Karen's Party, Part 1

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo, inc ]

by Corn53


Published: 20-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

I had to stay with Uncle Doug for the weekend, about a hundred miles from my house, because Mom was going to California. I wanted to stay on my own, but Mom wouldn't hear of it. Nobody else could take me for the weekend. Mom's brother was kind of a character - always seemed to have a different job - like in advertising or marketing or photography or something like that.

"No, Karen, you're going to stay with your uncle this weekend. He just moved back to the east coast and said he would be glad to take you whenever I'm away."

Mom said he had a cool place, but I didn't want to go because it would be my twelfth birthday and I wouldn't get to see my friends. Mommy promised me a party the weekend after she got back from California.

Uncle Doug hugged me when I got off the bus and drove me towards his house in a convertible. It was neat. My hair was blowing in the wind. He said I looked so grown up and sexy now that I was in the double numbers. "I haven't seen you for, I bet, two or three years! Don't be afraid to smile, Karen. I like your braces. They give you such a cute, innocent look. But I know what you girls today think about!" He winked at me, like he knew a secret. I didn't know what he meant.

He was shifting gears on a bar that was between our seats and it sounded cool. It was a really neat car. Red. Uncle Doug put his hand on my knee and said, "Wow, Karen, even your legs look grown-up and sexy now." He left his hand on my knee and it felt funny. Like he thought I really was sexy.

Each time his shifted gears on the twisty roads on the way to his little town he put his hand back on my leg, but a little closer to my shorts each time. When his right baby finger touched the leg of my shorts I put my legs together. He said, "Karen is a little shy, isn't she?"

"No." I said. "I'm not shy. It's just that Mom says not to let boys touch my pants." I giggled, feeling kind of nervous.

Uncle Doug laughed as he shifted to go around a corner. "I'm not a boy, Karen. And do you do everything your Mother tells you? Haven't you ever done naughty things with your friends?"

I giggled again and blushed.

He said, "I thought so. What was the naughtiest thing you ever did?"

I wanted to prove to him that I wasn't just a kid. "Well, sometimes when I baby-sit I look at Mr. Jackson's dirty magazines and videos. And a couple times I played doctor with Susan and her big brother. Susan and I are in the same grade and sleep at each others' house sometimes. But not for a year since they moved."

Uncle Doug looked at me. He smiled and said, "I hardly know what to ask you about first, Karen. But tell me about playing doctor."

I blushed. "You know."

"No, what? It's been so long I don't remember. Everybody plays doctor, like part of growing up."

I blushed even redder and could feel my face turning red. That's one of those things about blond hair and a light complexion - blushing like that. "Well, like if it's just me and Susan one of us pretends like we passed out and the other one undresses her. Then we like feel all around. Like that."

"Do you put your finger in her vagina or anus? Or does she put her finger in you? Do you use things? What about her brother?"

I looked out the window, facing away from him for a minute. I was so embarrassed but wanted to prove I was older and knew about that kind of stuff. "Well, yes. I put my finger in her. In her front and back, but only put it in back after putting Vaseline on my finger. Susan gets the Vaseline from her Mom's bathroom. And she did the same to me. We did it lots of times, you know, like when one of us was pretending to be unconscious."

"Did you get to touch her brother and put your finger in him?"

"Oh no, Silly. He always wanted to be the doctor and undress us. Then he put his finger in us."

"In both places?"

"No, just in our pussies. I mean our vaginas. Well, once he put his finger in my bottom, and I watched him put his finger in Susan's anus, too." I wanted him to know that I knew the right words.

"Did any other boys or men ever put their fingers in you?"

"No." I thought a minute, hoping to think of something to add. "But sometimes at the swimming pool boys would touch me. That was kind of fun. Like pretending it was an accident, and I pretended not to notice. Kind of like a game."

"I understand, Karen. It shows you're growing up." He put his hand on my thigh again, and I closed my legs again before I could think.

He laughed, "And I think you're still as shy as a little nine or ten year old, Karen. Big girls don't close their legs like that." He laughed again and shifted as we got onto a long straight section of road.

When he put his hand back on my thigh I leaned back and put my knees apart. I would show him!

He put his hand on my knee again and laughed. "I can tell you're getting older, Karen. And so cute!" His big right hand gripped my knee playfully like he was going to squeeze just above my knee to tickle me, but instead his began sliding his hand up and down my thigh. Up to my shorts and down to my knee again. He even reached across me and stroked my right thigh, up and down. I left my knees apart. I would prove I'm not as shy as a ten year old. When his hand was on my left knee I scooted my hips forward a little bit so I could open my knees even farther. That would show him.

Uncle Doug said, "Twelve years old. I can't believe it. And you're as sexy as an eighteen year old. I'll have to take you out for dinner tonight. Maybe we could even have a little party for you tomorrow night."

"Oh cool, Uncle Doug. You mean like dress up and go out for dinner?"

Sure, since you're such a pretty young lady, I'll take you to a nice place. You could even wear high heels and hose. Lipstick and make up. The whole works."

"Oh cool."

Uncle Doug started sliding his hand from knee to knee even going over my shorts to make one continuous stroke from knee to knee. Then he slipped his baby finger under the edge of my shorts to feel the edge of my panties. "Do you have hose or sexy panties to wear tonight, Karen?"

I remembered that I didn't bring any fancy clothes. "No. Darn. I didn't bring any fancy clothes, Uncle Doug. I have some pantyhose at home that I wear when I dress up, but I didn't even bring a dress."

"It's OK, Karen. We'll stop and get you a new outfit before we go to my house. From top to bottom, a dress, some sexy under things, make up. Everything for such a pretty, grown up ... and sexy girl."

"Oh cool." I laughed. "That would be so neat."

His baby finger was still feeling the edge of my panties. "I bet these are boring, white, cotton panties. Aren't they, Karen?"

"I think there is a design on them. I don't remember." I was trying to remember if I even brought my silky ones. I didn't think so.

"It's OK, Karen. We'll get you some sexy ones. And I wasn't talking about pantyhose either."

"What do you mean, Uncle Doug?"

"I mean real hose. With a garter belt and snaps." He must have seen that I looked confused because he said he would help me get all dressed up, and even offered to help with my hair and make up. "I bet you could even order a drink tonight and they wouldn't ask for your ID. That way you would know you look grown up!"

"Wow. Yes. But like I don't know what to order, or what stuff tastes like, Uncle Doug. The times I tasted things from Mom's cabinet I didn't like it."

"I'll think of something you might like. Yes, you're getting so grown up. See, you don't always do what your Mother tells you. Getting into her liquor cabinet! This calls for a real celebration. Let this be my birthday treat for you. New clothes and a fancy dinner."

"Oh, cool!"

Uncle Doug continued to stroke my knees, thighs, and shorts as we turned around and drove back towards the city. He said he knew a little clothing store that would help get me all dolled up, but it was back in the city. He made a call on his cell phone to his friend who ran the store.

The Clothing Shop

It was such a small store, not like Sears or JC Pennys. It was just like a house that was converted to a store, but they had some crazy stuff there. Like really sexy things, and costumes. But they had some dresses, too. The lady who ran the store took me upstairs to the changing room and had me undress. "Even the training bra and panties, Karen. I need to get all your measurements."

I was embarrassed that she called it a training bra, because I was starting to get a figure. I stood sort of hunched over and had my left hand in front of my pussy and my other arm across my chest. Ms. Ginny laughed and said, "Don't be so shy, Karen. You're getting very grown up, like Doug said. Yes. A real young lady. Be proud of your beautiful, developing figure."

I put my hands at my sides but felt funny the way she looked me over and had me turn around. Ms. Ginny stood behind me and wrapped a measuring tape around me, as I held my arms out to my sides. "You feel so tense, Karen. Just relax. Put your shoulders back and stick those perky titties straight out. They're lovely. And besides, it's just us girls up here." She patted my bottom and told me again to relax.

"Now face the mirror with your arms out so I can see how big your titties are getting." She put the tape around my chest. "34! See? They are getting big. Even though you're not five feet tall yet, your boobies are a size thirty-four!" She squeezed them and reminded me to hold my arms straight out. "Look how firm and big these are getting." She cupped them in her hands and jiggled them.

As she took my measurements, even the length of my legs from my ankle to my ... well, to right between my legs, she kept talking and got me to relax. "As I thought, you'll need a bigger size bra than the one you wore here. Let's try this 34-A, and see how much better it fits than the one you had on. You could wear a 'B' but these cups are stretchy. Your old bra is a 30-A and it's pretty much stretched out. I want to try the 34-A first because this material will hold you up yet let you jiggle when you walk. We want that braless comfort while holding them up and out." She put the bra on me and then felt how well it fit.

"Put your arms out straight again, Karen. I'll show you something."

When my arms were straight out, at shoulder level, Ms. Ginny pinched my nipples and jiggled my breasts around. "That's it. Keep holding your arms out while I fluff these out. You're developing nicely. Now look in the mirror." She said as she turned me to face the mirror again. "See how we can see the shape of your erect nipples yet you are still supported. No break at all underneath." Her hands were on my waist and my arms were still out straight.

"Hop up and down at little, Karen, and see how your breasts bounce, almost like you're braless, but notice how this support underneath keeps them pointing straight out? That is so sexy."

She felt them again, stretching them this way and that. "You're so firm, Karen. Be proud of these."

I was smiling at her compliments, but didn't say anything. It seemed kind of embarrassing to be naked except for my new bra with her standing up against my back and pinching and jiggling my boobies like that.

She sat in a chair and had me stand in front of her, holding my arms straight out again. "Such a cute, blond bush, Karen. Most women would be jealous. I'm only going to trim off a little bit with this scissors. We don't want a bulge to detract from your feminine charms."

I didn't know what to do or say, so I just opened my legs as she placed a waste basket between my feet. I was straddling the wastebasket and she said I could put my hands on my hips now. "Close your eyes a moment, Karen, while I trim this. Then we'll find some sexy panties for you. Your hair is so soft and fine. Wispy."

She tugged and snipped while I kept my eyes closed. After each few snips she brushed me off. A minute later she said, "Keep your eyes closes while I try on this first pair. That's a big girl." She moved the wastebasket and brushed me off again.

"We'll try this pair first." She helped me step into a silky pair of panties and led me to the mirror while I kept my eyes closed.

"Look, Karen." I looked in the mirror and saw a very sexy girl looking back at me. I had on a very sheer white bra and matching panties. I could see through the material and noted my nearly bald crack. It looked like I didn't have any hair at all through the panties.

"We'll give you a black set and a white set, Honey. You can let Doug decide which set you should wear for your big night out tonight. Now we'll get hose and a garter belt before he comes upstairs to see you."

"He'll come up here?" I asked.

Ms. Ginny laughed. "Of course, Dear. He's paying for all this. Don't you think he should get to choose between black and white? Besides, you can show him that you're so grown up now, and not so shy like he was teasing you about.

"You're beautiful, Karen. Let him see you. After all, you're not naked!" She laughed and patted my bottom.

I laughed, too. "Well, it sort of feels like it."

She put a black garter belt around my tummy and tightened it. Then she helped me sit down and put on the hose. When I finally stepped into the black high heels she told me to stand tall and proud. "You're so pretty and sexy now, Karen. He'll like this look. I'll go down and get him while you pinch yourself. Make these nipples poke out like a big, sexy girl." She pinched my right nipple again and went downstairs.

I pinched myself as I looked in the mirror and tried to walk gracefully in the high heels. I really did look sexy. Just wait until Uncle Doug saw me. He won't think I'm just a little girl now!

They were coming up the stairs when I heard Uncle Doug say, "So you really think she could pass for eighteen? Maybe even twenty one?"

"Without a doubt, Doug. You'll see in a minute. She looks so grown up. She could be a model with that pretty blond hair."

As they reached the top of the stairs, they stopped talking. "Well, come on in the changing room, Doug. I think you'll find your little niece is not so little anymore."

They walked in the changing room and Doug clapped his hands. "My goodness. I don't believe it. You look so grown up, Karen." He came over to me. With the high heels on I came up to his chin. Uncle Doug put his arms around me and I hugged him and giggled.

"Do you really thing I look older, Uncle Doug?"

"My God, Yes! Karen, I think Ms. Ginny is right. You could pass for 21. We'll put on make up and a nice dress to accentuate your slim figure. Maybe a choker necklace. You'll pass for twenty one tonight, Karen!"

Ms. Ginny said, "You'll get to keep these clothes, Karen, but maybe you shouldn't take them home with you."

I looked up at Uncle Doug. "I can keep these? Really?"

He nodded. "We can keep them at my house and maybe you could come up to visit more often."

"Cool! Thank you!" I kissed him, and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back right on the lips.

We kissed just a moment and I felt self-conscious with Ms. Ginny standing beside us. I stepped back and turned around to show him how I looked. He had me walk and turn around. "You're doing fine in the high heels, Karen."

"I used to practice wearing Mommy's when she wasn't home, but they were too big on me. I can walk in these easier. And I feel so tall." I giggled again as I turned and walked so he could see how good I could do it. The next time I turned though, I almost lost my balance and we all laughed.

Uncle Doug motioned for me to stand still facing him. He knelt down in front of me and looked closely at the panties. I felt myself smiling and blushing at the same time. "Turn around a sec, Honey. Let me see the back."

I turned around for him and he patted my bottom. He asked Ginny if she had white ones. "Since nobody except me will see her panties, let's try some white ones. They don't need to be so fully cut in the back either."

"Yes, Sir." said Ms. Ginny. "I'll get some. Several pairs." She went downstairs to get more panties for me to try on.

Uncle Doug sat on the chair and had me walk towards him and then across the little room. Each time I stood between his knees he patted my bottom and said something nice to me. "So pretty, Karen. And so sexy. And so grown up!" He had me stay between his knees and turn around. He patted my fanny and hips and looked at my belly button. Then he surprised me and kissed me on the belly button.

"Before Ms. Ginny comes back up, sit on my lap facing me. That's it. Like a little kid riding a horsey. But you're sure not a little kid anymore, are you, Karen?"

I felt funny sitting on Uncle Doug's lap with my legs outside his while he bounced me like I was on a horsy. He was looking at my bra and watching me jiggle around as he bounced me. "You're getting such a grown up figure, too, Karen. So firm but bouncy. Did Ms. Ginny show you how to make them stand up?"

"What do you mean, Uncle Doug?"

"Like to make your nipples hard. You know, so they stick out through the material. That looks so sexy, too. See? They are standing up a little bit just because you know I'm looking."

It was kind of embarrassing and made me feel funny to pinch myself while he watched and bounced me. "Try pinching them just a little harder."

I tried to pinch them harder, but it kind of hurt. I let go and let him look to see how hard they were now. "How's this, Uncle Doug? They are poking forward now."

"Excellent, Karen. Just like a big girl. Let me show you something. OK?" He looked at me, like to get my permission to touch me there.

"OK. What are you going to show me?"

"Hands down. Don't say 'ouch' right away. Just let me pinch them a little harder. It won't hurt you. Tell me when it's too hard. Keep your hands at your sides. I'll still bounce you and pinch lightly at first, then a little harder. Big girls like to get them pinched real hard. OK?"

"Well, OK, Uncle Doug. I'll tell you if it hurts."

He bounced me a few times and said how firm and bouncy I looked, "And your nipples are so pink and tiny I can hardly see them. OK, I'll pinch lightly this time."

He kept bouncing me and I was smiling big. "This doesn't hurt, does it?" "No, Uncle Doug. It doesn't hurt at all. I guess it's OK to pinch harder."

He pinched harder but it didn't hurt, just felt funny, like my tummy was getting squishy inside. He kept pinching and squeezing them, trying to pull them and the bra at the same time. He brushed them off and bounced me. "There. That didn't hurt, did it?"

"No. But it makes them feel funny, Uncle Doug. Like it kind of hurts, but it doesn't hurt at the same time."

"That's hard enough for now, Karen." He kissed me again and then bounced me some more. I was wondering when Ms. Ginny was going to come back with the other panties.

"Uncle Doug," I said between kisses, "when is Ms. Ginny coming back with the other panties? And what about a dress?"

He said, "She'll be up in a minute. She's probably watching us on the security cameras now, so she'll come back up when she sees you stand up. Let me see how loose these panties are on you."

"Security cameras?" I asked and looked around while he put his knees apart so I was sitting more on my thighs on his legs with my bottom suspended in the air between his knees.

"Yes." He laughed. "For security. Her cameras turn on whenever the lights are on up here in her changing room. I asked her to save the tapes for me. Let me check these panties and then you can stand up."

Uncle Doug started feeling my panties while I looked around. I spotted two cameras and told him.

"There's one more. See if you can see it." He kept feeling the panties, even between my legs while I looked for the other camera.

"Oh, Honey. These are getting wet. We'll have to buy these, too."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get them wet. I didn't pee. Honest."

He laughed and hugged me. "I know, Karen. It's just another sign that you're getting to be a big girl. That's all. Big girls get wet here..." and he rubbed me right exactly between the legs and pushed the panties into my little hole, as I called it. Then he said, "I mean like when big girls get excited about things, like getting touched I mean, or like when they want to get touched by a man or a boy, they get wet here. It's just Mother Nature. Mother Nature tells me you're getting very grown up!" He kissed me again.

He put one hand back on my bra again and squeezed and pinched, kind of massaging me. "Like did it feel good to you, Karen, when I pinched you here?"

"Yes." I admitted. Then he kissed me again and flicked his tongue across my lips.

"See? You're getting so grown up!" He said as he laughed and helped me stand up.

As soon as I stood up we heard Ms. Ginny coming upstairs again. He whispered in my ear, "See? What did I tell you?"

I turned around and whispered in his ear, "Was she taking video the whole time, like even when I was naked and she was measuring me?"

"If the lights were on, then her video cameras were on. Don't worry about it, Karen. Nobody will see the tapes except me. And maybe Ms. Ginny. That's probably all."

As soon as Ms. Ginny walked into the room, with a hand full of panties, Uncle Doug said, "I was teaching her more about pinching her nipples. Try it again, Ginny. She likes it harder now. Don't you, Karen?"

"Yes." I said, blushing and looking at the floor.

Ms. Ginny laughed, "It's OK, Karen. You can admit it feels good. Go ahead. Repeat after me, 'I'm a big girl now and it feels good. It feels good when someone pinches my nipples.' Go on."

I giggled and could hardly say it. We had to try three times before I said, "I'm a big girl now and it feels good. It feels good when someone pinches my nipples." I must have been bright red, because they were both smiling.

Ms. Ginny stood behind me and pinched my nipples. Much harder than she did before. It hurt a little bit, but also felt good like Uncle Doug said it would.

He said, "Feel these panties, Ginny. I'll have to buy these too, because they're soaked."

Ms. Ginny knelt down behind me and had me put my legs apart, then felt me between the legs - kind of pushing in and massaging. "Yes, Doug. These panties are soaked all right. Let me dry her off before trying on these others. You'd better step out of the room while I dry her and help her on with the other panties. I'll let her choose."

Uncle Doug went back downstairs so he could look at dresses while Ms. Ginny helped me out of the high heels and panties. They were pretty wet and I was embarrassed again.

Almost as if she could read my mind, she said, "Don't be so self conscious about your wetness, Karen. Doug is absolutely right. It means you are getting very grown up. Big girls get wet so it's easier for them to have sex. So a big penis can slide right in. If the girl isn't old enough, then she's too dry to have sex. Don't worry one little bit about it."

"Oh." I said. "My panties do get wet sometimes."

I could feel how wet they were as I stepped out of them.

She told me to get on my hands and knees with my knees apart so she could wipe me off with a damp wash cloth. When I was in position she pushed my shoulders down so I was on my elbows and knees. "Put your finger back here and feel how grown up and slippery your pussy is. I'll go put some warm water on a wash cloth. Notice how easily your finger slips inside now, while you're so wet. Like this." Ms. Ginny pushed one of her fingers into my vagina. It slid right in, but her finger felt big to me.

"Your finger is bigger, Ms. Ginny. But I see what you mean."

She laughed, patted my bottom, and pulled her finger out. She went to the bathroom to get the washcloth. I slid my finger in my vagina three more times and then remembered the security cameras, so I took it out and waited for her.

Ms. Ginny came back in and rinsed me off, dried me, and sprinkled a little powder on me - front and back. Then I stood up and looked at the panties she had brought. They all looked so fancy. All of them were sheer and lacy. One pair looked like a little white triangle with a string. The string was attached to another string that must have been the waist band. I could see my hand through the triangle as if the material was hardly even there.

"Let's try this pair on. That would surprise him, Karen. I think he still thinks you're young and shy."

"But I can see right through it."

She laughed again. "That's the whole idea, Karen. Men find these things so sexy. Try it on, at least."

"OK." I said, blushing to look in the mirror. I could see my almost bald crack plainly through the sheer material.

We heard Uncle Doug coming back up the stairs. "But..." I started to protest that he would see me, see my pussy right through the material.

"You look great, Karen. Let's surprise him. Let's show him that you're not a shy, little girl anymore."

"Well, OK." I said as he walked into the room.

They had me put the high heels on and walk around in the shoes, black hose and garter belt, and the sheer white panties. Then they unsnapped the garter belt and put the straps outside the waist band of the panties.

I walked around for them and they both said how sexy those panties looked on me. I was looking in the mirror, and even looked at the back of me with a hand mirror so I could see my back in the big mirror. The string went between my buns and it looked like I didn't even have panties on from behind. "It looks like I'm bare from behind." I said.

"That will make it easier to give you those birthday spankings, Karen!" Uncle Doug joked and patted my fanny.

"Birthday?" asked Ms. Ginny.

"Yes, she's almost seventeen." said Doug quickly. I guess he was warning me not to tell her I would be twelve the next day.

"Well then, I'd better give her a present. A present and seventeen spankings. Don't worry, Karen, they won't be hard ones. But I really don't want to spank you with these pretty panties on. Come in the other room and lay across my lap."

She and Doug helped me out of the panties and shoes. When my panties were off I stepped back into the shoes and they led me across the hall to a little living room. I could see a kitchen through the other door and figured she must live in the upstairs of her shop.

Ms. Ginny sat in the middle of the couch and laid me across her lap with my hips over her legs. She said, "Doug, set up the other video camera so I can capture her eighteenth birthday spankings on tape."

He went back to the changing room to get it, and I laid across her lap wondering how I had gotten into this predicament. She put my knees apart, pressing one into the back of the couch and putting the other knee over the front of the couch seat. Doug came back in and I heard him setting up the video camera at the foot of the couch by my feet. She patted my bottom while he started the video camera. "Lift up your bottom when you're ready to start, Karen."

I lifted my bottom up off her lap. Instead of spanking me she pulled my buns open and massaged me. She said, "Do you remember how we pinched your nipples? It kind of hurt and felt good at the same time?"

"Yes." I answered, wondering what she was getting at. I was also wondering about the video camera.

"Well, the same is true for spankings. A little sting will feel good a second later. You'll see. Just remember you getting some very expensive fashions today. You'll look so grown up. When you're ready, say, 'I'm looking forward to my birthday spankings.' and then I'll start. After each spank I want you to count it and thank me for the presents. The presents and the spankings. Then lift your bottom up high off my lap when you're ready for the next one. OK?"

"Yes. I'm ready."

As she took her hands off my bottom, I lifted it up off her lap again and said, "I'm looking forward to my birthday spankings."

SMACK! The first one surprised me. I didn't say anything, but waited to see if it would feel good. It didn't. But it only stung for a few seconds and then started to itch.

I lifted my bottom again and said, "One. Thank you for the presents and the spankings."

"Good girl, Karen. You're getting so grown up. Keep your hands up by your head. I'll be done pretty soon. If your bottom itches I'll let you rub yourself. Just don't pull on the garter straps. I want you to rub yourself in a 'pull-open' motion. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mam." I said. "Can I rub now? It does itch a little bit."

"OK. But remember to rub your bottom with pull-open motions."

"Thank you." I said and rubbed my bottom. It wasn't stinging anymore. I wanted to tell her I would really only be twelve, but didn't want to get Uncle Doug into trouble. I rubbed my bottom, pulling it open, kind of stalling and taking my time. I knew Uncle Doug and the camera could see me when I pulled my bottom open, but like he said, they would probably be the only ones seeing the video. It was a way to stall before the next spanking.

A minute later I put my hands back up by my head and lifted my bottom.

SMACK! She smacked my other cheek and I noticed that it only stung for a couple of seconds. This continued, and I thanked her each time, and rubbed my bottom after every two smacks. I remembered to pull it open while rubbing.

Finally, after the sixteenth spank, Uncle Doug said that it looked like enough for now, and it also looked like I was soaking wet again. Ms. Ginny had me raise up as if I was going to rub my bottom, but said I should just pull it wide open for her camera. "That's a girl." she said. "Well, I'd say more of a young woman than a girl, Karen. You did great. I'll give you half the clothes for a present, including all those pretty panties you liked."

"Wow. That's great, Ms. Ginny. Thank you."

They helped me stand up and put the white panties back on. They said my fanny had a rosy glow to it.

Then Uncle Doug gave me a dress to top off the whole outfit. Like a velvet jumper. I was a little disappointed that it didn't look real sexy, but it was cute.

Ms. Ginny put my hair in two pony tails and helped me with the lipstick and eye make up. Then Uncle Doug took me to a fancy place for dinner.

The Restaurant

Like he guessed earlier, they served me a drink without checking my ID. Uncle Doug ordered a chockolatey drink for me that tasted really good. It kind of smelled like what I cleaned my paint brushes with in art class, but it smelled like chocolate, too. He gave the bartender a hundred dollar bill and said that would be for the next few drinks, too, and the rest was a tip. He gave the waiter a tip, too, when he sat us in a neat table with a table cloth in a corner booth.

We talked and laughed and had good food and more drinks. He told me that I was a real champ when I got my spanking and that it was cool that I didn't tell her I was only going to be twelve.

I told him about some of the kids in my seventh grade class and about sneaking into Mommy's liquor cabinet. "But we didn't have any chocolate drinks like this, Untel Doug."

"That's 'Uncle,' and you can just call me Doug if you want."

He asked me about Susan's brother and how often he had fingered me, and if I liked putting my finger in Susan.

"I guess he played with us four or five times. He liked to undress me first, because I think he plays doctor with Susan with just the two of them whenever their Mom is gone."

"Go on." He said, "Tell me about putting your finger in Susan."

"I don't know exactly. She did feel slippery, like Ms. Ginny said, because my finger slid into her pussy pretty easy. I had to push harder to get my finger into her bottom even with all the Vaseline on my finger. I guess usually I would slide it in about ten or twenty times depending on when she said 'OK' so like then I would stop."

"Did you like it when Susan or her brother put a finger in your bottom?"

"It didn't hurt, if like they used plenty of Vaseline. Sometimes they would take turns putting a finger in me. That was funny. Like taking turns in my bottom or one in my bottom and one in my pussy."

"Did you ever watch him finger his sister?"

"Yes, that was kind of funny, too, because I liked to watch and he liked me to watch, especially when he pushed his finger into her bottom. But I wasn't allowed to watch him unless I was naked, too. So like they always put their fingers in me first, and then I watched him undress her. It was fun. Sometimes I pulled her fanny open so he could push his finger in easier."

"Did they ever suck on your breasts?"

I laughed at that. "Not really, but they tried. It was about a year ago and I didn't even have breasts. Susan's were about the size that mine are now, and I sucked on them, but it was kind of like a water balloon. I didn't see what the thrill was in that."

His hand was up under my dress because he liked to feel my new panties. Nobody could see us because of the table cloth. Even the waiter smiled and brought us food and drinks. It was our secret. Nobody but me and Uncle Doug knew.

"You're getting so wet again, Karen." He wiggled his finger between my legs. Not going in me, but just in front and between my legs. "Do you know what that means?" he asked.

"It means I'm getting wet and slippery is what Ms. Ginny said, so like her finger could slide in me real easy."

"Like this?" He asked as he slid his big finger into me. I scooted my hips forward so it could slide in easier and then just sat still. It felt good. I was feeling a little dizzy, too. You know, like if I was spinning around and then tried to hold still.

I heard him ask the waiter for the check while I was looking down at my plate of unfinished food. It seemed funny with Uncle Doug's finger in me while he was talking to somebody else. It felt good, like I wanted to wiggle around on his finger.

Then we were in his car and he put the top up. He leaned my seat way back and helped me take off my new panties. I forget why he said, but it was OK.

He lifted my skirt and put my legs apart so he could rub my legs easier he said. I think that was it.

I remember him carrying me into his house, and helping me undress and get into bed. My dreams were crazy like with flashes of light, and laughing, and tasting strange things. The next morning I had a headache. I was thirsty. At first I didn't know where I was and then remembered I was staying at Uncle Doug's house.

I was wearing a slinky, short night gown that was white like the panties I remembered from yesterday. I was wondering how I got changed, and what happened after dinner when Uncle Doug came in with a glass of ice water and some pills. He said they would make me feel better like in case I had a headache.

I did have a headache, and the water made me feel a little dizzy again. The bed was so big. I laid back down and pulled up the quilt.

It was hard to tell how long I was asleep, but the sun was still shining through the windows the next time I woke up. Uncle Doug was laying in bed beside me and I snuggled closer into his arms. That's when I noticed he was naked and that his thing was stiff. "Uncle Doug?" I asked softly.

He didn't say anything but laid back on his back. I rolled over to face him, snuggled on his arm with my left hand on his chest. I felt awake but had to pee. Really bad. So I got up and went in the bathroom. I was surprised that my pussy felt different and then remembered that Ms. Ginny had snipped off most of my hair.

When I went back in the bedroom I saw that he had a video camera in his bedroom on a tripod. There was another fancy camera over on his dresser. Oh well. I looked at Uncle Doug. I must have pulled the covers down when I got out of bed because the quilt was by his knees and I could see his thing. It looked so big and hard.

I climbed in and laid my head on his arm again, putting my hand on his chest. It was like I couldn't keep my eyes off his thing. He seemed asleep, but slowly brought his hand up and took my hand and pushed it down so I could hold his thing. It was hard as wood.

He moved my hand up and down on his thing, but his face still looked asleep. I began moving my hand up and down and he let go with his hand.

I kept sliding my hand up and down, and he moaned. I stopped but he told me to keep going. "Put your head on my tummy, Karen. Take a close look at it."

I slid down him, then watched from just a few inches away as my hand slid up and down his big thing.

A minute later he pushed me up on my hands and knees, and said, "Kiss it. Kiss it, Karen."

It was exciting to kiss it while I was rubbing it. I looked at his balls, too. They were fuzzy. He had lots of light brown hair and it was real curly. I had heard about sucking cocks before, and even saw girls do it on some of the videos I watched while babysitting, but I never imagined actually doing it. It sounded so disgusting when I first heard about it, but now... now I really wanted to try it. The girls in the videos seemed to like it. I kept kissing it and then looking at it.

Uncle Doug put his hand on it and straightened it up into the air, like instead of laying on his tummy he pointed it straight at me. That's when I kissed the end of it. He moaned and said softly, "Wonderful. Keep doing that. You're such a big girl."

He put his left hand on the back of my head and held his cock pointing straight up with his right hand. Then he pushed my head down over it. I got the idea and tried to put the whole tip in my mouth. I kept doing that, like even sliding a little bit past the tip but it hit the back of my mouth so I could only slide down about an inch past the tip of it. I felt the ridge of it slide in and out past my teeth.

It started to taste funny, like kind of salty when he stopped and had me lay back on the bed next to him. "Did I hurt you, Uncle Doug? I'm sorry. I saw girls in the videos do this."

He laughed and said I didn't hurt him a bit. "I want to taste you a little bit, Karen, like I did last night. But you probably don't remember."

"What do you mean?"

"Put your legs apart and I'll kiss you between your legs now. Don't say anything. I'll be able to tell if you like it. I promise you it won't hurt."

It didn't hurt. In fact it felt wonderful. He kept kissing me and licking me, and even nibbling on some how - I couldn't see what he was doing. He even lifted up my legs and licked my bottom. I was embarrassed for a minute, but it felt good so I relaxed my legs again. He bent them back, almost like he was going to change my diapers and opened my legs farther apart as he kept licking my anus and pussy. It felt great.

Then he wanted me to suck him some more and said I was about to get a little birthday treat. "It might not taste good at first, Karen, but I'll bet you will really like it by the time you have to go back home."

"Is it kind of salty, Uncle Doug? Because I started to taste something before you wanted me to lay back and open my legs."

"Yes, that's it, Karen. It wasn't too bad was it?"


"Good. It's just that there will be lots of it all at once. Just swallow fast. You won't notice the taste. Then we'll get some soda and pizza for lunch. OK?"

"OK. Sure."

I only had to suck and slide on him for a little bit and then it started squirting into my mouth. I had heard that some girls liked to swallow this stuff, but it didn't taste very good to me. But it was coming out so fast I had to swallow it to keep from making a mess on the bed.

Then he held me for a little bit and said I was his favorite niece. I asked him how soon we would get the pop and pizza because I was really hungry. He laughed, then we got dressed and went downstairs.

I put on a pair of my new panties and shorts. He said my bra was downstairs where he got me ready for bed last night.

When we went downstairs I saw my dress and bra, hose, and things on the living room floor. There were beer cans on the coffee table and cigarette butts in the ashtrays, but Uncle Doug didn't drink beer or smoke, so I asked him about it.

"Those are from a party. Guess I should pick up the place better before I have company! Sorry."

I laughed. "It's OK, Uncle Doug. You should see my room." I found my bra and he helped me put it on, and then we got one of my T-shirts out of my bag of clothes that was sitting by the door.

We went out for pizza. I was still really thirsty and Uncle Doug said it was good to drink pop after I swallowed his cum.

I laughed again, "I'll remember that! See? I'm not such a little girl, am I?" We played for the next two days. Uncle Doug took lots of video and pictures of me prancing around, dancing, undressing and trying on the different panties and bras. I got to use make up, and even wear high heels. It was my best birthday weekend ever.

I might get to stay with him again. He said my Mom said that she had to go out west again next month. Then he asked if I would like to be a model again - for him and two of his photography buddies.

"Oh wow. Like being a model? Cool. What would I have to do? Would I get to wear some other neat clothes?"

Uncle Doug laughed. "Yes, we'll get you some new clothes, Karen. We'll stop to see Ms. Ginny again before we leave the city. She'll get you slick as a whistle. You'll look baby fresh in the new, sexy clothes. You'll see." He laughed when I looked puzzled. "I think you'll be a great model, Karen. But this has to be our secret, just like your new clothes. OK?"

"Sure, Uncle Doug. That would be so exciting."

"And Ms. Ginny won't spank you this time."

"That's OK. It didn't hurt. Not really. It's OK if she does." I didn't want him to think I was mad.

He laughed and hugged me.

So, staying with Uncle Doug turned out to be my best birthday weekend ever. I can hardly wait until next month.

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Very good writing style an very hot descrptions of the developing sexuality of the kid. I like the role play, perhaps a little bit risk of pregnancies, I like it most. Bye Jan


This is a fantastically written story. In this one story you have a fan in me. I really love the way you have written the story. Could see them in my minds eye. Fantastic. Great work.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.