Charlotte's Week in the City

[ MFF/g, mast, oral ]

by Corn53

Published: 5-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"Charlotte, you are getting so big. And now that you've had your first period, I think it's time for you to learn about sex and men and so forth. I talked to my sister and she agreed to take you to stay with her for a week."

Charlotte just beamed at this. She admired her Aunt Suzette who lived in Paris. She was younger than her mother and had blond hair the same shade as hers. Some people thought that she and her Aunt Suzette could pass for sisters.

Her mom was still talking, "She and her friend, Martha will teach you a lot. You will have such a good time with them, since you're a young woman now" and then Charlotte's Mom hugged her. "Suzette said she couldn't believe you're almost thirteen!"

"Oh, Mom. Did you tell her I had a period? That's so embarrassing." The tall, blond Charlotte blushed. She was five feet tall already, but still very slim. They put her long, blond hair in braids after her mom helped with her bath. They shaved her legs for the first time.

"I'm shaving your legs to get you all ready, Sweetheart. We'll put lots of lotion on your pretty, slender legs. Now they will be so sexy."

Charlotte was dressed up and had on velvet, hip hugger jeans and a vest over her sheer blouse when they met her Aunt at the train station. As is the custom in France, the women kissed each other, but instead of kissing her niece on the cheek, Aunt Suzette kissed Charlotte right on the lips. They only had time for a cup of tea before the next train came through town, heading for the city. Charlotte was so excited. The two adult sisters talked about their mutual friends and a hundred other things, and even some of the things to include in Charlotte's sex education week. Charlotte was blushing half the time, which made her eyes look even bluer. She was so excited about spending a week in Paris with her aunt.

"We will have a photographer come over several times. Charlotte is so pretty, I want to record her beauty in photographs."

"That's fine with me, Suzette. I would like more pictures of her, too."

"Well, I'm hoping we'll get all kinds of pictures, Sis. Your daughter is so beautiful. I can't believe she's only twelve."

Charlotte's mom gave her sister a check to cover the cost of the new clothes they would be getting on their shopping trips. "Be sure to get her some cute underwear, Suzette. This is just part of the advance I got from the magazine."

"Don't you worry about that. I'll even get some pictures of her in her new panties, bras, and hose, if it's OK with Charlotte." Both women looked at Charlotte, who blushed again, but didn't speak.

"It's OK, Honey. These are just pictures so we can remember your 'growing-up-week.' The pictures will be just for us girls. I want you to have a good week. And, Charlotte, I want you to learn a lot and do whatever your Aunt tells you, no matter how strange it may seem. You will be coming of age this week. Enjoy yourself."

Suzette and Charlotte held hands as they got on the train for the city.

"Why did we have to catch such an early train?" She asked her aunt as they boarded.

"I reserved spaces for us in a compartment."

"Wow. You mean just for us?"

"No, Honey." and she squeezed Charlotte's shoulder. "Their might be some other people in the car with us. We'll see."

They each carried a small piece of luggage. Charlotte could hardly contain her excitement. The hints of shopping, getting her picture taken, learning about sex and men, playing with toys... and so forth had her very nervous.

"What did you mean when you and Mom talked about playing with toys, Aunt Colllette? Aren't I getting too old for toys?"

"You'll see, Charlotte. Girls get different kinds of toys as they get older. But I can't tell you everything yet!" and she laughed as she hugged her niece. They found the compartment on the train as it started moving, and began rumbling towards the city.

An older couple was in the compartment with them and pretty soon they were all talking about the weather, sports and so on. Charlotte was just smiling to herself.

The man asked, "Why is your niece smiling so much? Do you two have a secret?"

Charlotte just blushed, smiled, "I'm going to get some toys and my aunt won't tell me what they are."

Suzette said, "She is growing up this week. My friend and I have a series of events planned for this beautiful, young lady. She'll be coming of age and learning all about sex. She says she is getting too grown up to play with toys."

"How exciting." said the fifty year old, slender woman. She moved over and sat on the other side of Charlotte as the train swooshed along the tracks. "Stand up, Dear, and let me look at you. You can take that coat off. It's warm in the train. Francois, doesn't it feel warm to you?"

"Oh yes Dear, I was just going to take my coat off."

Everyone took off their coats, and then so did Charlotte. The woman had her hands on Charlotte's hips and held her so that Charlotte stepped over to stand facing her. The woman kept her hands on her hips. "My, you are starting to get a woman's figure already." This was a gross exaggeration, since Charlotte had only lemon size breasts and was still girlishly skinny. Her hands were moving around on Charlotte's waist and onto her pants. She looked to her aunt for guidance.

"Honey, these people also think you are very cute. We'll never see them again, so let them touch you a little bit. I'm sure they find your youthful beauty very attractive. Let me unfasten your vest so they can see your cute figure better. Be proud to be a woman."

She helped her niece unbutton and remove the vest. Charlotte blushed again because her blouse was sheer enough so that you could see her plain white training bra.

"Her skin is so firm and springy. Feel her, Francois. Just put your hand on her hips. Isn't she starting to develop a nice figure?" The woman had untucked Charlotte's shirt as she turned her around, even unbuttoning the bottom three buttons. The older woman was very deft with her fingers and before Charlotte knew it she had tied the blouse just below her breasts as if it was a halter top. It was quite becoming that way, but Charlotte felt a little self-conscious about exposing her tummy and belly button, and because the elastic band around the top of her panties showed above the hip hugger pants.

But despite being self-conscious, she turned around as if she were modeling for the group in the closed train compartment.

Charlotte felt so pretty and seemed to enjoy being the center of attention, but she was blushing as the two strangers continued to turn her around with their hands on her bare tummy and sides.

"Yes, her skin is so taut. So young and firm." said Francois. I wish we could help with her rites of passage. But... Well... Come to think of it,

we will be in the city all week, too. Where do you live?"

Suzette gave them her address and phone number, but cautioned that they had a very busy schedule planned.

Each of the adults tickled her tummy as they let her sit back down. Her aunt kept the vest and they continued talking. Their allusions to Charlotte's upcoming sexual experiences mostly went over her head, but some of their comments reverberated around in her impressionable mind.

The woman said, "I think we could bring her some clothes which would make her look very grown up and sexy."

Francois added, "And I could get her a special toy at the shop down the street. Then she would feel like a big girl."

With some prompting from her aunt, Charlotte said, "I hope you can come and visit us while I'm in the city. And I will be glad to try on the clothes you bring and play with the toys. Of course I don't play with toys at home much anymore because I'm getting big, but I'll play with them if you want to watch me play. Thank you for being so nice."

"Well, I would enjoy watching you play with the toys I'm going to get you, Charlotte." Said Francois with a smile.

Charlotte was more excited that ever when they reached Suzette's station near downtown. She kissed the two older people before getting off the train. They patted her on the bottom, while kissing her on the mouth, which made her blush again.

When they got to Suzette's apartment, Martha was already there and she gave Charlotte a kiss and handed her a glass of wine.

Charlotte had tasted wine lots of times with her parents at home, but never had a full glass to herself before. She figured it must be part of her growing up and accepted it with a giggle.

The three of them enjoyed their wine and talked about some of the things they would be doing. It was late afternoon already, and they would be getting dressed to go out for dinner pretty soon. Charlotte noticed that Martha had on hose and a garter belt, because her skirt was so short.

Martha noticed the girl's stares and explained, "I'm meeting a man later tonight, and will bring him back here with us. Part of your education will be to spy on us to watch what he does to me. We have a place all set up for you. He will think you're in bed, but you can watch us make love. It probably won't take very long."

Charlotte blushed again, but the women could tell she was looking forward to watching Martha later. They sipped their wine in silence.

"We'd better get dressed if we're going out for dinner tonight." said Suzette, and the three women went into the bedroom to change clothes. Both of the older women wanted to help Charlotte get ready, and kidded her about her childish, white, cotton underwear and plain, white bra. After taking pictures of Charlotte in her plain underwear, her aunt loaned her a pair of sheer, pink, lacy panties which were much too big for her. "You'll feel more like a grown up woman in these." she said. Then they helped her into a sheer bra, but she didn't fill out the size B cups. More pictures were taken as she changed. Charlotte was getting used to the flash even though she felt funny about being undressed when they were taking pictures.

Martha said, "We have some shopping to do tomorrow, Suzette. I know a store where they will help us find her exact size."

They were each dressed in knee length dresses as they went out for dinner at a nice restaurant. While they were walking to the restaurant, Martha asked Charlotte why she started walking funny.

"My panties keep falling down and I can't reach under my skirt to pull them back up."

The two women laughed as they got to the restaurant. Before going to their table, they took her in the restroom and removed the panties. "There. Now you won't have to worry about them falling down."

"But what if somebody sees up my dress?"

"Well, just try to remember to keep your knees together, Honey."

During their second glass of wine Philipe' joined them. He was very slender with a Spanish accent, and had a short moustache which was turning grey like his hair. Charlotte thought he must be about forty, even older than her father. He sat next to Martha, and his hands seemed to constantly be on Martha's back, side, lap, or even her bare leg just below her dress.

Charlotte didn't say much during dinner, but wondered why Phillipe' kept looking at her. It made her blush when he looked right at her almost-flat chest or skinny legs, while he was feeling her aunt's friend. Most of the time she remembered to keep her knees together. The straight dress was several inches above her knees when she was sitting down.

"Phillipe' is a photographer." Suzette said, near the end of dinner. "Tell Charlotte about some of the famous people you've photographed."

He mentioned some famous people, but most of the names didn't mean anything to Charlotte. She blushed bright red when he said, "I mostly shoot nudes, but I will understand if you want to keep your panties on at first."

"But, but..." Charlotte stammered.

Suzette said, "He's just kidding you, Charlotte. Don't worry. He probably won't take any nude pictures of you. We just want him to get pictures of you around the house, maybe in the kitchen, living room, or bedroom. Things like that."

They all went back to Suzette's flat and had another glass of wine. Charlotte had never had that much wine in one day before, and she was feeling a little dizzy as the women got her ready for bed. They told her to wait a minute before sneaking into her spying position. Martha said, "It won't take long before Phillipe' starts undressing me."

"You will like watching when he starts rubbing me here." said Martha, as she rubbed her hand on Charlotte's bare, nearly bald pussy mound.

Suzette and Martha laughed as Charlotte blushed again. Her aunt said, "This is part of your education, Honey. We'll be touching you here a lot this week to help explain things. It's just us girls. Phillipe' will be with us most of the time for the next few days, but not when we are explaining girl things to you. And besides, it wouldn't hurt anything if he did see you. Don't worry about it. You are so pretty!"

"You really think I'm pretty?" Charlotte enjoyed all the attention and compliments. It made her feel so grown up. She also felt a little more dizzy.

Suzette and Martha went back out in the living room and distracted Phillipe' while Charlotte got into her spying position. A few minutes later Suzette went to bed and Charlotte watched Martha get felt up and kissed from head to toe. She also observed Martha doing things to Phillipe' which she had heard about - whispered by the other girls her age when they got together.

She was fascinated, seeing an adult penis for the first time, and watching her aunt's friend kiss and suck it, as they played around and slowly undressed each other.

Phillipe' knew about his young audience, of course, and did lot's of posing for her benefit. He was quite a performer, even with his smaller-than-average penis. It looked gigantic to Charlotte, who was touching herself under her cotton nightgown as she watched.

Phillipe' spoke loudly, but Charlotte thought it was probably because he had been drinking so much. "Oh, Martha. You are so pretty. But young Charlotte is absolutely beautiful. I would love to kiss her all over."

In about thirty minutes, Phillipe' shot his load into Martha's open mouth, just two meters from the youthful, but observant, spy. The lovers were positioned so that the spy could see every drop shoot out into Martha's mouth. "Oh, Phillipe', that tastes so good." Martha said as she licked her lips and tried to squeeze more from him.

Phillipe' dressed and left quickly, so that Suzette and Martha could review Charlotte's observations with her. Suzette came out of the big bedroom after he left and held Charlotte's hand to help her out of her hiding place. She put Charlotte's fingers next to her nose as she helped the girl stand, but the slightly drunk, young girl didn't notice.

"Martha, I think Charlotte enjoyed spying on you." The smile on Suzette's face told Martha what she meant.

Martha didn't get dressed, but showed the young girl how Phillipe' had pinched her nipples - demonstrating first on herself and then on Charlotte.

"It looked like he was hurting you, but you weren't complaining, Martha, so I figured you were OK" Charlotte laughed. She was trying to act like she wasn't surprised or shocked by anything she had witnessed. "But how did his big thing fit into your pussy? It looked like it would hurt." Charlotte was slurring her words.

"Actually, it isn't that big. And look closely at my pussy, Charlotte."

She opened her legs, leaning back on the stuffed chair. Charlotte sat on the floor next to her knee. "See how slippery this is. Your pussy gets wet with a natural lubrication when you are sexually excited, so the penis, or finger, or toy can slide right in."

Charlotte was sliding one extended finger around the inside edge of Martha's pussy. "Toy? What kind of toy would slide in?"

"Did you ever put anything in your pussy, Charlotte?" asked Martha, with her knees still wide apart, fingering herself.

"Well, a few times I put my finger in it. And I have this one hairbrush with a rounded handle."

Her aunt asked, "Does your pussy get real wet and slippery when you touch yourself between the legs?"

"Yes, I think so. I never really compared it. And, umm sometimes my panties feel wet after I've been looking at boys or sitting on my bike a special way."

"You mean if feels good when you sit on your bike that certain way?"


"How do you sit?" asked Martha.

"I raise my seat in front and then lean forward while I ride and rock back and forth while I peddle. I like to ride that way now."

"Your mom told me you have been riding more lately, Charlotte." laughed Aunt Suzette.

Then Martha suggested that they all look at Charlotte's pussy closely now, while it's probably dry, so they could compare it to tomorrow or the next day when they were going to give her a present and let her figure out how to use it.

Martha moved to let Charlotte sit on the edge of the big chair. "A present?" she asked, as she laid back and lifted her night gown so all three of them could inspect her bare pussy.

The two older women weren't surprised at all that it was glistening with her natural excitement. "Lay back, Honey." said Suzette while the two women gently stroked around the outside edges of her pussy, noting the very firm, almost hairless lips. They slid their fingers around her clitoris and up and down inside her wet lips. "It's a present we'll get for you tomorrow. You can learn how to use it without any instructions. We'll just watch as you learn to please yourself."

Martha laughed and said, " Kind of like riding a bike; it's easy."

Charlotte wasn't talking, just enjoying the soft touch of the two experienced women. Martha pressed two fingers upwards towards Charlotte's tummy, one on either side of her clitoris, lifting the hood off the enlarged, glistening clit. The older women took note of her female erection - wet and stiff.

Then they put the young girl to bed for the night.

She had difficulty sleeping at first, with all the thoughts dancing in her mind. But pretty soon, the wine helped her fall into a deep sleep.

Phillipe' came back later to get some pictures of the sleeping girl. The women positioned her limbs and nightgown for some very interesting shots.

Legs together, lying on her back, or wide apart with her knees propped on pillows; face down with her fanny raised on a pillow and the two women pulling her fanny open; or on her tummy with one knee up near her chin - and many other poses for this nocturnal photo session. Charlotte slept through it all. He got close ups of her pretty face, feet, and everything else. Phillipe' could wait no longer and had to taste the sleeping girl. "Exquisite." he said after a minute of gentle lapping - enjoying the residual flavor of the girl's built up excitement.

The two women looked at the exposed girl after Phillipe' left, but decided to postpone their own indulgence. They each kissed her pussy once, then covered her up and went to bed.

The next morning, Charlotte had a headache. After a big breakfast and a long, hot bath, she felt much better, beginning to look forward to another exciting day. The two older women were always with her, pampering, even when she went to the bathroom.

Charlotte was beginning to talk more, asking a hundred questions. Some of her questions required more touching or probing by her mentors, so they could explain things clearly.

By the time they went out for lunch and shopping, the two older women knew without a doubt just how excited the young girl was. They hoped to keep her near the edge of cumming all day.

On their way to lunch they took her to a specialty clothing store. It seemed to Charlotte that they were expecting them at the small shop. There were hundreds of kinds of women's lingerie: panties, bras, hose, garter belts, corsets, padded girdles, etc., in a riot of colors. The woman shopkeeper who waited on them first led them to a changing room with a full length mirror on one side. Once in the large changing room - much larger than a closet - the women undressed Charlotte and had her stand on a platform so they could measure her. Charlotte was reluctant to remove her underwear at first, but they kept telling her she was a grown woman now.

While they were talking and measuring, Charlotte wondered why Mrs. Vichet asked her aunt not to stand between the mirror and "the girl." Then she began trying on a wide array of panties and sheer bras - some padded. They wiped off her pussy with a warm washcloth and dried her with a towel after each new pair. They had her turn around in front of the mirror, and even let her wear some very high heeled shoes which were too big for her, while she posed and turned in front of the mirror. The lights were very bright in the changing room.

They walked her out into the shop to get things, and other patrons stopped to admire the beautiful young girl, making her blush repeatedly. Most of them approved of the way each bra or pair of panties fit, after feeling to check the snugness.

The next time they were in the changing room, Mrs. Vichet pushed a button which lowered a bar, like a swing, and they told Charlotte to hold on tight. With another push of the button, Charlotte found herself being lifted off the ground - just standing on tippy toes. The women removed her lingerie, and said they had a special corset for her to try on.

As she hung there naked, she wondered what it could be. The cameraman on the other side of the mirror could see the glistening moisture between her legs as she turned around on her tippy toes, hanging from the bar. Her bald lips were clearly visible below the sparse, blond bush.

"What is that?" she asked as the women returned a minute later with a string-lace corset. They placed it around her - from just above her hips to her stretched-flat breasts. As they tightened the laces, Charlotte told them it was too tight.

"It has to be too tight, Honey, so it will work. When we let you back down in a minute you will have cleavage." One of the patrons who was standing in the changing room door kept saying how beautiful she was.

After straightening the high heeled shoes on her, Mrs. Vichet turned her completely around (for the camera) and then pushed the button to let her down.

It was difficult to breathe and felt like someone was squeezing her, but she noticed - along with everyone else, that indeed she now had cleavage! Her tiny breasts were resting on small platters, even with her armpits.

The women remeasured her as she continued to turn without any panties. Several other patrons poked their heads in to check on the corset procedure. "32, 18, 32" said Martha. "Perfect."

The lady who seemed to be staring bought a pair of sheer panties for the girl and helped them put them on her. She kept checking and rechecking the fit, rubbing her pussy in the process. Charlotte was getting annoyed with her, and also embarrassed by the wetness she felt accumulating on the sheer panties.

Her aunt suggested that Charlotte thank the nice lady with a kiss. Charlotte obliged, but got a little self conscious as the woman kept kissing her right on the lips. Two other patrons offered to buy her a pair of pretty panties, too, but Suzette and Martha said they had to get going.

"Can I take off this corset, Aunt Suzette? It's too tight."

"Sure, Honey. Just let me get a few pictures first, for your mother." After taking several more pictures, they helped her get out of the corset, and fluffed up her breasts, pinching her nipples, asking her how they felt after being pushed up. Each woman took turns cupping her lemon breasts in her hands and pushing up. Then they challenged her to hop and make them bounce, which she tried to do. Her titties were so firm, they hardly bounced at all. This talk and demonstration delighted the hidden cameraman.

In the changing room, Suzette said, "Let's put on these other panties before we leave. We'll be doing more shopping after lunch, and you might want something more modest."

Martha helped her change panties and surreptitiously handed the very damp, sheer panties to the nice woman who had bought them. They all kissed goodbye. All five women customers wanted to kiss her as they exited the shop. They told her how beautiful she was and that they were happy she would be "becoming a woman" this week.

One woman said, "By the end of the week you'll have a taste of what's it's like being grown up." Charlotte wondered momentarily why the lady accented the word, "taste."

At the restaurant several diners came over to meet the attractive twelve year old. Charlotte felt so pretty when they left for home and her first official photography session (that she knew about.) She felt all tingly inside. The women told her again and again how pretty she was, and how lovely she would be when Phillipe' took pictures of her in her new lingerie. She was nervous about letting a man see her in just her underwear, but they reassured her that it was strictly professional and that hardly anyone would see most of the pictures. "Some men get excited to see pictures of such cute, developing young girls with make up on." They teased her and said that they were jealous of her youthful beauty.

"But I didn't think any men would see my pictures, Aunt Suzette." Charlotte had a worried look on her face. Suzette smiled and said, "Charlotte, most of the pictures are for our memories, but some people might see a few of them. Don't worry about it. They would probably only see the ones of you all dressed up. Do you like some of your new clothes?"

"Yes, Auntie. They are so pretty."

Charlotte was tingling with excitement and curiosity when they got home.

She was eager for her second bath of the day but wondered why they said they would shave her legs all the way to her belly button. They were going to fix her hair and paint her fingernails and toenails, too.

"You will look even more youthful, but also more sexy." Martha predicted. "You'll look so pretty in your new dresses and even your lingerie, Charlotte. Phillepe' will like taking your pictures, especially in your new linherie."

"But Aunt Suzette, you can see through some of the things."

"It's OK, Charlotte. He's a photographer and is used to seeing lots of beautiful, naked women. I don't think he's interested in seeing little girls." Both of the women teased her for being worried about it, and reminded her that her Mom did ask Suzette to get lots of pictures. Charlotte agreed to let him take her pictures in all of her new clothes.

Everybody was so excited when they got back to Suzette's flat. Charlotte was anxious to take the bath and get on her make-up so she could try on all the new clothes.

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Loved this story. I'm hoping for a story about a young girl getting a massage and spanking. Like Amy's first massage,without her mom. I know you said you might write one. I hope you do...

The reviewing period for this story has ended.