Taking Lisa to the Club

[ MF/g, anal, finger, oral, spank ]

by Corn53


Published: 11-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

I'll never forget the times I took Lisa to the Social Club outside Chicago. It was so much fun. The first Saturday we went she just watched, but the next weekend - well, she was eager to be more "social." Let me tell you about it.

On our first visit she watched quietly and talked with a few people. I was worried when Ruth sat down beside us, but Lisa didn't seem to mind the older woman's attention. Lisa kept asking her questions, and to my delight Ruth explained the importance of being honest and forthright with your spouse or lover. "Just because other people touch you or if you touch other people, it doesn't mean you don't love each other. On the contrary," she said, "It means you want the other person to have enhanced pleasure; and to feel that they are attractive to the opposite sex. " She gave a very positive argument for both swinging and honesty. Luckily, Ruth didn't try to touch Lisa that first night. She was being nobly patient. I think we were both worried that any girl-girl overtures might scare her.

When Ruth said she wanted to show Lisa around the club I had to laugh. What an odd couple. Lisa is almost five feet eight, and with her heels on, five ten, much taller and younger than Ruth. But Ruth looks good for her age and claims she'll never have gray hair. She keeps slim and works out at least three times a week. People guess her for forty even though she is ten years older than me. She led Lisa around by the hand to show her some of the special areas, and to meet a few of her friends.

Later, Ruth winked at me when Lisa went to the bathroom, as if to say, "I'll wait, Albert." I think Ruth likes younger women as much as I do. Lisa enjoyed watching other couples play spanking or bondage games and even making love. She seemed enthralled watching a woman with two men at the same time. Her first visit brought out the voyeur in her. I was hoping our next visit would awaken the exhibitionist in her. She liked to dress sexy before we ever met, so I figured she had a latent teasing sexuality. Before we left that first night at two AM, Lisa was holding hands with Ruth, just chatting away. Lisa didn't seem disturbed in the slightest when Ruth kissed her good-bye on the lips.

The next Saturday we got to the club a little after nine, showed our membership cards, paid the twenty dollars per couple fee, and went in. The fee is the same for singles or couples and covers food and soft drinks, so it's kind of like Ladies Night every night. We put the proper codes on our nametags and went in. Everyone wears a nametag for the first few hours. The codes indicate things like: "with someone tonight," "bi" (for women), "single man," "available," etc. Some of the members even write other clues on their name tags, like "may need spanking later." Lisa's nametag said "Barb" and indicated she was "bi" but with a boyfriend. It surprised me when she put a blue stick-on dot on her nametag, meaning she was "bi." When she noticed me looking at it, she said, "This is to surprise Ruth if she's here tonight."

"She'll be glad to see that, I bet!" I laughed and kissed her cheek.

We went to the same table where we were sitting the week before. Ruth came over to join us. Ruth noticed the blue dot immediately and kissed Lisa on the mouth. She watched me help Lisa off with her full-length, leather coat as if she was watching me open a Christmas present. Lisa smiled when Ruth came over, like she was anxious to show her how sexy she looked tonight. Last week Ruth had pointed out other women in very short skirts, or pantiless members who accidentally offered beaver shots to other members in the early part of the evening. Lisa got the hint, but still she seemed a little self-conscious in her short, white satin skirt and sheer, silk black blouse - much less modest than the previous week. She wasn't wearing a bra so her pale breasts glowed through the thin material. The time she spent in tanning booths made her relatively pale, baseball-size, firm breasts almost glow in the dark. She was wearing high heels and lacy ankle socks after we decided that she would probably get runners in her hose if she wore a garter belt and stockings, and pantyhose would be a bother. Lisa had not had any children yet, and at twenty-seven was one of the younger women at the club. I was proud to be her date.

Lisa wanted to tour the club again, and I started to go with her, but Ruth suggested I let her wander around by herself. Lisa thought that was a good idea and kissed each of us good-bye and went off to wander around the club alone, leaving me to talk with Ruth.

"How did you two meet, Al? She's lovely."

I lifted my eyebrows, "Are you insinuating the other dates I brought here over the years were not as lovely?" I chuckled. "OK, the last one wasn't. But that was three years ago, I think. Barb is the first 'nice girl' I've brought here. We met at a party at a friend's house about five months ago."

"How did you get her to come here with you, Al?" She emphasized the word "did."

"We had such great sex right from our second date. Lisa, I mean Barb, liked to tease me by saying she liked "older men" and complained about already being middle age when she turned twenty-seven last fall. Since I was just a few years shy of forty, I called her 'the kid.' I think she wanted to prove to me that she wasn't a kid anymore. Well, that's part of the reason. I think she likes knowing that men find her attractive."

Ruth winked at me. "Women find her attractive, too."

I continued my story, "She had been reluctant to let me tie her up or blindfold her for the first month, but then she started enjoying some of the role-playing games I introduced her to. I challenged her to be an "actress" and told her she shouldn't feel guilty for anything she enjoyed, because she was just playing a role. I liked to tie her in different positions and then finger her, or tickle her with a vibrator, even lick her between the legs. She loves it when I eat her."

Ruth nodded approval at that, and I'm sure she had a very vivid picture in her mine. And I probably wasn't in her picture.

I said, "We had been dating about two months before I even broached the subject about having others watch us. Sometimes I would make up stories about her being a bad, little schoolgirl who was caught cheating and has to get a spanking from the principal in front of some of the teachers and even a few of the other cheaters... I tied her over a table, blindfolded her, and cut her panties off with a scissors - telling her that four other students came in to watch her punishment but she wouldn't know who was watching. I tied her feet to the table legs so her legs were spread open. I could see she was getting wet as I kept talking and lightly spanking her. I pulled her ass wide open to show the other pretend students - boys and girls - her wet vagina as part of her embarrassment treatment. I even pretended to let some of the other imaginary students spank or finger her, too.

"But still she said she didn't want other people to see her naked. She said she didn't like the idea of having anyone, '...especially anyone I know' watch us play sex games. I just let the idea percolate in her mind for a few weeks. She brought it up again a few weeks ago and said that while she was tied up and blindfolded and I was spanking, fingering, and vibrating her, that she pretended strangers were watching us.

I invited two friends over one night to watch us have sex while she was blindfolded. At first she seemed reluctant to perform, but then got into it, and wanted me to do everything imaginable to her. She even felt their penises to make sure it was two guys watching us like I said. She wanted them to pinch her nipples while I fucked her. Then she let me shoot all over her blindfolded face and into her mouth. My two buddies left before she took the blindfold off and I never told her who was watching.

"The next week I had the courage to mention the club, but was still unsure what her reaction would be. I told her I had been a member for about ten years, but only went once in a while. I explained the safeguards to her before we came last week. We agreed to keep our identities secret, which is why we put 'Barb' on her nametag. I explained to Lisa, I mean 'Barb,' that we could not mention anyone's name outside the club even if we did happen to know someone. We just watched last week, and talked to a few members besides you. But I think this weekend she is ready to enjoy the experience. I have an idea for later."

"I have some ideas for later, too." Ruth chuckled. "We'll, I'll help keep an eye on her, too, if that will help you relax. I notice you keep looking around for her."

"You're right. I've got to loosen up a little. Trust her."

A few minutes later Lisa came back in the main party room with another couple she had been talking to last Saturday. It was Mark and Donna. Donna's skirt was almost as short as Lisa's. It looked like they were both in their early forties.

There must have been about thirty couples at the club that weekend of our second visit, and maybe another fifteen to twenty singles - mostly men. The single men were known as "polite customers." That means they had the approval of the management because they usually brought a girl with them and they didn't cause any trouble. So, it wasn't real crowded. Maybe the snow kept some members from coming. The private club status gave us enough security to play various games without worrying about cops, fights, people taking pictures, or anyone trying to touch either of us without permission. Everyone was registered as a member and had sworn they were not affiliated with any type of police agency. The other rules were just common sense, but they were strictly enforced. For example: nobody was allowed to touch someone else without explicit permission unless it was part of a game, which was controlled and supervised. No extra hard spankings, or overlarge insertions, or even touching were allowed without prior permission. And of course safe sex was mandatory. No gay men were allowed to be members, but I suspect there were some who went both ways. Lesbians were welcomed, as long as they didn't mind men watching them. There were a few who loved showing off - like a private joke to get men excited while they played with the man's girlfriend.

At eleven the manager locked the doors so no other members or guests would be allowed in. This was another of the strict rules - the eleven o'clock door locking. Of course, people could leave at anytime. In the big party room where we were sitting there was a Karoke contest going on. In the opposite corner the Euchre players were trying to bid above the singers. Several couples were milling around the private-stock bar and buffet table. It was strictly a BYO club. Every bottle was labeled with the member's name taped on it. However, it seemed like less than half of the members drank anything besides the free soft drinks. I don't remember anyone getting drunk and obnoxious.

Lisa and I wandered around for a while. The three people in the hot tub were still wearing their swimming suits. One energetic couple was playing bondage games in the dungeon room. Most of the special playrooms had a window space for those who wanted to watch. Last weekend we had watched that same women and several others do a striptease contest. I almost thought Lisa was going to join them, but she didn't. Anyway, we recognized about half the people from the week before.

I decided to explain my contest idea to the other couples in the pool table room. I had already talked it over with one of the owners. He helped me bring in the bags of props. The pool table room was near the windowed bedrooms and smaller dungeon. As usual there were members milling around or looking in the windows to see what other couples, or groups were doing.

All the rooms had windows so that anyone could watch what was going on, but of course, nobody could go into one of the small rooms without permission of whoever was in there first. This club had a no-gay policy, which I found comforting during some of the games. Lesbians were welcomed, I guess because the management wanted more women. Lots of men like to watch that sort of thing. I'm not homo-phobic or anything, but I didn't think I would ever want a same-gender finger up my you-know-what.

Anyway, this is what I said to the people sitting near us: "We're hoping to play the 'Tightest-hole Contest" in a little while if we can find three or four other women besides Barb who want to be in the contest. (We agreed I would call her 'Barb' and not Lisa while we were in the club.) The first place prize for each hole is a bottle of wine. Want to help me see if anybody is interested." I stood, and pulled Lisa up by her hand. He skirt was almost as short as a tennis skirt, and we had discussed how to present my idea to the group. She kept asking me about things since our first visit to the club a week ago. She especially wanted to make sure I wouldn't be upset about other guys touching her, but I kept reassuring her that I wasn't the possessive or jealous type. I told her the thought of seeing other guys touch her excited me, too.

I patted Lisa on the back of her skirt. "So, help me see if any girls beside Barb want to be in the contest."

"How does it work, Al? I mean what do the contestants have to do?" asked Margie, Tom's date, and a new member tonight. She was about thirty-five and slender. Margie was cute, with short, blond hair, but she smoked constantly. Her skirt was extremely short too, and didn't even cover the tops of her thigh-high hose.

About a dozen people were listening closely now. Lisa had already agreed to participate and I could tell she was excited in anticipation - to the point of offering to let me give a demonstration to the group if necessary. The other men were watching her closely while I explained our game.

I said, "Well, we need to get at least four or five women to volunteer. The volunteer judges must leave the room, but spectators may stay - but then can't be a judge in our contest. Men or women can be judges. So, everybody, except me and the contestants and anyone who doesn't want to be a judge, will leave the room for a few minutes while the girls undress and get on their hands and knees on the pool table. Each of the contestants will undress and put one of these baggy skirts on and then get on her hands and knees on the pool table. We'll have up to four contestants on each side, so they will have room to put their knees apart. Then I'll cover them with a sheet so only their asses and legs are uncovered. The skirts will hang down so that we can't recognize anybody from her tits. They will be barefoot, too.

So, the girls will be on their hands and knees with their knees wide apart, asses toward the judges. Then the judges will come in and look over the contestants. Each judge will get a new rubber glove for each of the contestants. The judges and observers may squeeze, jiggle, or pull open the fannies, but no insertions are allowed until the judges put their gloves on. The skirts and the sheets over the contestant's heads and shoulders will prevent most people from knowing who is who. The girls will tell me if they want to be in the 'tightness contest' with both holes or just her vagina. I'll put a number on each ass with this removable marker, and if a girl wants both holes entered in the contest, I'll put a little 'B' next to her number to stand for 'both.'"

Tom said, "Or, 'B' could stand for 'butt.'"

We all laughed a moment as the interest continued to build. Two more couples and several of the singles were listening as I continued. "After we all circle around the table to get a good look at the contestants - making them wait in anticipation while we look - then a judge will stand behind each contestant and put on a fresh glove. A number will be marked on the girl's right fanny cheek. Then the judges will put on gloves and do ten slow insertions into the contestant's vagina. Lubrication will be available if needed. I'm the moderator, and will also be one of the judges, if I can find one of the spectators to hold the clipboard and write down the scores.

"After the ten vaginal insertions, the judge will whisper a score from one to ten to the scorekeeper, with one being the tightest, and five being about average. Ten would be like you could get a wine bottle in. Anyway, the scorekeeper will write down the vaginal scores on my scorecard. Next, we judges will get more lubricant and do the same thing for the anal contest - just on those contestants who want to compete. If you are judging one of the contestants who only wants to be in the tightest vagina contest, then you can stroke her clit while the other judges proceed with the anal judging, but don't finger her vagina, because that might stretch it out more. We'll have two separate winners and everybody else will be considered tied for 'runner up' in each contest. I have prizes for the other contestants, too. Then we will all move one ass to the left - clockwise around the pool table, until each of the first panel of judges has judged each of the contestants. Then we'll let the next batch of judges have their turn."

I looked around at the group, who was listening attentively, "And we can't make any derogatory comments about anyone's ass, because every participant is to be applauded." The group nodded in agreement. That was another thing I liked about the club. We respected one another's differences - body styles, ages, and preferences.

One of the men, who was practically staring at Lisa's short skirt and slim legs, asked, "Are you going to compete in both categories, Barb?"

"Yes. And it doesn't matter if I win or not. I hope you want to be one of the judges. That's part of the excitement for me - not knowing who is judging me. Just please be gentle and don't be in a rush." She looked down at the floor before she finished answering his question. Her neck and face had a pink glow. She was blushing brightly.

The man laughed, "I want to be a judge all right. I'm looking forward to it. I especially want to judge you."

Lisa blushed even brighter, but she was smiling. She could hardly stand still. "I'm glad." She said to the floor.

I smiled, too, and continued, "And we'll have as many judges as there are contestants working at the same time. This way everybody who wants to judge will get a chance, even if it takes a few rounds of judging."

One of the women asked, "So all of us who want to will be allowed to be judges?"

I turned to Lisa, "Sure. That's OK. Men or women. Right, Barb?"

She blushed, "Um, I guess if each judge has on a glove then I guess whoever wants to be a judge is OK. Like it's just fingers. I probably won't be able to tell if it's a man or woman judging me." She was looking at the floor as she finished talking. Lisa was genuinely embarrassed, and I could tell she was still wondering about having women judges pushing their fingers in her vagina or anus. Lisa was looking at the floor. I noticed Ruth smiling.

I looked at the 2 dozen people standing nearby, "Well, anybody who wants to be a judge can be one, but he or she will have to judge all of the contestants. I'll start setting up the table, putting a blanket on it and so forth. Any girl who wants to be a contestant - just give me your panties."

We all watched as Lisa, still looking at the floor, bent slightly at the waist and reached both hands under her short skirt and pulled down her silky white panties. She stepped out of them and handed them to me. Her face was bright pink.

The man she had been talking to said, "I bet you had on two pairs of panties, didn't you, Barb?" He laughed.

"Show him." I said, "Meanwhile, we'll need some more contestants if we're going to have an interesting contest."

Lisa lifted the front of her skirt, revealing her tiny bush just above her shaved pussy. She said, "See? I'm ready for the contest."

While I started spreading a blanket over the pool table, several other women pulled off their panties and handed them to me. Other women were discussing the contest with their dates. Before long I had seven pairs of panties and another woman contestant who said she didn't have on panties, but wanted to be in the contest.

The pool table room was full. There were eight women who wanted to be contestants. I said I had remeasured the pool table and figured we could get all eight contestants onto the pool table at once, but they just couldn't put their knees as far apart. About thirty people wanted to be judges. I sent everyone out to the restrooms to wash hands and freshen up before the contest started.

One of the club owners, several "assistants," and the eight contestants stayed in the room with me, while everyone else filed out. The contestants stripped off their skirts. I stowed these under the pool table and handed each of the contestants one of the large, pleated skirts which I had picked up at thrift stores in anticipation of this big event.

The club owner pulled over a chair and we helped each of the women get into position on the table. We used safety pins on the skirts to keep them up in the back. The loose skirts and a few towels enabled us to get all boobs hidden from sight. No sense giving away identities. I cautioned the contestants to refrain from talking unless someone was hurting them. Once the skirts were pinned in place I put sheets over the women so that we couldn't see anything except their feet, legs, and asses. I knew they could see each other, so I told them to close their eyes so nobody would start giggling once the contest started. Gary, one of the club owners, and I went around the perimeter of the table, arranging knees so that all the women could get their legs as far open as possible without making anyone else close her legs.

Gary winked at me as we tested a few of the vaginas, washing our hands on a wet, soapy towel between contestants. This was going to be a contest to remember. Gary took a picture of each contestant, even though photography was normally forbidden in his club. He said, "Since there are no faces, I guess it's OK to get some shots before we start." The asses were on eye level and he predicted the judges would enjoy the contest as much as the contestants.

While I was numbering the asses from one to ten, and writing a "B" on the six who wanted to enter both contests, I said, "Try getting on your elbows and knees now girls. Maybe that would help open you a little more for the contest." Gary was still getting pictures. "What do you think, Gary. Want the contestants on their hands and knees - or elbows and knees?" I had the girls assume both positions again.

Finally he said, "As long as they are all the same it should be fair. Let's try elbows and knees so the judges will have better access. Try to arch your backs a little, girls, so your pussies and asses will open a little wider." He patted the girl he was standing behind. "That's it. Let me double check each of you."

"Good idea." I said. "Arch those backs and try to stick your butts out. Remember, girls, no talking. Keep your eyes closed. We'll get started as soon as everyone gets a chance to look at all of you. You look great!"

Gary invited the judges and spectators back into the room. Everyone was anxious to get started. It looked like it would take a few rounds since there were eight contestants and at least thirty men and women who wanted to be judges, including Ruth. Gary and I were going to be judges in the first round. My clipboard was ready to go with each contestant's number, and I handed it to one of the members who volunteered to keep score. If a contestant was going to be in both main parts of the contestant, I allowed two columns for her scores.

Everyone milled around the table full of contestants - touching, kneading, and stroking - but not inserting. It was obvious that the quiet contestants were excited, because the pussies were glistening. The judges and audience noticed this, too, although nobody commented on the visible wetness. Several members were pointing out the ones that were especially wet. I reminded everyone to refrain from making comments about any particular contestant, but said they could talk about things in general. Gary turned down the music as we got ready to start. There was a quiet murmur throughout the room as everyone got a chance to circle the table and pat each contestant as a token of good luck. The contestants were squirming as if struggling to remain still.

At my signal Gary turned off the sound system and the room got quiet. I don't remember ever hearing it that quiet before. I said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to begin the tightest ass and tightest pussy contests in just a minute. I want to remind the contestants to keep their eyes closed and not talk. I want to remind you judges, and the audience to be considerate of our gracious contestants. We'll begin by having each judge put on one of the rubber gloves which I have placed between the contestant's knees on the table. There should be plenty of gloves for everyone who wants to be a judge. We'll start when I say go, and I will count the first few strokes. There is a volunteer on each side of the table with a tube of lubricant, so if the pussy or anus feels like it's getting dry, just hold up your finger for more lubricant. But right now it looks like we won't need any because I think the contestants are already wet enough for the first round."

The group chuckled nervously when I stated the obvious. Each of the judges had a glove on his right hand, except for Tom, the left hander. My right hand was gloved and I was standing behind Lisa. I was surprised that none of the women were acting as judges in the first round. Then I realized that the men had probably elbowed their way to the edge of the table and that the women were quietly waiting their turns.

"I will count out the first five insertions slowly. After that you may go at your own pace. You don't need to pull your finger completely out each time. After completing the vaginal judging, hold up your gloved finger for lubricant. Make sure you use plenty, especially during this first round. They will get slicked up as the contest goes on, but use lots of it at first. Now, if the girl you are judging does not have a 'B' on her cheek, then tickle her clit but don't finger her vagina. Just stroke her clit while the other contestants are getting their asses judged. I suppose it's OK to gently pinch and rub her clit while you're waiting. What do you think, Gary?"

He said, "We can leave that up to the contestant. If she puts her knees together, then don't rub her clit. But if she leaves her knees apart after the first ten complete insertions, then it's fine to finger, rub, or pinch gently. Girls, if that sounds fair, just wiggle your asses a minute."

The contestants seemed glad for a chance to express themselves because they all wiggled their asses vigorously. "Very good." Said Gary. "So if a girl who isn't getting her butt fingered, puts her knees together, then don't play with her clit. Otherwise, go ahead and stroke her for a minute."

I took over again, "Contestants, it is OK for you to try to squeeze yourself as tight as you can so that you'll feel even tighter to the judges. Maybe you could even try to squeeze when the judge's finger is in you all the way, like to show him that you have internal muscle control. We'll wipe off any excess lubricant between rounds." I looked at the crowd again. Everyone was watching the gloved hands and the line of bare asses.

"Let's go. One." I said. Each judge inserted a gloved finger.

"Two." I said about ten seconds later. "Push in all the way."

I continued counting to five and told them to proceed at their own pace.

We held out our gloved fingers and got big dollops of lubricant to slick up each anus. I reminded the girls to relax their butts while we lubed them, so that we could get plenty of it inside their tight, little holes. "OK. You can tighten up now, Girls. One."

Gary had put on some oldies, which were playing softly in the background. The crowd was still exceptionally quiet as we each stepped one ass to the left, put on a clean glove, and started again. By the third switch it was time for me to walk around to the other side of the table. Then I noticed that the man who had been flirting with Lisa was standing right behind her now. He bent over and kissed her fanny cheek before the first insertion. I was momentarily upset, but then smiled at him as he looked up. It was kind of funny. Just to let him know I wasn't mad I winked at him like we were tricking Lisa. When we were on stroke number nine, I said we should start over, because I needed more lubricant. "Everybody get a little more lubricant. Let's start this round over. Do a few more practice strokes - some fast and some slow - and make sure your contestant is good and wet. Give the contestant a couple gentle pinches on her clit when you're ready. Wiggle your asses, girls, if you're enjoying the contest, too."

Lisa wiggled her ass, almost too much, I thought.

Eventually we were finished with the first round and the new line of judges began stepping up behind the contestants. I said, "Let's let all the women who want to help out as judges step up. If there are any open positions, then some of the men can step forward. Since several more people were in the room now, who were otherwise occupied at the start of the contest, I figured we would need four rounds so that everyone would have a chance to be a judge at least once. I calculated that each contestant would get at least 20 strokes per judge - time forty judges. Some of the contestants would probably start having orgasms pretty soon.

"OK. It looks like we have five women and three men judges this round." And we got started.

Even with lady judges, I noticed some of the contestants were moaning. I was glad to see that the contestants were open-minded about whoever was judging them. Ruth winked at me while she was judging Lisa. I had the distinct feeling that Ruth wanted to spend more time with my date, but I didn't think I could suggest that yet. Maybe sometime Ruth could help me give Lisa a private spanking. Especially if I had Lisa tied and blindfolded before the next "assistants" came into my apartment.

During the fourth round we only had six new judges, so several people volunteered to act as judge again.

When the contest was over, everyone clapped for the contestants. Gary and I wiped off their asses and pussies with clean, wet towels, then took off the sheet. The judges and audience helped the contestants off the table one at a time. As the girls got down, Gary introduced them to the audience. "Number five here is Marcia." Everyone clapped for Marcia.

Marcia pretended to fan her pussy with her hand. She said, "It is so hot! I'll need to go cool it off." We laughed.

The girls unpinned the skirts and took them off, throwing them in a pile in the middle of the pool table. The contestants were smiling and enjoying the attention as they climbed down. Gary suggested that the contestants leave their skirts and panties off. "I'm sure everyone will want to tell you how much they enjoyed judging you. Thanks for being such good sports. You will each get a certificate for three free visits to the club."

Most of the girls put their shoes back on. With only their silk blouses or knit tops - and bare bottoms - the look was striking.

Lisa wanted to put her short skirt back on, but I stalled for a while, to let people congratulate her on being a contestant. Several men came up to her and told her that she could probably win both contests if that was allowed. They said they would love to push their fingers - or anything else - into her again sometime. She smiled and said, "Thank you, and maybe you can. Just not tonight. I need to rest and calm down. But thanks for judging me."

The man who had been teasing Lisa before the contest was standing beside her as I went over to help tally up the scores. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but it made her laugh and blush at the same time.

Two other men came over to congratulate her on doing such a good job. They were patting her on her number and I think they were telling her that she was a good sport for competing in both categories. Although they were joking around, it still took me by surprise when she patted one of the men on his bottom.

I looked around the room, which was still thinning out, and noticed that several more people were partially undressed now besides the contestants. Gary wanted to take the tally sheets out to the main room, so I walked out with him. First, I went over beside Lisa and tried to show that I meant it about not being the jealous type. "Honey, if these gentlemen enjoyed seeing you, it would only be fair if they let you see them." I looked at the man who had just walked over to her. His nametag said, "Steve." I said, "Don't you think that would be fair, Steve? If she got to touch the three of you?"

The three men brightened. They thought it would be a great idea. Lisa looked at me to see if I was just joking or if I meant it.

Several other women who had not been contestants took their skirts off too. I looked back at Lisa, she was telling the man that he should take his pants off. I felt like a voyeur watching her from across the crowded room - just glimpses. She was enjoying herself, getting lots of compliments, laughing. Evidently her suggestion for the men was well received. They must have told her that she should take off their pants if she wanted to see them, because she was unbuckling Steve's pants as I left the room.

I only stayed out in the other room for a few minutes and then told Gary I had to go back and clean off the pool table, so I could bag up the skirts and sheets. He reminded me to put all the used rubber gloves in a trashcan.

Lisa was sitting on a folding chair with the three men standing around her with their stiff penises about shoulder height. Lisa was laughing and playing "eneey-meenie-miney-moe" with their dicks. It struck me funny that she was too shy to consider such a thing just a few weeks earlier, and now she was pulling the dicks down one at a time and watching them spring back up - waving at her face. Sometimes she leaned forward in her chair and rubbed one of the dicks against her blouse - pressing it into her breast. She laughed each time she flipped one down and let it go.

I walked over to her again. She started to get up, but I said, "Hey, it looks like you might be able to think up another impromptu game, Barb." I laughed, "Why don't you try to keep them all moving at once. Just stroke each one a few times and then flip it down so it springs up, and then go to the other ones. The men could try to stand perfectly still while you stroke them."

She looked at me to make sure I wasn't getting mad or jealous. I said, "I don't mind, Honey. I'm glad to see you enjoying the playground, so to speak. I bet you ten dollars for each of your contestants that you can't get them to cum using your hands." Each of the men smiled when I made the dare.

Another man walked over to our small group. About half the crowd had gone out to the buffet table and bar in the other big room. Lisa nodded like she would like to try it. She was stroking two dicks at the same time. "It's easier with my right hand, Al. Like I can stroke faster. Are you sure you don't mind if I try it? Do you guys want me to try it?"

They all said, "yes," at the same time I said, "No, I don't mind a bit. You didn't mind when I was judging all those other contestants, so I won't mind if you try to stroke a few other guys. Hands only, though!" I laughed. Then I added, "I bet ten dollars for any of them you get to shoot." The other men echoed my challenge, encouraging her to keep up her noble efforts.

She continued to stroke, and asked me again if I meant that I would give her ten dollars for each man she make cum. Several other people came over to watch as she continued to stroke her three "contestants." I think it embarrassed her as people gathered around to watch her because she stopped - much to our disappointment. "Maybe later." She said to the men as she shook each penis politely good-bye. She stood up. Lisa took my hand, and I led her into the other room to get something to drink.

As we walked several people patted Lisa's bottom and congratulated her for being a contestant. We noticed that each of the fingering contestants had become somewhat of a celebrity; people toasting and complimenting them, patting them on the numbers written on their fannies.

"Did that feel good, Honey?" I asked.

"Do you mean the fingering contest, or stroking those guys?" She poked me in the side. "Just remember, I like you, Al, and I'm not trying to get laid by somebody else. I wanted to see if you really did get turned on by knowing that other guys wanted to touch me."

I said, "I know you like me, Honey. But thanks for the reassurance. I really don't mind if you want to stroke somebody..." I paused. "...especially if you let me watch, and if I know I'm the only one who's going to fuck you tonight. If you want to get fingered in private by any other men or women here, I'll understand. The thought of it excites me. And remember: ten dollars each." I laughed.

She kissed me. "Thanks for bringing me, Al. I feel kind of dirty or naughty or something, but also tingly. I must have cum about six times. I don't know if it was from the fingering, or from knowing all those people were looking at me. I felt like my bare ass and pussy were on public display; that everybody was watching me cum. I tried my best to stay quiet, but I still think they could tell I was cumming while they fingered me."

"Well, don't feel dirty, Honey. I was right here with you. We're just playing. Remember? So you did a great job of pretending you enjoyed it. And my theory is that both the fingering and the getting looked at helped you cum."

"But did it upset you when I was touching those other men?"

I handed her a soft drink - lots of ice, the way she likes it - and said, "No, not really. It was kind of cute. They sure liked it. In fact, I mean it about the bet. Like if you get any of those men to cum. Maybe we could find you a more private setting later and we could see if you could do it; get them to cum. I didn't get upset when all those other men - oh, yes, and other women - were fingering you. It felt good to you, didn't it?"

She took a sip and thought for a minute. She flipped her blondish, shoulder length hair over to the side, and told me that it felt very good.

About half an hour later, she put her skirt back on before Gary announced the winners. Gary had all eight contestants stand in a line facing away from the crowd. "Bend over, girls, so we can see you numbers." The girls did that and the applause seemed very boisterous. Gary reminded them that each of them were winners and that it was a very TIGHT contest." He laughed at his own joke. Then he announced the winners and had them stand up and face the group. One of the members suggested a rematch.

Lisa didn't win either contest and applauded the two women who each won a bottle of wine. I had already told her that she would have won, but I didn't think it would be fair since I was the main judge. She kissed me and said, "It's OK. It will make a couple of the other women feel good." She laughed again, "I mean, I bet they all felt good anyway, but it will make them feel younger or more attractive or something. And besides, I have been getting plenty of attention. Everybody's been patting me on the fanny and saying what a great job I did, and how much they enjoyed fingering me."

Ruth came over to the small table where we were sitting and asked Lisa how she liked being in the contest.

"It was fun and exciting. Very exciting, if you know what I mean."

Ruth smiled. "I could have sworn that you didn't need any vaginal lubrication, you were so wet. Oh, to be young again. Well, I judged you to be the tightest, and I suspect some monkey business since you didn't win first prize in at least one of the contests. I thought you were the tightest in both categories." She winked at me, letting Lisa know that Ruth and I were old buddies and could share secrets. "I would like to test you again sometime, Barb. If not tonight, then maybe some other time. Would you like that?"

"I, um, don't know what to say. But thank you, Ruth." She flipped her hair again. "I mean it did feel good. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman fingering me. I suppose it would be OK. I mean if you really want to do it."

Ruth leaned towards her, "Yes, Barb. I would really like to judge you again. I would like to get a closer look at you."

I decided to put my two cents worth in, and then leave them alone for a few minutes. I had to go to the bathroom anyway. "Ruth, I challenged her to see if she could get a few of the other men off. Like a dare. I told her it could be like another game. That one guy seems to want to touch her again, that's for sure. I bet if Barb let him judge her again, and then she stroked him a minute or two, that she could get another prize tonight, Ruth." I laughed.

"That was Roger. I know who you mean. Roger is a nice guy. He wouldn't do anything more than whatever you said you were going to do. He's been a member a couple years and usually brings a date."

I stood up and kissed Lisa on her cheek "Make whatever arrangements you want - with anyone you want, Honey. Our agreement is that nothing else besides fingers will go in your vagina. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be back in a few minutes." As I walked across the room several people stopped me and congratulated me on hosting such an exciting new game. A new member who just joined tonight said she wished she had been in the contest, but that she was too nervous to just jump in and do it. And she didn't know if her date would mind or not. She asked if I would like to give her a private "judging." What a night this was turning out to be! I told her I would love to.

She said, "It would just be you and my date. And he's not really my boyfriend. But I would be glad to follow your directions." Her date came over with two beers in his hands. He shook my hand and said we ought to go to one of the back rooms and talk. There were a few rooms in the back without the inside windows - just peepholes.

It was almost twenty minutes before I got back to our table. Lisa, Ruth, and Roger were walking over towards the small rooms along the north corridor. I followed them, glad to see she was fitting in. Lisa saw me, and came over. "Honey, did you really mean what you said? You know - about the challenge to get someone else off besides you tonight?"

She seemed very nervous so I laughed to put her at ease. "Of course, Honey. You can do whatever you want. I trust you."

She looked down at the floor. "I'd like to see if I could win our bet, and I know Ruth wants to touch me some more. It's just that I would feel funny if I knew you were watching. I don't know why."

I patted her bare bottom under her skirt. "The bets on." I said, "Just don't let any of them fuck you, but otherwise I'm not jealous. Not even of Ruth." I kissed her cheek and scooted her over towards Roger, Ruth, and another one of the men who had been paying attention to her earlier. Roger nodded thanks to me. At least they had their pants on again. They headed back towards some of the other rooms. I decided to give her at least a half-hour, before I checked on her. I went over to talk with Gary.

We talked about our contest and how we could refine it a little more. He said everyone seemed to enjoy it. "Two of the women confessed to me that they had multiple orgasms. I hope my pictures turn out."

Lisa still wasn't back a twenty minutes later, so I decided to go check on her; see what she was up to; and to make sure she was OK. I trusted her, but I wasn't so sure about Roger. Then Ruth came back into the main room and I met her at the table. I tried to remain neutral, after all, this was my idea, even the bet.

"Your girlfriend is so sweet, Al. It's good to see you coming back to the club again. We haven't seen you much since you moved to the west suburbs."

I couldn't help but ask if Lisa was OK. Ruth said, "Oh, she's fine. I think she wants to win your bet. She'll be back pretty soon. I just left her a few minutes ago and she was in good hands." She laughed. Don't worry, Al. They won't put any dicks in her vagina. That's what you said, and they will live up to your trust. I told them in no uncertain terms. But I'm glad I got a little taste of her personality and charms. I can see why you like her so much."

I wasn't too reassured by her reassurances. "I'm going back to the rest rooms a minute, Ruth. Be back pretty soon."

"OK, Al, but it might be best not to look in on her. Show her how much you trust her. She'll be OK."

"I know. I'm just going back to the men's room. We'll all have a drink later." I left to head back to the men's room. But I went out the corridor that ran between some of the small rooms.

There were several people looking in the windows on two of the side rooms on my way back to the pool table room. I looked in. I would say I was just passing through if Lisa happened to be in one of the rooms and noticed me walking by. She wasn't in either of those rooms, but I stood and watched for a little while - some bondage play in one room. In the other room, a small panel of intent men was judging one of the former contestants. They were having fun, taking turns with two "judges" at the same time.

There were also several people outside the hot tub room, which was unusual since it was such a big room. I walked by and tried to look in the door, but couldn't see what the others were looking at because the action seemed to be just around the corner inside the room. I asked the man who was poking his head in the room what was going on.

"Two of the girls from the contest earlier are sucking anybody who wants to get sucked. Looks like fun. This is the line, but they'll probably get tired of it before they take care of everybody in front of us.

I asked him if I could peek in. I was expecting to see Lisa sucking away because I knew she was so horny, but neither of the enthusiastic women was her.

At the next small room, set up as a principal's office where many a "bad girl" (or boy) has gotten a spanking, there were three people looking in the front window. It was really just a pretend window without glass, so the sound was good, too. But these windows did give the participants inside some level of privacy if they had the door closed. I walked by quickly, glancing between the heads of the spectators, acting like I was just walking down the hallway. There was Lisa with her back to me, sitting on a chair surrounded by five naked men. Her blouse was open and her skirt and panties were missing. She was stroking the five of them as best she could with two hands. I kept walking on by. Well, she was safe, but she sure seemed to enjoy looking at Roger and his friends; stroking them. She stroked each penis about five or six times, kissed the tip of it, and went to the next. I was glad she didn't see me. However, I couldn't keep from going around to the corridor on the side of the Principal's room, to look in one of the dime-sized peepholes. Most of the members knew about these auxiliary observation posts, but I doubted if Lisa did. From inside the room the holes blended in with the busy wallpaper. I stood in the dark alcove and watched.

I could hear, too. "Yes, Roger, I have been a bad girl. If you think I need another spanking or more of those embarrassing finger treatments, I'll submit."

Roger said, "What do you think, Mr. Jones? Another spanking and fingering treatment?"

The man beside him, in his early fifties, said, "Yes. I would certainly like to give her a good licking, a licking like you and Ruth gave her. But we probably need to wait until next time she's here to do that again. Don't forget that Ruth said Barbie has to leave pretty soon; go back to her date. But, I have another idea for her punishment. We'll let her suck on some crème-filled, exploding lollipops. Make her swallow whatever is inside the lollipops. That would be a good punishment for a bad little girl like Barbie here." He patted Barbie on the head. Lisa smiled and stood, immediately bending over the desk with her legs apart.

I began to wonder if I should have awakened her to the pleasures of spanking, role-playing, and showing off for others. They began spanking her softly but she said she deserved harder spankings. Roger was standing behind her. Two of the men were feeling her breasts through her blouse - the only clothing she was wearing. Lisa lifted her chest off the desk so the two men could feel her breasts. "Pinch me." She said.

Roger put lubricant on his bare fingers. He said, "Stop spanking a minute, gentlemen. Barbie, you have been a bad girl. If you are ready for your fanny hole punishment, then put your hands on your ass and open yourself for me."

She reached back and pulled her ass open with both hands. "I'm ready for my punishment."

"Wider." He said, "And arch your back. Try to make that ass really open up for me. That's a girl"

Roger slid his right forefinger into her anus, and his middle finger into her vagina. "You know, young lady, I've got something else I would like to put in you. Front or back."

She said, "I know you have something else, Roger. Umm. A very beautiful thing. But don't put it in me. Just punish me a minute longer and I will lick your very beautiful lollipop." She was holding her ass open while Roger continued to finger her.

The older man who was feeling her right breast said, "I got so excited watching Ruth eat you, Barbie, that I'm ready to cum. I couldn't decide whether to keep sucking your breast or to watch her lick you."

One of the younger men said, "I liked the way she laid on her back on top of the desk holding her knees to lift her ass up for Ruth and then Roger. Man. When I watched Ruth lick her ass, I was about ready to cum, too."

Roger said, "That was Ruth's idea: to do something to get us excited so Barbie could win her bet with her boyfriend. I think she's about to win."

Lisa moaned as they massaged her breasts and ass, while Roger fingered her slowly.

"OK, Barbie. Let go of your ass and receive some more spankings while I continue to finger you." He said. I was relieved that Lisa was keeping her real name a secret and also glad that she was doing what she promised - not letting other guys fuck her.

Roger continued to finger her ass hole while she was still getting spanked. "Oh, please, Mister Jones. This is so embarrassing. It's going to make me wiggle inside again. Oh, please stop." But of course, they didn't stop. Lisa started writhing and making noises. She had a great capacity for multiple orgasms in an evening.

They sat her back in the chair. Lisa looked over at the fake window again. She tilted her head to take a closer look, which she did every couple of minutes. The men prompted her to kneel on the floor. She didn't seem at all bothered by the people watching her through the fake window. She began to suck Roger's stiff cock, cupping his balls lovingly in her hands. Roger scooted her over to do the other men first while he kept himself pumped up. Three of the other men came in her mouth. She swallowed it and thanked them again for her punishment and for the crème-filling as each one came. The fourth man came just as she cupped his balls, and shot his cum all over her face and blouse.

She tried to get most of it off with her fingers and then lick them off. The man apologized for making a mess on her blouse, but she told him not to worry about it because it could prove that she won a bet. Then she turned her attention on Roger, humming and moaning to herself while she sucked him and fondled his balls and ass with both hands. After a minute, she backed off and said, "Please, Roger, I want to taste you." She put her mouth back on him as he came. She moaned louder, sucking him and rocking her head.

She sat back on her heels and looked at the men. "Thank you for punishing me. I was a bad girl and deserved it. I feel better now."

"Will you be back next weekend, Barbie?" Roger smiled at her, "You might need some more punishment."

"It depends on my boyfriend. And seriously, thanks for getting me nice and excited so I can go fuck his brains out somewhere. You guys were a big help. And thanks for fingering me during the contest, too." The men each smiled and nodded.

Roger said, "You're welcome. Since you're a member, you can come by yourself, you know. They are open on Wednesdays now."

"I know. But I like being with Al. I'm glad he trusted me enough to bring me here." She took another big sip of her soft drink. "I don't know why I'm so thirsty!" She laughed. "I'd better head back to the other room now, fellas. Thanks again. Now, if I can walk, I'd better head back. Where's my skirt?"

I felt jealous which surprised me. I'm not normally jealous or possessive, but I like Lisa so much. And I'm the one who told her to have a good time! Even dared her to get some other guys off.

I didn't want her to know I was spying. As Lisa put her skirt back on and wiped herself off with some tissues to get ready to leave, I went on into the poolroom and around to the other side corridor back to the room we had been in earlier. I got to our table sat down with Ruth. It surprised me that Lisa wasn't back yet, since I saw her leave. Ruth and I talked while I tried to calm down. This wasn't like me to be jealous. Then I saw Lisa come out of the small ladies bathroom next to the bar, and felt better. She stopped and refilled her glass and came over to our table.

Ruth thanked her for letting her practice being a judge again. Lisa laughed, "My pleasure, Ruth. Anytime."

Lisa stood hugged me when I stood up as she came to our table. "Thanks for bringing me here, Al. I hope we can come back again. And I won your bet, too. Five times. I think Ruth helped me win the bet, because what she did really excited them. Men are so funny sometimes."

"What did she do?" I asked, pretending to be just curious.

"It's just between us girls, Al." Said Ruth. Lisa laughed, too, but looked at me to make sure I wasn't mad about her being gone so long.

I hugged her and sat down with her on my lap, her knees touching Ruth's side. Ruth rested her left arm across Lisa's bare legs, then began massaging them just above the knees. "Your girlfriend has such great muscle tone, Al. And she's so limber. I was Barb's secret ally to help her win your bet. I helped get those guys so excited that all she had to do was touch them to get them to shoot their wads. Right, Barb?"

"That's right. And I got five of them, Al. Pretty good, huh?"

"Way to go. I knew you could do it. I'm glad you want to come back here again, Honey. I was hoping you would want to. You did great tonight. I hope you enjoyed some of your roles and made some new friends. You would have won the tightest hole contest, and you won some other games, too." I wrapped her in my arms, pulling her hip against my own excitement. She could feel it through my pants.

She kissed me on the lips. "I did have a good time - great time - and I want to come again. "

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