Vladimir's Dilemma

[ FM+/g+, spank, anal, panties, photo, oral, mast ]

by Corn53


Published: 12-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"Oh shit! It's Demetri and Ivan." Petrova exclaimed quietly to her boyfriend. The children were playing in the other room. She put her hand to her mouth, as she grabbed Vladimir's arm. He stood, dropping his glass of vodka, but didn't try to get his gun. He knew there would be no defense against these gangsters, especially with his children here in his flat.

Instead he opened his door and let them in. "Demetri. Ivan. It's good to see you again. I was hoping to deliver the money to you yesterday, but things didn't work out like I had planned. I'm sure we can work something else out."

The two men were wearing ill-fitting suits, with obvious bulges covering their weapons.

Vladimir's three daughters and his son came running into the room to see the who was calling after dinner. Vladimir tried to shoo them back to the other room, but Ivan smiled and invited them into the room. He looked at the children, ages 6 to 12, and then asked Vladimir to introduce them.

Vladimir grimaced, but nervously began to introduce his children. His wife had died giving birth to Nicholas, the six year old, whom he introduced first. The youngster was hugging his father's leg, peeking out from behind him at the two big men.

Petrova introduced the other smiling children because Vladimir was so jumpy. "This is Angelique." She said, as she took Angelique's hand and had her do a pirouette. "Angelique and Katya are taking ballet lessons." As Petrova said this, the oldest girl, twelve-year old Katya stepped forward and curtsied with a big smile for the two gentlemen. One of her braids had unraveled when she ran in from the other room, and she fiddled with the one remaining blond braid while she smiled up at the men.

Lastly, Petrova introduced Inga, the chubby nine year old. She told the girls to curtsy again to the visitors. They politely lifted the hems of their school skirts to the sides and curtsied. Nicholas bowed.

There was an uncomfortable silence as the children waited for Pretrova or their father to introduce the men. But they didn't talk.

Ivan surprised them all. "So, Vladimir, my old friend, this is Katya, the dancer you told us about? Does she know yet we are taking her for the recital and photo sessions in the country? Is she packed yet? Or are you trying to surprise her? Of course, we could take them all with us while you finish your project."

Vladimir began speaking quickly, "Children, go on in the other room with Petrova." Petrova took Nicholas' hand and lead them into the other room so the men could talk.

Ivan said loud enough for the departing children to hear, "Vladimir. That was a good idea to keep this a secret from them. Katya will be so happy dancing and getting her picture taken. Such a happy surprise for her. Petrova can help her get her dancing clothes together now. We'll be leaving soon."

The men began discussing other things as soon as the children were out of earshot. No matter how much Vladimir pleaded for more time, the men assured him that the children would be better off with a live father who could provide for them, than with a dead father who could not protect them from the evils in this world. They assured him that they would not permanently harm the girl if he cooperated with them. They said they would take her to a dacha in one of the remote areas near the southern border where she would be perfectly safe, and that when he was able to pay off his debt, the girl would be returned, none the worse for wear. They threatened to kill him ant Petrova and take all of his children if he did not encourage her to go.

He still balked until they said they would sell all the children into slavery after killing him. Demetri said, "Even chubby little Inga could be slimmed down in a hurry and learn to please her new masters. Yes. I'm sure we could find customers interested in her, too." He knew they weren't bluffing.

About a half hour later, he told Katya to do everything his friends asked her to do, and he told her she would be doing some special dance recitals and rehearsing. He told her they would be taking lots of pictures of her and that she would probably be coming home in a few weeks, but it might be a little longer. Her father warned her that it would be fun but she would have to do everything they told her to do or she might get spankings.

Demetri looked at the young girl whose excited face showed a sudden concern. He laughed and patted her on the back and said, "But we probably won't need to spank such a pretty dancer like you, Katya. Just remember to do everything we tell you without asking questions."

The smile returned. "I'll do whatever you tell me. I love to dance." Her big, blue eyes sparkled at the thought of dancing in front of strangers. And she loved getting her picture taken. This would be so much fun, she thought. She didn't know why her father seemed so upset, but she suspected it was probably because he was excited for her.

It was a treat for her to ride in a big car. But they drove for such a long time that she started to get very sleepy. It was dark outside before they left the city. She was riding in the back seat with Gregor who seemed real nice. He let her put her head on his lap and covered her up with a blanket. His hand was on her side as she fell asleep.

Her bag of clothes was on the floor behind the driver. She dozed off while Gregor was rubbing her side and her hip, unworried about her short skirt, because there was a blanket over her. She heard the men discussing her as the car bounced over a bump. Katya pretended to be asleep and listened to them say how pretty she was and that she could be a real gold mine, whether some other deal worked out or not. They laughed that Christina would know how to continue training Katya if this session lasted more than a few days. They all agreed that in the meantime they would treat the girl as a little princess.

Katya smiled to herself when she heard them say how cute she was. And she loved dancing. The men were talking about getting lots of pictures and even video of her dancing and stretching, saying that there was a strong market in the West for pictures of pretty, young girls like Katya.

"And if necessary, I'm sure Christina will shave her pretty legs all the way up to her lovely, slender neck." Said Gregor with a chuckle. "But her slim legs are beautiful, aren't they?" The other men agreed with Gregor.

She could hardly keep from showing a smile as they talked about her pretty legs. It made her feel so grown-up. The men were wondering if she was beginning to get a figure yet, and she knew they were referring to her chest. Katya knew that indeed she was beginning to get a figure, and Petrova had even promised to get her a bra in a few months if they could afford it.

Katya found it exciting that Gregor continued to rub her side and her hip while she pretended to sleep. She decided to roll onto her back and let the cover slip off her a bit. She rolled onto her back and stretched, sitting up slightly. She yawned and asked Gregor if they were about there. After he said it wouldn't be much farther, she asked if she could keep laying down until they got there.

Gregor told her to rest, because she would be so busy dancing and modeling different dance outfits over the next few days.

She yawned again and laid on her back with her head on his lap. The blanket was on her left knee which was against the back of the seat. Her right foot was on the floor, even though she was concerned that maybe they could see her panties since her school skirt had lifted up when she laid back down. She put her hands on top of Gregor's hand which was now resting on her tummy.

The men talked of other things while she pretended to fall back to sleep. Soon she felt Gregor's hand begin to move around on her tummy and chest, but not onto her egg size breasts. She also knew they could see her pretty legs, which her dance teacher said were so long and slim for a girl her age.

Gregor's left hand began touching her breasts, even flicking across her nipples. She continued to be asleep but could hardly stay still. Katya was glad they thought she was so pretty and grown up. Then his hand moved to her skirt and began pulling it up slightly so that the men could see her panties. She didn't know what to do, but she knew they could all see her panties now. She was relieved when he stopped tugging her skirt up as his hand went back to her breasts. Katya was tingling with excitement knowing the men were looking at her while they thought she was asleep. The three men talked about her pretty legs and developing figure even more openly. Sometimes they spoke in another language and she didn't know what they were saying, but she was glad they liked to look at her. She could hardly wait to show them how well she could dance. (And show off her long, pretty legs to them. At almost five feel tall and eighty-nine pounds, she was developing into a very pretty girl even though her legs were still prepubescent looking.)

Katya could tell they were way out in the country - the roads were rough, and there were no lights. The fancy car pulled up a long gravel driveway, and stopped. Gregor woke her up and helped her get out. He offered to carry her to the lodge. She was tired and accepted his offer.

Gregor carried her in his arms as if she was just a tiny child, with her legs on either side of his hip - sitting on his big arm. She put her arms around his neck.

Lights from the lodge, and from the half moon showed several barns and out buildings around the place. There were mountains visible in the distance, but she didn't recognize them.

Once inside the much warmer lodge, Katya stood and looked around as she pulled her white knee socks up tighter, even with the hem of her school skirt a few inches above her knees.

Two women walked hand in hand into the foyer and greeted them. Inga was slim and had short, blond hair and looked about thirty. Gert was older, taller, and stouter and had dark, reddish long hair. The two women were smiling at each other, looked at Katya, then smiled at each other again. Katya was glad they seemed happy to meet her.

Gregor introduced them and they immediately took her into the kitchen for some food and then upstairs for a bath before bed.

Katya was concerned that they were going to give her a bath, with the door open. While she was in the tub, Gregor came into the bathroom and talked briefly with the two women, but not in Russian. Katya was sitting in the suds-filled tub and put her hands over her tiny breasts.

When Gregor left the two women teased her for being so shy. Gert laughed, "Why Katya, if I was as pretty as you I would have stood up on purpose and let him look. And besides, this is our only bathroom, so we have to share. You'll soon get used to it. Be proud of your pretty body. "

Inga said, "She's right, Katya. You are so pretty. Now hop out so we can inspect you. We may need to shave your legs and armpits tonight for your recital in the morning. You want to look your best for the camera, don't you?" The women were glad that they wouldn't have to shave Katya's still bald pussy. She had just a few wisps of thin, blond pubic hair - not enough to be visible from a foot away. Perfect. The way they inspected her so closely made Katya blush.

Katya said, "Oh, Yes, Mam. I'm excited about dancing." and she added, "And these bubbles smell so good."

The women dried her off and told her about the dancing and modeling she would be doing. They told her they often had patrons of the arts stop by to watch some of the sessions and encouraged her to be very polite to them. "Sometimes they want to feel how limber you are and take a close look at all your muscles and smooth skin. The more they look at you and touch you, the better, because that means they really think you're cute and they will sponsor you. You must do whatever they tell you, Katya. We don't want to spank you, but that is part of the training. All the girls get spanked at least a few times, and that won't be so bad. Always do what we say and you won't be spanked as often."

Gert told her how sometimes they have the dancers who are especially pretty dance without an outfit on, so the costume designers can add computer-generated costumes. Inga had her do some stretching exercises for her in the bathroom, while Gert went to get a book to show her what they meant.

A moment later Gert showed the young girl pictures of a pretty girl about her age, maybe a little older. The girl was completely naked in the pictures. Then on the next few pages were pictures of the same girl in the exact same poses with costumes drawn on her. It was striking how real the costumes looked. There were some computer enhanced photos in which the young girl began to turn into a bird, with just half of a costume on. Katya was excited thinking about all the possible costumes they could draw on her.

"And you are much prettier than this girl, Katya. I bet they will want to take lots of pictures of you. You just have to relax and let the men take your picture and put you in some extreme dance poses, even if some of them seem kind of silly."

The two women led the excited girl to the dance studio in her robe. They turned on all the lights and let her look around. Katya noticed the camera equipment, and was glad she was alone with the two women. She agreed that she was too excited to sleep yet, so she said she would go ahead and show them some of her favorite routines.

Then Katya stopped and said, "But I don't have a costume."

Gert said, "It's OK. It's just us girls right now anyway. We want to see you use those beautiful, long legs. You'll get used to dancing for us in a variety of costumes or even just parts of costumes."

Inga added, "If you dance for us, we'll give you a massage to help you relax and get to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long and exciting day for you."

Katya agreed and let the robe slip off, glad that the room was luxuriously warm. She did her bar exercises and some of the floor stretches, before beginning some of the routines to music. The women did not tell her that the cameras started rolling when they turned on the lights.

After ten minutes, Gert remembered that she had the top overlay piece on a hook, and gave it to Katya to try on. Tiny pink butterflies were embroidered in the sheer, silky white material. It reminded Katya of the top piece of a sexy nightie which she saw in Petrova's drawer one day.

The women gave her two spankings, but more for practice than discipline. Gert explained that if they told her to get ready for a spanking, she should immediately gasp her ankles with her feet about a foot apart and her knees completely straight. "If you assume the spanking position quick enough, we might not even need to spank you at all." They had her assume the position several more times during her dancing session, but only spanked her those two times.

Gert said, "Now take this top off and hop up on the table. We'll give you a massage and help you relax those muscles. Close your eyes." Inga moved the video cameras while Gert started the massage. The massage felt wonderful after the forty minutes of stretching and dancing. What a relief after the long car ride. The strange device Gert started using puzzled her. It buzzed and tickled her, but she could feel it make her muscles tense and then relax. It made her tingle inside, too.

Gert had her roll onto her back and continued using the buzzer as they called it, all over her. She jumped when Gert pressed it between her legs. Gert explained that there was a lot of tension in that part of the body and that was why half of the stretches pulled her muscles between her legs like that. Katya trusted them to massage her thighs and even her pussy lips while they held her legs wide apart, knees bent.

The men who drove her out to the dacha were watching intently through the one-way mirror. One of the men was working the remote controls on the cameras.

Katya began to get a funny feeling in her tummy as Gert continued helping her relax those muscles with the white, cigar-shaped buzzing thing. If she had known the video camera, which was on the tripod just a few feet away was now trained on her pussy, she would have been quite self conscious. She didn't know how wet she was getting but everyone else noticed it. It was quite obvious. Her clitoris was wet, pink, and swollen.

Gert said, "We'd better go make sure your bed is ready, Katya. Can you hold this a minute and continue relaxing these muscles? We'll be right back."

After they left, the camera captured Katya's first, wet orgasm. The two women joined the men to watch Katya's first orgasm on the remote monitor, and through the one-way mirror. She was fully relaxed when the women returned a few minutes after her climax.

Katya slept soundly despite the new images and feelings swirling within her that night.

The next morning Katya woke up when Gert was gently stroking her shoulder. "Time to get up, Sleepyhead." She said, as she kissed the girl's ear. "Lets take you on in the bathroom and then downstairs for a quick breakfast."

Katya was led into the bathroom to use the toilet and brush her teeth. Her sheer nightgown came down to the top of her hips. The panties that matched the nightgown were just as sheer - a mere two triangles of ultra sheer material, but Gert said that since hardly anyone was up yet they should just run down for a quick breakfast. "She said, "We'll get you dressed for your first dancing routine right after breakfast.

Katya blushed as they walked into the kitchen eating area and the three men were sitting at the table. She put one hand in front of her pussy and the other hand in front of her breasts. Gert told her to put her hands down and act like a lady. Katya hesitated, keeping her hands in front to cover herself.

"Spanking." said Gert.

Katya just stood still, fear on her face. She didn't want to assume the spanking position in front of the men with those sheer panties on.

The room suddenly became quiet as everyone looked at her.

Gregor said something in another language. The men stood up as Gert told her again to assume the position.

Katya immediately assumed the spanking position, feet slightly apart, grasping her ankles. "Too slow." said Gert. The men led her to one of the smaller tables which was completely cleared off. "Should I have the men tie your ankles to the table legs, Katya, and then bend you over the table for a hard spanking? Or would you rather cooperate and bend over on your own?"

"I'll bend over." Katya said quickly. The men released her and she bent over, grasping her ankles. Katya blushed brightly as Gert and the men began patting her bottom; making comments in another language.

"Feet farther apart. Bend over farther." Said Gert roughly. They began to tap harder, sometimes grasping her thigh or buttocks and squeezing. The tapping continued. It didn't hurt but certainly embarrassed her. They were even tapping on her pussy. She twitched whenever someone patted her clitoris.

"Try to stand still, Katya, or we will spank much harder. You must get used to discipline if you are going to be a dancer. Since you keep twitching, I'm going to have to pull your panties down." Gert pulled the girl's panties down to her knees and told her to put her feet even farther apart.

The panties were now stretched tightly between Katya's knees and the three men and Gert continued to spank the girl lightly all over her bottom, thighs, and pussy.

Although Katya tried not to twitch, whenever someone tapped her clitoris, she could not help it. Gert told her to relax and that the light spanking would actually help her relax her muscles so she would be able to lift her legs higher today. The men commented again on her beautiful, trim legs. Katya smiled despite her embarrassment as someone continued to tap her clitoris harder.

Katya began squirming slightly as the relentless tapping and squeezing continued. Hands were grasping her tiny buttocks and pulling her bottom open while someone else continued tapping on her clitoris and stroking up and down her wet slit. The tingly feelings reminded her of the buzzing thing which they massaged her with the night before.

Suddenly they all stopped and Gert told her to pull up her panties. Katya was a bright red when she stood up. "Thank the men for helping you, Katya. And be grateful they didn't spank you hard. You may get some very hard spankings if you don't instantly follow our instructions."

"Yes, Mam." Katya said to Gert.

Katya faced the three men who were still standing, "Thank you for helping me learn good manners. I will try to follow directions now."

The men nodded and sat back down to finish their breakfasts. Gert and Katya sat down and the housekeeper brought their food.

After breakfast Gert helped Katya get ready for her first dancing - photo session. "Your little spanking practice this morning was also to help you get over being shy. You know you will be changing outfits frequently today?"

"Yes, Mam. I like trying on different dancing costumes." She said, getting more excited again.

"Well, today we are going to have some visitors, and you will have to change in the main dancing room. You and the other girls will have to change outfits quickly and sometimes you'll be dancing with only part of the outfit on while the photographers take pictures."

"Other girls? You mean change clothes in front of people?"

"Why yes, of course, Katya. There will be two other girls today. One is much older and the other is just a little older than you. You'll be working closely with them and I'm sure they can teach you a lot." Gert laughed.

Katya laughed, too. Gert hardly ever laughed and this was all so exciting. She wondered about the other girls.

"You will learn to be a better dancer and a good model today. You may need a few spankings, but they won't be too hard. The spankings weren't too hard this morning were they?"

"No. They weren't too hard, but it was embarrassing."

Gert laughed again. "I keep telling you not to be embarrassed about your cute, little body. You are so pretty. I'm sure the photographers will want to get lots of pictures of your pretty legs and figure. And your face is lovely. Let's put on some make-up to accentuate your full lips and blue eyes. Don't be shy in front of the men. You will soon learn to show them your appreciation."

She wore one of her own costumes - a two piece yellow costume, almost like a bikini, with sheer yellow chiffon blousing over her shoulders and under the top piece - almost like a night gown. It was two years old. The stretchy panties fit OK, but the top was especially tight on her and gave her a boyish figure.

They walked into the big dance room hand in hand. Gert was telling her that she had to be especially nice to the patrons who so generously supported their dance troupe. There were about twenty people, mostly in chairs, but the three photographers were around the girl who was dancing in just a top and her ballet shoes. The girl was older than Katya and had blond hair which was coifed into a swirl on top of her head. This made her neck look even more dainty. But was really caught Katya's eye was the bare, bald pussy. The slender girl had bigger breasts than Katya and danced confidently in front of the audience and photographers even without the bottom part of her costume. She did stretches on the bar by the mirror wall as one of the photographers knelt of the floor beside her taking pictures. Katya could clearly see the girl's clitoral ridge down the center of her pussy - exposed each time the girl's legs were apart.

Katya didn't know what to think. Gert led her over to one of the older men who was sitting in a stuffed chair and introduced her quickly, but Katya didn't catch the name. She heard Gert ask him to hold Katya for a little bit while the photographers worked with the other girls. She told him that perhaps Katya might benefit from having her thighs massaged before she danced and that this was her very first day.

Gert said to him, "I'm sure Katya will want to be massaged and relaxed all over, especially since she doesn't want to get a bare bottomed spanking in front of everyone here." She lifted Katya's chin and said quietly to her. "Let him massage you now, Katya. You want to be a good girl, don't you?"

"Yes, Mam." she said meekly, blushing already.

Gert had Katya stand on the seat of the big stuffed chair, with her feet on either side of the older man's lap, facing towards the dance floor and away from the man. She helped her sit down so that she was on her knees straddling his lap and then sat her back to lean against him. He put his hands around her sides to hold her thighs just below her yellow stretch panties which were part of her dancing costume.

The man pulled Katya against him and told Gert that little Katya had such beautiful legs, and he would be glad to help her relax them. Gert reminded Katya to relax and to let him massage her. She explained that this was a normal part of the session today.

The man moved her slightly so that he could see past her right shoulder as he continued to massage her legs from her knees to her panties and back. He moved Katya several times and Katya could feel a hard lump in his trousers. She blushed even more brightly when she realized that the man had an erection and was moving her on purpose to press on it. They watched as another young girl came onto the dance floor. She was the oldest of the three of today's dancers and had on a two-piece dancing outfit. The top and bottom were both pale blue with a sheer skirt and over blouse.

As the two girls began to dance together, the man began massaging Katya's tummy and chest. Katya didn't know what to do so she just held still. She was mesmerized by the massaging and by watching the two girls kiss! The man kept moving Katya back and forth with his hands until she started moving on her own - like squirming her hips and pressing against him. When she began squirming on the man's lap, he whispered in her ear, "That's it. Keep squirming around, Honey." He was speaking Russian, but had a strange accent.

They watched the girls while they danced and kissed and got into such a variety of positions. The younger of the two dancers took the bottoms off the older dancer. Both girls continued to dance bottomless, and neither had any pubic hair which surprised Katya. While the girls were dancing they often touched each other's pussies or breasts as if it was a natural part of their dancing.

The man was now massaging Katya's panties now, too; pressing hard and moving his fingers. She noticed that some of the men and women were watching him massage her, and got very self conscious and stopped moving around on his lap. His big hands grasped her hips and moved her back and forth, so she started squirming around again. It was embarrassing, but the way he was massaging her felt good.

Then a man pulled a folding chair up right next to them and boldly stared at Katya while she was being massaged. She turned a bright red, but she didn't dare stop moving. She watched the dancers while the man continued to massage her breasts and pussy - rubbing from her shoulders to her knees.

Katya let them watch her while she looked back at the dancers. They were touching each other all over. It was as if they were doing the same thing the man was doing to her - massaging her breasts and thighs. Then the older girl knelt down and began touching the younger one between the legs while kissing her tummy.

Katya was beginning to squirm around on the man's lap even harder. She sucked in her breath as his fingers thrust under her panties and began to massage her bare, and pulled-open clit.

She was startled as Inga clapped her hands. "OK, girls. Time for our next outfits. You two change while we watch Katya dance for a few minutes.

Katya felt wobbly as the photographers posed her in various dancing positions. The audience was focused on the very wet dark center of Katya's yellow panties. She was not aware of how wet she was, because she was trying to concentrate on her poses - such extreme poses.

She noticed the other two girls changing their tops with the help of several patrons. Most of the people were watching Katya dance and pose, but some were massaging the other girls or helping them try on different tops.

Inga clapped her hands and suggested a fifteen minute break while the girls got on their next outfits. Everyone milled around while Inga came over to Katya and removed the panties. People gathered around as Inga pulled them down. Katya put her hands in front of her pussy, since there were several men standing around her.

"Katya!" Inga snapped. "Assume the position! You must cooperate with your training."

"But the men..."

"Now. Don't argue or the spankings will be very hard."

Katya stepped out of the panties and bent over as she was told. To her surprise, Inga just patted her bottom and told her to stand back up. "Will you behave yourself, Young Lady, or do you need a spanking in front of all these patrons?"

"I'm sorry." She said softly, "I'll behave myself."

"Good. Then just meet some of the patrons now. They want to meet you. Some may ask you to dance for them or have you stand in certain poses for them. Just do whatever they ask."

"Yes, Mam." Katya said, now grateful that she wasn't going to get a public spanking. She noticed the other two girls mingling and they seemed non-chalant about walking around in the group without panties on. She saw one of the patrons pat the younger girl on her bottom and tell her what an excellent dancer she was. Katya noticed Inga handing the bottoms of her yellow dancing costume to the man who had been holding her on his lap.

Several men and a woman walked Katya over to the stretching bar and asked her to do stretches for them. They all liked to feel her long, slim legs as she held her foot on the bar. When one of the women felt her open pussy she wasn't sure what to do, so she just pretended not to notice it as the lady continued to feel and stroke along her slit. After all, the lady wasn't pushing her finger into her. She was telling Katya that she had such graceful lines and such exquisite muscle tone.

Then the lady whispered in her ear, "I would like to help you relax more later on, after this photo session is over. Would you like that?" As the woman asked her the question, she squeezed Katya's clit and moved it back and forth, pulling it outwards.

Katya maintained her position with one foot up on the bar. She knew her face was a bright red. "Yes, Mam." She replied. "I would like that."

"Good." The woman said, with a pat to Katya's now erect clit. "I used to be a dancer many years ago. I know how important it is to be nice to the patrons of the arts. Perhaps a private session - just us girls."

"Yes, Mam. But what girls do you mean?"

"The three of you dancing girls. Or maybe just you and one of them. Do either of them appeal to you more?" She was quiet a moment. Her hand stopped moving, simply pressing against Katya's pussy. Then she reached some decision and said, "Which one would you like to dance with? Remember - the way they were dancing before?" Her finger began stroking the center of Katya's pussy again.

Katya turned even redder. "I don't know either of them. Maybe I could dance for you by myself."

"No. I want to have two of you at the same time. We will dance and play games. I will help you both relax. You will enjoy it, Katya. You are so sweet and pretty."

"Well, then, either one you choose would be fine." The men were listening intently. Katya was very self-conscious.

"No." The woman said again. "You must choose one of them. Which one would you rather dance with?"

"Umm..." Katya hesitated, unsure of which one to choose. They were both pretty. Katya knew this was more than just dancing. What they were doing was much more sexual than just plain dancing. It excited her to watch them dance and touch each other and she wondered which one she would rather touch.

The lady interrupted her thoughts, saying, "Katya! Decide or I will spank you."

"The younger one." Said Katya quickly. The other adults around Katya and the woman went over to the buffet table which was just being set up along the side of the room, leaving them alone.

"Why? Why do you want Ursula?"

Katya said, "Because she was the first girl I saw, and I liked the way she danced. She looks younger than the other girl."

"Very well. I'll get Ursula. We'll have a good time later on." The woman chuckled mischievously and put a finger up Katya's vagina. "Hold your position, Dear!" she said. Katya remained still with one foot up on the practice bar.

The woman put her finger in and out three more times as she said what a good time they would have later on.

Katya was relieved to see Inga walk over to them. She expected the woman to pull her finger out and let her stand back up, but instead she slid it all the way in as Inga reached them.

Inga said, "So Katya, you picked Ursula. Very good. I'm sure you'll have a good time. Did you know Mrs. Vlatska used to be a dancer?"

"Yes, Mam. She told me. I'm doing stretching exercises for her." Katya said to show Inga how cooperative she was being.

"Very good, Katya. I see you catch on quickly. Yes, I believe you will soon be able to please all of our patrons. Excellent."

They had Katya stand up straight and the three women walked over to the buffet table to join the others. She was tingling with excitement, very aware of her stimulated pussy. She noticed that the other two girls were not in the room.

While Katya was getting a plate of food, Someone whispered something to Inga. Inga led Katya over to the end of the table and gave her another two piece costume to change into.

She quickly put on the bottoms and then Inga helped her off with the top of her own costume. Inga had he stand up tall to show the men and women nearby that she was indeed developing breasts. One of the men wanted to check the muscle tone in her chest a moment.

Several others watched while he examined her chest with both hands until he proclaimed that she seemed to have excellent muscle tone in her tangerine sized breasts. Everyone smiled, and so did Katya. This was exciting in a different way than just dancing but she was still glad that everyone wanted to pay so much attention to her.

The moment she put the top of the new dancing costume on the door opened from the foyer and another woman and her young son came in. A servant helped them off with their overcoats. The boy was about Inga's age. Inga felt herself blush again.

Gert came over and let Katya out on the floor as the patrons took their food and drink and sat down around the perimeter of the dance floor opposite the mirrored wall with the practice bar.

Music from her last recital began playing, but it was a different arrangement. Katya did her five minute routine and was applauded by the audience. Her burgundy, long-sleeved leotard camisole top barely showed signs of perspiration when she was finished. The bottom piece showed more moisture between her legs.

Inga introduced the smiling Katya to Mrs. Bordeaux and her son, Henri. "Henri is the same age as you, Katya. He enjoyed your dancing so much that he offered to help us with your training. Isn't that nice?"

"Yes, Mam." Katya said quietly to the floor, unsure of what she meant by 'training.'

"Right now I'm going to take you in the other room for a relaxation and special stretching treatment while most of our patrons watch Ursula and Natasha dance. Come with me, Katya." She led the girl upstairs to a different part of the large house. Katya wondered what was in all the other rooms. Two of the women patrons went with them.

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