Published: 23-Apr-2012
Word Count:
"Now, don't forget, girlie: keep the place clean until we get back! There's plenty of food in the pantry, and we're leaving the water turned on. Keep the 'Vacancy' sign off." With that the *******'s left, leaving me alone in the motel.
My name is Vivienne. I'm eleven. I live in *******-ia. I was in an orphanage, 'cause my mom died when I was 2, and I never knew my father, then the *******'s paid the staff to let them take me to work for them. In a lot of places I suppose they wouldn't let them do that, but I guess *******-ia doesn't have any laws about that. I think the *******'s figured they wouldn't have to pay me anything and I wouldn't eat a lot. They didn't need me to do much, anyway. They had this rundown motel in the country. It was offseason, and they just needed somebody to watch it while they went away for a while. At least, that's what they said...
At the orphanage they used to whip us a lot. They would take us in a room, and the Head and his assistant would strip us naked and spank us on our bottoms, then use a strap on our thighs and bottoms. Sometimes the strap would hit my little girlhood, even. It really stung, and left red marks for a while. Afterwards, in bed, I would rub it and rub it. It made it feel...funny, somehow. I didn't like getting whipped, and it was so embarrassing being naked in front of those men, but somehow I couldn't help but feel kinda...excited, when I knew I was gonna get a whipping.
The only time I really liked it there was when some missionaries came. They taught me and some of the other kids how to read, and gave us some books and stuff. But they couldn't stay long.
The *******'s weren't so bad, I guess. Mr. ******* would kinda swat my bottom as I went past him, and pull me up against him sometimes and touch my chest when he thought Mrs. ******* wasn't looking, but he never did anything else to me.
After they left it was OK for a while. I had some books, and the radio. Then one day two men came right into the office! The door was locked, but they had a key. They just grinned at me, and one said, "You must be little Vivienne! Mr. and Mrs. ******* told us all about you, didn't they, Sol?" His friend just looked at me and nodded. I couldn't say anything, I was so scared and surprised.
"The *******'s just wanted us to come and check on you," Sol said, "Isn't that right, Sluggsy?"
"That's right. And they said we should make sure you were doing what you were supposed to do, and...take care of you if you weren't. So we're gonna take a look around." They left the office then, but I don't think they looked around much. They came right back in with a few suitcases. "It looks like you haven't been doing a very good job of keeping this place up, girlie. I think you're gonna have to be punished." They chased me around the office for a minute. Then they had me backed up into a corner, and I couldn't get away. I was right up against the switch for the 'Vacancy' sign, so I pushed it. I don't think they could see me do it. I was crying and screaming, but they didn't care. They just held onto me and Sol grabbed the zipper on the front of the jumper I was wearing and pulled it down. I really started to fight then, biting and scratching. I think it made them mad, 'cause they didn't even wait to pull my clothes off, they just slung me over Sol' lap and he started spanking me. Sluggsy reached around under me and pinched my nipples and touched my girlhood through my jumper. I was bawling and struggling, but even though I was freaked out, I could still tell that it felt a little...exciting to be punished that way. But I didn't want those two to be doing it! I was really afraid of them. They seemed so mean.
Just then there was a ring at the door! They froze, and Sol dumped me off his lap. "Go answer it, girlie!" he hissed. "Whoever it is, send them away, if you know what's good for you!"
I shuffled to the door, trying to pull the zipper of my jumper up. I couldn't get it, so I opened the door with one hand, and sorta held the top of my jumper together with the other. I looked up, and saw a man. When I first saw his face I thought, Oh, no, another one of them! He looked kinda...cold, and he had a scar on one side of his face. But then he spoke.
"I'm terribly sorry, but I seem to have a puncture. Could I bother you for a room for the night?" He was British! I could tell by his accent. One of the missionaries was British, and he sounded just the same. And the missionary called a 'flat tire' a 'puncture', too.
"I-I'm sorry, but we're...we're full up. Yeah, that's right," I stammered out something silly.
"But your 'Vacancy' sign was on," he answered.
"Umm...yeah. Um...but we don't have any rooms. I'm sorry." But even while I was saying that, I kinda crooked my finger, like I was inviting him in. Sol and Sluggsy were out of sight, and they couldn't see me do it. I put a real worried and scared expression on my face. It wasn't hard to do, 'cause I was real worried and scared, all right!
"Hmm. I don't think I'll take 'no' for an answer, young lady. I'm coming in." And he pushed right past me into the office. As he came in, Sol and Sluggsy stepped forward towards him, but stopped when they saw him. There was something about him. He looked...ready, somehow. I think they saw it, too. "Well, I see you're not completely alone here, are you, young lady? Do you blokes run this place?" he asked, breezily.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, we run it. Didn't the girlie tell you? We don't got any rooms. So scram, if you know what's good for ya, ya get me?" Sluggsy said.
"I'm not going anywhere. My car has a puncture, and I'm tired. You've got plenty of rooms, and your 'Vacancy' sign was on. So I'm staying here, regardless. Now do you get me?"
Sol and Sluggsy just looked at each other. They shrugged, and I think Sluggsy kinda winked at Sol. "All right, bub, but there ain't no...amenities here or nothin'. And you clear out in the morning, right?"
"OK with me," the stranger said, and headed back out to his car. I hurried after him, before Sol and Sluggsy could stop me.
Once we were nearer his car, I said, "I'm so glad you're here! Those men...I'm real scared of them. They're not related to me. They were hurting me, and I think...I think they were gonna..." I was kinda sobbing by then, and he just patted my arm.
"Shh, it's all right, it's all right now, little one. Nothing's going to happen to you now. Just tell me what's going on." I tried to tell him between sobs who I was and why I was there. He nodded knowingly. "Those people, the *******'s: they probably hired these men to burn this place down for the insurance. The men were to make sure that you...didn't make it, and make it look like you started the fire, perhaps by accident somehow. Well, we'll see..."
We were at his car. He opened up the trunk (the 'boot', he called it). There were some suitcases and briefcases in it. He popped one open, and I couldn't believe it! There were guns in it! He picked one up, a smallish one. "This is a Beretta. Have you ever fired a pistol?" I shook my head, eyes wide. "There's no time to give you a lesson. Just aim like you're pointing your finger, and squeeze the trigger. Remember to turn off the safety." He showed me the button. "Stuff it down inside your jumper," he said, and slipped it down my front. Then he pulled on the zipper, and it came up easily. I sure felt better, with it zipped up, so my little nipples weren't showing anymore! "And just to make you feel better..." he opened his suitcoat. Under it was a holster. He pulled out the gun...'pistol', I mean. It was bigger. "This is a Walther PPK; some real stopping power. We'll be all right. Let's get into a room for the night, OK?"
He took me over to the unit farthest from the office. He didn't have much luggage. I sat down on the bed and started shaking. He sat next to me and held me, stroking my shoulders and telling me, "Shhh, it's OK, everything's all right now," and stuff like that. It felt so good to have him there. Even though I didn't know him or anything, it felt like I think it would if my Daddy had been there. If I'd ever had a Daddy.
He told me to just call him 'Commander'. I asked him what he did, and he said, "I'm with Universal Exports." I didn't know what that meant, and I sorta screwed my face up at him and asked him why he had the guns. He just smiled and whispered in my ear, "I'm really a secret agent, but don't tell anyone." I promised I wouldn't.
Then he started asking me about myself, my name and stuff, where I was from. I told him all about me. Nobody had ever taken any interest in me before. I told him stuff I'd never told anyone ever, even stuff like how it made me feel when I was whipped or spanked, how even though it hurt and I didn't like it, it made me feel so...funny. He just nodded and looked serious. He didn't make fun of me, or say anything about it, at first. He just held me, and it felt so good.
He asked me questions and stuff, while I was talking, to find out more about me, and how I got there. One time he said something funny, "You told he how it made you feel to be spanked and whipped, how part of it you didn't like, but part you did, sort of." I nodded, with my head down. It was kinda embarrassing, talking about that! "Do you think you would mind it if you weren't scared, and you knew that it wouldn't hurt very much, if someone you loved were to spank you, or whip you?"
I just stared at him for a moment. I didn't know what to say. Then I got to feeling real sleepy, and I yawned. "You need to go to bed, darling Viv," he said.
"I-I don't wanna! I-I'm scared. Won't you tell me a story, or something?" I wheedled. "Tell me about you. Do you have any kids? A-are you married?"
"No, I don't have any kids, and I'm not married. Not now. She died," he answered.
I felt real bad. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know."
"That's all right. It was a few years ago. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you a little about her and me. If you don't like my story, just stop me anytime, OK?" I nodded happily.
"Most of the day she acted normally. No one could tell, unless they listened carefully to the things she said to me, and the tone of voice she used. They might have seemed a little...child-like, perhaps. But then, so many young women are immature these days, they might not even have noticed.
"If they had noticed her manner of dress, they might have wondered at the pattern: mostly jumpers, sailor suits, short plaid skirts with sheer white blouses over lacy bras. Saddle shoes or loafers, and knee socks. If they could have seen her panties, they would really have been surprised! Always cotton, lacy trim, with little hearts, teddy bears, or flowers on them, even cartoons, sometimes (Cinderella, Jasmine, or Ariel, maybe; no Taz or Power Rangers, that's for sure!).
"You see, no matter how old she was in "bio-years", my wife was always ten years old to me. And although we were legally married, she was always my little "daughter", and I was her "Daddy". We went through some rough times, when my...predilection was first revealed, but she wisely decided to try and satisfy it as best she could, and hope that helped to keep me on "the straight and narrow", as it were. And did it ever work out fine!
"On a typical evening, I'd be lying on the sofa in our family room. She'd come trudging into the room, looking downcast. She'd be dressed in a baby-doll nightshirt, all frills and lacy, very sheer, with nothing on underneath. Or perhaps a soft pair of pajamas, with hearts or bears on them. Her hair would be in a blue, little-girl's bow, or perhaps a barrette. Bunny slippers on her feet completed the outfit.
"Come here, young lady!" I would growl. She would shuffle over to my side. "You've been very naughty today, haven't you?" I would inquire. She would just nod, glumly. "Speak up, little missy, I can't hear you!" I would command, punctuating it with a smack to the front of her bare thighs.
"OH!" she would gasp, and, "Yes, Daddy, I've been naughty!" she would add.
"And naughty girls should be punished, shouldn't they, young lady?" I would ask rhetorically.
"Oh, yes Daddy, I know, but Oh, please, Daddy, must I be punished?!" she would plead, fetchingly. But to no avail. I would tip her unceremoniously over my lap, toss up the hem of her nightie, and express astonishment.
"Young lady! Where are your panties?! You should be ashamed to have your bottom so bare. You really need a spanking!" And with that I would commence to rain smack after open-handed smack on her buttocks, alternating cheeks, and frequently aiming for the groove between them, almost spanking her on her anus, as she wailed and sobbed. After her bottom was suitably reddened, I would slow down, and gently rub her bottom, often pulling the cheeks apart so she could feel the cool air on her little bottomflower. She would gasp and moan softly.
"Then I'd push her off my lap and command her to stand up. She would rub her nose and her bottom, snuffling. "You're not done with your punishment yet, young lady!" I would bark. "Take off that nightgown this instant!"
"She would dither. "Oh, but Daddy, please! Do I haveta? Then I'll be all...naked! It'll be so 'barassing!"
"Right now, young lady!" I would reply, with a smack on her bottom. "You should have thought of that before you misbehaved!" Reluctantly she would pull the nightie up and over her head. In my mind's eye she would be heartbreakingly slender, hips just beginning to think about flaring, breasts no more than buds, nipples barely breaking the plane of her chest. Her girlcleft nearly matched my imagination: smooth, unfledged, shyly peeping from between her thighs, as she would writhe a bit in embarrassment at my avid gaze.
"I think it will be the riding crop, tonite, little missy," I might have announced.
"Oh, Daddy, but please, please, please!" she would beg, piteously. But I would be determined. I would circle her, slapping the crop's end into my palm, ominously. Suddenly I would flash it out, smacking the back of her thighs as she would jump and yelp. I would whip her with the crop until the backs of her thighs were suitably reddened. As I did I would rest my left hand on her shoulder, then slide it down, almost casually, then seize her left breast, pinching and twisting her tender nipple. She would writhe prettily in reaction.
"Then I would swing around, circling my hand from her breast to her bottom, seizing her recently-spanked cheeks in a firm grasp, as I would bring the crop down sharply across the front of her bare thighs. She would cry out repeatedly as I disciplined her.
"After a bit of that I would pause, looking her up and down. She would shiver and sniffle, waiting. I would tenderly kiss her forehead and hug her a bit, as she pressed against me. "You're so precious and pretty, little one. But you're getting bigger, aren't you! I think you may be ready for Big Girl's punishment tonite," I might say.
"Oh, but Daddy, please! Big Girl's punishment??!! But that means I haveta be whipped on" she would trail off, not wanting to finish the thought.
"That's right, young lady, and right now!" With that would I bring the crop down sharply across her breasts with a smack! She would wail and sob as I repeatedly whipped her top, reddening her little-girl breasts, her nipples becoming erect from the stimulation.
"You know what I think you need, little one? I think you need a bra and panties whipping," I would opine solemnly.
"Wh-what's th-that?" she would inquire, nervously twisting her hands together and fidgeting.
"That's where I use this," I would say, holding up the crop, "To make it look like you have on a bra and panties, but it's really just your hide being tanned from your punishment!" She would gape in astonishment at this, and then beg and plead.
"Oh, Daddy, please, do I have to have a bra and panties whipping??!! Oh, Daddy, it's gonna sting so much on my little nipples and cleft! Oh, Daddy, please!" she would say.
"WHAP! would go the crop on her breasts again, and "AAAA!" would cry out my little child-wife. Her moans and cries would fill the air as I reddened her little breasts completely, not neglecting the undersides and lateral surfaces. Then I would shift my aim to her bottom, fading but still reddened from her spanking, and bring the flush back to her "cheeks" with the crop, as she would dance from foot to foot.
"Shifting to her front, I would swing the crop back and forth across her mons as she would wail and sob. I would order her to spread her little legs, and she would obey after a sharp smack to her breasts convinces her that I meant business. Then I would complete her "bra and panties" by thoroughly reddening her cleft and anus with the crop. By that time she would be sobbing convulsively, the tears running down her little cheeks.
"I would stop, finally, and sit down on the couch, pulling her down onto my lap. She would cling to me, staining my shirt with her tears as she sniffled."
He stopped then. I asked, "Isn't there any more to the story?"
"Maybe someday I'll tell you the rest, sweetheart."
I sat there and thought for a minute. Then I asked him, "W-would you...?" I stopped, embarrassed.
"Would I what, darling little Viv? Ask me anything, dearheart."
"Would you spank me?" I whispered, and hung my head, peeping up at him through my eyelashes.
He didn't answer, he just pulled me up onto his lap and gave me a big hug. Then he put me gently on the bed, got up, opened the door a crack, and looked around. Then he came back and cupped my chin, tipping my face up to his. "I think you've been a naughty girl, haven't you, hmmm?" A shiver went through me. "And naughty girls have to be spanked!"
With that he sat down, pulled me across his lap face down, lifted the hem of my jumper up, tugged my panties down, and started smacking my bottom! I was yelping and kicking. It stung, didn't really hurt. I can't really describe how it felt, but it felt so...good, to have someone who cared for me spanking me, when I knew it wouldn't hurt much, and I would be safe. Afterwards he just hugged me and hugged me, as we lay down next to each other on the bed. And I fell asleep.
In the middle of the night I woke up scared. Something was wrong. I looked over at the door, and it was open! A man's figure was silhouetted against the moonlight. Then I heard a 'clunk', or something, and the man fell back. The Commander went to the door. He had the Walther in his hand, with something long, like a tube, attached to the barrel. Just then the wall between our unit and the one next door crashed in! Sluggsy burst through it with an axe in his hand, but the Commander fired once and he dropped.
The Commander checked both of them. "Don't worry, sweetheart, they're both...gone. You'll never have to worry about them again." He shoved his pistol into the back of his belt, came over to the bed and picked me up. "Let's get out of this place, right now!"
We took Sluggsy's car. We went to what he called a 'safe house'. I think he gave me a few days to sorta settle down. Then he sat me down for a serious talk. "Little Viv, we need to decide what to do with you. Do you want me to get you back to the orphanage?" I made the 'yuck' face. He chuckled. "I guess not. Is there anyone else you'd like me to call, or take you to?" I shook my head.
"I want to stay with you," I whispered. "Please, Commander," I added.
He picked me up onto his lap. "I'd love for you to stay with me, sweetheart. But I know myself. If you stay with me, I'll need to be able to do whatever I want with you. And what I'll want to do is treat you like my daughter [my heart jumped when he said that], and my wife, and my slave." I looked up at him, kinda shy-like. "That means that I will spank you, and whip you, and punish you...other ways, any time I want to. Do you understand?"
I nodded. "Does that mean you get to put your...thing inside me, too?" I asked him.
He swept me up in his arms in a big hug. "Yes, that's what it means," he finally whispered in my ear. He pulled away a bit and looked me in the eye. "I won't tell you that it won't hurt; it might, some, at first. But I think, after a while, that you might come to enjoy everything I do to you..."
We were married in a nearby church. The Commander looked so handsome in his dress whites. I think he somehow convinced some local official to declare him my guardian, so he could do it legally.
When we got home, he took me to the bedroom. "Take off all your clothes, young lady. It's time for you to be punished, and I want you naked, right now," he commanded. It was so embarrassing, to have to take off all my clothes with him watching! I was blushing, and I was moving kinda slow, because as soon as my bottom was bare he smacked it with his hand, saying, "Hurry up!" but he had a grin on his face.
Then I was all naked, standing in front of him. Without thinking I covered my little breasts and my girlhood with my hands. He smacked my thighs and said, "Hands at your sides, young lady!" I did, and then he could my little nipples, and my little cleft, and everthing, and it was sooo embarrassing
Then he took me in his arms and held me for a while, and ran his hands up and down my body, touching me all over. Oh, it felt so good to feel his warm, strong hands touching me! Then he was pinching and twisting my little nipples, and it almost hurt, but not quite, and almost tickled, but not really, and it made me gasp and moan.
Then he bent me over, under his arm, and started spanking my bottom, kinda fast but not real hard. I started yelping a bit, and dancing from foot to foot, saying, "Please, Sir, oh please!" After a while he sat down and pulled me over his lap and kept spanking me, on my bottom and on the backs of my thighs. Then he pulled me up into another hug that felt so good. I was sobbing a little bit, but at the same time I felt so wonderful. He kissed me all over my face, then kissed my lips real long. Then he put his tongue inside my mouth. I didn't know what to do, so I just kinda touched the end of his tongue with mine. I guess that was good, because he sorta groaned and hugged me even tighter and kissed me more.
He layed me down real gentle on the bed and kept kissing me, but in differnt places. Between my eyes, on my eyelids, then to my neck. Then he was on my chest, and he sorta bit and sucked and pulled on my nipples. It felt so...weird, not really hurting, but...punishing me in some way, but it made my little girlhood feel strange, too. I cried out and moaned when he did it.
Then he slid down, down to my little girlhood. He put his mouth right on it, and it felt like fire, but a real good kinda fire! He kissed it, and licked it, and sucked and bit on that little button part, and I was just about yelling, and bucking up and down. Then he suddenly raised up and started spanking me, right on my little girlhood! And he pinched and twisted my nipples at the same time. That fire feeling just shot right through me, and I screamed and bounced around on the bed, and it was so punishing, and so embarrassing, but so good at the same time, I don't know how to talk about it. And he kept spanking and rubbing and spanking and rubbing me there, until I finally calmed down some. Then he hugged and hugged me, and I felt so loved and so good, even though I was sobbing and sniffling.
Once I was quiet, he started talking to me. He told me that it was time for us to be married completely, all the way, if I really wanted us to be. Or I could say no, and then we wouldn't be. But if I said no, then he would find me somewhere else to live, a boarding school or something like that, because it would be too hard on him to not be able to have me. He said it was up to me. "Bein' married all the way: that means you get to rape me, right?" I asked.
"That's right darling Viv, it does, and I won't say it won't hurt at first. But like I said, I think after a while you might find that you like it..."
I leaned against him for a little while. I knew I should be freaked out by what he was saying, but...
"I wanna be yours," I whispered. He swept me up in his arms and hugged me so tight, and kissed me and kissed me.
After a while he put me back on the bed, on my knees. He took off his clothes and stood before me. I could see his...thing, he called it his 'rod', and it was real long and thick, and pointing straight up! "Tonight I'm just going to rape your mouth." I didn't know anybody got raped in their mouths! But he said, "It's all right, this probably won't hurt at all. But something will come out of me when I'm done..." I musta made the 'yuck' face again, 'cause he said, "Don't worry; it's not pee! It's my seed. I want you to swallow it. Many girls do. Just make a tunnel with your tongue and the roof of your mouth..."
He held the sides of my head and put his rod in my mouth. I can't even tell you what it tasted like, I was in a daze. He worked it back and forth a few times. I was afraid he would gag me with it, but he was careful, he didn't push it in too far. In just a few moments he gave kinda like a groan, and then this warm, salty-tasting stuff was spurting in my mouth! I tried to swallow it all, but there was too much. When he pulled his rod out, some dribbled out and dripped onto my chest. He kinda scooped it up and put it back in my mouth. Then he kissed me and held me and told me how much he loved me. After that we went to sleep.
The next day was great! We went to a movie, and got ice cream, and went horseback riding. Every now and then during the day he would take me aside, like into a doorway or behind a tree, pull my skirt up and my panties down, and spank me. I was always so embarrassed, 'case someone saw my bare bottom. That night he took me into the bedroom and made me take all my clothes off again. Then he put me on the bed on my knees, with my chest all the way down on the bed. I knew he could see my bottomflower and my girlhood real easy, and it made me blush, it was so embarrassing. Then he took his belt off and began whipping me with it, first on my thighs, and then on my bottom. He even made the end of it snap onto my girlhood and my bottomflower! I yelped and cried out.
Then he put his hand right on my little girlhood, and pressed it and rubbed it, and pinched and twisted my little button. He put some kinda jelly stuff on his other hand, and put his fingers right into my bottomflower and pushed them in so far! And every now and then he'd pull them out fast and spank me right on my little bottomflower, kinda quick and hard, then push them back in again. And that fire feeling started coming on real strong, and my little hips started rocking back and forth, and I pushed my bottom back against his hand, and pushed my girlhood forward against his other hand, and that fire just shot right through me and I nearly screamed and jumped around and it felt so embarassing and so punishing and so good!
While I was still moaning and panting and jerking around, he put the end of his rod against my little bottomflower, and pushed in so hard, and raped me in my bottom! It hurt some, and I felt so full, and it was so embarrassing to know a grown man's rod was in my bottom, I just screamed out loud, and cried and cried. He just held me, and kissed me, and told me how much he loved me. Pretty soon I calmed down to the occasional sob and sniff. He started pushing his rod in and out of me, and it felt so strange, but after a while it didn't feel so bad. And it wasn't long before he gave that kinda groan again, and pushed in real hard and stayed there for a while. Then he pulled out, and kissed me and kissed me.
After that we took a shower; we needed it!
The next night he made me take my clothes off, and he brought out something he called a 'riding crop'. He started to whip me with it, all over: the front and back of my thighs, my bottom, even my little nipples and breastbuds! It stung, and it was so embarrassing to be whipped naked by a grown man, I was blushing and crying out and sobbing.
He laid me down on the bed face up, and made put my knees up, and my feet together, and then drop my knees apart. Now my little girlhood was so open to him, I was even more embarrassed. He took the crop and whipped me, right on my little girlhood and on my button! I cried out loud, and tears were running down my face, but that fire feeling was starting between my legs again. Then he tossed the crop aside and put his mouth right on my little girlhood, and sucked and bit on my little button, and that fire ran right through me and I arched up and screamed and jumped around. But he put his hands on my shoulders and held me down on the bed, and put his rod right up to my girlhood, and pushed in so hard, and raped me of my maidenhead, and oh it did hurt so much, and I screamed and cried. He just held me, and kissed my hair, and told me he loved me, while I sobbed and my shoulders shook. I could feel him sort of throbbing inside my punished girlhood. After a while my sobs died down to the occasional sniffle. He started to push his rod in and out of me, long and slow at first, then fast and hard. I yelled with each push, like this: "AAH! - AAH! - AAH!" Pretty soon I could feel that fire thing coming over me again. I was bucking, and moaning, and jerking, and yelling. And then I he gave that kinda groan, and filled me with his seed. It mixed with the little trickle of blood from me losing my maidenhead and I could feel it run out of my cleft down onto my anus.
Afterwards I lay in his arms, all burning and murmuring, my face buried in his chest. He kissed me and nuzzled my hair. All of a sudden I raised up on an elbow and said, "Y'know what?"
"No, what?"
"I just thought of something: I don't even know your name!" And I didn't; I just called him 'Sir' or 'Commander'.
"That's right, you don't. Well, I think you ought to know your husband's name, so I'll tell you. The name is ****. ***** ****."
The End
All comments gratefully welcomed
A loud huzzah to anyone who can tell me the Commander's name, and the name of the book featuring him from which I cribbed large quantities of stuff. Cheers
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |