Published: 5-Feb-2011
Word Count:
Mom has been encouraging me to dance ever since I can remember. When I was in pre-school, she signed me up for a tumbling class. Then came dancing lessons. Ever since kindergarten I've been dancing in recitals. It's kind of fun and I'm getting pretty good; ballet, jazz, modern dance, and so on. Mommy said that when I'm twelve next month there's going to be another recital and this time Uncle Merle will be there with a friend of his. He's kind of connected to some people who know some other people in show business.
Mom and Uncle Merle are both my stage mothers somebody said, and it's true.
Uncle Merle is really one of Mom's cousins and not exactly my uncle, but he comes to all my dance recitals; I guess because he doesn't have any kids of his own. He was always taking pictures or video of me as I danced. Afterwards he told mom how cute I was and he held me on his lap and felt my pretty costumes. I got used to him feeling my costumes, and it kind of tickled. Sometimes he even ran his fingers around the elastic leg holes on some of my special dance panties. I was never allowed to wear regular panties under my dancing outfits so they wouldn't show through .
I didn't mind Uncle Merle's attentions because he said I was so cute. And when he tickled me, he could still make me giggle like a little kid. He still does.
When I was nine one of my costumes looked like a kitty cat and he started calling me Kitty after that whenever I did a good job dancing. I had my face painted like a kitty, too. It was funny.
Well, now that I'm almost twelve, I'm starting to get a "figure." Mom and Uncle Merle kid me about how grown up I'm getting. He feels the bumps on my chest through my costume when he is checking to see how it fits. He checks the fit more than he used to. He says my fanny is getting fuller and my waist looks even smaller than when I was only ten. Sometimes he feels parts of my costume right in front of Mom, but he feels other parts of my costumes when she's not around. They don't want me to wear my training bra under my dancing outfits because they say it would show through. That's the same reason I'm never allowed to wear panties under my costumes.
When I was watching some of the other girls in one of the recitals I could see panties sticking out from under one girl's spandex body suit and it did look pretty funny. Once I had on a two piece costume which was an elastic top that just covered my chest and a pair of short, baggy shorts which were cut full like a skirt. The matching dance panties in lime green were sold out so I didn't wear any panties at all underneath. Mom and Uncle Merle said probably nobody would notice, but I could feel my shorts fly up on some of my jumps.
Uncle Merle would come over to our house and watch me practice sometimes, too. It was fun trying on my costumes for him. It got so I would change right in front of him so he could help me squeeze into them. He liked me to try on some of my old costumes, even though they were way too small. Mom encouraged me to dance for him and practice all my dance moves in the different costumes. Sometimes I practiced in only panties if mom was sewing or altering a costume. He didn't mind because he always said, "The show must go on."
We had a practice bar mounted on the family room wall so I could stretch my legs and dance on the tile floor. All we had to do was move the couch over. Uncle Merle and Mom would sit on the couch and tell me how to stretch or which dance moves to do. It seemed like whenever Mom went out to the kitchen for awhile, Uncle Merle had me do some different moves and would hold me on his lap and tickle me or massage my legs and hips so I could stretch farther. He liked to have me do the splits and then measure how close my body could get to the floor.
Yesterday mom had to go to a meeting out of town so Uncle Merle came over to stay with me for the weekend. Mom told me to practice a lot and to do whatever Uncle Merle wanted me to do. She hinted that he might be able to line up an audition for a part in a movie. I was really excited about that.
Mom left Friday right after an early dinner. Uncle Merle had me get out some of my earliest costumes because he wanted to see how much I've changed. Mom saved all my old costumes and pictures of me in different recitals. I couldn't fit in the real young costumes, but he said he thought he could help me squeeze into the flowered one I wore five years ago.
He helped mom put costumes on me sometimes at home, but he wasn't allowed in the girls dressing rooms for the real recitals. Anyway, I didn't mind him helping me get dressed, but I did feel more self conscious getting completely undressed in front of him now that I was starting to get a figure.
Uncle Merle checked my breast development and said I still didn't need a bra because they were so firm and because they weren't as big a a half tennis ball. He had a half tennis ball with him which he had cut at home. We checked the size. My breasts didn't quite fill it. He checked each of them. We laughed while he checked them because it was so funny.
Then he said he needed to check my legs, armpits, and bikini area for hair which he said might start growing pretty soon. Mom had said we might start shaving my legs later this year. Uncle Merle checked me all over real close, but said I was still bald as a baby, with just some fine peach fuzz beginning to form in all three spots.
He wanted to hold the costumes in front of me and feel if he thought they would still fit without ripping the material. The spandex stuff would stretch and fit but some of the other silky material would have torn. We tried to get some of the different bottoms on first if the outfit was a two piece. Some still fit OK, but some couldn't get much past my knees. I would stand in front of him, kind of between his knees as he sat on the edge of the couch, and he helped me pull them up as far as we could. We were both laughing because some of the bottoms were way too tight and wouldn't go above my knees. It made both of us laugh when I tried to walk around or hop with that skirt stuck around my knees; so it was like dancing without putting my knees apart. He even took a video of me trying to dance with my knees practically tied together with the bottoms around my knees and with the top and the feathered hat on. I was kind of embarrassed without any panties on, but he said he wouldn't show it to any body. I tried to show him how I could still use my arms, bend over, turn in little steps, and things like that even though I couldn't seperate my knees.
Next I put on my tights and dance top and did my favorite stretching exercises; holding one leg straight out - waist high - with my foot on the bar, and then reaching both hands down to touch my other foot on the floor. Uncle Merle took a picture of my upside down head from behind me and joked that it looked like I could split in half.
Uncle Merle was taking lots more pictures than usual today with his new digital camera, which could take still pictures or video. It worried me a little bit since it sounded like it was still running while I was changing costumes, but he said it was just the motor running and he wasn't taking still shots unless I had a costume all the way on. He turned up the music for my next dance routine.
When I tried on my blue, sequined shorts and top outfit, the shorts wouldn't fit at all. The matching hat and Blue ankle socks still fit but the shoes and shorts didn't. He said to just dance without the shoes or shorts today and he would only take pictures of me from the belly button on up, or from the knees on down. I said I should probably wear my regular panties just in case anybody came over, but he said I could put them on if the doorbell rang. It seemed so funny to be dancing without any panties or shorts on, but in a way it was easier to kick my legs higher. He noticed this, too, and said I should take the socks off so I don't slip on the tile floor. He had me practice all my stretching exercises without panties. He even took another picture of me bent down with my foot up on the bar, but he promised to only take a picture of my head next to my knee, so my pony tail was almost touching my foot.
He had me do the dance routine several times while he took lots of pictures of me from the bellybutton on up. Sometimes he asked me to freeze so he could get some shots of me standing still. "Are you sure you're not taking any pictures of my bare bottom, Uncle Merle?" I asked.
"No. Don't worry about it, Kitty. If I accidently get a picture of your bare fanny, I can just erase it later. That's the nice thing about digital cameras."
Then he turned off the dance music and showed me some of the pictures on our computer, I guess so I would know he was telling the truth. I felt funny standing there beside him, with just the top of that old costume on, looking at the computer. His right hand was patting my fanny like he always did. He put one of the discs in and showed me the pictures he just took of me. He was right. It was just the top and he pointed out how he caught my pretty smile on this disc. We transfered the picture to our hard drive to show Mom Sunday night when she got back. One picture did show my bare fanny so he deleted it. He kept changing discs all night.
He fiddled with the camera again and set the tripod at the end of the couch. "Let me just turn this thing off a minute." he said. It wasn't pointed at the dance floor anymore, but at the center of the couch.
He picked me up and sat me on his lap on the couch and tickled me. I was giggling my head off and rolling around on his lap. Then he playfully spanked my bare fanny as I was trying to catch my breath. "Lie still a minute, Kitty, and I'll rub your back and legs so you can stretch farther tonight. OK?" He patted my bottom again.
"OK, Uncle Merle."
He pulled one of the throw pillows down from the other end of the couch to put under my chest. He unfastened the buttons on the tight top. Now I was laying across his lap with my bare fanny right over his lap and my legs down on end of the couch. It felt so good when he massaged my thighs and hips and lower back. I know it helped me relax. A few times his hand brushed against my pussy, but I don't think he meant to do it. He pulled one leg against the back of the couch as he massaged it and then pushed the other one out towards the front. It really felt good, even when his hands seemed to pull my fanny too far open. "I'm just stretching your muscles here, Kitty.
That's all." He said again.
"I think I hear your camera running, Uncle Merle."
"Oh, sometimes it makes a noise when the batteries are charging. But I'll check if you want me to."
I didnt' tell him to check, but he lifted me up and moved the pillow as he got off the couch. He laid me on my back and said he would massage my knees before my next act. He always called my dances acts, because he said that's what they said in show business.
As he fiddled with his big, new camera again I said, "I feel funny without panties on, Uncle Merle. Should I put some on, or get into my next costume?"
He flipped the throw pillow on the floor next to the couch and knelt down beside me. "No, Kitty. I'm not sure which costume to use next and you said you can stretch your feet apart wider without the tight panties on, didn't you?"
"Oh, OK. Hey, want to see how far apart I can put my legs?" And I put one foot up to the top of the couch, keeping my leg straight like a good dancer, and let my other straight leg fall outwards against the side of Uncle Merle. "Help me stretch apart, Uncle Merle. I really can put my feet apart farther this way. Can't I? See?"
"Very good." He said.
It seemed like he was a little nervous or something but he helped me stretch my legs open as far as they would go. I lifted my feet up over my head and did some other stretches while laying on my back on the couch. Then he massaged around my knees and on my thighs and tummy. "To really relax all your tummy muscles, Kitty, I should massage you right here a minute." And he put his fingers on the mound of my pussy. I liked the way he touched me and helped me relax. "It's just to help you stretch wider, before your recital in a couple weeks. But we should probably keep some of our training techniques a secret; just between you and me."
"OK, Uncle Merle. It will be our secret. You really do help me spread my legs wider."
He surprised me by kissing me on the belly button. "You're so cute, Kitty. I'm sure my friend from Hollywood will enjoy your dancing."
I didn't say anything because the fingers of his left hand were massaging my sides of my pussy. I raised my knees and opened my legs so he could massage me easier. He stroked lightly at first, using the fingers on both hands. He pushed in right in the center of my pussy, but didn't go into my vagina. Then he pulled his hands outwards away from the center and stretched my lips wide open as his fingers slid across my lips to my thighs. It was like he was scooping tension out of me. He did this again and again, pressing into my vagina a little bit when he pressed his fingertips in the center. It felt cool, so I knew my pussy must be a little wet, but he didn't say anything about it. Thank goodness. I hoped he didn't notice.
Next he pressed his fingers against me and started making circles. Sometimes this pinched the button at the top of my slit. He kept doing this and it felt so good. I've touched myself there before and knew it was a special spot, but the way he pressed and slid his fingers around - pinching and pulling; it felt fantastic.
His thumb and first finger pinched my button, which must have been bigger than usual, and began sliding up and down on it, while his other hand pulled my pussy lips up and open. He wasn't pressing too hard, but hard enough to make me start to feel funny inside. He kissed my belly button again while he was doing this and whispered, "This will be our training secret, Pretty Kitty."
He kept kissing me from my belly button all the way down to my pussy which was starting to tingle. Maybe it was the approach of his lips along with the feel of his constantly moving fingers, but I started twitching inside when he kissed me right on my button. He kissed me, licked me, and squeezed my button as I got this great squeezy feeling inside. One finger slid part way into my vagina. I kept twitching for about a minute while he licked and pinched me.
Neither of us talked for awhile after that. It was completely quiet in the room except for the motor noise his camera was making while it charged. He kissed my belly button again and began kissing upwards toward my face. He kept his left hand on my pussy and put his right hand on my breasts under my unfastened top. My chest was completely flat when I was laying on my back, but he pinched my nipples one at a time. He kissed me right on the mouth and said I was really getting to be a big girl.
I went up to take a bath after my dancing practice. He was fiddling with his camera when I went upstairs. He came up a little later to wash my back. It was OK, because he used to help Mom give me a bath sometimes after a dance recital when we got home, before we all went out for dinner. A few times mom just sent the two of us upstaris for me to get a bath while she fixed drinks. We would talk and laugh about my recital as he helped me undress, but tonight we were both kind of quiet.
"I'm sorry if I touched you in a way that embarrassed you, Pretty Kitty. I was trying to help you release your tension in your tummy. Did you feel the tension twitching away?" He said softly while he rubbed the warm, soapy washcloth on my back.
"It felt good, Uncle Merle. It's OK. I'm sure it will help me kick higher."
"Good." He said, then he started to wash my chest and tummy, too. The rough washcloth tickled my nipples again which were still sensitive.
I said, "Oh!" when the cloth went over my chest the first time and he asked if they were too sensitive.
"The washcloth tickles them, Uncle Merle. That's all."
He let the washcloth fall into the water and washed them with his bare hands. It felt good, too, and I could tell the tips were getting stiff again. So could he, I guess, because he pinched them.
"Your breasts look bigger, Kitty, when you're hunched over. And you know what?"
"You are starting to get some hairs between your legs; not enough to see yet, but a few longer ones."
"Mommy said that she would shave it off when I started getting hair there. She told me that just a month or so ago."
"You are so pretty, Angi. I know my Hollywood friend will like you. Um. Especially if you can relax around him." I knew he was serious when he called me by my real name. He helped me out of the tub and was drying me off.
"What do you mean, Uncle Merle?"
"You know. Like we were tonight. You know. Like you didn't seem shy at all, and you didn't mind the way I helped you relax. I guess that's what I mean. It's like you get a little more relaxed with me when your mother is not around."
"That would be OK, especially if you were with me. I wouldn't mind. Mommy has been saying and hinting that I might have to be especially nice to any men who might help me with my career. I wasn't sure what she meant exactly, but is that what you're talking about?"
"You're a bright girl, Angi. Pretty and bright. I think you could be very successful in show business. And..." he waited a minute. "I know my friend from Hollywood will like you. Your mom will watch part of your private recital, but then George and I will take you back to his suite at the hotel for a screen test. Just you and me and George. OK?"
"Sure, Uncle Merle. It sounds like fun. I love to dance!"
He laughed and kissed me again. "Well, we'll help you relax and then watch you dance. I'm sure he has some pretty costumes for you. He can help me put them on you. And now we know a sceret way to help you kick even higher, don't we?"
"Yes, our secret way." Then I giggled again as he tickled me through the towel.
old perv
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