Loren's Pre-Teen Lingerie Catalog Project

[ FFg, anal, finger, mast, spank, photo ]

by Corn53


Published: 8-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"I think that's an excellent idea, Loren, and I would be glad to help you find five or six young models for your catalog. Getting a developmental cross-section of girls for your lingerie-sleepwear-playwear catalog for pre-teen girls is a great idea." Jane said.

Loren laughed, "If nothing else, people will want to buy copies of our different catalogs - available in print, video, or even our 'mild' on-line catalog. And who knows, we might even sell some of the fashions! And we'll have our very private videos of each girl going through your preliminary modeling sessions - strictly for our wealthier clients. We'll feature girls representing ages eight to thirteen for all of the fashions. Our pre-teen catalog! Kids are so precocious these days. They want to wear sexy fashions. And if our catalog customers notice that they can see right through some of the nightgowns or dance shells; well, we didn't notice that. We're just selling fashion! There will be lots of sexy, non-see-through fashions, as well. "

"I've got a list of a eight prospective stage mothers with lovely daughters who would do about anything to help their daughters earn your generous modeling fees. Very pretty girls, ages eight to twelve who live with single mothers on the edge of poverty. The mothers would jump at a chance to help their daughters break into modeling. I've been nurturing these contacts for several months and have even done some preliminary modeling sessions - fully clothed, of course. I paid the mothers in cash when they signed the non-disclosure modeling contracts."

"Ah yes. The contracts." He winked at Jane. "Untraceable, I'm sure."

"Of course. Only one of the ten mothers even asked for a copy of the contract. They all took the cash and the glossy 8 x 10s of their fully dressed daughters. Outfits ranged from some of the cheerleading uniforms I had to sports or dance outfits. I thought you would like the pictures and my video clips of those sessions. But I've got even better ideas for the next screening sessions."

"Yes, a special thanks for the video clips you sent me. It will help us decide. My potential investors will prefer the girls with lots of energy and that radiant sexual charm. We should eliminate the one whose mother wanted a copy of the contract she signed, of course. Meanwhile go ahead and do follow-up modeling sessions with your remaining girls, even the chubby one. And I know you'll be screening the mothers as much as the girls themselves. I think you know just what we're looking for. Make sure we can hear their voices. They ask the cutest questions."

"I'll get started this week. I know how to set up the rented studio for these preliminary sessions. We'll have some pictures and video which should convince your backers to fully support this project, even if you only sell the catalogs and never market any of the fashions."

Loren said, "Let's plan on having our weekend photo shoot in two or three weeks. I'll invite the prospective investors to our private showing and modeling session. Perhaps even Aunt Gwen would like to spend the weekend and help you get the little darlings ready for their photo sessions and the games we will play to help the girls relax."

"I'm sure Aunt Gwen will want to help, Loren, especially after she sees the fashions and the hot, little models who will be so eager to please. Over the course of the weekend we can have the girls play games, do some pretend acting, and I bet our tired little models would like to get massages." she laughed. "Your investors will love them."

Both left the restaurant in a rush to start making arrangements. Loren was sure he would get more than enough financial backing for this project.


The following Thursday Jane did her first secondary test shoot with two of the models; ten year old Monica and twelve year old Rachel, who Loren referred to as "the chubby one."

First to arrive was Monica with her mother. After signing the papers without reading them, Mrs. Jackson talked with Jane for about ten minutes, then left with her hundred dollars cash and promised to return in three hours, to pick up her daughter and any possible bonus money.

Monica was wearing very short jean shorts and a tight t-shirt with cartoon characters on the front. She had on ankle sport socks and gym shoes, but was carrying her black, patent leather Mary Jane dress shoes in her hand. Her blond hair was almost too short for pigtails as requested, but Mrs. Jackson had managed to brush the short hair out to form a tiny pigtail above each ear. The pigtails were constantly bouncing since the skinny girl could not stand still.

Jane said, "We'll be getting pictures in a variety of outfits, Mrs. Jackson. This is just a preliminary photo session. We're still screening the girls in order to pick out five models from twenty candidates. I will have to examine her closely and measure her for clothing and lingerie sizes." She continued talking softly to the mother while Monica looked at some of the model pictures posted along one wall, especially studying the picture of the pre-pubescent girl wearing only sheer panties, and standing in a very provocative pose. "If your daughter is obedient and if you can both keep this a secret then she may be selected to participate in the full catalog photo shoot in a couple weeks. We would need her the whole weekend, including all day Friday. You would get eight hundred dollars and she will get a hundred dollars for the weekend."

Mrs. Jackson suddenly looked worried, "You mean she might not be chosen? And I already told my sister we were going to get some pictures taken."

Patiently, Jane explained, still talking quietly so Monica couldn't hear - and so it would seem like she was taking Mrs. Jackson into her confidence, "You know how competitive the fashion industry is, Mrs. Jackson. We have to keep this a secret. That's one reason we prefer to pay you in cash. Just tell your sister that the photo session didn't work out. And actually today might be our last session if she isn't absolutely obedient." Jane added with a smile, "But she is cute enough."

Mrs. Jackson said, "Don't worry. I can keep a secret, and I'll keep telling Monica the same thing. And school won't start for six weeks, so she could go with you on a Friday. That would be fine."

"If you prefer a check we can do that, but it would only be for seven hundred because of the additional bookkeeping on our part."

"Oh no. Cash would be fine." Mrs. Jackson smiled.

Jane whispered, "And since Monica is likely to be chosen in my opinion, you'll probably get another five hundred dollar bonus after the weekend. And there might be additional photo shoots in the future. Providing, of course, that she follows directions and both of you keep this a secret." Then Jane went over to the lighting control board. She ostensibly turned on a few of the spotlights over the stage area, but she was making sure the sound system was getting every word.

While Jane was turning on the lights around the stage area, she heard Mrs. Jackson tell Monica in no uncertain terms to do everything she was told to do.

As they walked over to Jane, Mrs. Jackson handed her daughter the paper bag containing some of her outfits. She said to Jane, "Monica will do whatever you tell her to do. Don't worry."

"We'll be trying different outfits and even different make-up. I want to get some pictures of her with her own make-up on now. She will have to model some very sexy clothes, but I doubt if anyone in this country will see the catalog for several years. We will only choose the sexiest girls for our first overseas catalog."

"She loves make-up. It's fine with me - however you want her to dress or pose."

It was difficult for Jane not to smile too big at that, but her concentration was centered on the front of Monica's tight t-shirt with the cartoon characters, and the two very noticeable walnut-sized bumps - all the more noticeable since Monica was so skinny. Jane pulled the waifish Monica to stand in front of her, so they were both facing Mrs. Jackson. As they talked another minute, Jane held Monica by the shoulders right up against her body, getting the child used to being touched while being positioned. Jane also wanted Monica to know that her mother knew she would be getting touched to set up the photo shots.

Jane said, just as Mrs. Jackson ready to leave, "Step out of these shorts, Monica and I'll get a couple quick shots of you in these skating pants." She was holding a pair of red, spandex athletic shorts, almost like swimsuit bottoms.

Mrs. Jackson gave Monica one last look which said, do-whatever-she-says, and then left with her first hundred dollars in an envelope.

While Jane was turning on the lights, she also flipped the switches for the other two video cameras which seemed to be haphazardly laying around the studio with lots of other camera equipment and props. But Jane knew the location of every camcorder and had marked the floor with subtle scratches pointing to the closest one.

Jane was holding the spandex shorts while Monica sat on the floor to take off her shoes and socks. Jane pulled the ballet stretching bar onto the floor for the first set of shots. Monica stood up with a nervous giggle and unsnapped her shorts. "Are you sure I should just take them off in here?"

With her hand on the girl's shoulder, Jane led her to the nearest floor scratch and nonchalantly said, "It's just us girls today, Monica. The other cameraman couldn't make it today. Next time we might need to change you in the changing room, but today you can relax..." Then she switched to her country accent, joking with the girl. "...cause ain't nobody here but us girls!" They both laughed as Monica let her bluejeans shorts drop to the floor and stepped out of them with a kick.

She stood there in her tight t-shirt and white cotton panties. Monica could not stand completely still: part of her was always in motion. The girl's size 12 panties had little cartoons characters on them, too. While they laughed Jane started tracing the cartoons on the shirt with her forefinger, asking Monica if she was ticklish.

"Sometimes I'm ticklish, Ms. Jane." She said with a giggle as Jane's finger traced the outline of a big duck over the firmest walnut-sized titties she could ever remember touching. The girl giggled but let her trace the characters while they both laughed. Monica told her the names of the characters. When Jane had touched all the animated figures on the front of her shirt and learned their names, she knelt and touched - without too much pressure - the much smaller figures on the panties. Jane ascertained through the material that Monica had no pubic hair at all.

"Which bandito is this?" Jane asked, pressing a finger into her pubic mound just a half inch above her crack.

"That's Pedro. Everybody know that." she giggled, as if amazed at the ignorance of grown-ups.

Jane knew that Loren would have to adjust his pants when he watched today's videos of Monica.

She would compile the best video clips first. That would take several hours, but she wouldn't mind staying up late tonight. She also knew Loren and the other potential board members would like hearing Monica's questions, giggles, and noises almost as much as seeing her nubile body.

Jane held out the white spandex shorts and then did a double take look at Monica's panties. "Oh, Monica. I think your panties would show through these shorts. Just take them off so we can get some shots of you in these. We'll change tops later. I want to get some pictures of your legs while you stretch on the stretching bar in the spandex shorts." She held out her hand for the panties as the giggling Monica pulled them off and looked at the ballet bar, as high as her belly button.

"Oh, there's the phone. Practice stretching while I get this, then we'll try on the pants." Jane pushed a button on her cell phone. She talked to Loren, explaining that things were going fine and that one of the proteges was stretching at this very moment. Jane knew two of the cameras, especially the one on the floor aimed slightly upwards, was getting some great footage as the girl lifted one leg and then the other onto the bar, doing stretches and bends - even touching her toes while one foot was up on the bar, leg straight.

Monica's mother just left five minutes ago and already the girl was stretching without her panties on.

Jane talked for a moment longer, promising Loren some great shots.

When Jane clicked off, Monica said, "Look how far I can bend down, Jane. See? I can keep my leg straight and touch the floor with my hands." She giggled - so proud of herself. Jane knew that clip would make it to her final summary tape - at least three different angles of her bending over while saying, "Look how...." with her infectious giggling.

She had Monica sit on the bench while she applied bright red lipstick. Then Jane helped Monica get into the tight spandex shorts without panties and shot a variety of "official" poses. The tight spandex shorts fit like a glove so that her crack showed clearly in the pictures. It would look like she had red skin from just above her knees to her bellybutton - but her pubic mound and crack were so distinguishable that she might as well have been naked. Great pictures. And the biggest smile - showing off her new braces.

They spent some time trying on different tops to go with the shorts. Monica's tiny, firm breasts took Jane's breath away. They were fantastic. But she didn't want to try the phone ruse again, so this time she changed film while Monica was between shirts. She told her to do some more stretching and bounce to the oldies rock music which was playing on her CD player - just loud enough for them to hear, but not loud enough to drown out Monica's giggles or constant questions. Jane let her finish doing the Twist before trying on the next shirt.

Then, while she was helping Monica put on the spandex top, Monica got the giggles and could hardly stop. Jane let the top fall to the floor and tickled the girl, challenging her to hold still. Monica forced herself to stop giggling but she couldn't keep her body still while the tremors of stifled laughter continued in silence.

"I'll give you an extra five dollars if you can hold your arms straight out while I touch you with my fingers. You only have to keep from laughing for three minutes. Want to try it?"

The smiling ten year old said, "Oh sure, I'll try it. But I'm not sure if I can do it." This statement was followed by a giggle as she tried to hold still and be quiet, biting her lip with determination.

Jane positioned her so she was facing the close-to-the-floor, high resolution camcorder. Jane stood behind her and traced her fingers from the girl's elbows to her armpits and down her bare chest. Monica was still biting her lips to keep from laughing and she was trying to hold still while Jane continued to stroke under her arms and down her tummy. She accidentally tickled across the child's breasts each time, making them spring back into shape with hardly a jiggle. Jane kept telling the girl she was doing such a good job.

On the fourth pass Monica couldn't stand it any longer and burst into giggles, catching Jane's hands in her armpits. Her right hand was on Monica's right breast and she hugged the girl against her. Monica continued to wiggle while she laughed, clamping Jane's arm under her right arm.

"Close enough, Monica. You win just for trying so hard." And they both laughed while Jane hugged her a minute longer - her hands still on Monica's bare skin.

Next Jane dressed Monica in a cheerleading outfit and shot a quick roll of film with lots of high kick pictures. Monica did the splits and some jumps, enjoying the outfit. They laughed the whole time, even while Monica practiced some of her school cheers and told Jane about some of the stupid boys in her class.

Jane told her that her knees and elbows looked a little dry. "OK. Let's get this outfit off." Jane studied the girl's skin closely, and said, "Maybe some lotion before the next outfit. And it looks like you have sunburn on the back of your neck and on your arms and legs. I'd better put a little lotion on you and then we'll do your make-up before the next photo set. We'll let the lotion soak into your skin."

"OK. What should I do? It's fun being a model."

"I'm glad you like it, Monica. Let's take off the cheerleading outfit, and then come on over here and stand on this bench while I put lotion all over you. Then I'll change your make-up." She helped Monica undress and led her over to what used to be a weight lifting bench - like a very sturdy, long piano bench with a padded seat. "Hop up on here while I do your legs. We need to get your skin nice and soft all over because you'll be trying on lots of clothes, even some sexy panties. Won't that be fun?"

"Will I get to try on some you can see through, like the girl in that picture? She looks so sexy."

"Would you like to wear cute, sexy, little panties like that, Monica?" Jane asked while patting her bare fanny.

"Yes, that would be fun."

"Well, OK, then. You are a very sexy girl."

Jane smiled at Monica's big smile when she said that.

While Jane got the lotion and surreptitiously moved one of the camcorders, Monica said, "This is lots of fun." She hopped up to stand on the bench so that she was a few inches taller than Jane. "I bet I could stand on one foot."

Jane let her clown around, climbing up and down, standing on one foot, seeing if she could make her feet touch both ends of the bench at the same time... the way most kids like to show off. She wasn't self conscious being naked because this was part of the modeling. Jane was glad the pretty little girl was so comfortable. But Monica wouldn't have been so comfortable if she knew there were several camcorders aimed directly at her while she pranced around on the narrow bench.

"Hold still now, Honey, while I put this lotion on you. We'll let it soak in a few minutes." Jane poured a liberal amount of lotion on her hands and began on her left leg. When she rubbed the lotion over her fanny and around onto her tummy, Monica started giggling again. Each time Jane rubbed her hands across her tummy or pubic mound, Monica giggled.

Finally Jane said, "Maybe we should do that giggle bet again, Monica. Can you keep from giggling for five minutes while I rub this all over you."

"Oh boy. I bet I can hold still now. Is this for another five dollars?" She asked eagerly, clapping her hands together. She gritted her teeth despite the smile and tried to hold still.

"Squat down just a little bit to make your knees open. That's it. Now I'll rub this all over you; every inch. Just try to hold still. Ready?" Jane had both hands full of the cool, perfumed lotion.

Monica was squatted down like a Sumo wrestler to open her knees, and Jane started putting lotion on her tummy, back, and legs; rubbing it in, even reaching up between her spread legs to rub her tummy. Monica was visibly concentrating; trying not to giggle. The expression on her face changed when Jane rubbed lotion between her legs.

"This might tickle, but we're half way done. You're doing great, Monica." Jane was standing behind the girl with one hand between her legs rubbing lotion directly onto her open pussy while the other hand was reaching around the side doing her belly button area.

Monica was suddenly quiet and still. Her mouth was open and her eyes were wide as Jane continued to massage her pussy with her right hand. Jane's left hand rubbed Monica's left side - from ankle to armpit. Jane was concerned at the sudden silence and asked if it tickled to much. She was careful not to insert a finger or even press over the vaginal opening. Jane concentrated on the clitoral ridge and outer lips when her hand was between the girl's legs.

"It tickles, but not too much. Am I doing good?"

"Well, only two more minutes and you'll win again." Jane said, as she stepped one foot over the bench to stand beside the girl. She pressed her luck and began rubbing lotion onto Monica's golf ball sized titties with her right hand while her left hand massaged her rounded fanny and thighs. After a moment, Jane even ventured to pinch Monica's tiny, pink nipples lightly while rubbing the lotion onto the girl's puffy breasts. Monica didn't say anything, but her mouth was open in concentration.

When the five minutes was up Jane said, "Good job, Monica. Another five dollar prize."

"I did good, didn't I?" she brightened up as she stood and put her legs back together. "I can hold still when I want to. I bet I could do it again if you want to." Her youthful voice was huskier than it was earlier.

"We can play the tickle game again when we're done if we have time. But we need to get lots more pictures." Jane patted her on top of her head. One of Monica's short pig tails had come out.

"Sit down here while I fix your make-up and then we'll get you dressed up. I'll do something with this hair." Jane laughed as she pulled off the band holding the other pig tail.

After finishing the make up and taking some more playful picture sets in several sports uniforms. Jane was surprised how limber the ten-year old was. With a few compliments, the girl began getting into unbelievable positions - limbs every which way, giggling all the while. Monica's skinny legs were like pencils with knees, but her fanny was nicely rounded.

"Watch this, Ms. Jane. I can lean back and touch my shoulders on the ground." She was on her knees in a soccer uniform and laid all the way backwards so her shoulders did touch the ground.

As they finished up the last set, Mrs. Jackson came in. "How did she do?"

"Monica, change back into your own clothes now." Then Jane turned to Mrs. Jackson, "She did excellent, Mrs. Jackson. I'm almost sure we can use her in two weeks for the catalog shoot. And, umm..." Jane pretended to be reluctant to ask the next question, which got the full attention of Monica's mom.

Mrs. Jackson said, "What? Whatever it is, I'm sure we can do it."

Monica skipped over to join the women, now wearing the clothes she came in. She had changed clothes in front of them while mumbling the words to a popular song.

Jane hugged the girl and held her so Monica's back was against her. She could see that the adults had been discussing something and asked, "What's the matter? Is everything OK? I tried to follow directions. Honest, Mom."

They both laughed and Jane said, "I was just going to remind your mom that some of the modeling would be in lingerie. She'll be modeling several different training bras. Some of the fashions will be very sheer."

"Will I get to keep one?" Monica interrupted. "One of the girls in my class has one."

"Sure you can keep one, Monica." Said Jane.

Mrs. Jackson said, "Modeling is modeling. She'll wear whatever you give her to wear. Won't you, Dear?" Her voice told her daughter that she had better do whatever we say.

"Sure, Mom. Today was fun and I did a good job. Didn't I Ms. Jane?" Monica's whole body was animated when she talked - almost jumping up and down. He face was one big smile.

Jane turned the girl around and kissed her cheek. "You did great, Monica. I'll pick you up in two weeks. I'll call your mom with the details. Remember, this is our secret."

"OK." said the mother and daughter at the same time.


"Two hours until Rachel gets here." Jane said aloud and turned to get the make-shift studio ready for the next model. She changed tapes in each of the camcorders and marked the roles of film. All the while she was busy with the equipment she kept thinking of Monica and of the upcoming models she would be photographing. Her panties were soaked.

After viewing clips from each of the camcorders, she adjusted the position of two of them and changed the lighting. Jane labeled the old tapes as she inserted blank tapes for the next model. She was pulling the ballet bar back near the center of the picture taking area when Rachel and her mother knocked on the door.

Rachel and her mother both seemed much more shy than Monica and her mother, but still the reddish haired Twelve year old Rachel couldn't keep from walking around the studio looking at the tripods, umbrella lights, and the big roll of backdrop paper, and of course, the photo of a pre-teen girl wearing only the sheer, sexy panties.

Rachel's long hair was pulled back in one long pony tail. She was wearing a party dress which was too short, and too tight on her - probably from a year ago. She had white, lacy ankle socks and black MaryJane shoes.

Jane had a similar discussion with Rachel's mother, letting her know that Rachel would not be selected unless she followed directions quickly. She assured Jane that her daughter would do everything she was told and that she, too, would prefer the money in cash.

Jane took a few pictures before Rachel's mother left. The freckle faced, twelve-year old had the cutest smile. And she had on a training bra, Jane determined quickly while touching her back to put her in another pose.

As soon as the mother left, Jane unbuttoned Rachel's dress from behind her and helped her slip out of it to get ready for the next costume. Rachel was taller and heavier than Monica, and still had a babyfat figure. This also gave her slightly bigger breasts, but they were very firm. The girl followed Jane over to the boxes of costumes in her underwear, shoes, and socks. The cotton bra-like top and panties were plain white. Rachel had stark tan lines from her one piece swimming suit and Jane could hardly wait to see her totally undressed. She was worried that this older girl might have noticeable pubic hair.

She put on the cheerleader skirt and top and Jane took a roll of film before checking the other panties which matched the skirt to determine which pair to use. Rachel took off her white cotton panties and handed them to Jane who was holding out her hand.

Jane seemingly compared the size of the two panties and said the red cheerleading panties might be too big. She had the girl hold up her skirt so she could hold the purple pair in front of her. As Jane had hoped, the girl was completely hairless except for a few longer, fine, reddish-blond hairs just above the crack. You couldn't see them if you were more than a foot away from her secret charms. Her pale, lightly freckled skin was beautiful. Her legs and arms were so tan that it made the pale skin on her belly and pussy look radiantly white. The pale freckles made her white appear even more white. Jane wanted to touch it so bad, but she didn't want to scare the girl. "Keep holding your skirt up, Rachel, while I get the other panties to hold up. We'll find a pair in a minute."

The obedient girl held the skirt up high, standing straight, while Jane went to get more panties from the box of clothing. She did not see the girl scratch herself, but later she would see a delightful close up of the girl scratching her pussy on videotape.

Jane came back with several pairs and held each pair up in front of the pale pussy. After picking out the best pair, she helped the girl put them on and then checked the fit with her hands. She had Rachel stand in a variety of awkward poses. Jane took a few shots in each position after checking the fit of the panties, top, and skirt with her hands - getting the girl used to being touched as part of the photography experience.

"You are doing an excellent job, Rachel. You are so limber." Jane gave the shy girl lots of encouraging compliments.

After another ten pictures it was time for a completely different outfit. While the girl undressed in front of four strategically placed video cameras, Jane picked out the next outfit - a two piece nightgown which was sheer enough to see through. She held it up in front of the girl and said, "Oh Rachel, the skin on your tummy is so pale it might shine through the material. Let me put this creme on you where you aren't tan so it won't be so shiny in the pictures."

Jane knew Loren would compliment her on how she got the girl used to being touched. After rubbing creme on her back, she had the girl get on her hands and knees with knees wide apart - presumably so Jane could reach her fanny easier.

Rachel was more relaxed and even began joking around, showing off. She wanted to show Jane how limber she was since Jane kept complimenting her on that. "I can really put my knees apart, Ms. Jane. And I can almost touch the ground like doing the splits."

"Oh, you're not that limber are your Rachel? Let me see." Jane laughed, knowing the video would be great.

Rachel was on her elbows and knees with her knees so wide apart that her pussy did almost touch the floor. Jane had her stay in that position while she got some more lotion, which she now was calling, 'anti-shine creme.' Rachel's pussy had popped open so all viewers who watched the session video could see the miniature pink labia and anus and over an inch into the pink vaginal opening. Jane noted right away that the pink anus was almost invisible. When she got back with the lotion, she took her time rubbing it on - all over her fanny and pussy lips, explaining again that she would be trying on different panties today.

At last it was time for Rachel to stand and get her front coated with the 'anti-shine creme.' To make it a fun game, Jane challenged her to hold her arms out to her sides and try not to giggle. It took a few minutes and several "start-overs" to finish rubbing the entire front of the girl model. Most of the time Jane was standing behind Rachel, rubbing with both hands. One hand was on either her pussy or breasts while the other hand tickled her belly button or sides, keeping the girl's attention diverted. Rachel's pink nipples were so small and pink they hardly showed up in the video. Jane could distinguish them easier by feel... and feel she did. The breasts were like half-oranges with puffy nipples. Jane could feel the nipples stiffen up when she rubbed them.

The photo shoot in the nightie was accidentally sexy. She asked Rachel to clown around, jump, dance to the music, and so forth while she took a few pictures, knowing the video cameras would capture all the jiggles of those firm breasts.

With just a half hour until Rachel's mother returned, Jane asked her to sit on the edge of a folding chair and put her legs apart so she could measure the width of the sheer panties between her legs. "We will have some custom clothing made specially for whichever girls are chosen and I need to get a few measurements. In case you are chosen."

Jane felt and measured with a tape measure all over her panties, writing down numbers on her clipboard. "Before I measure your top, let me find the exact panty center." Jane pressed her finger on the girl's clitoral ridge and then asked Rachel to hold her finger on the center while she got the other tape.

"It's in metrics, Rachel, since some of the fashions are from Europe." She said as she went over to the box of clothing. The video camera which was just a few feet away captured the girl's finger moving around as she held it centered on her clitoral ridge.

After Jane returned and measured both sides between ridge and leg, she had Rachel stand and remove the panties and then sit back down. When Jane took the panties she noted they were quite damp in the center. She had the girl sit as before and hold her finger in the center while she took some more measurements. Jane was pleased to see that Rachel was shiny wet inside and completely obedient and trusting.

Lastly she had the girl stand and remove the top of the nightie so she could get more measurements. Trying to measure the cup size on the thirty-two inch bust was proving difficult so she had Rachel get on her hands and knees again (her side towards one of the video cameras, and her open fanny towards one of the others) so Jane could jiggle them easier while they were hanging down.

"I have to also check the firmness, Rachel, so we will know which strength of elastic to put in your new bras." Jane said as she massaged the girls breasts for a moment - pulling towards the center and letting them snap back into place.

"Do you mind following our crazy directions, Rachel? I know it might seem silly to you." Jane laughed while she continued to fondle the girl.

"No. That's OK. Mommy said to do whatever you said, and this doesn't hurt or anything." She answered quietly.

"Good girl, Rachel. I think you'll be chosen to be one or our models for the catalog. Stand up now and hop up and down. I need to see how your breasts jiggle so I can get one last measurement." She made sure the naked girl faced the cameras to run in place, hop up and down, and do some jumping jacks.

"Good girl, Rachel. Let's try on a few sets of underwear for some last photos. Hurry. Your mom will be here soon. They hurried through three bra and panty sets and got her dressed before her Mom returned.

"It was fun, Mommy. And I might get to be in the catalog." Rachel excitedly told her mother a few minutes later.

Jane explained more about the upcoming weekend session. Rachel's mother said it was fine with her and reminded Jane that she would prefer cash.

For the next few hours Jane edited the tapes, using the best footage from the different angles and made a forty-five minute collage for each girl. She captured their voices and giggles to show their energy and enthusiasm and girlish curiosity, along with close-ups of their feminine charms from different angles. She knew Loren and his potential financial backers would love the tapes and want to meet the girls in person. Later she would compile a one hour feature video on each girl in all the different outfits - dancing and modeling, and splice the various naked or touching scenes in the last ten minutes. The girls had such cute, immature voices, she would be sure to include lots of their talking and laughter in each tape.

Jane was thinking of new ways to pose and test the next three models which she would shoot over the next few days. She didn't really have twenty models to pick from, only Monica and the five new girls whom she had already pre-screened. Each one was on the edge of puberty - perfect. None of the girls went to the same school as any of the others.

The next morning, just before noon, ten year old Shirley arrived with her mother. Shirley seemed more poised than the other girls, as if she knew how pretty she was, bordering on arrogance. An air of sexuality radiated from her. Light blue eyes sparkled with interest and enthusiasm as she wandered around the studio while Jane talked with her mother.

They had pretty much the same conversation as Jane had with the two mothers the day before. After agreeing on the money, signing the contracts and handing over most of the the cash for today's shoot, Jane called Shirley over and asked her to undress. She explained to Shirley and her mother that she needed to get exact measurements and to check some other things which she could only do if Shirley was completely undressed.

"But you may leave your shoes and socks on, Shirley." Jane said. The girl looked at her mother to make sure this was OK, and then undressed quickly and stood on the box which Jane indicated. She seemed more humble now.

"Very good." said Jane to Shirley's mother. "If she continues to follow directions like that, I think she might work out OK. Of course, there are several other models I have to screen yet. It depends on her obedience and how well the pictures turn out. She must be willing to do whatever I ask, no matter how silly it may seem to her."

Shirley already had budding "tiny cup cake" breasts, which she seemed very proud of, as she held her shoulders back to accentuate them. Jane had her turn around on the foot high pedestal, supposedly so that Jane could look her over. Both women noticed that Shirley's pink nipples stiffened up while they looked at the girl, but neither of the women commented on it. Jane was glad to see that Shirley's pussy was still bald, despite the budding breasts.

Jane had her hold her hands straight up in the air while she took measurements. Then she told Shirley's mother that she could leave now, since the girl seemed to be following directions without question.

"She'd better follow directions, if she knows what's good for her." Said the mother with eyebrows together, giving the girl a warning look.

Then she said to Jane, "If she gives you any trouble, you may spank or discipline her as you see fit."

Shirley gave Jane a look of relief when her mother left a few minutes later.

Jane smiled, and said, "Well, young lady, just for fun before we start shooting, I should give you a little spanking and see how well you can follow directions."

A worried look flashed across Shirley's face, but then was replace by giggles when she saw that Jane was smiling. Shirley hopped off the platform and put her straight legs apart and bent down to put her elbows on the box she had been standing on, with her fanny raised and open towards Jane. Her proud, sexy, playfulness surprised Jane and she determined to teach the little minx a lesson.

"Legs farther apart, young lady." Jane said in mock sternness. "I'm going to get a chair and give you a little spanking then, since you really seem to want one and because you had your tenth birthday just two weeks ago."

"Not a hard one, please, Jane. I'm just showing you how good I can follow your directions." She said coyly as she put her feet wider apart with a subtle wiggle of her ass. Light tan lines showed Jane clearly how skimpy the girl's bikini swim suit must be. What a little teaser. This girl would need to learn some manners.

Jane could tell the youngster was quite conscious of her beauty and sexuality. She took her time pulling up a chair before playfully spanking Shirley. She also adjust the lighting for a better view and adjusted one of the video cameras to zoom on her tender, young ass.

Jane gave Shirley several playful spanks, then did one a little bit harder, just to see what she would do. Shirley twitched but immediately got back into position.

"Was that too hard for you, Shirley?" Jane asked, wondering what the girl was thinking.

"No, Mam." I get spanked harder than that sometimes. It didn't hurt.

Jane gave her bottom a few more harder slaps. Each time the girl twitched and got back in position without complaint. "Stay bent over, but you can rub your fanny a moment. Then I'll see if you want to do some modeling."

Shirley kept in position, but put both hands on her fanny and rubbed her bottom. The girl inadvertently pulled herself open and Jane noticed she was getting wet!

Shirley said, "I want to model some sexy panties like that girl in the picture."

"Stay in position. You'll get a chance to model some sexy lingerie, Young Lady, but now I'm going to give you a few more playful spankings. Then we'll do the modeling, Shirley. I'm going to take some pictures of your pretty bottom for my private collection. Is that OK?"

"Yes, that's OK. Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Yes. You're very pretty. While I get my camera, I want you to tell me about your spankings. Who? Where? How many? And so forth. This will be our secret. I'll be sure to give you an extra tip for telling me all about it, and for letting me get some private pictures."

"Well, mainly it was my Mom's old boyfriend. He used to spank me sometimes when we played games. We played those games while Mom was still at work."

Jane used a flash and took several pictures. She asked the girl to explain more about the games and the spankings. "...like did he ever pull down your panties, or spank your bare bottom?"

"Not at first, but then we started playing more games and I had to pull down my panties and keep my eyes closed. Sometimes I had to bend over and sometimes I laid across his lap, face down or even face up. But if I was laying face up he didn't spank me. I just had to hold still with my eyes closed while he moved my legs around. That was our game, and if I did real good he gave me some money."

"Did he ever hurt you?" Jane continued taking pictures, glad she had started the video cameras before Shirley and her mother walked in earlier.

"No. He never hurt me. He didn't spank hard, and he always gave me some money for keeping our games a secret. It didn't hurt a bit."

"Well, good. And I won't hurt you either - or reveal your secret." She gave Shirley three more pats on her bottom.

"Now stand up and turn around so I can get a few more sexy shots before I change film and we start the real modeling session. That's it, after each flash, stand in a different sexy pose. Keep moving. Good girl. You are so sexy." She encouraged Shirley to strut her stuff. And strut she did! Jane changed rolls and took another set of "sexy" shots which pleased the girl.

Shirley asked, "Are these pictures for your private collection, too, Jane?" She was sitting on the front edge of a folding chair with one foot under the chair and the other foot up on the chair beside her fanny. One hand was behind her head, fluffing her hair. Shirley's knees were wide apart in this position and she accentuated her openness even more by arching her back to stick out her breasts.

Jane turned off her flash, adjusted the lights, and got closer to the girl's open pussy for some close-ups. Shirley opened wider for the camera. With a devilish, self-conscious grin, she thrust her hips slightly towards Jane's camera. Jane noted that the girl was now very wet, even though her inner labia were underdeveloped and her clitoral ridge was small... small but erect.

Shirley turned around for the next few poses and even pulled her fanny open. Jane saw the tiniest, pink, hairless anus she could remember.

She didn't dare touch it yet, however, but she knew these photos and the accompanying videos would drive Loren crazy over this precocious, sexy girl.

After a start like that, the rest of the photo shoot was rather uneventful.

The photos were relatively uneventful, but the conversation revealed some of the depth of the girl's advanced sexual interest. Jane asked her to think about what it would be like to be kissed and fondled by adults - men or women. The girl said she had often thought about that already, and was so curious about everything, especially after seeing lesbians on television. "I don't think I'm a lesbian because I like boys and men so much, but I am curious about it, Jane."

Jane felt that the girl showed even more poise by calling her by her first name so comfortably. She asked, "Have you ever pictured kissing a woman?"

"Yes, sometimes when I touch myself, I picture getting kissed and touched by an older woman. It just seems safer or something, but it makes me tingle inside. I'm even starting to tingle just thinking about it. I thought about it when I was posing for you earlier and kind of hoped you would kiss me." Then Shirley uncharacteristically blushed.

"Well, young lady, today is not the day. Maybe someday. You will certainly be one of the models to go for the weekend photo shoot. Your first job, of course, is to be a good model, and it's fine - even expected - that you will act kind of sexy for the men and for the photographers. But I want you to be aware that you are also acting sexy for me and the other women who will be there. Women who may want to spend some time with you later on in the evening."

"Wow. That sounds pretty neat."

"OK then. Here is a secret assignment for you: over the course of your modeling, you will sometimes be playing with the other girls. Go ahead and touch them in ways you would like me or the other women to touch you later. Just be playful, not pushy. This will also help the other girls relax and be playful between our official modeling sessions. And it will excite the men, too. But this will be our secret. Don't tell the other girls or any of the adults who will be at our weekend session. This is our secret, but I'm sure all of the adults - men and women - will want to play with you."

The young girl seemed excited about this secret assignment. Jane gave the girl a twenty to hide in her purse before her mother got there. Shirley didn't say anything to her mother except that it was fun being a model, and that she hoped she would be chosen to go on the weekend photo shoot.

Jane smiled as Shirley and her mother left. Loren would just love this little tart!

The next day Jane shot the two remaining candidates. These girls were delivered by "Aunt Gwen," another lady who was helping with Loren's pre-teen lingerie catalog. Aunt Gwen already had the parent's signature on the forms and had given them the money. It worried Jane a little bit the way Aunt Gwen blatantly fondled the young models while helping them change clothes or pose, but, on the other hand, there was no specific time to take the girls back, so she would have time to take lots of good pictures. She decided to mail a few pictures to the mothers of the girls all dressed up.

The girls got used to Aunt Gwen's ministerings and allowed her to undress and touch them freely between shoots. The girls worked well together and for some of the shoots they tried to see who could look the sexiest.

Although Laurie was not quiet ten and Sarah had just turned twelve, they were almost the same height since Sarah was so petite for her age. Both girls had short, blond hair. Laurie had dark, blue eyes and Sarah's were light blue Laurie was as flat as the proverbial board, but was getting some definition in her hips, and had rather puffy pussy lips on a protruding pubic mound.

Laurie's face had full lips, while Sarah's were thin with sharper facial features. Sarah had lemon size titties and a "disappearing crack" as Loren referred to girls with almost no mound and a crack which didn't quite show when standing up straight with her legs together.

The girls had never seen each other before today but seemed quite comfortable posing together and even did several panties-only photo sessions right off the bat, which they thought was funny. Both girls giggled nervously but followed directions.

Aunt Gwen hinted at some of the games they would get to play over the photo-shoot weekend in a couple weeks, such as the one in which one of the girls pretends to be a boy and has to kiss the other girls. They thought that sounded like fun and agreed to try it, but they both wanted to be the boy.

Jane and Aunt Gwen finally relented and decided to let each of them have a turn. Aunt Gwen took Laurie to the store room to help her become a boy, while Jane dressed up Sarah as frilly as possible, including lacy panties with ruffled leg holes, a very short, black skirt and a sheer, frilly blouse. Jane took an extra few minutes to put red nail polish and lipstick on Sarah, while coaching her on acting like a pre-teen movie star. Jane even put eye shadow and perfume on the budding debutante.

Sure enough, Laurie looked like a boy with her wet hair combed back, bluejeans and a t-shirt. Aunt Gwen had even given her boy's underwear briefs. She was wearing gym shoes and was trying to act like a boy, although that wasn't too convincing, since both girls were waiting for instructions.

"Laurie, I want you to ask Sarah to dance." Aunt Gwen said as she put on some slow dance music. They took pictures of the girls trying to dance. The video would be better than the pictures since their giggling was as cute as the girls themselves. Neither of the girls could lead and they were stumbling into each other. Aunt Gwen put her hands on the girls backs and slowed them down. "Now just dance with baby steps and then Laurie, you kiss Sarah. Keep practicing. Sarah, let her kiss you and pretend you like it."

The girls did a great job pretending they liked it. They continued kissing and shuffling their feet to the music. Aunt Gwen prompted Laurie to put her tongue in Sarah's mouth. The girls did that, too, even taking turns, with very little giggling. It only took a little more prompting to get them to touch and begin undressing each other.

Soon Sarah was down to just panties and her training bra and Laurie was only wearing boy's briefs. Both girls thought this was so funny. After a few more poses, they finished undressing each other and Aunt Gwen asked them to practice kissing some more while they got the pile of clothes sorted out. Jane left the video cameras running, of course, while they practiced.

It took almost twenty minutes to get the girls ready for the reversed roles. This time Jane put the fingernail polish and red lipstick on Laurie, and even put a padded bra on her.

The girls couldn't see each other being dressed, but they each talked about what they would do during their practice session. Both girls enjoyed the second role reversal game as much as the first.

They they had time for one more nightgown shoot - still practicing some of the kissing - before getting into their old clothes for the trip back home.

Both girls said they hoped they would be chosen for the weekend modeling session. Jane and Aunt Gwen said they would probably be chosen for sure, especially since they didn't mind acting and did such good jobs following directions - even on the silly things like kissing each other.

Laurie said, "I don't mind it. It was kind of fun. I liked being a boy and a girl. Kissing was OK, too."

Then Sarah added, "I like playing pretending games. It's fun. But I think I liked being the girl better. Do you really think I'm sexy, Jane?"

The women laughed. "Yes, you're both sexy." said Jane. "That's why I'm sure we'll be able to use you two for our catalog modeling weekend."

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just wish more of the posing had led to the girl having an orgasm or begging to stop when the sensations got too strong


One of the best written stories I have come across here. When will there be more?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.