and down so he can see how firm and tasty they look."

After putting different music on the cd player, she wanted me to dance for him and to bounce while I turned. It was fun dancing in front of him. Bob held his head up to look at me.

"Sit on the floor in front of your horsey, Karen, and let him lick your apples. He was a good horse."

I teased him again, like letting him lick my titties and then scooting back so he couldn't reach them. Ms. Ginny told me to squeeze them and bounce them as much as I could and let him get to suck them for a little bit. "That will teach him a lesson. I'm going to spank and rub him at the same time, so he'll remember that it's naughty to touch little girls." Then Ms. Ginny stopped spanking him and untied one of his knees and fastened his ankle strap to the chain hooked to the wall. She did the same thing on the other side and had me scoot back. "Go check your panties to see if they are a little dryer now."

While I was checking, she unfastened one of his arms and fastened it to a chain hooked to the wall. She untied his other arm and had him lift up so she could pull the table out from under him. I heard her ask him if she needed to also tie his other arm, and he said she wouldn't have to. "I've learned my lesson, Ms. Ginny. I promise to follow your directions."

While Bob was lying on his tummy on the floor, Ms. Ginny had me sit in front of him and scoot close enough so he could lick me off. "I want to teach him a lesson, Karen. Will you let him lick you?"

"OK." Actually I was glad to, because it felt good.

"Now, Bob. We'll have Little Karen dress up again and go through lots of the same motions for our video camera later. You can get a copy. But do you think it would be safe for her to lay under you for a minute so you can rub between her knees? You know she's still a virgin, and she'll be wearing the panties, so don't try to scoot up too close. I'll check her panties when you're done, and there'd better not be any on her panties. Thighs are OK, but not the panties. Understand?"

"Yes, Mam. Thank you." He said.

Ms. Ginny had me lay on my tummy with my legs apart under Bob's shoulders. "Now you can scoot back a little at a time when he lifts up. He won't put much weight on you. Let him kiss your bottom and say he's sorry for touching you."

I scooted back and he started licking my bottom. At first I was grossed out, but it felt good, so I opened my legs a little wider and let him keep licking. He could reach down and lick my vagina, then my anus. All around my bottom. Ms. Ginny knelt down beside us and pulled my fanny open so he could lick me easier. It felt good so I tried to lift my hips up into his face.

She had Bob lift up and put a towel under him and then helped me scoot back so he was over me, with his penis between my knees. She closed my legs and said to keep them closed and I could scoot back a little bit. She put lots of baby oil between my legs.

I scooted back so he could rub it between my thighs, but not press it into my panties. He kept rubbing it back and forth. Ms. Ginny spanked him a few times, but not as hard. Then all his hot, gooey stuff started coming out and I held still Bob was kissing the back of my head between my pony tails. He made little noises while his stuff squirted out.

After Ms. Ginny untied him and sent him to the other room to wash, she wiped me off and told me what a wonderful job I did. "He didn't put too much of his weight on you, did he, Karen?"

"No. It was OK. Kind of like Uncle Doug, or Aaron, or Roger. Not too heavy. Like they hold their weight up with their arms at the same time they are rubbing."

She smiled and said again what a perfect little treasure I was. "And don't you worry. We'll give you a gentle spanking tonight ... with the buzzer!"

I giggled.

"And a few new people watching you get your spankings, Karen. Won't that be fun?"

"Who?" I felt tingly just thinking about it.

"Oh I can't tell you. We'll dress you up in the white dress again, and then blindfold you. Doug will lead you into the living room and let you stand in front of each guest and hold up your skirt. Then I want you to say, 'I've been naughty and have to pull down my panties and get a spanking. Thank you for helping me learn to be a good girl.' But you won't know who you are saying that to. They might even help spank and buzz you. Maybe the finger treatment while you're getting spanked and buzzed. In front of strangers."

"Oh." was all I could say. My tummy was feeling mushy already.

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Feel free to slow down the narrative during the parts that introduce Karen to new and dramaticly more intimate experiences. Your storytelling can be rushed and frustratingly compact at just the precise time when vivid detail should be called for. I only offer this criticism becauuse your story deserves the attention. Thank you for sharing it with an appreciative audience.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.