Blackmailing My Big Sister

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by Corn53

Published: 19-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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Story Summary
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Pam and I made a deal. She would be my sex slave for the next two weeks, on Monday and Friday afternoons, and that she would try to get Stephanie in a compromising position for my camera so I could blackmail her too.

I promised Pam that We would destroy the photos IF she got her friend, Stephanie, nude on the bed together with her so i could take another FLASH picture. Then we would blackmail Stephanie into playing along with us for a couple weeks, and then I would destroy the photos.

(I didn't tell her about my silent camera, the camcorder hidden in the closet, or the tape recorder I was going to hide under her bed.)

The next day I rode home on my bicycle and got to the house before anyone was there. Mom wouldn't be home for several hours. I hid the video recorder in Pam's closet on her top shelf and my silent camera under a pile of her clothes. I started the two hour tape recorder under her bed and left the room as she got home. I went downstairs with the flash camera in my hand.

"Are those pictured of me still in your camera, Bobby?" she asked. "Because we're going to destroy them before you ever get them developed, right?"

I lied, "Sure, Sis. They are still in here. I wish I could see them, though, because you really have gotten so cute." (I didn't tell her there were just some pictures of my bike in this one, which I wouldn't mind losing.)

"Well, thenk you, Bobby, I'm not sure what to say. I suppose we could be nicer to each other." with that she lifted up her short skirt. "Are these the panties you wanted me to wear today? They felt especially silky since I shaved yesterday. It drove me crazy in school every time I moved or walked." Her confession continued, "See if these are already too wet for our little game with Stephanie." She held her skirt higher and walked over to me.

I obligingly felt between her legs. "I should have picked out a pair of your panties with the cotton liners in them instead of these. Maybe we should find some others for you before Stephanie gets here." "Good idea." and she followed me up to her room while we reviewed our plan.

We got to her room and she removed her wet panties and threw them in the closet. I was glad she didn't go in. I told her to hold up her skirt while I held different pairs in front of her. I touched her newly bald skin and she flinched back. Then she straightened and said. "OK, I guess you're going to be touching me there anyway, later in our game." So I rubbed her for just a moment when we heard Stephanies knock at the front door. I got into her closet, out of sight behind her rack of clothes. We left the closet door opened like it usually was.

Pam and Stephanie came running up to the bedroom just moments afer I got all the equipment rolling. As usual pam had her radio blaring away. The rushed into the room giggling and holding hands. Stephanie plopped onto the bed and asked my sister if she 'buzzed' last night.

"Of course. It was great. That was the best birthday present I could have gotten! How long have you been buzzing, Steph?"

"Just a couple months now. A boy in math class gave it to me in a college envelop! I told him I wasn't looking at colleges yet, but he said I might really like this one. When I opened it later I was going to through it away, but decided to test it first. He gave me a little one a few days later, and I was insulted again!... but kept it. That's when I discovered the 'back door.' She was removing her panties while she talked.

"Let's take all our clothes off this time, Steph." my sister said like she had promised me she would.

"What about that brat brother of yours?" she asked Pam. ("Brat Brother" ?! Boy was she going to get it!)

"He's at practice and won't be home for two hours." Pam said as she dropped her skirt and blouse on the floor. "Here, hlp me with this bra." as she tried to reach around behind her.

Stephanie got up and unsnapped my sister's bra and then took off her skirt and boulse. "Now you can help me with mine, too!" and she turned her back to my sister, as I snapped the fifth picture with my silent camera.

My sister unfastened her friends bra and then reached around under Stephanies arms as if helping her remove it and then brushed her hands on Stephanie's nipples. "OH, Stephanie, your nipples are hard already! Maybe you should lie back today, and I'll prove to you that I know where the 'magic spot' is."

"That sounds like fun," Stephanie replied. Both girls pranced around tickling each other and getting over their awkwardness at being naked - almost naked, that is. Stephanie still had on he ankle socks, and panties. She sat on the edge of the stuffed chair and leaned back, still wearing her panties. She raised her knees and spread her legs apart, stretching the thin, sheer fabric of her panties. "Buzz me through my panties untill they get so wet you can see through them." she grinned.

I got another picture as Pam knelt down next to her. "That shouldn't take long," she laughed, "They're wet already." She turned on the buzzer and made little circles on Stephanie's panties.

A moment of silence except for the radio and buzzer, then Pam said, "These are soaked!" Let me help you take them off.

Pam stood and pulled the panties off Stephanie's now straight legs. As Steph spread her legs again exposing her bald pussy, Pam tossed the wet panties into the front edge of the closet. (A present for me!)

I wasn't sure if Pam would go through with the next part of our plan, but she was being good at staying out of my line of sight. I could see that Stephanie's pussy was glistening as Pam knelt beside her again and took the buzzer. In stead of inserting it as Stephanie was expecting, Pam started kissing her thighs -moving towards her pussy. We were both waiting to see Stephanie's reaction.

Without a sound Stephanie just spread her upstretched legs farther apart. Pam began licking her right betwen the legs. Stephanie had her eyes closed and was massaging her own breasts as my big sister licked her. I was geting some great photos.

My sister inserted the buzzer into Stephanie's very wet, bald pussy while she liked her. I got several more "quiet" photos and knew I was supposed to make my grand entrance with the flash camera, but decided to wait a little longer.... just to see what they would do, if I didnt stick to our "script."

It looked like Pam was getting into it. Her left hand was between her own legs.

"Get the little one now," said Stpeh. Both girls got up. I was worried Pam was going to get me out of the closet, but she shot a "wait-a-minute" glance in my direction. Stephanie got on all fours on the bed with her beautiful bare bottom towards me, while my sister put some lubricant on the little buzzer.

(This was better than I could have imagined!)

She was moving her fanny around, moaning, when my sister got to the edge of the bed. "I'm so ready, Pam, do them both at once!" She lowered her head onto the two pillows and grasped her fanny in her own hands and pulled her bottom open even more. (Could have shot a whole role on this scene!) As my sister inserted the little one into Steph's bottom, she bent lower to lick her pussy one final time.

FLASH!.... FLASH..... I stepped out of the closet and yelled, "Caught you! You two lesbians, wait till the guys at shcool hear about this. Wait till they see these pictures" as I held up the camera with six shots of my bike and two of the girls. (My silent camera was hidden in the back of the closet again, and the video camera was still rolling.)

Stephanie was bright red - from excitement and embarassment. She didn't even turn over yet. She was still on her knees with her head lowered to the pillows - just looking at me.

A new idea came into my mind. "Don't move, either of you, unless you want me to show these to your friends!" I walked over and started patting Stephanie on the bottom. She was practically dripping, but didn't move.

"Now, let's have some fun." I said. My sister hadn't said anything yet. Maybe she was going to wait to see what I wanted them to do.

"Maybe I sould get undressed and join the party. Pam, unbuckle my belt." I patted Stephanie on her fanny and asked, "Ready for a spanking, naughty girl?"

She still hadn't said anything. Then, "Uh huh, OK" she said meekly.

"What's this?" I asked touching what looked like the end of a small white flashlight sticking out of Stephanie's fanny. I touched it. It was vibrating. I pushed it farther in with a finger and then pulled it slowly out.

Pam said, "Just twist it to turn it off."

"I don't want to turn it off yet." and pushed it back into Stephanie.

"UMMMM" said Stephanie, who still didn't seem to grasp the situation.

"You both need to be my sex slaves for the next two months - every Monday and Friday for two months or else I'll tell your friends at shcool about this and show them the pictures."

"OK." they both said in unison. I was happily surprised that Pam didn't argue about our "New Deal."

Then, instead of spanking Stephanie right away I slipped a finger into her still totaly exposed, wet, open pussy while I jiggled the protruding end of the tiny vibrator in her ass. My finger slipped in easily (A dream come true!) I couldn't believe how wet she was.

"Maybe you two should continue," I said as Pam finished removing my shorts and shirt. I was still wearing my underwear. "But first, Sister, Dear, pull off my underwear and kiss me like you kissed Stephanie!"

She did it! She was kissing and licking the sides of it, holding it with one hand while her other hand tickled between her own legs. I was getting kissed on my dick by my sister, with my finger in her best friend! (I hoped the video was still rolling!)

I was ready to cum. I didn't want this to be over, so I told the girls to change places. They did it immediately. I told Stephanie to play with my balls and lick my sister, which she jumped into with relish. (I didn't dare have her kiss or stroke my thing - the game would be over!)

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While IMHO the story moved a little fast (could have been more g-g play, etc), I thought it was excellent. I love blackmail sibling stories (teen and/or preteen). I hope to see the story continue.


Naaice! Fuck them bitches up their bums!

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