Hush Money - Sting Number One, Part 2

[ FM+/g, finger, cum, photo, bath, anal, les, bond, spank ]

by Corn53

Published: 15-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

The Audition

The next day started out as scheduled. The rich man was on his cell phone when Brian knocked on the door to his suite. A woman let them in and took them over to meet Mr. Robert, the movie producer. He was wearing a black suit even though it was summer. There was a large camera set up with a small stage area on the other side of the big living room area.

Robert was saying, "Fine I'll be there in about an hour..." Then he looked at Jenni and said, "Wait a minute. Let's shoot for ten o'clock tonight if that's not too late for you. I know this is important, but something has come up. OK. I'll see you around ten."

Brian introduced them. Jenni was wearing shorts and a tight T-shirt which flattened her small titties, but you could still make out the little mounds and puffy nipples through the tight material. He pulled Jenni to stand between his legs and put his hands on her hips turning her around while he looked at her. Then he said, "Just right. We'll see how she does reading some lines. I might have her try on some costumes and do more readings tonight. It might take a little while for a good interview." Robert kissed Jenni directly on the lips; stood up and shook Jackie's hand.

Brian said, "I've been practicing reading some lines with her and I think she will do fine for a part in one of your movies, Robert. She's a fast learner. Since this is just a quick meeting, I didn't get her nails done or use any make-up."

"It's OK, Brian. I'll have my make-up girl do that. We'll get her some nice costumes to try on, too." He smiled at Jenni. He was sitting down and she was standing between his knees, but they were eye to eye.

Mr. Robert had Jackie sign some papers, which were already partially filled out with Jackie's name and address and Jenni's date of birth. Jackie signed her name without reading them. Robert handed Jenni a sheet of paper with some lines of a script on so she could read for him.

Jenni started reading, "Sally sat on the bleachers and opened her knees to let the coach see her panties. After the game she hoped the coach would want to pull down her panties."

Jenni blushed but kept reading. She pronounced "hoped" as "hopped" but nobody said anything to correct her. Robert held up his hand for her to stop. "Very good, Cynthia."

Brian said, "Her name is Jenni, and isn't she cute?"

Robert said, "Yes, she's very cute, Brian. Thanks for bringing them over. I'm busy but changed my schedule so I can give her a brief interview. We'll see how today's interview goes and maybe you could bring her back tomorrow for a full audition. Noon. Then we'll get her nails and hair done, make-up, costumes for her audition. Now take the mother home and come back here. You can take Jenni home tonight at ten. That's about two hours." He looked at Jenni's Mom. "Is that OK with you, Jackie?"

"Yes, of course." She said.

"Very good." He said, "I'll have her try on several costumes tonight while she is practicing some lines." He turned to Allison, his personal assistant, and said, "Get a fee packet ready for Jackie before Brian takes Jenni home later." He turned back to Jackie, "Is that OK, Jackie, for her to try on several outfits for us tonight as part of the interview - dresses, swimsuits, lingerie, things of that nature?"

"Yes, that's fine." She said. "What's a 'fee packet?'"

"It's a little payment for keeping her here for a couple hours. It gives us rights to any photos or video. Nothing much, but these days every five hundred helps."

"Oh, thank you." Jackie said.

Brian took her home and was laughing inside at Jackie's willingness to let her daughter undress in front of a camera and a strange man. He explained that the standard first interview fee was five hundred dollars, but that's only if she is invited back for a second interview. "Otherwise it's only one hundred if she doesn't please him during the first interview. Your daughter is very pretty. She takes after you, Jackie. She has your pretty, blue eyes, and is smart and catches on quick, too, just like you. I think she'll do fine and she will probably get invited back. We can see what's inside the envelope when I bring her home. We have to hope she is invited back for at least one more interview and audition."

In The Hotel Room With Mr. Robert

Meanwhile, in the motel suite, Robert called Allison to help Jenni try on her first costume for tonight's interview. "And let me know how she looks when you bring her back out. Thanks, Allison."

"Yes, Sir." Allison said as she led a very nervous Jenni to one of the bedrooms.

"And Allison, don't bother to do her hair or make-up yet, just bring her right back out so I can interview her. She won't need a bra. I'm sure she is firm enough. I need to make a couple calls right now, but it won't take long. Tonight I'll want to practice kissing scenes with her, and I don't want her to get lipstick on me."

"Yes, Sir."

Ten minutes later Allison brought Jenni back out into the big living room - kitchen area where Robert was sitting at a writing desk. Jenni was self-conscious in the very short skirt. She was also wearing lacy white ankle socks, high heels, and a loose fitting top that left her tummy bare. The short skirt barely covered her hip-hugger, cranberry-colored, silky panties which were a little big on her.

Mr. Robert held out his hands and scooted the chair back from his desk. "Come here and stand between my knees again, Jenni. Let's read a few lines together. OK?" She stood between his knees next to the big desk. Robert put his hands on her hips again then slid them down her legs to her knees and back up, leaving his right hand on her hip under her skirt...

Allison said, "Brian was right, Robert. She is just beginning to develop. I might want to shave her legs below her knees tomorrow before she does her audition in the other costumes. She has a sparse, blond pubic tuft just beginning to develop, but her lips are still bald. Her breasts are also beginning to develop with pink, bird-egg, puffy nipples on little pale mounds. Just perfect for you. And she is very excited already about getting to do an audition."

Jenni wasn't sure what she meant by that, but Robert knew. He smiled. "Very good, Allison. Fix me a drink and get Jenni a soda. We want to give her lots of soda tonight."

"Yes, Sir."

He patted Jenni's bottom and said, "Start reading on this page. Its background for the story I'm thinking of shooting later this year. The girl is older - almost seventeen - but just imagine that you are the girl in the story so I can see how the dialogue sounds. OK?" He pointed to the top of the page.

Jenni began reading, "Sally told the coach that she was eighteen while she pulled down her panties in front of him. They were alone in the locker room. The coach took off his sweat pants and Sally gasped..."

Jenni pronounced it as 'gassed' so Robert corrected her this time. "That's 'gasped.' You're doing fine, Jenni. I just want to hear you read a little bit. You look so cute in this outfit."

Jenni started reading again, aware of the butterflies in her tummy - nervous and excited at the same time. As she started reading she felt Mr. Robert begin to feel around on her panties - sliding the silky material this way and that, running a fingernail around the low waistband - pulling them outwards as he moved his finger. He said, "Spread your feet apart a little bit, Jenni, so I can see if these are the right size panties for you. Go ahead. Keep reading. I won't correct your reading anymore, because whenever you act out a part we'll practice it with you before we shoot a scene."

She put her feet apart and started reading again,

"Sally said, 'Coach, your cock is so big I don't think it will fit in my mouth!"

The coach said, 'it's not going in your mouth yet, Sally, I want to lick your pussy first, and then I'll stick my finger in your...'"

"Very good, Jenni. Or should I call you 'Sally?'" Robert laughed as he scooted the script away. "You read just fine, Jenni. Now we can talk a little bit. Turn around and face me. Put your feet farther apart. It's important for an actress to follow directions, isn't it, Jenni"

She put her feet farther apart, letting him fit his big left hand between her legs. He kept sliding the silky panties around on her pussy. Mr. Robert said, "We'll practice kissing in a little bit, too. That's important for an actress, too, isn't it, Jenni?"

"Yes, Sir." She said, very aware that he was pressing the panties between her legs and between her pussy lips. She knew she was excited and was embarrassed by how wet her pussy felt. She could feel him sliding her wet panties between her pussy lips.

"Well you are very poised for such a young actress, Jenni. I'm sure you'll go far and make lots of money." He pulled her panties forward and slid his right hand down between her legs, looking right into her face just inches away. "We can practice kissing in just a minute, Jenni. Do you want to practice kissing with me?"

"Yes." She said, her voice a little shaky.

"Good." He called for Allison to come in with the drinks. Jenni started to stand up and put her legs together, but Robert said, "It's OK, Jenni. Allison is my assistant. In fact, put your feet farther apart so these baggy panties don't fall down. We wouldn't want that, would we?" He laughed.

Jenni tried to laugh, too, as she scooted her legs farther apart. She said, "No, that would be embarrassing."

Allison came over with a tray. There was a big glass of soda and a smaller glass with a clear liquid and a slice of lime in it. Robert said, "Pull up a chair for a few minutes, Allison, while we talk with Jenni. I think she will do fine." He was rubbing a finger between her pussy lips and all over her wet pussy and her clit, which was already beginning to stiffen despite her nervousness. He pulled his hands out from under her skirt and then wiped his finger on a napkin. "Yes, Allison, I think she is excited about reading for me." Then he started feeling her back and chest with both hands. "This top looks like it fits her pretty good, don't you think, Allison?"

"Yes, I'm sure it's a good fit for her. Not too tight. Loose enough so you can feel how tight her tummy muscles are. And she was very clean between her legs. Did you take a bath today and wash real good between your legs, Jenni?"

"Yes. My Mommy said to wash myself real good there."

Mr. Robert laughed. "I'm glad your Mother wants to see you succeed in show business, Jenni. You got my finger very wet."

"I'm sorry. I dried it off after my bath."

Mr. Robert laughed again. "It's OK, Jenni. In fact I like that with my models." He put his right hand up under her blouse and began feeling Jenni's breasts. "She is developing nicely. These are perfect. Nice, puffy nipples." He lifted the front of her blouse.

Mr. Robert and Allison looked at her bare breasts with the stark tan lines, so her titties looked like fried eggs, with puffy, pink yolks. While Jenni stood still, blushing, Robert said, "You're getting to be very grown up, Jenni. You're breasts are getting bigger. This doesn't hurt does it? When I pinch and pull like this?"

"No." She squirmed her hips. "It just kind of makes it hard to ... ohhh... stand still."

"It's OK if I examine you, isn't it? It's part of your audition."

"It's OK." She said, still holding her soda in her left hand.

"I love her nipples." Allison said. "Do they get stiffer and bigger if you pinch them, Jenni? Maybe pinch them for us. OK?"

"Like this?" Jenni asked as she pinched one and then the other with her right hand.

Allison said, "Yes. That's it. See? They are starting to get stiffer and sexier. It works even better if somebody else pinches them for you. I won't pinch too hard. May I pinch them for you?"


Allison pinched her left one and then the right. She looked at Jenni's pink nipples as they stiffened before their eyes.

Mr. Robert said, "Sometimes while you are acting, it's a good idea to pinch them every so often so they will stand up and look sexier. Although I think they are lovely the way they are." He massaged each breast while Allison held the loose-fitting blouse up out of the way.

Allison said, "So how old are you, Jenni? And what grade will you be in this year?"

"I'm almost eleven." She said, "and I'll be in the fifth grade because we missed a lot of school a couple years ago because we were moving."

"So you're ten and a half now?" Allison asked.

"Yes, I'm almost ten and a half." She said. "Like in a couple months I'll be ten and a half."

Robert put his hands on Jenni's pussy again. He began pushing a finger farther and farther up Jenni's tight, wet vagina. "Jenni is very poised for her age. I like that in an actress. Very good. Do you like to watch television? What shows do you watch?"

Robert continued to finger her while she talked with them about television shows, school, playing with her friends, going to movies or to the swimming pool. Jenni was finding it a little difficult to talk with Robert's big finger pushing in and pulling out of her pussy. He often flicked his thumb across her clitty, causing her to repeat words.

Allison was asking her about what she likes on her pizza. "I like pepperoni and extra cheese, too, Jenni." Then she asked Mr. Robert if she should get Jenni some fresh panties yet.

"In just a minute, Allison. She is still wearing these right now. So what are your favorite kinds of pop and ice cream, Jenni?"

"I really like chocolate. That's probably my favorite, but I like other kinds too... too. And ..." She was finding it more difficult to talk since Robert kept flicking his finger across her clit. "And, that tickles, Mr. Robert. Like tingling."

"What does?" He asked, acting so innocent that Jenni giggled.

"That does!" She said, as he did it again. "It's like hard to talk while you're doing that."

Allison laughed. Robert kept flicking it. Then he laughed. Jenni started laughing again, too. She had a weak smile on her face and was moving her hips.

"Let me take off these wet panties, Jenni. Then you can walk around a little bit and let your hot pussy air dry. I can't help it if I bump into your clitty with my thumb because your clitty is getting so big and stiff! Just like your titties - your clitty gets stiffer when somebody rubs it. Did you know that?"

"Ohhh. Gee. Well it's your fault, Robert." Said Jenni. "You keep rubbing it and it gets that way." She stepped out of her panties, smiling. She knew Brian would think she was doing a great job if he could see what she was doing.

Robert picked up Jenni's panties and handed them to Allison. We'll get her a fresh pair in just a minute. We'll let her air dry for a few minutes, don't you think, Allison?"

"Good idea. She was already excited when she got here." She smiled. "This is fun being in show business, isn't it, Jenni?"


Allison said, "Why not hop up on Robert's desk and let him see how stiff and wet you are between your legs. Then maybe he won't rub it so much!" She shook her finger at Robert, pretending to scold him. "It's all your fault, Mr. Robert. The little girl can't get dry if you keep rubbing her pussy like that!"

Mr. Robert laughed. "Well this way I can find out if she really is a big girl."

While he pulled out his desk drawer several inches, Allison said, "She weighs eighty eight pounds and is four feet, ten inches tall already."

He easily picked Jenni up and sat her on the front edge of his desk, put her high heels in his desk drawer to hold her feet in place and laid her back, spreading her legs so her knees almost touched the top of his desk. "You are very limber, too, Jenni. That's great. Oh, look, Allison. She is very excited. She is so pretty between her legs. Just like her pretty face!"

Jenni smiled.

Allison said, "And, Robert, it is your fault that her clitty is getting stiff because you kept rubbing it." She said, and bent down for a closer look.

Robert took Jenni's hands and got her in position to pull her lips apart and up, to fully expose her clitty. "Oh." Said Allison. "It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Then she laughed playfully, "And it's your fault, Robert. Look what you did. Her little clitty is all swollen up, and she is so creamy wet! Can I touch it, Jenni?"

Jenni was shaking with excitement, with both adults staring at her open, wet pussy - just inches away from it. "Yes, if you want to."

"Oh I want to all right. I could hardly keep my hands off you while I helped you change your clothes for the first costume." She reached out and dipped the tip of her right forefinger into Jenni's gooey, wet vagina, and rubbed the excitement over Jenni's swollen clitty.

"Oh, that tickles." Said Jenni.

"I bet it does." Said Allison. "Well, thank you. I want to touch it more later, OK? And I want to put my finger up your pussy, too. I bet it's really tight. Will you let me do that, Jenni?"


Mr. Robert said, "Yes, she is very tight, but she's so wet and slippery that I was able to push my finger all the way in."

Allison said, "Yes, she's as slippery as a teenager. And now I'll go get you some fresh panties before the others get here."

Jenni wondered who else was coming over, but forgot her concerns as Mr. Robert leaned forward and began licking her pussy.

Allison came out of the bedroom a minute later and heard Jenni moaning. Robert said, "Go ahead and cum, Jenni, whenever you're ready. You taste so good. You taste like a movie star, all right. Show Allison and me that you really are a big girl and cum for me." He pushed his finger up Jenni's vagina and nibbled on her clitty. Jenni moaned as her body started to twitch. She came.

Twenty minutes later Brian returned to find Robert, Allison, and another man sitting on the stuffed furniture talking with Jenni. Jenni came over and hugged Brian. She was wearing the same short skirt and top with the high heels and lacy ankle socks. Jenni said, "Brian, this is Josh and he works with Mr. Robert in the movie business. They are rehearsing scenes with me."

Brian already knew Josh but was surprised to learn his new name for this little project. "Hello, Josh. Nice to meet you."

"And hello, Brian." Josh already knew Brian's fake name. They changed names in every city.

Josh said, "Our little star, Jenni, is catching on to the movie business really fast. You sure know how to find them. I think she will do very well in this business."

"Thank you." Said Brian with a smile. Jenni was smiling, too.

Josh said, "Let's walk over to get you a drink, Brian." He took Jenni's hand and led her and Brian over to the bar which was set up in the kitchen. He filled Jenni's glass with soda and handed Brian a glass of his favorite scotch - their private celebration on finding another cute pre-teen to work with. "Robert tells me that your little Jenni is more grown up than she looks and that she is very responsive. Do you know what he means by 'responsive'?"

"I don't know." Said Brian. He winked at Jenni while Josh looked for something in the refrigerator.

"I'm not sure either." Admitted Josh. "But he said she loves the stimulation she gets while she is acting. He said that Jenni gets very excited about acting."

Robert called over to us in the kitchen while he was setting up the camera. "We'll start in a few minutes. Meanwhile, Jenni, I want you to practice kissing everybody here. And Allison, please get one of the small buzzers ready, so while she is kissing you, you can help her little surprise swell up." Then he said to Josh, "Sit on the couch and practice kissing with Jenni."

Jenni blushed, but Brian leaned over and kissed her on the lips. He put his arms around her back and kept kissing. Then Josh led her to the couch and sat down, pulling her onto his lap so she was facing him with one knee on either side of Josh's hips. He started kissing her passionately and she responded. Robert stood in front of them and said, "Very good, Jenni. You're a good actress because you can act like you're enjoying it. That's important. Pretend what he is doing feels good to you. Josh, feel her chest while you help her practice. I want her to be warmed up before the others get here."

Josh slipped his hand under her blouse and began massaging her breasts while he kissed her. Josh kept kissing the whole time. His right hand went from her panties to her chest and back. The third time his right hand went down to her panties, he slipped a finger through the leg hole to feel her slippery pussy. He noted how wet she was but didn't say anything. Jenni didn't say anything and kept kissing. Her hips began moving as Josh massaged her pussy.

Allison came over and took her hand, leading her back to the desk. Allison sat on the chair with her knees apart and pulled Jenni to stand closer so she was between her knees. Allison said, "I want you to try to hold still while I buzz you for a little bit so you will be nice and swollen by the time you pull down your panties to show our guests."

"Oh! Guests?"

Allison laughed, "Yes, Jenni. Did you think this was a private audition? No, there are two other men and another woman coming tonight. We'll all watch you practice some lines with Josh over there in front of the cameras." She tilted her head towards the area with the camera. Josh was putting a stuffed chair right in the center in front of the camera.

"Oh." Said Jenni.

When she looked over to the big chair where Josh was sitting, Allison touched the vibrator against the front of her panties. Jenni looked in Allison's face. Allison smiled at her. "Don't worry. We'll have you all ready to go." She lowered her voice, "And if anybody comes over here before we're ready to start, just act like everything is OK. They will hear the buzzer, but probably won't say anything. If someone asks, just tell them that you are getting ready for your first audition and I'm helping you get ready ... which I am."

Jenni was beginning to get a dreamy look on her face as Allison pressed the vibrator into Jenni's panties up between her thighs.

Allison said, "Besides, with your skirt on, nobody will be able to see me pushing the vibrator against your panties. Maybe they won't know what I'm doing, so just act like everything is OK."

The doorbell rang and Josh went to answer the door. Brian joined him at the door to welcome the two older men and a woman who looked to be about thirty. She was wearing a short skirt, too, but not as short as Jenni's. The woman went over to Robert and kissed him. The two men walked over and introduced themselves to Jenni and made small talk with Allison for a few minutes. Jenni thought Mandy, the older lady, was really pretty and sexy, just like Allison.

Allison was talking with them as if everything was normal, so Jenni tried to do the same, although she was finding it hard to concentrate, and impossible to stand still. Allison said, "Jenni, put your legs a little farther apart. That's a good girl."

One of the men said, "What's she doing, Jenni?"

Allison said, "Tell him in a second, Jenni, but open a little wider, and wiggle you hips around a little bit. That will help it swell up, too."

Jenni opened her legs and began squirming around again with the two men standing right next to Allison watching. She could see that they were looking down at her skirt and she knew they could hear the vibrator and see that Allison's hands were up under her skirt.

The man repeated his question. Jenni said, "Oh, she's helping me get like swelled up, I mean, get ready for my first audition."

The other man said, "Well, Allison is very helpful that way. But it looks like you're very ready already."

"Unn, ohh, well, Allison wants to help me get ready."

Allison turned up the speed on the vibrator. The men noticed the increased pitch and volume. They also noticed that Jenni's hips were moving and the ten year old was softly moaning. The first man said, "Does that tickle, Jenni? Does it feel good the way she is helping get you warmed up?"

"Unn, oh, it tickles and tingles at the same time, and it feels good."

Brian said, "Mustn't go too far yet, Allison. I think she is already on the edge."

Allison pulled the vibrator away. "Perhaps you're right. But take her in the kitchen and feel her mound through her panties. See if you can detect any dampness. If her panties feel damp to you, then we'll know we're ready to start."

Jenni was still feeling a little shaky as the two men led her into the kitchen area and took turns feeling her panties. They both kept telling her how cute and sexy she was while they felt her creamy wet panties - sliding them around in her pussy slit. Robert came over. He asked, "Jenni, do you feel ready to pull down your panties in front of the camera while you practice some lines? This will be a great audition. I know it already? We'll all want to watch. Are you ready to undress and pull them down now? You're doing great. I know Mr. Robert wants to use you!"

"Gee. Really? Yes, I'm ready. Do you think I'm ready?" She said, feeling nervous again, looking around at all the people. "Is everybody going to watch me pull them down? Gee."

Jason came in while she was talking. He said, "Yes, I think you're ready. Actually if an actress's panties feel damp, that means she is ready, but yours are actually soaked - almost gooey, so you are very ready!" He smiled at her.

"I can't help it. I just get excited and nervous, like about pulling down my panties with strangers watching."

They walked back into the living room, over by the stuffed chair.

Robert said, "They tell me you feel especially ready to get started, and all of them want to watch you undress and pull down your panties in front of the cameras while you practice your lines. That way we'll know that you can follow directions and that you're not too shy to be a good actress."

He took her hand and led her over to the area in front of the camera. The adults formed a semi-circle with their folding chairs around her "stage."

"I'll give you different props while you dance, or turn around, or pretend you're in a store and a man is watching you and you want to let him see your panties on purpose but make it seem like an accident. Things like that. And in a little bit I'll tell you to start undressing for us. You are the star, so don't be shy, but I want you to act like you're shy and nervous. That's what we're looking for with the movie project."

Jenni started dancing to some music in her head. She remembered to pretend she was in a store, so she started looking at some imaginary racks of clothes and then bent down with her legs straight to look at something on the bottom shelf. This lifted her skirt in back exposing her panties. She shuffled her feet, showing off her ass "accidentally" while her audience watched. They could all see from behind that her panties were very wet between her legs.

Then Robert applauded her acting talents and all the adults joined in. "Great, Jenni. Really. Great imagination. Now you can begin undressing slowly. Act coy - that means like you know we are looking at you and you know you are cute, but keep undressing. When you get down to your panties and bra, then start rubbing yourself between your legs, and stimulating your breasts.... Do you know what I mean by 'stimulating' them?"

"Like pinching and pulling on them, like pulling the nipples out as far as I can and letting them snap like that. Maybe slapping them a little bit? Brian taught me how to do that."

Mr. Robert smiled, "yes, that's it exactly. Really stimulate yourself between your legs and on your titties. Look into the camera. Then when I signal, you can take off your panties and bra and keep stimulating yourself for the camera while we watch. You are so sexy that you are getting all of us turned on! I know you've got me turned on." He rubbed his pants.

Jenni smiled. Her smile turned to a self-conscious smirk as she saw they were all still staring at her. The women moved their hips while sitting on their chairs, and the men were adjusting their trousers. She remembered what Brian said about that, and began rubbing her hand on her panties - going around the elastic waistband - pulling it out. A smirk ran across her face several times as she turned and touched herself - massaging her pussy and breasts. Her panties were soaked.

Then Robert signaled for her to take off her bra and panties. She did, and then started pulling and pinching her nipples. She was very turned on and making low moaning sounds.

Robert said, "Josh and Brian, bring over the coffee table with the blankets on it.

Jenni laid down on her back, on the verge of cumming, as the adults gathered around her. Robert said, "You decide. Do you want Josh to rub your breasts, or would you like Brian to put his finger up your ass, or would you like Allison to rub your clitty with the vibrator, or would you like us to do all of it at the same time? This will make a great video clip, Jenni."

"All of it." She said, letting her knees fall open with her feet on the coffee table bed by her ass.

The two new men held Jenni's knees and lifted her bottom. Brian knelt by her ass and put lubricant on her anus. Allison turned on the vibrator and Josh began caressing her breasts. Robert held the camera over her so that Jenni was in the lens with all those hands, but none of the adult's were in the picture.

At Robert's signal, Brian plunged his big, slippery finger all way in her ass as Allison touched the vibrator directly on her clit. The men were massaging her legs and thighs while holding her up in a diaper-changing position, and Josh was pinching her nipples. Jenni came in twenty seconds. Her moans were loud in the quiet room. A series of pleasure spasms twisted her body. Allison immediately pulled the vibrator away, but Brian kept his finger up her ass, feeling her spasms squeeze his finger.

Allison and Mandy took her back to the bedroom a few minutes later to help her get dressed. Brian took her home shortly afterwards after everyone told her that they wanted to help her with part two of her audition the next day.

Jenni seemed subdued as they left, but brightened up on the way home as Brian told her that everyone loved her and they all said she could be a great actress.

Brian handed Jackie an envelope as they entered the small apartment. "She did great, Jackie. Your daughter is a natural actress. Very sexy and cute. Tomorrow at noon I'll come over and give her a bath. I have to make sure she is clean and powdered all over, and I'll want to take a video of her taking the bath to show them. Then I think Robert might try to go too far and we'll be able to contact the studio lawyers. And I think they might want to call her back for a third interview - just like we had hoped."

Jackie looked in the envelope without letting a curious Jenni see inside. She counted the seven hundred dollar bills. Jackie asked why Brian needed to give her the bath and make a video of it.

"Well, just think of it as modeling. That's all. Robert requested it. I won't do it if you object, but I think it would help get Robert excited so that he might try to do something that could get him indicted if we have proof. We'll have the pictures that Robert will take and he will probably shoot some incriminating video. Then I'll try to get a copy of what he shoots while Jenni is doing her so-called audition. He won't go all the way, but will get her naked and will probably feel her up. I'll try to set it up to entrap him. Don't worry. And I'll have another envelope for you when I bring her home tomorrow. So can I give Jenni her bath tomorrow and make a video of her in the tub?"

"Well, OK."

"Jenni, just sleep in a big T-shirt and panties, and don't change until I take you in for your bath. OK?"

"Sure. OK." Jenni was still holding Brian's hand with a big smile on her face.

The next day Brian showed up at noon, carrying a gym bag with his camera and some supplies inside. Jenni and Jackie both greeted him at the door.

Jackie watched TV, with the volume turned up as Jenni led Brian to the bathroom. He clicked the lock so their privacy would be guaranteed. After Brian closed and locked the bathroom door, he had Jenni introduce herself again to his camera. Then he asked her to take off her panties and pee while the tub was filling up. "Put your knees apart so I can see your pussy while you pee."

Jenni got ready, but Brian said, "Wait a minute." He got a big towel off the rack and put it on the floor in front of the toilet. "Put your feet up on the toilet seat and lean against the back. When you pee, let it all out even if it sprays in front of the toilet. Try to pee as hard as you can."

Jenni smiled a crooked smile and let loose. Some did spray onto the towel, almost hitting Brian but she kept peeing until she was done. Then Brian gave her a bath which they both enjoyed. He washed her pussy a long time, but didn't make her cum. They had talked on the way home, but Brian had her describe how Mr. Robert had licked her between her legs. And she admitted it was the best orgasm she ever had when all the adults were helping her at once with the camera turned on.

While Jenni was still sitting in the tub, Brian stood and unfastened his belt and pulled his trousers and briefs down to his ankles, showing her his full, six-inch erection. "I need to show you my cock, Jenni, so you won't be scared if you see one. Maybe Mr. Robert or maybe one of the other men will want to let you touch his cock. Maybe they will let you watch them masturbate. Do you know what that means?"

Jenni didn't answer, but kept staring at Brian's stiff cock. She looked for almost a full minute, and then said, "It's so big." She reached one finger towards it and touched the side of it, next to the head. Brian's cock was very straight and the ridge of his cock's head was almost the same diameter as the shaft - so it looked straight from base to tip.

Jenni pushed it gently, not wanting to hurt it. It bounced back towards her each time she pushed it away. She giggled, thinking it was funny. She knelt up in the tub. "Can I hold it?" She asked.

"Just a minute," Brian said. He stepped out of his loafers, pulled off his socks, and pulled off his trousers and briefs. "Yes, you can wash it for me. Don't get soap in the tip." He unbuttoned his shirt as he stepped into the tub. He flipped his shirt over to the hook on the back of the door and it caught there.

Jenni was gently running her soapy, wet hands up and down his cock. "It's so big, Brian." She said for the fifth time. She was kneeling in front of him with her face just inches from his cock as she washed it.

"Wash it for me, Jenni. Very good. Thank you. Wash my balls, too, but be extra gentle with them."

Jenni washed Brian's cock and balls, fascinated. Brian said, "All clean. You can lick it if you want to. I would like it."

She put her left hand on the edge of the tub and leaned forward to lick it. It kept moving away from her so she moved her head - almost like bobbing for apples. She giggled. Brian took her hand and put it on his shaft. "Hold it with one hand, Jenni, so you can lick harder. It's OK to press it against your lips. Kiss it and lick it if you want to."

Jenni wanted to.

With a little encouragement, Jenni was soon sucking away. Brian said, "You're great at this, Jenni. A natural. Nobody would believe you had never seen a real cock before."

She sat back. "I haven't." She said. "This is the first one. It's so big, it hardly fits in my mouth! Well, we saw drawings in health class, but it was bent down and you couldn't really tell what it looked like because the drawing showed the inside too, like lots of spaghetti inside. And I saw a video at my friend's house before we moved, and it was big and stiff and then lots of white stuff squirted in the girl's mouth."

"That's how a man cums, Jenni. His stuff squirts out. It feels so good for him - just like when you have an orgasm. Does that feel good to you?"

"Yes! That feels great."

Brian stepped out of the tub and dried off his cock, balls, and feet. "Time to get ready to go, Jenni. I just wanted to show this to you here in private, just in case you might see some of the men's cocks today."

"Will they squirt that stuff out, like in the video?"

"Yes, I'm sure they will, and so will I." Brian said, as he dried off her back and then her front. "and I would like mine to squirt in your mouth, just like in that video you saw at your friend's house."

"Oh, gee. What does it taste like?"

"You'll see, Jenni. I hope you like it. It might take a few times to get used to it, but some girls really like the taste. And it's good for you, too."

"I want to taste yours, Brian."

A few minutes later he led Jenni back to her bedroom. Brian was carrying the camera. "I just want to get a little video of her getting dressed. We'll be going in a minute. She is doing great, Jackie."

Jackie didn't talk. She kept looking at the television.

Brian kept his video camera running as Jenni got dressed, and then they left. Jackie was still watching a game show, drinking a beer.

Mr. Robert was alone when they got there and Jenni seemed a little disappointed. Over the course of the next three hours though, five other men, and three women all stopped in to meet Jenni and spend some time with her. Each of them brought a new outfit for her and helped her change. Some of the outfits were quite bizarre.

One costume consisted of black leather ankle, knee, and wrist cuffs, with a matching wide leather necklace. Each piece had metal O rings which Jenni thought was very curious. It didn't seem to fit with the sheer, white, lacy panties and training bra set he gave her. But, as for the other outfits, she let him undress her and then put the wrist, knee, and ankle straps on her. As Sidney fastened the leather collar on her, she smiled and said, "Gee, I've never seen anything like this. Is it a special outfit?"

He put a leash on the neck collar and led her out into the main room. "Pretend you're my pet." He said, and smiled.

Jenni smiled, too, thinking the costume was very funny. "I'm his pet." She said.

Sidney led her back into the bedroom and fastened ropes through the O rings on her ankle and wrist bracelets, so she was tied spread eagle on the bed. Then he looped ropes through the rings on her knee straps and pulled her knees wide open. The others came in to watch. "I'm going to put this gag on you like as if you were all tied up and gagged, and then, when I get the camera set up, I want you to struggle like you're trying to break loose.

Jenni thought this was really funny and put on a great performance, struggling against her bonds. She would have been laughing, but with the gag it just sounded like she was trying to talk. Then Sidney said, "I'm going to cut off your panties and bra and then you should try to wiggle out of them and act like you're afraid, like you're a captive or something."

Jenni struggled and wiggled against her bonds and soon the cut pieces of panties and bra were completely off her. Her pussy was very wet again, and she was waiting for the man to give her the reward - a little vibrator treatment on her exposed clitty.

Sidney said, "I'm going to take my pants off to get comfortable because you've got me so excited. Then I'll touch you with the vibrator the way the two ladies did, only I'll put this skinny, little vibrator up your pussy. Did you like it when the ladies tickled your clitty with the vibrator?"

"Unnn, ghhnnn, ummm." She was trying to say, "Yes, it felt good."

"Only they didn't do it long enough for you to have an orgasm, did they?"

This time she shook her head no. Everyone could tell during her sessions with each of the two ladies that Jenni was disappointed that they did not bring her to orgasm. And everyone could also tell that Jenni wanted an orgasm, especially with everyone watching. There were people watching her during all of her orgasms so far in her young life, except for the ones in private with Brian.

Jenni now knew that Brian was right when he told her that her orgasms would be faster and stronger with an audience.

Brian came into the bedroom to monitor things and saw that the two women were ready to start using the vibrator on Jenni. Sidney was naked and kneeling on the bed next to the bound girl. Brian said, "Sidney, you can't fuck her. You know that."

He said, "Yes, I know that, but I want to cum on her tummy and chest and rub my cum on her titties when Jenni cums."

Jenni was in a dreamy state - aware of all the attention and feelings, but she was now aware that Brian was also her 'protector.'

One of the ladies said, "We're right here. Don't worry, Brian. We won't let him hurt your precious, little piece."

The other woman said, "We'll help Jenni have her first orgasm of the day, that is unless you helped her cum when you gave her the bath."

Brian laughed. "No, she didn't cum then, but I'm sure she's ready now."

The first woman laughed. "She has been ready since she got here. Look how wet and gooey her delicious pussy is!"

So Sidney put one knee between Jenni's legs - up against her rump so he could feel her wet pussy with his thigh, and his other knee was by her side so that he could masturbate right in front of her eyes.

Brian said, "Take the gag off, in case she wants to talk or taste something."

They all thought that was a good idea, including Jenni.

Sidney started stroking himself as the women started ministering to Jenni's pulled-open pussy. Brian said, "Jenni, go ahead and taste some of his cum, so that when I cum in your mouth you'll be used to it, and then you can swallow my cum. You'll learn to like it, I bet."

One of the women said, "I love it." But the other woman didn't say anything. She was putting lubricant on her finger.

Jenni was moaning softly and staring at Sidney's cock which was right in front of her - suspended over her chest and tummy. He was straddling Jenni's thigh. Her knee was still pulled outwards from her knee strap to the edge of the big bed.

Then the woman with the vibrator pressed it right against Jenni's clit, as the other woman pushed a slippery finger up Jenni's ass, and Sidney started to shoot his hot cum all over Jenni's bare chest. Jenni jerked against her bonds as she came, and tried to get her mouth closer to Sidney's cock.

Sidney climbed over her leg to get his cock closer to her mouth and managed to get the last squirt directly into her mouth. She kept sucking while she enjoyed her own orgasm.

They untied her and washed her off with a warm, soapy washcloth. Brian gave her a glass of soda, then laid down beside her after she drank half of it. Brian was still fully dressed. Jenni fell asleep hugging him.

She only did two more "acts" after she woke up from her little nap, including one with Brian when he shot his load into her open mouth in front of the camera and several people. Everyone applauded as she managed to swallow about half of it. Then she had another glass of pop.

That night, Jackie asked Jenni if she was OK as soon as she and Brian came in the door to the apartment. Jenni said, "It's fun, Mommy. I got to do some acting and he made a little video of me in different costumes."

Brian said, "Well, I'm sure she is fine, and I'm sure she enjoyed it. Here's the envelope for tomorrow. I'll pick her up at noon."

Jackie looked at her watch and at her daughter. She seemed upset about something, but didn't say anything. Jenni went to her room. Then Jackie said, "Are you sure he won't have sex with her?"

"Yes. I'm sure of it. I'll probably be in the room with them most of the time. So is noon OK tomorrow?"

"Yes, OK." But she still had a doubtful look on her face as she took the envelope.

Brian called the next morning to say that Mr. Robert had to run back to Hollywood, but that he would probably be back again in two weeks. Meanwhile, he promised to try to confiscate some of the video that Robert took of Jenni's audition so he could see if there was enough incriminating evidence on it. He said, "Keep the money, and I may be able to send more later, as an advance towards your two-thirds of our settlement. Meanwhile, just tell Jenni that I'll probably be back in touch in two weeks, especially if Mr. Robert does come back here again, and if I feel we need some more evidence. And ..." He paused a moment to get her full attention. "Don't say anything about this to anybody. I'll send cash occasionally while I'm negotiating and will keep you informed. You have my card and my number, but don't contact me there. I'll call you and will send the cash in the mail."

"OK." Said Jackie. "And what about the other man you mentioned? The man who might set up local appointments for Jenni - just for modeling. Maybe we could start doing that while we're waiting to hear from the studio."

"That's a great idea. I didn't want to push it, but I know Jenni will be safe, and that she was having a good time, too. And at the most, she would get a finger in her vagina or her bottom, which will probably happen soon enough anyway, but this way works out better - and safer - for everybody. I'll contact him again later today. I had already mentioned it and showed him a few pictures of Jenni, and he was positive he could line up some lucrative modeling opportunities for Jenni, that is, if it's OK with you."

Jackie was quiet for a minute, then said, "OK. I would like to meet him. I guess we could try it. And I appreciate the money so far, but we'll need more to live on while we're waiting for you to settle with the studio. Will you show her videos to some of your friends?"

"Yes, that, too. And my friend would still be the one to pick her up and bring her back home. We don't want anyone else to know where she lives, or to find out her real name.

Then Jackie said, "Well, I know Jenni has been enjoying her time with you, and I know she'll be disappointed if you stop coming over."

Brian said, "His name is Jason, and we'll come over tomorrow afternoon. Have Jenni take a bath at noon. After you meet him, I'll give you some shopping money so you could leave for two or three hours while we work with her. And, if Jason agrees, he'll start lining up modeling appointments for her right away with a variety of men and women who would like to use a little model like Jenni. It would be five hundred to a thousand dollars each week while we're waiting for things to work out with Hollywood. She would only be gone five to ten hours per week with Jason."

"And what exactly will she be doing?"

Brian thought a minute, smiling, picturing Jackie on the other end of the phone line. "Like we discussed, and I'll tell you full out, she would be meeting with a man or woman who Jason trusts. Then that person will spend time alone with Jenni - playing games, and undressing her or watching her dance while she undresses. Then the adult would probably play finger games with her, and maybe finger her a little bit. It would be clean and safe, and if they wanted to finger her bottom, they would use plenty of lubricant. Then the adult would do something to make himself cum. If any gets on Jenni, it would only be on her skin or maybe some in her mouth, but she will still be a virgin and nothing bigger than a finger would ever go in her vagina or anus. Very strict on that rule. If she gets cum in her mouth, then she'll get a big glass of pop, and if it gets in her hair... well, you'll just have to wash her hair when she gets home. Is that OK?"

"Well, it's probably the same that you were going to do with the Hollywood producer anyway, and well... Jenni is growing up. I did it at her age, but I didn't get it in my hair except for one time. After that I made sure to catch it in my mouth. I didn't want to come home with any on my clothes or in my hair. And I was glad to get twenty dollars."

"I understand." Said Brian. "Jason will get a hundred dollars per person, and maybe two or three lined up in one evening, just a couple evenings per week, with maybe an occasional 'party' session, or an afternoon session. And Jenni will stay clean and safe and somewhat supervised so that she'll stay a virgin, at least until she is a teenager. So that's three years. Meanwhile things will probably settle with the studio and you'll both have plenty of money."

"So you'll bring Jason over tomorrow so he can get to know Jenni and start lining up appointments for her?"

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon. Have her wash real good."

"OK. See you then, and thanks for everything. And she might start this week?"

"Yes, he'll want to get maybe even ten - fifteen appointments during her first week, so she'll really get to like it. I know Jenni will have fun. She likes meeting new people."

"Usually she is pretty shy."

"Jason's customers will like that, and he'll coach her on how to act even more shy at first. But eventually she'll be enjoying a new finger. And besides your hundred dollars, Jenni will get tips, too, especially if she swallows some, but that's her decision, and it will also be her secret - what she does, and if she gets tips. That would be her private money."

"Oh, I know, and I won't ask her anything." Jackie said. "And I'll just get my money from Jason."

"Yes. We'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll take her shopping today. Find some cute panties, maybe a new dress."

"That's a good idea, Jackie, so she'll know I will still be working with her. Check some thrift stores for dresses that are too small. Can you sew?"

"I used to sew. I suppose I could let a dress out and shorten it. We'll do that. Thanks, and I'll see you tomorrow. And tell her not to talk with Jason about our scheme with the producer. I don't want either of you to mention that to anyone."

"I'll tell her. See you tomorrow."

Training With Jason And Brian

Brian and Jason arrived at two o'clock. Jackie let them in with a smile on her face. She offered them drinks while Brian introduced his friend. She said, "our little model will be out in a minute. I helped her with her bath this morning to make sure she was extra clean for the two of you. She's wearing new panties, too. When we heard you knock I sent her in her room to put them on so they would be fresh and dry."

They talked for several minutes, which was mostly Jason explaining how things would work: he would call her, usually a day or two ahead of time, with a schedule if he was able to line anyone up. "I have to be very careful since she is still under eighteen. It's not so dangerous with my older girls, but Jenni is a special case. I will be very protective with her."

"Thank you, Jason. I don't want anyone to hurt her or scare her."

Jason said, "It would be such a help if you wash her pussy really good get her dressed before I pick her up. Then we could see three clients instead of two, so that would be extra money for you, and we wouldn't be gone so long."

"OK. I could do that. Anything else?"

"No. I'll leave some outfits here for her, and will let you know about which one for her to start in."


Jason smiled, "And I've got good news for you. Even though I haven't met your little star yet, I've already got three appointments lined up for tonight, and three for tomorrow night. Then we'll take a few days off so she can rest up before next weekend. I might arrange a little party so she could meet several prospective clients at once. They will be able to have a session with her in the hotel suite, one at a time, so you could maybe make four or five hundred for the one night."

Jackie was smiling. "That would be great. Thank you."

"I'm trying to line up mostly older men, or women of any age, but there will be some younger men, say down in their thirties. Jenni will have lots of fun. Her last client tonight is a woman, so you'll need to wash off all the lipstick on Jenni's pussy and breasts and maybe even around her anus, if the woman really likes her."

"That won't be a problem. I'll give her a bath when she gets home. I didn't know we'd be starting so quickly."

Brian said, "I think it's best, while Jenni is still having so much fun. I asked Jason to line some things up right away - both for Jenni's fun, and your income. Well, call her out here, and then you can leave for a little while. Here's an envelope with a little from me and three hundred from Jason for tonight."

She took the envelope and looked inside. She smiled and then called for Jenni to come out to the living room.

The little star walked out blushing; self-conscious in the short, white, lacy dress that barely covered her panties, and the white, lacy ankle socks and black flats. Her hair was brushed out into two pig tails - one on either side near the back of her head, with a white ribbon on each one.

Jason said, "She's beautiful. Yes, I'll let you be my wardrobe assistant. Jenni, go on back into your room for a minute while I talk with your Mother. You can come back out for our practice games in a couple minutes."

When Jenni was back in her room, Jason said, "I've got a couple other little girls who need to get cleaned up before their sessions, too, but their mothers just dress them in shorts or jeans and don't clean them up special before I pick them up. I'm wondering if I could bring them over here - just one at a time - and then you could wash them real good between their legs and get them dressed up for me; maybe a little make-up and do their hair. You could alter their clothes for them and I'll pay you. At first it would be best if Jenni was out of the house or stayed in her room while you bathed and dressed the other girl. Is that something you'd be interested in? It would be a little extra money for you."

"Yes, I'd be glad to help out."

"Maybe you could even help me train them so they would learn how to let a grown woman fondle and finger them. Brian said that he trained Jenni for anal fingering, and it's good for a little girl to learn how to react and to trust the adult. Would you like to do a little finger training with them for me?"

"Yes. I would be glad to help you with other little girls."

"I would expect you to wash them thoroughly so you could lick each girl's anus and even try to put your tongue in her, and of course, lick her pussy and suck her breasts. Maybe spank them lightly for a little big and then finger them. Don't get them to cum, but get them excited so they will be eager to greet the clients later. OK?"

"Yes. I will help you. I'd be glad to do that. And I already have lubricants and vibrators to help train them."

"You would have to spank them and masturbate them, too. Different ways - your mouth and fingers and the vibrators. Are you willing to do that for me?"

"Yes, I'll be happy to do that. When can I start."

"Not tonight, but tomorrow night, after I take Jenni to her first appointment, I'll bring over an eleven year old for you to clean up. She only has one appointment for later, so you'll have an hour or so with her before I pick her up. I'll bring clothes for her. Then I'll go drop her off and get Jenni for her next appointment, and I'll bring Jenni home around ten - maybe later if the woman wants to keep her longer. Women aren't in such a rush, you know, and if she keeps her overtime it will be a little extra money for you, and probably a little extra fun for Jenni."

"And, Brian, you want me to stay gone for two hours?"

Brian said, "Yes, that's plenty of time. We might even be gone before you get back. We'll both let her taste our cum and teach her different games that Jason's male customers like to play. And we'll each finger her front and back so she is used to different styles. Jason will get a few of his own pictures - to show some of his potential clients the maximum that they are allowed to do with her. That can actually speed up their sessions, so he could get another session during one evening out. More money for you."

Jason added, "And after we finger her front and back, then she'll be more slippery already for her appointments later tonight. Of course, I'll insist on more lubricant if they want to finger her anus. Makes it easier and more fun for Jenni if she's really slippery back there. No irritating rubbing like if it's too dry. We want her to enjoy modeling, don't we?"

Jackie said, "Yes, of course. I'm glad you're considerate for her safety. Well, I'll let you two get started. What's the little girl's name I'll be helping tomorrow?"

"Her name is Holly. She's eleven, and is also brand new. Not as cute as your Jenni, but she's cute enough and all my clients love the little ones. Her Mom will be glad to know I have a female assistant. Maybe you could even go with me when I recruit a new girl - so she will know you and feel safe with you. Sometimes the little girls are kind of scared until they know the adults who will be helping them."

"OK, I could go with you."

"That would be a big help. It would put the Mother's mind at ease. And you could take the little girl back to her bedroom for an examination while I talk with her mother about the money. You get some pictures. Do a little private interview with her. Check out her breast development. Check for pubic hair. If the girl has too much, then I'll arrange a wax treatment so they can keep modeling for a couple extra years. And I'd like you to do a front and rear fingering to see if the little girl would be OK with doing those things while she is modeling. Play with her clitty for a while to see if it stiffens and swells. That excites men to see that. I wouldn't need you to masturbate her on that first meeting, but when I bring her here for you to get her ready, you could masturbate her to just short of an orgasm so she's eager to model."

"I understand. And it sounds exciting."

"And we don't tell the little girls we're masturbating them. We just say we're 'getting them ready for their sessions.' That sounds better."

"Yes, it does."

Jason said, "I'll bring you a small, rubber cock so you can teach the little girls how to lick and suck and use their hands to get the guy off. You can show them different techniques. And maybe if I have Jenni out on an appointment, you could go with me and another little girl to teach her on one of my men friends. The little girl could watch you suck and lick for a little while before she gets to try it."

"Yes, I would like to help. Different men like it different ways."

Jason looked at his watch. "We'll you'd better get going so we can help Jenni get ready for her sessions tonight. See you back here in two hours. Then I'll pick her up tonight. She'll probably be in the bathtub again when you get home."

Jackie called for Jenni to come back out. "I'll be back in two hours, Honey. Do everything they say. Jason has some appointments for you tonight! Won't that be fun?" She hugged Jenni and went out the door.

Brian locked the door. They led the excited, smiling Jenni over to the couch. "You look so cute, Jenni!"

"She's pretty as a picture." Said Jason.

"We'll start with kissing practice again, Jenni. You and Jason practice on the couch while I set up a camera. We're not doing video tonight, but we need a few photos to help Jason line up more appointments with you. We've got some games to teach you, and tonight you'll go out with Jason on your first modeling assignments."

"Gee. Like what will I do?"

Jason said, "I can never be sure, but I want to have several ideas to suggest to the customer, but they usually start with kissing and touching you, so we'll practice that for a little while."

For the next hour, Jenni was undressed and dressed again. She was licked and fingered front and back. Then she practiced licking a cock - pretending it was an ice cream cone, or trying to catch it in her mouth with her hands behind her back and the man moved side to side while she knelt in front of him. Then Jason had her lie on her tummy on several layers of towels on the floor while he straddled her and put lots of baby oil on her thighs. "This is one of the 'catch' games, Jenni. I'll slide my cock between your legs and if you feet the tip of it press against your panties, then you bend your knees to bring your ankles up to 'catch' me with the backs of your ankles. Each time you catch me that way you get a point. Like a game. And if the man cums, then just keep your ankles pressed against his bare bottom until he is done squirting." He practiced that with her, but he stopped before he came. "I'm glad your thighs touch while you're lying on your tummy with your feet together. Its more pressure on the sides of the man's cock. Sometimes you might do this without panties on, so your panties won't get all covered with his cum. It wipes right off your bare skin. Usually you will be naked by the time the man cums, so it will be easier to wipe you off."

Brian said, "But sometimes the man will shoot some of his cum in your hair, so you'll need to wash your hair when you get home. It doesn't hurt anything."

"And you'll get a nice tip if you swallow some of it." Jason said.

Brian added, "Lots of girls and women learn to like the taste, partly because they get nicer tips if they swallow it."

"Gee. And I get to see their things? That's neat."

Brian said, "Now I'm going to teach you a different kind of 'catch' game, Jenni. Get on your hands and knees by the couch."

They put Jenni's head and shoulders on the couch and lubricated her anus. Brian said, "Put your hands on your ass, but don't pull it open yet. I'll trace my slippery finger around on your ass, and if you feel my finger right over your anus, then pull yourself open real fast, so the finger 'falls in' your anus. Then you'll catch it. If you catch it, then I'll tickle your clitty with a vibrator. That's your reward each time you catch it."

Five minutes later, Jenni enjoyed a hard orgasm while Jason kept taking pictures.

After a brief rest, she practice licking and sucking on each cock, until she got a mouthful from each of her trainers. She tried to swallow, but only got a little bit of it down her throat.

When her Mother got home half an hour later, Jenni had taken another bath and was drinking a big glass of pop.

Jason arrived at seven o'clock to pick up his new starlet. He brought her home again at eleven and gave Jackie an envelope with a hundred, eighty dollars in it. "Jenni also got forty dollars for swallowing a little bit from each of the two men, and the woman did keep her a little extra time, like I thought. So this is more than you'll get most nights, including the three hundred I already gave you. Jenni had a good time, and will take a bath and go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow night at six."

They sent Jenni back to her room.

Jackie said, "I'll have her clean and ready. And thanks."

"Her fist session tomorrow will be longer than usual - about two hours, so I'll have time to bring Molly over so you can get to know her and teach her about accepting fingers front and rear, and getting licked and so on, since she'll have an appointment later tomorrow night with a woman client."

"OK. I'll get her cleaned up for you."

"Don't get her off. Just masturbate her enough to get her excited and eager, but I want her excited when I introduce her to the other woman."

"I'm following your directions on this, Jason."

"Good. Is Brian coming back?"

"No. Not unless some other things work out. I don't know what he meant. I'll be the one taking Jenni to her appointments. And sometimes I'll stay here myself for a free session with her and to help her with some of her skills.

Jenni continued to enjoy her appointments two nights a week - two to five clients each time. Jackie really liked the money and helping to train the other girls. She enjoyed that more than she wanted to admit.

Jackie got an envelope in the mail with a California postmark three weeks after Brian left. There were three one hundred dollar bills folded in a blank piece of notebook paper. No message. She kept wondering when she would hear from Brian about the studio sting. After two months had gone by, and she hadn't heard from Brian, or Robert, the producer, she asked Jason about Brian.

"I don't really know him, Jackie. I just met him two weeks before I met you. I've been in the escort business for a while, but all my other girls are over eighteen. He talked me in to trying to work with a younger model. I asked some of my older, trusted customers about the idea and they liked it so much that I even stuck my neck out to find a couple others; the girls you've been helping me with. But I don't know how to contact Brian. I'm glad to be working with you and Jenni and the other girls. Brian was right about getting the mothers involved, as a way to make sure none of the mothers talk to the police about things. And of course, my clients wouldn't say anything. They love the little ones, even though the girls are still virgins, at least until about twelve or thirteen years old.

Two months after that talk with Jason, she tried to call Brian's office in California but the person who answered the phone at the Laundromat couldn't speak English.

Jackie wondered if she was the one who had been conned. She wondered if Brian's name really was Brian. However, the money was great, and she loved helping the two or three other little girls. Jenni enjoyed 'modeling' and even the weekly practice sessions with Jason.

Jackie never heard from Brian again. She didn't know which studio Mr. Robert worked for, and couldn't find any records of him when she went to the library to read about movie studios. She wondered if he really was a producer. She wondered if Brian really was a talent scout, and she wondered what he did with all those videos and pictures he had taken of his naked daughter. While Jackie was doing her investigations at the library she did some quick calculations, and realized that over a hundred men and women had fingered her daughter - front and rear. She knew Jason was making money on Jenni's modeling, too, and that Jenni was getting him off at least once a week. That only worried her for a little while, because then she thought of the money each week, and then again, Jenni loved it.

Six months after meeting Brian, Jenni got her first pussy wax treatment. Jason assured them both that then Jenni could keep modeling for at least a couple more years. That was about the same time that Jason started having a 'small party' each month to introduce his three pre-teen models to more potential clients. And Jackie was paid well for helping get the three little models ready for the party, including her daughter. She bathed and powdered the little girls, and after dressing them, she buzzed each pussy for a couple minutes while each girl held up the front of her dress to receive the treatment. She put a little bit of make-up on each girl, and did her hair. Everyone enjoyed the parties. Jackie was sorry that she didn't get to go along.

Occasionally Jackie wondered about Brian, but she never heard from him again.

End Sting Number One

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