Published: 13-Feb-2011
Word Count:
He looked about 14 or 15. Skipping school. Smoking. Hanging out in the alley behind a long row of wood garages - shut and padlocked. All in need of paint. His hair was blond, short on the sides, with a rat-tail in back. Skinny. I coasted to a stop beside him in the old Datsun with stolen plates. He regarded me without saying anything. After a minute of just looking at each other, he said, "I don't go out with men. I know you're not a cop in that car. I don't buy drugs, but I know some kids who do. What do you want?" His tone was even, calm. Acting tough and indifferent, he added, "Even the truant officers have better cars than that."
I smiled. "What you smoking?"
"Anything. Why?" He asked.
"Do you know the other kids in this neighborhood?"
"Sure I do. Why?"
I decided to try him. "I need to find a girl for some pictures. Nothing too illegal. Cute. About ten to thirteen years old. A girl who can keep her mouth shut. Then you and me and her can all make some good money. Interested?"
He thought for a minute. "Like how much money?"
I handed him two packs of cigarettes, which he put in his pocket without looking at the brand. He was all business now.
I said, "A hundred for you and a hundred for the girl, but you'll handle the money, so give her what you need to. You come along as her bodyguard. We'll only be gone about two hours. I'll take you to my studio, get some pictures of her. I've got different outfits for the girl at the studio. Nobody will be having sex with her. You keep an eye on things. I bring you both back here about two hours later. You'll have at least two, maybe three hundred dollars to split up. Maybe more."
"Do I get to watch you take the pictures?"
"Yes. You get to watch. Keep an eye on things. You're her bodyguard. You would get a nice bonus if I take a picture of the back of your hand while you spank her or touch her. Real nice bonus if you put your finger in her. Maybe double your original hundred. But the girl has to be fairly cute and cooperative. Not ugly or fat."
"For a hundred she would be very cooperative. You sure you want somebody that young? I know a bunch of girls my age who would do it. Drop their pants for fifty. Maybe twenty." He stood and walked over to the car. I estimated him at about five feet, six inches tall, but he appeared taller because he was so skinny.
"Right. But she has to be just sprouting tits. Hairless or almost hairless pussy. That's why it's more money. Pictures for special clients. Like 'em extra young. Know anybody?"
I could see that he was weighing several possibilities. Finally he said, "My little sister. She would keep her mouth shut, I can promise you that. She's not home yet. Get's home at 3:30. Can I see the money?"
I showed him a roll of money, my camera case, and a carton of cigarettes. I handed him a twenty and another pack of cigarettes. "I'll be back here in three hours in a different car. You be walking down the alley with your sister, like you're going somewhere. I don't want you to draw attention. Will anybody know if you two are gone for a couple hours?"
He laughed in a snort. "Ha. We could be gone till midnight and nobody would notice. Not on a Friday. We'll be here by four o' clock."
"Good. Just get in the car with me when I drive up beside you later. Have her wear her usual school clothes. Nothing fancy. Are you sure she's cute?"
"Don't tell her I said so, but I think she is." He looked serious so I nodded.
"How old is she?"
"She'll be twelve pretty soon, but she's still hairless. I'm sure of that. And still a virgin or I'd know it." He nodded at me.
I nodded back. "What's your name?"
"What's your little sister's name?"
"Leslie, but we all call her Les."
I nodded again, like equals. "I'll see you back here in three hours."
As I drove on down the alley I couldn't help but smile. "This will be perfect." I said aloud. I had been scouting for two days.
After circling the block and checking for police cars or anything suspicious I started the dented Chevy down the same alley but from the opposite end. Matt and his sister were walking side by side heading down the same direction as I was going. When Matt heard the car he turned to face me. I stopped beside them and he got in the front seat, letting his sister climb in the back. She was cute, slim like her brother, with short, blond hair like his. I could hardly wait to see her, undress her, touch her.
They didn't say anything as I pulled out of the alley and headed across the railroad tracks. They still hadn't said a word when I pulled onto the highway a few minutes later.
"Lay down on the backseat, Les. I'm going to give you different clothes to wear when we get to the studio. Give your jeans to Matt." I said it in a friendly voice, but with authority. "It will look like you're going into the gym in the building. Nobody will notice us."
She was laying down on the backseat already and unsnapped her jeans and pulled them most of the way off. They caught on her shoes, so I told her she had time to take her shoes off. "We'll be on the highway a few more minutes so you can sit up and take them off." She had already kicked them off and didn't need to sit up. Her silky pink panties had a zigzag pattern in the material. I figured they were her best ones. Her skinny, pale legs turned me on.
I gave Matt a pair of dark jogging suit pants and matching jacket to hand her. The outfit would be baggy on her. He handed them to her as if he was one of the adults in charge here.
She put them on and then began working to get her gym shoes untied so she could put them back on.
"You'd better lay down, too, Matt. We're getting near the studio." He laid down on the seat without questioning it.
I started talking to him, man-to-man, so he would stay my partner in this. "When we get inside the building, I'll put the garage door down and you get out carrying this gym bag. I'll hold Les' hand and we act like a happy family heading up to the gym. Instead we'll go on up to my studio and take the pictures. Your sister is very cute, Matt. If she cooperates with me and the other photographer you'll both get a nice bonus this afternoon."
"She'll cooperate. I told you she was cute. I'll handle the money for us. When she got home I had her take a bath. Washed her myself. Got her clean all over. We didn't have time to wash her hair. We could wash her hair next time, if you want to do it again." He smiled up at me.
I smiled without showing it. These kids would be great. He wasn't even asking me what we would use the pictures for or what all we planned to do with him and his sister. I looked at him again, and said in a voice of conspiracy, "We will need to get another set of pictures in a week, but for those pictures we'll also need a boy, about your age." I looked at him. "You're about sixteen?" I asked, knowing he wasn't.
He smiled again. "No. I'm almost fifteen, but I lift weights sometimes."
"It shows. You look strong and muscular. Anyway, I'm trying to find a boy for those pictures. We wouldn't get pictures of him above the neck, but just pictures of your sister touching him and kissing certain parts, if you know what I mean. Then the boy would get paid about sixty dollars for modeling. He would have to do more touching, spanking, undressing your sister, things like that, but we wouldn't get pictures of his face. If his face did show up in some of the pictures we could erase it with trick photography. Nobody around here would see the pictures anyway. It will look like these pictures were taken in Russia. Hmm. You're both blond and slim. You are both good looking." Then I pretended I just thought of something, "Maybe you could be the boy model if you want to, Matt. Would save me from having to find somebody else. You could make even more money. But the boy model also has to follow directions."
Matt couldn't keep from showing a smile again, although he tried to act stone faced.
I pulled inside the warehouse and closed the automatic door. We got out and Matt carried the gym bag like I told him. His sister took my hand and we walked up the steps. The top of her blond head came up to the middle of my chest. Of course we didn't see anyone else since the building was deserted except for my partner upstairs. He was waiting for us when we walked in.
Today's studio was a low couch with sheets over it and a braided rug in front of it. The couch was against a painted brick wall with a large, cheap picture centered above it. There was a lamp on an end table at the left end of the couch. Nearby was an assortment of props - an old girl's bicycle, a standing mirror, an old fashioned kitchen chair, a box of clothes, nightgowns, rope, masks, paddles, and so on.
He smiled when he saw the two kids I was bringing him to play with. He paid me well for finding them, and I enjoyed it, too.
"I'm Mr. Thomas, but you can call me Tom." He said to them. "And you must be Les and Matt, today's models." He shook their hands.
As planned, I corrected him. "I don't think Matt wants to be a model yet, Tom. He's thinking about it."
Tom motioned for Les to go over to the couch and take her clothes off. She walked over and began undressing about ten feet from us. She was in the center of the umbrella lights, cameras, and near the hidden microphone.
Tom looked at Matt but talked to me, as he turned on the light switches, which also turned on the video cameras. "I thought you were getting two models for today, Fred. That's why I gave you three hundred dollars for them. I know Matt is also Les' manager, but I thought we were going to have two models."
"But Matt's not ready. I don't think he wants to take his clothes off. Not even for an extra hundred dollars."
Matt responded like we had hoped - like one of us men, but also as a performer. "What would I have to do? You said I'd have to let her touch me? That would be OK. I'll let her touch me anywhere." He smiled.
Tom held up his hand, telling Les to stop undressing. She sat still on the couch with her shoes and pants off and folded her hands in her lap.
Tom put his hand on Matt's shoulder. "You are a handsome young man, Matt, and you seem like you could remember what to do for each scene. But you would have to undress your sister and let her undress you. Completely. Remember that you're just actors, so it shouldn't matter to you who she is. If you do good, we would be matching you up with other girls when we do more photo sessions. You would have to undress them, too. Let them suck you. You would finger them. Things like that. That is if you're not shy and can do what we say. Here's what you would have to do today." He outlined the first scenario to Matt who seemed to like the idea. He didn't ask about getting his face in the pictures, but concentrated on getting the theme for the first act in his head. Tom started showing him some "costumes" for today.
While Tom was explaining the skit to Matt I went over to the couch and told Les again how pretty she was. The nervous girl smiled. I said, "Nobody is going to hurt you, Les. We're just going to take some pictures while you two act like friends, or maybe cousins on a sleep over, playing doctor, things like that. You won't have to do anything real nasty. You don't mind touching Matt or playing with his thing, do you? Maybe he'll put his finger in you."
She smiled at me. "No. That's OK. He does that at home sometimes." She started to giggle but stopped herself.
I whispered to her, "Matt told me you were real pretty and he was right." That made her smile.
I smiled back at her. "You'll be getting undressed and dressed several times while we take pictures. Matt told me your pussy is bald, pretty, and clean. Let me see it a minute to make sure we don't have to shave it."
She seemed to hesitate and looked over at her brother who was talking with Tom. I urged her to go ahead and pull her panties off - to get her used to following my directions. I pointed with my thumb at her brother and Tom. "They will need to talk a minute and then Tom will have to examine Matt. Help him change clothes. Those are very pretty panties you have on. Let me see them up close. It was hard to get a good look in the car. Lay back on the couch while you count to a hundred and I'll pull your panties down for you. Just pretend you are asleep. Pretending is part of being a model or an actress. You are so pretty. I bet you will be an actress someday."
She looked over at her brother again and saw him undressing so Tom could inspect and measure him before the modeling started. Then she laid back on the couch face up with her feet crossed. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. "Very good." I whispered. "I won't wake you up."
She smiled.
I took a picture and told her she was so pretty. She kept smiling while I felt her panties and told her they were very pretty.
"They're my best ones. I wore them to get my picture taken."
I felt them some more, and her tummy. "I'm going to pull these down now. You know we are going to pull your panties off to take pictures, don't you, Leslie?"
"Yes, I know. I'm just a little nervous. But it's OK. Matt told me. That's why he washed it."
"Good girl, Leslie. I'm glad you're all fresh and clean. You're so pretty." I pulled her panties down to the top of her pussy for another picture. Yes. She was completely hairless - just some fine, blond fuzz beginning to sprout. Firm, bald lips and a slim clitoral ridge with almost no inner labia. I uncrossed her legs and continued pulling the pink panties down those skinny legs, stopping often to take another shot. Then I pulled them off and opened her legs. I lifted one knee and laid it against the back of the couch and pulled her other foot off the couch and set it on the floor ever so gently - so I wouldn't wake her.
I took a close up of her pussy, which looked wet in the center already. This would be a great photo session. I whispered to Les, "Look over at your brother. See? He's getting ready to get his picture taken, too." We looked over at Tom we saw that Matt's pants were off and Tom was helping him step out of his underwear. His legs were as skinny as Leslie's. He was almost as hairless, except for a tuft of blond bush above his not-quite five inch erect penis. It was slim and curved. He had a rounded fanny which I knew Tom would love.
I knew it would take Tom a couple minutes to finish measuring and inspecting the boy while he explained some of the games. So I told Les to lay back and pretend she was touching herself in her sleep and to pull herself open for a close up picture. She didn't even ask what I meant, but began masturbating. Her fingernails had chipped, pink-glitter fingernail polish, just perfect for an eleven-year-old.
"Excellent." I said. "You are a beautiful girl, Les. Now hold it open." I rubbed my finger along her pussy and she kept holding it open for me. "You'll get a nice modeling bonus today, Leslie. You know Matt will have to put his finger in you. That's one of the pretend games you'll be doing for the camera. Pull it open wider for me and hold still. You're doing so good at following directions." I slowly pushed my finger all the way up her wet pussy. She squirmed slightly but didn't say a word. Just a barely perceptible moan. I pushed my finger in several more times. She was so tight, but was also very wet. I kept telling her softly how pretty she was and that she was so good at following directions. "You know you will have to suck on your brother's dick for the camera today don't you, Les?"
"This doesn't hurt when I push my finger in does it?"
"Good girl. Does Matt ever cum in your mouth while you suck on him at home?"
She said, "Only a couple times, but then he had to give me a dollar."
I pushed my finger in as far as it would go. "Did you make a bet or what?"
Leslie was squirming as I continued to finger her slowly. She said, "He doesn't like to play games with me unless we bet something, and that's what he likes to bet. But even when he wins I tell him not to let his stuff come out in me or else he will have to give me a dollar. So I got a few dollars from him."
"Did you swallow his stuff?"
She hesitated. "Well, I didn't want to. But I didn't want to get it on my clothes either, and it was coming out too fast. So I couldn't help it. But then he had to give me a dollar and we drank some pop."
"Today you'll get lots more than a dollar for letting him cum in your mouth, Leslie. You'll have to catch it with your mouth open so the camera can see it squirting in. Then you have to swallow it. All of it. OK?"
I had her sit up and take off her shirt. She giggled when I told her again how great she was doing. She didn't have on a training bra but had noticeable buds - tiny breasts like fat marshmallows with puffy, pink nipples. Perfect.
"I have a training bra for you, Les, with matching panties to wear under your first outfit for the first modeling session."
"Will I get to keep it?" She asked hopefully.
"Yes. But you just can't tell anybody where you got it."
"Cool." She said, with some excitement.
"I need to feel them to make sure this is the right size training bra. Stand up in front of me." She stood there in front of me with just her socks on, while I felt her tiny, firm breasts to see if I had the right size bra. With her hands at her sides, Les smiled up at me while I felt her breasts. I kept feeling them while I told her she was pretty and would be getting more clothes to keep besides just bras and panties if she did a good job as a model. Not surprisingly the bra I had was about the right size. She put on the training bra and matching white panties with glee, and let me feel to see how good they fit her.
For our first scene they were both wearing school uniforms. Matt had on a short-sleeved, white shirt and navy pants and Les had on a short, navy blue, plaid jumper over a white, sheer blouse with a ruffle in the front.
The two video cameras were catching everything while Matt and Les began horsing around on the couch. Just wrestling at first, but then he started feeling her up and she let him. We had them freeze for still shots whenever some pose caught our fancy. It would be fun editing these tapes. Matt didn't seem concerned at all that his face was in most of the pictures, or that the photographers were frequently touching them to arrange the poses.
When Matt had his sister most of the way undressed, she started undressing him. Matt balked at first when Tom told him to start kissing his sister, but Tom reminded the boy that they were just actors, and he would be doing it with several different girls if he was hired as a model. Then he kissed her. Tom wanted them to practice kissing while they were feeling each other. We stopped the cameras and I demonstrated on Leslie how Matt should tilt Leslie's head back and tongue kiss her. I said, "Lean her head back a little bit and kiss her on the mouth. I want you to take turns tongue thrusting into each other's mouths and let the camera see your tongues some of the time. Like this." I showed him again. "And be sure to keep feeling her breasts and panties while you're kissing her. Even put your hand inside her panties. Watch me a minute." I kept demonstrating for another minute, showing Matt how to feel Leslie's breasts and crotch while kissing her, even putting my hand inside her panties while I was kissing her. Then Matt did it to Tom's satisfaction. Tom got close ups with both his 35 mm and the video camera as they continued kissing and feeling each other.
They continued undressing each other. We had her suck him several times, even through the front of his white briefs, after Tom pulled his penis through the flap and arranged his briefs just so. Tom and I figured that Leslie had practiced this before. Tom demonstrated to Les how to stroke Matt's thing with her hands. He demonstrated different techniques to her and even held Matt's balls to show her what to do. Matt was getting used to being touched by Tom while he set up these shots. Both kids were trying to be such good models.
Tom was giving Matt explicit instructions and he was following them without hesitation now. Tom had them kiss after each piece of clothing was removed. Tom frequently positioned them with his hands, touching both of them matter-of-factly on their private parts. Les was sucking Tom and kissing his balls, sometimes smiling for the camera - whatever Tom requested.
I demonstrated to Matt how to suck and lick Leslie's breasts, then he did it the same way.
Tom had Les lick Matt's asshole after he showed her how to hold his fanny in both hands and pull his ass open. "Squeeze his fanny cheeks in both your hands while you pull him open. Like this." Then Leslie held Matt's fanny open so Tom could get some close-ups.
She held it open while Tom took a couple pictures and then she began licking it obediently, and did an excellent job. Then Tom wanted Matt to eat his sister and lick her asshole but he said he really didn't want to. "But if you want to be a model you have to do what we say. Remember you are an actor. The other actor today just happens to be someone you know. You will have to do this with other girls next week and they will do it to you. If you want to get paid and keep earning money as a model and actor then you need to do this."
Tom told Leslie to get on her hands and knees. I demonstrated how to pull her ass open and lick her pussy and ass. Matt watched and then he did it without any further arguments. They were both performing like pros now, doing everything we suggested. Matt had hardly any body hair, just a tuft of blond hair above his penis.
For the next scene they wore cotton pajamas and had a pillow fight, wrestling and undressing each other. Then they began kissing, licking, sucking, and even fingering each other with minimal instructions.
Tom and I were both worried about how hard Matt was spanking his sister's bare ass in the next scene. Les had tears in her eyes as she looked into the camera, but she didn't complain. Matt licked her pussy and ass for a long time after the spanking and she seemed to enjoy it immensely. Then Tom told Matt and Les to get in fucking positions but not to put it all the way in. He posed the kids in several positions and each time Matt's penis seemed to slide in a bit farther. By the time she was laying face down over a pillow with her ass raised for him, Matt let it slide all the way in. Tom reminded him not to cum inside her pussy because he needed to get pictures of him cumming in her mouth like they had practiced earlier. I moved one of the video cameras in much closer like we had practiced in our orgasm drills. Tom told him to pull out and practice one more time and then he could go as fast as he could.
Matt pulled his wet penis out and they changed positions quickly. Tom bounced it on Leslie's tongue a few times and told them how great they were doing. "OK, kids. Now do it real fast, Matt. Pull out when you're ready to shoot your wad."
After fucking hard for less than a minute, Matt said he was ready so the kids got in position. Les just rolled over and opened her mouth. Matt scooted forward and propped a pillow under her head. Matt was on his hands and knees over her face. He let her suck him for a minute and backed off as he told her to get ready. She opened wider with her tongue sticking out to touch the bottom of Matt's penis. We got several good shots of him shooting into her mouth. She gulped down Matt's first two shots. The next shot splattered her lips and chin, but she stuck her tongue out in time to catch the next ones. Matt's thick cum laid on her outstretched tongue before she swallowed it and got ready for more. Matt had copious amounts of cum for someone his age but she swallowed all of it and then sucked him to make sure he was finished.
Tom took Matt over to the bathroom to clean him up after getting a few close ups of the last dregs oozing out. I stayed to soothe Les, wipe off her face, and tell her again what a good model she was. I fingered her and said, "You had the licking almost perfect. You just need to practice the side to side motions. Maybe next week we'll need to find someone older. It's not your fault."
She put her elbows under her shoulders to lift up to a one fourth sitting position. "What do you mean? I could probably learn it."
"Well, we don't want to force you. But the girl we use next week will also have to suck on a man and even get fucked by him. Not as fast as your brother did you. Lots slower. But his dick is a little bit bigger than your brother's. But you do feel pretty slippery for your age. Did it hurt you when he fucked you?"
"No. It felt real tight but it didn't hurt. How much bigger is it? What do you mean by 'side-to-side" motions?"
We looked over at Matt. He was wearing baggy gym shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt. Tom was taking him into the gym room to get some pictures of him exercising. We watched them leave our room and close the door. I said, "I could show you, but it would have to be our secret. Can you keep a secret, even from your brother?"
"Oh sure." She smiled at me. "I want to learn it. I like being a model."
I pretended to debate whether I should teach her or not. Then I said, "Well, OK. We could see if you could get a bigger dick in your mouth, and then you decide if it's too big to fit in your pussy. I wouldn't want to hurt you."
"Thanks. I'll try my best. Just tell me what to do."
I stood and took my pants and shorts off. After sitting on the edge of the couch I asked her to see if she could get the tip of my dick in her mouth. She struggled but did it, and kept practicing to prove she could do it. "Maybe you will be able to do it. Try licking it with lots of slobber. That makes it more slippery."
Les smiled at me and began licking like she was in a competition, getting me all wet.
"Now lay face down on your tummy over the pillow again with your feet apart about a foot. Now reach back and pull your fanny open with your hands. That will make your pussy open a little wider. I'll go real slow. If it hurts too much just tell me to stop. I'm sure we could get an older girl for next week so you don't have to do this. Don't worry about us."
I had to push very slowly to get half way in. She was still so tight even after her brother got her loosened up. My penis is not huge by a long shot, but it was bigger than Matt's. When it was finally about three-fourths of the way in, I told her about the side to side motions. "While I go in and out of you, wiggle your bottom back and forth. That will help make you more slippery, Leslie." We practiced this a few minutes until I was going in all the way. "That does make it more slippery, doesn't it, Les?"
"Ungh. Yes." She was getting into a rhythm, and moaning softly.
"You are really doing good, Les. I'm sure we'll be able to use you now. I'll even teach you how to do the side to side movements in different positions. You can put your hands down now. I think you're pretty slippery. Wiggle a little faster."
When she had her hands back by her head, with her hips still centered over the pillow, I began thrusting a little faster and deeper, but was still going slower than her brother. I realized I wouldn't need to teach her how to wiggle in any other positions and told her to get ready to catch my cum in her mouth.
She got ready quickly just like she had with her brother as I shot repeatedly into her little mouth. She gulped it down as I came. When I stopped she smiled and asked me how she did.
"You did great. Maybe we could even let you play with three boys next week. Do you think you could do that?"
She thought this over for a minute while we each got dressed. I had her wait to put her pants and panties back on. She said, "I'm sure I could. Because I still feel fine and you and Matt both did me. So another boy or two wouldn't hurt, especially if they go real slow like you did. Besides, like Matt said, once I get loosened up a little it doesn't hurt anymore."
I looked at her and lowered my chin to look over the top of my glasses. "Leslie, I think it might be good for you and Matt to practice these things over the next week, but don't practice on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Our photo session will be next Friday. Something else I would like you two to practice: I'll give Matt a tube of lubricant and I want him to practice putting his finger in your butt. Remind him to go slow, but we'll be doing that with you next week, too. OK? You might have to do that to him, too, just to show him what it feels like. Yes. Practice that on each other."
I wanted to know more of what she was willing to do. "Next week there might be another boy and girl here. One of the acts we are going to get pictures of is two girls playing doctor. You know. Touching each other. Would you like to be one of the models in that little video?"
She thought for a minute. "You mean like a girl I don't even know?"
"Yes. Another young actress like yourself. We would tell you what to do, but basically you would kiss and touch and undress each other like you did with your brother. Would you do that?"
"Yes. Because I am an actress. So it's just for your video, right?"
I smiled at her. "Right. And you're getting to be a good actress, too."
"Thank you."
"The other boy would be doing the same things with you like Matt did today. That would be OK. You are so good at following directions."
She smiled, "Another boy, too? And a girl? Yes, I can follow directions. With boys or girls."
Tom and Matt came out of the gym room. Matt was only wearing the sleeveless T-shirt and had a guilty half smile on his face. Tom was carrying Matt's pants and underwear. I heard Tom say, "" our little secret." Matt nodded.
We talked to the kids for a few minutes while Tom gave Matt the money. The kids seemed a little bit self-conscious standing there half dressed without pants or underwear. I was holding Leslie's pants and panties, and Tom was holding Matt's things. Tom asked me if I told Les about practicing and about putting a lubricated finger in each other's bottoms. He said he had demonstrated to Matt what he and Leslie were going to do to each other next week, even showing him how to push in slowly. I said I had told Les about that and she was fine with it, so maybe we could use them as models next week after all. We suggested that they even take baths together this week, and do lots of fingering, licking, etc. for practice. Tom said, "I want you both to remember you are professionals now. This is just acting. So you must forget that you are related and practice these things. Lots of kissing, too. Kissing each other all over. Kiss each other before you start practicing. Will you do that?"
They looked at each other and both said, "Yes. We'll practice all week."
Tom and I smiled. Tom said, "Don't do anything sexual on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Save it all for Friday's photo shoot. There may be another photographer helping us, and maybe another model or two." They agreed to practice everything he said. Tom handed Matt a tube of lubricant for anal fingering.
"OK." Tom said, "Before you put your pants back on and Fred drives you home, let me get a couple pictures of you standing next to each other. That's it. Now turn and kiss. Keep kissing. Act silly a minute. Good job."
I asked Tom, "What about the other thing they will have to do next week for the camera. We still have a few minutes if you want to give them something else to practice."
Tom looked at me and I knew he didn't know what I was talking about, but he said, "Well, sure, since we already paid them for another ten minutes for today's session. Might as well tell them so they will have something else to practice."
I looked at the kids. "I'm not sure if they can do it. We might need to get older models for this act. Of course the bonus would be good if they could do it right next week."
Matt looked at his little sister, and spoke up. "I bet we could do it. We'll practice it. Right, Les?"
She piped up, "Sure. Just show us. We'll practice it. We have a couple hours after school everyday."
Tom acted like he was trying to convince me he thought they might be able to do it. "Go ahead and teach them. If they can't learn it, then we'll get the other models later. But if they can do it, it would save us some time."
I asked the kids again if they promised to practice it everyday. They both agreed enthusiastically - ready to prove what good models they were. I said, "You can even leave your shoes and socks and shirts on to practice this right now. Lay down on the floor on your back, Les. Put your knees up and your feet apart about this wide." I knelt down beside her and positioned her knees so they were about two feet apart.
Then I said to Matt, "Kneel over her face so she can lick your balls." They practiced that while and Tom got a close up of Les' tongue on his balls, and his four and a half inch erection. "Good. Now get on your hands and knees over her and kiss her between the legs." It took a minute for them to get in position. Matt's elbows were on the floor beside Leslie's hips. "OK. Now the last thing is for Les to suck on Matt at the same time. Practice it."
Tom got a few more shots of them practicing. "Here's how this will work. You two play around. Different clothes, half-dressed, whatever. Be kissing each other, or fingering bottoms, whatever else you are practicing. Then when Tom or me says to 'sixty-nine' then you start doing that. OK? Take turns pretending that one of you is Tom giving directions. You can also practice this with Matt on the bottom. Practice again and go from kissing to sixty-nine. Just pretend you are practicing with the other boy and girl who might be here next week. I don't know if we'll have a boy and a girl or two girls. But we'll tell you what to do next week when I bring you back here." We let them practice while I got it on videotape. They got so they could change positions quickly.
"Good job, Matt and Les. Will you practice this week?"
Matt assured us that they would practice everyday after school.
Tom suggested they take a bath together when they got home and practice kissing in the tub. "Sit and face each other. Kiss. Wash each other. Then get out and dry off so you can practice all the things you did today. And remember that you are just actors and models, so it's OK that you are brother and sister."
Matt and Les stood up and we were please to see that Matt was completely stiff while he was making these promises. He and Les didn't seem as self-conscious without underwear or pants on. They stood there talking with us. We helped them get dressed while they told us what they were going to review.
Tom handed Matt another twenty dollar bill. "This is a little bonus. We'll see you both next Friday."
"Thank you." Matt said. He smiled and held up the tube of lubricant. "We'll take turns using this and be ready to do a good job next time. And we'll practice everything." Both kids were smiling as we left.
On the way back to Matt's alley they were both quiet again while Matt kept counting the three hundred and eighty dollars over and over again. The kids agreed to practice like I told them but to not have any sex from Wednesday until our next photo session at four o'clock next Friday. I asked Matt some direct questions and he said, "Yes, I will lick her like you showed me, but only after our bath, so I'll know she's real clean. I don't know why I have to try to push my tongue in since that wouldn't show up on the pictures."
"Well, maybe not." I agreed, "But it might show up on Les' face. You can feel it when he puts his tongue in you - front and back - can't you Les?"
"Yes. I can tell"
I told Matt to practice it, and that if she's all washed off it's the same as kissing her lips or sucking her breasts.
"OK. I'll practice it. I don't mind practicing kissing or anything else." He looked at his sister, "But I'm only going to practice putting my tongue in her bottom right after we get out of the bath tub. And I'm going to wash it real good before we get out of the tub and then do it right away."
"OK." I said, "And Leslie, you be sure to pull your fanny open for him and try to relax your bottom. That will make it easier for him to push his tongue in. OK? Hold it open and relax it."
She giggled. "I'll hold it open for him and let him practice. And I have to practice on him, too. Maybe we could like each practice ten times and then take turns. Something like that."
"That's a good idea." I said, "Is that OK with you, too, Matt. To take turns practicing?"
"OK. We can do it. We can take a bath when we get home." Leslie agreed with him and smiled.
"One more thing. Leslie, show Matt how you can wiggle side to side while he fucks you. Will you practice that?" Then I told Matt that his little sister could wiggle like a champion.
Matt was curious, "What do you mean?"
Leslie was glad to know something he didn't. "I'll show you. We can practice it later, too like another game."
They both thanked me as they got out of the old Chevy. They promised to practice. Everything.
I said, "See you here next Friday. Same time. Practice."
They were both grinning and said, "OK, we will."
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |