I'm Thirteen, But Passed For Eighteen, Part 2

[ FM+/g, spank, anal, panties, photo, oral, mast ]

by Corn53


Published: 4-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Back To Loren's Place With Aunt Jane

"You look great, Erica." said Aunt Jane. "I'm glad I got you that dress last weekend so I would have time to hem it."

"Don't you think it's too short?"

Jane laughed again. She seemed so happy today. "Loren really likes you, Erica. And he has been real nice to me lately. Wasn't it fun the time we went to his house?"

"Yes, that was so exciting. Dancing and kissing in a bar, riding in a limo, getting felt up in a fancy house. I never got the tingly feeling that many times in one weekend, Aunt Jane."

And another laugh, "Do you mean orgasms? Like you had an hour ago, just before your bath?"

"Yes, but it was different somehow. You know, to cum while a man is rubbing your pussy and kissing you."

"Yes, I know what you mean. Did it feel the same when I was demonstrating what he might do again, when you got your 'tingly feeling' before your bath earlier?" Her hand reached under my dress and patted my bare bottom.

"It felt wonderful when you demonstrated, Aunt Jane, just like when we practice kissing. But it's even more exciting when a man does it, I guess. And thanks for demonstrating on me again, too. I'm glad we didn't stop right away right after our practice kisses on my lips, especially while you tickled me with the vibrator."

Her hand reached between my legs from behind as she knelt beside me, checking the hem of my jumper. She put her hand on my closed pussy lips and said, "I wouldn't mind kissing you here either, Erica, you are so cute. But I used the vibrator on you because I wanted you to cum before I gave you your bath." She laughed and said, "Now you might be dry when we get to Loren's house."

"What do you mean?"

"Silly." She chuckled. "I mean if you are so wet and excited even before we get to his house, you might cum when he kisses you hello. Not to mention that your panties would already be wet when we got there. I think he likes to touch you so he thinks that HE is the one making you wet."

I still wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about, but I was looking forward to going to his house, even though there would be two other young girls at his party. Aunt Jane said we would be playing games and dancing after dinner, and that Loren was looking forward to me helping get the two younger girls relaxed. She whispered when she told me, even though we were the only ones in her apartment.

"The other two girls are younger than you, Erica, but Loren thinks you are in college, so Joan and I told him these other two girls are seniors in high school, even though they are only in sixth and seventh grade. They are going to pretend to act like sophisticated high school girls who have had lots of dates."

"But I just turned fourteen. It's hard to believe he thinks I'm a college girl. I probably won't be able to fool those other girls though."

"You don't have to fool them too much. They think you're a sophomore in high school, and they know you are in on our joke. All you have to do is to get the other girls to relax and loosen up about someone playing with their panties and stuff like that. Maybe some practice kissing."

"You mean like I get to try to teach them how to kiss?" I thought a minute and added, "And like, show them how a guy might feel them up? That could be fun. Me. A teacher."

"Yes! That's it." She stood up and hugged me. "I know you can do it Erica. You are a natural actress. One of the girls has bigger boobs than you, but the younger one, Nicole, has almost no boobs at all."

"What is the other girl's name again? The one with the big boobs?"

She laughed and picked me up in a full body hug. "Oh, Erica. Erica, Honey. She doesn't have 'big boobs,' they are just a little bigger than yours. That's all. All three of you are petite. How tall are you now?"

"I'm five feet already."

"And how much do you weigh?"

"Almost a hundred, but not quite. What's her name, Aunt Jane? So I'll know them."

"The shorter girl, Nicole, is in the sixth grade, and Paula is as tall as you. Paula's boobs are slightly bigger than yours." She emphasized the word slightly.

"And she's the one in the seventh grade." I asked.

"Right. Also Nicole has dark hair, and Puala is blond. Nicole is the shy one. She's pretty quiet. Her aunt set it up for us to bring her to our party. Loren wants to play with all three of you, but you are the leader. Now... this is our secret..." and she started whispering again, "You want to be an example to them. You know, like letting them see Loren and the other man feel you up. You will be dancing with the other girls and you will try to get them to act silly, too. If they see you doing things; like drinking wine, or kissing, or letting one of the men feel you while you giggle and act like it's fun - then maybe they will start doing those things, too. If you can get the other girls to be more playful... well, Loren will be really nice to me and Joan later."

"You mean later tonight? But I thought I was going to get to sleep with him, too. Like both of us, you and me, playing in the bed with him. I like the way he touches me."

She laughed again and held me on her lap, "Let me share another secret, since we have all these girl secrets. Do you remember me taking pictures of you and your friends in the park, and then more video pictures of you and the girls getting the playful spankings and your bath? Loren bought me all the video equipment and he helps cover some of my expenses. That way I can afford to have nicer things, and then I can take you and your friends out for pizza when they stay here. And I can buy you new clothes once in a while. You like staying here, don't you?"

"Oh yes. I really like it. But do I get to sleep with you and Loren after the other people go home?"

"So that's what's worrying you!" She kissed my cheek. "Yes, Honey. You and I will get to sleep with Loren. Tonight just might be your night."

"To what?" I was smiling but looking in her eyes. "My night to what?"

Her eyes just twinkled like Santa Clause, and she said, "We'll see."

I was glad that we were having dinner at Loren's big house instead of going out because my dress was way too short to be seen in public. I couldn't even bend over without exposing my panties. The navy blue jumper had wide shoulder straps and was cinched under my padded bra. I was wearing lacy, white ankle socks and two inch, navy, high heeled shoes that matched my dress. My blouse was white, with almost invisible, pink flowers all over it.

Fortunately the the top of my jumper covered my chest, otherwise you could see the top of my bra above the neckline of the blouse.

Joan was already there with the other two girls when we arrived. Nicole was very pretty even though you could tell she was almost completely flat. She looked so nervous in her short, flared, black skirt, and knit, long-sleeved, yellow blouse, which accented her flatness; just two "robin's eggs," which made little bumps in the tight material. Her skirt was almost as short as my dress and she constantly tugged at it, as if she could pull it down. Nicole's shoes and socks were just like mine, except her shoes were flats. The bright red lipstick and fingernail polish made the black hair seem brighter. Her long hair was combed back into a pony tail and held up with on top with several barrettes. Her tiny ears sported small, gold ball earrings.

Paula was wearing a short, lime green, knit dress. It was all one piece, with bare shoulders, and fit her like a glove. I couldn't help but notice there weren't any bra lines across her back. I was the only one wearing a bra. I could make out the lines of hip-hugger panties. She was wearing matching lime green, thigh-high stockings, but no garter belt or we could have seen the straps. The stockings didn't even reach the bottom of her dress. There was about two inches of skinny, pale leg between the top of her stockings and the bottom of her dress. It was a striking look. I was wondering if her panties were lime green too. Her choker necklace and the earrings were big, white, fake pearls. Her blond hair was in kind of a bun.

Aunt Jane had given me more instructions on the way over, so I kind of took charge of the younger girls when I got there. First I kissed each of them on the cheek as I hugged them in greeting, and told them how much I liked their clothes. Both of them had on red lipstick and some eye make-up just like mine.

I got some of my lipstick on their cheeks when I kissed them, so after we all kissed Loren, I took the two younger girls to the rest room to clean their faces. Joan started to go with us, but I noticed Aunt Jane touching her elbow.

Joan and Loren were having a drink already, and I was sure Aunt Jane would fix one for herself while I was in the big bathroom with the two girls.

We all started giggling when we got in the bathroom.

"Isn't this fun?" I asked.

Nicole giggled again and then said, "What?"

"Playing a joke on Loren and his friend. Getting them to think that you two are in high school, and that I'm in college. Gosh. I'm only in tenth grade. How about you?"

I already knew the answer, but I wanted to make sure Aunt Jane had her facts straight. She did.

"It will be really cool if Loren or Mr. Baker feels us up. That will mean we tricked them. Maybe we could have a signal, you know, like a secret word, which means we got felt up."

"Oh, I get it. Like a code which only us girls will know." said Paula.

Her voice was pretty high, and she wiggled around even more than I did. "Tell us what to say."

I had the feeling she really wanted to get felt up. I wasn't sure about Nicole, but Paula seemed as horny and curious as me. I said, "'Rumplestiltskin' would be too obvious."

They both laughed, but it looked like Nicole was starting to relax.

Nicole said, "football."

"What?" said Paula, the blond. "You mean say the word 'football' for our code. But wouldn't that be kind of obvious?"

I stepped in, "That's great. We'll work the word into the conversation somehow." I hugged Nicole's shoulders. "Well, I mean, like if there is any conversation. We might be dancing or sitting on somebody's lap or something like that." and I double winked at them. "When we get a chance to talk we will use the word football if somebody has felt our panties. Good idea, Nicole."

"Our panties? You mean they might feel our panties?" she sounded almost panicky.

"Yes." I wondered what she had been told and I was worried she might want to run right home.

But instead she said, "Cool. I bet that's why Joan was going to shave me when she gave me a bath." and she chuckled. "But she didn't have to. I don't have any hair yet. She shaved my legs though, but they didn't really need it."

"Joan gave me a bath, too." said Paula. "She inspected my pussy pretty close when she washed it. I only have a few hairs and they are kind of reddish so they don't show up. She didn't need to shave me either. I mean like, except my legs."

I looked closer at her hair and there was some red in it. Then I pulled them into a little huddle and said, "OK, Let's go try to get felt on our panties before the night is over."

As I put my hand on the bathroom door to open it, I asked, "But what if we're not wearing panties when they feel us?"

I could see looks of doubt on their faces, especially Nicole's. As I opened the door and we walked out, I started laughing and whispered to them, "Let's go play football."

They both started giggling as we headed for the dining room. I could tell they were excited. Nicole was still nervously pulling her skirt down in front which raised it in back. Anyone behind her could see her pink, satin panties. For being so flat in front, she had pretty, rounded buns. And there was a band of pale skin peeking out from under those satin panties, so it looked like her swim suit was more modest than the panties.

We were still giggling and squirming around when we sat down for dinner.

As we were sitting down I discovered that Paula's panties did not match her thigh high stockings. They were white. It looked like there was no way she could prevent anybody from seeing her panties the way she was sitting there and moving around so much, always moving her legs and hands nervously.

Loren was sitting at the end and Paula and I were on the corners next to him. The fancy table was too big for him to even pat us on our knees. Darn. Mr. Baker sat next to me and Nicole was on the other side of him. Aunt

Jane and Joan were on the corner opposite me.

We each had a glass of wine and Loren made a toast for having a fun party tonight. They had some kind of fancy stuff for dinner, but us three girls were pretty lucky and got pizza instead. Nicole drank her whole glass of wine. Paula and I each had two.

The grown-ups were talking about all kinds of boring things, and they said the three of us could go listen to music in the living room and they would be out in a minute. I was glad and so were Paula and Nicole. We played one of my CDs which I brought with me.

While we were dancing, the grown-ups came in with their drinks. They said they couldn't dance right now while they were finishing their drinks.

Aunt Jane put on an oldie so we could do a slow dance. Mr. Baker set down his drink and danced with Paula and I danced with Nicole. We were giggling because we could see Paula's panties as they danced.

Aunt Jane had told me that it's easier to be the leader if you hold the other person tightly, so I tried to hold Nicole in my arms as tight as I could. She was still nervous, but relaxed as we danced. It was hard to lead in dancing because neither of us was very good. We kept bumping our feet together. She got the giggles the third time she stepped on my foot.

Paula was talking to Mr. Baker as they danced. It was funny when he put her arms up around his neck because we could see her panties from behind. They were low cut panties, too, so we could see the top part of her fanny crack above her panties. That really made Nicole giggle.

Loren tapped me on the shoulder and started dancing with the much shorter Nicole. Feeling disappointed, I started back to the couch. Mr. Baker tapped me on the shoulder again and when I turned around he almost scooped me up in his arms. He was a good dancer and it really was easier to dance when he held me real tight. Aunt Jane was dancing with Paula.

Mr. Baker started talking to me, too. "You look lovely tonight, Erica. Your dress is very pretty."

"Thank you." I said.

He pushed my elbows up so that my hands went around his neck while we danced. It made me self conscious because I knew everybody could see my panties from behind. All the while he was telling me how pretty I was.

Joan turned the lights down and we changed partners again. Pretty soon each of us danced with all the grown ups. Sometimes I could hear what they were saying, like when Aunt Jane was dancing with Nicole she was telling her to just relax and have a good time. We could all tell that she was the most nervous. She wouldn't put her hands up on the other person's shoulders when she danced, probably because she didn't want anybody to see her panties.

I had an idea. "Let's play some fast songs." And I whispered to the other two girls. "We can play follow the leader while we dance." They agreed and said it sounded like fun.

I was the first leader since it was my idea, so I started hopping to the music at first. When they were both doing that, I tried to dance like Frankenstein, and then did a Madonna imitation with my hands beside my breasts. That made Nicole laugh as because she didn't have any breasts, but she tried.

We were getting into it, when one of the grown ups changes back to slow music and somebody else gave each of us a drink. We were thirsty, but they didn't have any pop, so they gave us drinks called screwdrivers. The orange juice was pretty good and we could hardly taste the gin. While we were having our drinks they played musical laps with us - at least that's what it seemed like. After each song we got handed to somebody else's lap.

Joan and Aunt Jane each whispered to me that I was being a good leader with the younger girls. I asked if Loren suspected they weren't really in high school. Aunt Jane chuckled and said, "No, you're really fooling him and I think even Nicole is starting to relax."

We looked at her sitting on Loren's lap. Her dress was clear up exposing her pink panties and one of her long legs was stretched down the couch. The other foot was between Loren's knees as he kind of tickled her while they talked. She still wasn't talking much but she giggled and squirmed around on his lap, apparently oblivious to the fact her loose panties were so exposed.

Aunt Jane called out, "Kiss!" as part of our game, so we each had to kiss who ever we were sitting with. I started kissing Aunt Jane, who seemed to enjoy practicing different kissing techniques with me. We kept kissing for the whole rest of that song. Her hands were tickling my panties. She knew I liked getting tickled on my panties.

I peeked at Nicole on the other end of the couch, and saw that she was kissing Loren but was watching me. I opened my legs a little wider to be a good example to her, and to my delight, she opened her legs more too. Loren's hand was stroking her thigh. When she spread her knees wider, Loren put his hand on her panties and she almost snapped her knees together. Lorn took his hand away as the song ended and we started changing laps again.

As Nicole, Paula, and I were standing in the middle, I whispered to Nicole, "It's OK if somebody touches your panties. Just let them do it. It will feel good."

"But that's naughty." she said.

"Maybe you could sit on my lap for a minute. Just to act silly. After all, we are college girls." I gave her an exaggerated wink. Paula started listening, too, even though she was already enjoying the accidental touches. "They probably expect us to act silly. Why don't we practice kissing a little bit right now, while we're dancing. Then when the song is over, we can all pile on the couch next to Aunt Jane; just us girls."

I kissed Ericka on the lips. She kissed back. A long slow kiss, and I flicked my tongue across her lips like Aunt Jane had taught me. "OK. When the song is over come over and sit on my lap. Just let me and Aunt Jane tickle you a little bit. OK, Nicole?"

"OK." she said, and kissed me again.

Only three grown ups were sitting on the couches, since Joan was out in the kitchen mixing some more tasty screwdrivers for the "college girls."

When the song was over the the three of us surprised the adults by bounding onto the couch next to Aunt Jane. I whispered into her ear, "I'm going to help Nicole relax, so she'll like getting tickled on her panties. Just like you told me." I noticed Aunt Jane winking at the other adults and to Joan as she walked in with more drinks for everybody.

I took a big sip and then Nicole and Paula did the same. It was nice to see that Nicole was relaxing more with us. She was even acting silly and sitting on my lap facing me, with one knee on either side of me. Since she was almost as big as me she had to hunch down to kiss me again. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her against me so we had to stop kissing. She slid all the way against me with her knees apart and buried into the gap between the cushion I was sitting on and the back of the couch.

I playfully squeezed her non-existent breast and asked, "Where is it?"

She giggled, but didn't say anything.

"You're such a pretty college girl, Nicole." I teased my fellow conspirator. With my left arm tightly around her waist and my right hand now playing with her breasts I kept telling her how pretty she was.

That was what I remembered Loren doing with me a few weeks earlier, and I remembered how exciting it was. Nicole didn't mind me fondling her breasts and even pinching her nipples.

"Scoot back a little so I can kiss you, Darling." trying to imitate Mr. Baker's deep voice.

She giggled at my joke, but scooted back and began kissing me. We stopped and each took another big swig of our drinks. Her dress was up over her hips since her legs were spread so wide to straddle my lap.

Aunt Jane continued to fondle and tickle Paula and said to the three of us. "You girls are acting just like a bunch of silly college girls. You're really fooling them." While she was talking, I stopped feeling her breasts and dropped my hand to my lap.

My first touch on her panties made her jump. I put my hand around behind her and held her buns with both hands. "It didn't hurt when I squeezed your titties, did it?"

"No." and she giggled again as if I had asked a dumb question. I thought it was another of her one word answers, when she added, "It felt good, Erica." and she giggled again as if she was embarrassed.

"You are so pretty, Nicole. I like touching you." Now my right hand was on her thigh and my left was on her back. "Let me tickle your panties a minute and tell me if it hurts."

"OK." but she didn't giggle. She kissed me again. For some strange reason, her awkward kisses were turning me on.

I put my hand back on her silky panties and began massaging her. Pretty soon my fingers were directly on her open pussy, feeling the outline of lips, hole, and clitoris. As I kept rubbing she stopped trying to back away. In a moment she started rotating her hips as I rubbed, squeezed, and petter her open pussy. Just as I was beginning to notice that the panties were getting wetter, Aunt Jane's hand crossed my thigh onto Nicole's panties. Her hand joined mine to tickle the 6th grader's silky, pink panties.

"Time for another dance girls." said Joan walking over to take Paula by the hand. "Unless you would rather go find a lap to sit on."

We started to get up off the couch, when Joan added, "Quick as bunnies!

Find a lap!" and she clapped her hands.

Each of us jumped onto a lap. Nicole went right back to Loren and she sat facing him, one knee on either side. I heard Loren say, "You college girls are so funny."

Aunt Jane was holding me. As we watched Loren start to feel Nicole's panties, she whispered in my ear, "That was brilliant, Erica. You helped get her relaxed; let down her guard a little. Maybe Joan and I can help you relax a minute."

They stood me up and let me sit on Joan's lap the way Nicole had been sitting on mine. I looked at Paula and we could all see Mr. Baker's hands roaming all over her as she wiggled around on his big lap.

Joan and Aunt Jane let me watch the other girls getting felt up while they tickled my panties and breasts; four hands at once. It felt great.

We played musical chairs and had more screwdrivers While Joan took some pictures.

Nicole was beginning to enjoy getting felt on her panties. We could all tell it. She was easy to see that by the way she chose to sit on everybody's lap; legs always wide open, offering free access to those pink panties with the big wet spot in the crotch. She liked the kissing, too.

Joan and Jane took us three girls out to the kitchen to get a snack and another drink; but really so we could have a 'girl talk.' She told me what to say when we were alone with the girls.

"My panties feel all wet, Aunt Jane. It's embarrassing. What should I do?"

"Where are your other panties, Erica? didn't you pack some in case we spend the night?"

"Yes, but they are out in the car." Aunt Jane was kneeling in front of me while I held up my dress. She studied the problem for a minute.

"How are your panties, girls?" she asked the other two. Nicole and Paula lifted their skirts, too, and started feeling their panties.

"Oh." said Nicole.

"What?" asked Jane.

"Mine are wet, too. Really wet." said Nicole.

"So are mine." said Paula.

"Hmm. What can we do?" Aunt Jane asked us. She and Paula were verifying the wetness of our panties for themselves.

"We could take them off." said Paula, so I didn't have to.

I saw doubt return to Nicole's face. "Great idea." I said and pulled off my panties and handed them to Aunt Jane. Then I turned around, keeping my arms at my side. "You can't tell can you?"

"No." said both girls at the same time.

"Stay here and have your snack and a drink with Joan. I'll be right back."

The other two girls removed their panties with Joan's willing help and handed them to Jane.

We all washed our hands and got out the snacks to put in the oven. This was so much fun; having snacks, getting felt up by grown men, drinking strange drinks, and acting silly.

Jane put the three pairs of panties in her pocket and went back out into the living room. I figured she would show them to the men, but I wasn't sure. They were pretty wet. I was glad to be in Aunt Jane's confidence and it was fun being in on the ruse to pretend we were college girls.

Before we delivered the snack and drinks out to Aunt Jane and the men, Joan said, "Let's just go out and have fun. Don't be self conscious about the panties. They probably wont' even notice.

I don't think she should have said anything, because it looked like Nicole was worried about it. I took her hand and invited her to sit on my lap again.

She was glad to. She started kissing me again even before we sat down. Hoping that she would straddle my lap again, I sat in an open area of the long couch. To my delight, she did. Once again she seemed oblivious that her dress was clear up over her hips, giving me easy access to her bald, wide-open pussy. Something was coming over me, because I wanted to take a close look at it. When I touched it, it really was wet. My fingers just slid around between her lips. She had practically no inner flaps, as I called them, but the little bump in the front was pretty stiff. Aunt Jane had taught me about my clitoris. I squeezed Nicole's little bump and kept sliding my fingers around. She started making little noises and squirming around on my lap as we kissed and I started masturbating her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Loren on the other end of the couch watching me rub Nicole's pussy. He was looking at my hand under the bald lips. He saw me looking at him and he winked at me.

"Time to move, Girls!" said Aunt Jane. Loren made a 'come here' motion with his finger. Nicole was reluctant to get off my lap even though I stopped tickling her pussy. Aunt Jane almost lifted her off my lap and I scooted over next to Loren. Nicole hopped onto my lap again like a happy puppy.

I could tell she was a little drunk, because she was sitting across Loren's and my lap with her dress way up, trying to get into a comfortable position so she could kiss me again. Loren positioned her onto my lap facing me again with her knees bent, straddling my thighs. He scooted closer to his end of the couch to make room for her left knee to fit between us. Loren's hand went right to our laps and he pulled up my dress, too. Now he could see both of our bald, bare pussies - almost touching. Loren put his hand under Nicole and began to tickle her pussy the same way I had done earlier.

Maybe she thought it was me tickling her, because she kept kissing me as he masturbated the young girl. I could feel the back of his hand against my pussy. She straightened up and moaned real loud, pulling back from my lips. Her mouth was still open, but her eyes were closed. I realized that Loren must have been putting a finger up into her. I was fondling her small breasts with my hands.

When her moans subsided, Aunt Jane set down the video camera and turned down the lights again. They positioned Nicole on Loren's lap and pulled me to a standing position.

"Time to get ready for bed, girls." Said Aunt Jane, as she started to unbutton the back of my jumper. I looked over at Mr. Baker and Paula, who had been making out on the other couch. They were still kissing and her dress was above her belly button since his hand was under it, rubbing her chest. She was kneeling on one knee which was between his legs, and her other foot beside his hip, facing him on the couch. I could see the tan lines on her fanny. Mr. Baker had taken off his coat, tie, and shoes.

Loren said, "Erica, I'm glad you're being such a big help tonight." and he winked at me again, like I was one of the grown-ups helping with his party games. "You college girls catch on real quick."

He put his hand on my pussy and began rubbing me. I parted my legs a little bit. "You're getting so mature, Erica. I hope you can come over more often. There are some other games you might like."

"Cool. I'd like to, Loren. Your house is so neat." I looked in his face. "It's fun playing games with you."

He handed the now sleeping Nicole to Aunt Jane who laid her on the couch so she could finish undressing her. Loren stood and pulled off his tie and took me by the hand. "Would you like to see where we'll sleep tonight; you and me?"

As he led me out of the room he told Aunt Jane to get Nicole ready, because he would be back in a few minutes to kiss her good night.

"Of course, Loren. She's almost ready now. You might need to take Erica to the bathroom first and show her the bedroom; by then Nicole will be ready for you."

"Yes, I see. It's good the girls are staying here tonight. I'm sure Mr. Baker will help Paula get ready. You two can take care of Nicole after I kiss her good night; and I'll get Erica all tucked in."

As we were leaving the room I said, "I have to use the bathroom, too, Loren, especially if we're going to bed now."

"Let me take you, Erica. Then I'll show you our bedroom." He stayed in the bathroom with me so I lifted my skirt and sat down. He knelt down in front of me. I opened my knees so he could watch, just like I had practiced with Aunt Jane. I watched him watch me pee. We smiled at each other. He wiped me off when I was finished.

He took me to his room and handed me the top of a sheer night gown. "I'll be back shortly. We don't have enough beds for everyone, so I hope you don't mind sleeping with me tonight."

"I don't mind."

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