Karen's Party, Part 2

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo, inc ]

by Corn53


Published: 20-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

I could hardly wait for the next chance to go to Uncle Doug's house, but knew I would have to complain about going or Mom would get suspicious. "Oh, Mom. do I have to go to Uncle Doug's again? Why can't I stay here while you're gone? Maybe I could have a couple friends stay here with me."

"No, young lady. Not after I caught you and your friends getting into my liquor cabinet! You're going to Uncle Doug's. I'll be back next Tuesday. Don't give him any of your lip either. You're twelve years old. That's old enough to follow directions! Do whatever he says. Understand?"

"OK, if you say so." I kicked a rock over to the side of the garage, and then got in her car so she could take me to the bus station. She waited to make sure I was on the bus when it left.

Uncle Doug was waiting for me at the bus station when I pulled in about ninety minutes later. I hugged him and smiled. He kissed me on the lips and helped me get my suitcase. "What on earth did you bring, Karen? Did you forget I've got lots of clothes for you at my house?" He laughed.

"No, of course not, silly. I didn't want Mom to think anything funny. I even pretended to complain and said I would rather stay home alone."

"Would you?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

I laughed. "You're funny, Uncle Doug. I would rather visit you than stay home with my girlfriends. Are we going to see Ms. Ginny again?"

"Yes. Hop in." He was holding the door for me. The top was down. Cool.

We went right to Ms. Ginny's place. She clapped her hands and said, "How's my young birthday girl? I hope your fanny didn't sting too long."

"No. That's OK. Really. It wasn't bad. Thank you for the pretty panties, too."

We all laughed when we heard my zipper! I noticed that I had already unsnapped my shorts while we were talking and starting to unzip them.

"Go ahead and take them off, Karen. I don't need to measure you, but I will give you a quick bath today before we start. You'll be all slick and clean before you try on the next panties."

"What do you mean?" I handed her my shorts and started to unbutton my blouse.

Uncle Doug said, "Karen, Um, maybe you two should go upstairs before undressing!" We all laughed again. He said, "I'll lock the door and change the video tapes while you take care of business upstairs.

Ms. Ginny led me upstairs by the hand and started the bath water. "I took a bath this morning already." I said.

"This is so we can shave your legs, Karen. Big girls shave their legs. They like to be smooth. Smooth all over."

I got in the tub and Uncle Doug came in with one of the video cameras. Ms. Ginny shaved my legs and then my armpits, even though you could hardly see any hair. Then she shaved off the rest of my pubic hair, which was still mostly gone from when she clipped it with a scissors last month. She even shaved my lips and kept rinsing me off.

Uncle Doug said I looked clean as a baby now. He said it would be better with the fashions, and that most models shaved, especially when modeling panties and bras. "And you have such nice, full lips, Karen. Might as well let people see them. And your pubic mound is very pronounced. Beautiful. Don't you think, Ginny."

"Very beautiful. I like the way her lips stay closed until she opens her legs wide. Keeps all her feminine charms hidden. I have some sheer panties that will look perfect on her - especially with her tan lines. Almost looks like she's wearing white panties when she is bare. You'll like these panties, Karen."

"Oh cool." I said while getting dried off. She didn't wash my hair.

She brushed it out though and then put the clips back in so I had two pony tails - one on each side. A couple ribbons and then she put the red lipstick and some eye make up on me. Uncle Doug was getting a video of the shaving and make over. I kind of wished I had clothes on with him so close. I was glad they both liked the way my bald pussy looked. I felt kind of proud of it, even though I couldn't imagine anyone else seeing it.

Ms. Ginny gave me a pair of red high heels, even higher than the ones I wore last time. She had me walk and turn so she could look at me. She surprised me when she asked, "Absolutely charming. Ready for another spanking?"

"OK." I said. "It didn't hurt that much."

Ms. Ginny clapped her hands again and put her fingers on her chin, "Well, I was only kidding, but I suppose if you take another spanking, like a big girl, then I'll give you all these panties. You're so cute, Karen. Are you sure the last spanking didn't hurt too much?"

"No. It was OK. Really. It made my bottom tingle. That's all."

Uncle Doug said, "I think she might like one, Ginny. No marks, though."

"Of course not. No marks. This will be my pleasure."

"Wow. All these pretty panties, just for a spanking? Thanks, Ms. Ginny. And I love these shoes."

Uncle Doug and Ms. Ginny both laughed. Uncle Doug said, "OK, Little Miss Hot Bottom, you can keep the shoes, too, but the spanking for the shoes will be harder. Maybe even with a paddle."

I had to think a minute. "Well, I like the shoes, but would it be much harder?"

"No," Ms. Ginny said, "but why don't we finish dressing you and then make a video of you dressed up and coming in for your spanking. Try to look scared at first, like an actress, and then I'll undress you and spank you. With my hand and with the paddles."

"Like an actress? Oh cool. Can I see the paddle first? Did you mean to say, 'paddles,' like in more than one?"

"A big paddle for your backside, and a little, tiny paddle for your front. So you will tingle all over." said Ms. Ginny. She was gentle but firm. "You must act scared, remember? And it will be a little hotter than last month's spanking."

"And then I can keep the panties and the shoes?" I was smiling. This was so easy.

"Yes. Now sit on the edge of the chair and lift your legs. High, straight, and apart. Let's get a close up before we start. Zoom in on it, Doug."

I sat on the front of the chair and leaned back, lifting and spreading my legs. "What are you checking?"

"Ms. Ginny wants to make sure you are dry before we start, Karen. That's all." Uncle Doug said while holding the camera.

"Oh. OK." I held my legs open while Uncle Doug took video. Ms. Ginny touched me while taking a very close look.

"She's starting to get moist, but she's not wet yet. Let's get her dressed." They helped me put on a pair of panties that seemed kind of boring compared to some of the sexy panties they had in the pile, and then my new bra, and like a Catholic school girl uniform - red plaid jumper over a white blouse, lacy ankle socks and my new shoes. They said the lacy socks and new shoes weren't "regulation" school uniform, but since I liked the shoes so much I should get to wear them for my spankings. They told me some things to do or say like an actress. This was so exciting.

Then I walked into her like living room. She was sitting in the middle of the couch. "Come in, Laura. Why did you miss class again today?"

(Laura is my 'stage name.' It's a cool one.) I said, "But Mrs. Smith, I was so sleepy. I stayed in bed."

She stood up and told me to pull down my panties and put my hands on the couch. She flipped up my dress and pushed my legs apart so the panties were stretched between my knees. Then she spanked me with her hand. It was harder than last time and I had to count them up to twelve. They really did sting so it was easy to say 'ouch' and pretend I was crying. That's what they wanted me to do, and I had real tears and was kind of squirmy when I turned to face Ms. Ginny (I mean 'Mrs. Smith')

Now I want you to take off your blouse and training bra and lay across my lap, Young Lady. Hurry up!" (She was pretending to be mad at me.)

"Yes, Mam." I said as I unbuttoned the blouse. I laid across her lap in just the plaid jumper, and of course my ankle socks and red high heels.

"I'll put a little color in those pale buns of yours!" She said, "Count up to twelve again."

She spanked and I counted. I was pretending to cry again, only not exactly pretending. She took her time and rubbed my bottom between hits with the paddle. I had to keep my knees apart on the couch and then lift my bottom when I was ready for the next one.

At last we were finished. "Roll over. See this little paddle?" It was a small paint stirring stick and didn't look like it would hurt. They put a cushion under my shoulders and a scarf over my face, like a blindfold. "Now for your front spankings, Young Lady. Then you will learn not to be late for class. I'm going to tickle this..." she rubbed my pussy - like massaging it, and opening and closing it with her fingers. "... I'll tickle this with a vibrator to make it nice and sensitive. You're not allowed to look. You won't know if I'm going to vibrate you or spank your little, pink clit. You just need to keep your knees wide apart. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mam." I said, even though I wasn't really sure of what she was going to do. My bottom was still stinging from the big paddle.

I heard a buzzing noise, and she patted me with something that tickled. She rubbed it around my pussy area and up and down my slit, which I could tell was feeling pretty wet. The air made it feel cool between my legs, especially since my fanny felt so hot. She kept tickling around and around on my pussy. Then she pressed it on my magic bump, as I called it. Oh - that felt good!

She moved the buzzer away and slapped my magic bump with the tiny paddle and I jerked my whole body, closing my knees. It didn't really hurt, but it surprised me.

"Try to keep those legs open, Young Lady. Only eleven more pussy spanks to go. Don't peek. Put your hands on your breasts and massage yourself while I spank or tickle you. Understand?"

"Yes." I said softly.

She mostly buzzed me, sometimes pulling it away to see if I would flinch, and then she put the buzzer back against me. Sometimes she moved it all around and sometimes she pressed it on my bump which must have been getting bigger and stiffer, because she could push on the side of it with the buzzer. Sometimes she did slap it with the little paddle and I flinched, even though it didn't hurt. It sure surprised me.

When she said, "All done. Or do you think you deserve a little more of this punishment? You seem to be moaning pretty loud. Is it sore?"

"No. Not sore. It's OK. And I probably deserve a few more front spankings." I said, "I'll try to keep my knees open. I'm not peeking, honest. Maybe if I close my knees together, then you'll have to start over. That would teach me."

She agreed and began more tickling and tapping. Pretty soon I got this funny feeling all over inside my tummy. It felt fantastic, like my insides were melting and twitching. I couldn't help but close my legs and move my hips around. As I did that, Ms. Ginny turned off the vibrator and slid her finger all the way in my vagina and pressed it while my tummy kept on twitching. Her right hand was under my legs pressing her finger in to me, since my knees were up in the air and together.

My breasts felt real sensitive and I stopped massaging them. It was quiet for a minute. Then Ms. Ginny took her finger out and helped me sit up on her lap. She hugged me, and didn't say anything.

They got me dressed after that, in the schoolgirl outfit, but let me put some sexier panties on. I wanted to take a nap. They both seemed kind of quiet, and so was I, as we left for Uncle Doug's house. Ms. Ginny gave me a big kiss, and gave the buzzer thing to Uncle Doug.

We didn't talk much until right before we got to Uncle Doug's house. I asked him about the vibrator thing. He said it was only used to get me ready for front spankings, and that he didn't think I would want anymore of those.

"Well, I might. I mean, like if I've been bad or something. Maybe you would have to do that. You don't want to spoil me, do you?" I was kind of kidding, but kind of serious.

"If I think you deserve a front spanking then, well, I guess I'll have to give you one. But you can't take it home with you. I bet your Mom looks through your stuff, doesn't she?"

"Kind of, I guess. So I'd better get some of my clothes dirty while I'm here. That won't take long." We both laughed.

Then Uncle Doug said, "If you get your clothes dirty, then you'll definitely need another spanking."

"OK." I said. We both laughed.

Uncle Doug's Friends

That night two of Uncle Doug's photography friends came over for dinner. They fixed steaks on the grill while I went to the playground a block from his house with Roger, who was only twenty. He looked like he was a track star, like kind of thin but not skinny. I thought he was pretty cool. He took pictures of me like on the slide, the swings, and on the monkey bars. He pushed me on the swing. I think Roger liked to hold me because he would lift me up to the climbing bars when I could have done it myself. It reminded me like playing with the boys in the pool - like when they would touch my swimming suit like an accident and I would pretend not to notice - because Roger liked to touch me while he lifted me up. He's pretty neat.

Before we went back for dinner he wanted to get some pictures of me lying in the sandbox. My shorts and T-shirt and even my gym shoes were all dusty when we got back to the house, even though he dusted me off at the park while I turned around for him.

Uncle Doug and Aaron were both taller and heavier, and lots older, than Roger. Aaron had a short beard with a little gray in it, and he smoked all the time. I was glad Roger seemed to like me, and talked to me like we were the same age. He held the chair for me and wanted me to sit next to him. When he asked me about where I went to college, I said, "I'm not in college yet, just high school." Uncle Doug and Aaron laughed, but Roger said that I looked older than high school, and he whispered in my ear, "I bet if you were dressed up, it would show those guys."

We stayed outside on the deck near the grill. Uncle Doug was drinking soda. Aaron and Roger were drinking beer with their steaks, so I decided to have a beer, too. It didn't taste bad after a while. "So you like malt liquor?" Roger asked. "Me, too."

"You mean this stuff?" I looked at the can. It tasted like beer and smelled like beer. "It's OK, I guess. I like malted milk, so maybe that's why malted beer tastes better to me than regular beer." He laughed as I took another big sip.

After dinner we went in the house and sat around in the big living room where they had the cameras set up. They said they wanted me to model for them and let them try different video ideas. I said, "Sure, it sounds like fun." I was excited and kind of giggly nervous.

Then Uncle Doug kind of embarrassed me, "She's not as old as she looks, Roger. You'll see. But let's have a drink and talk about what we want her to do, some of the different outfits, some actress roles in front of the video cameras, and so on."

Roger said, "She's so cute, Doug. I would like to hold her on my lap between scenes or while you two change the sets."

"Sets? You mean like a stage or something?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes," said Uncle Doug, "We'll make a background for your acting, like if you're getting ready for a date, babysitting, practicing your dancing, modeling some sexy clothes, acting silly, being a naughty school girl, kissing a guy, different things like that. It will be fun for you, and we can practice our photography."

"Kissing?" I asked Uncle Doug.

"Of course. Don't you watch movies? There is always kissing. Practice with us tonight. It takes practice like any other acting technique."

Roger held out his arms, like for me to come over and sit on his lap.

I smiled and sat on his lap and he put his arms around me with one hand on my lap. "I'll practice kissing with you, Karen. I bet you could be pretty good." He laughed when I blushed and didn't say anything. "And I'll bet you'll be a great actress pretending to be a shy, young girl getting kisses or a school girl spanking."

I blushed and grinned, not knowing what to say.

Aaron said, "Why don't you let us clean up the kitchen, Doug, while you take her upstairs for a quick rinse and help her get in her first outfit. Maybe the school girl one."

I headed upstairs and Uncle Doug patted me on the bottom as I went past him. "Go on up and get these dirty clothes off. Start the bath water, but not too deep cause we'll just rinse you off. One of us will be up in a minute to help you bathe, and help with your make up and clothes."

I stopped and almost tripped over the bottom step. "But Uncle Doug, I'll be in the bathtub. Besides I can do it myself."

"No, I'll come up by myself then. I want to make sure you're sparkling clean all over. Then we'll find some pretty clothes."

I turned and ran up the steps, unsnapping my shorts as I went.

My Bath

I thought it would be OK if Uncle Doug wanted to wash me, especially after last month, and since he just watched me get shaved and spanked three hours earlier.

While the water was splashing into the tub, I looked at myself in the mirror. With my bald pussy I looked like a little kid again. Uncle Doug came in and I asked him why I needed to be shaved before being a model.

"Karen, we'll be getting pictures of you modeling some of the sheer lingerie that Aaron and Roger brought over. You don't want them to see a bush of hair in your panties, do you?"

"They're going to see me in just my panties and bra?" I said as I stepped into the tub.

"Sure, Karen. I thought you wanted to be a model and an actress. They've been expecting to see you model different clothes, and watch you act out different scenes. It's OK. They know you're only acting - pretending to be young and shy. That's the role they want you to play tonight. So go ahead and act shy at first, like not letting them see too much of your panties at first, maybe even putting your hand over your panties, as if you're real shy... but then let them get pictures.

"The same with acting - act shy at first, even when you're kissing Roger, but then let him know what a big girl you really are."

"What do you mean?" Uncle Doug was washing my legs and fanny while I was on my hands and knees in the tub.

"After you've been practicing kissing him for a little while, open your mouth more. If he pushes his tongue in your mouth, suck on it, or put your tongue in his mouth. It will feel awkward at first, but you'll get the hang of it. Practice with me and Aaron, too."

I was smiling at the thought of surprising Roger. That would show him that he was right about me acting older.

"Besides, they love your long, thin legs, Karen. Roger and Aaron both told me how cute you are. I know - why don't I put some boring cotton panties on you at first. We'll make them wait a little bit before you wear the sheer ones. OK? It will be our trick on them."

"Cool." I laughed. "And I won't even let them see much of my cotton panties at first. We'll trick them, Uncle Doug." I felt a little dizzy when he got me out of the bathtub.

After I put on the lipstick, he helped me on with the ankle socks, bra, blouse, and school skirt, which seemed awfully short. We headed downstairs. He was carrying my high heels because he didn't want me to wear them on the steps. "What about my panties, Uncle Doug?"

"Those are all downstairs. I'll pick out a nice pair for you to start in. Then you can change right in front of them with your dress on and they still won't see your you-know-what."

I giggled. It would be fun tricking them.

Photo Session

Roger stood and got his camera while Aaron turned on the two video cameras. Uncle Doug helped me put on the high heels and I whispered in his ear while he was kneeling down, "What about the panties?"

"In a minute, Karen. Practice walking and turning while I pick some out for you."

I smiled at Roger and Aaron. "I'll show you how I can walk in high heels first." I walked around and turned.

Uncle Roger said to all of us, "Karen, Start out pretending to be a shy school girl who is showing off how good she can walk in high heels. We can try some poses pretty soon. As soon as I find some pretty panties for you. Try spinning around in front of the cameras."

I thought he wanted me to twirl so my skirt would fly up and like maybe tease them so they couldn't be sure if they saw my bottom or not. Just for fun I held down the front of my skirt and tried to twirl around. It was hard to keep my balance in the high heels, especially after drinking the malted beer.

Thank goodness I didn't fall. They said I was doing great. Uncle Doug said he found some panties to start with and we could take a break.

Roger sat down his camera and came over and hugged me. I giggled again. He picked me up like a little kid with one arm under my shoulders and one arm under my knees. He carried me over to the couch and sat down with me on my lap. "I knew you would be beautiful, Karen. Let me give you a few practice kisses. OK? We're going to practice later anyway."

"Already? Well, OK." I wanted to practice kissing Roger. He turned me half around on his lap and while Uncle Doug and Aaron were trying to slide the panties up my legs, Roger started kissing me.

Uncle Doug said, "Put your arms around his neck and kiss him while we put these panties on you, Karen. Close your eyes like they do in the movies and think about kissing."

I was like half turned around on the couch hugging right up against Roger's face and had my arms around his neck. I could feel Uncle Roger and Aaron putting on the panties and moving my skirt, but I tried to concentrate on kissing Roger. It was so exciting. All I could remember was to open my mouth a little bit so I did and he put his tongue in my mouth part ways. That was so exciting, but only for a minute, then someone patted my bottom and they all helped me stand up.

Aaron said, "Roger, Karen here is the prettiest, little model we've ever filmed. This will be great."

Roger said, "And she's starting to get the hang of kissing like a grown-up already, too. Let her show you."

They stood me on the couch so I would be eye level with Aaron, who was the tallest in the group. I giggled and then kissed him and put my tongue out right away. It felt funny to stick my tongue out while kissing. Maybe I wasn't doing it right but he said I did great. I'm glad we only kissed for a minute, because he was smoking all the time and kind of tasted like a cigarette butt.

Then they posed me laying on my tummy on the floor with one foot up in the air, and pretending to do homework. Uncle Roger gave me a text book so I could pretend to be reading.

I had my knees together, and then apart, and moved my foot back and forth. Then I rolled over on my back and held the textbook up in front of my face. I knew they could all see my white, cotton panties, with the butterflies on them, and I got the giggles. They laughed too, and waited for me to calm down.

Then Roger said, "Let's try the pretend spanking for just a minute. Then maybe she would calm down."

The other two men agreed and led me over to lie across Roger's lap. He lifted my skirt and lightly spanked me. I was still giggling, but not as much. While he spanked my bottom Aaron moved the video cameras and Uncle Doug went upstairs to get something.

With the video cameras set up close to the couch, Roger spanked me a little harder, but not hard enough to sting. I put my face on a pillow when he reached under me and pulled my body closer to his and pushed my knee against the back of the couch. His left hand was under me on my breasts as he pulled me over against him.

I heard a buzzing noise.

I looked up, but Uncle Roger told me to lay my head back down and they would relax me with the spanking buzzer and a gentle spanking before I modeled some more fashions.

He was right about getting me to stop giggling, because when Uncle Roger pressed the buzzer on my panties and started moving it around, I got quiet. Roger was massaging my right breast and spanking me. "Ohhhh." I said.

Uncle Doug said, "Just relax, Honey. We'll help you calm down with a gentle spanking and the relaxing buzzer. It helps big girls calm down. There, there. See? You're getting calmer."

I was embarrassed with all of them watching Uncle Doug press the buzzer on my panties, but they only did it for a minute and then it was time to change panties and model again.

They had me stand in front of Roger and he pulled off my panties and I stepped out of them while still wearing my red high heels. Thank goodness my skirt stayed down or it would ruin our surprise. Roger told me to walk around a minute to air off from the buzzer and then they would put the next pair on. I went in the kitchen to get some pop and walked back in.

Uncle Doug showed me which pair I would wear next and I could see right through them like glass. They were so sexy looking. Roger and Aaron said those were the prettiest, white, hip-hugger panties they had ever seen in such a small size.

Even though they were so sheer, it seemed better than bare. At least I had panties on again. They put me in some funny poses for their cameras. I practiced kissing everybody again.

They weren't sure whether to do the night gown scene, bikini or panty dancing, some acting, or another spanking scene, or a playing on the floor in my little-girl jammies, so they let me pick one.

"Little girl jammies? Let me see them." I was getting excited again.

Uncle Doug showed me the short, baggy, pajama bottoms with teddy bears and a matching top that unbuttoned. It was a thin, yellow, T-shirt material. I felt like acting silly again, so I took the pajamas and started to go upstairs.

Uncle Doug said, "You can change in here, Karen, just face the other way while you change. Better take the shoes off first."

I smiled, thinking he wanted me to start teasing them some more - you know, like letting them see my bottom, but not everything, or else only for a second.

The cameras seemed to be on all the time and I had forgotten them until I sat down to take off my shoes and ankle socks. It looked like no matter which way I faced, while sitting in the middle of the floor that either the men or the cameras would see my front. Oh well, at least they won't see me right now.

It was easier to stand and undress without the high heels on. Uncle Doug walked past me and whispered, "Good job, Karen. They think you're beautiful and sexy. Just face this camera while they are sitting on the couch so they can only see your back."

He went on over and adjusted the video camera that I was facing. I decided to tease Uncle Doug, too, and faced the couch to take off the blouse and skirt. Since I was about six feet away from the men on the couch I figured they couldn't see too much, even though the panties were so sheer. When I started to put on the jammies, Uncle Doug said I shouldn't have anything on under the jammies.

Then I faced the camera and took off my bra and panties. Just to tease them some more I stood and looked at the top and bottoms like I was trying to figure out how to put them on. I let them look at my naked back. They were real quiet. It was so fun teasing them.

I took my time putting on the top and buttoning the two buttons. Aaron and Roger were talking about how cute and sexy I was which made me smile. As I stepped into the bottoms I turned to face them so they could get a quick glimpse of my front.

Roger's camera flashed as I turned around. I got the giggles again and it took a minute to step into the bottoms because he kept taking pictures. Finally I turned around to face Uncle Doug and was able to put them on without losing my balance.

I danced around acting silly when I finally got the PJs on, and then posed for them. I would stop about every ten minutes when they called me over for a break, some kissing practice, and to try some more malted beer. Anyway, the shorts were so short and baggy that it felt more like a short skirt. Exercises were kind of fun because they kept telling me how limber I was as I stretched and rolled around. It was fun.

Next I modeled a little biking but it was too big. They had me put the shoes and ankle socks on again and strut around, kind of acting silly - but sexier. The bottoms kept falling down, so I had to keep one hand on the waistband. I only got the giggles once when I bent over and the top was hanging off me. I stood up and it was twisted so one cup was between my breasts and the other cup was in my armpit.

While I was trying to stop giggling and put the top back on straight, the bottoms fell down to my knees. Uncle Doug told me to fluff myself up before straightening out the top. I pinched my nipples and pulled them out so they would snap back in place. The men thought that was pretty funny so I did it a few more times - just acting silly. Aaron came over and unsnapped the top and said I could just dance with the bottoms on because it would be easier. I pulled the bottoms back up and danced some more for them. They said I was such a sexy dancer. I fluffed myself up while Aaron changed tapes in one of the video cameras.

Uncle Doug said, "See if you can let go and dance right out of those bikini bottoms."

"OK." And I did, but was mostly facing away from Aaron and Roger. They wanted me to keep dancing and gave me a scarf to swirl around while I danced. I felt so sexy. Like I would put it in front of my pussy when I turned around so the men could see my front.

Roger said, Those high heels make your bottom look so perky and make your legs look so long.

Then Uncle Doug said, "Why don't you just try on some of the different panties, Karen, and model those for us. You could dance, too, if you want."

For the next thirty minutes I just changed panties and did different poses, stretches, or just danced for them. I even danced while changing panties. Whenever I changed panties, Roger reminded me to fluff my titties. I got the giggles again when the black, polka-dot panties got stuck on the heel of one of my high heels.

Roger helped me put them on after that so I would just take the old pair off and bring the new pair over to him. He held them for me to step into and then pulled them up. When I turned around to go back out and model he would slap my bottom and tell me how pretty I was.

Uncle Doug said, "It looks like you're getting sleepy, Karen. I don't want you to stay up too late."

"Oh, Uncle Doug..." I pouted, "Can't I stay up longer? I like modeling and acting."

They laughed. Aaron said, "Little girls who talk back should get spankings, don't you think?"

I asked, "Would the spankings be hard? Would I get to keep these panties? Then could I stay up longer?"

Uncle Doug said I would get to keep the panties for my next modeling session, but I couldn't take them home. He said the spankings wouldn't be hard. I laid across Roger's lap and waited for them to set up the cameras. Roger started feeling my breasts and feeling around on the panties right away. This pair was pink and silky and medium sheer, but real lacy - and they were hip huggers. Roger told me I looked so pretty in these new panties. "Such a perky little bottom - just waiting for a spanking.

He started spanking me, but not hard. A minute later I asked, "What about the relaxer? I mean like for the spankings."

Uncle Doug said to roll over onto my back. They put a bigger pillow under my head and shoulders. He put a scarf over my head again, like sort of a blindfold. After bending my knees so my legs were open I heard the buzzer start. I didn't know if they would give me front spankings or not, but they started buzzing me and said how pretty the new panties looked. I liked them, too. Sheer black ones with lace on the sides and along the top. There wasn't even a cotton liner between the legs - so they were especially sheer.

"Are you going to give me front spankings? I thought that's what the buzzer was for, like to get the tingles while I'm getting my front spankings."

Roger said he wouldn't want to hurt me. Uncle Doug said he would go get the front paddle in the garage.

When he came back, Roger said, "Oh, I see, a small paddle for her pussy. Good idea."

Aaron said, "We should probably take off her panties so I can zoom in. Besides they are getting so wet. She gets very wet. So sexy."

They took my panties off and Roger buzzed around my pussy lips and up and down my slit. He didn't press it on my bump until Uncle Doug said, "Stop buzzing every so often and then you can either tap her clit with the paddle, slide your finger part way in, or buzz her again. Press right against the side of her clit or right on it. Aaron, maybe you can pull her pussy open more. That's it, up and open."

Aaron put his hands on either side of my pussy and pulled the skin up and open so Roger could see the bump, which Uncle Doug called my 'clit.' Then Roger pushed the buzzer against the side of it. When he pulled the buzzer away I tried not to flinch, but did anyway when he tapped on it with the little paddle, and even when he pressed the buzzer right on my bump. Sometimes he pushed his finger in me, but he pushed in slowly so it didn't make me jump. It felt really good and filled me up.

Roger was saying how wet and slick I looked for such a young girl. His finger slid right into my vagina and pressed in all the way. He still was pressing with the buzzer right on my bump and I started to get that squishy feeling in my tummy again.

It didn't hurt. In fact it felt great. But still I started moaning. I couldn't help it, and was surprised when I noticed my noises. The men told me to relax and enjoy my punishment.

"Ohhhh, unnnngh. OK." I was breathing hard. "I'll ... try ... to. Unnnngh!" My spasms started and I closed my legs and tried to hold his hand inside me, squeezing his arm with my legs. Aaron let go of my legs and tummy.

A minute later I opened my eyes when Uncle Doug pulled the scarf off my face. The men were smiling at me. Aaron was at the end of the couch working the video camera. Then he took a flash picture with Roger's camera.

"Big girl!" Said Roger. "Such a big and pretty and sexy girl."

I just laid there on his lap.

Uncle Roger said, "Go on up to bed, Karen. Not my bed. At least not at first. Aaron and Roger are spending the night tonight. Since there are only three bedrooms you'll have to share a bed with one of them.

Aaron said, "We can move you around so you get to sleep a little bit with each of us. Would you like that?"

I wasn't sure about that. I felt comfortable with Uncle Doug, and would like to hug Roger, but not have sex with anybody. I knew about that, and thought it would hurt. And I didn't want Aaron's cigarette breath in bed with me. They were all nice though.

Uncle Doug helped me stand up after I took off the shoes. I felt dizzy again.

He said, "I'll take you upstairs and we can talk. Aren't you glad they can take some more pictures tomorrow?"

"Let me kiss them goodnight, at least, Uncle Doug." Then I kissed Aaron and Roger.

Upstairs Uncle Doug said, "Honey, I told them they can't have sex with you. And I said if you were naked then they would have to get naked, too. And you are allowed to look at them or touch them, but they can't put anything besides a finger inside you, and even then, only with your permission. You are the boss. You can tell them what to do or what not to do. Is that what you were worried about?"

I threw my arms around his neck. "You're the best uncle in the world, Uncle Doug. Yes, I was worried about that. Like your thing is so big I'm sure it would hurt. And I feel kind of funny about being naked so much. Like kind of embarrassed now that it's over."

"Nonsense, Karen. You're so cute and sexy. It's good you can show off in front of a few trusted friends. If you want, you could wear this nightie at first." He showed me a sheer, black, lacy nightgown.

"Oh cool. Yes, let me wear that." I laughed and said, "At least at first."

He laughed too, and patted my bare bottom as he helped me put it on. There weren't any panties with it, but the ruffled bottom came down below my hips. It was open down to my belly button. I didn't button the two buttons on top.

Uncle Doug said, "Remember - you can look at them, touch them, kiss them anywhere you want but you don't have to suck on them unless you want to."

I pictured kissing each of them, and was relieved about not having sex. "Can they touch me, too, Uncle Doug? I mean like if they want to?"

He laughed, "I'm sure they'll want to, but it's your decision. You're the boss. You can just go on to sleep if you want... Or you could let them touch you and kiss you all over, too. That is, when you're done touching them."

"I wonder if Aaron's thing smells like cigarette smoke?" We both laughed. Uncle Doug didn't like cigarette smoke either since he quit a few years ago.

"Karen, tomorrow we have some surprises in store for you, especially since we know you aren't too shy. But I can't tell you any more. Just enjoy tonight. Try to get some sleep. When you get in bed with me in a couple hours I'll let you go to sleep. You'll be with me two more nights before you have to go back home.

"What kind of surprises tomorrow?"

"You'll see, young lady! No hints. You just act shy at first. Now." He asked, "who would you rather sleep with first? And remember, nobody will put anything inside you except a finger. OK?"

I hugged and kissed him again. "Roger." I said, as I went in the bathroom to tinkle. When I came out he led me to the bedroom next to the stairs, and left the light on. I climbed in bed.

A few minutes later Roger came in and set up a video camera on the tripod. He said he wanted to make a tape of his evening with the prettiest, youngest date he had ever had.

I giggled.

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lovely coercion story.

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