Published: 19-Dec-2011
Word Count:
Notes to readers: 1. Thanks for the suggestions to involve Laura in the story. 2. Part Three is almost finished, but it's too long to post, so I'm still revising it... same with parts four, five, and six. They'll be coming soon. Share any other 'favorites' and themes.
"Yes, Galina, please come in. And hello, Laura." He waved them into his waiting room outside the big studio area. Both were wearing casual clothes. It was policy for the girls to arrive in "regular" street clothes so as not to attract attention.
"Hi, Mr. Joseph. I'm so glad I'll get to dance for more of your videos!" She was smiling and practically jumping up and down.
Mr. Joseph smiled as he sat down and motioned for her to stand between his knees so they were eye-to-eye. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. "And I'm glad you'll make more videos for me, too. It's been almost six months since I've seen you. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday from a few months ago. Now you're ten, actually ten and a half, and you're getting prettier every day!"
Her grin got even bigger and her bright eyes were sparkling.
"I like how your big girl teeth have filled in now that you're a little older. So grown-up and sexy. Did your Mommy tell you about the new kinds of videos you'll be making? They will be so much fun!"
Galina said, "I only told her she would be dancing and playing with another girl - like playing games or putting lotion on each other. I didn't tell her anything else. But of course I reminded her that you are the boss and she has to do everything you tell her, and she has to wear whatever you give her to dance and play in, whether she likes it or not. And I reminded her we can't talk about her videos with anyone else, or even with each other, and that nobody in this country will see her videos. And, Mr. Joseph, we did go to the beach several times and I made her wear the top to her swimming suit, even though she didn't want to since most of the girls her age don't wear tops."
He looked at Laura - right into her big, brown eyes. "You're so cute, Laura. I had asked your Mommy to have to keep the top to your swimming suit on, so you would have pretty tan lines, especially since you're starting to get a little figure. Some men think tan lines are so sexy on little girls. You had already made enough level one videos for us, so now I'm glad we'll be able to use you in our level two and maybe level three videos. You did so great in your level one videos. In the level one videos it was just you dancing by yourself, but in level two there will be another little girl with you most of the time. Sometimes you'll be by yourself but usually with another girl" He smiled at the puzzled look on her face. "You want to be in more videos, don't you?"
"Did your Mommy tell you that you'll get to dance and play with other girls, and that you might also get to go to some fun parties with other little girls and play games with them and with some of the other photographers?"
"Yes, once you've done some level two and maybe level three videos, you'll get to go to small parties with some of our other models and some of my assistant photographers."
"Gee, that sounds like fun. I want to. Thank you." She leaned forward and hugged him as he sat on the folding chair next to the little desk in his entry room. "I have to go over a new contract with your Mother while you go back to try on your next dance outfit." He held out a tiny pair of white, ultra sheer, thong panties, and a short nightie top of the same see-through material. Ms. Alina came out from the other room where she had been listening.
Laura took the panties in her hand that Mr. Joseph gave her. It was just a small triangle with strings. She said, "But I can see through these."
"Yes, aren't they sexy? So fun to dance in. The other little girl today will be wearing the same kind of outfit while you dance and play together."
"Gee. But I mean you can see through them. Do I have to wear these?"
"No, you don't have to, Sweetie, unless you want to make more videos for us. Then you do have to wear whatever we give you and you have to follow directions."
It got quiet in the waiting room.
Then Laura said, "But..." She was thinking about how much her Mommy said they needed the money, and she had to make the videos. She told Laura that it was both fun and helped them with money, so she had to do it even if it was a little embarrassing at times.
"Yes, she will do it." Said her Mommy. "She likes to dance and, like Mr. Joseph told me, you have made other videos dancing around in a little leotard or while you were only wearing thong panties and a top."
"Yes, she did a great job in those level one videos - wearing some exotic costumes and panties or leotards or carrying a little whip. She'll get to wear more exotic hose - lots of lace, and those lacy, white gloves she likes. More make-up. Things like that. And she is very limber and flexible. I like how she can spread her legs so wide apart."
"I had her practice her stretching exercises for you."
"Very good. Now go with Alina and try these on while I talk to your Mommy. Then come back out here with Valensiya so we can see how well they fit you. I need to be sure of your measurements today. Then, if you are obedient, you can keep making videos for us. You like thigh-high, lacy hose, and high heels, don't you?"
"Yes, but..."
Mr. Joseph said, "Oh, well you won't be starting out for your video in just these two pieces. No, you'll be all dressed and play around, and then end up in just these panties, but you'll be all dressed for most of the video or at least the first half of it."
"So I'll be dressed?"
"Yes, for at least the first half. Both of you girls will start out fully dressed. You can undress the other little model first to see how she likes it. OK?" Joseph asked.
"Well, OK. I mean, 'yes, Sir.' I'll do it." She noticed the pleading, yet stern, look on her Mommy's face.
Ms. Alina took her hand and led her back into the studio.
Joseph said, "She may balk a little at first. I'll have a talk with her. She'll see the other girl doing things today, and that will help her relax. She'll just be doing things that all little girls do eventually anyway. Nothing to be concerned about, but I want her to think that you always think she is dressed in at least panties for the videos. And she will always be wearing at least panties in the level two videos."
"Tell me about the different levels again."
"In level one videos she is always wearing at least panties and a top, and dancing or rolling around or whatever, alone. In level two there will usually be another little girl and they will eventually be kissing and touching each other as they undress down to panties. They will play games or pretend they are spanking each other. They will do stretching exercises. Things like that. And the pay is double that of the level one videos. Usually we shoot two or three videos for each extended modeling session, just like we did on her level one videos. Level three is the same, but the bottoms come off, too, but you need to pretend you don't know that. You just have to keep encouraging her to follow directions and have fun. If she starts to tell you about anything, remind her of our no talking policy. She will be able to talk with the other girls on those levels, so she will have new friends to talk to. And level three pays double what level two pays."
He could tell she was thinking about the money. Then she said, "And you say she will still be a virgin?"
"Oh yes, of course. For the videos and at the parties. The parties pay the same as if she is making level two or three videos."
She was quietly thinking, then asked about how often she would be doing either video sessions or parties.
Probably once or twice a month, which is much more often than when she was doing the level one videos for us. All of our girls start out in level one. We only recruit cute, innocent girls who are just at that pre-puberty level, before they have a period or get pubic hair."
"Oh. Well she's at that stage. Probably won't start periods for couple of years, and almost no pubic hair yet. I didn't have my first period until I was twelve and a half."
"Yes, and about the pubic hair..."
"If a parent consents and if the girl wants to keep making videos past age ten, then we begin wax treatments so they stay hairless. We have some models who are fourteen and still making videos for us. Do you think we could arrange that with Laura if she wants to continue?"
"I've heard that waxing really hurts."
"Yes, it does, but only for a few seconds at a time, and then just one or two treatments a year for the next few years and then she may be hairless for life, which would save years and years of shaving."
"Umm... well..."
Joseph knew what she was going to ask, but he waited, wanting to get additional commitment from the mother.
Finally she asked her question, phrasing it so as not to seem greedy. "I mean, well, since it would be painful, is there..."
Joseph kept waiting, smiling inside.
"I mean, is there compensation? Like as if she was making a video?" Then she hurriedly added, "I want to help her with her modeling career, so I think it would be fine, but I was just wondering. I mean, since she would have her panties off for you."
"I don't do the procedure myself. We have a professional. We make a day of it for the girl - videos, other girls and photography assistants watching, and like a 'coming out' party where she shows her waxed area to all the adults and other little girls. All our girls do it. Then they are officially in our club. All the other girls will show Laura their waxed areas that night, too. They would let her look and touch as long as she likes. As far as compensation, it would be as if she made three, level three videos that afternoon and evening. Quite a sum."
"How many girls go through that?"
"You know I can't tell you too much, or give you names, and usually you won't ever meet any of the other girls. You will meet the girl Laura will be working with today, though, but today is an exception so we can get Laura off to a fast start. Valensiya is only nine, but she started doing level two and three videos about six weeks ago, and she was waxed shortly after she started with the videos. You could ask her about the waxing and about the parties. But you can't ask about other girls after today. It's also why we never show any of the mothers the videos we make. And you remember what I said about asking too many questions when we started a year ago?"
"Oh, of course. I remember that. I'm sorry for asking questions. I was just curious."
"It's less that fifty girls, but some are added each year - a dozen or so. It's an honor to be invited to make level two and level three videos for us. And it also leads to more party invitations." He looked at her. "Last year I alluded to our associates who make sure there is no trouble with police and so forth."
"Yes, you made that perfectly clear."
"This is off the record, but there was a mother, about the same time that Laura started with us, who actually accused us of things. She was trying to blackmail us and threatened to go to the police."
"Oh, dear. That's awful. What happened?"
"I don't know, but that was the last video her daughter ever made - for us anyway. She may be making other videos. The girl is nine. They disappeared that same week, and I don't know where they went. I heard they were separated and that they were both... well, they were both still involved with helping men relieve tension, but not in Europe."
"Oh, I'm not asking questions, and I'm not threatening. We appreciate the money. It's just the two of us, you know, and I'm out of work at the moment. We took the bus here."
"I know. And these new videos and parties will provide excellent compensation for you, as well as lots of fun for Laura.. I appreciate that you had Laura wear the top to her swimming suit on those days you took her to the beach. I'm anxious to see her tan lines."
"You suggested that, for the tan lines, in order for her to make any more videos. And she really wants to. It will help her so much if she gets into other kinds of modeling."
Alina stuck her head out of the studio into the small waiting room. "Both girls are wearing the costumes for our first video. I think they've hit it off. Valensiya is telling her how much fun the parties are. I have them practicing kissing right now. They are even practicing in front of one of our cameramen. Valensiya told her that it's more fun and things even feel better, in front of cameras."
"Did you help them change in front of the cameramen?"
"Yes, Sir, just like you asked. No problem with Valensiya, of course, and then Laura did too. Both girls were kind of giggling and showing off - making the cameramen smile."
"So you think little Laura might even make a level three for us today?"
"Yes, I'm pretty sure, especially if she sees Valensiya take off her panties and spread her legs for the cameras."
Mr. Joseph explained, "Before we invite a new girl to any of our private parties, she has to make some level three videos, so we'll know that she likes to take off her panties in front of people and cameras. At most of the parties we don't get much video, it's just we know they will let our pre-approved visitors and assistant cameramen take off the girls' panties during the games. But our girls remain virgins until they are at least twelve or thirteen before they get to level five."
Galina feigned concern again, "And you're sure they remain virgins?"
"Yes. At the most it would be fingers in the front or back. Things the little girls like to do anyway. Just part of growing up."
"In the back?"
"Only with lots of lubricant. We never hurt our models. They learn to love it."
"I suppose that's OK. I mean, like you said, they will do those things anyway."
"Yes, most girls do, and these are safe, controlled circumstances, so they never get hurt. But Laura will think that you think she is always wearing at least panties for the videos and parties."
Ms. Alina said, "They are dressed up with make up and high heels and fancy lingerie at the parties. The girls love getting all dressed up and meeting the new people. And of course they love the games."
Mr. Joseph asked Alina when the next party was scheduled.
"Next weekend actually. About an hour drive from here and I could pick her up." She looked at Laura's Mommy, "I would need to get her at least two hours before the party so I can do her hair, nails and help with the fancy clothes she would be starting out in. You just make sure she has a bath in the morning and that she washes all over, especially between her legs." Then Ms. Alina looked at Joseph. "Did you ask her about waxing? Laura is ready to start that anytime. And she did like looking at Valensiya's waxed area. She touched it and told Valensiya how pretty it looked. So the girls have already checked each other out. That's a good sign that she's ready for the parties."
"I want to officially talk to her about it. Bring them both out here."
"Yes, Sir." She went back into the studio.
A moment later she brought out two giggling girls who were holding hands. Larua was almost a year older than Valensiya, but Valensiya was taller and heavier. Both girls were very cute, with full, plump pussy lips. That was why Joseph had picked Valensiya as the other model for today. Laura had her other hand in front of her pussy, to hide the little ultra sheer panties.
Joseph had the girls stand in front of him as he looked at their outfits. After he had them turn away, he patted their bottoms - essentially bare - in the tiny, thong panties. Both girls giggled again.
Then he said, "Laura step over next to your Mommy. I need to show her something." He pulled Valensiya to stand between his knees as he sat forward on the folding chair. She was standing sideways to him; facing Laura and her Mommy. "See how her panties kind of hide her feminine area?"
"Yes." Galina said. Laura nodded, but had an unsure look on her face.
"But still, you can kind of see through these panties." Joseph said, with his left hand on Valensiya's left thigh right next to her panties. It was a gross understatement. Both Laura and her Mommy could plainly see Valensiya's pussy lips through the ultra-sheer, little, silky triangle of material.
Joseph began massaging Valensiya's pussy through the silky material. Both Laura and Galina were watching closely as Joseph's fingers squeezed and released Valensiya's pussy again and again. He pretended that he just noticed they were watching his hand. Joseph said, ""Oh, well sometimes I have to feel the panties to see if they fit correctly. These seem to fit just fine. And for level two videos you girls will undress down to your panties while you're playing - like wrestling around, or kissing and pretending that one of you is a boy and you're wrestling, or tickling each other. And for level three videos, it's just the same only ... well, I'll talk to you when we go into the studio. But now, look at Valensiya's pubic area. It's hairless because she has been waxed." He pulled the front of Valensiya's panties down to prove the total absence of hair. "See how pretty it is? No hair at all. And the wax treatment does hurt a little bit, but then there is a fun party, isn't that right, Valensiya?"
"Yes, it's really fun. And you get to meet more of our sponsors, and the other girls. It does hurt a little bit - like pulling out a hair on your head, but it's only for a second so it's not really too bad. And then everything else is so much fun. Oh, and then you get to go to parties. Sometimes at a beach or by a pool. The parties are really fun."
Mr. Joseph was now massaging Valensiya's bare, bald pussy while her panties were stretched between her knees. Then he moved his left hand up to Valensiya's chest and pulled the nighty top to one side, exposing both small breasts, which had been visible through the sheer material. He said, "I like her tan lines. That's why we have the girls wear their tops at the beach, even though they want to leave them off. The pale skin kind of makes a picture frame around each tiny breast, to make it look bigger. One of the things you'll be doing in your video today, Larua, is to rub lotion on Valensiya's breasts. Rub it on and then massage it in, just as if it was suntan lotion. Oh, and before you put the lotion on them, gently pinch and pull on each one. Like this." He demonstrated - pinching and pulling on each one several times. "That helps them stand up bigger for the pictures and videos. Oh, and at the parties, too. We want you girls to pinch and pull on each other so they will look bigger for the guests."
Galina said, "We've seen people put lotion on each other at the beach. And we've seen kids wrestling around or tickling each other. They weren't wearing tops either."
Mr. Joseph added, "Yes, that's right. These are just things that people do anyway: lotion, kissing, wrestling, tickling, clowing around and spanking each other, and things like that."
Then Valensiya said, "It was fun at the beach and there were some people, even grown-ups who weren't wearing anything! It was so much fun; playing in the waves. And the other girls were all real nice to me. We're not allowed to tease each other, or say mean things. The parties are really fun."
"I want to go to the parties, too." Said Laura, looking at her Mother. "Valensiya says they are lots of fun."
"And we hope you can come to the parties, Laura. But before you can be invited to any of our parties you'll have to make some level three videos. Today you'll do a level two video, but maybe for your second video today you could do level three. We won't talk about it out here in front of your Mommy, but we'll explain it after you're finished with your first video today. And if you do make a level three, then I'll tell your Mommy that you are invited to our next party. But remember, you can talk to Valensiya and the other Candy Babies about our videos and parties, but you can't tell your Mother about them."
"I don't need to know." Said Galina. "We girls each have our little secrets." She laughed. "I have my secrets, too, Laura."
"You mean like with Mr. ... oops. I'm sorry."
Anger flashed across Galina's face - but only for a second and then she laughed. "Yes, just like that." She looked at Mr. Joseph. "I thought Laura was asleep a few months ago, when one of my friends from where I used to work stopped by and we were... well, we were on the couch, but what we did is my secret and we won't talk about it, will we, Laura?"
"No, Mommy. I won't tell anybody."
"I have secrets, too." Said Valensiya. "I think we all have secrets."
Everybody laughed.
Then Mr. Joseph had Laura stand between her knees and face her Mother and Valensiya. Without saying a work, he started feeling Laura's plump pussy through the ultra-sheer panties. She started to wiggle away, but her Mommy told her to stand still and let him check to see if the panties fit her correctly.
Laura held still, and didn't protest as he pushed her feet apart so she was in the same position that Valensiya had been in. He pulled her panties down to stretch them between her knees, and felt around on Laura's pussy with his left hand. Joseph pinched several half-inch long pubic hairs - mostly light brown but with some darker hair. He finally said something while tugging on little tufts of hair. "This would hardly show up today, but it's beginning to get darker already. She has more hair than Valensiya did last month when she got her first wax treatment, so we'll have to schedule Laura's 'wax party' in a few weeks. Maybe before she goes to her first, 'big, fancy' party, starring one of our other Candy Baby models.
While he was feeling her bare pussy, with her Mother and Valensiya watching, he let a finger slide back to the opening at her vagina, and quickly rubbed and pressed in slightly - feeling the girl's excitement. "I think she's ready to continue with her career." He said.
"Yes, that's a good idea." Said Galina. "I want my daughter to be able to keep modeling for a long time. I mean, since she enjoys modeling and dancing so much. Go ahead and schedule a wax treatment. But, umm, will there be people watching?"
"Yes." Blurted out Valensiya. "It's really fun. Lots of people and cameras, and some other girls, and it really doesn't hurt too much. The party is really fun."
Both Mr. Joseph and Alina smiled, remembering her screams and all the crying while she was being waxed.
"We'll make the arrangements." Said Alina, still smiling. "And now let's go make some videos. We'll bring her home in a few hours."
Galina smiled and left. She took the envelope for two, level two videos with her - hoping to get another nice envelope when they brought Laura home later.
Ms. Alina helped both girls put on additional clothes over the ultra-sheer panties, after taking off their nightie tops. She quickly changed their hair styles, added a little make-up, and they were ready to go. She knew Joseph wanted to get Laura started right away before she had time for reflection.
Soon the girls were in front of the cameras in their short skirts and tops, with high heels and thigh-high, lacy hose. After playing, tickling, and a little wrestling, they started kissing. Laura was following Valensiya's lead. Joseph had coached her before Laura and her Mother arrived.
Valensiya started feeling Laura's small breasts. Laura pushed her hand away and backed off, but Mr. Joseph reminded her to take the lead from Valensiya and to do the same things to her.
Laura whispered in Valensiya's ear, "This is kind of embarrassing with the cameras."
"That's good." Said Valensiya, "If it's embarrassing, then it feels better. You'll see."
Laura thought a minute, when Valensiya started kissing and feeling again. This time Laura started doing the same thing. She evidently liked the kissing and touching because she seemed to forget about the two cameras. And when Valensiya put her hand up under Laura's short skirt as they laid on the couch, Laura opened her legs to give her easier access. It wasn't long before both girls were undressed down to their panties - kissing, feeling, and sucking on each other's breasts.
Mr. Joseph interrupted. "Would you like to keep going - right into a level four? You will have to do that anyway if you want to go to the parties."
Laura nodded, so Valensiya pulled her panties down and kissed the front of her pussy before taking them off the new girl. Laura responded and finished taking the panties off herself so she could open her legs wider.
Laura did the same to Valensiya a few minutes later.
Then, after switching back to bottom position - with Valensiya lying between Laura's legs and kissing her pussy, Valensiya pushed a finger into Laura's tight vagina. Laura loved it, so two minutes after pushing her finger in, Valensiya led the new girl to her first-ever orgasm - a noisy, whole-body-squeezing orgasm!
It was quiet in the room. Valensiya moved her head to one side, but left her finger pushed all the way in Laura's pussy so the cameras could get close-ups. Then she felt Laura tugging on her hair, to pull her up close for more mouth kissing. Valensiya kissed Laura's pussy one last time, as she pulled her finger out an shoved it back in - causing a second, noisy orgasm.
Then Valensiya crawled up to lie beside Laura. They kissed and hugged. It was lovely.
Joseph motioned for everyone to keep quiet. The cameramen kept shooting as Laura actually fell asleep - almost like a purring cat. She was lying on her back with her arm under Valensiya's neck. Valensiya's hand was on Laura's flat tummy. Both girls were naked.
Joseph started clapping for an encore five minutes, for a 20 second applause, after Laura fell asleep. Everyone was smiling at her. She blushed. "What happened? Gee."
Valensiya explained, "You had an orgasm. Did it feel really, really good - like squeezes in your pussy?"
"Yes, that was it. What did you do? It felt so good!"
"I had my finger in your vagina while I licked and sucked on your clitty. Did you like how I did it?"
"Yes, it felt like I was going to explode inside - kind of like an itch that kept getting stronger and stronger and then you scratched it."
"I liked doing it. Was I the first person ever to put a finger in your pussy?" The girls were still lying beside each other on the couch.
"No, Mommy's friend - he lets her use his car sometimes, and then he stays with me. He put his finger in me a few different times. He says it's real tight and that's why he has to rub it for a little while so it will get slippery wet. I could feel it get slippery wet when you rubbed me, too, but like, gee... I never had one of those "gasems" before! It was great. Gee."
Valensiya said, "We can do that whenever we play or make videos together. And it partly feels betters because of the cameras. They make your tingles get bigger. Or like if other people are watching you. Anything you think is embarrassing helps the tingles get bigger. Maybe we can play like this at a party with people watching. That would feel really good. OK?"
"Yes. That would be great."
Then Mr. Joseph signaled "cut." So the cameramen finally backed away.
Ms. Alina rinsed off the girls; changed their hair and make-up; and helped them into little school girl outfits - pleated, navy blue skirts, white ruffled blouses, fresh, cotton panties with little designs of kitty cats, and white, lacey ankle socks with black pumps. Since both girls were small, they could have passed for eight year olds.
They skipped into the living room set and started wrestling and tickling each other. Then Valensiya picked up a ruler out of her school bag and playfully spanked Laura. They started playing 'teacher' by taking turns spanking each other. During Valensiya's second quick turn to spank Laura, she said, "you have to spank me lots harder when it is your turn to spank me in a minute. Lots harder. And even pull my panties down."
And so it started. After several orders to spank harder, Laura finally started spanking hard enough. She pulled Valensiya's panties off and kept spanking. When Valensiya's bottom was warm and reddish, she told Laura it was her turn, but she promised not to spank as hard. She said, "A good spanking really helps with what we're going to do next."
"What's that?" Laura asked.
"You'll see. I'll do it to you first, and then you do it to me. Just trust me. It felt good what I did to you during our last video, didn't it?"
"Yes. Really, really good."
After Valensiya pulled off Laura's white, cotton panties with the little kittens on the front, she gave her a bare bottom spanking and kept feeling between the older girl's legs. Laura parted her legs with a minimum of prompting from Valensiya's fingers. Then Valensiya had Laura, who was still wearing the schoolgirl uniform, get on her hands and knees on the couch. Valensiya flipped up the back of Laura's uniform and pushed her knees wider apart. "Get on your elbows. Knees and elbows. That's it. Now hold still while I get your bottom all slippery."
One camera captured the lubrication action from behind, while the other camera was in front, getting close-ups of Laura's pliable face as she kept changing expressions. It was cute. Anyone watching her face would be able to tell when Valensiya finally pushed a finger all the way in. Laura's mouth opened as if she was saying, "Oh."
Each time Valensiya pushed her finger in Laura's anus, her face silently said, "Oh."
Valensiya said, "I'm going to turn on a little buzzer-tickler. If you keep being a good, little girl for me, I'll show you one of the games I like to play at the parties."
It would be difficult to describe the range of Laura's facial expressions - delight, surprise, lust, and so on, until she finally had another orgasm - looking right into the camera in front of her, just like Mr. Joseph had told her. She had forgotten those instructions in the heat of the moment, but was doing it anyway and she enjoyed another loud orgasm with Valensiya's finger pushed all the way in her anus while holding a small, pink vibrator against her swollen and stiff clitty.
After Laura settled down, Valensiya helped the very compliant Laura to stand up she she could undress her. She removed all of Laura's clothes and laid the girl on the couch again. She spread her legs and licked up her copious excitement - causing another, milder orgasm.
They let Laura rest a minute, with Valensiya - still in her school uniform - lie beside her on the couch.
Valensiya said, "Was that good?"
"Yes, unnn."
"You have to do it to me in a minute. OK?"
"See? I told you everything feels better in front of cameras. You like taking your panties off in front of cameras now, don't you?"
"I like how you taste, Laura. You can taste me after you finger me and use the vibrator. I like tasting other girls, and looking at them real close; feeling them. We get to do that at the parties. You'll get to taste all of the other girls. Won't that be fun?"
"Yes, gee."
"I hope you like tasting me. I love tasting you. I like playing and modeling with you. We'll have fun together, won't we?"
Then it was Laura's turn to finger Valensiya's anus. Valensiy had Laura undress her and spank her again, before she got into position. Laura lubricated Valensiya's anus with lots of lubricant. She said, "Your bottom feels so tight on my finger, even though you're real slippery."
"It feels great to me. Keep sliding in and out now. Wait until a man fingers you back there. That feels really great."
"A man?"
"Yes, at the parties. Men like to do this. They like to help a little girl get those good feelings, and then they like to taste her. It feels really good. You can watch a man do it to me first, if you want. They like us to watch each other. I want you to watch a man finger me. OK?"
"And you don't ever have to do anything you don't want to do. Well, you would at least have to undress and let the people look at you, but you will do that won't you? Just pretend your at the beach doing your stretching exercises. And remember - if it's embarrassing, then it will feel better whenever you do something with me or with one of the other girls, or with one of the grown-ups."
"So you'll at least let them undress you and then spread your legs so they can look at you won't you? They won't touch you unless you say it's OK. One of the other models told me that before her first party she heard she had to at least 'strip and spread.' And then she said it was so much fun that she did lots more things. So you'll at least do that, won't you? Then you and me can play games together."
"Yes, OK. I want to go to a party."
"Good. Now keep fingering me. Faster in and out. Then tap my clitty with the vibrator the same way I showed you."
Two minutes later Valensiya had a noisy orgasm, too, and then the two girl laid on the couch to rest.
Laura tasted Valensiya. She said, "You really taste good. You're so creamy."
"You're creamy, too, Laura. I like that about you. All of us girls get really wet when we play the games and that's why all the grown-ups like to taste us. We get points, like for the games, when we let them taste us. It's fun. I'm so glad you're coming next week!"
"Me, too!"
It was three hours after Laura's Mother left the studio when Mr. Joseph, Alina, and Laura walked into Galina's apartment in a run down area of the city. Mr. Joseph smiled, "Well, Laura is invited to a party this coming weekend! And also to Elizabeta's 'big, fancy party' next month!"
"Oh, that's great. Are you sure you want to go, Laura?"
"Yes, I like playing with Valensiya. She says the parties are lots of fun, and that we'll meet some real nice people and a couple of the other Candy Baby models, and then play games."
Then Galina looked at Mr. Joseph, "What do you mean by a 'big, fancy party?'"
Joseph said, "Next month, a 'big, fancy party' - much bigger than the one this coming weekend. At the 'big, fancy party' there will be six girls, or seven now that Laura is allowed to go. Elizabeta, who is almost fourteen, will loose her virginity to a fifteen year old boy she doesn't know. She won't learn his name or see his face. He won't enter the party until much later in the evening, after dinner and lots of games. The new girls will learn about sex by watching Elizabeta do it for the first time, so they won't be afraid when it's their turn. They will be able to see that she really enjoys it.
"Of course, it won't hurt her since she's been getting fingered since she started making level three videos - starting with just a little girl's finger, but every one of our girls gets' fingered at the parties, or sometimes with tiny vibrators, so they are used to it by the time they have their own 'big, fancy party.' And they trust the party and video directors who make sure the girls are wet and slippery first. We won't even let a little girl finger another little girl unless we check first to make sure she is wet and slippery.
"It will be a big party and Elizabeta will be the star. It lasts from about five until after midnight, and she'll make at least a quick video with most of the other girls in attendance. After her first official video with a boy putting his penis in her vagina, then she might want to practice later with some of the men, but that's her decision. She can decide if it looks too big or if her pussy is sore. Usually a new girl will do that with about four or five of the men later on. Most of the little girls will have left by midnight, so they might only watch her do it with a couple men.
"Of course not of that starts until after the star's Mother leaves. The party is for the model's "coming of age" party, so to speak. Of course she's been getting waxed for the last three years, so she is as bald as Valensiya, which is better for the videos and many of the games - but she's much older, bigger, and taller than Valensiya and Laura. Elizabeta has breasts almost the size of half an orange. She's been wanting to have her "special party" ever since she attended Elisa's 'big, fancy party' about six months ago. The mothers are invited to the party, too, but they have to leave after an hour or so, before her daughter, or any of the other girls, gets undressed. Neither the mother or daughter will meet the boy who first does it. We get the girls all dressed up before the party starts. We'll do their hair and make-up; add a little perfume, etc. The mothers only have to make sure our models are all clean before we pick them up."
He looked down at Laura, "You'll take a bath in the morning next Saturday, and wash especially good between your legs, won't you, Laura?"
"Yes." She blushed and looked down at the floor.
Galina said, "I'll make sure she's all clean. I'll watch her wash herself there a couple times. She'll be super clean for you."
"Good. She was very clean today."
"I gave her a bath at noon, like you suggested."
"And I've got an envelope for you. Don't let me forget to give it to you before we go."
"I'll remind you, too." Said Alina, who was standing quietly, but smiling, as she watched things unfold. She was looking forward to tasting little Laura for herself next week.
Mr. Joseph continued, "Elizabeta won't see the boy's face or learn his name because he will be wearing a mask. All our girls, not just the star, love these parties because they get so dressed up - make-up, high heels, lacy hose and fancy lingerie. Our ladies do each model's fingernails and toenails, and fix their hair. The visiting men all wear suits, so it's a fancy party. Besides the generous compensation, we also buy a nice, new dress for the girl's Mom. She gets to hear so many compliments about her daughter, but she still isn't allowed to see any of her videos, even the level one videos. And of course, her Mom knows that at least half of the men at the party have already played games with her daughter, and that she has probably tasted their... umm... well, we'll get to that another time. And most of the men have also tasted her daughter. She knows that we watch out for her daughter's safety. So it's a happy, safe, exciting party."
Galina cleared her throat. She had a question, but didn't know how to phrase it. Then she asked, "Well, are you sure the boy isn't too big? I mean by fourteen or fifteen... well..."
Ms. Alina and Mr. Joseph knew she must be speaking from experience. He said, "yes, were sure he's on the small side. Maybe five or six inches max and not real thick. All the girls will get to touch it briefly before he does his duty for the video. We don't want them to play with it or stroke it, of course, because we want him to be able to complete his part of the video."
"Oh. I see. Thanks." Said Laura's Mommy.
"So, since Laura did a level three video, she's invited to some of our parties, and even Elizabeta's 'big, fancy party' next month. After the girls move up to level two and three videos, we let them watch some of the early videos of the other girls. And Laura..." Mr. Joseph looked into Laura's eyes. "Elizabeta has told me on several occasions that she wants to meet you and teach you some of the special girl-girl games. I know she would like you to come to her fancy party next month. Several girls have told me that. The same thing happened with Valensiya. I had requests from the other models that they wanted to work with her, and Valensiya told me she wanted to work with you if you ever got promoted to level two and three videos."
"Really?" Laura smiled and looked at Valensiya.
"Yes, I said that." Valensiya said.
Galena asked, "What happens with Elizabeta after her big, fancy party? Will she keep making videos?"
"Oh, yes. And she'll probably become one of our trainers with the younger girls - like helping with hair and make-up and teaching them certain, 'pleasure skills.' And after her 'big, fancy party,' as we call them, she will be allowed to start doing more frequent 'small parties' on her own with one or more of our sponsors each week. We set things up and monitor everything so she is safe. I'm not directly involved anymore after that. We have another director who will take over the management of her modeling career."
He looked down at Laura. "So, Laura, did you have fun today?"
"And are you looking forward to coming to the parties?"
"Yes, gee. I want to model with Valensiya again."
Mr. Joseph patted her on the head, then pulled her to stand with her back up against his tummy. He put his hands on her chest and began massaging her breasts through her clothes. "She was very cooperative after you left and did an excellent job - making two level three videos, so you'll notice a nice difference in the envelope. She followed Valensiya's lead and both girls had a marvelous time. She wants to play with Valensiya again, and she'll get a chance this coming weekend. Just remember to wash yourself real good between your legs. OK, Laura?"
While continuing to massage her almost non-existent breasts, he said to Galina, "Ms. Alina here will pick her up for the party around two. We'll bring her home sometime around ten with a nice envelope. And don't worry about anything. She will have a great time and will still be a virgin. Like I said, it would be fingers at the most, and we would make sure she is slippery first. We don't want our girls to get hurt, or even sore. She'll get to watch the other girls do things, but she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. But still, there is a chance she might get some sticky stuff in her hair. If so, there will be an extra bonus for you."
"What kind of sticky stuff?" Laura asked.
Ms. Alia said, "Kind of like little squirts of whipped cream. During the games. You'll see. Don't worry about it."
"I like whipped cream."
The adults laughed.
"She can't talk about what she did in her videos today. Not with anyone, not even you, Galina."
"I understand. As long as she's safe and she had a good time."
"And I know she'll have a great time at the party next Saturday." Said Mr. Joseph. He handed Galina an envelope and they turned to leave.
Galina mouthed, 'thank you' to Laura.
"Then Laura said, "Thank you Mr. Joseph and Ms. Alina. I had fun today. And I'll wash real good between my legs for you next Saturday. It will be all clean for the party."
"You're welcome, Laura." He and Ms. Alina left smiling.
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