Hush Money - Sting Number One, Part 1

[ FM+/g, finger, cum, photo, bath, anal, les, bond, spank ]

by Corn53

Published: 15-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Story background: You may have seen stories in the news about people accused of doing naughty things with minors... in Hollywood or anywhere... but the case is often dropped after a nice payoff to the parents who then dropped the charges.

Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

The Plan - Tuesday

"But Jenni just turned ten!" Jackie said in a low voice.

"That's perfect. The perfect age to trap him. Any jury would convict him, and the studio would know that. And so they would pay us a substantial amount of hush money and then destroy the evidence. We'll squeeze the bastard. This might break him of his bad habit - and we'll make some good money at the same time. I'm tire of being one of his 'talent scouts' to find cute, innocent, young girls who want to be in the movies, and then he... well... he does things, but doesn't go all the way, at least not for the first week, which is all we'll do with him. And most of the time he doesn't use the girl in any of his movies anyway."

Jenni had delivered Brian's card and the envelope to her single mother an hour and twenty minutes earlier and now Brian was in Jenni's house talking with her Mom. Jenni was told to go play in her room while they talked. Jenni didn't know what they were talking about except that it involved her. She hoped that she wasn't in some kind of trouble. She wondered why the nice, well-dressed, middle-aged man had asked her if her Daddy lived at home. She remembered saying, "No, I haven't seen him for years. It's just me and Mommy."

It was hot outside so she was glad to come back inside their air conditioned apartment, but she wanted to know what they were talking about, and she wondered what was in the envelope she had delivered to her Mom. Jenni was worried it was another bill collector because Brian was wearing a tie and nice clothes when he gave her the envelope to give to her mother, but he told her it wasn't that at all, but that it was very important - a way for her mother and her to make a lot of money. He told Jenni that she couldn't talk about it with anyone else besides her Mother.

Brian said, "She's a very cute girl and could actually do modeling and acting someday. There have been nude models since before the Greeks or Romans - all the way back in history. There is something magical about the beauty of a developing, young girl."

"I know, but she just turned ten. She is starting to get a figure, though, and has been asking me to get her a bra."

"Well, Jackie, girls like to get them long before they really need one."

Jenni's mother laughed. "I did too, at that age. And I remember the thrill of getting attention from men when mine started to sprout. Such a feeling of power, the way they looked at me when I was her age."

"Right. So she will experience that thrill soon enough. We just might speed it up a little bit. I promise you - no sex, no intercourse, nothing like that. Just reading some parts for a movie, and doing some modeling." Brian let her think a minute, and then added, "And this way you'll get lots and lots of money, for something that she will experience sooner or later anyway."

Brian was worried he had said too much because Jackie was quiet for almost a minute before she said, "I remember getting attention from a neighbor man. And about a month later I started getting more attention from one of my uncles. At the most, they would take me for a ride, or take me fishing, or buy me ice cream. We didn't have a car after my Dad took off, so my uncle started coming over. He wasn't going to let my Mom borrow his car, but then he started coming over more often - like to play cards with me or tickle me, or something like watching TV together. Then he started letting my Mother borrow his car and he would stay at our trailer while she was gone. I was nine and a half. For my tenth birthday he bought me a bike. Then he was coming over every weekend, and Mom would use his car all Saturday morning while he 'helped me' with things - even taking a bath. Mom even told me to let him give me a bath so she could be sure I was clean all over, and then she left in his car." She laughed. "But anyway, enough of that. OK. We can ask Jenni about it. Actually, I enjoyed my Uncle's attention. He didn't actually ... well... 'do it' until almost a year later."

Fifteen minutes later Jenni heard their front door close when Brian left. Her mother stuck her head in Jenni's room and told her to take a bath. "But, Mom, it's not even time for bed yet."

"I know, Jenni, but you need to take a bath and get all cleaned up. He's coming back in an hour with some new clothes for you and wants to take pictures of you. He's even going to buy you a sexy training bra."

"Oh, neat." Jenni said. "But, like, I mean it's kind of embarrassing having a strange man buy a bra for me."

"Well, you need to be all clean. Then we'll share part of our plan with you. I need your help here, Jenni. Really. You need to be smart and do what I say. You know we're out of money and I haven't been getting any checks from your father. Our cable TV got cut off two months ago. We haven't seen your Father for two years. No telling where he is now. Might even be in jail. I don't know. He stopped paying for your braces so I don't know what to do. This might be a chance, but you'll have to be a big girl. You'll have to keep a secret, too. I know you're just a kid, but..."

Jenni protested, "I'm almost eleven. I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Then take a bath. We'll have to trust you. After your bath, I'll fix your hair and might even put on a little bit of make-up. You can't go back outside today. This is important, so go put water in the tub."

"OK." Jenni said. She could tell her Mother thought this was very important. Jenni was glad that maybe they would treat her more like a grown-up and tell her about their plan, whatever it was.

At seven fifteen Brian knocked on the door. He came in with a big gym bag. He took one look at the cleaned-up, dressed-up Jenni and said, "Wow! You look so cute! I really think this might work."

Jenni felt self-conscious from her black, dress-up dress from a year earlier. It was so short on her that it didn't even go half way to her knees. Her mother had told her not to be shy tonight, but she didn't explain anything else. Jenni was confused but excited.

They talked for a minute about how cute Jenni was getting - all "grown-up" and developing a cute figure. Brian said, "Now Jenni, if somebody takes a picture of your hand, does that hurt you?"

"No." she said quickly, and then wondered about the question.

"And whenever you go in a store or a bank, you know that there are video cameras on you, don't you? You know, those security cameras."

"Oh, yes, I guess so."

"Well, it doesn't hurt you to get your picture taken. I'll be taking some pictures of you, and then maybe another man will want to take more pictures of you, and getting a picture taken can't hurt you, whether you are dressed, or in a swimming suit, or anything else. Right?"

Brian sat in the middle of the couch and took a handful of things out of the bag. He handed her a pair of small, high-heeled shoes, white lacy ankle socks, and silky, light purple panties with lace around the hip-hugger waist band, and a sheer, lacy, very brief, training bra. "Go put this on and then put your dress back on, and come back out in a little bit."

A few minutes later Jenni came out of her bedroom, blushing and grinning. She walked slowly, wobbling on the high heels, as she stepped across the linoleum floor towards the couch again. Brian took her picture and had her turn several times before sitting in the best stuffed chair - the only one without tears in it.

Jackie went into the kitchen to fix a drink. She said, "Jenni, let him take pictures, and remember: don't be shy! I'll be right out here in the kitchen."

She went out in the kitchen. They could see her over the counter at the pass-through opening where they usually sat to have dinner, if they ate together. There were three un-matched bar stools at the short counter.

Brian said, "Come over here and lie on your side on the couch."

Jenni did that and Brian took a picture while he knelt near her feet. Jenni put her hand on the hem of her dress to push it down farther so that Brian wouldn't be able to see her panties. Jackie was carrying the two drinks out into the living room. "Jenni, I said don't be shy!"

"But, Mom...."

"Jenni," Brian said, holding up his hand towards Jackie. "Let me talk to her, Jackie. Why don't you fix her a soda or something?"

"We don't have any soft drinks." Jackie said.

"Well then, fix her a glass of ice water." Brian said. Then he turned towards Jenni.

Jenni noticed that her mother did what Brian said, so she realized that he was the boss.

Brian said, "Jenni, we need your help with a little sting operation. You see, there is a very rich man who works with actors and actresses, and models and so on, and with some of them, well... see... he takes naughty pictures of them or does naughty things. But he doesn't hurt them, and they get paid, and I'm sure you and your mother would get paid well, too, but if we can get him to maybe, um, like pull your panties down and look at you and take pictures, then we - your Mother and me - and you, too - well, we could make a lot of money, but we need your help. I need to get some pictures of you to show him."

Jackie brought out a glass if ice water for her. "Jenni, don't be so shy. At least not with Brian. He has to help you get ready for an acting job, that's all. You'll be a little actress. It's like being in a TV show, only you have to pretend you're an innocent, little girl who is shy but she wants to be an actress and I'll pretend that I'm your Mom... I mean, well, I really am your Mom, but I'll be pretending that I want you to do anything - whatever it takes - to get a part in a movie. You've seen naked actresses on TV haven't you?"

Jenni blushed, "Yes, but..." She tugged on her chin, thinking.

"But nothing. It doesn't mean they are bad. It means they are just being actresses. Sometimes actresses have to be naked or get undressed or do some kissing and touching. You've seen it on TV, haven't you?" Jackie said.

"But you said I shouldn't let boys see my panties." Jenni said, still blushing, and still holding the hem of her dress against her legs.

Brian smiled. "Yes, Jenni. And you are right. We don't want you to let boys see your panties, but you have to think of yourself as a big girl - a grown woman - and it's only one man who will see you. A very rich man who makes movies. Think of yourself as an undercover policewoman. Maybe pretend you're in a TV movie, even, and that you are pretending to be a shy, young girl who has never let a man see her naked before. That's all. You'll be the police woman and we can trap the bad man into taking pictures of you and talking to you about being an actress and model, and then if he wants to see you several times, then maybe he'll want to take more pictures of you, and these would be naughty. Then he will have to pay us so we won't show the pictures to the police. It's not against the law for big girls to be naked and do things in front of cameras but it is against the law, at least in this country, for pretty, young girls like you to take off all your clothes in front of the cameras. Then we'll get the money and nobody will ever see the pictures or hear about what you did. That will be our secret. Will you help us? Will you let me take some pictures now so I can show him? Then I think he might want to meet you at least because you are so cute. And if he invites you back for a second, or what we really hope - a third acting interview, really an audition. And I will be in the room with you part of the time. And I can promise you that he won't try to fuck you, Jenni. Do you know what I mean?"

Jenni had learned about 'intercourse' in Health Class, but it didn't match what she had heard the older girls talking about. Her teacher said it would hurt and that it would be awful and they shouldn't even think about it until they are married, but the older girls in Jr. High and High School said it felt really good and that it didn't hurt a bit! She did hear a few of the Jr. High girls say it hurt a little bit the first time, but only for a few seconds, and then it started feeling really good. Then Jenni asked Brian, "Are you sure he won't hurt me? I mean put it in?"

Jackie smiled a smile of relief and went out to fix herself another strong drink. She had finished the first one in a few minutes. Brian said, "I promise he won't try to do that, Jenni. But I need to teach you how to act and some things to say and we need to practice reading scripts like he will do with you if he likes you. I don't even know if he will want to sign you to a modeling-acting contract, but I'm sure I can at least get you an interview if you let me take more pictures this week. I'll be working with you and your Mother for a few days, and then on Thursday he will be in town and we will hopefully take you to your first interview. If he likes you, he'll invite you back for a Friday audition and costume fitting. It will be fun."

Jackie said, "And if he really, really likes you, he'll invite you back on Saturday afternoon and that would probably be your last session, and then we'll have our lawyer talk with the studio lawyers and show him some of the pictures and share some of the things you will tell us, when you tell Brian all about it. Brian will be able to get copies of some of the pictures he'll probably take of you, so we'll have our proof. And if he wants you to come back again on Sunday afternoon then we'll really have him for sure. Brian will get copies of the audition tapes he'll make, like video clips, and then we'll have him for sure. You don't ever have to tell me about your sessions, Jenni, but you'll have to tell Brian everything, and even show him what the man did and said while he was alone with you. But you have to stay cool, and think of yourself as an undercover spy. Let him do what he wants to do. He won't have sex with you. Brian is positive about that."

Jenni was jittery with fear and excitement. She didn't know what to say.

Brian said, "So, while your Mom is right there in the kitchen, just a few feet away, I want to take more pictures of you and I'll begin telling you what to expect so you won't be scared. You can think it over tonight and we'll talk tomorrow. You don't have to go through with it. But meanwhile, lift your knee and lay back so I can see those new panties you're wearing."

Jenni laid still. Brian could see her thinking things over. Then Jenni lifted her knee and laid it against the back of the couch, letting him see her panties. When she pulled her hands away from the hem of her dress she lifted it up to expose the entire front of her panties to Brian. She looked towards the kitchen and was relieved to see the back of her Mother's head while she stood at the sink, washing the dishes from yesterday and the day before.

She let Brian pose her lying on her tummy on the couch. She was still wearing the high heels and lacy, purple panties. Brian pulled the bottom of the dress up above her waist so that he could see her pretty bottom. He smoothed out her panties with his free hand and Jenni didn't say anything. Brian felt a thrill when he saw Jenni's acceptance. While Jackie stayed out in the kitchen, Brian parted Jenni's legs with one knee bent so her foot was up in the air. "Pretend you're watching TV, Jenni, and open and close your legs for me and get in different positions while you roll around on the couch. Very good."

Jenni began getting more relaxed as Brian continued to take pictures, touching her frequently but never directly on her pussy or breasts. Brian took several close-ups of Jenni's big smile, with her oversize "grown-up" teeth looking almost too big for her mouth. She posed on her tummy, back, side, up-side down, and half off the couch, exposing her panties in each position.

"Jackie, why don't you come out here and watch TV, while I work with Jenni a little bit. I'll sit right beside you on the couch." He helped Jenni stand up.

Jackie sat on the couch right next to them and flipped on the TV. She sat facing the screen and couldn't see them although they were right beside her. Jenni was standing between Brian's knees as he sat on the front edge of the couch. He said, "While your Mom is right here beside us I need to tell you a few things so you can think this over and decide if you want to help us or not. It's your choice, Jenni, and you don't have to do it. I know I could find somebody else but I think you are just perfect for the job because you're the right age and you're so cute."

She blushed, looking at her hands.

Brian said, "He will probably touch you while you are reading the lines and you need to learn to concentrate on reading the lines. OK?" He pulled a page of text out of his bag and handed it to her. "I'll touch you, but nothing too naughty. This is for practice. Like if you were really a movie star or a policewoman. You read what's on the page and ignore me. Just concentrate on what you are reading just like a good actress."

Jenni began reading, "Mary pulled her panties down and looked at the man. He was watching her......" She continued reading while Brian felt the sides of her hips and slid his hands up and down her legs and across her tummy.

"You're a good reader, Jenni. That's great. Read it again. You're doing good at ignoring my hands."

She started reading again as Brian ran his hands up her legs again. This time he put his hands up under her dress and onto her panties - with one hand on her fanny and the other hand tracing the waistband across her tummy. Jenni momentarily lost her place but then started reading again.

"Very good, Jenni. Keep reading and then read the page again. And its 'licked' not 'liked.' And put your feet apart. That's it. Excellent. Go on."

Jenni kept reading while Brian felt all around on her panties. He was waiting before touching her pussy. He wanted to make sure that Jenni knew it was OK with her Mother for Brian to touch her like this. And he wanted to get her sexually excited first, too. He moved the silky material against her skin and ran a finger under the waistband and around under the elastic around the leg holes. As he traced his finger under the elastic towards her pussy she closed her legs.

"Keep your legs apart, Jenni. Just keep reading. Very good." She put her legs apart. "Wider." He said.

Jackie didn't turn around, but said, "Don't be shy, Jenni. You want to be an actress. Pretend like you are an undercover cop or something."

Jenni put her feet farther apart and started reading again. Her voice was still shaky as she started reading again, "Mary pulled her panties down and looked at the man. He was watching her as she pulled them down to her knees......"

"Keep reading. That's it. You're very good." Brian said as he began lightly massaging between her thighs, just below her panties, pressing the dampening panties into her pussy. He kept massaging outside her panties and was soon blatantly fondling her pussy. His right hand was on the front of her pussy, pinching her lips together and moving them slowly from side to side, making it difficult for Jenni to concentrate or stand still.

"Good, Jenni." He said, because she kept reading even though he slipped his left hand completely under her panties and began lightly tickling her ass, sliding a finger from the top of her ass crack all the way down to her wet pussy and back. He massaged each cheek while his right hand slipped inside the legs hole and he felt the outside of the front of her pussy. He was delighted to note that her lips were completely bald and that it felt like she was getting a little fuzz at the top, just above her crack. He was also delighted that Jenni continued to get wetter and wetter as he rubbed her. Without prompting, she turned slightly so she could open her legs farther while she was standing between his knees.

Jackie used the remote to turn up the volume on the TV. She was careful to keep looking at the TV.

As Brian ran his fingers through Jenni's wet slit, she took another half step outwards, opening herself more while he fondled her. Jenni's clit was deep between her plump, firm, bald, youthful lips. Her clit was getting stiff and enlarged. She had almost no inner labia and he could hardly wait to see her bare pussy, but that would have to wait. Jenni continued to read the page over and over, getting much more fluent as she got used to the words and the sentences on the page.

The page of the script that Jenni was reading was about a ten year old girl pulling down her panties to show a man who was giving her an acting audition. Jenni kept reading the short story about Mary, who wanted to be a actress and she had to take off all of her clothes in front of the man who was staring at her and taking pictures.

Brian put both hands back outside her panties and rubbed the panties into her wet pussy - drying the pussy and getting the panties even wetter. He said, "Jackie, do you have any scotch?"

Jackie didn't turn to face them, but said, "No, I don't drink scotch. Just gin or beer. But there is a package store around the corner."

He pulled out his wallet and gave Jackie a folded bill, but Jenni couldn't see how much money it was. Brian said, "Why don't you run over to the store and get some pop, beer, and maybe some chips. I need to take a few more pictures, and then we can have a drink and talk when you get back."

Jackie knew it was a hundred dollar bill without unfolding it all the way. She said, "I'll run over and get your scotch, some beer and pop, and should be back in about fifteen minutes. Then I'll order a pizza. I won't take my purse since I have cash and won't be driving. Just lock the door when I leave and I'll knock when I get back. And then I'll order the pizza so we can all talk."

"Oh good." Said Jenni. "Pizza."

Jackie found her shoes and went out. "Do whatever he says, Jenni. He has a lot to tell you over the next couple days. Pay attention. Don't be shy, at least not around Brian or the man he might introduce you to."

"OK." Jenni said.

As soon as Jackie left, Brian said, "You catch on quick, Jenni. I'm sure you'll do a great job. Take those panties off and hand them to me, and then put these on." He held out a pair of white, thong panties. Jenni started to reach for them, but Brian pulled them back and chuckled. "Hand me the ones you're wearing first, and then I'll give you this pair. Just stay right there in front of me. I'll hold your hand so you don't fall in those high heels. I need to be sure that you can follow directions, too. That's important. It's an important part of being an actress or a model and it's important to be a good spy, too." He smiled at her.

She reached up under her dress and pulled her panties down. "Oh, gee." She said when she saw how wet the purple panties were. "Gee. Sorry. They got all wet."

"It's OK, Jenni. In fact that's great. It shows me that you like to model and that you'll be a good actress. Step out of those high heels now." Brian took the panties; put them in a sandwich bag and sealed it. He put the baggie in his pocket and took her hand so she could get out of the high heels. He bent and unfastened the little straps so she could step out. "There, I bet that feels better. But you did great walking in them. You are so cute. Do you get a tingly feeling between your legs when you let me see your panties?"


"Good. I thought so. Most girls start to feel tingly between their legs. They start to get wet and slippery in their pussy. Feel yourself and see if it feels wet and slippery. Go ahead; reach your hand up under your dress. I can't see. Rub your fingers in your pussy and tell me if you feel wet and slippery."

She blushed as she reached her right hand under her dress and felt herself. Brian said, "Keep running your finger through it for a minute. See if you can get your finger nice and wet."

"It's wet." She said.

"Keep rubbing your finger in it."

Jenni's feet were shoulder width apart and she was facing Brian as he sat on the couch just two feet in front of her. Brian moved his trousers. "See what you're doing to me, Jenni? I'm getting a hard-on; an erection. Watching and touching you is making my cock get hard. You're a very sexy girl, Jenni."

Jenni blushed and smiled. She turned around for him - watching him touch himself through his pants.

"Keep rubbing. You're doing great, Jenni, and I can't see your hand. You're being good about following directions. This might not all make sense now, but just keep doing what I say. OK?"


"Good. You're following directions just fine. Now put your feet a little wider apart and see how far you can push your finger into your pussy. Try it a few times. Keep doing that while I take your picture. Keep following directions."

Brian took a dozen pictures while she rubbed and fingered herself with one hand up under her dress. "Now rub your breasts with your left hand. Pinch your titties. Try to push your finger in your pussy as far as it will go. You're doing great."

He kept taking pictures while she rubbed her breasts with her left hand, and fingered her pussy with her right. The expressions flitting across her face were priceless as she continued to masturbate in front of Brian. She didn't know that was what she was doing, but Brian knew. He wanted to get her used to following his directions no matter how bizarre.

"Pinch and squeeze your tits, Jenni. I bet it feels different with your first bra on. Doesn't it?"

She kept touching herself, trying to pinch her small breasts through the blouse and bra, while Brian kept taking pictures. "Stop! Now let me feel if your finger is slippery."

She blushed, unsure for a few seconds, and then held out her right hand. Brian felt her fingers. They were very slippery and coated with her excitement. After wiping off some of her girl good, he slowly pulled his fingers apart - watching the goo form into whitish strings, connecting his fingers. He said, "Yes. Excellent. You are old enough to do this. Very slippery, like I thought. That didn't hurt, did it?"


"How far can you put your finger in your pussy?" He asked.

She blushed, then said proudly, "Almost all the way."

"It slides in easier when you are wet and slippery, doesn't it?"


"Good, now put these panties on before I take more pictures." He had her turn around to face away from him while she stepped into the silky, white thong.

Jenni turned back around to face him. Brian said, "You are doing great, Jenni. Just great." She smiled. "You are so cute when you smile. I want you to smile and pretend you're nervous when I take you to meet him at his hotel suite.

"I won't be pretending." She said softly and gave Brian a weak smile.

Brian laughed. "You'll do great, Jenni. I know it." He motioned for her to step back a pace and turn around and around. "Now lift up your dress as you're turning so I can see your new panties. Good girl." He watched her for a minute while she turned around, lifting the part of her skirt that was towards Brian.

"Stop and back up towards me." Brian said as he stood up.

"Put your arms straight out from your sides." Brian stood behind her and took her hands and pulled them out straight away from her body. "Good. Hold them straight out while I rub your breasts." He felt along her arms from her wrists past her elbows, and then ran his hands up to her armpits.

She pulled her arms down - elbows to her sides. "That tickles." She giggled.

Brian laughed. "OK. Sorry. I won't tickle your armpits now. But I'm glad you're ticklish. He likes that." He pulled her hands way out from her sides again and put his hands under her arms onto her chest, massaging her breasts. She started to pull her arms down again and twist away from him, but she caught herself and stood up straight again to let him massage her new, budding breasts.

"Oh, that kind of.... Unn."

"That kind of what, Jenni?"

"It like makes me feel tingly again."

He kept rubbing gently - sometimes squeezing. He tried to pinch them but couldn't get a grip through the material, especially with her hands stretched out to her sides, pulling them flat. "Put your arms down, so I can feel them better. That's it. There is enough to squeeze. This doesn't hurt, does it?"


"You're such a pretty girl. Getting so grown-up. I can't wait to see you naked and kiss and suck on your new, growing breasts."

"Oh." Jenni quivered.

Brian told her they were just right, and that the man would love them and he would want to touch them, too. "So high and firm. Quick, take off your dress and your bra. You'll be dressed again before your mother gets back. Wait. Don't take off your clothes yet."

He sat back down and got the other camera out of his bag. "I need to get a video clip of you undressing. We won't talk, but I want you to undress... completely except for your panties and socks. Turn on some music."

Jenni ran into her room and got a little boom box. The sound quality wasn't very good, but she put on her favorite cd.

Brian said, "Go ahead now, Jenni. Just look at the camera while you take off your clothes. This will help you get ready for your audition. Take your time. Your mother won't be back for an hour."

"Are you sure?" She said.

"Yes. She won't be back for an hour and she will knock before she comes in. I have to unlock the door for her, remember?"

"Oh. Right." She looked relieved.

He kept the camera pointed at her as she undressed just a few feet in front of him. She was blushing the whole time, which really showed up with her blond hair and light complexion. He had her undress slowly, but a minute later she was turning around in front of his cameras in only her bra, thong panties, and lacy, ankle socks.

She smiled at him, waiting for instructions.

"Find a slow song, Jenni, and then you can continue posing."

While she got another cd from her bedroom, Brian telescoped the legs of his little tripod to half way and locked them in position. He turned on all the lights. He took the blanket off the back of the couch and spread it out in the middle of the floor. He sat back down. Jenni changed the cd and looked at him for the next assignment.

Brian said, "Get in some sexy poses for me, Jenni. Hands and knees, upside-down, on your back or tummy. Just think of some positions to show off those panties and that cute figure of yours. You are so much braver already. And pinch your breasts through your new bra, and well, if you want, while you are posing for my cameras, put your finger inside your panties and push it in your pussy as far as you can. But not right away. Pretend my video camera is the rich man and you are dancing for him - showing him that you really are a sexy big girl."

Jenni got on her hands and knees with her ass towards the video camera. She twisted her neck and shoulders around and smiled at the camera, then put her elbows on the blanket and then spread her knees open until she was almost flat on the blanket. She was a very limber and very sexy little girl. Brian noted the wet spot developing in the center of the panties already. The thong was so narrow that he could see the brown wrinkles radiating out from her anus.

Next she did stretching exercises like a cheerleader. Then she stood still with her feet apart and massaged her breasts, moving the small cups to one side while she pinched her nipples. She put her right hand down the front of her panties and began fingering herself. Brian could see the sides of her hand on either side of the narrow panty crotch. She was hot!

Brian said, "Now stand close to me and pull your panties down to your knees. You want to show me your pussy, don't you, Jenni?"

"Yes. It's getting real tingly"

Brian turned off his camera and put it back in his bag, under some of his other props. "Stand close to me, Jenni. You'll get dressed again in just a minute. You are good at following directions. And this is the most that rich man will probably do during your first interview. It's not so bad is it?"

"No." Her voice sounded hoarse.

She was standing between his knees again as he sat on the front of the couch. He looked closely at her pussy, enjoying her full, plump lips which completely hid her clit, with some wispy, blond hairs at the top of her crack but none on her lips yet. Brian reached out and tugged her bra off. Jenni's puffy, bird-egg, pink nipples were on small mounds - sticking out two inches at most, and riding high on her chest.

Brian felt her pussy and then her breasts while she stood still. He continued to compliment her and then put his mouth on her right breast, kissing it gently. "Yes, Jenni, this is probably the most he would do during the first interview, while you are reading to him, and trying on different costumes. "You are excellent." He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and gently licked and chewed on it. Brian rubbed his right forefinger in Jenni's wet slit and started to push it up her vagina but she was too tight and he didn't want to scare her.

He sat back on the couch after a quick decision. "Before your Mom gets back I want to get a closer look at you." He laid her face down across his lap and pulled her ass cheeks apart. Her small pink anus wasn't visible inside the ring of radiating brownish wrinkles of her ass hole until he pulled her open. Her tight, little asshole was beautiful. He pulled her open farther and looked closely. Jenni's pussy was very wet so Brian rubbed his finger in it - up and back over her clit while he looked at her ass hole. "Put your hands on your bottom and pull yourself open so I can see. Wider. That's it. Stretch it wide open for me. Very good."

Jenni pulled her right leg forward. Brian at first thought she was trying to close up, but she was scooting the panties down below her knees so she could open her knees wider. She opened wider and lifted her bottom as she pulled herself open for him.

Brian wasn't able to resist any longer. He said, "I'm going to press my finger part way in your vagina. Wiggle around while it goes in. Tell me to stop if it hurts real bad, but otherwise just keep wiggling so it will slide in easier."

Jenni wiggled her hips over his lap. She moved slowly as Brian tentatively pressed his index finger in an inch. She kept wiggling and didn't say anything. She made soft moaning noises as his finger pressed slowly in, stopping every half inch. "Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh."

"Very good, Jenni. I'll keep pushing it in. OK?"

"Unnnn. Yes." She moaned constantly while Brian pulled his finger out and got it wet in his mouth, tasting her. He pressed slowly in while she moved her hips and moaned. Within a few minutes he was pressing all the way in and pulling out before pushing it back in. They got into a slow rhythm with her lifting her hips as he pushed his finger in.

Brian said, "Should we practice this a little longer?"

"Yes. Ohhh, unnn."

Brian reluctantly pulled his finger out and scooted the light girl forward off his lap and pulled off her panties. He stood up and said, "Pose for me, Jenni. I won't show these pictures to anybody. Stay on your tummy now. Good." He took a couple of pictures and had her roll onto her back. "Open yourself to my camera, Jenni." She pulled her feet up to her bottom with her knees wide apart and put her hands on her pussy and opened it - gripping her lips with her thumbs and fingers to pull them open. He took a close-up of her stiff, little, swollen, pink clit. He positioned her hands so her fingers were inside her lips next to her clit and had her pull up and out so Brian could see how big it was getting. Brian told her how pretty it was. She smiled for Brian as he took two more pictures.

"May I put my finger in your pussy again? Did you like how it felt going in?"

"Yes, but it felt too big at first, only then it went in, and then it felt good."

"So would you like me to finger your pussy for another minute?"


Brian pushed his finger all the way in, making her moan again. He said, "He might kiss you here, Jenni, during your interview. Try to act like it doesn't bother you. If it feels good, then go ahead and make little moaning noises. He likes that - if he thinks what he is doing feels good to you. And when you take your bath in the morning, wash this with a washcloth." He took her swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger and moved it back and forth. Jenni was very wet and slippery.

"I do." She said, almost bragging. "I wash it with a washcloth whenever I take a bath. It feels good."

Brian smiled. "Excellent. Now let's get you dressed again. I know you'll do fine Thursday."

Jenni was sitting on the couch next to him when Jackie knocked on the door ten minutes later. He unlocked the door and let her in, then continued telling Jenni about how to act. "I'm a talent scout, Jenni, so it's my job to find potential actresses or models for bit parts for some of his movies. Maybe you will get to be in one, and then you could be in the background while the main actors and actresses do something in the movie."

Brian looked at Jackie. "She catches on quick. Things should go as planned on Thrusday." Then Brian went in the kitchen to help her fix their drinks. She ordered a pizza and explained to the man on the phone that she had cash.

Jenni said, "Maybe I could get a bike."

Brian said that she would be able to get a bike and lots of other things. Jackie brought their drinks out - pop for Jenni, scotch for Brian, and a beer for herself.

Brian said, "Jenni is a quick learner. Even though there is a lot more to talk about and practice with her, I think she'll do fine. I'll try to set up her first interview for Thursday evening. I'll come back tomorrow at two for another lesson." He turned to Jenni. "Take a bath in the morning and wear these panties all day. I'll give you fresh panties when I get here." He handed her another pair.

Brian took a sip of scotch; swirled the ice cubes in his glass, and looked at Jenni's Mom. "I inspected every inch of her from head to toe. She's perfect. A beautiful, little girl with two sensitive marshmallows riding high on her chest. Just a few wisps of blond angel hair. She's exactly the kind of girl he likes. He won't be able to resist. I need to teach her a few more things before her audition Thursday evening."

Brian left with his camera bags shortly after he paid the pizza delivery man and gave him a nice tip. He turned to Jackie and Jenni. "I'll see you both tomorrow around two. Don't talk about this to anybody. In fact, don't talk about it to each other either. That might make a good rule. Don't talk about our little project with each other or anybody else. It will take a couple months before we'll know for sure. But I think it will work as we planned, and we'll do very well when it's all over. Jenni will do fine. And she won't be hurt. She'll still be a ... well; she won't go all the way."

"You're sure?" asked Jackie.

"He never goes all the way for at least a week, but we'll be done by then." Brian turned to Jenni, "Tonight I want you to think about it, and decide if you want to meet him. I'm not absolutely positive if it will work out like we're planning, but I'm pretty sure. Heck, maybe he will offer you a spot in a real movie or invite you both to visit him in California. That would be good, too. So Jenni, before I give you another lesson tomorrow, be sure to wash yourself real good between your legs when you take your bath tomorrow. OK?"

"Yes, I will." She was looking down at the floor, and blushing brightly.

Jackie and Jenni walked to the door so say good-bye to Brian.

He said, "Something you'll both want to know." Brian held up his finger. "Mr. Robert's finger is the same size as mine, so now we know it won't hurt you if he does put it in your vagina, Jenni. And he might even put his finger in your bottom. We can practice that tomorrow. He'll use lots of lubricant first, just like I will when I teach you tomorrow. And if he does that, then it's a good sign he'll want you to come back for a full audition - reading lines, the whole bit. So don't worry. He won't hurt you."

Jenni blushed brightly and looked at the floor.

Jackie said, "You did that while I was gone? You put your finger in her vagina?"

"Yes, we had to practice things so she won't be afraid that he would hurt her. I went real slow when I pushed my finger in - in her vagina. Tomorrow I'll push it in her anus. My finger went all the way in her very tight vagina, so now she knows that he won't hurt her." Brian looked down at Jenni, "He will ask you to pull your bottom open for him while he lubricates you, and then fingers you back there. So you'll pull it wide open for him, just like you did for me when you were following directions. You'll do that won't you, Jenni?"

Jenny was still looking at the floor.

Brian said, "It's OK, Jenni. You're a good girl. This is just for acting practice. It's OK to let me help train you, and it's OK to let him do those things while we get evidence against him. But I don't want you to talk with anybody about what we are doing, not even with each other. Can you keep our secret, Jenni?"

"I won't tell anybody." She finally answered, emphasizing the word, 'anybody.'

"Good. And will you pull your bottom wide open for him like you did for me?"

"Yes." Jenni answered so softly Brian could hardly hear her.

"OK. Good. We'll practice again tomorrow, so if he does that you won't be afraid. Well, I'd better get going. You two have fun. Enjoy the pizza and pop. When things get settled and we have plenty of money, we'll take a trip to Europe. Just the three of us!"

"That would be great." Jackie said. She looked at her daughter. "We'll have fun in Europe, Jenni. You only need to do these things for a few more days, and then we'll be rich."

"Yes, indeed!" Said Brian. "So, I'm hoping I can set up her first audition for Thursday. If things go well, then he will invite her back for a second audition and what we really hope for is that our little star here..." He patted a smiling Jenni on top of her head. "Is a third audition. And I'll be in the room for part of each audition, but by the third session she will be mostly on her own. I'm sure she will do fine." Then he looked at Jenni again who was starting to relax. "And do you want me to come back tomorrow afternoon for more training?"

"Yes. OK." She hugged him.

"Then take a bath in the morning, and put on that pretty dress again before I get here. OK?"

"OK, Brian." Jenni said, then hugged him good-bye one more time.

Wednesday - More Practice

Wednesday Brian knocked on the door at two-fifteen. Jenni opened it with a big smile. Jackie was ready to go out to the store again, and Brian handed her an envelope while she stood in the open door. "I'll be back at three-thirty. I'll knock before I unlock the door." She said. "And Jenni, pay attention and do whatever he says. You only have to do these kinds of things a few more times. Don't think of them as 'naughty,' but just imagine that you are a police woman to help us catch a bad man doing something he shouldn't be doing." Jackie looked at Brian; tilted her head towards Jenni with a smile, and said, "She took her bath at seven-thirty this morning!"

"Did you wash good between your legs?"

"Yes. Real good."

Brian laughed. "Good girl. And I washed my fingers!"

Jackie laughed along with Brian, and said, "Jenni is a lucky girl today."

Brian said, "But really, I'm glad she's clean between her legs. I brought a little vibrator today. Mr. Robert likes to play with one with a new girl, but it might take a little getting used to. I'll go easy so she gets used to it."

"What is a vibernator?"

"It's vibrator." Said Jackie. "And Brian will teach you."

Brian said, "I think you'll enjoy learning, Jenni. Don't worry."

"It won't hurt you, Jenni." Jackie said. "Just let Brian teach you what to expect. Will you be taking pictures today, Brian?"

"Yes, and I brought my bigger camera to get some video clips of the fingering in front and back and also the vibrator training. I'm thinking that even if things don't work out with Mr. Robert... well... then we might be able to trick some other wealthy men into wanting to use Jenni for a model. They would pay big money - either blackmail, or for "modeling sessions" with Jenni - but just if things don't work out with Mr. Robert. Kind of a back-up plan. What do you think, Jackie?"

"Hmm, well, it's always good to have a back up plan. How would that work?" She stepped back in the apartment and closed the door. "I don't want anybody to hurt her."

"I would share the pictures and video clips with maybe... umm... say fifty men, and then I bet at least twenty or thirty of them would want to meet her. They would each pay big money for a cute little girl under eleven. It would be spread out over the next year. Only one man with her at a time while she models, of course."

"Yes, of course." Jackie thought about this new idea. "And you would be very careful about who you talk to, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, it's dangerous for me, too. I'll be careful. Only wealthy men. Only fingers. I would insist on that."

"Yes, I'm glad you thought of that. I don't want anybody to hurt her."

"No, we both love her and don't want anything to happen. Just fingers. Front and back. Maybe small vibrators. But that's all. I'll get video of her undressing and giggling and then playing some finger games. I meant to practice them yesterday but we ran out of time before I got to put my finger in her bottom. She is so cute, that I'm sure lots of the men would want to meet her. If they pay enough, then we wouldn't have to take the extra risk of blackmail with them later. Then they would maybe want to see her more often. Big money, Jackie. Not as much as the possible money from the movie studio, but good money for sure."

"OK, I guess. I'm still thinking. But only fingers? You're positive? And you'll use lots of lubricant on her bottom?"

"Yes, only fingers going in her, but she might get sticky stuff on her, but it wouldn't be going inside her. None of that. But it washes off, so no harm done."

"Hmm. I'll think about it. But go ahead and get the video clips. Just be very careful with them. I could get in trouble, too. And I wouldn't want her to be frightened of the sticky stuff either."

"Scared of what?" Jenni asked, looking from Brian to her Mom and back to Brian.

Brian said, "Well, Jenni, like with a real cute little girl like you, some men might get so excited that sticky, white stuff might come of their... well, their things. You know?"

"Oh! Like a boy's thing?"

"Yes," Brian said, "Only in this case it would be a man's thing, and there's several games they might play with you to make it squirt out, but I'll show you. I wouldn't want you to be scared. Just because you see a man's thing, doesn't mean he's going to try to put it in you; in your pussy. He might just rub it on you, or even let you rub it for him, but I'll teach you those things, like how to tickle it or stroke it and tickle his balls, or lick his thing like an ice cream cone, but only if it looks like we might do that for a while, you know, while we're waiting to settle things with the studio, which could take a year or more."

"Gee. You mean I would get to see the man's thing?"

"Yes, if he really likes you. And it's only fair, because he will pull your panties down so he'll get to see you and touch you; maybe put a finger in you. So then the men would probably let you see their things, too, especially after you're all undressed and they put a finger in you."

"And it wipes right off, Jenni. But try not to get it in your hair or on your clothes. And if some gets in your mouth, you can spit it out, but it won't hurt you." Then Jackie looked at Brian. "You mean it could take a year to get the money from the studio?"

"Well, it could be much faster, but I'm not sure. It depends on their lawyers. But this way, I could line up other things while we're waiting. And I would keep Jenni safe."

"But the thing with lots of different men... well, that sounds dangerous. We could get in trouble."

"Yes, Jackie, it's dangerous. I'm glad Jenni is such a good actress. She'll do fine. And she'll have fun, too. You know how curious little girls are!"

"Could I see the videos you make today, Brian. To make sure you aren't hurting her? And when would things start with those other men you mentioned?"

"No. I don't let models or their mothers see the videos. Too dangerous. Just the potential clients, and only if Mr. Robert and the studio don't pay off quickly. If you're open to the idea of other men, then that could start in a couple weeks. I'll introduce you to one of my trusted helpers. Maybe a thousand dollars or so within the next month. Not the million dollars that might come later, but it would be fast money, and more than enough to support the two of you. Just a few hours a week. She would either leave with me or my trusted friend. She would wear regular clothes, and the either me or my friend would get her dressed up - make-up, hair up, like for modeling. And she'll get back in her regular play clothes before we bring her back. Just gone a couple hours once or twice a week. Probably two or three different men on the nights she models, for about an hour and a half with each man. Maybe three nights a week at the most. At least a hundred or so from each man - maybe..." Brian pretended to do the math in his head, but he knew Jackie was already calculating. "So maybe a thousand per week or more for the quick sessions. Weekend trips would be much more."

"I understand. And also, I wouldn't want her to have to swallow anything. Well, I should go now so you two have some privacy. We'll talk more later. We need some money pretty darn soon, Brian."

"Jackie, I'll go real slow when I push my finger in, and then tell clients they would have to push in real slowly, too. Front or back. Lots of lubricant in back. The men would get so excited that way, then their sessions might even be shorter, so she could do three or four sessions in a few hours, probably just once or twice a week."

"Good idea. We want to keep her safe. OK. Thanks for all your help with this, Brian. I'm going now. See you in about two hours."

As soon as they heard Jackie head down the stairs to the front door of their apartment building, Jenni said, "I'm wearing the panties you gave me, Brian." She lifted her dress again and turned around, showing Brian the silky, lime-green panties. She looked at the big bag he was carrying today. "What have you got? And I've heard of viberators, but I didn't want Mom to know I knew what they were."

"And what are they, miss Know-it-all?" Brian laughed. "Have you seen one or used one?"

"No, but I heard some older girls talk about them."

"You'll see. Like I said. And I've also got a bigger camera. These pictures and videos today will be mostly for me. I only showed Mr. Robert a few of the pictures I took of you yesterday, since we want him to know you're a shy, little girl." Brian smiled. "I may use a couple of those pictures from yesterday and today's videos to set up another sting operation or other income opportunities at a later time. I'm not sure. We'll see how you do with this one. You are so cute, Jenni!" He patted her bottom and had her model for him while he set up the tripod and mounted the video camera. He pulled out his small, hand-held camera after aiming the bigger video camera at the couch. "Model for me for a little bit. Keep modeling and getting undressed for my cameras. I'll play some music on your boom box. Keep dancing and showing off even after you are totally naked. And before you take off your panties, I want you to rub your pussy through the panties. Will you do that?"

"Yes. And why did you tell Mom you put your finger in me? That was embarrassing."

"Remember, that 'embarrassing' will make it feel better!" Brian laughed.

"Yes, but not with Mom. Don't tell her that stuff. This is private. And we won't talk about it."

"It felt good when I put my finger in your vagina, didn't it?"

"Yes, but, I mean, well, we don't have to tell her."

"OK. Some of the new things we're going to do we'll just keep between us."

"Good. And will I really get to see a man's thing?"

"Oh, yes."

"Good. I've wondered."

"You might get to see lots of different ones this year."

"Oh, neat."

"Did you wash your pussy real good with the washcloth this morning?" He grinned at her.

"Yes." She was lying on her back with her dress up and her legs apart, showing herself to the camera. She rubbed her panties. "I washed it real good."

"Keep showing me how you washed it. That's it. Talk to the camera. Tell the camera your name and age while you rub your pussy through your panties. Pretend it feels good." Brian watched as she kept rubbing her panties around on her pussy. The lime green panties showed the wetness. They were getting soaked.

"I'm Jenni, and I'm ten years old."

He said, "Did you think about me when you washed it?"


"Did you want me to see it today? Do you want to show it to the cameras?"

"Yes." She pulled her panties to one side and put her fingers on her lips - pulling them wide apart and lifting up. "I practiced opening it how you showed me, like to make the little thing stick out."

Brian didn't say anything but kept taking pictures. It would all be on his video camera, too. He realized again that this little girl was hot. He would enjoy editing the video clips, and knew lots of men would enjoy a model like Jenni. Then he said, "While you were washing it, did you think about showing me your pussy and pulling it open for me?"


He knelt in front of her and broke his own promise to himself that he would continue to go slowly. "I want to see if your clitty is getting stiff already. And do you know that I will show some of these pictures to other men?"

"Other men?" Jenni looked worried again. "That's kind of scary. What if they know me?"

"They won't know you. Trust me. But, yes I'm thinking that I'll also show your picture to a few other men and maybe we could sting them, too, or they would use you for a model. Like our back-up plan in case the auditions with Mr. Robert don't work out like I think they will. You know - so these other men would have to pay us lots of money, too, so we won't tell the police about them, or if they want to keep hiring you as a model. But they won't know your real name. Let me take some pictures of your pretty, wet pussy to show them. They will want to see some pictures. Can I take some close-ups of your wet, open pussy now?"

"Yes." Jenni bit her lower lip with a half smile and opened her knees wider, pulling her pussy open and up at the same time. "I think it is starting to swell up."

"It looks like it. May I touch it? I want to see if it feels stiffer."


She pulled her pussy lips apart and up so Brian could see it better. He grasped her swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger and gently wiggled it back and forth.

Jenni said "Oh-ohh-uuhh."

Brian said, "Remember - you'll have to act shy, but he will want to see this. He might even lick it."

"Lick it? Oh."

"And you'll have to let him see it and take pictures of you while you undress. Will you do that?"


Brian decided to push his advantage to see how far she would go. "If he has a friend, or maybe two or three - who stop in while you are undressing and modeling and opening your pussy for his camera - will you keep doing that while all of them watch you? You might have to. I'm not sure, but maybe. If you start doing what he says and then stop just because some other people come in, he might get suspicious and send you home, and get mad at me. So you might have to undress in front of several people and they will all want to watch you. And even though these would be important, rich people, they would all be watching you. They would all want to see your pussy and watch you pull it open so they could see if you were really wet and if your clitty was getting stiff. Would you go ahead with our plan and do that in front of them? It might be embarrassing with several men and maybe a woman or two watching you while you undressed and opened yourself - pulling your pussy wide open for them, and then pulling your ass open for their cameras, but you'll have to do it if we want this plan to succeed. Would you do that?"

She thought for a second, then said, "Yes."

Brian rubbed his finger in her creamy, wet pussy and kept gently stroking her exposed, stiff clitty. "Very good. Here's something else they might do. I'm not sure, but they might. They might tickle your stiff little clitty with a buzzer so it will get as big as it can get for their pictures. Robert might ask you to hold it open and at least one of them might rub a little vibrator around on your clitty. Are you sure you never used a vibrator?"

"No. I never used one." She looked puzzled, but curious. "I've heard about them. Big girls say they are lots of fun and it feels good. One girl said she likes vibrators better than boys because they can keep going and they don't talk about it."

Brian laughed. "She's right!"

Brian wanted to treat her like an adult, because he knew she liked to be treated like a grown-up so she could show off how "big" she was. Brian pulled her panties off and put her back in the same position. She let him move her limbs as if she was a big doll.

He said, "Jenni, I'll tell you what you might expect while I teach you these things. That's why your Mother is letting me teach you in private. I know you're very mature for your age but still I want you to be prepared..." He kept rubbing his finger across her creamy, wet vagina and across her clit, sometimes running his finger over her anus and pushing gently there. She held her pussy open and kept her knees up near her shoulders. "Well, you are so grown-up and sexy hot. I'll touch you with a vibrator now if you want to see what it feels like. Would you like me to show you what a vibrator feels like on your pussy?"

"Gee, OK. I mean, like I said, since I've heard about them."

He pulled a slim vibrator out of his bag and turned it on. "And should I show you more things, too?"

She was looking at the vibrator, listening to the buzzing sound. "What do you mean?"

"It will be easier to show you some things. I won't hurt you. They won't hurt you. If it feels so deliciously good in your pussy and it starts to shake and twitch because it feels so good, then go ahead and make pleasure noises. They will like your noises, just like they will like your wetness. So don't be embarrassed about it. Enjoy the feelings. I will put my finger up your anus while I'm buzzing you. That makes your clitty get even bigger and more sensitive, so it will feel better inside."

He had her lie on her back and lift her feet up close to her head. Brian slipped a pillow under her bottom to make it easier for her to stay in that bent position. "Spread your feet farther apart so I can see your pussy better. That's it. Good."

Brian pulled his tripod over and aimed the video camera at her pussy. Now put your hands on your ass cheeks and pull your ass open for me. Wide open. That's it. Then the vibrator will work faster when there is extra pressure up your ass. Do you want to get a really, really good feeling in your pussy?"

She didn't answer, but nodded as she put her hands on her ass and pulled it open. "I feel funny with the camera aimed at me. Will you show this to other people?"

"Yes. Probably to several people. Maybe fifty different men, like I talked about with your Mother. Then we might be able to sting them, too, unless they want to keep using you as a model. They could get in trouble for putting a finger in your pussy or in your ass since you're under eighteen."

"I'm under eleven."

Brian tickled the vibrator up her thighs and around her pussy, but didn't put it directly on it yet. He wanted to get her ready for a big experience all at once. He put lubricant on his finger and smeared a glob of it on her anus. He pushed some into her very tight anus, and got his finger ready, while buzzing big circles around her pussy. Then he slowly pushed his lubricated finger into her ass -- all the way. At the same time he began tracing smaller circles around her clitty ridge, not actually touching her clitty yet, but up and down along each side of her clitoral ridge.

On the second push, Brian pushed his big finger all the way up her ten-year old ass hole and ran the vibrator across her clit. She moaned, "ohhhhhhh, uuuuhhhh."

His third push was faster - all the way in her ass. He put the vibrator directly on her clit. Jenni let go of her ass and moaned as she experienced her first, full orgasm ever. She spasmed seven times. Brian pulled the vibrator away when she started, but kept his finger up her ass as she calmed down. Brian could feel each spasm and after shock on his finger, and he knew the camera would see it twitching. He pulled his finger out and kissed her thigh. Brian didn't talk, but he removed the pillow to let her put her legs down and rest a minute.

He smiled as he put the vibrator back in his bag.

Brian was beginning to worry that she had fallen asleep. He said, "Just relax, Honey. Just rest a minute. Did you ever have an orgasm before?"

"Never anything like that. Oh. Is that what that was?" She let him lay her flat on her back and spread her legs apart with his hands. "I've heard girls talk about them. Like sometimes mine feels good, like when I rub it at night, but never anything like that. Gee."

Brian took another picture. "Yes, you had an orgasm. It didn't hurt, did it?"

"No. Gee."

"Well, you're very good at following directions. Sometimes you will get those wonderful, delicious feelings inside, especially if you are embarrassed with a new man doing this to you. Just keep following directions. Are you glad you took your panties off so I could take pictures and teach you some things? I remember once another little girl said that it felt so much better in front of a camera and with other people watching. And did you like how that felt, Jenni?"

"Yes. Gee."

"It will be a very hot video, Jenni. You're first orgasm. I'm glad it felt so good. I thought it would. And I'm sure some of my friends will want to see the video again and again. Look into the camera and tell them your name and age one more time while you spread you legs so they can see how creamy wet you are after you have an orgasm."

She blushed, but looked into the video camera. "I'm Jenni and I'm ten years old." She opened her knees and pulled them up towards her chest, keeping them wide apart. "And you're going to show this to people? And they might want to put their fingers in me?"

"I'm sure they will! Now pinch your nipples. See how far you can pull them out. Wiggle your body a little bit and look into the camera. Imagine there are lots of strange men looking at you though this lens." I pointed to the lens of the video camera, still sitting on my tripod a few feet away. "Show them how you can massage and pinch your titties."

I probably wouldn't have had to tell her to wiggle around because she kept squirming on the couch. She moved even more as she looked into the camera and started pinching, pulling, and massaging her breasts. Brian realized that not only was Jenni hot, she also liked showing off for his cameras. "Now rub your pussy. They will want to see you do that, too."

She started massaging and rubbing her pussy with both hands, often looking into the camera. "Gee, this is embarrassing because it's so wet. Like I can hear it. Like wet noises." She opened and closed it real fast several times. Brian could hear the gooey wetness when she pulled her lips apart as she opened her legs for the camera. "Should I stick my finger in it? Are they going to watch this, too?"

Brian nodded. He knew the video would be a hot one, with Jenni's obvious gooey, milky-white lubricant spilling out of her. She fingered herself with her fourth finger - the wedding-ring finger, and Brian wondered if that was prophetic somehow. He said, "Try slapping it, Jenni. Not too hard. Just pretend you are giving your pussy a little spanking."

"Like this?" She asked as she started gently spanking her pussy.

Brian nodded, aware of the pressure in his pants. He adjusted his trousers again, and wondered if Jenni had been noticing how often he had to arrange himself while she posed. He had had an erection since Jenni's mother left. "You liked how it felt when I touched you with the camera turned on, didn't you, Jenni?"

"Yes. Gee. It's even starting to tingle again. Ohhh."

"Of course it tingles in front of a camera, Jenni. Almost done with this video clip. I want you to turn over and get on your shoulders and knees and pull your ass open for the camera with both hands. Then we'll be done with the movie camera."

Jenni followed instructions. He wiped the excess lubricant off her anus and aimed his camera to catch her gooey white excitement oozing out of her vagina. Jenni pulled her ass open; let it close; and pulled it open again.

Brian told her she was doing great.

"Who will see the video, Brian?"

Brian answered, "Almost nobody around here. Maybe some friends in California. Maybe some trusted friends in nearby cities. If I can, I'll sell some copies to a few trusted friends and then I'll be able to send you and your mother some money while I'm still negotiating with the studio lawyers. Meanwhile my friend here will be taking you to modeling appointments in the area. He'll do your hair and get you all dressed up for your sessions. You'll have fun and meet new people."

"Gee." She said, "That really would be embarrassing. Like they will undress me?"

"Yes, and probably play fingering games. You'll probably get to see their things, too."


"And whenever I get back in town, maybe we could do another movie of you. I'll teach you other things that feel good. But only if your mother leaves us here alone, of course. And you won't tell her about what we do, will you? This would be our secret. She knows that you are going to undress and that I'll take some pictures, but she doesn't need to know everything, does she?" Brian smiled and looked at his fellow conspirator.

"No! She even said that we shouldn't talk about what we do to anybody, even each other."

He helped her stand up. They walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. Brian looked at his watch. "We have a little more time. Come here."

Back in the living room, Brian laid her flat on the couch and lifted the front of her dress exposing her pussy again. He pulled one knee up so her foot was near her bottom, with her knee resting against the back of the couch. Brian left the video camera on - aimed right at Jenni on the couch. He smiled, thinking how much he would enjoy watching it again and again over the years to come. Brian wanted to plant an idea in her head, so he said, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your orgasm, Jenni, and it feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Oh. Like real good."

"Well, the best way to have a good orgasm is to let someone else touch you and look at you. It's embarrassing, but it can also turn you on, just like in front of my cameras. It wouldn't matter if it was me or a neighbor man, or the people from the movie studio. Just don't let boys your own age do it, at least not until you go away to college. I bet you could find a neighbor man - or maybe a lady - to help you have orgasms if you just keep alert for opportunities. Some girls feel even safer if it's an older woman who helps them, rather than a man. And I'm sure there are women around who would like to help you. An older woman would know how to help you have a fantastic orgasm. If someone comes on to you - man or woman - just go along with it."

He took a few more pictures. "I'm glad it was me who got to help you have an orgasm today. You are so sexy hot. I'm happy to help you get those feelings, and will always help you when I'm in town, but it would be easy for you to find an interested man or woman. Just accidentally let somebody look down the arm hole of your sleeveless T-shirt when you aren't wearing a bra. Or let them see your panties somehow. Or maybe even ask somebody to scratch your back or put suntan lotion on you. You'll know if they want to do more. There are lots of ways to meet people. In the park, or asking directions, or while you're shopping and you can stand next to somebody and ask them a question. You could pretend you need some money. Something like that. But don't do anything new for at least a few weeks while we're working on this project with that rich guy. When you're ready it would be best to find a man or woman who lives alone and not too far away."

Jenni didn't say anything, but let Brian position her legs while he took more pictures. After several minutes of slow posing he put her back in a wide open position again and looked at her wet pussy with her white cream filling. He decided that now was the time to teach her the next thing. Brian pulled Jenni's fingers down to hold her pussy open for him again. He said, "Do you know anybody already who would like to play with you or touch you?"

"Yes." She said without hesitation. "Two men. Both of them live pretty close. I never thought about letting a lady touch me there. But anyway, last week when I tried to lay out in the backyard one of the men came over and offered to put suntan lotion on my back. Nobody was around so I let him. He rubbed it on my back and the backs of my legs, but when he tried to touch my bottoms, like between my legs, then well, I closed my legs and then he stopped trying to do that, but he kept rubbing it on my back and legs. It felt good."

"Well, maybe next time tell him it feels good when he puts lotion on you but that you are worried people are watching. And maybe say something like you want some lemonade or pop but you don't have any in your apartment. See what happens. Don't go too fast and don't ask him for money. At least not right away. And don't tell your Mom about it. Take your towel and the lotion to his apartment and let him put some on you. If he touches your swimming suit just tell him it kind of tickles but it's a good tickle... something like that."

"Oh, that sounds kind of scary." She said.

"But if it's scary and even a little embarrassing it will feel better. Let him touch you for a while, even rubbing on your swimming suit. If he touches your private parts, just say something like, 'oh, that tickles,' but keep your legs open. Open your legs wider even, so he will know that it's OK to touch you there since you're in private. Then roll over and ask him to put lotion on your tummy and legs. He might even give you an orgasm while you still have your swimming suit on! Maybe then another time he will want to kiss your clitty. That's what feels the best. I'm sure the rich men will - if not tomorrow then for sure the next day. If he has friends there - men or women - they will want to kiss it, too. Probably more in private, like taking turns helping you, but they will each want some time alone with you to touch you, lick you, feel you, and maybe put a finger in you."

"Oh. You mean in my bottom, like you did?"

"In your ass or in your pussy. Either way feels good, doesn't it?"


"Maybe they will put a finger in both places at the same time. You've had a little rest so now I want to teach you how to let somebody lick your pussy and your clitty and I'll show you how they might finger your pussy, just so you'll know what to expect. Can I finger your pussy and lick it now?" Brian got up and turned off the video camera. He knelt on the floor in front of the couch. She was lying back so Brian's head was between her spread, bent legs."

"OK." She said. "Gee. Will this hurt?"

"Pretend I'm the neighbor man and I just gave you some pop and rubbed lotion on you and then he was rubbing you and slid your swimming suit bottoms off and you let him, and then he leaned forward and started fingering you and then he started licking your pussy. Just imagine that." Brian began fingering her pussy, smearing her own creamy excitement all over her clit and pussy lips.

"Would women really want to lick me there, too?"

"Yes. For sure. Kind of like you're playing doctor with one of your girlfriends. Do you ever do that? You know, like looking at each other's bottoms or feeling each other's breasts, practicing kissing, or even putting fingers in?"

"Well I never put my fingers in her yet." Jenni answered. "Mostly just looking and touching, and just with my one friend, Becky, but we moved. We didn't practice kissing. I had an older girl neighbor once, and she wanted to do more but I said I was too scared since my Mom was in the next room."

Brian cautioned her, "Another thing, Jenni. Don't every mention to somebody what you've done with anyone else. You could say things like, 'my girlfriend put her finger in me, but I can't tell her name, just like I wouldn't tell anybody your name, and you have to promise not to tell anybody my name, even if you show them my picture.' And that might even make them think about hiring you to model panties and things for them." Brian was teaching her more than he intended, but he felt Jenni would be a quick learner and she would go far. "I'm going to put my finger in you now."

Brian slowly pushed his big finger up her very tight, but very slippery vagina.

"Oh." She said, "Your finger feels so big. Oh, oh."

Brian started pushing his finger in and out much faster. He pulled his finger out, grasped her upper thighs with both hands and using his thumbs right next to her vagina - he pulled her wide open and began lapping up her virgin juices. He kept licking and moving his mouth from her open vagina to her clit and back. He felt her clit swell even more as it stiffened to the maximum. Jenni shuddered as she had her second orgasm.

Brian let her rest a minute and then undressed her completely. She was putty in his skillful hands. He began kissing and gently massaging and sucking on her breasts. Two minutes later he put his right hand down on her pussy and helped the precocious ten-year old orgasm once more. Her third for the day.

While Jenni rested again, he stood to take more pictures after he wiped all the lubricant away from her anus with a warm washcloth. "You certainly are getting to be a big girl, Jenni. Your Mom and I are counting on you to let this rich man and maybe his friends touch you and take pictures of you. Then you'll get lots of money and nobody will ever know about it."

"She told me to pay attention and to do whatever you tell me."

"That's right. And you're doing a very good job."

Brian had her try on several outfits and then get dressed in her play clothes - all in front of his video camera. She seemed to wake up in front of the camera, and liked showing off. Brian kept telling her how cute and grown-up she was getting.

Her mother came home while they were sitting on the couch practicing reading their lines again. Brian left and said the first audition was scheduled for seven the next evening. "Let her sleep late and then take a bath around noon. I'll pick you both up at six-thirty. You'll have to sign a few papers and then I'll bring you back home while Jenni starts modeling and acting with him. I'll go back and help out, and then I'll bring her home around ten."

Brian handed Jenni a little bag containing a pair of panties and a T-shirt. "After your bath tomorrow, put these panties on and wear them all day while you think about your audition that's scheduled for tomorrow night. These panties will help you feel so feminine and sexy. But about six O'clock I want you to put on a pair of shorts and this T-shirt so you won't stand out when we go into his hotel suite."

"OK." Jenni said, with excitement in her voice. "I will."

The reviewing period for this story has ended.