Published: 4-Feb-2011
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Claire's naked little body, tied to her Mummy began to glisten with sweat as the full studio lights were turned on once more. Her little pussy lips stung just a little from where Tim had pinned her to the wooden horse, but otherwise the whip marks and nipple suction had left nothing at all as witness to her earlier torture.
But this was different.
There were twenty men in the room, Sasha and Christopher and all knew what was expected of them.
"We will be able to make our fortune from this one," Tim had confided in Tony earlier.
Tim dribbled some body lotion from a pink bottle onto Claire's chest and Sasha, still wearing the leather bondage straps, knelt down next to the helpless Mother and daughter.
"We didn't think our games would lead to this, did we?" she whispered, just a bit embarrassed by what she had to do almost naked in front of all these men.
She placed her hands on Claire's little breasts and began to lightly spread and massage the oil into her already damp skin, rubbing lightly into the flesh of her chest, her tummy and her wide open legs. Her fingers strayed close to Claire's little pussy and Susan felt a little jump of surprise as Sasha ran her finger over the little budding clitoris.
As Sasha moved away a gain the video screens were full of Claire's glistening young body lying helpless on top of her Mum.
Then Christoher came forward. Tony handed him the bottle of oil.
Christopher was having a good time. When he arrived he had been the most apprehensive, but what twelve year old boy would not enjoy opportunities to wank and be wanked? As the time had passed he was becoming more and more excited by the world he had been brought into.
His role was to spread the oil of Susan's supporting body. She was far more embarrassed about it than he was and the camera watched fascinated as his fingers played with her nipples and breasts, teasing them out from beneath Claire's back so that his fingers could explore. After all, it was his best friend's Mum he was being asked to grope.
Susan began to squirm as he reached over between Claire's legs to rub the oil into the inside of Susan's thighs. It wasn't long before he too had found an already damp and opening pussy for his fingers to explore. And he soon found a big pink clitoris pushing out from under its little hood for his finger full of oil to gently rub.
Before long the two bodies were shining, little droplets of sweat under the heat of the lights mixing with the oiliness of the body cream.
Then the first group of men gathered around. The camera on their motorised hydraulic platforms went up high to look down at the bodies strapped to the floor in the middle of the circle. Tony pressed a button on the console.
What neither Claire nor Susan had noticed was that the rings they were tied to actually surrounded a section of floor that could be raised or lowered. Fifteen centimetres was all it took. As Susan felt her back lifted, her arms and legs, with Claires firmly lashed to them remained pulled down to the rings. Their bodies and heads were supported by the raised box which stopped just at the base of Susan's spine. Their legs were left splayed and open and Claire's little torso was thrusting up towards the camera, and the men.
All were naked.
All were hard.
Some were very hard.
Some were very big.
They all began to feel the two exposed bodies. Neither were gagged, but there didn't seem anything appropriate to say. Fingers began to pinch nipples, tug at pussy lips and explore. Soon eight pairs of hands were filling the screens and the girl's breathing was getting noticably faster.
Susan felt hands on her neck. Smooth gentle hands, sliding through the oil, fingers playing wither her ears, straying to the corners of her mouth. She looked up into Dev's eyes.
Most of the others were concentrating on little Claire.
A small pink rubber dildo and a slightly larger black one apppeared. Susan felt Claire's body tense a little on top of her.
"Its alright," she whispered reassuringly. "Remember when we practised?"
A screen had been turned so that Susan and Claire could also see what the cameras were tracking. The pink tip began to tease its way into the little pussy. Centimetre by centimetre opening and enlarging.
Then the black one found Susan's. She felt Claire's legs, tied to hers, struggling a little to make the intrusion easier. Soon both were in deep.
Then a slighly larger one. The little one was slid out, dripping already from the inside of Claire's vagina. The black one re-appeared and moved up. It stretched Claire a little more but not as much as the new blue one was doing to Susan. The men doing the pushing began to use the newly found wetness to allow them to slide in and out a few times, slowly. Almost as if they were trying to enlarge the openings they were exploring. Which of course, they were.
The green one looked strange. Susan thought, "That really is the wrong colour for a dildo," as she felt Claire's body tense once more. Her little nearly-eleven-year-old pussy was having its elasticity tested again, as the big blue prick began to fuck her.
And still there were more. Until the rubber penises were pulled all the way out between strokes leaving holes that were now gaping and beautiful in their bright pink wetness.
Then the moment Susan knew was inevitable. The moment she knew would excite her, scare her and concern her most. At least she was there to re-assure. She couldn't have been closer. She could feel the sweat from Claire's body mingling with her own. And the wetness from Claire's pussy dripping down to her own labia.
"I love you darling," she whispered.
"Its alright, Mummy. I wan't to know what a real one feels like."
And then it was happening. The men sttod round in a circle, hands busy with balls and cocks. Except for two. Kurt and Dev.
Susan had wondered who it would be. Now she wondered which it would be.
Kurt stood at the bottom of the box.
The camera showed a prick, hard and the same size as the blue dildo had been, but pink and red and with the skin stretching back from the engorged head, which already had a little shiny drip at its tip. His balls hung hot and low beneath his erection. He touched it to Claire's pussy and teased it so that the little tiny lips parted either side.
Susan couldn't watch. she closed her eyes. But then she had to. It was too exciting and too fascinating to resist. She was going to be supporting her daughter in her forst fuck in a way that Mother's definitely shouldn't.
But then it was too late. It has happening and she couldn't do anything to stop it.
Kurt began to push forward. The tip slipped inside. The preparation had worked well. Susan's little baby daughter was about to be fucked. With an audience!
The shaft was disappearing fast now. Claire jerked and audibly winced as it reached the limit. Kurt sensed it too and began to slide out again. His prick was dripping wet. "Did eleven-year-olds normally drip so much," Susan thought.
Hands were wanking faster now, all around them. Kurt's movements were speeding up. Susan felt the ropes tug each time he thrust and she could feel and hear Claire beginning to pant.
She took her eyes off the video monitor. Dev was standing close behind Kurt. Very close behind Kurt. He was not so tall and his shorther legs accounted for their difference in height.
Susan felt something touch her own pussy lips. She already knew that Dev's penis was longer than average and she realised that he was pushing it slowly and inexorably into her own vagina.
The camera looked down from above and changed its angle slightly. Two thrusting pricks. Two open pussys. Slowly but rythmically being invaded together. Formation fucking.
Susan thought, "I hope Dev has bi-sexual tendencies. He won't enjoy this very much if he doesn't like thrusting up against men's bottoms." Then she realised what a strange thought that was to have, just before her body began to dictate its own thoughts to concern her.
Kurt had little to do. Everytime Dev thrust he was forced to too. And Dev really liked Susan.
And the other men's hands were getting faster. And some were getting closer. Claire was panting and moaning more now. Susan suddenly realised that her own voice was adding to the men's excitement as she felt herself and her little daughter being fucked faster.
Then Tony intervened.
He didn't stop anyone doing what they were doing, though. He had just remembers the ring gags. Susan felt her head being held as he pushed the ring into her lips and strapped it in place. It took only seconds for Claire's face to be distorted by her mouth being trapped wide open in the same way.
A room full of fucking and wanking men and a mother and young, helpless, naked, nubile little daughter with their pussies and mouths wide open.
"If you run out of film now, I'll personally castrate you," muttered an unheared Tim at the back of the group.
Whatever had been planned for the second group in the audience was going to be forgotten as they had all decided they were not going to be able to wait. Two men fucking and eighteen men wanking generates a strangely erotic musky, sweaty but not unpleasant atmosphere. And that was what was happening. All over a little girl and her Mum.
Claire and Susan's eyes were wide open. All they could see were flying fingers, waving huge erect cocks. All the could feel was their pussy's being fucked, faster and faster. Who would be first.
A hand reached down for Claire's chin and tilted her head to one side. the camera zoomed in close. Susan couldn't look away. The first spurt splashed onto Claire's top lip, trailing over her open mouth, held wide by the ring. Just as Susan was watching the second going straight into the silver "O," she felt the cock in her pussy start to ejaculate. her vagina was being flooded by Dev's seed as she felt the power of his thrust deliver it deep inside her. Then she felt that familiar tingle building up just as an even more familiar taste erupted in her own mouth. A prich had been placed right up against her lips. Not a drop from this one was going anywhere but in her mouth. She felt it splashing over her tongue and into her throat.
Some of the men had remebered the wax effect from the earlier session. Poor Claire was struggling with her first sexual experience and with her breathing. More of the men were here for her youth. An it was her they were aiming at. Her breasts, her mouth, her neck, her pretty little nose. Some men are turned on by sperm splashing into eyes. And there were twenty men. Some can come twice, given the right level of excitement. And it didn't come much more exciting than this
Claire's Mummy was only supporting her now in the purely physical sense. They were both fighting off orgasms. But the fucking and spunking wasn't over yet.
As soon as one man moved away, his place was taken by another and the yellowy white puddles were growing larger, although a surprising amound seemed to be disappearing into Claire's little throat.
When Susan could hold off no longer, she felt dev finally pulling back. She felt a real surge of frustration. She had been on the verge and now there was nothing. Except Dev was more sensitive than to leave a lady at a crucial moment. She felt a tongue begin to curl round her dripping clitoris. It was all she needed. Her body tensed, inadvertantly thrusting Claire's little open mouth up to meet a cock on its way into the ring. And she came. And so did Claire. And so did three more men.
Two beautiful sperm, oil and sweat soaked bodies shook with the power of their orgasms.
The men began to move away. The lights dimmed slightly.
The girls opened their eyes through the stickiness.
"Was that nice, Mrs Harper?"
The tongue that had brought Susan to her climax had been little Christopher's. Dev had given him the ultimate treat.
American's have a saying. What goes round, comes round.
Perhaps that's how Tim came to be in this predicament.
What had happened to Claire, Sasha, Christopher and Susan since the film had all been good. Money does make a difference, despite what people try to tell you.
But in the back of Claire's mind for months afterwards was this wicked little thought that, if receiving torture could give you such huge orgasms, what would inflicting it do to you?
It was pure chance that she had seen Tim parking at the motel that night. It had given her plenty of time to find Sasha and Christopher and make plans. Susan's friend Mike on the front desk had accidentally on purpose left a key to Tim's room on the hook where it could be clearly seen and easily borrowed. An ear to the door had confirmed that Tim was fast asleep and they had let themselves silently in, just before midnight.
Tim was a heavy sleeper and slept nude. But even they had been surprised that he hadn't woken up as they slid the covers off and tied his wrists and ankles to the bedposts.
It was ironic really, that it had been Uncle Tony that had taken Claire fishing a couple of times. The scarfe she had worn on that crisp Spring morning was now firmly knotted into Tim's mouth and proved to be a very effective gag. Claire had still been concerned that he would wake the people in the next room, though, as she had tied the first barbed fishing hook to the end of a line and pushed it through his left nipple. The right nipple had proved very tough, and sharp though it was, it had taken a couple of attempts to get the solid flesh to succumb to the barbed point going through.
"Its only fair that you should know what being tortured actually feels like, isn't it, sir?" she curtsied mockingly as Sasha took the tip of his foreskin between finger and thumb, stretched it and held it for Claire to begin to push the third fish hook and line through......
Claire felt Christophers hands, sneaking their way into her panties....yet again.....
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