Published: 6-Aug-2011
Word Count:
"Dakota Fanning, you get over here this instant!" The startled starlet scurried off the set to the Disciplinarian, who had alertly noted the director's signal that indicated the need for his services. "You have been inattentive, impolite, and downright rude one too many times, young lady, and I'm going to put a stop to it right now!"
He hauled Dakota off to the room set aside for his use. She didn't exactly struggle (she knew better!) but reluctance radiated from her as he towed her behind him. The director looked on, satisfied that she would return to the set in a more cooperative mood, and moved on to a scene that did not involve little Miss Fanning.
The disciplinarian's room had windows, of the size and placement specified by the Child Actress Disciplinarian's Guild, so that all punishments could be adequately witnessed, both for the protection of the child actress against any discipline that was...unauthorized, and the disciplinarian against any mischaracterization on the part of the actress. Dakota had made herself particularly unpleasant today, so there were even more (mostly male) crew members gathered to observe than there normally would be to watch a pretty preteen actress receive strict discipline. In the nude.
For it had long been the policy of the CADG that child actress discipline should be received in the nude. The rationale was that this heightened the disciplinary experience, as well as allowing ready access to multiple portions of the anatomy.
Once in the room the Disciplinarian commanded, "You know what to do: everything off and hands behind your back, and I mean now!" Dakota dithered, and received a SMACK from the Disciplinarian's `B-Stik' on her right thigh through her jeans, which made her yelp and scurry to obey. [The `B-Stik' is a punishment implement designed specifically for the discipline of children. Even if used vigorously, it causes no damage, and no pain more than a bee sting, hence it's name.]
Soon she was totally nude, a slender, beautiful, blonde preteen in front of a grown man. She had the face of an angel in despair as she awaited her discipline. Her breasts were mere buds topped by nipples, barely breaking the plane of her chest. Her hips were narrow, boyish, just beginning to think about flaring. Between her slender thighs her unfledged girlcleft, with the prominent clitoris typical of a preteen, was easily seen. Her hands nervously clasped and unclasped behind her back, her eyes on the floor. The men watching through the windows grinned at each other. Many had their hands in their pockets...
"The director says you're going to have to be sitting a lot in the next few scenes, so we'll concentrate on your front," the Disciplinarian announced. Dakota looked up, alarmed. She had been on the receiving end of the Disciplinarian's attentions before, but so far had only had a reddened rear end to show for it. But some of the other child actresses had told her about the `alternative' punishments they had received...
"If you don't hold still I'll put you on the frame," he announced, as he readied the B-Stik. There was an apparatus in the room with a frame and various straps, suitable for fastening a child actress in any position required for her discipline. He rarely needed to use it; knowing it was there was enough to convince most of the girls to remain in place.
SMACK! Without further preamble the Disciplinarian swung the B-Stik against the front of Dakota's slender thighs. "AAH!" she cried out, her back arching as she reacted to the sting, and, "AH! AH! AH!" again as he whipped her repeatedly, leaving a faint redness, nothing more, that is the trademark of the B-Stik, designed as it is for the safe but effective punishment of an errant child.
But it does sting, and Dakota danced in place, tears leaking down her cheeks as she sobbed, "Oh, please, Sir, Oh please!"
"Remain still, young lady," the Disciplinarian merely responded, and brought the B-Stik down sharply across her chest, alternating from one side to the other, bringing a fetching flush to little Dakota's breastbuds and nipples as she fairly wailed. She had never imagined being whipped there. Although it certainly stung, her embarrassment was the most punishing. Knowing that she was naked, and a man was whipping her little breastbuds and nipples, and that the men lined up at the windows were watching avidly, made her blush deeply, and moan even more intensely than did the sensation of the whipping itself.
After ten or so strokes he stopped whipping her nipples, and she opened her eyes, which had been screwed shut in humiliation, only to see him swing the B-Stik directly onto her mons! THWACK! "AAAAA!" she nearly screamed, frantic, distraught, barely able to remember to hold still; she had no desire to be whipped AND bound, after all. But all thought was driven from her as the Disciplinarian punished her little mons, unfledged cleftlips, and clitoris again and again, SWAK-SMACK-WHAP!, bringing his tool up sharply between her legs as she cried out wildly.
Finally, after a stern twenty strokes on her little girlhood, he stopped, and tucked the B-Stik on his belt. "There, young lady, I hope you've learned your lesson!" he intoned.
"Oh, yes Sir, yes Sir!" Dakota gulped and sobbed. As was his wont, the Disciplinarian pulled her into a soothing hug, gently rubbing the sting away, first from her thighs, so smooth and slender in his hands, then from her nipples and breastbuds, gently kneading and working them, then down, down until he was there, caressing her mons, cleftlips, and clitoris, softly at first, then more insistently as her little hips began to rock perceptibly, her breath coming shorter, her knees weak, her mouth dry.
But time was short, and she was due back on the set, so the Disciplinarian did not let her orgasm, as it can take quite a few minutes to bring a preteen to climax. He finished with an almost contemptuous bare-handed SMACK! on her girlcleft, making Dakota jump and yelp, and said, "Now get dressed and go back to the set, and don't make me do this again any time soon or you'll really get it!" She scurried to obey, and went back to work, the crew members, to her deep embarrassment, all applauding as she came out the door. And the director had no more trouble with her for the whole week.
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