Published: 30-Mar-2012
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It was in fact three weeks since the last session that Helen arranged to meet Bill and Jane again straight after school. She had made the mistake of telling Bill that her parents were going to be away for two nights which had played right into his hands. Somehow she was not quite as excited as she had been on the previous two occasions, though if the truth be known her panties were still a little damp. Helen nervously approached their car wondering what lay in store for her. Little did she know! She was slightly suprised to find Bill with someone other than Jane. As she got into the front passenger seat Bill introduced Ian and said he was going to do the filming today - as he recorded their meeting and conversation. They drove out of town as usual but after about twenty minutes turned off on a road Helen had never been on before. Bill said they were going to meet Frank and Helen just accepted that basic explanation. It was about another fifteen minutes before they turned down a leafy lane that led up to a large secluded house which they parked round the back of in a courtyard.
Bill told Helen to follow Ian as they all got out of the car and as he led her into a large stone outbuilding, through a very substantial door, Bill went into the back entrance of the house. The small room she and Ian entered was totally empty and she followed him as he led her through another door into a much larger inner room, which was windowless and had for illumination one small overhead spotlight. In the surrounding dim light Helen could see that the room had all sorts of equipment and devices either against or on the walls, which should have rung alarm bells, but she was after all only an inexperienced young girl! Ian told her to wait here a while and left her to her own devices whilst he went to fetch Frank - he said. She didn't notice that the door closed silently behind him or realise that she was in fact now imprisoned in a dungeon. She explored some of the devices in the room and slowly realised that they appeared to be for tying people to. Bondage was something that she knew nothing about.
It seemed ages before someone returned - Then the door burst open and a man clad entirely in black leather entered the room followed by Ian camera in hand. This must be Frank she thought as she nervously looked at the powerfully built unsmiling man. Without any greeting or introduction, which Helen thought odd, he simply said 'Lets have a look at you then. Take your coat off.' holding out his hand as Helen obliged by taking off her school gaberdeen which he took from her and without explanation went out into the outer room where he hung it up. Helen stood nervously in her school uniform awaiting his next demand. He briskly returned and tossed a black sports bag down at her feet. 'Take your shoes and socks off first and put them in that bag - good - now take of your dress.' Helen undid the shoulder straps of her navy blue pinafore dress, then the buttons on either hip before stepping out of the undone garment and lightly folding it to put it into the bag as she had been instructed. 'Now your blouse.' Helen meekly took it off to leave her standing in front of this stranger in just her white cotton bra and navy blue school knickers. 'Bra next - now your knickers.' Helen did as she had been commanded finally dropping her knickers into the bag and standing naked before this severe man. When she had done so he simply picked up the bag zipped it up and disappeared into the outer room with it. Again he returned briskly and Helen wondered what would happen next.
'Right young lady. I want you to listen carefully to me. Do not speak except to answer my questions and when you do, you must always call me Master. Do not ask any questions. Any failure to obey these simple rules and you will be punished. Do you understand?' he asked. In awe of him Helen simply said 'Yes' nervously in a small voice. 'What' he asked 'Yes Master' Helen hurriedly corrected herself. 'That's better You now belong to me.' he simply stated. 'I have bought you from Bill. Yes you did hear correctly' he said as Helen visibly reacted with a gasp. In the bag with your clothes is an envelope from him containing the second £100 from him which completes his payment to you for your services. He has now finished with you. Also in the bag is a copy of the little nudie photobook featuring 'Helen from Northern England' and a copy of the film entitled 'Helen's First Fuck'. I have seen them both and they are excellent. Bill will make a lot of money from the sales of both these never mind the substantial sum I have given him.' Tears silently rolled down Helen's face as she realised what she had got involved in. 'You might like to wonder why Bill has taken such advantage of you. I am now going to tell you. Your Daddy cost Bill a lot of money - you do not need to know how. But when you visited his house with your boyfriend it occurred to him that he might be able to gain his revenge. By finally selling you to me he has done so brilliantly. Because I am now going to tell you that all that you have got involved in is your Daddies fault. It's your Daddies fault that a little nudie book of you showing off your lovely little body is now available all over Europe. It's your Daddies fault that a sixty year old man took your virginity and that this was captured on film as well as in photos, all of which are now on sale throughout Europe. It's your Daddies fault that you are now my sex slave and are going to make me lots of money servicing my clients, most of whom are old enogh to be your father or grandfather. There is no escape from this situation until I have earned enough from you. I will be the judge of when that point has been reached. Any attempt to escape from my clutches will result in me not only ruining your life but your Daddies as well. I will cleverly ruin his busines in such away that you will lose your home. In short I will destroy your family.' Helen was sobbing uncontrollably at what he had just said. 'Do you understand' he asked moving behind her and surreptitiously reaching for a thin whippy bamboo cane. A long silence waspunctuated by a wet sniff before she answered 'Yes' With no warning he gave her bare bottom a good swipe with the thin cane and Helen both jumped and squealed loudly in pain. Address me correctly' he said. Helen respoded promptly 'Yes Master'
Helen stood meekly in the centre of what was in fact a soundproofed room, completely naked under the spotlight which highlighted her shapely young body. The Master continued. 'You are now going to receive some training in how to be a good sex slave. By the time I have finished with you there is nothing you will not do. There will be no sexual act or depravity that you will not do. Do you agree?' he asked. Still sobbing Helen quietly said 'Yes' This was immediately followed by another stinging blow of the cane that made her jump again and squeal in pain. Tears flooding down her cheeks Helen quickly corrected her mistake - 'Yes Master'
Although he knew her name he had deliberately refrained from using it as a way of dehumanising her and reducing her to an object, this he now proceeded to reinforce. 'You are the 27th girl on my books. You will get to meet some of the others in the future, when I have a task for two girls to fulfill. If there are two of you present I will refer to you by your number. So tell me what number I have just given you?' he innocently asked. '27' Helen replied and before she could correct herself received another stinging blow on her bare bottom. She squealed again in pain and rubbed her bottom with one hand as she corrected herself again. '27 Master' her chest heaving. 'You are quite a slow learner aren't you.' he asked 'Yes Master' Helen correctly replied. 'Well Done' he responded. 'When on your own I will call you Slave, Slut or Cunt because that is what you are. You are one of my slaves, you are a slut and you are a cunt - to be used. So what names will I call you?' he asked. Helen replied almost inaudibly 'Slave, Slut or Cunt. Master' inbetween sobs. 'I could hardly hear you' he said. 'Slave Slut or Cunt. Master' Helen offered a little more loudly, clearly uncomfortable saying Cunt. 'Not loud enough' was the reply followed by another swish of the cane and the predictable squeal of pain. 'Slave Slut or Cunt. Master' Helen said loudly. 'Much better' he replied. 'Cunt. That's a new word to you isn't it. I bet you have never said Cunt before have you.' he asked 'No. Master' Helen replied. 'Excellent'
'Stand with your feet wide apart so l can have a feel of your cunt. All this fuzz is going to have to come off.' He said roughly tugging the luxuriant curls of her black pubic hair and making Helen wince before inserting his finger between the lips of her vagina. Helen stood stock still as he intimately explored her, exciting her clitoris and making her cunt moist. 'I like nice naked cunts on my young girls and so do my clients. So in a minute I am going to shave you. You have no choice in the matter, that is how I want you to be. You have a nice litle bottom.' He said as he carressed each buttock in turn before running his hand gently up and down her bare back. 'Yes. Very nice. And nice little breasts as well.' he said as he squeezed each in turn whilst Helen could do nothing but let him. He went to the switches on the wall and flicked a couple down to reveal that in one corner there was a washbowl with towels and toiletries and in another a padded masseurs bench. 'Come here.' he instructed and got Helen to lie on the bench. With her legs wide apart hanging over the sides of the bench he fastened them by ankle straps to the uprights and her arms to the side of the bench supports so that she was now completely immobilised for him to work on. Helen had meekly complied almost resigned to her fate -whatever that was. He then sprayed her pubic area with shaving foam and skilfully shaved her, standing back to admire his handiwork when he had wiped her clean with a warm soapy flannel and dried her off with a towel. 'What a lovely young cunt.' he said as he fingered her gently. 'Now I am going to tattoo you with my trademark so that you will always know who you belong to. In case you are worried it is quite small and when your pubic hair grows again it will completely hide it. Of course until it does it will be there for all to see - especially when you come to me and you are shaved for a client.' he said. 'Oh please don't.' Helen said pleadingly. 'Oh but I must' he replied ignoring the fact that she had spoken out of turn and not addressed him properly, those indescretions he would punish later. Picking the tattoing tool out of the drawer he then drew the outline of a tiny erect penis with balls just above her cunt. Within the balls he inserted the numbers 2 and 7 and added a little tone by adding some hatching. 'Excellent' he said to himself as he stood up to admire his very neat handiwork. Then putting everything away. He then released Helen from the straps holding her to the bench and pulled her up so that she regain her feet again.
He then led her to a mirror so that Helen could see herself naked full length, close shaven and tattoed. She felt doubly naked and violated by what he had done to her and wept openly at her plight.She did however look incredibly sexy and her naked cunt complimented the slim frame of the fifteen year old who was only about 5' 4'' tall. He knew that some of his clients would almost cum in their pants at the first sight of her. 'Come here Cunt' he said as he switched on a couple more spotlights which highlighted some of the equipment round the room. He had lowered from the low ceiling a wooden beam to her shoulder height. He fastened one wrist firmly into the strap on one end and the other into the strap on the other end. A strap also came under her arms from the middle of the beam to rest on her chest above her breasts. Then he hoisted the beam until before she realised what was happening Helen was almost on tiptoes the beam keeping her upright. Having fastened the rope back he turned to Helen with a malevolent look on his face. 'Now Cunt. You broke the rules. You spoke out of turn and you did not address me properly. What am I going to do with you?' he asked turning away from her. 'I apologise Master.' Helen said, realising her vulnerable position, when without warning he spun round and him her hard across one cheek with the flat of his hand. Helen shrieked in fear and with pain at the violence of the blow. 'You Apologise. That's not good enough Cunt.' as he hit her across the other cheek just as hard. Helen shrieked again, struggling to understand what it was he wanted her to do or say. 'Oh Master I am so sorry if I offended you. I will not do it again.' she said hoping that form of words would suffice. 'You need to be taught a lesson Cunt so that you remember more vividly what happens if you show disrespect to your Master. Do you accept that you need to be punished Cunt.' he asked. Terrified Helen replied. 'Oh Yes Master. I need to be punished.' He was stood behind her and came up quietly to whisper in one ear. 'Beg me to punish you Cunt for your transgressions.' Helen struggled with what to say until reluctantly she said 'Oh Master please punish me and teach me how to obey you better.'
He smiled to himself as he stood behind her the thin cane in his right hand. 'Cunt. I am now going to punish you. When I next ask you a question think very carefully how to best answer it.' Then without warning he swiped her bottom. Helen shrieked at the pain. He gave her five more swipes of the cane across her bare bottom each of which brought forth an anguished cry from Helen at the initial stinging pain and then the lingering burning sensation in her cheeks. 'That's six of the best Cunt. Is that enough punishment.' he asked. 'Only if Master think's it is.' Helen replied through sobs, hoping to God she had given the right answer. 'Not Quite.' came the reply from behind as he shaped up to give her six more. By the time he had finished adminstering them he judged that Helen had had enough. Her stretched young frame was clearly wracked with pain and she was almost ready to do anything. 'Well Cunt. Have I punished you enough now.' he asked 'Yes Master. I have learned my lesson.' Helen responded through racking sobs of pain. 'Does that mean you have learned to respect your Master and do whatever you must to satisfy him?' He asked. 'Oh Yes Master. I will do anything you ask.' came the anguished reply. 'Anything at all Cunt?' he probed 'Yes Master. Absolutely anything.' Helen responded. 'That is what I want to hear. I will now let you down.' he said, having achieved what he wanted, he began to lower the beam then released Helen from the straps. 'Stand in the middle of the floor whilst I put this away.' he commanded her.
Helen had no idea what came next nor did she care her bottom stinging from the attention of the cane. Survival instincts were taking over she was also desparate for a wee. 'Master. please may I go to the toilet.' Helen asked. 'What do you need to do?' was the response. 'I need a wee Helen replied her face reddening with embarrassment. 'You mean you want a piss?' he asked. 'Yes Master' she replied. 'Think carefully again -What do you want?' Embarrassed Helen realised what he wanted from her. Looking at the ground Helen cringed as she said what he wanted her to say. 'Please Master I need to have a piss.' He didn't respond at first but simply walked over to the sink and fished ut a stainless steel bowl about ten inches across. He handed it to her said 'I want you to squat down facing me and look at me whilst you piss in this bowl.' Helen was mortified but was so desparate for a wee that she saw no option than to do as she had been asked. With the bowl underneath her Helen began to pee and as she did so she shamefacedly raised her head and looked straight at her master. 'Keep looking at me Cunt whilst you pee. I love watching young girls have a piss especially when they have never had to piss naked in front of a man before. I love watching it come out of your cunt. As Helen came to the end of her wee the flow slowed to a dribble. Finally finished she stood up and picked up the bowl half full of her urine. 'Now Cunt I have a test for you and a special treat for me. I want you to drink that bowl full of your own piss.' Helen gasped her mouth opened in horror and she went weak at the knees. 'Please Master.' do I really have to do that.' she whined. 'Yes Cunt. You said you would do anything when I was punishing you and now I am testing you.' Tears rolling down her cheeks Helen raised the bowl reluctantly to her mouth with both hands and began to attempt to drink the vile contents. It took her some time, gagging with each swallow, but finally she had drunk all she had peed. 'Well done. Cunt. I now believe you will do anything for me.' Little did he appreciate how sick Helen felt - but neither did he care. 'Excellent. Especially with Ian capturing all that on film. Do you like the taste of piss then.?' He asked. 'Not really Master' Helen said as a piece of understatement. 'Then we must give you some more training until you do like it!' Inwardly Helen groaned.
'Come over here.' and Helen joined him in front of what looked like a birthing chair. He got her to sit in it and fastened her wrists to the padded arms with the attached straps. Her legs were fastened to the padded stirrups by the ankles and knees. This done he then swung each leg further apart which came as a surprise to Helen who didn't realise that facility existed. This of course presented her to him with her legs wide apart and her cunt lips lightly parted. He then went and collected some toys from the was stand cupboard and proceeded to play with her. As the vibrator buzzed just between her cunt lips it touched and teased her clitoris until soon Helen was producing a flood of pussy juice. Helen soon could not control her emotions and was gasping and panting in ecstasy. A medium sized dildo took the place of the vibrator and he was soon working this in and out of her juicy cunt as she began to noisily orgasm and lovely squelching sounds came from her cunt. 'You love it don't you Slut?' he asked 'Yes Master.' Helen replied 'Tell me what you like Slut.' he teased. 'Oh Master. I love having my cunt played with. I love being teased with a dildo. But most of all I love being fucked.' Helen said having lost all reason. 'Would you like me to fuck you Slut' he asked 'Oh yes please Master. Please fuck me.' At this he stood up stripped off his black tee shirt and black trousers as well as his briefs and stood between her wide apart legs with a monster of an erection. He slowly moved closer to her guiding his cock head between her naked wet cunt lips and slowly thrust it between them. 'Ohhhh' Helen gasped in ecstasy. 'More' he asked. 'Ohhhh Yes Please Master.' as he fully entered her until the whole of his erection was inside her. He then slowly fucked her letting her ride the waves of emotion flooding her senses until finally he climaxed with her withdrawing only when he was sure he was fully spent. Bill had been right she was the ride of a lifetime. But more than that she was his latest little sex slave and would provide hours of pleasure and enjoyment.
'Thank you Cunt. That was the best fuck I have had for a long time.' he said. 'It was my pleasure to be of service Master' Helen replied ignoring the taste of piss in her mouth. 'I am going to let you have a short rest - I need you to earn some money for me tonight - I have a group of four coming round for some fun in about an hour - I am sure they will all want to play with my new slave girl. Are you going to be a good girl and let them do whatever they want with you?' he asked. 'Yes Master. I will do whatever they want.' Helen replied
Yes you will he thought, you little slut, but your idea of anything is different to mine as Helen was to find out.
In the depths of her mind Helen could see no way out of her predicament. She would have to do whatever they wanted.
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