Uncle Clayton Caught Me Smoking

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, photo ]

by Corn53


Published: 10-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"What are you doing?" Uncle Clayton's voice took me by surprise. I was sitting on a cement block behind his garage and didn't hear him coming.

I threw the cigarette down, stepped on it in the dirt, and faced him with a guilty look.

His face softened, but I could tell he was still trying to act gruff. He never had kids of his own and I was staying with him for the summer while my mother was away for a series of conferences along the coast.

"Stand up straight, Sarah."

He was always reminding me about my posture. I was just starting to develop so I stooped forward so my new, golf ball-size breasts wouldn't be so prominent in my tight T-shirts. I was wearing a tight fitting, cut-off T-shirt, short, white shorts, and gym shoes. I stood up straight and noticed he was looking at me funny. He often told me I was turning into a very pretty young lady. Usually I didn't feel very pretty because of my thick glasses and because I was a few pounds overweight. But Uncle Clayton liked to look at me, and even encouraged me to put on my two piece swimsuit and lay out in his big backyard. He would tell me like that I was getting taller or that I was "maturing nicely."

Then he surprised me. He pointed his fingers at the blocks I had been sitting on, and said, "Turn around, Young Lady, and put your hands on the blocks."

I turned around and wondered what he was going to do. I bent down and put my hands on the concrete blocks where I had been sitting. His slap on my bottom took me by surprise. I stood up and turned around. It kind of stung, but I was smiling as I rubbed my bottom through the shorts. I thought he was kidding around with me.

"Wipe that smile off your face and turn back around. Each time I catch you smoking, I'll have to give you a spanking. You're not even a teenager yet. What would your mother say if she thought I was letting you smoke?"

"No! Please don't tell Mother. And I'll be thirteen in two months." I bent back over and he gave me five more spankings. They weren't very hard and I didn't even twitch.

He must have noticed because he said, "These aren't hard enough to sting, are they? But then I don't want to spank you harder because I don't want to leave marks which might show up when you wear that cute, skimpy, two-piece swimming suit of yours. Maybe I should pull your shorts down and give you the rest of your spankings on your panties. Or maybe I should even pull your panties down, Young Lady."

"No. Please Uncle Calyton. This stings enough. Really."

"I don't think so." He said. "Should I pull down just your shorts or your shorts and panties, too?"

"Just my shorts. I'll hold still. This is embarrassing."

He seemed kind of nervous as he knelt behind me. He reached around in front and unsnapped the snap, tugged the zipper down a couple inches, and then pulled my shorts down to my knees. My panties slid down to my knees, too, since the shorts were pretty tight, but he pulled them back up. The next four spanks on my panties didn't sting anymore than the ones he gave me on my shorts, but I twitched more on purpose so he would think they hurt more.

After the spankings, he pulled up my shorts for me and had me turn around. He hugged me and explained that he wasn't mad, but that he wanted to make sure I knew that I would be punished every time he caught me smoking. He said he had been spanked lots of times when he was a lad, and he would have to punish me for my own good.

I chuckled, after pretending I was sniffling, when he said the word "lad" because that struck me funny. "You're so old fashioned, Uncle Clayton." I said. "Nobody says 'lad' anymore."

I gave him a hug back. Sometimes it was kind of boring staying at his house, but he was always nice to me. "I'm glad to be staying with you this summer, Uncle Clayton, and I'm sorry about the smoking. If you catch me again, I'll take my punishment like a big girl." I liked to kid around with Uncle Clayton, and I was glad he wasn't really mad at me.

We walked back into the house together. "You're Mom will be back in about four weeks, Sarah."

"Un, huh." I said absently. He had his arm across my shoulders as we walked back into the house.

"I was thinking of getting you some clothes." He turned me to face him. As he looked into my face he said, "Frankly, Sarah, those panties looked pretty worn out. I was thinking of getting you some nicer under things and some other clothes. You know I have friends come over here for dinner almost every weekend and I would like you to look nice."

"Oh, cool, Uncle Clayton. I like your friend, Marjorie. George is pretty nice, too. And..." I gave him another hug around his big tummy. "...I would like some new clothes. Could I go with you to pick them out? Like go shopping together?" I looked at the floor and felt myself blush, as I added, "And, umm, I don't have a top thing." I was too embarrassed to say the word "bra" but I really wanted one.

"We can't go shopping together this time, but I'll be in town this afternoon for a little while. Let me get a few measurements and if anybody ever asks you about the new clothes, you could say one of my friends took you shopping. Don't be embarrassed about developing a figure. You're a very pretty young woman. I'll get you a couple of bras, too. Your hips and waist are changing. I don't think you're 'chunky' at all."

I was smiling as we hugged again in his kitchen. "Before you go up to get in your swimsuit, and before I fix our lunch, let me get your measurements."

He went into the laundry room, which was off his kitchen and came back with a tape measure. He pretended he was a tailor and we both laughed as he got all my measurements. The maid was only there on Tuesdays and Fridays and it surprised me that he was able to find anything in the laundry room.

"32-24-33. My, my, Sarah. You are getting so grown up. And almost five feet tall already. Let me double check these measurements and I'll get you some clothes later... including at least one training bra. Another time we could go out together, but you have your piano lesson this afternoon, so I want to be out of the house anyway." He often kidded me about my piano lessons and the wrong notes.

We laughed again. He touched me all over while confirming his measurements. It felt nice - like I was pretty. He said he needed to figure out my cup size while he felt my chest through my T-shirt.

"Thanks, Uncle Clayton. I'm glad I'll finally be getting a bra." I said as he kept feeling my chest. "I'll go change to my swim suit now. And thanks for reminding me to practice the piano!"

After lunch I said I was going to do some practicing before I went out to lie in the sun. He stood behind me and said, "Maybe a little spank on your bottom for wrong notes would encourage you to pay more attention while you practice." He patted my bottom on both cheeks through my swimming suit.

I laughed and said, "Maybe. Who knows?"

I practiced a little bit, but he didn't come in the living room even though I did hit some wrong notes, or lose my place while figuring out the fingering. My timing was off, too.

That evening after dinner he handed me a bag of clothes and said to go on up and try some of the things on. He asked me if I thought I would need any help, like getting the tags off, or fastening things behind my back.

"I should be OK, Uncle Clayton. After all, I am almost a teenager, like you said. But if I need any help, I'll call you, or come downstairs."

The clothes were pretty nice, but a little on the dressy side. There were shorts, short tank tops, lots of pretty underwear - some of it very sheer and sexy - even a couple of training bras, and two dresses. One of the dresses was real short, and the other one was half way down to my knees. He must have had someone at the store help him pick out what a young teenager would want, because the stuff was pretty neat.

I was able to get into the bras easily because one hooked in the front, and the other one was a one-piece stretchy sports bra that just pulled over like a tiny tank top. I modeled the clothes and underwear for him while he was watching TV and reading a book. Uncle Clayton always seemed to have several things going on at the same time.

While I was modeling he asked me if the under things fit me OK. I had on a dress when he asked me so I lifted my skirt to show him the sexy panties. "These are so cool, Uncle Clayton. Thanks."

He took a long look at my panties as I held up the dress and turned around in front of him. He said, "I'll get you some more things, Honey. I just wanted to see how those fit you. Are they too loose? Do you think they are too sexy for a girl your age? I had to get them in the women's area. I was worried that size 5 panties might be too big. They do look pretty loose."

I was still holding up the dress, standing in front of him. "They are a little big, but I don't think I could dance out of them or anything. One of my friends at school calls me 'bubble butt' because she says my fanny cheeks are so full and round. And, no, the panties aren't too sexy. I think they're cool." Then I looked at him, "And I sure wouldn't want to get a spanking while wearing these, Uncle Clayton, because they wouldn't be any protection at all."

We laughed. I was kind of nervous holding up my skirt because you could see right through them. He said he ought to give me a couple test spankings so I would remember not to smoke anymore. He was being so funny, that I thought I would tease him back, and turn around just to see what he would do.

He spanked me playfully a few times. I told him it did feel almost like a bare bottom spanking and laughed. Then I ran up and tried on a pair of the new shorts.

I had to go to bed pretty soon after trying on all the clothes. He stayed up and watched TV for a while longer. His bedroom was downstairs.

The next morning, Thursday, he had to go in to his office and I lounged around at the house, read some magazines, practiced the piano, and watched TV - boring stuff like that. His note on the kitchen counter said he would be home around noon, so at 11:30 I decided to see just what he would do if he caught me smoking again. I heard him drive up as I waited behind the garage.

I heard him park in the garage since I had left the back garage door open. He didn't go into the house as usual. Instead I heard him coming towards the back door of the garage. I pretended I was reading one of my teen magazines while I sat there smoking when he came out the back door.

"All right Young Lady!" He said, trying to sound like he was mad. "Smoking again. I was worried about that. No talking. Put out your cigarette and turn around. You know what to do."

I put it out as I stood up and turned around and put my hands down on the concrete blocks.

He unsnapped my shorts and pulled them down to my knees again. Since I was wearing the size five adult panties they slipped down, too. He didn't pull them back up this time.

"Twenty spanks today, Sarah. I've got to get stricter if you aren't going to listen." He had me bend over farther to put my elbows on the blocks while he spanked me. He did spank a little harder and I twitched each time. The spankings weren't timed regularly so I never knew when the next one was coming. While he was spanking me, he kept lecturing, and said that maybe I needed something a little more painful or embarrassing that just some plain spankings.

I didn't know what he meant by "more embarrassing" but wondered about it. During the spankings I concentrated on guessing when the next one was coming.

After the first five, he said, "I want you to count the rest for me, Sarah, and say "Six. Thank you, Sir. I was a bad girl and deserve a spanking." after each spank. If you think the spank wasn't hard enough to teach you a lesson, then use the word 'hard' when you tell me that you deserve these spankings. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And do you realize that you deserve these spankings, and that the harder they are the more you will learn?"

"Yes, Sir."

Before he continued he warned me that, although he liked me, he would have to discipline me more harshly if he caught me smoking again. "And that might include some embarrassment punishment, Young Lady, since plain spankings don't seem to be working."

The next spank was not much harder than the other ones. I twitched and said, "Six! Thank you, Sir. I was a bad girl and deserve a HARD spanking."

He spanked me harder until I got to number twelve. He stood me up and turned me around. He hugged me again and told me he liked me but that he had to discipline me if I smoked. He said he was just kidding about spanking me for mistakes on the he piano, but that smoking was serious.

I asked him what he meant by "embarrassment punishments."

"There is a theory that sometimes youngsters may learn a lesson more by being embarrassed because of something they did wrong, than by spanking them for it. And some people think that a combination of embarrassment treatments and spankings together is the most effective possible punishment."

I was thinking about what he said. Sometimes Uncle Clayton explained too much when I asked him a question, but at least he always answered me. And I was also hoping that he was done with the spankings. But he said, "Step out of these pants."

I stepped out of them as he pulled down my shorts and the new panties.

"Put your feet apart. Wider. That's right."

He was kneeling right behind me and I felt myself blushing, knowing he could see my bare bottom.

"Do you find this embarrassing, Sarah?"

"Yes, Sir. Very much. Please don't tell anybody." I felt almost ready to cry, but it was kind of exciting, too. It was like I could feel him looking at me.

"Ah, ha! It's working. Good. Perhaps this type of treatment will be as effective as the spankings themselves. Remember this, Young Lady! You will be getting both spankings and embarrassment treatments if I catch you smoking again."

"I think you're right, Uncle Clayton. The embarrassment is worse than the spankings."

He patted my fanny lightly and pushed my knees a little farther apart. He said, "How much embarrassment you need depends on how disobedient you are, Sarah. I think you're learning your lesson. So, we'll skip the rest of your spankings today. But now I want you to leave your panties and shorts off for the next twenty minutes as part of your punishment. I got you those pretty panties, but you will have to earn the privilege of wearing them again. And this is only one type of embarrassing punishment. The others? Well, let's hope you don't have to learn about the other types of punishment." He walked me back into the house with his arm around my shoulders.

As we walked into the house he said, "You're not even thirteen yet and already you're smoking. In fact, you don't have any pubic hair, and you're stunting your growth."

It was embarrassing without my shorts or panties on. He had me do things in the kitchen, like get him a glass of water, or a beer, or get down some dishes from the top shelf in the cupboard, while he watched me. Once he even had me stand still right in front of him while he looked at me. The short tank top provided no cover at all. "No pubic hair." He said. "Stand closer to me."

Uncle Clayton leaned forward in his chair so his face was just a few inches from my bellybutton. "Maybe you're starting to get a little fuzz, Sarah, but from a foot away you still look bald as a baby."

I noticed though, that it was giving me a kind of tingly feeling in my tummy area as he looked at me closely. Whenever he had me touch my toes and lightly spanked my bottom, warning me that I would get more spankings and embarrassment treatments if he caught me smoking again, the tingly feelings got stronger.

Uncle Clayton started getting out things for dinner when the phone rang. It was Mom. Uncle Clayton talked to her for a few minutes and then handed the phone to me. He hadn't said a word about catching me smoking or my spankings.

He listened while I talked to her. I didn't say anything about my punishments either. It seemed naughty and exciting to be talking on the phone to my mother while I was standing there without any pants on with Uncle Clayton looking at me. Before I hung up, I said, "Take your time, Mom. If you're gone an extra week it will be OK. I don't mind staying here."

Uncle Clayton hugged me again after I hung up, but he didn't say anything. When the twenty minutes was up he handed me my shorts and panties again without saying a word about my punishment. The rest of the day I could hardly think about anything else.

The next day, Friday, the maid was there all day so I didn't smoke or anything. Uncle Clayton was preparing to have a few friends over that night for dinner, so I only had a couple hours to get caught smoking after the maid left and before his friends would get there. I put on the sexiest panties under my soccer shorts, and my favorite pink, cut-off tank top before the maid left.

As soon as she pulled out of the driveway, I went out behind the garage. I wondered why Uncle Clayton never threw away the pack of cigarettes I had inside one of the other cement blocks, because I was pretty sure he could see it.

I lit up and finished one cigarette and started on the next before he caught me. I heard him coming out the screen door from the other side of the house and waited, taking a few puffs. I was getting that nervous feeling in my tummy while I waited for him to come around to the back of the house and garage. As he walked around the shrubbery towards the back of the garage I took a big puff and looked away so that I could pretend I didn't see him coming.

When he was practically beside me, I jumped up and threw down the cigarette, acting surprised. "Uncle Clayton. I'm sorry. I didn't hear you coming."

He looked upset. "This is the third time, Sarah, and each time I have to punish you a little harder. You realize that, don't you? And you know I'm not mad at you, but I have to punish you."

"I know." I said and turned around, getting into position without being told.

He looked at me for a minute. "You don't seem to be learning anything from these spankings, Young Lady. I'm only going to give you a few now. You'll get the rest later tonight. Maybe that will teach you. I want you to think about your upcoming spankings and all the embarrassment of being spanked in front of other people... think about it. Having your panties pulled down in front of other people and getting a spanking."

"But..." I started to object, turning red.

"Pull your shorts and panties down to your ankles right now, feet as far apart as you can with your pants between your ankles." He had raised his voice with a sense of urgency so I did it quickly and got back in position, elbows on the cement blocks.

"Good job following directions. Now, let your pants and panties fall off of one of your ankles and put your feet as far apart as you can. Keep those legs straight!"

I did what he said quickly, without thinking.

He gave me the five spankings, harder than yesterday, and I counted them off and thanked him for each one. I only said the code word "harder" on the first spank. And like yesterday, he marched me back in the house without my shorts or panties. But instead of having me do things in the kitchen for him, he said I would have to be his waitress that night when his friends came over.

"Go take a bath now, and put on the new dress I bought you. They will be here pretty soon. We'll finish your punishment later tonight. Think about your punishment, Sarah. You must be absolutely obedient tonight when I tell you to do things. You will get lots more spankings over the course of the evening."

"But what about your friends? Won't there be company here, Uncle Clayton. You don't mean spankings in front of them do you?"

He didn't answer me, but just watched my face as I thought this over.

"But I'm sorry about the smoking, Uncle Clayton. I know it's not good for me. I don't think you should give me any spankings in front of strangers, especially with my panties pulled down. I thought just you would spank me. I don't want them to see my panties when I get spanked."

"You should have thought about that sooner, Young Lady. And... they won't see your panties while we take turns spanking you. Think about that, too. Now go up and take your bath. You're a pretty girl and I want you to look your best tonight. Go on." He handed me my shorts and panties and patted my bottom as I headed up the stairs. "Think about your punishment, Young Lady." He reminded me.

When I was halfway up the steps he said, "You know you deserve these spankings and other punishments, don't you, Sarah?"

"Yes, I deserve them. It's my own fault." And it was.

I was so nervous I could hardly take a bath. It was fun getting dressed up, though, and I even put on some jewelry and perfume. Uncle Clayton gave me some red lipstick for the party tonight. I kept asking him about my spankings, but he wouldn't give me any clear answers - just things like "probably only a couple of my friends will help me," or "you'll be glad you're so young and limber," and "this will be one punishment you won't ever forget."

When I was all dressed up in the short dress and white, lacy ankle socks with black Mary Jane shoes, Uncle Clayton gave me a different pair of panties to wear. I could see his fingers clearly through the material as he held them out. There was a little band of lace around the top and around each of the leg holes, but the rest of the panty material was so sheer you could see right through it like cellophane. They looked so sexy. There was no cotton liner in the bottom. I laughed when I put them on and told Uncle Clayton that I thought they were so sexy.

It turned out that four of his friends came over for dinner instead of two. Marjorie was the only woman of the four guests. I had dinner in the big dining room with them. They talked about all sorts of interesting places they have been and adventures they were in on some of their out of the country trips. Every once in a while, one of them would say something to me about the dangers of smoking at such a young age, but they were smoking. Smoking and drinking. I had to get drinks for them - mostly just more wine. It was hard for me to concentrate on their conversations, except when they dropped hints about my spankings or helping me to stop smoking. Sometimes they asked me about school, or if I had any boyfriends.

After dinner we all sat in the living room on the couch and the big stuffed chairs and continued talking and drinking. Even I was allowed to have a glass of wine after dinner. They began stating that they wanted to help me quit smoking and that they would be glad to help Clayton spank me. They said they wished someone had helped them quit when they first started years ago.

Uncle Clayton reminded me about following his orders explicitly and I said I would and that I knew I deserved to be punished. Then he asked me to show everybody my new panties by standing in front of each guest and lifting my dress. Then I was supposed to turn around and touch my toes with my legs straight. "Show them how limber you are, too, Honey."

And he said to the guests, "She can touch her hands on the ground without bending her knees."

It was so embarrassing standing in front of each person and bending over like that. My dress lifted up in back when I bent down and I knew they could see my new panties - right through them. Marjorie commented on how cute and sexy my new panties were. Marjorie was sitting between two men on the couch and then told me to stay bent over and put my feet apart.

When I did that she flipped up my dress and patted my bottom. "Look, George. Aren't these pretty panties? We'll be able to see how red her bottom is as she gets her first spankings tonight, even while she still has her panties on."

Uncle Clayton reminded everybody that I would only be wearing the panties for some of the spankings, but that most of the spankings would be on my bare bottom so I would remember this punishment session for a long time. Then he asked if anyone could think of some strange positions for me to hold while getting spanked. "We could make it more creative, while we help her learn a lesson, Marjorie. We'll take turns putting her in different positions - with and without her panties - while we spank her. This could take quite a while."

George was touching my leg, sitting on the edge of the couch close beside Marjorie. He said, "I can think of some very unusual positions to put her in, Clayton, but do all of the spankings need to be on her fanny?"

Uncle Clayton considered this a minute. I was listening closely.

Finally he said, "Well, part of her punishment will be the embarrassment treatments, so I suppose we could have her get in all sorts of poses, and spank the tops of her legs, too, and maybe some very light spankings on other parts of her body. But let's keep most of the spankings on her fanny. She was spanked this afternoon and also on Wednesday and Thursday. There are no marks, even though some of my spankings were crisp."

I was finding it hard to concentrate on Uncle Clayton's words because both Marjorie and George were now rubbing their hands on my fanny and even touching me lightly between the legs as if they were looking for marks from my earlier spankings.

When Marjorie told me to stand up and go get her a glass of water, everyone commented on my red complexion. I knew I had turned red while they were looking at me and talking about my upcoming spankings.

Uncle Clayton said, "She turns a bright red when she's embarrassed, but I think it shows up more because of her blond hair." He liked my short blond hair, which was up in two pigtails now, sticking straight out to the sides.

Everyone chuckled because I was such a bright red. Uncle Clayton told me to take turns sitting on everyone's lap now. "We'll each kiss her before we begin the spankings. Just so she'll know we aren't mad. I want her to know that we're going to all this trouble because we care about her and want to help her stop smoking."

I had to sit on everybody's lap and kiss him or her, even Marjorie. It felt funny to kiss a woman. Her kisses were so much softer than the men's. She kissed me several times and told me she was sorry that she would have to spank me. The men all went out to get some snacks and things from the kitchen and Marjorie told me to sit on her lap facing her with my knees outside her hips.

She said, "Kneel on the couch facing me with one knee on either side of my legs, Sarah. That's a girl."

Marjorie was not fat, but she was a good-sized woman, probably a size 12 or 14 like my Mom. So my legs felt kind of spread apart as I straddled her lap facing her. She told me to close my eyes and kiss her as if she was a boy I liked. "I'll give you a little kissing lesson, for all those boys at school who will want to kiss you." She started kissing me and slid her tongue across my lips. When I opened my mouth in surprise, she pushed her tongue into my mouth. At the same time her right hand reached under me and she began feeling my pussy through the flimsy panties. She reminded me to keep my eyes closed and to just keep kissing her for a minute. She said this was just for practice and to help embarrass me.

She was kissing me and rubbing my panties when I felt the couch move. George was sitting back down beside us. I opened my eyes and noticed the men were watching us.

I felt myself turn a bright red again, and they laughed.

Marjorie said, "Off the couch, George. I'm going to give Sarah a few spankings now."

She laid me across her lap face down and flipped up the back of my dress. She pulled my panties down to my knees and tugged my legs apart so the panties were stretched between my knees. "Oh my. These panties feel wet."

I turned even redder as the men who were all standing right in front of the couch agreed that my panties looked pretty wet. Marjorie gave me two quick spankings on my bare fanny and I twitched with each one but didn't say anything.

Uncle Clayton said, "Sarah, be sure to thank Marjorie for your spankings. She is trying to help you, you know. We practiced what to say."

I said, "One, two. Thank you, Marjorie for spanking me. I was a bad girl and deserve them. I mean I deserve harder spankings."

I heard a couple of chuckles from the men when I said that. Marjorie didn't say anything but her hands were on my fanny and she was pulling my cheeks apart. She told me to lift up my bottom for her. Then she told the men to look at how wet my pussy was, explaining that they would need to be hard spankings so I would remember the lesson.

The next spank was harder, right in the center of my right cheek - the one farthest away from Marjorie's body. "Three! Thank you, Marjorie. I was a bad girl..."

Before I could finish thanking her, the next spank hit me in the same spot, and felt like a burn because the sting was so bad. "Ouch! Four! Thank you, Marjorie. I was a bad girl..."

SMACK! SMACK! In exactly the same spot again.

"Ouch! Five! Six! Oh, thank you Marjorie. I was a bad girl. I deserve these spankings!" I said this fast and loud as I squirmed around on her lap.

"Keep your feet down, Sarah, or else I will have to start over. And keep your hands folded under your head. Put your feet apart. As far as you can. Keep those panties stretched between your knees. That's a girl."

I tried to keep my feet still and hold my hands together under my head so I wouldn't grab my burning fanny. But I couldn't help but squirm my fanny around.

While I was squirming around, hoping they would wait until I was holding still before Marjorie spanked me again. Uncle Clayton told one of the men to stand at the end of the couch to hold my feet and he told George he would probably get some better shots if he stood near my feet, too.

I was wondering what Uncle Clayton was talking about when Marjorie spanked me three more times.

"Ouch!" I said, and tried to reach back to protect my fanny with my hands. "Seven, eight, nine! Thank you, Marjorie. I deserve these spankings."

"Put your hands back under your head. Keep your feet apart. Those three won't count, Sarah. Feet wider apart. That's it. Lift your fanny when you're ready for the next spanking. We'll start with number seven again."

I held my fanny tightly against her lap. Maybe she wouldn't spank me if I didn't lift my bottom up for her. Then she said, "The higher and faster you lift your bottom to show me you're ready, the softer I will spank you. Don't forget to keep your feet as wide apart as you can, even if you stretch the panties. OK?"

"Yes, Mam." I said and lifted my bottom up as fast as I could. The adults laughed and said I looked ready.

Marjorie patted my bottom lightly and said, "OK, Sarah. I guess that means you're ready. Hold your bottom up and wiggle it if you're ready for the next spankings now. I'll go softer as you learn my rules."

I was wiggling my fanny for her before she finished talking.

The next spank was much softer. After a quick reflexive twitch I lifted my bottom off her lap again, wiggled back and forth, and said, "Seven. Thank you for the spanking, Marjorie. I was a bad girl and deserved it."

I was wiggling my raised bottom to show her I was ready when she put her hands on my fanny with her thumbs on my thighs between my legs and pulled my ass open. She said, "Look how wet she is. Get a close-up, George."

Then she let go and said, "I'll finish my first ten and then who wants to go next?"

Two of the men were saying they would be glad to go next, when the next spank caught me off guard.

"Ouch! Eight. Thank you, Marjorie. I deserve to get these spankings." I lifted my bottom off her lap and wiggled it right away.

Her last two spanks were much softer just like she had promised. I counted them and thanked her for the spankings and she helped me stand up. They told me to try to keep the panties stretched between my knees while I walked and not to let them fall off. Uncle Clayton told me to lift my skirt in the back so George could get a couple more pictures of my red fanny.

"But Uncle Clayton, I didn't know he was taking pictures." I was holding up my dress in back and showing George my red fanny.

Uncle Clayton said, "Yes, all along. These digital pictures and video clips are for our private use, Sarah. Don't worry about it. And it may help you to remember not to smoke. Now turn around and face the camera. That's it. Lift your dress in front and tell us your name, age, today's date, and why you're being punished."

I did what he said, "I'm Sarah and I'm twelve. I am being spanked because Uncle Clayton caught me smoking several times and I need to learn a lesson."

"Very good, Sarah." said Uncle Clayton. "Now turn around and touch your toes. Keep those panties stretched. That's it." He flipped up my dress in back so George could get some more close-ups of my red fanny. One of the other men stood beside me and pulled my fanny open for the camera. They commented again on how wet I was getting. Uncle Clayton also mentioned that my baldness would prove my age in case I ever said I was older when I got caught smoking.

"Sarah, I see that the embarrassment treatment is as effective as the spankings themselves. Do you think you're learning your lesson? Are you ready to get in the other positions now so you can learn more about not smoking?"

Marjorie pulled up my panties and rubbed them between my legs. She explained that she was going to wipe me off a little bit with my panties and then I could take them off and not have to worry about walking around trying to keep them stretched between my knees.

When she took them off she showed me and the others how wet they were and I was embarrassed. I told them I couldn't help it about the wetness, but sometimes it just gets that way. They all told me not to worry about it, because that was just part of growing into a more mature young woman.

We all went out in the kitchen to get something to drink, and I wanted some pop because I was really thirsty.

Everybody was being nice to me and acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, so I just acted normal, too. They talked about "the punishment" as if it had happened a long time ago.

George asked me, "So Sarah, do you think those types of punishment would keep a young girl from smoking again?" We were putting ice cubes in our glasses.

"Oh sure. And it is probably better that she learns a lesson now before her health is damaged." I was trying to talk along with them as if we were talking about somebody else.

He said, "And do you think the camera and other embarrassment treatments might help her as much as the spankings?" Before I could answer, he continued, "And I don't think the spankings were too hard for her anyway. Do you?"

"No." I said, but lifted my eyebrows as if I wasn't positive about that. "They hurt a little bit, but I think the other people watching, and especially the camera will teach her a lesson. But really, the spankings didn't hurt too much."

Marjorie had walked up to us. She said, "How is the girl's fanny feeling now? I bet it's a little cooler without the panties."

I said, "Yes, it is. Thank you. And thank you for your help I know you're just trying to help me and that you're not mad." The others were standing close to me as I poured some pop out of the two liter bottle, so I repeated, "I'm sure she just needs to learn a lesson. Maybe she has learned enough already and doesn't need anymore spankings."

They laughed and Uncle Clayton said I was precocious. I'm not sure what he meant, but we all laughed.

Marjorie said, "But Sarah. She has to get more punishment tonight. After all, we don't want her to start smoking again, do we?" She was smiling at me, and I felt so pretty - like the center of attention. They were all looking at me. Uncle Clayton was even looking at me, smiling, from the other side of the room where he was making a phone call.

"No, Mam. You're right. She needs to learn a lesson."

Then George said, "So, she needs more spankings - but not too hard, and some more embarrassment treatments. And you think that will help her?"

"Oh yes, George. I'm sure that will help her." I said with a smile, and they all laughed. Marjorie hugged me.

George said, "And you say the embarrassment treatments - with people watching, and cameras - you say that's as effective as the spankings?"

"Yes," I grinned, "It's effective, but it doesn't sting her bottom!" They all laughed.

Uncle Clayton came back over and said we ought to take our drinks back to the living room. We all walked out together and I felt like one of the grown-ups. I could tell they were glad I was being a good sport about it.

After we all sat down again, John asked me to sit on his lap, so I went over and sat on his lap. Then he said to the group, "OK. I'll tell Sarah what to do for a few minutes before the others get here. Then I'll go ahead and give her some more spankings. Not too hard, of course."

"I hope not." I joked with him. We were all having a good time. Then I whispered in his ear, "What others?"

John told the group that I wanted to know who else was coming over. I turned red again as I looked at them. They were smiling as I turned red.

Finally, Marjorie said, "Sarah, I think you are already comfortable with all of us. After all, we have seen your bare bottom - front and back - so the only way you could be embarrassed again is if a couple more new people come over to see you."

"But who?" I was worried now.

"Don't you fret about it." said John. What I want you to do before I give you ten spanks is to stand up and take your dress off. Leave your shoes and bra on, but take everything else off. Hop up." He lifted me into standing position.

I could tell I was blushing again, but I tried to put on a brave front. Maybe if I continued our joking... "This is for her own good. Maybe this embarrassment treatment will teach her the lesson she needs to learn."

As I started to pull up my dress to lift it over my head I looked around, wondering why they weren't laughing. They were smiling, but mainly just looking at me. I pulled it over my head and draped it over the small chair over by the writing desk.

John said, "Now walk around and stand in front of each person in the room. Squeeze your titties and turn around and bend over with your feet apart. Then pull your fanny wide open so we can look at you."

I was a bright red again as I stood in front of John squeezing my breasts through my new bra.

He said, "She is even blushing on her hips." Then he said to me, "I like your tan lines, Sarah. I want you to take your bra off in a few minutes, after you have shown us your spread open bottom. Then you'll get to squeeze your bare little titties. Won't that feel good? Do you like to squeeze your titties?"

I could tell I was bright red as I continued to squeeze my own breasts. "Yes, Sir. It feels good."

"Honest answer, Young Lady. Very good. You must be honest with us when we ask you questions. Will you be honest with us?"

"Yes, Sir. I promise I'll tell the truth."

"Very good." He said. "Now turn around and bend over. When I tell you, I want you to reach up and pull your fanny wide open for me."

I turned around and put my legs apart. Then I bent over as far as I could while keeping my legs straight.

He looked at me for a minute. The room was completely quiet. John told me to pull myself open for him. I reached up and put my hands on my fanny and pulled myself open. A flash told me somebody took another close-up of my bottom as I held it open. "Wider, Sarah." He said. "I bet you can pull it open wider than that."

I pulled it open even wider and there were a couple more flashes. The camera George was using when Marjorie spanked me didn't flash, so this must be another camera.

John was telling everybody how wet I was again. "But you probably each want to see for yourself, don't you?" Everybody laughed and admitted they did. For some reason it kind of thrilled me to think they all wanted to look at me. I was getting a tingly feeling in my tummy again.

After I showed everybody how I liked to squeeze my titties and then bent over and pulled my fanny open for the other four adults, John gave me his spankings. He didn't spank very hard and taught me a couple more spanking signals. After I thanked him for each spanking I had to say either, "Give me another one." if it was hard enough, or "Give me another HARD one." if it felt too soft. On half of his spankings I surprised myself by asking him to do it harder.

If I needed a short break from the spanking I was supposed to say, "Thank you for the spanking. Could you please spread open my bottom for a minute?"

Then he would stop spanking for a minute and rub my fanny for me since I wasn't supposed to rub it myself.

When he was done they had me take off my bra and show everybody how I liked to squeeze my bare titties. It was embarrassing, but not as bad as when I had to pull my bottom open. They told me to jump up and down so they could watch them jiggle. That was kind of funny because they did jiggle even though they aren't very big, about like golf balls.

I heard a car pull up the long driveway, and Marjorie led me quickly upstairs for a quick bath and to get me dressed for the next session. As I left the room I thanked everyone again for trying to help me.

John called to me as I left the room holding Marjorie's hand, "Did she get hard enough spankings, Sarah."

"A few of them were hard enough for her." I called with a laugh, "But she does have to learn a lesson." They all laughed, and so did Marjorie as we went upstairs.

I heard 3 car doors close outside, but it could have been four, as Marjorie closed the bathroom door and started the water.

Once again, I was very nervous during the bath. It felt good to have someone else wash me, but it was a little embarrassing the way she kept washing me between the legs. After drying off, she put the same ankle socks on me, but gave me a different pair of black shoes. These had a one-inch heel. I wore a different pair of sheer, sexy panties, the bra with the snap in the front, and the same dress. No slip this time either. Marjorie put some more lipstick and perfume on me.

Before we went back downstairs, Marjorie blindfolded me and said I had to leave it on. After she made sure it was tight and that I couldn't see at all, she explained that part of my embarrassment treatment was to wonder who else was watching me this time.

She was right. I recognized the voices of everybody who had been there, but there was a new man's voice and three people who didn't talk at all. At least they told me there were three "mystery guests" here to witness my punishment.

Uncle Carlton held my hand as we stood in the middle of the living room. He told me they had moved the chairs into a big semi-circle but that nobody was sitting in front of the picture window with the drapes closed because they wanted to have that in the background for the pictures. "Something plain which nobody could identify" were his exact words. He reminded them to be careful not to get pictures of the other guests and that if anyone wanted he or she could pose me later in any way they wanted. Then he reminded me that I was to do everything any of the grown-ups told me to do and that I had to answer all of their questions truthfully. He said I wouldn't be getting too many more spankings tonight - maybe twenty or thirty, or at the most fifty - but mostly I would be following directions in front of the cameras as part of me embarrassment treatments. He told the new guests his theory that spankings should be coupled with embarrassment treatments to provide the most effective discipline.

"Sarah, I want you to introduce yourself to everyone and tell us why you are being punished tonight. Hold up your dress in front while you're talking. Be sure to face a little towards the left and then to the right while you're talking. Tell us about the first time you were caught and also yesterday and earlier today. Maybe you could explain to the others and me about why it seemed like maybe you wanted to get caught this afternoon. When you tell us about your spankings, I want you to face away from us and lift your dress in back and pull your panties down to show us your red bottom - which is going to get even redder. And be sure to tell us about the things that embarrassed you most so far in tonight's punishment session."

As soon as he left I could hear and see a few flashes. I couldn't really see, but I could tell there were flashes even through the blindfold.

"Well, I'm being punished so I won't keep smoking and hurt my health. Uncle Carlton caught me smoking behind the garage for the first time a few days ago. He spanked me..." I was holding up the front of my dress while I was talking and stopped and turned around. I pulled my panties down to my knees, keeping my feet far enough apart so the panties wouldn't fall all the way down. "Oh, and my name is Sarah. I'm twelve years old. Uncle Carlton says that you are taking some pictures of my bald area in front so you can prove that I wasn't even a teenager yet when I started to get punished." I stood back up and turned around to show everybody my bald pussy again.

I turned back around and bent over again. I wasn't sure if I should pull my bottom open, but I did anyway, just not wide open. "So he spanked me and warned me not to do it again or I would get punished worse. Then he caught me again yesterday and again today. Each time I got a spanking, but he said since that didn't seem to be working then he would have to give me some embarrassment treatments.

"Oh, and some of the embarrassment treatments did hurt worse than the spankings, especially the spankings which aren't too hard. But I'll say, 'Please give me another HARD spanking,' if the spanking you give me later isn't hard enough. Because I do deserve to get spankings and these embarrassment treatments for my punishments. And I'm supposed to thank you for helping to spank or embarrass me.

"Where was I? Oh, and so getting my picture taken and letting strangers look at my bare bottom is part of my punishment. Because this is pretty embarrassing, especially when I have to pull my fanny open to show people..." and here I demonstrated pulling my fanny wide open while I shuffled around to show my bottom to the different sections of my audience.

Uncle Carlton told me to keep talking and that I would know what to do next. Then he said "OK, start the tape again."

I continued. "So I guess now somebody is videotaping my punishment so I will remember this." I felt myself turn red as I stood up and unhooked the back of my dress at my neck. Then I pulled my dress up over my head and took it off.

"Um, Let's see. One of the embarrassing things they had me do earlier was to squeeze my titties and explain how it felt. I had to tell them it felt good, and that I do it sometimes when I'm by myself. It does feel good. Sometimes I even pinch my nipples a little bit and I wonder what it would feel like if somebody sucked on them." I was squeezing my titties through the training bra as I explained this.

"And, umm, I guess I'm supposed to get ready for some more spankings now." I started to pull off my panties, but Uncle Clayton said, "Cut. First I want to lead you around so everybody can get a close look at you. Then tell them how old you are while they feel you and look at you."

He led me around so everybody could take a close look at me - front and back. Each person pulled my panties down and had me bend over, while told them my name and that I'm going to be thirteen pretty soon. Stuff like that. When he or she was done checking me out, my panties and bra got pulled back up and I was led to the next person.

The new man's voice commented that I looked pretty wet. Then Marjorie told the group she had dried me off real good after the bath a little bit ago, and that I was completely dry between the legs when she led me back downstairs.

The new man said, "Maybe she enjoys the spankings or showing off her pretty, little body."

I said, "No, Sir. I don't. This is very embarrassing, but that is part of the punishment. So I'm doing this embarrassing stuff because I know I need to get punished."

The new man said, "Why don't we let David spank her now. It seems that she knows she deserves one."

I was led over to the couch and laid across somebody's lap who was sitting in the middle. He pulled my panties down to my knees and felt me for a little bit, but didn't say anything. It was probably one of the mystery guests. He did a few practice spanks and each time I lifted my fanny up off his lap and wiggled a little bit to show I was ready for the next one. Marjorie was explaining to the newcomer what my behaviors meant. Then she said to me, "Sarah, I want you to thank David for his spankings and tell him how much you appreciate his help. Be sure to count."

"Yes, Mam. I'm ready now." I was holding my fanny up for him.

His first spank stung my fanny but now I was trying to show off a little bit, like to prove I was tough. "One. Thank you, David, for helping with my punishment. I deserve to get these spankings. Please give me another HARD spanking." I had lifted my fanny up right away even though that first spank did have some bite to it.


"Ouch!" and I squirmed against his lap. Then I remembered I was trying to be tough, so I quickly raised my fanny again and said, "Two. Three. Thank you, David for helping with my punishment. I need more spankings so I will learn my lesson, HARD spankings."

The next three quick spanks brought tears and I squirmed against his lap. Those hurt. I didn't want to say the word "hard" again, because those were a little too hard.

I squirmed for a minute before lifting my bottom off his lap and thanking him for the spankings. I was talking softly now. David had really smacked me hard all right.

I heard Marjorie suggest that he take off my panties so I could get my legs farther apart. She said maybe he would like to feel me between my legs for a minute before the next spankings.

I put my legs closer together so he could pull them off easier and then he felt me between the legs like Marjorie suggested. He even put a finger in me. All the way. It just slipped right in. Nobody had put stuff in me before.

"Oh." I said. "That is very embarrassing, David. Thank you for helping me with my punishment."

I was relieved to hear some of the people chuckle when I said that. David kept fingering me so I lifted my bottom off his lap and wiggled a little bit.

Marjorie said, "David, did you ever see a girl masturbate?"

I was pretty sure I knew what she was talking about, but wasn't positive. David didn't answer out loud, but Marjorie must have felt that he nodded yes or something, because them Marjorie asked me to roll over on his lap and spread my legs and show him how I liked to touch myself.

I could tell I was blushing as I lay on my back across his lap with a couple of pillows under my shoulders. My hips were on his lap and my legs were bent and spread as wide as I could get them. Marjorie wanted me to touch myself and tell David how I liked to do it and how often and so on.

I could feel that I was red as I rubbed my pussy - holding it open with my left and rubbing up and down on the ridge with my right fingers.

"I do this for a little bit almost every night and when I take a bath. It seems to feel good. When I do it at night I notice that my fingers get wet.

Marjorie and one of the men pulled my legs up near my head and pointed out my clitoris, which they said was swollen and wet, which meant I was excited. She said that David's spankings might have helped me get wet.

I was turning red again and felt very self-conscious with my knees practically up beside my ears and people pulling my pussy and fanny open right in front of some strange man.

I tried to get them to laugh so we would do something else for awhile. "Thank you for helping me with all your spankings and embarrassing treatments, David. It really is more embarrassing doing these things in front of grown-ups I don't even know. And I think the embarrassment treatments and the hard spankings you are giving me are teaching me a lesson. That's for sure."

Several of them laughed when I tried to talk like just another one of the adults. Marjorie teased me, "So, you are getting your embarrassment punishments from a group of grown-ups, huh?" I felt her and George pull my pussy wide open and stretch it upwards. Marjorie said, "David, we lifted the hood off her clitoris. This red bump here. Notice how hare and swollen it is. It's sort of like a boy's erection." The other adults commented that it certainly was swollen. Someone said he wanted to get some close-ups of it.

Then she said to David, "Well, MISTER David, why don't you roll her back over and give her some more spankings?"

He still didn't answer and I was curious about who was spanking me. They stretched my legs back across him so now I was face up with my fanny against his lap. Marjorie told me that David would spank my front for a little while to give my fanny some rest. She said it would just be with a couple fingers instead of his whole hand, and that my front spankings would start with my legs together.

I was curious about how this might feel, because he didn't start right away. His left hand was massaging my breasts through the training bra and his right hand was feeling my bare pussy.

Marjorie said, "Sarah, I think it might be a good embarrassment treatment for you to take your bra off and ask "Mister David" to squeeze them for you."

That sounded like a good punishment, so as I unsnapped the front of my bra, I said, "Please, Mister David. I have been a bad girl and it would help me learn a lesson if you embarrassed me by squeezing my breasts while you give me some front spankings."

He immediately began rubbing and squeezing my bare breasts, with my unsnapped bra still held between my arms and chest. He also started patting my pussy.

Marjorie asked me if my front spankings were too hard since I hadn't said anything. I replied, "I didn't think he started the front spankings yet. It feels more like he's just rubbing me. Those pats were too soft to be spankings"

He put more of a slap into his front spanks now and I began counting them and thanking him for each one.

They gave David lots more advice as he gave me more spankings and embarrassment treatments. They rolled me face down and had me pull my fanny open for him so he could finger my pussy again. I put my knees apart and lifted my bottom to make it easier for him. His slippery finger slid right in even though it felt pretty tight inside. Then Marjorie told him to push his wet finger into my bottom if he wanted to. He did that a few times and I thanked him for embarrassing me some more. It really was embarrassing, but it was making me fell tingly all over, too. The adults pointed out to David that my anus was pink and hairless and very pretty. George said my anus was as light pink as my nipples.

They stood me up and had me hop up and down to make my titties jiggle. I didn't hop up in the air because of the inch high heels, but I hopped enough to make them joggle. It felt pretty funny. Most of the guests took turns feeling them as I hopped. They said they liked my tan lines, because my pale breasts looked like fried eggs, and my pussy looked so white and hairless that it shined.

Several more people spanked me and had me do some of the strangest things, including put things in my mouth. I knew that it was some of the men making me suck on their things. It didn't taste bad though, and it got to be kind of fun, except so many people were watching me do it - taking pictures, even. Two of the dicks had a funny taste when I sucked on them.

I kept thanking everybody for helping me with the punishments I deserved.

Uncle Clayton asked me if I thought I needed just a few more embarrassment treatments before I took off my blindfold to meet the new guests.

I said, "Maybe I do, but what do you mean?"

"I mean maybe you should go with one man at a time into the other room so he can have you do an embarrassment treatment to your mouth in private. You would also be allowed to use your hands to touch the man who was giving you your embarrassment treatment."

I knew what he was talking about now, and said, "Well, that would probably teach me one more lesson. I probably would never smoke again if I thought you might give me more punishments like tonight, Uncle Clayton."

So he said, "So you think you should do it for your own good; to learn a lesson?"

"Yes, Sir. It would teach me."

He let one man at a time take me in the other room and do the embarrassment treatment in my mouth until some hot, gooey stuff squirted into my mouth and onto my face. It was fun feeling them with my hands, and everybody's was different. Bigger, smaller, longer, fatter, curved or straight. I wished I could look at them. Two of the men took my picture while I was doing it, and one of the men had a friend get a close-up video tape of me doing it and then videotaped me swallowing his stuff and thanking him for the punishments."

After four of the men had done this one last punishment, Marjorie cleaned me up and helped me put on a short nightie top on which came down to my bellybutton. She led me back into the room and said my official punishment was over, but I couldn't put on anymore clothes until everybody was gone. She said we would have more snacks and maybe watch some of my video clips now.

"But..." She said, "We can't tell you which of the helpers gave an embarrassment treatment to your mouth. You'll just have to wonder about that."

"OK." I said, and I thanked everybody again for helping me learn my lesson about smoking.

When I took off my blindfold the first thing I saw was a boy about my age smiling at me. I turned a bright red! It was a lesson I'll never forget.

Everybody was nice to me, and, even though I was dressed a little funny, in the short, sheer nightie, and the lacy ankle socks and black shoes with the one inch heels. But I started talking about my punishment the same way I had earlier.... like, "Well, she sure learned a lesson. It was all for her own good." Even though my punishments were finished for the night (except for having to wear only the short nightie with out panties), I still felt like the center of attention. Everybody wanted to hold me on his lap or pat me or touch me, even Marjorie. The most embarrassing thing was the boy. He was a year older than me and liked looking at me. Whenever I noticed him looking at me I turned red. Sometimes he came up and felt me.

It was a punishment I'll never forget.

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Absolutely marvelous story, extremely well written. I can just picture the whole scene right in front of my eyes. Please never stop writing such excellent excitement!

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