Published: 19-Feb-2011
Word Count:
The Mother seemed more nervous than her twelve year old daughter. Mrs. Johnson's pursed lips and raised eyebrows told me she was wary of "any tricks." She had already told me that she didn't want any "naughty pictures" taken of her daughter. But ... they arrived on time.
I had met them the weekend before at a nearby motel where a regional "photo contest" for youngsters was in progress. The whole thing was a rip-off: an ad in the newspapers stating a "big agency" was searching for talent in the area; saying they had contacts with advertisers all over the country, and so on and so on.... but they were really selling modeling classes and expensive photo shoots to half the suckers who showed up. Only those kids "who qualified" were given the sales pitch. Half of whomever showed up were "selected." So then, since some were "rejected," the remaining "models" (actually their mothers) thought it was a legitimate operation and willingly paid a few hundred dollars for their "official portfolio" package. The promise was that the agency would put their beautiful son or daughter on a list, and that their portfolios would be shared with advertising agencies around the country. The promoters didn't tell the mothers that 99% of those unsolicited photos went right in the garbage - unopened. What a scam.
It was an old con, but I decided to piggyback on it. I kind of figured anyone naive enough to fall for that scam might also be gullible enough to let another photographer take pictures of her "lovely daughter," gladly accepting payments, and relieved not to have to pay to get photos taken.
"Beautiful kids" from age two to thirteen arrived with their proud mothers to get their free "trial photos." I noticed Mrs. Johnson getting out of an older car with an exhaust problem and knew, that even if her daughter was "selected" to get ripped off by the so-called agency, she wouldn't be able to afford their "specially priced portfolio package."
I gave her my card afterwards, when Mrs. Johnson and her daughter were walking dejectedly back into the parking lot. They had parked near the back of the lot which gave me more privacy to talk with them. I leaned against my almost new Lincoln as they walked towards their car, a few empty spaces away from mine. I asked the mother why she looked so dejected since her daughter was obviously one of the cutest girls who had arrived to be interviewed. I nodded at the girl and said she was "almost as cute as her mother."
She said, "Allison wasn't picked."
"But she is so pretty!" I said.
Allison, who had looked about ready to cry, turned and smiled at me. He mom said she had been rejected but that they promised to keep her sample picture on file. She showed me the cheap Polaroid print they had given her.
I repeated again how cute her daughter was and said that I was also looking for a blond model, about Allison's age, but that I didn't go through a big interviewing process. "I just see a girl who would fit the layouts I need to shoot and then talk to her parents directly. A photo session with me would pay you about four hundred dollars and last about three hours. She would model play outfits, school clothes, things like that. I think most of these so called 'agency shows' are a big rip-off." Then I explained how the con worked. "So, it's a good thing she wasn't 'selected' really." I said in conclusion.
She looked at my card and then looked me over. Mother and daughter were both wearing the same perfume. Nice. I was glad that I had been wearing a suit, even though I had the jacket over my arm in the bright sunshine. We talked for a while and she introduced me to Allison, whose budding bird-egg breasts - riding high on her chest, had first caught my attention. Her face was not beautiful, but she was cute, her blond hair in pig tails. The braces and glasses added to her innocent look which I would try to capture. Allison was tall for her age - almost five feet, and slim with straight legs. Her rounded fanny was a bonus, just beginning to develop hips. The total "innocent young girl" look my clients wanted.
"I need models for different kind of clothing advertisers, primarily advertisers in Japan, where blondes are scarce." I held up a check for a hundred dollars, as a token of my intentions, and gave her a copy of my modeling contract, along with directions to my studio. "This will not cost you anything, Mrs. Johnson. You will be well paid for Allison's modeling. You are welcome to stay and watch the photo sessions, but you don't have to. I have several contracts on file right now that Allison would be perfect for." She signed for the money and promised to be on time. I got her full name and address and Allison's birth date. She had just turned twelve. Great!
"Would you prefer the check or cash, Mrs. Johnson?" I asked, seemingly as an afterthought. When she said cash would be fine I put my dummy check back in my pocket and handed her two fifties.
Both mother and daughter looked delighted when they left. Allison's braces sparkled in the sun as she turned and smiled at me. Mrs. Johnson said, "OK. We'll see you next Saturday at 11:00 AM." She scooted Allison into the car, then came back to talk to me in private. "And you promise me that you're not going to take naughty pictures, I mean nothing real naughty? I mean swimsuits and pajamas and even panties, like you said, are OK, but nothing, you know, like real naughty."
I assured her that I wouldn't be taking any 'real naughty pictures,' kidding her for being so concerned. "And these photos are for customers in Japan anyway, Mrs. Johnson, so I doubt if anybody in this country would see them. But, yes, I promise, no nude pictures, if that's what you mean. If Allison cooperates and the overseas customers like the way she looks in the outfits they sent me, she could get several more contracts yet this month. That would mean three to five hundred dollars for each of our Saturday sessions. Some of the photos will be for panty advertisements, so of course I will have to take pictures of the panties she will be wearing."
I let her think a minute, then added, "Modeling panties and nighties pays the most, even more than swimming suits, no matter how 'naughty' those swimming suits look." I chuckled and she smiled at me. "They have different advertising standards over there. Girls who are just beginning to mature are the most popular models. And Allison is so cute, I'm sure ... if she's not too shy ... she could get lots of these advertising assignments."
Mrs. Johnson took the hundred dollars modeling deposit and promised to have Allison clean as a whistle, from head to toe. "I'll even wash her hair Saturday morning before we come over." She said.
I made up the Japanese advertising contract ploy a couple months ago when a model's mother balked at letting me take pictures of her daughter in just the panties, bra and ankle socks. I told her the contracts were back in my office. She let me take the pictures but kept such a close eye on us that I only shot a few rolls before paying her in cash. I moved to a new city right after that photo shoot.
Allison indeed looked clean and shiny from head to toe when they arrived a few minutes before 11:00. I smelled the same perfume as they entered. They looked around my make-shift photo studio while I put folders and contracts on the card table. I laid out a plastic bag with a sheer bra and panty set, and a document written in Japanese inside. A riot of colored panties, and a few training bras - some quite sheer - were piled on the corner of the table. Both mother and daughter looked at the panties, bras, and nighties, and then looked around my studio sets, while I turned on more lights.
I had just leased this warehouse for a month with cash under an assumed name. Most of the pictures I shoot this way are legal. If an opportunity comes up, however, I'll get whatever pictures I can, and then I might get on to the next town when the photo shoot is over. It depends on the vibes I get from the mother. I didn't want to leave right away, because I had two other tentative shoots set up and also because it sometimes takes more than one shoot before the mother is comfortable enough to leave me alone with her "young model." I sell most of my pictures to those "cute kiddy" sites - where the most you see is panties and maybe some bare buns. The more advanced pics go to off shore sites which seem to go out of business pretty quickly - but the webmasters contact me again later. Their sites feature girls that could pass for eastern European refugees or something like that. And the really good pics and videos I sell to private collectors.
I had thrown together several photo "sets" in my warehouse-studio along with a color wall. The umbrella lights and spots were trained on the first set, a swing set with a hastily drawn backdrop of shrubbery and trees - my impression of impressionists; a very amateur, hazy painting, but the swing set was real.
"OK, Allison, I want you to get relaxed with me taking your picture. Just play for a minute on the swing set in the clothes you wore here ."
Allison looked cute in the clothes she wore to the studio: yellow shorts, a very tight, white T-shirt, and gym shoes and socks. The braces and pigtails gave her a younger, innocent look. She could almost pass for ten and a half if she wasn't so tall. Her acorn-size buds on the small mounds were so obvious in the tight T-shirt that I wondered if her mother had her wear it so I could see that she was "just beginning to mature" like I said last Saturday.
The other sets were a Japanese-looking school room, and a little girl's frilly bedroom, complete with a bed, chair, and dresser.
As I started taking pictures Mrs. Johnson reminded Allison not to be shy.
But still, I figured the real value from today's shoot would be captured on the hidden video cameras in the cramped, but well lit, changing room - even more valuable if Allison didn't have any pubic hair. Her mother would stay out and talk with me - at least that was my plan. I was hoping by next weekend, she would be telling her daughter to do everything I said and then leave us in private, taking her money to the bank, or wherever she needed to go.
I wanted to take charge right away. I said, "OK, Allison, take off your shoes, socks, and shorts. Play on the swings in your shirt and panties."
She blushed and looked at her mother. Mrs. Johnson said, "Come on, Allison. I got you the pretty new panties. Let him take your picture. Don't be so shy."
Allison continued to blush as she pulled down her shorts and stepped out of them. Her white, semi-sheer, hip hugger, lacy panties surprised me. They were very "grown-up" for such a little girl. They enabled me to see that Allison was probably completely bald because there was no dark area showing through the lacy, semi-sheer material. I wondered why Allison's mother gave her daughter those "pretty, new panties."
After she handed the shorts to her mother I asked her to go swing on the swings a minute. I took pictures as she clowned around on the swing set in her shoes, socks, panties, and T-shirt. As she took off her shoes and socks while sitting on the floor I got more close ups. Both Allison and her mother knew I was getting close ups of Allison's panty covered crotch. Allison was blushing but held the positions I put her in and even "opened wider" when I quietly asked her to. I said, "Open wider to stretch the material between your legs, Allison."
I asked her to crawl around, lay flat on her tummy, do exercises, and assume glamour poses. She smiled the whole time. Her trim little figure and rounded buns were the focus of my shots for the next few minutes. Allison enjoyed showing me her cheerleading drills, cartwheels, headstands, etc. She needed a few promptings from her mother to assume some of the more unladylike positions, but then relaxed.
She did the splits for me to show how far down she could go. I had her hold it and took several shots - front and back. I zoomed in for a few shots. I kept telling her how limber she was and that she seemed like a natural model for someone so young. She was smiling as she showed off, getting into the spirit of modeling.
"Try on this nightgown now. We'll move to the bedroom studio set. Wear these boring panties first." I handed her the nightgown, then smiled as I gave her the white, cotton panties.
She looked at the semi-sheer nightgown, then looked at her mother who nodded.
While Allison went in to change, I showed Mrs. Johnson the contracts and laid four hundred dollars cash on the table. "All of today's pictures are for a clothing manufacturer in Japan. Cute blond girls are real popular in advertising over there, especially girls who are just beginning to bud, like I said last week." She didn't comment on that, but signed the contract next to the red X, without reading it. I let her look at the cash while I moved the lights to the bedroom set.
Allison came out and I took the next set of pictures. She was shy and self-conscious in the short, sheer nightie, holding her hands in front of her breasts. The top of the nightie was sheer but the cotton panties were more opaque than the ones she had worn to the studio.
Mrs. Johnson laughed and told her to put her hands down.
I could see Allison's tiny breasts through the almost transparent white material and was able to ascertain for sure that she was beginning to develop nicely. Although I could make out the shape of her puffy nipples on those tiny mounds, I couldn't distinguish a different color on her nipples. Pale triangles indicated the style of swimming suit she had worn during the recent string of sunny days. Her nipples must be a very light pink since they didn't show through the material. Her budding breasts showed through the material - as pale triangles - highlighting her firm mounds with light pink puffy bird eggs in the centers.
I shot several pictures where I could see the edge of her panties, and then proceeded to pose her so that I could see her panties completely. Allison looked at her mother again to make sure it was OK to let me take these naughtier pictures. Mrs. Johnson nodded and said, "Allison, don't to be so shy. You're modeling the panties. He has to take pictures of them. It's OK. We talked about it."
I got bolder after that, with a few very sexy shots in several different pairs of panties. I told her if she would be wearing the same outfit and only changing panties that it would be faster to change panties without going back into the changing room. Her mother said, "Just turn around and change, Allison. It's OK. It will be faster this way."
I noticed her pale fanny as she turned away from me and bent forward in the short nightie. The tan on her legs and tummy distinctly showed the outline of her two-piece swim suit, making those tight, firm buns glow white. She took off her panties and handed them back to me, standing up straight before she turned around so I couldn't see her girl parts below the very short hem line of the nightie. She held her left hand in front of her, pulling the hem down another two inches. She took the new panties from me and turned around and put them on - showing me her pale fanny again.
While she was wearing a silkier, light blue pair of panties I had her take off the nightie and wrap a sheer, light blue shawl around her shoulders. She turned away from me to take off the blouse and wrap the shawl around her. The pale line across her back showed the cut of her two piece swim suit. Allison looked so sexy when she turned to face me.
I could now see enough through these panties, the sheerest so far, to be sure she was bald. This was a relief after I noticed she was developing fine, blond fuzz on her lower legs and armpits, but not enough to be visible from a few feet away. Great. Some pictures captured the shape of her pubic mound, including the clear indentation over her crack. Adjusting the lights helped accentuate the indentation. I wasn't sure if her mother could tell for sure that I could see her daughter's crack from where she was sitting, but whenever I glanced at her it looked like she was looking at the pile of fake Japanese "contracts" and the stack of money.
I had Allison sit backwards on the chair facing me, her legs were spread wide so that her clit made a little bump in the center of the panties - another great shot. Her puffy lips kept things hidden until her legs were wide open. I wished I had cut the cotton crotch liner out of these panties like I had on some of the others. If things went well she would soon be trying those on - so that my camera and I could see her not-quite-ripe feminine charms clearly.
The pictures I was taking at the moment would be "legal" and I could sell them to two friends who had "tease sites." One webmaster said he could even use pictures that showed more, as long as the girl wasn't bare and open in front. Fannies and brand new boobies were his specialty. I hoped I would be able to get some bare shots in a week or two, once Allison's mother left me alone to take pictures.
Black high heels and lacy, white ankle socks, with white, sheer panties and the shawl made for more great shots.
Allison liked showing off wearing the high heels. She said she was almost as tall as me in them. I whispered to her that she was so sexy. I laid her on her tummy and pulled the shawl up her back to expose her pantied fanny to my camera. Her pale, rounded buns were pronounced through the silky panties. I whispered, "Lift your bottom, Allison. You have such a cute bottom." I patted her fanny and tugged the panties down an inch in back and told her to reach under her tummy and pull them up tight in front. Friday night I had carefully cut out the cotton liner. I could plainly see her bald crack through the material as I posed her on knees and elbows as she pretended to look at a Japanese magazine. She rolled around on the floor with the shoes falling off half the time. When she laid on her back with her legs together and the panties tugged up high in front, the panty material was tucked into her crack. Allison's largish pubic mound and tight, puffy lips held the material firmly. What a cute shot. I was freely touching her panties now, adjusting them between every picture.
Whenever I glanced towards Mrs. Johnson, she looked away, as if she didn't want to be caught watching us. I studied her reflection on she side of one of my studio lights as I tugged on Allison' panties, even touching her between the legs to arrange the panties. She was watching me, but then I turned towards her and she looked away, pretending that she hadn't been paying any attention to us.
In one of the poses, the shawl was draped loose enough so that I got a full view of her right breast. Music was playing softly in my studio and I whispered to Allison, as part of my continuous stream of instructions that she was getting to be a very pretty and sexy big girl. "You're not too shy to be a sexy model, are you?" I asked.
She smiled and let the material drop open even more after she looked to make sure that her mother wasn't watching us. This would be great. Already better than I expected. I straightened out her panties with my hands and could feel, as well as see, that the panty crotch was damp. Little Allison was hot.
I patted her bottom and helped her take off the shoes and climb up on the bed. "Bounce on the bed while I change film to get some action pictures, Allison. Don't worry if the shawl falls open some of the time." My high speed film captured glimpses of those tiny, firm, bouncing breasts with the light pink, puffy nipples. Allison got the giggles and I wished that one of my video cameras was out here to catch her high pitched, happy voice.
She hopped down off the bed, still giggling, and we walked over to the table. Allison wrapped the sheer shawl around her modestly as we approached her mother. I handed Allison a black and while plaid dress, white blouse, and black, low-cut, silk panties. Holding up the white, lacy ankle socks and black, patent-leather flats, I said, "Go get the dress on. I'll help you put these shoes on when you come out."
My three video cameras, hidden in her changing room, would turn on when I flipped a switch. I flipped it as she entered the room again and closed the door behind her. I sat down with Mrs. Johnson and had her sign the contract in another spot and asked her if cash would be OK today.
"Cash is fine. Are these the other outfits you want her to model today?" She was looking at the sheer panties and bra set in the plastic baggie. I could see her fingers through the bunched up panties - the panties as clear as the plastic bag itself. I had removed the tags from all the clothes, including the clothing I had purchased at the thrift store. I sewed in tags with Japanese symbols, labels I had ordered over the internet. Sewing was a handy skill I learned years ago, never imagining I would get to use it for something as exciting as this. I remembered smiling earlier in the week as I sewed in the fake labels.
While Allison changed I sat down with Mrs. Johnson. I handed her the four hundred dollars and took the baggie from her. I said, "Probably not this outfit. Not today, at least. I still need to translate my instructions. Most of the other clothes for today's assignments are on hangers and there is nothing quite this sheer. Also, if she does a good job today, you'll get a bonus." I looked over the instructions I had clipped to the baggie with the lingerie a few hours earlier. "Oh," I said, as I pretended to translate the message. "They need these photos back right away and will give me an extra two hundred dollars 'expedite fee' as they call it." I laughed and said they need it "pretty quickee" - as if joking about Japanese accents. "But I'll probably have to find an older girl to model these, because ..." I let my voice trail off.
"Because why?" She asked.
"Because they want the girl to look like a school girl who is getting a spanking as part of the modeling. And some shots of the panties while they are pulled part way down, as if she is about to get a bare-bottom spanking. It's so the person will have to take another look at the picture and then notice the brand name on the panties."
Mrs. Johnson sat still, not saying anything. I was worried she would get her daughter and walk out. Then she asked, "And these pictures are only going to Japan?"
"Yes. All these pictures today will get sent to Japan. If you think Allison would pose that way, then you'll get the extra two hundred today."
She was looking at the baggie and thinking. I looked through my folders while we waited for Allison to get into what I knew would be a very short dress. Then Mrs. Johnson asked, "Well, if they will on only be seen in Japan, I suppose it's OK. And she will still have on some clothes on, Right?"
"Yes, that's correct. These photos will be seen only in Japan ... and maybe some of the countries they do business with." I moved the lights over to the Japanese school set, a classroom with rice paper walls in the background. Oriental furnishings completed the simple set.
Allison walked out, a little self-conscious in the very short dress. It was cut like a jumper with over-the-shoulder straps and a low bib in front. I put black ribbons on her pigtails to complete the look. I unbuttoned the top button on the blouse and put bright red lipstick on her. She didn't look very "Japanese" with her blond hair and blue eyes, but she sure was cute.
I got some pictures with her glasses on, but most with her glasses off. The lacy, white ankle socks and black flats gave her a precocious, sexy look. I got pictures of her sitting, standing, climbing around on her school desk, and drawing at the easel. She looked at a chart full of Japanese characters while she sat on her feet on the floor. In many of the shots I could see the panties clearly. Mrs. Johnson wasn't objecting to the sexy, panty poses.
I was touching Allison between shots, arranging her limbs and clothing, and still Mrs. Johnson only watched us occasionally, preoccupied with her thoughts ... and looking at the money in her hand.
I gave Allison a pair of white, brief panties, and a different white, sheer blouse, and told her to run in and change. After clicking the video camera switch again, I sat down with Mrs. Johnson to review my notes. She was holding the baggie with the sheer bra and panty set again, but didn't speak.
Allison came back out and I unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse and fluffed it out. Now I would be able to see down her blouse for some of the pictures. Allison sat on the edge of her school desk and put one knee up, completely exposing her white panties. I was also getting shots down Allison's blouse - clearly seeing her bird egg, pink nipples on the tiny white mounds of her firm breasts.
The next pair of panties I handed her were briefer and three sizes larger - adult size eight. She almost had to hold them up with her hand when she walked, they were so loose. This time I had her lie on her tummy with her knees bent so her feet were over her bottom. I casually flipped up her skirt so I could get pictures of her reading the Japanese paper while laying on her tummy - full shots of the panties. After pushing her thighs apart, I could see up the leg holes of the panties from behind her, and took several close-ups. I had her roll over between pictures, until her dress was completely flipped up all the way around. While she laid on her back, holding up the magazine, I tugged the panties down an inch and got more shots with clear views up under the baggy panties. I pressed my luck and had her lie on her side with one knee up and that foot resting on her other knee. With the baggy panties tugged down to her hips I was able to position the leg hole so that I could see Allison's entire, bald pussy. I focused on the fine, blond baby fuzz which was just beginning to show. From two feet away she still looked completely bald. With her knees so far apart, Allison's pussy lips were slightly open, revealing a portion of her clitoral ridge.
Allison gave her mother a questioning look, but Mrs. Johnson casually said, "Allison, just pose for the pictures. It's OK. You're modeling the panties. Bob says things are different in Japan. So it's OK for him to take these pictures." But Mrs. Johnson could not see how I had Allison's panties pulled down. My body blocked her view, but something told me that maybe even if she did see her daughter's panties pulled down she would still tell Allison not to be so shy.
I said, "Smile into the camera, Allison." She smiled as I continued taking pictures with her baggy panties pulled down to her hips, the loose material falling to the side - exposing her bald pussy completely for some of my shots.
"Rest a minute, Allison. You're so cute. Just a perfect model. I need to talk to your mother."
In a low voice, I said, "Mrs. Johnson, they really want me to get some pictures of a young, blond, 'Amelican girl' wearing these panties. It would mean an extra two hundred dollars for you today, and definitely another photo shoot next weekend."
"All these pictures will only go to Japan, right? And I'll get the extra money today? For taking the spanking pictures, and more of those with the loose panties?"
"Yes. Only the people in Japan, and maybe some of the countries Japan does business with will see these pictures. The advertisers will only pick out a few of the pictures to use for their photo spreads. I like to send them a full range to choose from. They might not even use the spanking pictures. And of course I wouldn't spank her hard. Just token spanks for the camera."
"Then, OK. Go ahead. I'll tell her to model whatever you give her. And I'll tell her to let you spank her."
"With her pantied pulled down. That's what the customer wants in the pictures."
"Yes. OK. A spanking with her panties pulled down. I'll tell her." she said as she stood up. "I'm pretty thirsty. Maybe I should run out and get a drink while you finish up. She might be more comfortable with some privacy while you're taking these pictures. Did you see her blushing a minute ago?"
Of course I had noticed her blushing. The mottled red skin and red face. And, little Allison was getting slick between her legs, but I didn't mention that. After only two or three minutes each new pair of panties developed an unmistakable wet spot that I photographed. "You're welcome to stay here at all times of course, Mrs. Johnson, but maybe you're right." I tried not to sound too anxious for her to leave. "Come back in about ninety minutes. Here is the extra two hundred for the 'special' pictures, and you've got the hundred dollar deposit I gave you last week and the first four hundred for today's other fashions. OK then, we'll see you in an hour and a half."
As she left she told Allison to do whatever I told her. "Nobody in this country is going to see these pictures, Allison, so have fun and pose however Bob tells you. He's going to give you a pretend spanking, maybe like Tom did a few months ago. It will be your secret, Allison. You're a big girl now. I don't want to know about the rest of today's photo session. Be a good girl and do what he says. He's going to pull your panties down for the spanking and for the pictures. Let him." She kissed her daughter on her head and went out the door.
Allison blushed while she smiled at me. "It's fun being a model, Bob."
I hugged her. "Yes, this will be fun, Allison. You're so cute. Let's take the blouse off and I'll get some more quick shots before you change."
She started to help. I said, "Just hold still. I'll change your clothes for you now. Let me arrange you. That's a girl. Just like a big-girl model." I pulled off the blouse, put the jumper straps back over her shoulders, and exaggerated a fluffing motion on her tiny breasts. She giggled, but didn't try to stop me.
I said, "Here's how you can help, Allison. Whenever I say, 'fluff 'em up' then you pinch yourself here and fluff them up, so these little bumps will get bigger for the camera." I demonstrated on her tiny breasts. I hoped she wouldn't notice the bulge in my trousers and get scared. Her mother hadn't seemed to notice. I got several pictures of her pinching and "fluffing" herself and then we did the whole classroom series again without her blouse. Allison was even sexier than I had hoped. She liked the high heels she was wearing for this series, even though they were too big for her feet. And she liked sticking her butt out for the camera, and she was limber enough to assume all kinds of positions.
"Allison, who is the 'Tom' she was referring to, and why did he spank you?"
She blushed again as she continued posing. "Oh, Tom was her last boyfriend. They broke up a couple months ago, right after I turned twelve. Mommy kind of misses him sometimes because he used to pay our rent and buy her stuff even though he didn't live with us. He used to spank me sometimes. He bought her a car."
This piqued my curiosity. "Did she watch him spank you? Was it because you were bad?"
"Not real bad." She giggled. "It's kind of embarrassing. But Mommy told me that I needed a spanking for getting in trouble at school, that was last April, and that Tom was going spank me for her. She said she had to go the store and that I had better take my spankings like a big girl and that I'd better just take them and keep quiet about it. She told me that she didn't even want to hear about it and that I wasn't supposed to tell anybody. She showed me the big wooden spoon that she used to threaten me with. Then Tom gave her some shopping money and Mommy left."
I had her bend over the school desk and flip her dress up in back while I continued to ask her questions. "Did he spank you hard?" She laughed, "No, Tom said it was our secret and he wouldn't spank me hard if I cooperated and proved that I could be a good girl and follow his directions. Then he sat in the middle of the couch and had me take off my shorts and panties and lay across his lap. He didn't spank me hard and it didn't hurt, even when he used the long wooden spoon Mommy gave him."
"Did you tell your mother about the spankings?"
She looked at me funny, "No, because she already knew Tom was going to spank me. It was even kind of funny because he didn't spank me hard enough to hurt, he just had me get in different positions while he spanked me, like playing ... just pretending. The different positions were pretty funny sometimes - like embarrassing - but he never spanked me real hard, especially if he spanked me in front, and then I had to keep my eyes closed. He spanked me lots of times before he and Mommy broke up."
"And your mother always left the house while he spanked you?" I asked.
"Yes. She was always gone when he did it. Tome gave her the shopping money and she left. But she started checking my bottom when she got home to make sure he spanked me hard enough to have red marks. I had to leave my panties off until she got home so she could see it. But she didn't ask me any questions, just looked at my bottom while I got on my hands and knees on my bed. Then I could get dressed again and go watch TV. So the first time she checked there weren't enough red marks on my bottom. Then after she started checking Tom had to give me a few harder ones when he was done so I would have some red marks on my bottom. But it still didn't hurt much. Even after Mommy started checking my bottom. Tom only gave me a few stingers. Usually right after his yucky stuff came out."
I didn't know which comments to follow up on. This was getting very interesting. "How did Tom spank you in front, Allison?" I asked casually, as if front spankings were a very common thing.
Allison blushed again, quickly turning a rose color all over. I waited a moment, but she didn't speak. Then I asked her if she could just show me instead. "Before I take pictures of your pretend spanking, maybe you could show me what he did."
She looked at the floor and stood up straight. Taking my hand, she led me to the bedroom set. She pulled off her panties and laid on the edge of the bed on her back, with her feet up on the bed frame, knees wide. She said, "I had to keep a pillow over my head so I couldn't see when he was going to tap me. I had to try to keep my knees open while he knelt on the floor. Then he would tap me with a little plastic ruler. If I didn't jerk I would get a point, and then if I got enough points he would get me a prize. He said I had to keep the pillow over my head so I wouldn't know when he was going to tap me. Sometimes his fingers tickled my legs or along my cunny where he was going to tap me, like he was 'fluffing me up'." She giggled, looking up at the ceiling and not looking at me. "But I could still tell when he was going to tap me because he would stop tickling. So I always got a prize, even though I usually jumped a little if he tapped me harder."
She was wet. I pictured my fingers sliding up and down her wet crack, but didn't dare touch her yet. I was so turned on that I could hardly hold my fingers back. "Did it hurt when he tapped you, Allison?"
"No, but it made me twitch sometimes. I couldn't help it." She giggled nervously.
"Did he ever do anything else?" I was curious about the new possibilities. My camera clicked as I got close ups of her demonstration.
"Once he gave me a bath after he spanked me. Is that what you mean?"
"Yes, that's it. And I want to know about his 'yucky stuff.' I have to go get my other camera. Put your panties back on and go back to the desk now. Then I'll pull your panties down to your knees and watch you get in one of those 'funny positions' that Tom used to put you in for your spankings. And I promise not to spank you hard either." I laughed and patted her bottom - an incredibly firm bottom. "Surprise me, Allison. You're such a sexy girl. Prove to me you're not shy. I'll try to find a little plastic ruler - I have one in my office - and you can tell me how to give you front spankings. OK?"
"OK." I heard her giggle as I went into the changing room to retrieve one of my video cameras.
She was standing straight legged, with her feet wide apart and her panties stretched tight, pulled down almost to her knees. Her hands were on the floor in front of her. "Excellent." I said, while setting up the video camera six feet behind her. I adjusted the lighting. "You are such a sexy girl, Allison. Very, very sexy." I patted her bottom three times. "Stay in that position while I get a paddle. I've got to set up the camera to get automatic pictures while I spank you."
She was strangely quiet, not saying a word or moving. She was quite wet - a silvery wetness - and I hoped it would show up in the pictures.
"Did Tom have you stand like this while he spanked you, Allison?"
"Yes." She said so quietly I could hardly hear her. Then she added, "But I didn't have on panties. He said it wouldn't be fair if I had on padding."
I patted her bottom softly a few times with my paddle. She maintained her position. "Were those too hard?" I asked, almost whispering myself.
"No." she said.
"Did Tom spank you harder than that?" I asked.
"I need to spank you a little harder so your fanny will get red marks. Is it OK to spank you a little bit harder?"
"When it stings hard enough, just say 'ouch.' Then you will get some money, too, Allison, and I won't tell your mother. You know how to keep secrets, don't you."
"Yes, I can keep secrets. It's OK to spank me harder. And sometimes..." her voice trailed off.
"Sometimes what?" I asked.
Allison giggled again. "Sometimes I had to pull my bottom wide open so he could spank me right in the very center."
"Show me how you had to pull it open."
Allison put her hands on her butt cheeks and pulled herself wide open. I touched the pink center of her anus with my fingertip. "Right here?" I asked.
"Yes. Right there. But he didn't spank me hard. He used the other end of the spoon, like the handle, or sometimes a pencil. I was supposed to keep my fanny relaxed. You know, like another game. I wasn't supposed to squeeze it. Like this." Her ass tightened quickly as my finger glanced back and forth across her anus. She tightened her sphincter muscle and I could see it squeeze to half the pulled-open size - like retreating from my finger.
"Can I tap you there with my pen, Allison? Just to see?"
I tapped her with the end of my pen several times. She only squeezed twice, but pulled it right back open with her hands.
I was about to cum in my pants and decided I'd better get back to business; to capture this hot little girl on film and video.
"Just leave the panties stretched between your knees, but put your hands back on the floor. I'm going to give you some spankings, but don't say anything until they get as hard as the way Tom spanked you. Then say 'ouch' so I'll know they are hard enough. OK?"
I began patting her bottom harder with the paddle. She didn't say anything. I rubbed her bottom with my hand between the spanks, glancing my finger across her anus and pussy. She didn't move or say anything. I told her what a "big girl" she was, such a great model, and that the harder spanks she could take, then the bigger her secret tip would be. The spanks were making a distinctive "SMACK" sound when she finally said, "ouch." She didn't say it very loud. My video camera was getting all of this - the sounds, a close-up view of her bare, spread open, fanny; and - I hoped - capturing the wetness.
"Can you take twelve smacks like that one, Allison?"
"Oh, sure. Tom used to give me more than that. Some were harder. But I changed positions." Allison was still talking softly, pausing between her sentences.
"OK, then. I'll change your position after every few spanks. If you can take more of these spankings, just remember that you'll get a bigger tip for your modeling." I adjusted the camera and gave her three more smacks. I pressed my luck even farther - I couldn't help it - and slid my finger up and down her wet slit between spankings. She held still and didn't say a word. "Did Tom touch you here, Allison?"
"Yes. He said he had to make sure I was relaxed and ready for my spankings."
Next she got on her hands and knees, with her knees as far apart as the stretched panties would allow. She lowered herself onto her elbows and said, "Ready." As she said that, she raised her bottom out a little farther. "Tom always wanted me to stick out my bottom, like to show him I was ready for the next spanking. Sometimes his yucky stuff came out and like got on me so I had to hold still while he wiped me off and then he finished my spankings."
Before spanking her, I rubbed my finger up and down her wet slit again. "Did Tom ever slide his finger into you, Allison?"
"Yes. It didn't hurt. He didn't push it in all the way."
I asked, "And he had you take off all your clothes before he spanked you?"
"Yes. He said it was part of my 'embarrassment punishment,' and that is was even more secret than the spankings."
"So you never told anybody?"
"No. I'm not supposed to tell anybody about it. I guess I shouldn't tell you either." It seemed like she was just struck by the thought.
"Allison, it's OK to tell me anything. And show me. I want you to tell me and show me what else Tom did while your mother was gone. But first, what did your mother say to you before she left?" I was thinking that if I could get Allison talking into the camera this could become a classic tape! I moved the camera closer while she thought for a moment. Allison stood and pulled up her panties. I told her to talk into the camera while she told me about Tom.
"This is embarrassing, Bob." she giggled. "Should I like get dressed the way I was at first when Tom was supposed to spank me?"
"Yes, good idea. Just relax. I promise not to show these pictures to your mother." She picked up a pair of panties off the pile on my card table and walked over to the changing room. While she was out of sight, I put in a fresh tape and turned the camera back on. I had put electrical tape over the 'on' light so she wouldn't know if it was running or not, but I didn't think she would worry about it either way. I marked an "X" with chalk on the carpet where I wanted her to stand, or for whatever position she might assume.
As I was turning up the music on my old stereo, Allison came out wearing the shorts and the t-shirt she had worn to my studio. She was barefoot and seemed more nervous than she had when I was spanking her bare bottom.
I assured her I just wanted to get some photos for my personal collection and said it might help her relax while she was moving around, if she was trying to tell me what Tom had her do. I reminded her to tell me what kinds of things her mother told her before she left the house, and what Tom did to punish her, even though he was just really pretending to punish her. "We'll just pretended this is a game, Allison, and you're telling me about the games you played with Tom. OK?"
She seemed to relax when I said that. I asked her to speak a little louder so I could hear her over the music from my old record collection. I reminded her that this was our secret and that I wouldn't tell her mother and said I would never tell on Tom either.
Allison told me it would be fun to pretend again, and that she really wanted to tell somebody about those spankings anyway, and that she missed Tom. Then she began, moving and telling her story while I took a few token pictures, knowing the video would be better than a group of still pictures. She didn't even look at the video camera. "Well, after the first time I knew when Mommy was going to have Tom spank me because she would tell me to run up and take a quick bath before Tom got there. While I was taking a bath she laid out clothes for me which always included brand new panties - fancy ones like I wore today. They were fancier than my everyday panties like you know, silky. I just pretended everything was like normal even though I knew she was going to have Tom spank me. It was like I was tricking her since I figured she thought he was going to spank me real hard even though he didn't spank me very hard.
"Then when Tom got home I had to take him a beer and give him a kiss. Then Mommy would come in and say she had to go to the store and would be back in about an hour. Tom gave her the shopping money. Then she told Tom I had been bad and needed a good spanking. He promised her he would give me one as Mommy went out the door. But after a couple weeks, like I told you, Mommy said she wanted to check my bottom when I got home so she could make sure I had gotten a hard enough spanking.
"After she left he said, 'Come over here you bad girl!' He said it like he was mad, but Tom was smiling like we had our secret.
"I had to take off my shorts first and do some exercises." Allison said, as she took off her shorts and stood at attention in a pair of sheer, white, lacy panties and her T-shirt. She did several jumping jacks, marched in place, hopped up and down, and then touched her toes. She stood back up straight after the demonstration.
"And while I was standing up nice and straight right in front of him, he said he needed to inspect me or something like that. He would like touch me all over while I had to stand different ways." Allison assumed several different poses quickly, stood back up at attention and then pulled her panties down, spreading her feet apart so the panties wouldn't fall below her knees. "Then, and this is the funny part, I had to try to walk around with my hands on my head, and like turn around, without letting the panties fall off after he pulled them down to my knees. Sometimes he tickled me, but usually he didn't because I always got the giggles anyway." Allison got the giggles while she was trying to turn around with the silky panties stretched between her knees.
I got hard as a rock while she giggled and turned; knowing her voice and giggles would also be on the tape. This was priceless!
Then she stopped, facing me, and pulled the panties off and her T-shirt. She did some more exercises which made her firm little breasts jiggle and snap back out straight. I made a "fluff up" motion, since I didn't want my voice on the tape, and she pinched her nipples for the cameras and fluffed herself up. She bounced some more and explained that then Tom would spank her ... "like after the exercises and following his directions."
"Spank me when I say, 'ready.' That's when he spanked my bottom. I'll show you how I had to rub myself after the spanks. That was funny, too."
She turned and bent over, feet apart and hands on her ankles. I spanked three times, but she said I should do it harder so she would want to rub her bottom. After I spanked her harder a few times she said, "Those were better. See? So after he made it sting just a little bit, but not too hard, just like those ones you just gave me, Tom told me to rub my bottom. I rubbed it but had to rub it this certain way. See? Like I overlap my hands in the middle and then rub by pulling out." She demonstrated, remaining bent over but her hands pulled her bottom wide open each time she 'rubbed' herself. Allison was extremely wet. When she pulled her ass open her vagina also popped open to reveal a pool of preteen excitement.
"And whenever Tom said, 'Freeze.' I had to hold still. Usually it was while I was rubbing my bottom, with it pulled open. That's when he rubbed his finger there. He said he was trying to see if I was ticklish there so he kept rubbing his finger. I had to keep my eyes closed and just hold my bottom. It was kind of embarrassing."
I took another picture while she held that position - bent over, pulling her fanny open. Her little anus was as light pink as her nipples.
Allison turned and stood up, blushing. "Well, that's what he told me to do." She said, almost defensively.
I smiled and hugged her. "You're so cute, Allison. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You took your punishment like a big girl. You kept your secret. Most girls have to get spankings but they aren't allowed to talk about it. Besides, didn't your mother tell you to do what Tom said?"
She smiled. "Yes. She told me to do whatever he said. And she was nicer to me after I started getting spankings. So was Tom."
"And didn't she tell you to do whatever I said, too?"
"Yes. But it's still kind of embarrassing." She looked at the floor and I had the feeling she was beginning to feel self conscious standing there almost naked.
I turned her around and pulled her back up against me. I knew she could feel my hardness while I held her against me with my left hand and "fluffed" her with my right. She put her arms straight up in the air when I asked her. I whispered in her ear, "Did Tom ever get stiff while he was playing your games? Like I am now?"
"Did Tom ever do other things to you?"
"I'm not supposed to tell."
"It's OK, Allison. You don't have to talk about it yet if you don't want to." I wanted to reassure her; let her know she was safe with me.
"Mommy would be mad, I think. I never told her and she always told me not to tell anybody about the spankings and punishments Tom gave me. She said I should let him punish me and be a big girl and not talk about it."
I was pressing my stiffness against her back, slowly moving my hips back and forth. "Maybe instead of telling me, I could ask you questions and you just answer 'yes' or 'no' and then show me some things. That way you wouldn't be telling."
She thought a minute. I gently pinched her nipples. "Like did Tom ever pinch you like this?"
I asked her if it felt good and she answered "yes" again. When I asked her if she wanted me to stop touching her there she said, "No. It's OK."
After pulling her even tighter against my stiffness I asked her if Tom ever kissed her there.
"Did Tom ever kiss you other places?"
She hesitated, then said "Yes."
"Where?" I asked. "Just point?" I released her.
Allison put her right finger on her bottom, "Around here, like to show he wasn't mad at me. He said he would kiss my spankings away." Then she turned around to face me, but kept looking down at her feet. "And here, these places" She put her right hand on her breasts - moving it back and forth between her breasts with her left hand on her pussy - rubbing it all around. Allison seemed edgy, and I didn't know if she was going to cry.
To my relief she giggled and said, "It tickled."
"Did it feel good when he kissed you on those places and when he kissed your spankings away?"
"Yes." She was blushing.
I decided to start giving her directions again, so she wouldn't be so self-conscious. "Allison, I want you to show me two of the positions you got in while he kissed your spankings away. That was so nice of him. Then we'd better get some more pictures. You're doing a wonderful job as a model. I'm sure we can have another session next week. The people in Japan will love your pictures. I think you're so pretty. but they won't see most of these. They will only see the ones where you're wearing panties, even if they are pulled down in some of the pictures. The rest of these pictures today are only for me. And you're so grown up for a twelve year old. Would you like another session next weekend?"
Allison giggled nervously, and she was smiling. Good signs. "Yes." She said at last. "I like being a model." She giggled again.
"And a very pretty and sexy model you are, Allison. I think maybe next week we could do some other fun things besides just taking pictures the whole time. I'll try to get your mother to leave us alone again. But, for now show me the two positions you were usually in when he kissed away your spankings."
"Well one of them was right after he gave me the front spankings. He liked to kiss those away, and the other was when I was bending over like this." She demonstrated bending over with her feet apart and her hands holding her ankles. Her legs were straight. "But sometimes he had me get on my hands and knees on the couch with my head against the back of the couch. Then he would kiss my bottom." She giggled when she said the word "bottom."
I knelt down behind her while she held her position. I knew that later I would have to edit out all parts of the tape that showed me or even had my voice, but still, this would be a great tape for my own use, like I had told Allison. I pulled her bottom open wider with my hands. "And did he rub your bottom for you by pulling out like this?"
"Yes." She said, getting quiet again, no more giggles.
"And did he kiss you right here?" I touched her anus with my right forefinger.
"It didn't hurt you when he kissed you here, did it?" ... still rubbing my finger around on her tiny, pink anus - pressing gently.
"No. It didn't hurt."
"And did he also kiss away more of your front spankings while you were standing like this or while you were on your hands and knees on the couch?" I traced my finger from her anus, down her pussy which seemed at the point of dripping, and back across her anus again - round and round I traced my finger. Sometimes I rubbed it over her pink vaginal indentation and her immature, pink inner labia.
"Yes. He kissed away all my spankings, front and back. That's usually when his yucky stuff came out. That's when my spanking was over."
I was shaking inside. She was so cute and sexy. "Stand up now, Allison. I want to take some pictures of you naked. OK?"
"Get in a funny pose now. A real sexy one. Why did you call his stuff 'yucky when it got on you?"
"It was warm and gooey. Kind of sticky like. And it tasted funny. But Tom said it was good for me and that big girls liked to swallow it because it's so good for you. He didn't tell me that the first few times. He just wiped me off after those first spankings. But later he put some on my finger and let me taste it. It was yucky, but explained about the vitamins and minerals and proteins to make my hair shiny. It's shiny isn't it?"
"Your hair is very pretty, Allison. I wondered why it looked so shiny. Yes, that stuff is good for you. Would you like to try some of mine sometime?"
Allison giggled and put her hand over her mouth.
I said, "Maybe I could share some of these pictures of you - these naked ones - these pictures while you're pulling your pussy open. Does it excite you to think of men and boys on the other side of the world seeing pictures of you, of your panties, and even naked pictures of you?"
"Yes." Allison assumed a more provocative pose, then added, "You mean they might see the pictures of between my legs even?"
"Oh yes. Some men and boys will see pictures of you between your legs. You're so pretty and sexy. They will like looking at you there. Don't tell your mother about these pictures. Get on your hands and knees and pull your bottom open so all those men and boys will be able to see you better."
She got into position, lowered her shoulders to the bed, put her hands on her fanny and pulled herself wide open.
"Hundreds of men and boys will look at this picture, Allison. Pull your ass and pussy wide open so they can see you better. That's it. Yes, they will like looking at you, Allison." She was getting wetter.
"Now I want you to lay on your back and spread your pussy open for the camera. Pull it open with your fingers. Look into the camera and smile. Then they will know you want them to look at you. Will you do that for the camera? Will you let all those men and boys look at you?"
"Yes." Her voice was deeper.
I took pictures of her. She smiled into the camera. I got pictures of pulling her pussy open while she watched me. She smiled when I backed up to get her whole body in the picture.
"Next week I'll have some other outfits for you to model. Thigh-high hose and high heels. Sexy nightgowns. Things like that." I kept posing her in "open" positions. "You have such a cute bottom. Can you pull it wide-open for my camera again?"
She did. Assuming several poses, holding for a picture, then pulling her ass open with both hands so I could get more close-ups. "Allison, you know this is naughty, don't you?" I asked.
"Yes." Her voice was husky. Her tongue was protruding from the edge of her open mouth as she looked directly into the camera.
"And so I think you deserve more spankings next weekend. Should I get a little plastic ruler to give you those front spankings?" I rubbed my finger in her wet pussy.
"Ungh, huh. Yes. I need spankings because I was bad."
Her legs were close together now so her clitoral ridge and labia were completely hidden. I asked her to open her legs so I could put my finger in her. She had to open wide so I could see her inner charms. I slid my finger all the way in. She was tight and firm. My finger could hardly squeeze in but she was very slippery.
She moaned as I pushed it slowly all the way in. "You are a bad girl, Allison, but a perfect model for me. I want to take more naked pictures of you next weekend after your mother leaves. Would you like that?" "Yes, I've been naughty, Bob. You should spank me next weekend. I like being your model."
"OK. I'll take pictures like this if your mother leaves us alone again. Then I'm going to spank you - front and back - and then I'll have to kiss away the spankings, won't I?"
She didn't answer out loud, but her hips moved.
We played another few minutes and I had her pose in nothing but the high heels. Allison enjoyed walking around, assuming glamour poses for 'those men and boys who would look at her.'
Then it was time to get her back into the clothes she had worn to my studio. I gave her two twenties, which she hid in her pocket. She was dressed in her street clothes when her mother returned. Before I went over to unlock the door and let her mother back in, I said, "Allison, next week there will be some other photographers here. They will watch me spank you. They might spank you, too. Will you let them take naked pictures of you?"
"Yes." she whispered. Her eyes glanced at her hands as she thought about it, a dreamy half smile on her face.
"And they will want to watch you pull your pussy open. Will you show them your pretty pussy and pull it open for them?"
"Good!" I said. "And you won't tell your Mommy that you're going to pull your pussy open for us?"
"No. I promise. I won't tell." Her sudden look of worry tickled me.
"OK. Then I'll tell your mother to bring you back next Saturday." I went over to unlock the door.
Her mother asked her if she enjoyed modeling and Allison said it was fun. "Do you want to come back again next weekend?"
"Oh, that would be fun." Said Allison. "OK."
Then Mrs. Johnson asked her, "He didn't take any naughty pictures, did he?"
"No, Mommy. Just panties and play clothes, and the spanking pictures, like you said he would. The pictures are going to Japan. Cool. I might be in magazines on the other side of the world."
I told Mrs. Johnson that I would enlarge a few of the photos for her, and that the same time next week would work out just fine if she could bring Allison back. "I will have different sets for next weekend's shoots. It might take more time to set up the shots. You're welcome to stay, but you don't have to. I'll pay the modeling fee in advance, of course."
She took the extra hundred dollars "bonus money" from me and said, "I'll just drop her off and pick up the money. You tell me what time you'll be finished and I'll come back to get her. But, you said she did a good job, today?"
"She was very professional. I like her enthusiasm and think it will show up in the pictures. And she is at just the perfect stage of development for these pictures."
"Good." She patted Allison on the back, leading her to the door. "I'll bring her back next Saturday. If you have any friends who would like to use her, just let me know."
They left, smiling again just like when I met them last Saturday. I smiled too.
old man
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