Fun With Lesley

[ mf, teen, cons, exhib, spank ]

by Chrissy


Published: 31-Mar-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

We all want to relive our past. I have the ability to do that through the means of time travel. It's too complicated to explain. But the end result is definitely worth sharing !

I physched myself up and went back to my schooldays when I was 14 some 50 years ago with the body of a youth a the mind of a dirty old man. Some background needs to be added. In truth when I was in the fourth form there was a girl who sat in front of me called Lesley. She was not the prettiest girl in the class. She was in fact quite dumpy wore glasses and had a mass of backcombed blonde hair. Her ill fitting school uniform did nothing for her figure but underneath that I was soon to discover that she had a voluptuous body which combined with a very healthy sexual appetite made her very attractive. She also had a very lively personality.

The point I have gone back to was the day I asked her to go for a walk with me. It was unspoken - but we both knew that we wanted to have some fun ! As agreed one Saturday after lunch I met Lesley at the crossroads above the New Estate where she lived. She was already sat waitnig for me on the wooden seat when I arrived. So we set off to walk and within five minutes were ambling along the narrow country lane to the next village on what was a balmy summers day. I asked her if she was in a good mood a very good mood or a very very good mood ? She replied that she was in a very very good mood which I thought was a good start. Was she feeling daring very daring or very very daring I then asked ? Very very daring was the provocative reply. So far So good I thought. Does this mean you are willing to do almost anything, anything or absolutely anything I probed ? Oh absolutely anything she quickly replied. Oh good I thought - now for some fun.

Lesley was wearing a light blue floral thin cotton print dress that buttoned all the way up the front with a thin matching belt round the waist. It was short sleeved losse fitting and was about knee length. she was also wearing short white ankle socks and her black school shoes. So I naturally asked her what she was wearing under her dress and she quite un-selfconsciously replied just her bra and knickers ! Excellent I thought. What colour knickers I enquired to be told white ! Which led beautifully into a long discussion about whether she always wore white knickers (she did) where her Mum bought her knickers (the local store) what material were the knickers she had on made of (cotton) whether she had any knickers for best (yes she had a lacy pair and a pair of white nylon knickers with a little flower on). By this point we were well into the country and adjacent to a field gateway. It seemed quite natural then to ask her to slip her knickers off for me and again without any fuss Lesley simply stood in the gateway facing me and using both hands reached underneath her dress at waist level and took them off. I watched mesmerised as she slipped them down until she could step out of them one leg at a time. I calmly reached out and took them from her - making a show of shaking them out to untangle them before we carried on walking. Lesley now knickerless and me losely carrying them in my right hand.

I asked her if she felt very very sexy without any knickers on and what she felt about me walking beside holding her knickers in my right hand. She said she felt very naughty. I patted and squeezed her bottom lightly through the thin fabric of her dress which she seemed to like and posed the question as to whether she could take her bra off without taking her dress off. Clearly I knew nothing as the quick response was that of course she could but it would be easier if I could unfasten her bra for her. I did not need asking twice and in the next field gateway I felt for and successfully undid her bra through the fabric of her dress and then watched transfixed as first one bra strap was slipped down an arm and off then the other allowing her to pull the undone garment out from the front of her dress. Which left Lesley minus her bra and her knickers walking down the lane hand in hand with me carrying her them loosely in my right hand. A car went past at one point but we just carried on walking for I doubt if the driver even realised what I had in my right hand.

My next target was to persuade her to undo some of the buttons that fastened the front of her dress. I elicited the fact that there were in fact ten buttons in total and Lesley quite willingly undid the topmost and bottom buttons which revealed nothing in fact. After a few more minutes stroll I then persuaded her to undo the next topmost and bottom buttons. This revealed a tempting vee of flesh and more as her breasts swung freely and with every step a goodly expanse of bare thigh was now revealed. As a car came towards us I just told her to act naturally which she did and the driver seemed oblivious to what was potentially on display. For good measure I squeezed her bottom comfortingly. The middle two buttons either side of her waist belt were the next to be undone which revealed nothing but left only four more to go. I could see the isolated pathway about 100 yards away that we were heading for and told Lesley that by then if she was in as daring a mood as she said she the front of her dress would be completely undone. She didn't reply and I sensed her becoming excited With fifty yards to go I made Lesley unfasten the two remaining buttons below her waist and as she walked along the dress held only by the waistbelt revealed each leg in turn every step she took and more as the vee of blonde hairs above her crutch came tantalisingly into view. With twenty five yards to go I made her undo the remaining buttons above the waist and now with every step I had more than a glimpse of each breast as they swung freely as she walked. I was almost coming in my pants with excitement at how daring she was and Lesley seemed to be enjoying every moment.

The overgrown path was reached without another car coming but the excitement was obvious as we got closer. As we entered the path I got Lesley to unfasten and slip off the belt to the dress which left it completely undone now at the front - which brought a huge smile to both our faces. Lesley confirmed that she was now feeling very very sexy so I told her that it was highly unlikely we would meet anyone along this path for it led nowhere useful. I then asked her how daring she was feeling. She replied very very daring so I asked what her reaction would be if I told her that in about fifty yards, just round the corner in fact, when we would be completely hidden from view, I was going to get her to take off her dress so that she would then be completely naked. She just looked at me with a silly smile on her face and I knew that we were really going to have some fun.

We reached the corner and I could hardly wait as I asked Lesley to take off her dress. With not the slightest hesitation Lesley just slipped it off and handed it over to me and I feasted on the glorious sight of the well endowed 14 year old naked before me. Her pert breasts tipped by erect pink nipples pointed provocatively at me whilst between the tops of her thighs the light bush of blonde pubic barely hid the pouting lips of her glistening young cunt. Lesley had good strong creamy white thighs and a fine plump bottom which I teasingly patted and squeezed before running my hands down over the backs of her thighs. With the benefit of age I was going to enjoy the pleasure of her body in full without the impetuosity of youth. I teasingly asked if she was going to let me fuck her. She said 'yes' and I knew that she wanted fucking there and then. But I was going to make her wait until she was almost at screaming point - that way fucking her would be more pleasurable and memorable for both of us. By the end of the afternoon there would in fact be absolutely nothing my gorgeous 14 year old would not do. And so we carried on up the path - me patient and ready - Lesley more than ready and willing especially now that she was stripped for action.

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