Lori And Her Stepfather's Boss

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo ]

by Corn53


Published: 18-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Getting Ready

"But, Mom, why do I have to stay here all weekend?" Lori flipped her short blond hair with her right hand, as she whined to her Mother. Lori's mother and little brother were leaving for the weekend and she was complaining because she had to stay home to help her stepfather entertain his boss.

Mrs. Baker raised her voice, "You have to stay home to wait on Fred and his boss, Lori. We already told you how important this is. Mr. Andrews told Fred he was in Paris last week and picked up some presents for you. He wants to give them to you himself. This is an honor for us and a chance for Fred to get a big promotion."

Lori said, "I don't see why I have to be here. Why would he want to take pictures of me anyway?"

"Just be happy that he thinks you're cute. Fred was showing him pictures of our wedding. So it was about three months ago, right after we got married. Mr. Andrews said you were so cute. Be sure to thank him for the presents and let him take your picture. You have to stay here and help out however you can. This will mean so much to us if you cooperate. I think you'll have a good time, too, and there might be some surprises for you."

"But, Mommy." Lori still begged.

"You might even get to go on a really nice trip if things work out this weekend, Lori. You're almost twelve and it's time you learned to help out. No more complaining. Go on upstairs and take your bath. Stand up straight, Honey. Don't be so shy. And, Lori, I reminded Fred that you are not too big for a spanking!"

Lori headed upstairs, unbuttoning her shirt as she went. Her new budding breasts embarrassed her so she had developed a tendency to hunch her shoulders forward and wear loose shirts so nobody could see her developing figure. She continued to complain under her breath but wondered what kind of trip her mother was talking about. Then she remembered that her mom did just take her to get a haircut and some new clothes, including a white, lacy bra and panty set. Last week her mother had even looked closely at her lower legs and said she wouldn't need to shave them yet, but probably would within the next year. Lori began wondering about those things as she undressed.

Gloria Baker and her eight-year old son left as Fred coming up the long, gravel driveway. Fred smiled to himself as he stopped his car beside his new wife's car, glad to see that Lori was not with her. They each pulled over to the side of the driveway as they passed each other - stopping briefly, a cloud of heavy dust settling around them.

Fred asked, "Did you tell Lori that I would need her to help me this weekend?"

"Yes, Honey. I told her to help and do whatever you or Mr. Andrews tell her ... or else. I told her if she didn't do whatever you asked that she might get a spanking. This promotion is so important to us."

He said, "It sure is. You two have a good time and call me Sunday night. I'll let you know if you can come back. Mr. Andrews wants to come here for the whole weekend, so I'm sure it's important. If this works out, we'll be moving up pretty soon."

Gloria said, "I told Lori to do whatever you tell her or else. And I said that if she is a good helper she might get to go on a trip. I didn't tell her anything about the modeling, though."

"That's good, Dear. I'll do whatever it takes to get this promotion. When you come back Sunday we'll be much better off. That's for sure. I'll even get you a new car."

"Great." His wife said. They had only been married for three months and she had high hopes that this was a man who knew how to make the sacrifices needed to get ahead. "Lori is taking her bath, Fred. Are you sure Mr. Andrews said he only wanted to see Lori when he came to talk business with you?"

"Yes, he said he was bringing her some presents from Paris, clothes and things, and that he wanted to get pictures of her."

"Well, remind Lori to be polite to him and to thank him for the gifts, whatever they are." She said as she waved and headed on down the dusty driveway.

Fred grinned as he pulled into the garage. As he went upstairs, he took his tie off and called to Lori. "I'm home, Lori." He called in through the bathroom door.

"Hi, Fred. I'll be out in a little while."

He tried the doorknob, but it was locked. "I want to come in and tell you something, Lori. Open the door."

"But Fred, I'm taking a bath."

"I know, but I want to show you something. Come here and open the door. Didn't Gloria tell you to do whatever I said this weekend? Come over and open the door, then you can finish your bath."

Lori climbed out of the big tub and put a towel around her, then unlocked the bathroom door. Fred came in and told her to get back in the tub so she could finish and get dressed, but she stood with the towel around her and waited for her stepfather to leave the bathroom so she could get back in the tub. However, he kept standing there and started talking.

"Lori, what did I just tell you to do?"

She blushed, "You told me to get back in the tub and finish my bath, and I'm going to. It's just, um, I'm waiting for you to leave so I can get back in." A big yellow bath towel was wrapped around her under her armpits and went half way down to her knees.

He looked at her sternly. "What did your mother tell you?"

"She told me to do what you said and I'm going to, in just a minute." She was fidgeting and crossing her foot, rubbing one bare foot across the top of the other.

Fred decided not to push it yet, but he had hoped to watch her climb in. He said, "Leave the door open so I can talk to you, Lori. I'll go lay out some clothes for you. Then I want to show you something."

She smiled, relieved that he would be giving her some privacy. She said, "Mom already laid out some clothes for me. They're on my bed."

Fred walked out and went into Lori's bedroom to look at the clothes on her bed: her short "dressy" black jumper, the sheer, white training bra and matching panties, white lacy ankle socks, and black patent leather pumps. He touched the silky panties and was instantly hard.

He walked back to the bathroom and stood in the doorway. Lori covered her tiny budding breasts with her hands while they talked a minute. Her skin began to turn a reddish color as she blushed. He liked Lori's pale back, which clearly showed the cut of the one-piece swimming suit she had been wearing all summer. A smile came to his face as he pictured her in the nylon swimming suit, which conformed to her skin like a latex examination glove, accenting the tiny bumps on her nipples.

Fred pulled a small box out of his pocket and walked over to the tub. "Here, Lori. This is from Gloria and me." He held out the box, eager for her to reach out and take it so he could see at least one of those firm, small breasts." Lori's indecision tickled Fred. She wanted to take the little jewelry box and open it, but didn't want to uncover her breasts. He only waited half a minute and then sat the box on the edge of the bathtub. "Gloria wrote this note, Lori." Said Fred, as he pulled a folded note out of his pocket and held it out for her.

She took the note with her left hand, and Fred felt a twitch in his pants as he got his first unhindered look at her bare left breast. The nipple was tiny and light pink. Her breast was about the size and shape of half of a tennis ball, with the pale, puffy nipple in the center - puffed straight out another half inch, the size of a marble. After trying to unfold the note unsuccessfully with one hand, Lori reached out with her other hand and unfolded it.

She read it aloud:

"Honey, Fred and I got you these diamond earrings for your twelfth birthday, and we want to give them to you now even though you won't be twelve for another five months. I want to thank you for being such a big girl and helping out this weekend. Have fun. Stand up straight. Don't be so shy. You're getting to be such a pretty, young lady! Wear them while Mr. Andrews takes pictures of you. We love you."

Both Gloria and Fred had signed the note.

Fred remained standing by the tub as she dropped the note on the floor and picked up the little white jewelry box. He was staring at her breasts as she opened the box and took out the earrings. "Oh. Wow! These are so cool. Thanks, Fred." Lori put them back in the box and started to stand up to give him a kiss when she remembered she wasn't wearing any clothes. She splashed back down in the tub with a laugh and covered her breasts again.

When Lori had started to stand Fred caught a glimpse of a perfectly bald pubic mound and felt another twitch in his trousers.

She was trying to remain friendly but was obviously still nervous about his closeness. Lori hunched forward in the tub and tried to pretend things were OK, even though she was sitting with her hands over her breasts again. Fred knelt down beside the tub, slightly behind her, and began washing her back. She tried to tell him that she was clean all over, but he said she needed to be especially clean today since she would be getting all dressed up. Fred said, "You'll also be waiting on the men that Mr. Andrews is bringing over later. They will all bring you presents." Fred told her that he suspected most of the gifts would be clothes which she would be expected to try on for Mr. Andrews and any other men who might come over tonight.

"Go ahead and wash your front, Lori, while I wash your back. Wash from your feet to your chin. Go on. He's bringing you some outfits to try on and he wants to take pictures. Who knows? Maybe you could be one of his models! Then you would get to travel, and model clothes in front of lots of people. Wouldn't that be fun?"

She reluctantly started washing her tummy, breasts, armpits, and legs while he washed her back. Lori could not see the smile on his face. "OK. Thanks again for the diamond earrings, Fred. They are so cool. Do you really think I could be a model?"

As she leaned forward to wash her knees, Fred noticed the side view of her tiny, half-cupcake breasts. So firm. Nipples so pink and puffy. He was glad to have a reason to touch and look at his new stepdaughter. He decided to stay in the bathroom with her a while longer.

Stand up now, Lori, and keep washing. You can face the wall if you're shy." He teased, "But I need to wash and rinse your back better. It's OK. Gloria knows I'm going to give you your baths this weekend.

"Yes, that's what she said. But like I told her, I can wash myself, Fred. It's not like I'm a little kid. Thanks anyway. I'm almost twelve you know." She laughed nervously, hoping he would leave.

"Stand up, Lori. Hurry up. You can't reach the middle of your back. It's almost time for you to get dressed. This way you'll be clean as a whistle all over." He stood up beside the tub and grasped her upper arm, helping her up as she reluctantly stood. She faced the wall immediately, but he did get a glimpse of her bald crack before she turned. Her fanny was as pale as her lower back and tummy. Her pale, white skin was still glowing with the redness of her embarrassment. Fred's big hands - one bare and one with a washcloth - rinsed off and re-washed her entire back, even gliding slowly over her fanny.

"Relax, Lori. Girl's bottoms and boy's bottoms look the same you know. No need to be so shy." He kidded her and felt her relax as he washed her. Again and again his hands went from her shoulders to her ankles and back up - washing firmly on her thighs and fanny each time. "Doesn't this feel good, Lori? Kind of like getting your back scratched."

"Yes. It feels good, I just feel a little nervous and excited."

He didn't want to scare the girl so he didn't rub his hands or fingers directly on her pussy or anus. He got more than enough thrill by squeezing her thighs in his big hands and pulling her open while washing her thighs, squeezing and pulling, while still carrying on a conversation as if everything was OK.

"I think you'll like Mr. Andrews, Lori. He has a son - about your age, I think. Put your legs farther apart so I can wash the backs of them easier. That's it." He said as she put her feet shoulder width apart. She continued to wash her tummy and chest while Fred washed her back again and again. Each time he knelt behind her to wash the backs of her knees he could see up between her legs from behind. He watched the firm, bald lips open and close as he washed in an outward motion on her fanny. Her anus was as small and pink as her nipples. While he was watching, Lori's soapy fingers washed over her pubic mound once again as she continued to was her tummy and chest.

Lori, too, was trying to act as if everything was normal even though she felt funny with her stepfather washing her back, legs, and bottom. She said, "I don't think I've been this clean all summer, Fred. It's exciting to think about getting presents." Lori giggled nervously. "And getting my picture taken."

"Did Gloria tell you about putting on the perfumed lotion and then some make-up?" He asked, kneeling behind her again and washing up and outwards on her fanny cheeks while they talked. "Legs just a little farther apart, Lori. That's good. Don't want you to fall." He said as he held the outside of her knees while she opened her legs wider. They both laughed. Her legs were two feet apart now and he could see clearly between her skinny legs as they talked about the make-up and perfumed lotion.

He rinsed her entire backside again and dropped his washcloth in the bath water, flipped the lever to drain the tub, and stood up. He patted her bottom. "All clean." He said lightly.

"Like what kind of make-up, Fred. This is exciting. Mom said I would get presents and that I had to be a perfect hostess. When she said you would probably help me get dressed up I didn't think she really meant you would give me my bath and help me put on make-up, too." She giggled nervously again. She put her legs back together, but continued to face the wall.

"Red lipstick, cheek blush, and eye shadow, Lori. You'll look so cute. The lotion is in our bedroom. I'll go lay some towels on the bed. Come in before you get dressed and I'll put the lotion on your back and you can do your front since you're so shy." He teased her. Fred patted her bottom playfully.

Fred left the bathroom with an armful of clean towels, which he spread on the side of his and Gloria's bed. A minute later Lori came in with the big, yellow towel wrapped around her again just under her armpits.

"Lay on the side of the bed, Lori, and I'll put the lotion on your back for you." As he pointed out where he wanted her to lie, he showed her a jar with a fancy label on it. "This will make you smell good all over." He laughed, helping her to relax.

Lori laid face down on the towels on top of the big bed keeping the towel over her but not wrapped around her. He pulled the towel down to her hips, keeping her fanny and legs covered, and spread the lotion on her back and shoulders. Fred began rubbing it in gently at first and then pressed harder. As he kneaded with his hands and strong fingers - like giving a massage - he could feel the girl relax.

"How much do you weigh now, Lori?" He asked in a friendly manner.

"Ninety one already!" she answered proudly. "Pretty soon I'll be up to a hundred. And I'm almost five feet tall, too, Fred. Just two more inches."

"You're getting to be such a big girl, Lori. You're very pretty, too. I bet the boys love to kiss you." He patted her fanny through the towel.

"Oh, Fred. I don't kiss boys yet. But I know two of them would like to kiss me." She almost like she was starting to brag.

"Just relax now, while I rub this lotion." He rubbed in silence for another two minutes, then pulled the towel up over her shoulders exposing her legs. He casually flipped the bottom of the towel up over her back so that her entire ass and legs were ready for the lotion.

He smeared lotion over her legs and bottom, putting way too much on her bottom and thighs, which he would have to rub in. Fred lifted her over towards the center of the bed and then slid his big hands down her legs and pulled them apart by her ankles. She was still relaxed but stiffened momentarily as her parted her legs. Then she relaxed as he began rubbing the sweet-scented lotion into her skin. Lori didn't try to close her legs. Fred talked continually, soothingly, telling her about Mr. Andrews and his son. "He is a very rich man, Lori, and his sons are both handsome. They are in high school and travel quite a bit. Mr. Andrews just got back from Paris and he knew I had a pretty step-daughter from the wedding pictures."

Lori's slender legs were now about two and a half feet apart at her ankles and he was rubbing the lotion onto her bottom in the up and open motions which she was getting used to. Lori was concerned that her stepfather could see between her legs but she remembered him saying that girl bottoms and boy bottoms looked the same. And it felt good the way he rubbed her.

Fred, of course, was looking at her firm, bald pussy lips pop open each time he pulled outwards on her fanny cheeks. The tiny pink labia and anus turned him on. He wanted to touch her private parts but didn't dare upset her. He knew that Mr. Andrews would only give him the promotion if Lori was pure and innocent. He patted her bottom playfully again as he pulled it open to rub lotion in. "Mr. Andrews is an old fashioned man, too, Lori. He told me that he thinks bad boys and girls need frequent spankings so you'd better be on your best behavior."

Lori laughed. "That's old fashioned alright! But I'm too big for spankings now anyway."

"I'll go get your panties and bra, Lori, while you put lotion on your front. We'll get you dressed in here with the big mirrors. I'll put your lipstick and make-up on you before we slip you into your party dress." He left before she could say anything.

A minute later he came back with her clothes in his hands and she was sitting up on the bed with the towel around her again. "That was fast." He said and patted her on top the head. "Let me help you into your underwear."

Lori wanted to be cooperative and stood up with the towel around her. She faced the bed with her back to him while he held her panties for her to step into. He had picked out this bra - panty set for her even though Gloria had given the clothes to the girl. The semi-transparent lingerie offered some modesty, but he knew Mr. Andrews would be able to see that the girl was still bald as a baby.

The towel dropped to the floor as she began putting on the bra and he slid the panties up her legs from behind her. Fred was glad that she let him pull up her panties without complaints, but he didn't comment on it. Then they began putting on her make-up. She put the lipstick and eye shadow on herself. The brushed out her short, blond hair and decided to wait to put in the ribbons until she had the dress on. Fred only had to apply some cheek blush and touch up the lipstick before she was ready for the dress.

He dropped the black velvet jumper down over her head and tied the bow in the back. She looked lovely but was a little self-conscious because it was so short. She had gotten taller since the last time she wore it - almost a year earlier. Fred told her how pretty and sexy she looked.

They went downstairs and straightened up. Fred showed her the beer and wine in the refrigerator and told her how full to pour a glass of wine. He asked her to taste it, but it was too sour for her. He opened a bottle of very sweet sherry and she liked that better but said it tasted like cough syrup.

"As a big girl you might have to have a drink with us tonight. Mr. Andrews said we might toast to your beauty while you try on some of the different fashions he is bringing over for you. You are such a sexy little girl, Lori. I know you'll do a good job tonight and tomorrow taking care of us. Be sure to thank him for all of the gifts and compliments he gives you, Lori. It's OK to kiss him. Since you said you haven't kissed any boys yet, maybe we should practice before Mr. Andrews gets here.

As she sat across his lap to get ready to practice kissing, she asked, "Do you really think I look sexy, Fred?"

"Yes, Lori. You're a very sexy girl, just maybe too shy." They kissed several times. When Fred ran his tongue across her lips, Lori jumped. Fred acted surprised, too. "Lori, a sexy girl should know how to give sexy kisses. I want you to be ready if Mr. Andrews tries to kiss you this way. I know he'll want to kiss you but he may or may not kiss you this way. We need to practice though in case he does kiss you this way."

"OK." Lori said, determined to become a sexy little girl. Then she said, "Well, Mom said to do everything I could to help out this weekend, so I guess it's alright to let Mr. Andrews kiss me that way."

"That's right." Said Fred, as he began kissing her again.

A minute later he put his hand on her bare legs and she startled once more. She sat up and closed her legs. "Fred, I don't think you're supposed to touch my legs."

"Yes. It's natural. I have to rest my hand somewhere. It's OK for me to touch you up to the edge of your panties, Lori. Just think of it as your swimming suit, or like I'm putting oil on your legs, or washing you. I'll have to give you another bath tonight anyway. You shouldn't be so shy around me if you're going to be nice to Mr. Andrews. You'll get used to it. Let me show you how far I can touch your legs. Here. Lean back on me and get ready to kiss. That's it."

Lori was leaning back against his left shoulder. He picked her legs up so her feet were on the couch and pulled her right leg against him and pushed her left out. Then he kissed her again and felt her thighs with his right hand. He stroked and massaged her thighs to the edge of her panties while he kissed her.

"There. That's how he might kiss you, Lori. I'm not sure. He will probably have a drink and talk with us for a while and then give you some presents. Be sure to thank him, and show your appreciation." He continued to lightly stroke her thighs to the edge of her panties. "If Mr. Andrews kisses you this way his hand might brush across your panties, like this." Fred brushed his fingertips across the tightly stretched, silky panties. He could feel Lori's clitoral ridge as he stroked his fingers lightly across the panties. "And it's OK if he brushes his fingers across your panties while going from leg to leg, Lori. And it's OK if his fingers rub across your tummy or across your bottom. Remember that girl's bottoms and boy's bottoms are the same. Let me show you again what is OK." He was brushing his fingers across her panties over her bottom, and just above her slit and around the edges. Soon he was touching her panties all over.

"This feels so funny, Fred. Are you sure it's OK?"

"Yes, I just shouldn't touch you right here." He said as he put his hand on the center of her panties and pressed.

Lori scooted off his lap and stood up. "Oh, Fred. That's naughty."

"You're right, Lori. But it's OK to touch your legs and kiss you. Right?" He asked.

She thought a minute. "Yes. I guess that's OK." She smiled.

"Sit back on my lap again, Lori, while I show you where it is OK to touch you."

She reluctantly sat back on his lap and let him open her legs to the same position again. Fred twisted to the side so Lori could lean against the back of the couch. He lifted her dress so he could see her panties. "Lean against the couch and close your eyes, Lori, while I show you how it is OK to be touched tonight. Just relax a minute. He'll be here pretty soon. That's a girl. Good idea." Fred said as she held her dress up for him and closed her eyes.

He could see through the silky panties and he knew Mr. Andrews would be pleased to see that she was still completely bald even though she was developing breasts.

"It's OK to touch your panties all around the edges and above and below your ... your ... um ... girl parts. Yes. It's OK for any of us to touch your panties everywhere except right here." He pressed again against the center of her panties, pushing them into her with his fingers and making circular motions. "Remember, they can touch you everywhere except right here in the center. OK?" He continued to make circular motions with his fingertips. Just not here in the center, unless he just brushes across. But across the top or along your fanny is fine. Like this." Fred noticed that her panties felt damp where he had pushed them into her. Then he helped her stand up, off his lap.

"OK. I think I understand." She said, although she still wasn't sure exactly what was OK and what wasn't.

The Boss Arrives

Fred stood up. "I hear someone driving down our driveway. Let me look at you." He took a long, appraising look at his stepdaughter, turning and modeling her black velvet jumper for him. He said, "Yes. You're a very pretty girl, Lori. I'm sure Mr. Andrews will like you. Let's go meet him."

They watched as Mr. Andrews got out of his black Cadillac and opened his trunk. He got out several bags and came towards the house. Lori and Fred went out on the porch to meet him. Fred took the packages and Mr. Andrews bent down to kiss Lori on her cheek. "You must be Lori." He said.

She had been looking over the older man in the dark suit closely. He was only about five feet, eight inches tall - about nine inches taller than Lori, and several inches shorter than Fred. His white shirt was starched and pressed, and his tie looked expensive. Mr. Andrews stopped Fred from carrying in all the packages and took a small, gaily wrapped package out of one of the bags and handed it to Lori. "Take the bags on in, Fred. We'll be in in just a minute."

"Yes, Sir." Said Fred, and went in the house.

Mr. Andrews knelt on one knee and put his right hand on the back of Lori's leg at her hemline. "I brought you lots of pretty things from Paris, Lori. I hope you like them. But you can only wear some of the things when you are with me. OK?" He patted her bottom. "Our little secrets."

"Yes, Sir." She said, holding the present in both hands. "Mom and Fred both told me that this is a secret and I can't talk about you or the presents with anybody. This is so exciting."

Lori didn't know what to do because Mr. Andrews had his hand on the back of her fanny, right on her panties. She remembered that Fred said boy bottoms and girl bottoms are the same so she decided to ignore it and not say anything. She was mostly wondering what was in the box.

"Go on and open it, Lori. It's special. Just for you. I didn't want Fred to see it yet. This will be our secret and you can't tell him yet. OK?"

"Sure. Thank you, Mr. Andrews." She unwrapped the little box and opened it.

They both looked in the tray-like small box as Lori opened the tissue paper. There was a ring with a red stone and some sheer, golden material with strings. She giggled as she put the ring on her finger and then she pulled up the material by one of the strings. "Thanks for the pretty ring, Mr. Andrews. What is this?" She was holding up one of the strings. The material looked like a little triangle with a golden string attached to each corner.

"Those are panties, Lori. Aren't they pretty?"

"It's such a pretty color, but I can see through them. They are kind of shiny. How do you put them on? Should I go upstairs and try them on?" She was trying to be extra friendly since he was the boss.

"Let me help you, Lori. We'll have our secret. Give me the ones you're wearing."

Lori whispered, "Are you sure it's OK, Mr. Andrews?"

"Yes." He whispered back with a smile. "It's OK. Take those off. Fred won't know. This will be our secret."

Lori giggled quietly as she pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. Mr. Andrews held out his hand and took her panties from her when she handed them to him. He put them in his pocket. She turned around so her back was to Mr. Andrews as he had indicated with a hand motion. He put the strings around her tummy while she held up the hem of her dress. He whispered, "Pull the triangle down so it covers up your private area." After she was holding the small triangle of sheer material in place with her hand he tied the two side strings behind her back. "Open you legs so I can reach the other string, Lori. That's a good girl." Mr. Andrews fumbled with the string between her legs, and Lori didn't object. He wasn't exactly touching her. He was just trying to straighten out the string that went between her legs. She held still while he pulled the bottom string back and up to meet the side strings which were tied behind her back.

He finished tying the strings behind her back, noting how pale her fanny was, and then asked her turn around and show him how they looked.

Lori said, still whispering, "But Mr. Andrews, you can kind of see through them, and besides they are so little."

He raised his voice to a normal level and said sternly, "Did you hear what I said? I have to make sure they fit you, Lori. Now turn around and hold up your dress. Do you want these presents or not?"

"Yes, Sir." She said, still whispering.

Mr. Andrews looked at the tiny, sheer panties covering her pale, bald pussy and smiled. "They look very nice on you, Lori. Yes. Very pretty. You are such a pretty girl. So sexy, too. I like these panties on you. I need to touch them and make sure they are tied correctly."

Lori smiled at the compliments. Mr. Andrews began feeling the sheer panties while she obediently held up her dress so he could see them. She opened her legs when he put a hand on each of her knees and pressed outwards.

"That's a good girl, Lori. Oh yes. These look so sexy on you. I hope they are comfortable." He was feeling her ass, pussy, and thighs as his fingers followed the strings around her hips and down between her fanny cheeks and through her slit. The bottom string attached to the triangle about where Lori's clitoris was hidden between her firm lips. He noted that the inner labia were pink and undeveloped - almost non-existent except as a tiny covering over her clitoris. Mr. Andrews carefully pulled her left lip to the side and tucked the string between her clitoris and her lip and then had her stand up straight. "That's probably more comfortable, Lori. Isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir." She said, even though it felt the same. "Thank you." Lori was smiling but blushing to a bright red.

"Turn around so I can check the bows I tied in the back. That's a girl. Hold up your dress in back." He checked the bows. "Higher, Lori, and bend forward. That's it. Do these feel too tight?"

"No, Sir." She said, maintaining her whisper, as Mr. Andrews traced the string through her slit again. She wondered why he kept making sure she was wearing them correctly, but she had never seen such tiny panties before.

As if to answer her question, Mr. Andrews said, "We wouldn't want these to come unfastened and spoil our secret, would we?" His hands were on her fanny cheeks, pulling them apart for a good look. The string didn't hide her tiny, pink anus or slit. The little nylon triangle was now completely above her slit held in place with the three strings, one of which disappeared into her fanny crack and reappeared out the front of her slit. Mr. Andrews said they seemed to be adjusted just right.

"Let's go on inside now, and you can show Fred the ring, but don't say anything about the new panties, OK? It will be our little secret."

Lori nodded and giggled. She felt so naughty. It was fun having a secret from Fred.

Mr. Andrews took her hand as they walked inside. Lori was grinning. It was fun having a secret, and it was fun having men tell her how pretty she was.

"Ah. There you are." Said Fred. He handed each of them a glass of wine; port for Mr. Andrews and sherry for Lori. He asked Lori what was in the box.

"Mr. Andrews gave me a pretty ring, Fred. Look."

Fred looked at the ring and told her how pretty it was, and asked her if that was the only thing in the big box.

"Yes. That's all. Just a ring." She giggled as they each raised their glasses and took a sip. Lori didn't see Mr. Andrews wink at Fred.

Mr. Andrews told Fred that Lori was even prettier than her pictures and that she was getting so grown-up. "And she is so sexy for a little girl."

Fred laughed and agreed. "Yes she is sexy and clean. That's for sure. Lori, finish your glass of wine and go get the snacks to bring out."

"Yes, Sir." Lori said with a smile. She forced herself to finish the rest of her sweet wine and went out into the kitchen to put the snacks in serving bowls.

Next the men wanted refills on their wine and invited her to fix herself another glass. When she came out with their bottle, she didn't have her glass. Fred asked her again to go fill her glass and join them.

She said, "But I really don't like it, Fred."

Mr. Andrews said, "Please join us, Lori. I would like to take your picture while you toast to us. OK?"

"Yes, Sir."

Then he asked Fred to go get Lori's glass and to join them in a few minutes. "I want to get a couple photos of your pretty daughter before she gets her other presents. This will be such a nice evening." Lori was surprised that Fred got up right away and went out into the kitchen. Mr. Andrews got his camera out of a small case, which had been in one of the bags. There was a pile of wrapped presents on the floor beside the couch.

As Lori looked at the pile of presents, Mr. Andrews took her picture. "Yes, Lori, those are all for you. I want to get some pictures of you now in different positions."

"Wow. OK." She smiled as she posed for him.

After a minute of standing in different positions for Mr. Andrews' camera, he said, "Face me and lift your dress so I can get a picture of your new panties, Lori."

She giggled, thinking he was kidding. Then she realized he meant it and said, "Oh, Mr. Andrews, these panties are too little and besides you can kind of see through them." She was blushing again. It amused Mr. Andrews that Lori blushed so quickly - and so brightly.

"But, Lori. I already saw them didn't I?"

"Yes, but not for a picture. I mean I wouldn't want anybody else to see them on me." She was blushing and backing away from him.

"You want the other presents don't you, Lori?"

"Yes, Sir. It's just that I'm kind of nervous." She kind of half giggled as she came back towards him. He was motioning for her to come to him.

"Come here and sit on my lap a minute, Lori. Can you give me a big kiss? I want to know that you like these presents."

She walked over to him, looking at the floor. Mr. Andrews sat his camera on the end table and sat on the edge of the couch. Lori sat on his lap and kissed his cheek. Fred came back out with Lori's wineglass, full to the brim, and handed it to her. Lori smiled as she took a big sip, wanting to get the taste over with.

"That's a big girl, Lori." Said Fred. Then Fred asked Mr. Andrews if he should go out and get the other presents and things out of his car.

"More presents?" Lori asked with a big grin.

"Yes, there are more, but I want to take some pictures of you. That's OK with you, isn't it, Fred?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Andrews. Her mother and I already agreed that you could take all the pictures you want as you give her the presents. Lori let Mr. Andrews take your picture. Do whatever he says." Fred went out the front door.

"Take your time." Called Mr. Andrews.

"Yes, Sir." Fred said as the door closed.

Mr. Andrews had Lori take another sip and then they kissed. He massaged her legs and even felt under her dress to touch her panties. "I need to make sure these are still on straight, Lori." He said as she started to squirm away from him.

"Oh. OK." She said as he opened her legs with one of his hands. The other hand was now between her legs making sure the panties were still snug.

"Lori." He said softly between kisses.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Fred and your mother both said I could take pictures of you. Did you hear what Fred said?"


"Then will you stand up and hold up your dress so I can take a picture?"

"Well, they are so little." She said, starting to get jumpy again.

"Have another sip of your drink, Lori."

While she was sipping her wine, Mr. Andrews said, "Maybe if you lay on the couch and then put your hand over your eyes, so nobody could tell who you were. ... Maybe that would be OK."

She said, "You mean like so nobody could tell who it was in the picture?"

"You want to open these other presents, don't you?" He smiled at her, while she took another sip.

"Yes. I guess if nobody could see my face it would be OK."

He took the glass from her and laid her on the couch on her back. "I'll put you in some different positions, Lori, and then you cover your eyes with one of your hands. Lay back. That's a girl."

Mr. Andrews positioned her flat with her legs slightly apart and had her lift her dress with one hand while he took pictures. A minute later she had her knees bent with one leg laying against the side of the couch and the other knee out over the edge. He adjusted the panties between shots and got several pictures with her face as she looked up to see if he was finished. It seemed to Lori that he was finished taking the picture and she looked at him and started to sit up, when CLICK, he took another picture.

"Roll on your tummy now, Lori. That's a girl. So sexy. Legs apart. That's it. Now put one leg over the edge of the couch so your knee is on the floor. Keep your other leg on the couch. Good girl." In some of the shots in each position, Lori's panties were completely to the side of her pussy, but she couldn't tell. She felt a little funny - from the wine and from the modeling.

She smiled at his compliments and let him adjust her legs for the pictures. She felt so sexy.

Mr. Andrews said, "Lori, lay on your tummy a minute and flip your dress back down." Then she heard Fred come back in. Mr. Andrews said, "Face in the pillow, Lori. Hold still a minute."

Fred walked into the room and said, "I brought this in for you, Mr. Andrews. Should I set it up?"

Mr. Andrews said, "Lori, keep laying face down. Yes, Fred. Thanks for bringing that in. Set it up over there. Lori, just hold still a minute. That's a girl."

She wondered what Fred and Mr. Andrews were doing, but then she heard Fred go back outside. Mr. Andrews told her to keep her eyes closed as he posed her on the couch for more pictures - on her back, on her side with one knee up, on her tummy, and even half lying on the couch with one knee on the floor again. She had to keep her dress flipped up as high as she could, and she kept it pulled up to her chest. "That's a good girl, Lori. Those panties are so cute on you and I can't see your face. Lay flat on your back again so I can get a close up of your belly button. Did you know that even your belly button is sexy?"

Lori giggled.

"Good girl, Lori. You're a natural model. Now open your legs slowly again. Good girl. Hold still." He adjusted the panties to the side again. "OK, Lori. Sit up and open your eyes. I'll call Fred back in. He still doesn't know our little secret."

She sat up and looked at the video camera on a tripod near the end of the couch. It was set up even with her head as she sat there. Lori blushed again. "Oh, Mr. Andrews. That's so embarrassing. Please don't show that tape or those pictures to anybody."

"You are such a natural model, Lori. You're very pretty you know. But don't worry." He laughed. "Nobody who knows you will see the tape. I need to send a copy to my friend in Paris because he likes cute, young models like you. You'll get lots of pretty clothes to wear for the cameras. Won't that be fun? I bet Fred will be surprised to find out what a pretty model you are. You're so sexy for an eleven-year-old. Maybe you could even go to Paris with me someday. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"I'm eleven and a half." She corrected with a smile. "Wow. Could I really go to Paris with you?"

"Yes. It would mean a big promotion for your stepfather and lots more money for your mother, too. Wouldn't you be proud to help them out so much?"

"Yes, Mr. Andrews." Lori was smiling.

Fred came back in to see Lori standing by the couch modeling her velvet dress for the video camera. He laughed and said she looked so cute in her dress. "I really like your ankle socks, too, Lori. Maybe put your foot up on the couch so he can get a close up.

She put her foot on the couch and giggled as Mr. Andrews took the video camera off the tripod and got some different angles of her. He said, "Lift your hem, Lori, so I can see your pretty legs too."

She pulled up the hem of her dress and giggled again while Mr. Andrews videotaped her legs and feet.

Mr. Andrews asked Lori if she wanted to open some other presents.

"Oh, sure, Mr. Andrews."

"And will you try on the things for the camera?" He asked.

"Yes. I really might get to go to Paris with you?" The slender girl was so excited that she was wiggling all over.

The next package contained a pair of black high-heeled shoes. "Wow! These are cool." Said Lori. "They might be a little big for me. Can I try them on?" She was looking at Mr. Andrews.

Sure Lori, but first introduce yourself to the camera. Fred will tell you some things to say. I'll be back in a minute. Then you can sit on the edge of the couch and put on the shoes while you introduce yourself. This will be fun."

Fred talked with the excited girl while Mr. Andrews went out to his car once more. He came back in a minute as Fred finished coaching Lori so she could introduce herself. Mr. Andrews was talking on his cell phone as he entered, but then he clicked off. After putting the phone in his pocket, he took his suit coat off and hung it over the back of a chair. It was still light outside, but Fred turned on all the lights in the room.

Lori walked to the center of the couch and turned to face the camera. She smiled and said, "Hi. My name is Lori. I'm eleven and a half and am going to be a model today. I will try on these shoes now and show you how I can walk in high heels. I promise to try on all the new clothes and be a good model today. I will do everything they tell me to do so you can see that I will be a good model. It's fun and I like being a model, but if I don't model the clothes or do what the grown-ups tell me to do then I know I'll get a spanking." Lori giggled nervously as she said this, and then added, "But I promise to model all the clothes and things so I don't think they will have to spank me. Besides, like I said, I'm eleven and a half and I'm getting too big to get spankings anyway." She looked at Mr. Andrews who nodded to her. "So now I'm going to put on these new shoes and walk around for you."

To Fred's surprise, Lori was able to walk fairly well with the high heels on. They were a little too big but she didn't klump around, although at first she walked with her knees bent.

The next package was larger and contained a short red skirt and a white sheer blouse. "Oh thank you." She said as she held up the clothes in front of her.

As she started to head for the stairway to go up to her room to change, Fred said, "Just change down here, Lori. That would be faster, especially in those high heels."

She thought a minute, remembering the secret panties. "No, I'd better go upstairs to change, Fred."

Mr. Andrews agreed with Fred. "You could turn your back to us while you change, Lori. It's OK. I will tell Fred our secret if he notices anything."

"What secret, Mr. Andrews?" Fred looked sternly at Lori.

"Lift your dress, Lori. We can show him our secret now."

She had doubt in her face as she lifted her dress to show Fred (and the video camera which she forgot was turned on) her new panties. The small triangle of sheer material was now above her pussy with a string coming out the front of her crack.

Fred seemed angry. "Lori, I asked you if there was anything else in the package you opened outside and you lied to me. Didn't you?"

"Yes, but..."

"Take that dress off right now, young lady. You know better than to lie to me. If you want to parade around and get your picture taken in those skimpy panties, then take your dress off and walk around in front of the couch. Right now. And we told you to change here in the room and you argued with us. So that's two reasons we need to punish you."

Lori looked at Mr. Andrews for help. He said, "Lori, you shouldn't lie to Fred even if it is just for a surprise. I'm sure he won't spank you very hard. But he is in charge of you so you must do what he says."

Fred helped her off with the dress and folded it over a chair. "Now go back in front of the couch and introduce yourself again, young lady. Next time you will think first before you lie to me. Go ahead. Tell us about your pretty, sexy new panties and get in some different poses for us. Like you did on the couch."

Lori was ready to cry as she walked back in front of the couch with her hands in front of her pussy. She was wearing the semi-sheer bra, the miniscule sheer panties and the lacy ankle socks and high heels as she introduced herself again. "I'm Lori. I'm eleven. I'm modeling these panties now." She assumed the same positions that she had for Mr. Andrews earlier except this time she looked at the cameras. The video camera was running and Mr. Andrews was also taking more pictures with his camera. At first Lori was so shy she was ready to cry, but as the men continued to compliment her, she became more relaxed, eventually strutting in front of the cameras.

Mr. Andrews said, "Lori I want you to smile at the cameras and say, 'I like to model sexy clothes in front of cameras.' And then spread you knees apart so we can see the pretty panties. Do it again in the different positions. That's a girl."

She sat on the front edge of the couch and smiled into the cameras, which the kneeling men were operating. "I'm Lori and I like to model these sexy clothes for the cameras." As she said this she opened her knees and leaned back. The triangle of sheer material was almost an inch above her hairless pussy now. Lori pulled the string out from between her lips and said, "See how tiny these sexy panties are?"

She did the same thing on her tummy and back while lying on the couch. Both men noticed that she was starting to get extremely wet between the legs. They continued to compliment the little girl, telling her what an excellent and grown-up model she was becoming.

Mr. Andrews said she was following directions much better now, then said, "Go try the dress on, Lori."

She smiled and sighed with relief as she faced away from the men (and their cameras) to put the new skirt and blouse on.

As she stepped into the skirt she heard two cars coming down the driveways. "Should I go upstairs?" she asked Fred.

Fred said, "No. A good model has to be able to model in front of maybe ten or twenty people. You can't be shy. Wait here. Go ahead and put on the dress, Lori. We are expecting more company. We know who it is. Just relax a minute and you can continue modeling. I'll wait to spank you, Lori. I have to spank you, but if you keep cooperating it won't be very many, and they won't be very hard either."

She looked so cute in the short, pleated skirt and white blouse, although she was self-conscious because it was so sheer and so was her training bra. She figured she would have to stand up perfectly straight or else the men would be able to see her panties. "My panties! Fred, shouldn't I put on some different panties? This skirt is so short."

"No. You look great, Lori." Mr. Andrews interrupted. "It's my son and another friend of mine who is thinking of going to Paris with us next Sunday."

"Sunday?" She smiled. "I thought you meant 'someday' and only if they like the pictures of me. They wouldn't want me yet, I don't think, 'cause I still have braces on my teeth and don't have very much of a figure yet."

Ronnie And Pierre Arrive

Lori blushed when the handsome boy walked in with an older man. The older man looked about fifty but the boy was only a few years older than she was, probably not old enough to drive yet

"This is my son, Ronnie, Lori. He will be going to Paris with us. I want him to learn how to train models. It would fit in with some of our business ventures if he knew more about training people." Ronnie looked at her and smiled. It didn't seem like a friendly smile to Lori. She thought it was kind of a mean smile.

She noticed that Mr. Andrews smiled at his son when he talked about him. "He learned to train dogs and horses, too, Lori." He looked proudly at his son.

Ronnie said, "Not much too it. Just show them who is boss. A few whippings and they get the message." His shoulders were broad and it was obvious that he lifted weights and did various sports. His dark hair was curly like his father's.

The other man was introduced as Pierre. She noticed that he was also carrying a camera and smiling at her.

Fred said, "Give Ronnie and Pierre a kiss, Lori, so they will know you want to model for them."

Mr. Andrews disagreed and told Lori to lead the way to the kitchen so everyone could get a drink. He said Lori would get to welcome each guest properly in a few minutes.

As Lori walked slowly on the high heels she was very aware of how short her skirt was and tried to stand up perfectly straight as she led them to the kitchen. She heard Ronnie comment to the others that Lori had pretty legs. The men agreed. This made Lori smile again.

Mr. Andrews said, "She's not as shy as I was worried about, but might be too shy of a model to go to Paris with us after all. We'll see."

Ronnie said, "At least she is cute enough. Maybe I could try to train her if she is too shy. That should work." The other men laughed.

When Lori first heard Pierre talk, she thought something didn't seem right. She expected a French accent, but Pierre sounded like he was from Georgia.

Lori helped them with their refreshments and they went back into the living room. Everyone except Lori sat in the chairs, which were in a loose semicircle around the couch. Mr. Andrews worked the video camera and the others took turns with the cameras as Lori walked in front of the couch and introduced herself again. Her face was bright red. She was aware of it and so were the men, but they didn't comment. Ronnie was smiling at her. Smiling and looking at her legs and short skirt.

After a nervous giggle and two false starts, she said, "My name is Lori and I'm eleven and a half. I want to be a model and model some clothes in front of the cameras today." She didn't say enough for Mr. Andrews who called her to the side and reminded how important her modeling session was today, and he told her some other things to say and do before he would let her open the other packages.

She walked out again and said, "My name is Lori and I want to model some sexy clothes for you today." Then she looked at Mr. Andrews and said, "Umm, I'm too embarrassed to say the other things or do the other things you said. Can't we do something else?" It looked like she was about ready to cry.

Mr. Andrews seemed impatient. "Lori, Pierre and my son came all the way out here to see you. You already agreed to model whatever we gave you to wear. You promised to do what we said." Then he calmed down. "But for now, just lay on the couch and model like you did before." He thought a moment longer and said, "Maybe we should show Ronnie and Pierre some of the video from our first session. That would help you relax. Then you can start over. That's how we'll do it." He snapped his fingers and took the videotape out of the camera. Fred popped it in the family VCR by the large screen TV.

Lori watched in horror as she rolled around in different positions on the couch in just her sheer bra and the panties, which were nothing more than a couple strings. She was smiling into the camera and showing off. You could clearly see her small breasts and hairless pussy.

The little girl on the videotape said, "I'm Lori and I like to model these sexy clothes for the cameras." As she said this she opened her knees and leaned back. She did the same thing on her tummy and back while lying on the couch. The cameraman had zoomed in on her pussy several times. Lori saw that the strings had loosened so that when she opened her legs, the string was beside her open pussy and you could see the inner labia and the indentation of her vagina clearly. She wondered why her pussy looked so wet. Although Lori wanted to look away and tell them to turn it off, she couldn't. She watched intently.

The men and Ronnie were all saying how naturally sexy she was. Ronnie wanted to watch it again, and said, "She is so sexy for such a little girl! She could be a great model, Dad. We just have to make sure she can follow directions."

Mr. Andrews said, "Lori, you stay here and watch the video again with Ronnie. You'll start your modeling in a little while after you watch this again." Then he added, "...and after your spanking."

Ronnie asked about the spanking and seemed pleased to hear that she would be getting a spanking from Fred before the modeling session. Fred told him that the spanking wouldn't be very long and it wouldn't be hard especially if she cooperated and did everything any of the men asked her to do concerning her modeling.

Fred said, "Lori, you have to do what Ronnie says, too. You two stay out here and watch the video. Maybe you could let him see your pretty, new panties up close. They are so sexy! We'll be back in a few minutes."

Ronnie said, "Yes, Lori. Do what I tell you. Now I want to watch this video again while you lie on the couch beside me and hold your skirt up. You watch it, too."

Lori wasn't sure what to do, but it looked like Ronnie would get pretty mean if she didn't do what he said. She laid on her back on the couch and held up her skirt while they watched the video again. He rewound the tape again and had her scoot closer to him with her knees apart as far as she could get them. As he started the tape again he told her to move her panties from side to side so he could think of how he wanted to get pictures of her. "I'm going to touch your skinny legs."

That's how they were sitting when the men came back in the room a few minutes later. "Keep moving them, Lori." Ronnie said as the men entered, so she did.

Mr. Andrews said proudly, "See? He's a natural trainer." The other men agreed and said maybe Ronnie should do the spanking and then tell Lori how to pose.

Mr. Andrews asked Lori if she would pose for Ronnie and follow his directions. She said she would.

Ronnie said, "Good, Lori. I'm the boss. I'm going to spank you so you'll know it. Anytime you don't do what I tell you, you will get more and harder spankings. You're a very pretty girl, and I don't want to hurt you, but this is for your own good. You want to be a good model, don't you?"

Lori felt trapped. She was still laying on her back pulling her panties from side to side. She knew Ronnie and the men could see her bare pussy each time she pulled them to the side. She thought a moment and said, "Yes."

Ronnie said, "Say, 'yes, sir' and I want you to thank me for each spank. I'll start with ten. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir." She said quickly.

Ronnie sat in the middle of the big couch and let the men adjust the video camera on Lori's fanny as she laid across his lap. Her head was on Ronnie's left so that he could smack her with his right hand. He directed Fred and Pierre to sit at either end of the couch to hold her hands and feet so she was stretched out with her bottom centered on his lap. "Pierre, put one of her feet behind your back and hold her other foot at your knee so her legs will be spread a little bit. That's it. Thank you. Lori, do you want your panties up or down for your spankings?"

"Umm, it's up to you, Sir. Whatever you want." She said wisely.

"Very good. I want you to count these and thank me for each one. Would you like me to rub your ass between the spankings?"

"That's up to you, too, Ronnie."

"Get a close up of this. I'm pulling these little, string panties down now. This is such a pretty, pale ass. I bet my hand prints will show clearly. Let me rub it a minute. Lori, you know we are getting video of this spanking, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And you know we can all see your pretty, bare ass and pussy, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. I want to be a good model. You tell me what to do."

The men laughed. "Very good." Said Ronnie. "This spanking won't be so hard then. Pierre, untie the panties so they come off. No sense stretching them, and I'll want her to spread her legs wider in a few minutes." Pierre untied the two bows and the panties came off. He put them in his pocket after sniffing them.

His first two smacks were hard and in the same place on her right cheek.

"Ouch!" Lori exclaimed and tried to get up. The men held her in place.

Ronnie said, "Count them and thank me for the spankings, Lori, or else they won't count. I'm spanking softly on purpose because you have been calling me 'Sir' like I told you, but I'll go much harder if you don't thank me properly." Then Ronnie said to the men, "I think this one might be too shy and too disobedient to make a good model, even though she is pretty enough."

He smacked her bottom two more times quickly.

"One and two. Thank you, Sir." Said Lori, in an angry voice, obviously objecting to the harsh treatment.

"I don't like your tone of voice, Young Lady!" Said Ronnie. "These will be a little harder, Lori. And we're starting over. Be sure to count them and thank me sincerely for spanking you!"

"But..." Lori started to protest when the next two spankings on her other cheek took her breath away. They felt almost like bee stings and the slapping sound startled her.

"Ouch! I mean one, and two. Thank you, Sir. Thank you for spanking me." Lori said quickly, not wanting to offend Ronnie.

The next smack was the hardest yet and made Lori almost twitch off Ronnie's lap.

But she said quickly, "Three! Thank you, Sir. Thank you for spanking me."

The men agreed again that Ronnie was a natural trainer. He accepted their compliments and said, "I think she might work out after all, even though she is very young. Look at my handprints on her ass. Get a close up." Ronnie was massaging her fanny and pulling her cheeks wide apart for the camera. "She is a very cute girl even though she is skinny. Nice little, sexy ass. Her hips are starting to fill out." He kneaded her fanny cheeks for the camera again, pulling her wide open and letting her cheeks snap back into shape.

Ronnie suddenly began talking softly, "Lori, you are a pretty, little girl and I think you could be a good model if you learn to follow my instructions and if you can prove that you aren't too shy. Put you legs farther apart and lift your ass up for me."

Lori did as she was told, moving her right leg farther out on the floor and lifting her ass up.

"That's a good girl, Lori." Ronnie said as Mr. Andrews zoomed in while he pulled Lori's ass cheeks farther apart. "You have such a pretty little ass. If you wiggle it for the camera like a good little model then I'll knock off a couple of the spankings."

She began wiggling her ass even though her movements were impeded by Ronnie's hands holding her fanny open.

Ronnie smiled at the men. "See? If you train them right they will do what you say. Lori, if you tell me you will obey me tonight and prove it by doing something right now, then I might not have to give you any more spankings. Will you do whatever I tell you?"

"Yes, Sir. I will do what you tell me and wear whatever you tell me to wear."

He told her to roll over on her back and spread her legs and pull her pussy open with her fingers. The men released her legs and arms so she could roll over. Lori rolled over quickly and opened her legs to the camera. She was determined to show them that she wasn't too shy and that she could follow directions.

The men approved again and Pierre even said, "Bravo, Lori. A natural actress and model."

Ronnie said, "Pull your pussy lips open with both hands now, Lori. That's a girl. Show us you're brave enough to be a good model."

"Like this?" She asked as she held her lips apart, pinching each lip between fingers and thumbs. Her thumbs were on the inside and it took a few tries to grasp her lips because she was so wet.

The men noticed that her pussy was very wet with her own lubricant, the silvery liquid almost ready to spill out.

"Very good, Lori. If you keep following directions like this I might not have to spank you anymore. Now put these other panties on and we'll start over. This time I want you to walk in front of the couch and introduce yourself and take off all your clothes except your shoes and socks. Those high heels make your little ass look so sexy!"

Ronnie whispered more instructions in her ear while the men got the cameras ready.

Lori walked over to stand in front of the couch. She was looking at the ground as if she was shy, twisting from side to side and biting on her finger. Then she looked into the camera, smiled, and said, "Hi. My name is Lori and I'm eleven. I want to be a sexy model and go to Paris." She said this as she turned and unbuttoned her blouse. She continued talking and undressing; turning, sitting, standing. I'm learning how to model and I want prove that I'm not too shy." As she said that she pulled her panties down to her knees and turned completely around before letting them drop to the floor and stepping out of them. She faced away from the camera and bent farther over. She pulled her ass cheeks apart with both hands, then stood and turned to face the camera again. "See? I'm not too shy."

She walked back and forth in front of the couch while unfastening her bra. She took it off and faced the camera. "My titties are starting to get bigger, too. One of the men told me to pinch them because that makes them get bigger." She demonstrated on each one; pulling and pinching her nipple and massaging her breasts, one at a time. "There. See? They do look a little bit bigger. And watch when I hop up and down. They even bounce a little bit. Now I'm ready to try on the next clothes."

A moment later she walked back onto her "stage" in front of the couch in a different dress. She walked back and forth and lifted her skirt. "These are my new panties and I like them, except you can kind of see through them." She turned around. "The back has pretty lace, too." She said as she bent over to touch her toes. Lori took the dress off and modeled the panties and bra for a moment. One of the men handed her a ladder-backed kitchen chair, which she straddled and sat on backwards, facing the camera. She looked into the camera and giggled, "This feels so 'un-ladylike' as Mommy would say, but I'm going to sit this way because one of the photographers asked me to. I'm going to try on a different panty and bra set now."

She stood and walked over towards the couch. She took off the panties while turning around, then removed her bra. She picked up the new panty and bra set off the couch and walked over to the chair, which was still facing away from the camera. She straddled it, facing the camera without her panties on. This pulled her pussy wide open for the camera. Lori was squirming around while she put on the white, stretchy bra. Then Lori went to the couch and sat on the edge to put on the panties because she didn't want to catch her high heels in the fabric. She showed off again by opening her legs wide as she put one foot into the matching panties. After putting the other foot in she stood and turned several times while pulling them up, bending with her ass to the video camera before pulling them up past her knees.

Her last outfit was a garter and hose, bra, and matching panties. She strutted around in front of the camera promising to do whatever the cameramen told her to do. "I really want to be a model and go to Paris. That would be so fun." She took off the panties and walked back and forth again before sitting on the front edge of the couch. Lori made a come-here motion by curling her first finger as if calling to the camera. "I want you to see what one of the cameramen noticed." She leaned back and spread her legs wide. "Get a close look at this. I'm getting to be a big girl. See? There are some fine, blond hairs along the side and top. You can hardly see them unless you look real close." She was running a finger up and down her left lip. You could hardly see the fine hairs, but the cameramen let her show them off, zooming in. The men all smiled when they noticed how wet Lori got while showing off.

Lori stood and held up one arm, showing her armpit to the camera this time. "And look here. There are some fine hairs starting to grow in my armpits, too. I'll have to start shaving in about 6 months or a year, Mommy said." Lori chuckled, "But I think she was talking about my legs." Then she showed the camera her lower legs and again, you could hardly see any hair, but there was some very fine fuzz beginning to develop.

The last thing Lori said to the camera was, "So I guess this is the end of today's modeling session. I'll show you my measurements with this tape measure so you can decide what size to get me. Of course, this is in inches and not in metric stuff, but you probably know what to do." She put the tape measure around her bust, waist and hips and waited each time for the cameraman to zoom in on the numbers. Twenty-nine inches, nineteen inches, and thirty inches at her waist. "Mommy said I would be going on a trip if I did real good today, so I hope I did good enough for you." She blew a kiss to the camera.

The men applauded her performance. They had been telling her that if she continued to prove she wasn't shy that she would get to go to Paris with them and be a model. Mr. Andrews said that he would send a copy of the videotape to his associates in Paris so they would make the arrangements for Lori's visit. "We'll leave next weekend if it's OK with your mother." He said.

Lori and Fred warmed up dinner for Ronnie and the men. Lori waited on them in her garter, hose, high heels, and a sheer camisole. Mr. Andrews dared her to leave her panties off while she waited on them. She got the giggles several times while they all had dinner. Lori had two more glasses of wine and was getting used to it.

After Dinner

After dinner the men gave Lori some other gifts, including leather ankle and wrist straps and some toys which she couldn't figure out. "Tonight we'll play some fun games with you, Lori, and make sure you really are getting to be a big girl."

She was so excited she could hardly finish her second glass of wine after dinner. "What are we going to do tonight, Pierre?" She asked while standing beside him. He was still seated at the table after Ronnie and the other two men went back out to the cars to get some "specialty items" according to Mr. Andrews.

Pierre had her face him and he drew an imaginary circle around her pussy with his finger. "This will be the center of tonight's activities, Lori. I think you will enjoy the things we are planning to do if you are not too shy." He continued to trace the circle slowly on her bare skin.

"I'm not too shy, Pierre. And you know what?" She giggled.

"What?" He asked, his right forefinger continued circling her pussy between the straps connecting her garter to her hose.

"I like the nice things you say about me. I want to prove that I'm not shy and that I can be sexy and grown-up for you."

They heard the others bringing things into the living room. Lori giggled nervously. "What are we going to do? Do I get to model more outfits for you?"

"Yes." Pierre smiled, still tracing circles around Lori's pussy. "We'll be taking more pictures and video of you, Lori in some of your new outfits. And you will get some toys to play with. We're going to do some games. You'll be the star of the show tonight. Then we'll send copies of this video to a few select friends in Paris who will line up your next photo sessions. Won't that be fun?" When he said the word "fun" he pinched her pussy lips together and pulled it back and forth.

Lori giggled again. "That tickles."

Pierre stood and took Lori's hand. "Come out in the other room with me, Lori. You'll soon find out what 'tickles!'"

She looked at the men spreading a blanket in the middle of the floor and setting up what looked like an old fashioned ring-toss game in the center. Ronnie was coiling some clothesline rope on the couch. She wondered what they were doing and wanted to ask. Fred told her to go upstairs and get all the bed pillows and bring them downstairs.

As she headed upstairs, she heard Mr. Andrews tell Pierre and Ronnie, "Nothing more than fingers tonight. Mother's orders." She was puzzled but was in a hurry to get the pillows and come back downstairs.

Ronnie told her to put them on the couch when she brought them downstairs. "What is the rope for, Ronnie? And these pillows? And why do you have another camera?" She asked. She noticed the new video camera. It was on the tripod. Fred was holding the other one he had been using before.

Fred answered, "You'll soon find out. We're going to play some games with you. This is how we will decide whether you could be a model and go to Paris with us. Like if you follow directions without asking questions, then you'll probably get to go. But..." Fred said, "it also depends on whether your mom says it's OK."

"But I want to go. I think Mommy will let me. Are you going?"

"Yes." Said Ronnie. "Fred will go with us, but I'm your trainer now. Do you need another spanking before we start?" He grinned at her.

"No, Sir, Ronnie. I'll do what you say. I want to go with you." Lori was smiling, ready to play games.

The men smiled when she answered. Ronnie said, "I think it might be easier training you than training a dog." Ronnie smiled at Pierre. "Maybe I could train you both at the same time. Do you like dogs, Lori."

"Sure. I like dogs. Why?" Lori seemed puzzled.

Mr. Andrews said, "Later, Ronnie. We have to finish our video tonight. You can show her your pets another time. Maybe teach them to do some tricks together." He laughed.

"Yes, Sir." Ronnie said to his father. Then he said to Lori. "Another time then, Lori. I'll try to train you and my dog at the same time. It will be fun. But tonight I'm just going to teach you a few new tricks." He laughed at his own joke.

Pierre turned on a small device that was inserted into the ring-toss stand. The stand consisted of crossed boards like a Christmas tree stand, with a little piece of pipe in the center. There was a white, plastic thing sitting in the short piece of one-inch diameter, plastic pipe. Pierre turned a switch and placed the nine-inch plastic vibrator in the center so about six inches of it was above the pipe. The whole stand apparatus was rigid, holding the vibrator straight up. Lori looked at the set-up, and at the ropes which were attached to several of the chair legs and couch legs.

Mr. Andrews said, "Lori, Ronnie is going to give you your instructions now. We're going to play several different games. Only you and your voice will be on the tape during the first part, but then Pierre will join you for some of the other scenes. This is a special tape and we're only going to share copies with my colleagues in Pairs and a few friends elsewhere. Some of these viewers will want to meet you in Paris or some other cities away from home when you get back. If you do a good job, we'll get lots of special modeling assignments for you. Won't that be fun?"

"Oh, cool. I'll get to be a model? Really?" She was smiling. Her fidgeting betrayed her excitement even more than her words.

"Only if you can do what I tell you. You have to be an actress, too, Lori. Put these panties on and then get on your hands and knees near the tickle machine." He handed her a pair of silky, translucent green panties and pointed to the buzzing white vibrator that was sticking up in the device in the middle of the blanket.

Lori sat on the edge of the couch to put on the panties so she wouldn't get the high heels stuck while putting on the panties. She stood up and walked to the center of the blanket next to the buzzing vibrator. "What should I do?" She asked Ronnie as she got on her hands and knees.

"Wait a minute." Said Mr. Andrews. "Come over here, Lori. Since we're starting a new tape I want you to introduce yourself again. I'll tell you what to say." While he walked Lori to the side of the room, he said, "You're such a lucky girl, Lori. Tonight you're going to discover some new sensations - feelings and tastes. I think you'll have so much fun."

A few minutes later the smiling Lori walked in front of the camera and smiled. "Bonjour! My name is Lori and I want to be a model and go to Paris. I'm only eleven years old but they say I'm getting pretty good at following directions. I hope you like this video even though I'm pretty little and don't have a big girl's figure yet. Look." She said, as she pulled the sheer bra up off her breasts and began massaging them. "I don't hardly have any boobies yet." She blushed but kept going. "And you can really tell I'm young when I pull my panties down, because look." Lori pulled her panties to her knees and let Fred zoom in on her bald pussy. "But even though I'm only a little girl I can model and dance like a big girl. You'll see. I hope I can model for you. She put her tongue out and licked around her lips."

Ronnie clicked his fingers. "Pull up your panties now, Lori, and get on your hands and knees." She did as she was asked.

They had her crawl slowly backwards with her knees apart until her panties touched the "tickler" as the men referred to the vibrator. The snug panties pressed against the side of the vibrator and Lori jumped away with a giggle. "That tickles!" She said. She backed against it again as Fred was getting video of her face and Pierre kept the mounted camera trained on her panties as they pressed against the vibrator. Lori's mouth dropped open as she concentrated on the feelings between her legs. She forgot all about the cameras and pressed against the vibrator. Her hips began to move and she was soon rubbing herself around on it through her panties.

Pierre's camera captured the color change, as the panties became wet with her excitement. She began moving her hips faster.

Ronnie pulled her forward, "Lori, Sit!" After Lori sat on the floor, Ronnie said, "Good girl. That will be your treat. When you do something I tell you to do, we will tickle you there with the little tickle machine. Now it's time for you to earn your tickles. You will also get to see and feel what boy's and men look like and taste like. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes, Sir." She said, suddenly curious about boys and men.

"We will have you model some more outfits in a little bit, but first I want you to crawl over to Pierre on your hands and knees." She did as she was told. Lori learned lots of new tricks that night, in front of the cameras. And she got lots of "treats" from the "tickler" as she called it. While blindfolded she got to taste each of the men, even Fred, although she didn't know at the time it was Fred. She found out about her ankle and wrist straps when she was tied in a variety of positions for the camera. She was fingered in both holes and seemed to like it, especially because she earned a "tickle" each time she held herself open to accept a finger. Lori modeled several more outfits, including a scene in a short "flower girl" fancy dress and giggled as she lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties for the camera.

That weekend she was tied in many different positions. She was spanked. She was fingered. She was blindfolded and sucked on the men - not knowing who was cumming in her mouth. And each time she was tickled for her reward. Lori had a wonderful time and reached orgasms with the help of the vibrator and the men's skilful fingers. The men took turns giving her baths, and she liked to dress and undress for them.

Lori's Mom Says Ok

Lori earned her trip to Paris and would leave the next weekend. Her mother was so happy that Lori had been chosen to be one of Mr. Andrews' models, but she wished she could go along, too. Fred explained that just He and Lori would be going this time. "But we'll only be gone ten days."

Gloria Baker didn't ask Lori to tell about her first modeling session with Mr. Andrews, but she was pleased that her eleven-year-old daughter seemed so happy to be going on the trip. She helped Lori learn to put on make-up and was thankful that Fred offered to give Lori her bath. She was surprised though by how much Lori wanted her stepfather to come upstairs with her to give her a bath each night. But Gloria didn't worry about it. Monday she got a new car, after Fred announced that indeed, he did get a big promotion, like they had hoped.

Sunday night after Gloria got home, Lori excitedly told her mother she would get to go to Paris and be a model and play games. "It's fun being a model, Mommy. And the games are cool, too. But they are secret games so I can't talk about it."

"I'm so happy for you, Lori. Have a good time. It's OK to have secrets. I had secrets by the time I was your age. Most girls have secrets, Lori. It's part of growing up." Mrs. Baker hugged her daughter and patted her bottom as she went up the stairs for her bath. Fred was leading Lori by the hand. "Let Fred get you nice and clean and then put lotion on you, Honey. Then he can help you try on the new dress that Mr. Andrews sent over. Lori, I'm going to take your little brother for a drive in our new car. We'll be back in an hour."

"Don't worry, Gloria. I'll get her squeaky clean." They all laughed as Lori bounded up the stairs, kicking her shoes off.

Lori wanted Fred to tell her more about the other girls who were going to be models with her when they went to Paris. As Fred washed her between the legs with his big soapy fingers, she held herself open and asked questions. Fred laughed at her continuous string of questions and said, "Yes, yes, yes. You'll like the other girls. They are about your age, some even younger, and from several different countries. I don't know if any of them speak English or not, but you'll get your instructions in English. I think sometimes you will play in groups of two or three girls while one of you pretends to be a boy and you kiss and undress each other. And you will get to give each other baths. Sometimes you will get to show the judges some of the kissing games you learned, and maybe even try to get some flavor from the judges for extra prizes."

"Each night, before the official modeling sessions, you girls will get all dressed up in short, dainty dresses and meet the photographers. It will be like a party they told me, and whenever a man gives you a pair of panties you get to change panties and give him the ones you had on and put on the new ones."

Lori giggled, "You mean in the same room as the party? In front of everybody?" She put her hand over her mouth while standing in the tub, giggling.

"Yes," Said Fred. "Like a game. All of you girls will be wearing short dresses and these games will help you get relaxed as you meet the photographers. Besides they will all be watching you change clothes latter on anyway. Nothing to it, really. Men, or maybe women, will walk up to you and try to say something in English. You can kiss them, but just be nice and smile. If a man or woman hands you a pair of panties you just take yours off and hand them to him and then put the new ones on. It's OK if men watch you change your panties because they will all see you later. Once you're relaxed then it will be easier to play games with the other girls. We can practice tonight, just you and me, after I put lotion on you and help you get into your new dress. OK?"

"That would be funny. But what if Mommy comes back?"

Fred said, "She won't be back for an hour. She'll want to see your new dress, too. So after we play the panty game for a little bit, just stay dressed up for a while."


"Let's finish your bath so I'll have more time to put lotion on you. Then we can dress you and play the panty game." Lori read Fred's hand signals, and got on her hands and knees in the tub, putting her fanny towards her stepfather. While he washed her bottom, she asked, "Will I get tickled when I do a good job, Fred?"

"Yes, Lori. After we play the panty game for a little bit you can try to get some flavor from me, and then I'll tickle you. OK?"

She giggled again, "OK. I like to play games."

When Gloria returned home she told Lori that she looked so pretty in her new, short, white dress. "Oh, Honey. The dress is very pretty. Young girls look great in short dresses. It looks like you spilled something on your new dress. Milk or something. It's OK, but I'd better wash it before your trip." Then she laughed. "I hope it doesn't shrink, because it hardly covers your panties as it is!" They both laughed.

"OK, Mommy." She kissed her Mom on the cheek and headed upstairs for bed.

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anne admirer

great story thanks for all your great ideas. Really enjoyed reading this. is there going to be next parts. ronnie brings his dogs along. they go to paris where there are many men around her.

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