Melinda's New Shoes, Part 2

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 17-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Friday at noon he picked me up and we got lunch again. I told him I had been practicing everyday on my breasts and fanny. He told me I looked so cute today and he even said my breasts looked bigger already. I let him feel them in the car and he said they were definitely bigger. "I'll surely be able to use you for a model, Melinda. Yes. Lots more modeling sessions with you."

He said he really liked my pink fingernail polish with the glitter, and thought it was great when I told him I did my toenails, too. "I can't wait to look at you closer today, Melinda. You really are getting so grown up."

Chuck had me sit sort of sideways and lean against the door so I could put my left leg across his lap. He started rubbing my leg with his hand, from up under my short shorts to my ankles, and looking closely at it, from my short shorts to my ankles. "Yep. Just as I thought. One of these days we'll have to shave your legs. You're getting peachfuzz on your legs, too. Just below the knee, but still, it's enough we could shave them. They would look better in the shoe pictures that way. I could see a little hair in the pictures just above your ankles."

"Oh, cool. I would like to shave them. See? I am getting grown up." I said.

"Maybe if you want to, you could take a bath at my house and we'll shave your legs today. Would you like that?"

"Sure. That would be fun. You mean you would give me a bath?"

"Yes, if you don't mind. Then I could shave your legs for you. We'll even look at your armpits closely, and anywhere else."

"OK. Neat." I blushed and started giggling. I never had a man give me a bath before.

Chuck joked with me and said he would try not to tickle me too much when he washed me all over. But I'll have to wash your feet and your armpits real good, Melinda." We were both laughing when I laid down on the seat so nobody in his neighborhood would see me.

We went down his basement just like we did on Tuesday and he said he wanted to see if I could undress and show him my exercises just like I had been practicing.

"Sure, Chuck." I said.

I started to undress, but he said, "Wait a minute Melinda, I have an idea. Let me put this blindfold on you. You know. To see if you practiced so much you could do it blindfolded. Try to keep facing the video camera right here. I'm going to get a few photos while you undress and show me your exercises. If you're blindfolded then the flashes won't hurt your eyes."

He took off my glasses and put the blindfold on me. This was like a game - you know - like more fun. He was playing country music on his CD player. Chuck wanted me to talk louder and explain what I was doing as I went through the exercises.

He wanted me to take off my shorts and panties first and my training bra last. I took my clothes off, and had to sit down to take off my gym shoes. "Look at my toenails. Aren't they pretty? I think the pink and the glitter goes good together."

I got the giggles while I was taking the bra off, because it got stuck on my neck. There were flashes which I could kind of see through the blindfold and I wondered why he was taking pictures now because I didn't even have any shoes on. I didn't worry about it and kept talking the whole time I undressed because that's what he wanted me to do, and I talk a lot anyway.

I said, "First I would take off all my clothes, like if I was getting ready for bed or to take a bath, and then I would start my exercises. After I was completely undressed I would stretch a little bit to loosen up my legs for when I would bend over." I showed how I would touch my toes facing the camera and then facing away from the camera; legs together and then legs wide apart.

"Next I start on my titties and I can tell they are getting bigger. I pinched and massaged them a lot, like this." I showed how I squeezed them and pulled them up and down and to the side, sometimes pinching the front part. "When I pinch the front part, I pull them out and twist a little bit. See? Like this." I pulled and pinched with a twist as I let go so they would spring back. "It kind of hurts if I do it too hard, but it sort of feels good too. See? Watch me pull the tips out and twist them. As soon as I let go they snap back into place. It's kind of fun. But you can see how it makes the little part on the end get hard and tiny. Like it sticks out. And they change color from a light pink to a darker red. See?"

Chuck wanted me to demonstrate that a few times, so he could get different angles on his video camera. I showed the camera how I would cup them in my hands and lift up and let them spring back into place. "They are real springy. See? Like this. Look how fast they jump back into place." I giggled while I demonstrated this. I was used to the flashes now.

Chuck said, "Do the pull and twist a couple more times, Melinda. Take your time. Maybe do each side five more times." Chuck was right beside me with his video camera because I could hear him.

I kept pulling and twisting and let them go with a snap. "I bet you can see how hard the little tip is getting. See? When I let go they twist back so fast."

Chuck asked, "Does it hurt or feel good, Melinda?"

"Well it kind of hurts and feels good, too. I like to practice it. I even practiced it in the bathtub, but that was hard because they were so slippery. You know, like they are too slippery to pull on. My fingers kept slipping off. You can try it when you give me a bath."

He said, "Show me how far you can pull them out."

"See? I can pull them way out like this. Sometimes they snap out of my fingers before I mean to let them go. Let me show you a couple times. I'll pull as far as I can. I won't let go on purpose." They always snapped out of my fingers when I pulled them out about an inch.

Then Chuck said to go ahead with the rest of the exercises and he would try not to interrupt so much. "You're doing a fine job, Melinda." He kissed me on top of my head.

"And I end each of my practice sessions on my titties with the jiggling exercise. I put my fingers underneath and my thumbs on top and jiggle them as fast as I can. Look." I started giggling again because it feels so funny when I do that

I put my hands straight up over my head, like I was trying to touch the ceiling. "When I put my hands up like this it looks like they completely disappear. Just the tiny bumps in the middle. It looks like I don't have any breasts. Just flat."

Chuck said, "They are so cute. Just getting big enough to nibble." He chompped his teeth so I could hear him. I giggled. Chuck is so funny.

Then I turned around. "Sometimes I start doing the fanny enlargement exercise while I'm standing up with my feet together." I demonstrated with my back towards the camera. I wanted to show Chuck that I had been practicing and that I wasn't too shy to be a model.

I stayed standing up straight and faced the camera again. "I even tried to see if I could do the stretching exercises down here." I pulled my pussy lips apart and let them close a couple times. "But they don't spring back as fast as my titties or my fanny. See? I'll show you in a minute that it works better on my lips when I'm laying down." Then I squeezed my pussy lips tight together and moved my whole pussy back and forth. "I don't know if this helps, like when I move the whole thing back and forth, but it kind of tickles so I practiced doing it anyway. It might help my figure." Chuck asked me to demonstrate that again.

Then I turned again so my back was towards Chuck's video camera. "But you can see how I can pull my cheeks open farther and they are more springy when I'm standing up. When I bend over like this they seem to stay more open and don't jiggle as much when I let them go. But I always hold them apart as far as I can and count to three or so while I try to relax and then let them close back. And look at this. I tried it on my hands and knees and then put my shoulders on the carpet. But when I pull my bottom open it doesn't have far to go so it doesn't jiggle as much. But then look how far it opens." I was on my shoulders and knees with my knees wide apart, trying to make my fanny jiggle towards the camera, but my cheeks didn't move as much in that position. I could pull my cheeks real far apart that way though, and showed the camera how far I could pull myself open. "Look how far apart I can pull my fanny. And I hold it open and count to ten sometimes, like this. One, two, three...." And I counted all the way to ten while I held it pulled open.

"And something else I tried..." I was going to prove that I had been practicing, "I lay on my back and try the jiggling and stretching things in front. See? With my pussy. I pull my lips apart and stretch them and then let them snap back. I can do it with my legs together or apart. See? Like this. And sometimes I bend my knees and open as far as I can and then try to pull them open wider, but they don't close back all the way, and this wrinkly part in the middle seems to swell up when I practice, so like my lips can't close all the way." I demonstrated for a minute. I heard Chuck moving, but he didn't say anything.

I reached over and found my panties laying beside me. "Sometimes I have to dry it off so I can hold on to my lips. Like they get wet and slippery, so I dry them off for a little bit and then maybe dry it off again later." I sat up after drying myself off between the legs with my panties.

"So, that's about it. My top, my fanny, and my front. I've been practicing on all three spots so I can get to be one of your models. You didn't even show me how to do the front stretching. I just made it up. You can try it if you want, because it always tickles more when you do it." I wanted Chuck to try it on me.

Chuck said, "OK. Lay back and I'll stretch your front before we get started on today's modeling. You have done fantastic, Melinda. I'm so proud of you. Bend your knees and put your legs apart." I heard him move the camera closer and then he sat down between my feet and stretched me for a little bit, pulling my lips around. "Now try to sit cross-legged while I get some pictures of your feet. I want some close ups of your pretty toenails. That's a girl."

"But shouldn't I at least have panties on when you take pictures like this?" I asked him.

"No, I'm just getting pictures of your feet, Melinda. We can cut out the rest of the picture."

Then I laid back again and laid my knees out to the sides. I said, "See how they snap back in place when you let them go? They don't close all the way, but they get back to original shape real fast." Then I giggled again. "I mean unless they are too slippery to hold on to, like now."

"Yes. I see." He said. His voice sounded scratchy. Then he said, "These are so springy. You're right. Now you hold the sides apart while I tickle this little bump, Melinda. That's a girl."

I held the sides apart while he tickled the bump in the middle. It did kind of tickle, but it felt good the way he kept flicking and rubbing it. "You can dry me off if you want. Sometimes it gets so slippery."

"No." he said. "It's OK. I think it looks kind of pretty when it gets all shiny wet like this. Tell you what, get on your hands and knees again, with your knees apart and then put your shoulders on the floor. I'll pull your lips open for you while you just hold still. OK?"

"Oh sure. Whatever you tell me to do." I rolled over and got in position. He was sitting right behind me.

Chuck pulled my pussy lips apart and let them snap back, but they didn't snap all the way closed of course. Then he tickled the bump in the middle.

I asked him if I should massage that part too and he said that he would do it for me. "You could do it at home though, Melinda. Put your hands on your fanny now and pull yourself open again, while I do this. This is a real good exercise for you."

Chuck started to rub his finger from the bump in front all the way around to the back. He kept going back and forth and I could tell his finger was all wet because it was so slippery. It tickled the way he did it, but was kind of embarrassing when his finger brushed across my fanny hole. I twitched each time his finger brushed across it.

"Did that hurt, Melinda?"

I said, "No. It was just kind of embarrassing. That's all. It tickles when you do it."

"Does it feel good tickle, or hurt tickle, or make you laugh tickle?"

"It feels good." I said.

"OK. I'll help you relax a minute and then we have to take some pictures. But don't be embarrassed. A good model doesn't get embarrassed about anything. She gets used to showing off her pretty body. Being touched. I'm teaching you some secret modeling relaxation tips and stretching exercises. Sometimes it helps relax your muscles if you press in. Deep relaxation. Let me show you."

He kept tracing his wet finger from my front to the back and he stopped a pressed every few seconds. It felt pretty good the way he did it. First he rolled his finger around to get it all wet and then he pressed on the bump, and then slid down a little bit and pressed in, and then slid down a little more and pressed in. His finger went part way in me, but he pulled it out before I could say anything. It didn't hurt. He kept doing that until he got to my fanny hole and he pressed in. His finger went part way in there, too, but he didn't push it in except a little bit. He asked me if it hurt and I said, "No." I was talking real quiet.

He kept doing that for a couple minutes and pretty soon his finger was going half way in my middle hole and half way in the back hole, too. Chuck kept rolling his finger around in my pussy to make it all wet and slippery.

He said, "I'll stop if you want me to or if it hurts, Melinda. Do you want me to stop? Does it hurt? This exercise is good for your muscles, and it's a good way to show that you're not too shy to be a model."

"No. It doesn't hurt. You can do it for a little while if it's good for me. I want to be a good model. It tickles good. Kind of makes me feel funny." My voice felt shaky.

Then he slowly pushed his finger all the way in my middle hole and held it there while his other hand wiggled my bump. He moved his finger in and out. I didn't say anything, but this felt so naughty. I wanted to be a good model. "Your finger feels so big."

He said, "When my finger gets to your back hole, pull yourself open wider if it's OK for me to stretch you more. He pulled his finger out of my pussy and slid it along to the back. His finger was really wet. When he slid it over the back hole I pulled myself open wider for him. He pushed it slowly all the way in the back hole.

I said, "Oh." I said it so softly I hardly even knew I said it. Then he started tickling my bump with his left hand. I was feeling all funny inside.

While he was pulling it back out slowly, he said, "I'll put it in one more time, Melinda, to help you get all relaxed before I take your measurements and we start our photo session. Just pull your fanny open if you want me to put my finger in again."

He pulled his finger out of my bottom and stood up. Hold still, Melinda. I'm going to get something to make it more slippery in back. When you hear me kneel back down behind you, pull your bottom open and I'll put my finger in you again. This is really helping you get ready for our modeling session today. You are doing great."

I heard him kneel down behind me a minute later and I pulled my bottom open. I couldn't figure out why it felt so good, because it also made me feel so naughty.

He put some cold, slippery stuff in my bottom and pushed his finger in. It slipped in faster this time. I held it open while he did it some more. In and out. Then he massaged the bump in the front between my lips at the same time. It felt good the way he kept doing that. I was holding myself open for him. We were both quiet while he continued doing that.

He got up and said, "OK. Let me wipe you off. You are pretty wet. Just hold still." He washed me off with a warm, damp washcloth and helped me stand up.

The Photo Session

Chuck said, "OK, Melinda. Take off your blindfold now."

When I took it off I about jumped out of my skin. There was another man standing there beside Chuck with a camera in his hand. He was smiling at me. I blushed and put my hands over my breasts.

The men laughed. Chuck said, "It's OK, Melinda. This is Ron, a photographer friend of mine. I told him about you and he wanted to get some pictures, too. He won't tell anybody, and neither of us will show prints of today's session to anybody. Ron just loved the pictures of your feet, and he offered to even give you some acting lessons later."

I put my hands down. "Really? Acting lessons? That would be neat."

Then Chuck said, "He watched your demonstration so there is nothing you need to hide. And his finger was in your bottom that last time. Besides you'll get thirty dollars an hour now instead of twenty since there are two photographers."

I talked to Ron. "Do you like the way I polished my toenails?"

Ron sat on the floor and took my right foot in his hands. He held it up to his lips and kissed my foot and then licked me between my big toe and the long one. It tickled and I started giggling again. I liked Ron, too. They were both so nice to me. He kept sucking on my toes and it made me start giggling.

Chuck said, "I told Ron about the secret breast and fanny exercises I showed you and he wondered if you could show him how to do it so he could show his girl models. Like let him practice on you."

"Oh, sure." I showed him how to do them and let him practice on me. Sometime he stood behind me and sometimes in front of me. He liked practicing and it felt good, too, like tickling and making me feel funny inside. Then I showed him how to pull my fanny open and let it close. He wanted to practice my fanny exercises while I was standing, on my hands and knees, and even laying on my tummy, and he was kneeling over my legs. I think Ron liked to practice that one on me the best.

Then Ron asked if he could try the exercises I showed them with my pussy lips.

"Sure. OK." He had me stand up while he sat on the floor and I like stood over his lap. I asked him if he wanted to dry me off because sometimes I get so slippery there, but he said it was OK if I was slippery - like it was more of a challenge to pull them apart. He was so funny and kept putting me in different poses to try it. But no matter what pose he put me in they were still too slippery to hold on to and we were both laughing.

Chuck was setting up some furniture for me to model on. He called us over and reminded Ron they needed to get some shoe pictures today, too.

Ron said he helped his girl models increase their tender, young breasts by sucking on them, and he said it worked even faster than the stretching sometimes. He showed me how he did it. He sucked on each one for a couple minutes and then pulled on the tips with his teeth. "See, that helps soften them up and then pull them out." I wanted him to show me again.

Chuck said I could just stay ready for my bath and just put on the shoes and socks because they were going to just be getting pictures of my feet.

I tried on some pretty neat shoes and socks for the pictures. Then Ron asked Chuck if they had time for some "dress-up" pictures before they gave me a bath.

"OK." Chuck said to Ron after he looked at his watch. "I think we've got enough shoe pictures for today." Then he asked me if I wanted to try some other modeling, "It's just for fun, Melinda. You'll try on some different grown-up panties and nightgowns and even high heel shoes and walk around. Some people think it looks cute to see little girls playing dress-up."

"But I thought you weren't going to show the pictures to anybody." I didn't want people to see pictures of me without clothes on. I mean it's OK to clown around in Chuck's basement, but I wouldn't want anybody else besides us to see the pictures.

Ron said, "We promise not to show the prints to anyone, Melinda. We might make a fun video of you taking a bath, too, like just for us, and then shaving your legs for the first time. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

"Well, OK. Just don't show the pictures to other people. Because it would be embarrassing."

Chuck said, "Melinda, like Ron said, we won't show any of today's prints to anybody." Then he had me dress up like a school girl, and we went upstairs to one of his bedrooms. The said this would just be a fun video. I pretended I didn't know they were in the room, like I was an actress.

So I walked in the room and put my school books on the bed and then undressed. I was wearing a white blouse and my training bra, the red plaid skirt that looked like a school uniform, and my own white, cotton panties, and my gymshoes. After I undressed I went in the big bathroom and started the water. And this is the funny part. I sat on the toilet and they video taped me peeing with my feet apart, kind of leaning back. That was so funny. While I was sitting on the toilet I practiced some of my breast stretching exercises, especially the pull and twist one.

Then I got in the tub and they gave me a bath. They washed and tickled me all over. It was so funny. Ron even tickled my feet which made me splash all over the place. Then Chuck got his camera and had me stand up to wash my legs and my pussy again. Then he turned off the camera and shaved one of my legs up to the knee just to show me how. Then they taped me shaving my other leg. It was pretty exciting.

"How about her armpits, Ron? Should we get those, too?" They stopped filming again and examined my armpits and compared them to my pussy. "Just a little peach fuzz on those spots. We'll wait." Chuck said.

So, we finished in the bathroom and then I went back in the bedroom to finish drying off and laid down on the bed to do the pussy pulling exercises which they thought would be pretty neat to record while I was laying on the bed. Then I tried on different grown-up lingerie and some high heels that were way too big for me and walked around. I got the giggles wearing those big clunky shoes on the polished wood floor. They wanted me to try on different sexy panties and then to really act silly I put on thigh high hose and a silky, see-through nightie top and high heels to walk around in.

"Shouldn't I have on panties with this?"

"No. You look so cute this way, Melinda." Ron said. He really liked to look at me. Chuck was working the camera. They had me lay on the bed with the thigh-high hose and shoes and nightie on and practice my pussy lip pulling exercises for the camera again. I felt funny doing that right in front of the video camera with those funny clothes on. I wanted to dry it off but they said to just do the best I could and keep playing with it even though it was getting wet.

Then Chuck said they wanted to play a game with me and teach me some more things. He said I should just leave on the nightie top and hose and come downstairs with him. "You already earned your seventy dollar modeling fee today, Melinda. Would you like to play an acting game?"

"Wow. Seventy dollars?" I could hardly believe it. Just for modeling some shoes and acting silly.

Ron left the room to go back downstairs. Chuck said, "We were thinking you might like to start your acting lessons, Melinda. Like for what grown-up girls do in movies. Kissing, things like that."

"That sounds like fun." I said.

"Ron is setting up some videos on the VCR down the basement TV room, and then you try to do what the girls in the videos are doing. Won't that be fun?"

"Sure, but like who would I kiss?"

Chuck thought a minute and said, "You could practice with me or Ron. We'll take turns acting with you."

"Wow. Just like in the movies? That would be fun. I never kissed a man before." This was really fun modeling today and learning things, like they were really helping me. It felt funny to walk downstairs in just a nightie top and thigh-high hose that I had to keep pulling up. Chuck said I looked fine.

Down The Basement Again

Ron set up some videos for us to watch over in the finished part of the basement. While I sat on the couch between them, we watched the videos while they rubbed me. It was fun. The first part we watched showed a girl kissing a guy and you could tell she was putting her tongue in his mouth. They stopped the video and I practiced doing that with them one at a time. While I was practicing my kissing with Ron, Chuck would help with my breast or fanny exercises. And then while I was kissing Chuck, Ron would help me, but he only liked to do the stretching on my fanny so I got on my hands and knees over Chuck's lap so Ron could reach me easier. They said I was doing great. Ron was so funny he even kissed my fanny.

Ron said, "You just took a bath so I'm sure you're clean as a whistle all over, Melinda." He was kissing my fanny.

We watched some more of the video while Chuck helped me with my pussy stretching, and it showed the girl kneel down and unzip the guys pants. Ron was fiddling with the remote controller and couldn't get it to work. He said, "How do I get it to stop, Chuck? She shouldn't see this part. I bet she's never seen this kind of video. I can't make it stop."

It was funny to see Ron get so nervous while he was trying to make it stop. The girl in the video finished unzipping the man's pants and pulled out his thing. It was big and looked real hard. I was kind of laying across both of them and they were trying to make the video stop but it kept playing, and they couldn't get up to turn it off because I was on their laps.

Finally Ron got the video to pause, but he was still embarrassed because it showed the girl kissing the side of the man's thing, like with her tongue out a little bit the same way she had been kissing the man's face.

Then Chuck said, "Oh, Melinda. You should close your eyes. You shouldn't see that. You've probably never seen anything like that before. You're way too young to see that."

But I kept looking at the picture which was stopped on the TV screen. "No, I've seen videos like that before, like when me and Beth, that's my friend, were babysitting for the Taylors. We looked at videos like that. It was so funny. We saw lots of girls do that to guys." I wanted to prove that I am a big girl. "Come on, let's watch some more of it."

Ron said, "I don't know if you should, Melinda. You're pretty little."

Then I had an idea. "Well, umm, you guys are helping me get bigger, aren't you? So, maybe I need to see this stuff. Because they do it in the movies. I've seen it. Really. I'm big enough."

Chuck said, "Well, then, Miss 'Big Girl' what did you and your friend Beth see? What did you do?"

"Well, that's kind of embarrassing. We watched the videos and then we pretended we were kissing one of those things, like the men have. And we practiced sucking on each other's fingers. It was so funny. We kept laughing. And then...." I started blushing and couldn't tell them the rest.

Chuck asked me to go on, "OK, 'Big Girl.' Are you too embarrassed to tell us? Maybe that means you are to young to see this. If you tell us, maybe we'll let you watch some more of the video. Maybe even practice. Who knows?"

"Really? Well, umm, in one of the videos it showed two girls sucking on each other's boobies. It was really funny. So we tried it. But I didn't even have any boobies then, not like now where I'm getting some, but she had some, and I sucked on them. She said it tickled and let me practice on each one. Beth tried to suck on mine but I was too flat she said. And then we pretended I was a little baby and she was the mother and I had to nurse on her while she watched more of the video. I mean it was really funny. She kept wanting me to do that while she watched the video and she started acting silly and was making little noises like the girls in the video. Jessica told me to ' a good little baby.'"

Chuck asked me if Beth wanted me to do anything else or just suck her.

"This was the funniest part. Like after I pretended I was the baby, and I was only eleven and she was thirteen, well, I mean I'm still eleven but then I was just barely eleven, and she said she had to change my diaper before I could nurse anymore. Then she got a real diaper. Wasn't that funny?" I laughed a little bit, remembering that night. Then Beth actually put the diaper on and told me I had to pee like a little baby so she could wipe me off." I laughed.

Chuck asked me if I peed in it like she wanted me to.

"Sure. We were just goofing around. The plastic tape hardly held it closed because I was way too big. I had to hold my knees up like I was a little baby. She kept putting her hand in it to see if I peed yet, but I didn't have to pee very bad. But you'll think this is funny. It was a joke on her. While she had her hand in my diaper on my pussy to see if I was wet yet, I finally started peeing - right on her hand. When I was all done she took her hand out and washed her hands. Then she took off my diaper and wiped me off and put powder on me and patted it all over. Then I had to nurse some more while she watched some more of the video.

Ron and Chuck talked a little bit and then asked me if I had ever seen a real penis before. Ron wondered if I ever did that again with Beth. And Chuck reminded me that my modeling and my acting lessons were a secret.

Then I asked them if they would let me watch more of the movie, because I wanted to learn more about acting. I had to admit that I had never seen a real penis before - just pictures and videos - but that I really did want to see a live one. "And I would like to practice on one. You know. Just to learn."

So, they thought I could watch some more of it, but first I should do what the girl in the video did and take their pants off. Chuck explained that it would only be fair if I got to see them since they both got to see me naked. I hadn't thought of that before, I mean since I was the model, but it did make sense. They both took their shoes and socks off while I looked at the still picture on the TV - the picture that showed the girl kissing the side of the man's penis.

Ron took off his watch and ring and reminded Chuck not to get any pictures of his face. Chuck got the video camera and stood on one side while I unzipped Ron's pants. The men didn't talk but told me to see what I remembered from the other videos. I looked in the camera and then finished unzipping Ron's pants. He unbuckled them and let them fall to the floor and stepped out. It was like he was making a tent in his navy blue boxer shorts.

I got the giggles, but the men still didn't say anything. I felt it through the material, then kissed the side of it through the material while my left hand pressed it towards me. Then I put my left hand up underneath his boxers; up the leg hole. It felt so big and hard and was kind of curved. I kissed the side of it again through the material and then took my hand out of the boxers and pulled out the waistband with both hands. I had to pull it way forward to get it over the end of his penis. It was so big! And it did curve upwards. I kissed the side of it and giggled again.

I felt it, kissed it, and licked it like an ice cream cone. I could hardly lick it I was smiling so big and Chuck was holding the camera looking at my face. Then I tried to lick it without holding on and my tongue pushed it away but it always bounced right back to my lips. That was pretty funny, too, and I giggled. This was neat. He was letting me look at it and touch it. I lifted up his dick in my right hand and cupped his balls with my left hand. Then I licked the side of his dick some more. I remembered something I saw in one of the videos I watched with Beth and looked at the end of his penis. It almost looked too big to fit in my mouth, but I tried it anyway. At first just holding part of it in my mouth. This was so exciting. I pretended I was biting it from the side but I didn't really bite it but just licked it some more.

I was sitting on the edge of the couch cushion and playing with his dick; kissing it, sucking it, even putting it as far in my mouth as I could. It was so exciting that I forgot about Chuck taking my picture. It seemed like they were always taking pictures so I just got used to it. But all I could think about was the size of Ron's penis as I put my mouth over the end of it. I could get the whole tip in and even go part was down it. He put his hands over my ears and moved my head to show me it was OK to slide on it. I went back and forth over the tip of it. It was kind of fun to keep doing that.

Then Chuck said he would let me do that with him, but first Ron wanted me to show him how fast I could go over the tip and back, kind of like a challenge. Boy. I showed him. I went back and forth on it real fast; like off the end and then part way down it again and again real fast.

But Chuck told Ron I shouldn't get a prize yet, because he wanted a turn first and then he wanted to show me something else on the video before I got the prizes.

"What kind of prizes, Chuck? What do I have to do? I like to get prizes."

I did the same things with Chuck. His dick wasn't as big as Ron's so I could slide down on it farther. I think he liked it when I went real fast, but he made me stop and we watched some more of the video.

The next part was really funny. It showed the guy take the girl's shorts and panties off and then he started licking her between the legs. That really looked funny and I asked if we should practice that, too, just kind of joking. But they both said they would try it if I wanted to, and Chuck even said it might help my figure.

After they took a pictures of me laying back on the edge of the couch with my legs apart, they finally put the cameras down. Chuck said they would just practice a little bit and then they would tell me about how to get the bonus prizes today. But I forgot all about prizes and everything else when Chuck started licking me there. Ron was doing my chest stretching exercises at the same time and I started feeling funny inside.

When Chuck was finished with his turn my tummy was starting to feel all nervous inside, but then we watched the video so I could see how to get the prizes.

It showed the girl licking and sucking like I was doing except she went farther down on it. I didn't think I could do that. She mostly kept licking and sucking and then she opened her mouth and held the tip of it on her tongue. I could tell she was a pretty good actress because her lipstick and jewelry and hair all looked fancy. And then while she was holding the tip of it on her tongue with her mouth open, the guy started rubbing it with his hand and like bouncing it on her tongue. Then it showed his face as he said, "Oh." and then it showed her face as some white stuff started coming out of his thing and like squirting into her mouth. She kept her mouth open but started smiling as she swallowed real fast and opened her mouth for more of the prize stuff. Ron told me that was how I could win another prize today, like if I could get to taste their secret juice. Then Chuck said that each prize was a pair of brand new shoes - one for Ron's prize and one for his. They asked me if I wanted to try for the prizes.

"Wow. Two more pairs of shoes? Well sure, I'll try, but I'm not sure I can do it. Like what does it taste like. Is that the baby stuff, like from daddies? I'll try my best. Should I hold my mouth like the actress in the movie did to catch the prize?"

They laughed and Chuck said that they would tell me when I was about to get a prize so I could get ready. They said not to worry about the taste because I would get used to it and it's really good for me like with vitamins and stuff.

Ron said, "Just swallow it fast and open your mouth again, because sometimes there are lots of squirts and then you can try to suck out any more juice. I bet you can do it. We'll practice with you first, like pretending the prize is coming so you can practice opening your mouth and holding out your tongue."

"OK. Well I'll try my best. This is so exciting. Thanks for teaching me this."

I tried to get Ron's prize first and we practiced like the prize was ready a few times while Chuck was working the video camera. Then they told me to just keep sliding and to hold the base of it so it didn't come all the way out of my mouth. I was supposed to get it real wet with my spit so it would slide easier. Ron even helped a little bit by moving his hips back and forth. It started to taste funny and then Ron said the prize was coming so I held open my mouth with my tongue out like we had practiced. Ron held onto it and I could taste something on my tongue and I wanted to look to see if that was it, but I was a good actress and waited. Then stuff started squirting into the back of my mouth. It was like a squirt gun, but it was more hot and gooey. It tasted kind of like the stuff I was already starting to taste, but just lots more of it.

It was filling my mouth up so I swallowed as fast as I could and then some more of it hit my face before I could open my mouth again, but I opened anyway and some more of it went in my mouth. I swallowed that, too, because it was slowing down now. I put the end of it in my mouth and sucked on it. I hoped I didn't break it because it started getting softer as I sucked. Chuck took more pictures as Ron scooped the glob of stuff off my cheek with a spoon and then fed it to me. "I know how you like to pretend you are the little baby, Melinda." We all laughed while I licked off the spoon.

They said I did great and I smiled up at the camera. "See? I can be an actress. Did I do good? I only missed a little bit, but it was just coming out so fast."

Chuck laughed and told me I did wonderful. He wanted to start his turn after he washed off my face and gave me some cold pop to drink. Ron went into the bathroom. I told Chuck that I hoped I didn't hurt it because it started to get soft and little after I caught the prize. He laughed again and said that's what happens after the prize comes out. The man gets all relaxed again.

Chuck let me start trying to get his prize even though Ron wasn't back to work the camera. I got his prize practically right away and Ron still wasn't back.

We got dressed and they took me back to the mall and I drank the rest of the pop in the car. I had seventy dollars and two new pairs of shoes! They said I could have another modeling session and acting lesson next Wednesday if I wanted one, but I was supposed to go to my aunt's house. I told them I would try to get out of it or else come on Thursday. They said that Thursday would work better anyway and that I did great, but I couldn't tell anybody. "Maybe there will be a couple more cameramen there next week, Melinda. I have a few friends who might like to take pictures of your feet Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Wow. That would be cool. And more cameramen? Yes, I want to come back and model some more. It's fun being a model." Then I thought of something else, "Hey, maybe I could even get more prizes."

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Love this story! Have you thought about a male Gymnastics coach getting his student a 10 yo girl to model leotards for him after class. He could video & photograph her in different leotards in the empty gym. Practising her routines. Maybe having a sleepover for her with her friends at his house. She could encourage the other girls to pose naked and stuff.


Excellent tale. Well written. Thank you

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