Published: 23-Apr-2011
Word Count:
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Around the British Port on the east coast - rich in poor black families, freed from the slave triangle, leading simple lives. The fathers as fisherman, the daughters and mothers tend to simple crops, tending quietly. The Powers that be had allowed piracy if it benefited England. The ships were granted supplies at port as they dropped off pirated treasures, but most importantly for the crew, they were permitted each bay, to take a young girl from the village, not a rich one from a well respected family of course, but one of the poor black girls from the port.
It became a sort of sport amongst the residents. The richer people would gather to watch, the young girls from the town would hold their breath, praying it was not them who was taken. The crew mates raided through the town, bursting into house after house - until they came to Consuela's house - she was just turned 13 athletic, but not bony.
She stood at 5'2", with shiny black skin, D cup breasts that hung slightly without any bra or corset to hold them, just a sack cloth top and a modest skirt - They had large brown areoles with big nipples. She had thick curly hair pulled back in a bun. A thin nose and big brown eyes. Like an African princess.
The pirates went straight past her mother, attractive like her daughters, but too old for the pirates. They craved young flesh to defile. None of the women moved, but looked terrified. They groped her younger sister, at 9 - considered taking her as well... but were allotted one only - and she had nothing to Consuela's beauty and formed breasts.
They roughly handled her breasts through her top, then her crotch and ass. One of them grabbed the back of her neck, slammed her down on the kitchen table, and felt up her skirt, and straight to her hairy cunt, bone dry, he slipped one finger along the lips... and smiled. Consuela's body shook in fear, and she began to cry silently.
They grabbed Consuela and took her from the house in their arms. She began to struggle, but was slapped harshly to the ground. Her mother and sister looked on, the rich women laughed as they always did, at the horror that awaited this girl - the other girls in the village now laughing too, also at the pain that awaited her and at the relief that they had not been chosen.
The women in fine dresses pointing and laughing as the pirates began to rip the clothes off Consuela's shining body. As a tear rolled down her cheek and rope was bound around her. The women of the town in hysterics, all but two.
They dragged her bound body along the floor from a long rope. And people began to throw tomatoes at her, stinging wounds from the dragging along the hard cobbled street. When they got to the ship they threw her in the water and dragged her back up from the extended rope. They pulled her upright into the ship along the bridge, huddled round her in lust, grabbing handfuls of flesh greedily eyeing what would be their whore for 9 long months.
Consuela tried to look brave, but shook with fear. She stood in front of the first mate. Who eyed her "good choice lads..." - immediately she was flattened to the deck, and her legs held open, she was being pinned by at least 10 men, smiling eagerly, as others crowded over. A man brought a razor blade to her hair, shaving it all off, leaving a few small cuts. When he was finished. Her cunt was splashed with some water, then salt poured onto the cuts and directly on her lips. It stung like fire, Consuela writhed in pain, squinting her eyes and whining and whimpering. It was met by cruel laughs and smiles.
She was picked up and put in stocks as the first mate explained to her the situation. While three pirates smiled as they heated something over hot coals. The first mate said, "you are the ships whore" he stated boldly. "you will respond to cunt, whore, bitch, fuckmeat and slut." He continued. "if you do not, you will be beaten, and thrashed" he nodded to someone behind her and a cat of nine tails fell harshly on her legs and rump, drawing smiles and laughs as she let out a scream and then whimpers.
"You are our property, and we will mark you as so shortly, each evening you will provide entertainment for the crew, being tortured or stretched, or anything else we think of." He seemed so official as he said this, but was clearly enjoying the thoughts of it too. "You will service all of the crew, when you're told to. In groups of 5 at a time usually, unless told otherwise."
He finally said, "You will refer to ANYONE on this ship as master, is that understood?" Consuela said nothing, he slapped her hard, her head sank. She replied solemnly, "Yes Master."
Eagerly the men looked on as the branding iron was plunged onto her rump as its sizzle was drowned soon after with a scream of pain, she continued to scream as it burned her flesh leaving a blacker mark of the ships crest on her right buttock. She struggled to breath, in heroics in the pain. The crowd roared with excitement and the first mate slapped the new wound and she tried to scream but could not, she had too little air in her lungs which burnt now like her right buttock had before.
The men crowded round in the 1st mate's absence and one man, forced open her mouth, and thrust in, making her gag, but he continued to, as her cunt lips were spread and a thick cock was mercilessly plunged in... she would have screamed but was gagged with meat. They pumped her hard and hard, one man spilt his seed up her cunt, another in her mouth, each was replaced with another. Her cunt was red raw and she hadn't yet serviced half of the crew.
Many were already masturbating and stepped forward and came all over her face, breasts, ass or back. By the end of her first session, she had unknowingly fallen pregnant. Once she was completely coated in sticky cum, the first mate came down to the deck. The men immediately grabbed the black beauty and forced her face onto the floor where someone forced her to stand completely bent over. One of the pirates held her there with his body weight on her back and spreading her cheeks, the 1st mate dropped his pants, his semi hard member slapped against her virgin ass, it grew as he squeezed her cheeks, when it was at its full, 9 inches and thick, he placed it at the entrance, smiled and as the pirate braced and tensed holding her she was whimpering in the anticipation and then the first mate plunged in as Consuela screamed.
He thrust brutally in and out harder and harder, burying himself 9 inches deep into her ass. He pumped the little nigger so hard her arse was so sore. He finally released a jet of warm sperm up her ass, he pulled out and shot one on her back, and as she was turned, he shot one on her eye. He pulled her down on his cock as he forced her to suck it clean. When he was satisfied, he dried it on her hair.
When the first mate had left, and every man on the vessel had got use from the newly made whore, she was forced to clean up the deck with her tongue, after the piss shower she had been given, after her body was soaked, the pirates had held her mouth open, and forced her to swallow litres of golden urine. She squirmed and gagged on it, but eventually after several thrashings decided to swallow it.
She was taken to her... accommodation soon after. Three pirates led her by a neck cuff and chain to a small creaky dark room below. Where she was put against a glory hole and strapped against it. She could see there were three restraints and different holes.
One presumably for each of her three orifices. She was strapped kneeling with her head forcing her mouth to a hole and left there - she soon discovered after a daily orgy in the morning, that she would be left in one of these glory hole positions until about 8 in the evening, where a "show" was put on. After the show she was taken back to her room and strapped to the inside of a small wooden cage. Needless to say, she did not have the best sleep at night.
That evening, after she had swallowed more cum from the hole, she was taken to the deck for the evenings show. The pirates were sat cross legged and eager like children at a party. At the front was the pirate who usually punished the men, he wore an executioners mask and was next in command from the 1st mate. He carried in his hand a cat, but Consuela had found out that he had a whole range of torturous implements.
For tonight, the show (Like always) was Consuela's torture. As she was thrown at his feet, the two pirates who escorted her took their seats. The man in the mask pulled her up by her hair and she let off a scream as the men laughed. * It must be quite funny I suppose, to see such a woman in such pain. It is after all, all they deserve. All women are filthy whores to be degraded and used by men* She had her hands bound behind her back, and her elbow and shoulders were bound back tightly as well. Then her legs were bound apart and bent towards her back, with her feet touching her bare ass.
It was so uncomfortable as he bound her hand bondage and feet bondage together, pushing out her beautiful breasts. She was then hoisted up, and from the gentle whimpers and crying she transgressed to screams of agony in her joints as she was hoisted to a table four feet from the floor as she was set down, the burning subsided as did the roars of laughter from the crowd.
The man in the mask too took great pleasure in this, he couldn't wait for the next few months, torturing such a beauty, and so young too. With no further adieu, her breasts were slapped down onto the table her hair pulled back by an assistant of sorts, Consuela could not see, all she could see was the extremely thin and extremely sharp iron tacks, slender and shiny they were placed menacingly on her nipples. This drew attention further from the crowd, men literally sitting on the edge of their seats, the howling broken, silence fell upon them so they could fully enjoy the screams of this girl. Most of them had already started to masturbate in the open.
She whimpered and screwed her face up, pleading silently nearly to the masked man, who only mocked it. He too saw women as what they are, sacks of flesh to torture and use for mans depraved desire. He held the pin in place and with a sharp blow brought down a hammer on the pin head, nailing her nipple and breast to the cork table. The men cried in laughter, many came into a bucket in the corner, while watching still her agony with lust-full eyes. She screamed and writhed only once as she contained her movement that pulled on the breast. As her screams subsided and tears cascaded down her cheeks, the men fell silent once more as the other breast received the same.
Once secured, her breasts were beaten red raw with a cane. Then her ass was given the same treatment, then finally... she was re tied splayed open. And her inside thighs and exposed cunt were thrashed for hours. Her voice hoarse from screaming. She noticed the bucket was spewing with seamen now (no pun intended :] ) As she was cut down she fell to the hard deck. She serviced the masked man, and was told to thank him.
As she gagged on his long dick while he violently throat fucked her, only taking momentary brakes to vomit watery piss and semen onto the deck then continue. He slapped her now sagging breasts hard, while she did it. She winced of course, screwing her eyes. Every now and again he would slap her face hard and then back hand her. Until finally he spewed a huge amount of cum over her face and hair (after it had erupted out from inside her cheeks when she could swallow no longer, and he shot once more over her beaten breasts.
She went to wipe the sticky goo from her body. Amazingly thick for such an impressive amount, when she went to wipe it she was backhanded fiercely. "You are a whore! Everyone should know it by the shame you wear on your face and body!"
After he finished speaking her nodded. Two men grabbed her arms and pulled her tort the masked man said, "Swallow until you are drowning, no sooner!" - the pirates grinned once more at her as the bucket was poured into her mouth, mostly hitting her face and cascading down her face and hair and body.
The juice of 100 men, many had juiced their cocks dry twice! It was all pouring over her. It erupted from out of her mouth as she gagged on it, as man juice was inhaled into her lungs she coughed and spluttered until there was no more. She was literally covered. The whole of her top body covered in cum, Her eyes, had collected thick globules of it around them. She cried as she thought it was over. Every man was to go back to his quarters after the show. Before they did however, the torturous man in the mask had one task for them.
She was washed down with litres upon litres of steamy potent yellow urine. She was forced to swallow 20 men's before she was allowed only to shower in it. Her mouth held tight around their cocks as they pissed down her throat. Her arms flailed helplessly as her eyes watered.
After 20 bladders had been emptied in her gullet. She was washed down in the urine. Cleaning off much of the cum admittedly. But now soaking in mixture of cum and piss, her beautiful hair, sat flat and stinking. As the pirates filed out after a happy evening, well motivated for work the next day, each one spat directly on her face. Some in her mouth and forced her to swallow. As the last pirate left, she got up to stand wearily and go back to her "quarters" to prepare for the next days glory hole duty and service.
Before she went she was cracked on the head by the masked black man, he told her. He still wanted a go in that ass. He raped her hard for 20 minutes. She had too little energy to resist, just folded like a rag doll against his mighty thrusts, until he shot warm jizz, thick and again in large quantities. Up her ass. He forced her to squat, clean off his cock and then squeeze out the cum onto the deck. She was told to lick it up and all of the other cum and piss on the deck by the time he had finished his late dinner.
She wept over her huge task, as he kicked her on her way past. However when he returned she was slurping up the last morsels of cum and piss on the deck. "Good whore..." He picked her up and put her in an open barred cage, and hoisted her up to the mast. "enjoy the cold little one!" he shouted and laughed. Too small to lie in, she got next to no sleep, not being able to kneel or sit due to the short top of the cage she had to squat. The cold and burning in her thighs kept her awake. Until she was lowered in the morning for glory hole duty.
As the months went on, every Saturday a large show like the aforementioned took place, every day she took glory hole duty, every day her belly grew larger and larger. The next Saturdays "big" show was a cunt stretching. She was flayed open, warmed up with a cane of course and stretched with a tool, that once inside the cunt (which was painful enough) expanded outwards.
She screamed as the shipmates cried with laughter and lust, slapping their thighs and wanking their dicks. As she got bigger, she was forced to clean the decks in the days also, so she would fall carrying buckets of water, and have to kneel. She was pushed over constantly to the shrieks of laughter as the painful fall hurt the pregnant woman.
As the 9 month mark drew near their final "Saturday show" was luckily for them Consuela's birth. She screamed and cried as her cunt was stretched. Little helped by the cheers and laughter that was met. Or the tit slapping that took place during the birth.
While she gave birth on a table most ashamedly she was to service the 1st mates cock. He came in her mouth and pissed on her face just after her baby was born. The baby was taken to the captain's room where it was looked after by his maids. She was fucked relentlessly after the birth, for a week without seeing her baby, but swallowing piss, cum and taking dicks in every orifice.
The End
Please note: The author DOES condone treating women like this. They are sacks of flesh to be used by men, he wishes that he could make his own little island where consent didn't matter and where girls are fucked from the age they become a woman, in his eyes 2 years before a period approximately so 8 or 9 where women were not acknowledged as citizens but toys for men, however agrees that laws in all states forbid "forced penetration" and "underage sex" nor does the author think that a mother should be separated from her child initially.
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