I'm Thirteen, But Passed For Eighteen, Part 1

[ FM+/g, spank, anal, panties, photo, oral, mast ]

by Corn53


Published: 4-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Chapter 1. Staying With Aunt Jane

There are lots of reasons I like staying with Aunt Jane, but the main reason is she answers my questions. We can talk about all sorts of things, even sex. She listens to me and tells me stuff - not like most grown ups.

She's not really my Aunt. She's like my step-father's brother's sister-in-law, or something like that. I forget exactly. But I stay with her when my Mom and step-father are out of town. The last year or so it's been at least once a month. Not like I need a baby-sitter or anything, because I've been baby-sitting myself for other people for almost two years - ever since I turned 12. I'll be fourteen next month.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend though, because she promised me we could go out together after I get all dressed up, and she'll coach me about teasing men and boys. It should be fun.

She picked me up at our Saturday morning soccer practice. She got there early so she could videotape part of our practice. Afterwards she had me and some of my friends clown around for the camera before driving them home. We climbed on the monkey bars, did some tumbling, and came down the slide - just acting silly in general in the kiddie part of the park.

Since our baggy soccer shorts were already dirty, it didn't matter if we got them a little dirtier. The park was practically deserted after soccer practice so we weren't too embarrassed to be horsing around like little kids. She even had the three of us hang upside-down on the chinning bars and said to let our shirts hang down over our heads. Aunt Jane said it would be like a game, trying to figure out who was who, because you couldn't see our faces with the shirts hanging down. Our tans had faded since the pool closed when school started, but our breasts and fannies still looked paler than the rest of our skin. Maybe that would give away our true gender in her close-up shots.

We were glad no boys were around! Since Mary was the only one wearing her training bra, she had her take it off for the pictures, otherwise it wouldn't be fair when we tried to guess who was who.

We stopped at Aunt Jane's house before taking the other two girls home. While we were eating lunch, she asked if the coaches yelled at us for anything. We each had to say what mistakes we made in practice. Then for fun she said we could have clear consciouses if she spanked us for each of our mistakes. It was always fun when we played with Aunt Jane - almost like a slumber party or something. She had us pull down our soccer shorts and panties and lay across her lap and say one of our mistakes out loud. Then she playfully spanked us and said not to feel guilty about making a mistake, but to try harder next time. After the spanking, she tickled us and said, "OK. Be happy!"

After tickling us, she asked if we had made any other mistakes. It seemed like I must have made the most because I got six spankings. It was so funny, especially getting tickled. The other two girls weren't allowed to pull up their pants or panties until all the spanking and tickling was finished, in case they remembered another mistake they had made. We were all laughing so hard, even Aunt Jane.

"See? It's not so bad to make a few mistakes, is it? Just take the consequences and keep on going." She told us. We all agreed these "girl-talk sessions" would be our little secret.

I noticed that Mary actually had the smallest breasts, even though she was the only one wearing her training bra, but she was also the only one with any visible pubic hair above her crack. Jamie and I hardly had any at all.

We drove the other girls home and she said next weekend we really would have a slumber party. She would even let us wear some of her fancy underwear and perfume after she gave the three of us a community bubble bath. "Won't that be fun next week, girls. All of you splashing in the big tub together? We just have to remember that this is our private club and we can't talk about it."

"Of course we would never talk about it. We're too grown up to act this silly. But it sure is fun!" giggled Jamie. We all agreed.

We got back to Aunt Jane's and she asked if I had remembered to pack a dress in my gym bag. "Of course I did, Aunt Jane. The short, black rayon one that you said looked "too sexy for a 12 year old" last year. It's almost too short now, since I'm taller. I won't be able to bend over! This sounds like a fun adventure, Aunt Jane. And I did good about not telling Mary or Jamie about what we're going to so tonight, didn't I?"

"Yes. You did great, Erica. And I'm glad you didn't say anything about the bubble baths I give you sometimes when you stay here." And she patted my bottom playfully.

"Uh, oh, Aunt Jane. Did you know that you left your camcorder on?" I asked because I could see the little red light was on.

"Oh. Thanks, Erica. I didn't even notice. It might run the battery down," and she went over and turned it off. She carried it with her and held out her hand for me. "Let's run up and take your bath so I can fix your hair for the evening, Young Lady."

I jumped up and we headed up the stairs to her master bathroom. The tub was twice as big as the one we had at home. It would be fun with the other girls next weekend. I started to get undressed while she started the water and poured in the bubbles. She said, "Wait a minute. I want to get a picture of before and after," and she put in a new tape.

I was so excited. It would be fun tonight trying to get guys to think I was 18. I wondered if we could pull it off. She said it would be like a game and we would go places where nobody knew us.

"You have to start thinking like an 18 year old, Erica. I know you can do it, because you're so smart. And, you'll be fourteen next month. That's almost eighteen, isn't it?" and she tickled my sides.

"You said you saw one of your uncle's dirty movies where a girl took off her clothes. See if you can do a 'striptease' out of your soccer uniform. I'll get it on tape so we can compare it to next time. We can watch your metamorphosis from dirty tom-boy to beautiful debutante. But, of course, this is just for fun and nobody else will ever see it except us. And... it's OK to giggle!" We both laughed. She turned on some music and I got undressed while dancing around - jumping and twirling, bending and strutting.

"I see you are growing up, Erica. Pubic hair. Can you see it? There's just a trace, but see how the fine hairs above your pussy are a little longer? If you weren't so blond, they would really show up. But your lips are still bald as a baby's." and she zoomed in. I guess so we could compare this to future tapes someday, too.

Holding the camera in one hand, she said, "Let me zoom in on your armpits. Yes there is a trace of longer, fine, blond hair there also." She reached out with her free hand to tug gently on the few longer hairs while I held up my arm. "We won't shave it yet, but we have to shave your legs, if you're going to wear a garter and hose tonight. Into the tub you go" She spanked my fanny as I climbed in giggling.

She sat the camcorder on the dressing table chair and then washed me all over. She said she wanted to be sure I smelled feminine, "I'm going to wash every square inch of your body."

"Hands and knees now, Princess." I got on my hands and knees near the edge of the tub. This was how she always measured the progress of my breast development. She washed and massaged them while they were hanging down. They didn't really hang down and they couldn't 'flop'or anything like that since they only stuck out about two inches. "An 'A' plus or a 'B' minus," she pronounced. "I'll have to add a little padding to the 32 B I bought for you. You'll like your fancy undies tonight!"

While I was on my hands and knees, she took her time washing my bottom. I guess it was part of the "clean and fresh all over" strategy we talked about.

She shampooed my short hair and told me I was going to be so pretty. "The only problem we might have is if you get too bashful. I've got a special bra for you that will make these..." and she washed off my titties again with a little squeeze - "seem bigger." I started giggling again - this time with excitement.

We took turns shaving my legs until they were smooth and hairless. We shaved all the way up my legs, even though there was hardly any hair above my knees. "We could shave off your little bush, Erica, but your hair is so fine and so blond you can't even see it unless you're really close." Then she added in a conspiratorial tone, "But if somebody gets close enough to see it... Well, wouldn't that be fun?"

Even though my sandy blond hair is pretty short, it still took almost a half hour to get it just right. Before putting on my make-up we practiced kissing again. I had to pretend she was a man when we kissed. She said not to open my lips unless the man did first. She was still dressed in her shorts and a sweatshirt and sat on the dressing table stool while I stood between her legs and practiced different kisses. Then she stood up so I could practice leaning my head back to get kissed. "I bet all three of you girls will need some kissing practice after your baths next week."

"Maybe I could help you train them, Aunt Jane. But I really hope I get to kiss a man tonight. That would be so cool!." and then I remembered one of our Biology talks, "Maybe I could teach them the names of their girl parts, Aunt Jane, like you showed me with the mirror and the videocamera last month. I practiced touching the different parts and naming them every time I took a bath."

"OK. You can help me train them. I swear you are getting so grown up, Erica. Let's practice another minute. Sit on my lap. Then we'll put on your make-up and get you all dressed."

I sat on her lap facing her with my legs outside of hers. and my knees against her hips. She wanted me to get the tongue kisses right, so we practiced over and over. I had to keep my lips together until I felt her tongue flick across my lips, and then I opened my lips a little at a time, depending how hard the man was pressing his tongue against me. It was starting to make me feel funny.

She cautioned me about other things men might do, including feeling my breasts and even reaching between my legs. While she was demonstrating she teased me, "Of course I hope you aren't sitting on their laps like this, because then they could do this!" as she slid a finger up and down along my open slit and then into my pussy about an inch."

We laughed again while she kept demonstrating, and I said, "Well, I wouldn't be sitting like this I bet, because then I'd be wide open! That would be embarrassing!" But even though I was laughing, I was thinking that it did feel kind of good.

She started to stand me back up, and I stalled by opening my knees and said, "But, what if they do touch me there, Aunt Jane? What should I do? Show me again and then tell me." So she showed me how they might rub me between the legs and put a finger in. She said I could act offended or just say something like, "Maybe later," if I really liked them.

"It all depends on the situation. You are the girl and you decide what to do." She could see I wasn't sure yet, so we practiced some more. Then she stood me up and said, "Let's get your make-up on, Honey. There are fish out there wanting to be caught!" and she patted upwards on my pussy.

It took another fifteen minutes to put my make-up on. You could hardly tell I was wearing any except for the eyes and lips. Aunt Jane always said, "If you can tell someone is wearing make-up, they're wearing too much."

"Now! Let's pretend you're getting hypnotized, Erica. Each time I put another piece of clothing on you, you will act more 'grown-up.' OK?" She put the garter belt around my waist. I twirled around in front of the camera and acted silly. She said to be a little girl for the first few pieces of clothing and then get "older" with each new piece of clothing.

Next I put on the black hose and we adjusted the garter belt to snap them on, and I walked around more seriously in front of the camera. "These are the shortest hose I could get, Erica. Good thing you're tall for your age, five feet one. If you were any shorter, the hose would reach your pussy." and we both laughed again as she measured the distance between my pussy and the tops of the hose. "Three inches. I guess that's enough."

When we put the high heeled shoes on I had to walk for awhile to get used to them. The shiny black shoes had two inch heels, the highest I had ever worn. "Now you're over five feet, two. I think you can pass for eighteen!"

I felt so sexy with the black hose, garterbelt, and high-heeled shoes as I walked in front of the camera. For some reason though, I felt more naked now than when I was completely naked as I practiced walking, turning, sitting, standing, and even bending over while she zoomed the videocamera.

She promised to bring some white hose along and said maybe we could spend part of the evening without any hose. "I also got some white, lacy ankle socks and black pumps, in case we go somewhere with a lot of fast dancing."

Before we put the rest of your clothes on, let's try that jumper. The bib part covered my bare breasts and the hem was just below the tops of the hose. She wanted to see if the bib would provide for my modesty if I went braless later on. She said the sheer blouse is a little too sheer to wear without a bra unless the jumper covered my breasts. While I posed in different positions, Aunt Jane moved the camera around so she could double check which positions I should try to avoid if I did go braless. "If you are braless later, Young Lady," she warned me in mock sternness, "don't hunch over so the bib bows out." Then, off with the dress again.

She put the ' slightly padded' white bra on me. It wasn't padded with socks or anything like we used at our slumber parties. The white foam pads felt like the 'real thing' Aunt Jane said. She put my hand on my new bra. I felt my bigger, partly-fake titties and then felt her real ones. They felt the same!

I walked around much more like a grown-up - strutting in front of the camera, proud of my full size Bs.

Then came a sheer, flowered blouse which I could see right through. The white bra showed plainly. My short, black dress looked good with it when I finally put it back on, and the bib covered the bra, so you could only see the sides of it - and only if I raised my arms. There was black in the light blue, flowered blouse which matched the black in my jumper. I had to be careful walking now because, with the high heels on, you could see the bare part of my legs if I bent over or walked too fast. I still didn't have any panties on. Aunt Jane said I should practice walking around in the high heels while she got ready.

Before she went back upstairs, she sprayed some perfume on me (even on my thighs) and handed me some sheer, white, satin panties with ruffles around the front edge. They were very brief. They reminded me of a very, very short slip. There was no cotton liner in the crotch. These were the sexiest panties I had ever seen. I couldn't wait to try them on.

Aunt Jane said if somebody saw a little bit of my legs above the hose -or even my panties - that it would be OK. "Maybe it would even tease the men and make them want to dance with you." We practiced dancing and kissing for another five minutes before Aunt Jane put our soccer video in her VCR, and said not to watch these 'adult' videos, which were sitting on top of the TV.

She ran up to get dressed for our evening out. Her wink as she headed upstairs told me I really could watch them if I wanted. Wow! The one I picked showed a man undressing a girl and feeling her all over, even kissing her between the legs. I was fascinated.

She came back downstairs about a half hour later and we prepared to leave for an evening of fun. We both looked and smelled great. She helped me step into the low-cut, sheer, white panties. There was pink lacy trim around the top with a little bow in front. "Lots of fish would like to catch this little piece of bait, Honey." and she pinched my pussy lips through the silky material.

"Oh, Aunt Jane." I laughed, "I don't think anybody will want to dance with me because I look so young."

"Nonsense." and she reminded me to "think" older.

"Let's put your panties on and practice one more dance, Erica, before we go. You have to get used to these 'fancy panties' and the high heels." She said the camcorder could help me see how high I could raise my arms while dancing with heels on.

So we danced with my back to the camera while I tried different arm positions. If I raised my arms at all you could see my thighs above the hose and if I raised my elbows to shoulder height you could see glimpses of the bottom of my panties. Of course, if my arms were up around Aunt Jane's neck you could see my panties completely and some of my fanny above the panties if I twirled around.

"These panties feel so silky, Aunt Jane. They tickle me when I dance or walk. Maybe it's because of the garter straps inside the panties are moving them when I walk."

"Does it bother you?"

"Well, no. It tickles good. I want to dance all night!" I giggled and she laughed.

"You're so cute, Erica." and she kissed me again. She seemed surprised I could kiss and dance at the same time.

As we watched our dance on the tape, I got kind of worried because I could see my panties if my arms were raised, but Aunt Jane just laughed and said to try to keep my arms down, or at least not above my shoulders unless it's very dark. "But whatever, just play it cool and act like you don't know people can see your panties. 'Playing it cool' really turns some men on. Just continue to act innocent."

She took out the naughty video I was watching without making a comment, and popped in the earlier tape from this morning, when I was playing soccer with dirt on my legs, and a grass stain on my shirt. I looked like a 12 year old kid. When she backed the other tape to the part where I walked around all dressed up, with my hair done and make up on, I couldn't believe my eyes! What a difference! Maybe I could pass for an eighteen year old!

Chapter 2. The First Restaurant

We went to a fancy restaurant, and she had me order a glass of wine as if I was used to it. She told me what kind to order and to my surprise the waiter took the order without batting an eye and brought us each a glass of wine. "Now, don't make a face when you drink it, Erica!" she laughed. "You just passed your first test. He even thought you were twenty one!"

"I couldn't believe it! He actually brought me a glass of wine!"

"Well, you are so poised and you look stunning, Erica. And I'm a big tipper." I wasn't sure exactly what she meant, but chuckled a "thanks for the compliment" laugh.

During dinner we noticed a couple guys watching us. I figured they thought we were mother and daughter since Aunt Jane is like 30 or 40 or something Aunt Jane said to just call her Aunt Jane like always. "We'll pretend you are my niece attending the local college." We practiced our "story" over and over, adding made-up details each time. This was really fun.

"Whatever you do, don't tell people you're only thirteen! Keep the same birthday, but we'll change the year to . . . " and so on, embellishing my biography.

As we were finishing dinner a small band set up on the dance floor nearby. We noticed several men checking us out. I had changed into lower shoes before we went in the restaurant because Aunt Jane said she didn't want me falling down. "That would surely let the cat out of the bag." and she laughed again. I loved the sound of her laugh.

She sent me to the bathroom about four times during dinner, just so people could check me out. "Remember, it's kind of like fishing." she explained again.

"And I'm the bait?" I joked. She liked my sense of humor and put her hand on my leg under the table, pretending she was straightening my napkin. There weren't any table cloths and the wooden captain chairs didn't offer the privacy for her to "check" the adjustment of my panties.

"You are bait all right, and there are lots of fish here." she joked again -making reference to the size of the average man's brain. Once she tried to explain that some men don't think with the brain between their ears.

"If someone is watching, don't let on that you know they are watching. Always pretend you are completely indifferent to their existence. But, if you want to get their attention, don't look away from them either. You can even bend to look at something and expose a hint of your thigh. If they make some type of contact with you after that, then they are already 'caught.' You can decide whether to keep them or throw them back.

On my next trip to the bathroom, there were two guys about 25 sitting at a table near the restrooms. They hadn't been there before and they didn't appear to be having dinner, just beers. They were both watching me. I smiled at them but didn't say anything, eager to test Aunt Jane's theory. They smiled back as I looked away.

Even though this was fancier than the places we usually went to for dinner, they did have a candy vending machine in the hall by the restrooms. I bent over to look at the choices, knowing they would be able to see my legs above the hose. While I was bending over, I started looking through the little purse Aunt Jane had loaned me. There was no money in it and I stood up with a disappointed look.

"Need some change?" asked one of the men, standing.

I looked at them and blushed. "No. That's OK. But thanks anyway."

"I've got about three dollars in change with me." said the one with the dark hair. "Let me treat." and he walked over next to me. He was about a foot taller than me - a few inches taller than Aunt Jane. As he handed me the coins, I realized I still hadn't decided what to get so I bent down to look some more.

For some reason a Clark Bar sounded good so I put in the coins and reached down to pick it out of the chute, taking my time.

"You like the long, hard ones?" and he laughed.

"Especially after drinking wine." and I blushed again, not exactly sure what he meant, but I wanted something sweet after two glasses of Rose'.

He just stood there smiling at me while I opened the end of the wrapper and bit the end off. He grimaced and invited me to joint them after my trip to the john. "Is that your Mom?"

"No, she's my Aunt and I'm staying with her for the weekend. We're out to have a little fun tonight. I'm a freshman." as I headed for the bathroom, not wanting to get 'caught' in the charade so soon. I knew if we kept talking I would give something away.

"Hurry back." he said. "Dan here likes older women. Maybe the four of us could 'have a little fun.'" and he picked up his beer and took a big drink as I pushed open the "Ladies' door.

After coming out of the rest room, I walked quickly back to our table and just nodded at them as I went by.

Aunt Jane almost howled when I repeated our conversation and then she interpreted the game I didn't exactly know I was playing. "Sometimes you seem to pick up on subtle innuendos when we watch movies together, " explained Aunt Jane, "so I think you understood more of those sophomoric puns than you let on." and she laughed again.

"I think we can do better. Those fish might be a little awkward to handle."

"What kind of fish are they, Aunt Jane." keeping up our word play.

"Something in the 'reddus-nekkus' phylum, I believe. Ask your Biology teacher for the exact school!" and we both laughed some more. She put her hand on my knee again after she ordered our 'last' glass of wine for the evening.

"I don't know if I can drink another one, Aunt Jane." and added, "and if I do I won't be able to dance if we ever do get asked."

"Don't you worry about getting asked to dance. I'm more worried about everybody asking you to dance." as the band started warming up.

After the dishes were cleared, except for our wine glasses, Aunt Jane walked to the bathroom with me. "I'd better check your panties, Honey." she whispered.

As we walked past those two guys, she looked at them and smiled. I did, too, after I saw Aunt Jane smile. I could pick up my cues from her.

In the bathroom, nobody else was there and she knelt on the floor as she closed the door. Pulling me towards her with her hands on the backs of my knees, she said, "Let me check them." and her graceful fingers tickled up above the hose, across my thighs, and then played around the edges of my panties. "These are getting damp." as she pressed her fingers into my mound. "Put your feet apart so I can see if we need to change them yet."

The wine was making me feel funny as her fingers probed around on the flimsy panties and even pushed them into me.

"Oh dear, Honey. Feel how easily these push clear into you?" she asked softly as one finger pushed the panties easily about two inches up into my pussy. "Hold your skirt up."

I only had to lift it about six inches for her to see how the panties looked. Some rock music was starting now.

"Let me dry you off a little bit, Erica. You seem all wet. You didn't forget to pull your panties down when you peed did you?" as she pushed the panties into me again. She pushed them in and pulled them out several times. "OK, you are probably drier now. Step out of these."

She handed me another pair. These were pink. She took the panties I stepped out of and put them in her purse. I really did have to pee again so I went into one of the stalls.

A few minutes as we walked by the men's table again, she told me to go on out to the car and she would join me in a minute.

The Car Ride

She came out and got in the car. As we drove away she said she knew a better place for slow dancing, even though the men would be older.

"Older than those guys?" I asked. "What was wrong with them. They looked plenty old to me. Can't we go back there later, Aunt Jane. I kind of like the one who didn't talk."

She laughed. "Those are the best kind of men, all right!" But they might try to give you your panties back.

"What?" and I turned a bright red.

"Honey, sometimes it's fun to let a fish know how close they came to disaster. Of course most men aren't as smart as fish." This time she was the only one laughing. I was too embarrassed.

"You didn't really give them my panties did you?" I asked quietly.

"No! Of course not, Silly. I threw them away. They were soaked." I've got one more pair in my purse for you to wear tonight.

She put her hand on my thigh and I laughed with relief. "Sorry I didn't finish the third glass of wine, Aunt Jane. It just didn't taste good anymore."

That's OK, Honey. Lean this way a minute. Do you feel dizzy or anything?" She reached across to my bucket seat control and laid it back so I could relax until we got to the next place. She tickled my thighs with her fingernails while she drove in silence. My dress was up above my hose since I was leaning back. No radio. No talking. Just a good feeling. Pretty soon her fingernails were tracing little circles from my knees to my panties. I opened my legs so she could go from the inside of my left knee all the way around to my right knee. It felt so good, but she said, "Oh, Honey. These new panties are starting to get wet already." and she pulled the car into a shopping center paring lot. There weren't any people near us so she gave a little tug on the waistband. Without a word I put my legs together and lifted my bottom. She slid them down and off, setting them in her lap.

I laid all the way back and lifted my skirt, eager for the Oh-so-light tickling to start again.

She looked at me as we drove out of the parking lot. "Just relax, Honey. It will take about a half hour for us to get to the next spot. Just let your grown-up feelings wash over you. I was your age once and . . . Never mind. We'll talk more tomorrow. Just fall asleep if you want. You're not used to wine. Does this tickle too much?"


Her fingernails began tickling the inside of my knee again. This time she was making bigger circles and often patted me with two finger tips - like a miniature playful spank.

She went around my pussy the first few times, either 'jumping' across the tiny gorge, or going up and over my mound. Her long, polished fingernails were tickling so lightly, it took all my concentration to feel them.

Each time she got close to my pussy I noticed I was trying to open more. My right knee was bent and resting up against my door and my skirt was hiked up above my hips. Finally, her nails glanced across my open pussy, barely touching the ridge and then going on up my other leg.

This was driving me crazy. I wanted her to tickle my pussy and it took so long for her to get to it and then she tickled across it so fast. On the next trail she made circles around my pussy and then across it - taking longer. She didn't go all the way back to my right knee, but just to the top of my hose and back across it again.

Now she was tickling up and down the little ridge in the middle. She patted it and then pinched in gently and started tickling it again. Patting, tickling, pinching - back and forth - up and down.

"Are you OK, Honey?" she asked. "You are breathing a little hard. Do you want me to stop so you can sleep?"

"No. I don't mind." and I scooted my bottom a little farther forward, opening wider.

"OK." and she patted my pussy and continued tickling while we drove in silence. The air felt cool around my open pussy and I knew it must be wet. She started sliding her finger up and down in my slit - on either side of my swollen ridge. Sometimes she stopped and pinched the ridge between her hard fingernails. A funny feeling was building within me. A wet finger touched my anus which embarrassed me.

"Don't let anything embarrass you, Honey." she said softly as she drove. "Remember to just relax and enjoy your feelings. You are so beautiful tonight, Erica." Her fingers were pressing harder against me, even beginning to press into my pussy hole or making wet circles on my anus.

I felt so funny inside. Like I was going to explode or something. I just wanted her to keep stroking me like that.

Part 3. Meeting Her Friends

"Here we are, Erica. Time to wake up." and she patted my wet pussy.

"Oh. OK." and I sat up, disappointed. My tummy felt so funny. I wanted another glass of wine. I want to prove to her that I'm a 'big girl.'

She parked the car and said she would give me some panties when we got to the ladies room. As we went in a nice looking restaurant, with an English stucco facade, an older gentleman - about 40 or so - came over to greet us. There was dance music playing and we were right by the dance floor as we entered.

"Jane! What a pleasure. Is this your niece?" and he took my hand and kissed it. Then he took Jane's right hand and kissed it. He started to stand up and then bent down and kissed it again, holding her fingers. He stood up and winked at Jane.

"I'm so glad you made it." and then he invited us to join him with some friends. He introduced us all around. There were seven people at two small round tables. The youngest man there was Loren who we just met at the door and the two women there who were about Jane's age.

Aunt Jane suggested that we go to the powder room before we sat down, but Loren said, "Nonsense. I want to dance with Erica before they start playing fast music again," and he grabbed my hand and led me out on the dance floor.

I was thinking about keeping my arms down so as not to expose my panties, when it hit me - I'm not wearing any panties!

He took me firmly in his arms, and put my hands up on his shoulder and spun me around. "I can't believe you're only eighteen, Erica." and he continued chattering. I was glad it was so dark inside. I was hoping it was too dark for them to tell I wasn't wearing panties, but I determined to keep my cool, like Aunt Jane had advised.

The other four guys each wanted to dance with me, before Aunt Jane finally almost insisted on taking me to the bathroom. Joan was standing up and said, "I'm going. She can go with me since she's never been here before." and then she took my hand and led me away. Aunt Jane was ordering drinks when I looked back and gave me an 'everything's OK' look.

As we entered the well-lit, crowded bathroom Joan said she really liked my dress, and turned me around by my shoulders. She was saying how pretty I was and she sometimes wished she was eighteen again. "All the excitement of college and so forth. Enjoy it, Honey."

When I came out of the stall, the other people had gone and Joan was waiting by the sink. "So, what's your major, Erica? And who is your favorite professor? I know some of the professors, you know."

"Um, Biology right now." We hadn't practiced for this line of questioning. "Did you ever have Professor Stimson? He teaches Organic Chemistry, and has quite a reputation here in town. Some of the ladies call him Professor Organtic!"

Wanting to prove to Joan that I could play adult word games, too, I asked, "Because he's big like a ship, or because he goes down?"

We both laughed. She had her hands on my waist, and hugged me against her ample bosom.

"Are you registered to vote?" she asked me out of the blue, "Where is your home precinct? I do some volunteer work with the board of elections and you'd be surprised how many people aren't even registered."

I grabbed at this out and said, "Sorry to say, I'm not registered yet. I was too busy getting ready for college."

Then she chuckled and hugged me. "Jane said you were precocious, and she is right -in more ways than one. Those guys probably haven't been so hard in years!" The she started to open her purse, saying, "I've got something for you." as two more women came barging in.

Snap. Purse closed. "We can take care of this later. Let's head on back to our tables." and she led me out before I could see what she had.

Aunt Jane had ordered me another glass of Rose' and I started to sit next to her when Loren pulled me onto his lap, sideways across both of his legs. He was sitting right beside Jane. I was still determined to play it cool and just sat on his lap and picked up my glass of wine. His right hand began rubbing my back and his left hand picked up his drink. We were all chatting, but fortunately they didn't begin quizzing me about things. We were against a wall, not far from the dance floor, and in a corner of the large room. Loren sat down his drink and put his left hand on my knee.

The others began talking about other people who were out of town or something and Loren started talking to me again. "These are beautiful stockings, Erica. They make you look much older than eighteen, even though you are petite enough to hold on my lap. I could probably hold you all night."

His hand was moving up and down on my hose, and I said, "They're new. Aunt Jane got them for me. I don't usually wear hose in college, of course. And in fact, this is the first time I ever wore a garter belt." I was determined to just carry on a conversation like an adult. "There are four snaps."

I took another sip of wine. His hand was starting to go under my skirt and his right hand was all the way down my back on the back of my skirt which was stuck between my butt and his leg. "Four snaps?" he asked, as his hand slid under my skirt and felt the first strap on top of my leg. "I bet it makes if faster to go to the bathroom when you're drinking." he joked. He began feeling the fastener at the top of the hose.

The touch of his fingers on the top of my thigh both thrilled and paralyzed me.

Aunt Jane looked at us and interrupted Loren's moves, "Loren, I have something here for Erica." and she pulled a package out of her purse. This is a present from me and I wanted to wait for the right time to give her a "coming-of-age" present.

"Are you sure she's coming of age tonight?" joked Joan.

"One way or another, our young college girl will have some experiences to remember. And this little gift will help her remember tonight. Although I hope she doesn't remember everything!" Everyone laughed and gathered closer.

As we both leaned over to receive it, Loren pulled the back of my dress off his leg. I started to stand, putting my right leg down onto the floor because I thought he was scooting me off his lap, but he held onto my left leg, even pulling it tighter against him. Now my right leg was in front of his knees, which opened my legs, but since my dress was pulled out from under my fanny, the skirt hung down farther in front. This covered my thighs better, and also his his hand while everyone watched me take the small package.

I wasn't sure what to do with everyone so close, so I just started opening the gift.

Loren's right hand was patting my bare fanny and his left hand was still under my skirt. Nobody could see what he was doing since we were against the wall in the corner of the dark, noisy room.

I was excited about getting a surprise gift and forgot about Loren's hands for a minute while I opened the white, jewelry box. It contained a gold locket on a long gold chain. Joan was right beside me and unfastened the clasp and reached around my back. As I leaned farther forward she tried to step forward to reach around behind me.

My leg and Loren's lap prevented her from standing again me to reach around, so she put her knee between mine and Loren's and reached down to my right knee and pulled it outwards an stepped up against me, between my knees and Loren's. "Don't let her fall, Loren." she said as she easily reached around now and fastened the chain at the back of my neck.

Even though I was excited about the locket and chain, Loren's hand worried me as it reached the top of my leg. I wondered if I should try to stand up again, but I didn't want to make a scene. What if he discovered I wasn't wearing panties? Would he say something? That would be too embarrassing! Just as I decided to stand up, Joan surprised me with a kiss!

She kissed me right on the lips and then said, "Happy 'growing-up,' Erica," and kissed me again. They all clapped and toasted my gift, handing wine glasses around. During the clamor, while Joan was still kissing me on the lips and preventing me from standing, Loren's fingers stroked across my pussy. He knew!

Someone put a glass in my hand as Joan stood up. Loren's finger was going back and forth across my open pussy. I heard Aunt Jane say, "Here's to Erica." and several of them took a sip as Aunt Jane tipped my glass up to my lips. I took several big sips - I guess because I was so worried. Joan stepped back to let Aunt Jane in between our knees. As Aunt Jane kissed me, Loren said into my left ear, "Happy growing up, Erica. You are so pretty tonight." and his finger began sliding in and out of me about an inch or so while Jane continued kissing me. Loren kissed my ear.

I was so relieved that he didn't tell anyone I wasn't wearing panties.

"Everyone thinks you're so pretty, Honey," Aunt Jane said as she stood back up. "You're doing fine. Just keep playing it cool."

Then everyone wanted to kiss me. Two of the men were standing next to Joan, waiting to to step in and kiss me 'good luck' and to take a closer look at the locket. Each time they picked up the locket to study it, they accidently felt my breasts. I hoped they felt real to them, because I just felt a light pressure on my chest.

With each kiss they toasted again and I had to take another big sip of wine to be polite. Jane had told me that earlier during our first car ride. "If we run into any of my friends and we drink a toast, be sure to take a big sip, so they won't think you're only 13." Loren's fingers were making it hard to concentrate on drinking.

The room was pretty noisy again and if you weren't within a few feet of someone you could hardly hear what they were saying. It seemed like it was getting darker and smokier. Loren was secretly feeling my whole tummy area between my open thighs, rubbing my wetness all over.

I heard him talking to Aunt Jane while someone else was kissing me. It was a good thing we had practiced tongue kissing because everyone was doing it.

The one nice thing about my skirt being up in back is that it now reached over my hose so my garter belt wasn't exposed. We kept toasting and kissing. Someone always filled my glass when it was empty. Loren's left thumb and forefinger were now stroking up and down the very slippery ridge inside my pussy.

As someone was kissing me again, I felt a tongue slide across my lips, so I opened my mouth a little bit, like Aunt Jane had taught me. The tongue entered my mouth and at the same time Loren's finger went all the way up my vagina. It felt so good that I wiggled.

The man was stepping back so a different lady could step in and kiss me. Lorn must have felt me move because he pulled my left leg tightly against him so i could feel something hard in his trousers. He whispered in my ear, "Did that hurt, Erica? Should I stop?"

"No. It's OK." I thought it was supposed to hurt the first time something big went in your vagina, but it didn't hurt at all. It slipped in so easily. And then again. I felt kind of dreamy when Aunt Jane helped me to my feet and said we should probably go freshen up a little. Someone said Loren should check at the counter for a limo, so we could go to his house for a night cap.

I hardly remember Jane taking me in the bathroom. She leaned down in front of me since nobody else was in there and said, "Something tells me it's time for you to change to some fresh, dry panties, young lady."

She was opening her purse.

"I don't have any, Aunt Jane." and I lifted my skirt to show her. "Sorry. I didn't know what to do so I tried to play it cool like you said. Is that OK?"

"You take my breath away, you're so beautiful. And you really did play it cool. Everybody thinks you are so pretty, Erica. You really fooled them. They all think you're eighteen, just small for your age. It's probably OK for you to take your bra and hose off now. Go in the stall and take it off, even the garterbelt. I'll hide it all in my purse."

I must have looked kind of bashful when I came out, because she said, "Let's unbutton the top two buttons, then we'll go kiss everybody good night." She put my bra and hose in her purse and took out a tiny bottle of spray perfume and sprayed just a "hint" on me - my shoulder and my fresh panties. Put on these ankle socks and low shoes.

"Aunt Jane, Loren felt me up. It felt so good." I confided.

"He did? Well, nobody noticed. So everything is OK."

If you feel OK, you can go to Loren's apartment with the others in the limo and I'll bring the car over. You don't feel sick do you?" She was looking in my eyes.

"No. But I'll have to pee again pretty soon."

She laughed again at that, and kissed me. Then she knelt down again and put her hand up my skirt. Her extended finger slid right into me. It felt great. "You're as slippery as a big girl, Erica. That's for sure!"

Joan came in and started explaining why she hadn't given me the panties earlier. Joan said that I was very mature about the whole thing and really played it cool.

"Oh well. Nobody noticed she wasn't wearing any." Aunt Jane laughed. "She has certainly grown up tonight. Will you ride in the limo with them. Make sure - you know - nothing but a finger, or a kiss."

"Of course, Jane. I want to kiss her some more myself." She hugged me against her. "There will just be three or four of us taking her to Loren's in the limo."

Chapter 4. The Limo Ride & Loren's Apartment

Lots of people kissed me good night as we left the bar. I guess nobody noticed I wasn't wearing a bra, although several people accidently touched me there while kissing me. At least nobody mentioned it.

I had never been in a limo before and it was pretty neat. Jack pulled out a little bar at the side and got a drink for Loren, Joan, and himself and offered one to me. I felt a little dizzy and just wanted a coke. They said they were going to Loren's apartment to watch some videos.

He gave me a glass of pop and sat down beside me. Loren and Joan asked me if I was sleepy.

"Yez, a lill."

Joan was telling Loren I was a Biology major at the college and then she asked me what grade I was in in college.

"Seventh." I replied and yawned.

They chuckled for some reason and Joan pulled me onto her lap. "You are light as a feather, Erica. Why you you let all three of us hold you on our laps, so you can rest?" and she took my drink and laid me across them on my back. As soon as I laid back I started feeling dizzy - like the whole car was spinning around..

"Jane said if you were sleepy we should let you rest. She said maybe we should rub you lightly to help you relax."

"OK." I wanted to stay awake and talk, but felt so sleepy. It did feel good as they lightly tickled me. It helped me stop feeling dizzy. I was glad Joan was in the middle, because it seemed OK for a woman to touch my panties. Jack was rubbing my chest and shoulders and unbuttoned two more buttons under the bib of my jumper.

This felt so good, I decided to pretend I was really asleep. I remember Joan hiking up my dress and saying something about not wanting to get my clothes all wrinkled. Her touch was light, like Aunt Jane's as her fingers danced on my panties.

Loren was massaging my legs and thighs. He turned and put one of my feet behind him against the back of the seat and he held the other foot forward on his legs as he sat side saddle on the big limo seat. He was sitting between my knees.

I remember him bending over and kissing my thigh while everyone gently stroked me. But, even though this all felt so great, I just couldn't stay awake! I don't remember the rest of the ride.

Some colder air woke me up and I couldn't figure out where I was for a minute. Aunt Jane's voice said to step out.

"We'll be inside in a minute." She called to somebody as she led me into a big apartment building.

"I brought a change of clothes for you, Honey. Here, take these two aspirin while I change you. Then you can lie down a few minutes. We're in Loren's bedroom. It's so bright in here. Put this sleeping mask on and I'll undress you and help you put these clothes on." I took the pills and a glass of water and she put the mask on me.

"I can't see a thing, Aunt Jane."

A new voice - Joan's - as someone walked in, leaving the door open. I could hear music. Joan said, "Just leave the sleeping mask on, Erica. It will help you relax. I'll help Jane undress you."

"OK." I wasn't feeling dizzy anymore. "Can I come down stairs in a little bit?"

"Sure, Honey. We're going to watch some videos downstairs. But I bet you will feel better after a little nap." as they lifted off my jumper and unbuttoned my blouse the rest of the way.

They were rubbing me all over. It felt good, but I wanted to lay down for a few minutes.

Then Aunt Jane started feeling my panties, which was the only thing I was wearing. "These are so wet, Erica. I'd better take them off." She continued to massage me through my panties and it felt really good.

"Step out of these, Erica. Joan, go et a warm washcloth and we'll wash her off before putting her to bed." I stepped out of them and my pussy felt cool like it was wet.

They laid me back on the edge of the bed and lifted my legs, as if I was a little baby and washed my pussy with a washcloth. This really felt good, but I didn't want to admit it. I was glad they kept washing me and touching me with their fingers.

I must have started squirming around because Aunt Jane asked me if it hurt, "Do you want us to stop, Honey?"

"No, not yet. And I want to be clean especially if Loren touches me there again. I hope he does. He must really think I'm grown up."

They both chuckled and I thought I heard something else, but wasn't sure. I remembered that the door was open, so I said, "Maybe you should close the door while you wash me. I wouldn't want anybody else to see me naked."

Joan said, "Oh, I must have left it open when I came in to help get our college girl here, ready for the party." She left to close the door and Aunt Jane continued to wash me with the warm washcloth.

Then she said, "Front's all clean. Roll over." They helped me stand and then lay on my tummy on the bed.

"Put your legs apart and then..." she changed her mind. "Scoot over to the edge of the be and put your feet on the floor. That's it, keep you legs apart. Now, put your hands on your fanny and pull your cheeks apart as far as you can while we wash off your bottom." I pulled my fanny as far open as it would go.

As they washed off my bottom and even reached under to wash my pussy some more, I said, "This is kind of embarrassing, Aunt Jane. Why do I need to wash my bottom so good?"

"What if Loren accidently touches your fanny, Erica. You wouldn't want to be embarrassed then, would you? As soon as you think you are all clean, just let go of your fanny."

By then it was starting to feel good. The light touch of their fingers, with and without the washcloth, felt good, even when a wet finger slid into my bottom.

"Just let go of your fanny, Erica, when you think your bottom is clean enough." and their fingers continued to wash and probe me, sometimes even in my vagina.

"OK, but I guess we do want it to be really clean."

"Yes, Dear." and they continued washing

As a finger slipped almost an inch into my bottom, I asked, "Do you think Loren would want to put his finger in my bottom? Wouldn't that be yukky?"

"Oh, Honey. Don't think about it. you are clean and fresh all over - inside and out." then she patted my bottom.

"I think you're all clean. Let me get the other dress."

Aunt Jane left to geeeee the other dress while Joan helped me get comfortable on my back on the big bed. "Let me lie beside you. I'm sleepy, too, and the party might last awhile. You can always come back up and lie down. Maybe next time Loren should tuck you in." and she pinched my nipple.

I was laying on the bed with her are under my head and whe was rubbing me all over with her left hand. "If you want me to make sure you are clean and dry between the legs, just put your left leg up over me."

I put my left leg over her legs while she laid on her side. Both of our heads were on the same pillow, with her right arm under my neck. I scooted my right leg over so my feet were even farther apart. Her left hand went down my tummy and up my left leg and then slowly massaged down to my pussy.

I was used to the sleeping mask now and somehow felt like nobody could see me, since I couldn't see anything. Joan's touch felt so good that I didn't mind postponing going back down to join the party. "Enjoy the moment," as Aunt Jane always said. Besides this wouldn't hurt anything. It wasn't like I was letting a boy feel me up or anything. This was just a friend of my Aunts trying to help me relax.

The door opened again and Aunt Jane came over to the bed. I felt funny being spread open this way - especially with Joan touching me between the legs. Aunt Jane said, "Just relax, Honey. Just relax. Before we get you dressed, I'll give you another present which I was saving for later. But, we might spend the night here tonight so I'll give it to you now."

I started to sit up on my elbows so I could take the mask off and look at it, but Joan pressed down on her chest. "It's OK, Kitten. Just lie still. It's already opened. This will help you relax - relieve all that built up tension." said Joan as she began massaging my thigh again.

Aunt Jane climbed on the other side of me on the bed and I heard a buzzing noise over the music. Music? The door must be open again. Then I felt a tickle on the inside of my thigh. It was the buzzing thing which Aunt Jane was moving on my leg.

Forgetting about the door, I said, "That tickles. What is it? How will it help me relieve tension?" I was wide awake now, but wanted to keep the mask on so I would be embarrassed. The buzzer moved up my leg and made little circles. It tickled in a good kind of way, so I just relaxed wondering what they were going to do.

It circled around my open pussy and I started to tingle inside. My knees parted wider - one knee in Aunt Jane's lap and the other one up and over the reclining Joan. Joan was massaging my breasts as Aunt Jane tickled the buzzer sideways across my slit. I practically sat up, I twitched so hard. "Did that hurt you, Honey?" asked Aunt Jane.

"No. it just surprised me. That's all."

"Do you want me to stop" as she circled around it, pushing down at the top of my mound. "This will help you relax before we go downstairs."

"No. Don't stop. It just tickled me. It's OK."

She began criss-crossing my pussy with it, making me tingle inside again. Then it slid down my slit and pressed into the skin covering my clitoris. While she was tracing circles there, Joan's hand pulled up and open on the top of my pussy which exposed the clitoris to the buzzer. It felt so good I thought I was going to explode.

"It's OK to wiggle, Honey. If this feels good, just enjoy it. I'm going to put a little baby oil on you, while we help you enjoy the experience."

It felt so great. I was wiggling and making soft noises, and even thought I saw flashes through the mask.

The buzzer moved off my clitoris and down to my vagina where Aunt Jane had bee rubbing some oil. It slid right in to me.

"Ohhhh!" I moaned. "That feels good."

Then, while the buzzer was inside of me, Joan's finger began making circles around my anus.

Aunt Jane pulled the buzzer out of me as Joan slid her finger all the way in my fanny. Jane pressed the buzzer against my clitoris and I exploded inside with waves of pleasure. They took the buzzer away from my sensitive girl parts and Joan pulled her finger out at the same time. The waves continued to wash over me as they gently rubbed my pussy.

Aunt Jane turned off the buzzer and they just held me in silence. I felt so warm, even though I was naked and still spread open. They closed my legs and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Just relax and we'll clean you up again. Then we can go downstairs." I heard the door close.

They cleaned me off and since I was wide awake, they took off the sleeping mask. The room was pretty fancy with lots of antiques.

"I must have forgotten your other clothes, Erica. We'll be going home pretty soon, unless we spend the night here. All of the guests have left, so it's just Loren downstairs. Just put this jumper on and we'll go down to kiss him good night."

"OK, I guess, since it's only Loren. Where are my panties?"

"They're too wet. You won't need them or your blouse. Your jumper is long enough. And besides, if you dance with Loren, there aren't any men who would see that you aren't wearing panties."

"Well, OK. I'm thirsty - but not for wine. Just a pop or something."

Chapter 5. Downstairs With Loren

Loren had changed clothes and was just wearing short sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. He was busy changing tapes on his VCR and said I looked lovely. "You can visit me anytime, Erica. I enjoy your company."

I blushed. Thrilled at the idea that we had fooled him and he thought I was over 18, but a little self conscious with just my jumper on. It was much lighter here than in the bar.

"Why don't you two ladies go on up and change. If you decide to spend the night, Erica could wear one of my T-shirts for pajamas."

Then headed upstairs and Loren pushed a tape in the VCR and went over to a couch with the controller in his hand. "Come on over here, Erica. Sit on the couch with me. I just got this movie."

I sat down beside him on the couch and my feet didn't touch the floor. He pulled me against him and tugged my knees up onto his lap. "Do you ever watch dirty movies at college or at Jane's?"

"Oh sure. I've seen some at Jane's house. They don't bother me. I think they're neat."

"Of course a pretty girl like you doesn't need to watch movies. I bet you have lots of dates."

I was looking at him - right in the eyes, like Aunt Jane had coached me to do if I liked somebody - when he put his hand on my knees. The background music from the video was soft and romantic as I looked into his eyes. He turned to kiss me. As he pressed his lips against mine his hand slid down my legs and squeezed my thigh.

This was different from the kisses we did in the bar. It was just the two of us. I felt so grown up. His tongue flicked across my lips and I opened my mouth - just a little bit - like we had practice. As his tongue went in me, his fingers reached my pussy.

I was worried he would slide a finger right in me like he did in the bar, and I sat back pressing my knees together.

"I'm sorry, Angel," he said. "I don't mean to scare you. It's just that you're so pretty."

"It's OK. I like you. I'm just scared, I guess. And Aunt Jane and Joan will be back down in a minute."

"OK. Will it make you more comfortable if I promise not to try to put anything besides my finger in you? We did that at the restaurant and I thought you like it."

"Oh, I did. It felt good, but I was so nervous with all those people around. I'm glad nobody saw what you were doing."

"Well, nobody is here now."

He held me, with his hands back on my knees as we watched the movie. There was a man beating up two guys who had been trying to hurt a cute girl. The bad guys ran away and the hero began comforting the girl whose shirt was torn.

You could see her beasts because she wasn't wearing a bra. The hero began feeling her breasts himself after she calmed down and they started kissing.

Loren started kissing me again and he could tell I liked it. He took my hand and put it across his chest for our embrace. We kissed for a minute and his hand went up my legs again. This time I opened my knees so one foot was sticking off the front of the couch again.

When he sat up he took my left hand which had been hugging him and place it on his lap. I felt his hardness through the sweat pants and pulled my hand away.

He laughed and said, "It's OK if you want to touch me, Erica. We're both adults. And I sure like touching you."

He put my hand back on his lap and even pushed it against his hardness. Now I was really curious and began feeling it through the material. He didn't have underwear on under his sweatpants. His thing was so big. I really wanted to see it, but was afraid to ask. Then he kissed me again while we were touching each other. His fingers began going up and down across my slit, while I gripped his thing through his sweat pants and tentatively moved it around.

"That feels good, Erica," as we looked at the movie again.

"What's taking Aunt Joan so long?" I asked. And with that they walked in, both wearing casual clothes.

"We're going to run out to the convenience store. We'll be back in about half hour. Are you OK, Erica?"

"Oh sure, Aunt Jane. I'm fine. We're just watching a movie." Our hands were back in our own laps.

Aunt Jane and Joan looked at the TV screen and the girl was sucking on the guys penis! I turned red. Joan and Aunt Jane laughed and said, "We'll be back in an hour. I just remembered something else." And they left.

"Don't be embarrassed, Honey. I'm sure they've seen this before. In fact it's one of the videos Jane brought with her. She brought several very interesting videos with her tonight."

"I was looking at one before we left. It was really funny. It showed a man kissing a girl between her legs. I bet men wouldn't really want to do that, would they?"

"You're so funny, Erica. I would love to do that. Especially to you. Why do you think I invited you over? You college girls really excite me. But, of course, I would never do anything to hurt you. You trust me, don't you?"

"Oh sure. I'm just a little nervous, I guess. You mean guys would really do that?"

"You see the girl sucking his dick? Why do you think girls like to do that so much? It feels good to the girl and the guy. That's why. And don't worry about losing your virginity with me. I promised your Aunt I wouldn't do anything like that and I'll keep my promise. You'll still be a virgin when you go home tomorrow."

"Good. I was worried. But, about the dick sucking, why would that feel good to the girl, Loren?" I was curious.

He laughed and said, "Do you want to touch me and see me?"


"And I want to look at you, Erica ... alone, in private. Like now. May I look at you? I want to be sure you are over 18 and then I'll kiss you like the man in the movie. Would you like that?"


"Sit on my lap a minute and I'll know if you really want me to kiss you there. Then, If you want to, you can look at me and touch me. OK?"

Without a word I got on his lap the way he indicated. I kicked up my dress a little bit and sat on his lap facing him, my legs outside of him - just like I had sat on Aunt Jane's lap that afternoon.

He began rubbing my wide open pussy so gently. It felt good, but now I was self-conscious. It was hard to imagine getting kissed between my legs.

He continued to stroke me and slid a finger into me. He kissed me on my lips and sat me back and looked deep into my blue eyes. His eyes were also blue, with a little sparkle. It was like magic - looking into his eyes, getting kissed and fondled.

"I think you're ready, Erica. Don't talk. I'll do everything now." and he lifted me easily off his lap so I was sitting on the front edge of the couch. He knelt between my knees and hugged me to him. His left hand reached under the bib of my jumper and squeezed each breast - pinching my nipples. His gaze penetrating me at the same time.

Without looking down he put his left hand behind my back and his right hand between my legs. He was looking right into my eyes as his finger slid into me. "I want to look at you. I want to taste you."

He gently pushed my shoulders towards the couch and slid my fanny to the very edge. Spreading my knees with both hands he looked closely at me. "You're beautiful, Erica. I'm going to kiss you now."

I felt his breath on my pussy as he got closer. He kissed my thighs - going slowly from side to side - up and over my mound the first time, then across it, and finally he began licking up one side and then the other. He kissed me, licked me, and nibbled on my button. It felt so good.

He would have kept on doing this all night, he seemed to enjoy it so. I liked it, too but wanted to take him up on his offer to look at him. "Loren?"


"That really feels good, but can I look at you before Aunt Jane gets back?"

He stopped kissing and sat back on his heels, then stood and pulled me back to a sitting position. "Do you really want to look at me, Erica?"

"I've never seen a man's thing before." I confided.

"It's a penis." he said with a chuckle. "Didn't Jane teach you anything?"

"Oh yes, she taught me all about the girl's parts once when she gave me a bath."

"I bet she did." with another laugh. He was standing right in front of me and said, "Pull my shorts down if you want to look, Erica. It's OK. They won't be back for another half hour."

I timidly reach out and felt him through his shorts and then put my hand up one of the pant legs. His balls felt soft and fuzzy, but his thing was big and stiff. The end of it felt different that the shaft part. I have seen pictures and even saw them in videos, but this felt so much bigger. He was letting me feel him so I went ahead and pulled his shorts down, taking his penis out with my hand. "It's so big." I whispered.

"No." he chuckled again. "Playing with you has made it bigger than it's been in a long time, but it still isn't big. Not even six inches, and medium diameter."

"It would never fit inside me. That would hurt. It's lots bigger than your finger!"

"Well, I'm sure it would fit inside you. You are so young and slippery. But I won't do it, because I promised your Aunt. And besides I hope we can play together again someday."

I was sitting on the edge of the couch, my face just inches from his cock. "You can kiss it if you want to."

I tentatively kissed it right on the tip and then looked at it again. Then I kissed the side of it. My fingers were tickling his balls the way he had tickled me. My tongue flicked along the side of it, and I looked up at him.

He was staring into my face. "It's OK, Erica. You can kiss it or lick it, or even put it in your mouth. You excite me very much."

I continued to lick up and down the sides, then put the tip in my mouth. In the movie the girl had been sliding her mouth up and down on his cock while she tickled his balls - so I tried it. He must have liked it.

"Ummm. That's great."

After a few minutes it started to taste funny and I looked up at him. "It's OK. If something comes out, just hold it in you mouth. You don't have to swallow it."

"But you got to taste me. Did I taste good?" I was looking up into his eyes.


"Then I want to taste you." and I continued to slide up and down over the tip with my mouth, while tickling his balls. Then the taste got stronger. His penis started jerking and salty stuff squirted into my mouth. Lots of it. I swallowed so I wouldn't gag.

When I sat back, some dribbled out of my mouth and got on my new locket. Another small spurt came out of Loren's penis and landed on my dress, making a white splotch.

I put Loren's penis back in my mouth. It was getting limp. I couldn't think of anything to say, but just wanted to enjoy the moment - and savor my first taste of cum. It wasn't good, or bad, but it had a distinctively different taste.

A little bit more came out as I sucked gently, still tickling and massaging his balls and sliding my mouth up and down. Loren put his big hands on my head and pushed me back, lifting my face to look into his eyes again. "You're wonderful, Erica. I hope we can spend more time together."

Jane got back a little while later, while we were sitting next to each other on the couch.

She looked at us for a moment and said, "I dropped Joan off at her house. It's almost 2:00 A.M. Maybe we should spend the night here. Do you have a T-shirt or a nightie Erica could use?"

"Yes, by all means stay here. My bed is plenty big enough for 3 isn't it?"

"We know that. Don't we,Erica?"

I felt myself blush when she referred to the three of us with the buzzer. "Yes." I said quietly.

Loren laughed and said, "Don't be embarrassed, Honey. I enjoyed watching them masturbate you. It felt good didn't it?"

"You were watching?" and I turned a bright red.

"Yes. I was standing right beside the bed watching you wiggle and moan. You really excited me, Erica. I was surprised that a college girl like you had never played with a vibrator before. Did it feel good?"

His hand was on my thigh. Aunt Jane and Loren were both looking at me. "Yes. It felt good." I said.

"Well, let's go up and get ready for bed. Shall we?"

And I went upstairs holding Loren's hand. He found me a very pretty, sheer nightie and I climbed into bed. They got in on either side of me and we played and kissed for half the night.

Loren kept his word as a gentleman and I'm still a virgin. But I can't tell anybody about my night out with Aunt Jane, even my 2 best girlfriends.

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