When She Said No

[ M/g, M/t, spank, reluc, rom ]

by CC


Published: 14-Apr-2012

Word Count: 3245

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I carried the little girl into my bedroom and sat down on the bed with her. She was naked, and slender, and pretty as a picture, with long light brown hair and dark eyes. I spent some time hugging her, her arms around my neck as she hugged me back. I kissed her, sweet at first with my mouth closed, then pushing my tongue into her mouth as she opened to receive it, whimpering a bit. Then I started nuzzling her neck. She giggled and hunched her shoulders up. I started tickling her on her, ribs, neck, back, knees, then sliding up her legs to her groin, her shrieks of laughter filling the room as she writhed and kicked.

After a bit of that amusing past-time, I said, "All right, little one, it's time for your spanking,", and tossed her over my lap, holding her on her back with one hand, and with the other raining spank after spank onto her naked bottom, SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!

"Oh-Oh-Oh!" she cried out, fetchingly, wriggling and kicking her little legs as she lay over my knees. Although I wasn't spanking her very hard, soon a mild red flush appeared on her trim bottom. I trapped one leg between mine and pulled her buttocks apart with one hand, exposing her fully. I spanked her directly on her pretty little anus as she yipped and bucked. I ended with one sharp SMACK! full upon her unfledged cleft, making her yelp, "AAAAH! Oh, 'Daddy-Master', please!"

I swept her up into a hug and rubbed her back. She melted into the embrace. I started scratching her back and she arched and nearly purred. After a bit I pulled her out and looked down at her, saying, "We're not done yet, young lady!" sternly, but with a smile on my lips, and I winked at her. She looked down, seemingly dejected, but peeped up at me through her lashes and winked back.

I stood her up in the middle of the room and ordered her to put her hands behind her. I pulled my belt off and wrapped it around my fist, letting about six inches dangle...

"AAAA! AAAAA! AAAAAAA!" the little girl cried out as I smacked the strap-end of the belt down onto her little breastbuds and nipples, WHAP-WHAP-WHAP! I shifted aim and snapped it full onto her unfledged cleftlips and clitoris, WAK-WAK-WAK! "OOO-OOO-OOOOH, 'Daddy', pleasepleaseplease!" she moaned fetchingly. I tossed the belt aside, swept her up in my arms, sat on the bed with her on my lap, and seized her, kneading and working her buttocks, still faintly reddened from the spanking I had given her, pinching and twisting her underdeveloped sex, rubbing her clitoris excruciatingly against her pubic bone. Soon her hips were rocking, and I was treated to her precious preteen orgasm as she yipped and yelped and spent herself in my hands...

I heard her coming down the hall and I clicked off the video. "Pizza's here," she said through the door, loudly. As there had been over the last few weeks whenever she had to speak to me, which was seldom, there was an almost sullen note to her voice.

I went downstairs. She was at the kitchen counter all ready munching her slice, iPod on her hip, earbuds in place shutting out the world like any typical teenager. She was sixteen. I still couldn't believe time had flown so fast.

She was so beautiful. Slim-hipped, with small, high breasts, no longer the preteen girl in the video, but still heart-breakingly pretty.

I feared it was useless, but I couldn't resist trying one last time. I sat next to her and scarfed a slice. After taking a few bites I slid my hand around her shoulders and said, softly, "So, has 'Daddy-Master's' little girl been naughty today?"

Silence for a few beats, then, "No, I haven't been naughty, and you know it. You're just horny, so why don't you just say that, huh? You're just a...a...a dirty old man, and I-I hate you! You always told me all I had to do was say 'no' if I didn't want to. So, No, OK? Just...No!" She tossed her pizza onto the plate, shoved away from the counter, and stormed off towards her room.

So that was it. I can't describe how wonderful our time had been together, but it was over, as far as I could tell.

I could hardly blame her. It was not by accident that I had found someone like her; I was looking. Some research into child abandonment statistics, adoption and marriage laws, and the susceptibility of local officials to...inducements, led me to look in *******, where I found her pretty much homeless on the streets of ****** City when she was about five years old. A little money in the right hands, and I was her adopted 'Daddy'. A move to *****, where 'age of consent' considerations were, shall we say, lacking, and a little more money in the right hands, and we were married. I taught her to call me 'Daddy-Master'.

I'd like to think I was never harsh with her. 'Discipline' and 'punishments' were strictly for fun; at least they were always fun for me, and I tried to make sure that nothing I did caused anything more than a mild sting, and left nothing more than a faint redness that I quickly rubbed away. And I always made sure there were plenty of hugs, and back rubs, and back scratches. And 'punishment-'gasms'.

And for a while, boy did she love those 'punishment-'gasms'! By the time she was nine she was coming to me spontaneously, telling me she'd been a 'naughty girl', sticking her bottom out for a paddling, pushing her sweet, unfledged cleft into my hand as I molested her, eager for my tongue on her clitoris, coming gloriously and noisily.

I taught her how to be 'raped' in her mouth soon after we were married. By the time she was eight I was working anal dilators into her, and I raped her anus when she was eight and a half, I think.

At ten I took her maidenhead. Oh, I know in the stories it's all 'thrust forcefully for her cervix, taking her maidenhead with one stroke', and such. No way I was actually going to do that. We worked at it for a good couple of weeks, gradually. I don't think we actually know when she lost her hymen; it probably went a little at a time. Finally I was able to work half my rod into her. It was a bit uncomfortable for her, I could tell, but she was a trooper, and she moaned and bucked and moved with me, and I used plenty of lubricant, and by the time she was eleven I was bumping up against her cervix and she was clearly enjoying it. Of course I still used her mouth and her anus at times, and I always made sure she had her 'punishment-'gasm' one way or another!

I hadn't yet given up my US citizenship. We lived in a 'gated community' of ex-pats and other Americans. Life was very similar to what it would have been Stateside in many ways. I got her homeschool materials, and she learned steadily. I'm sure she could have gone to almost any college and done well. I took her to church with me regularly. I don't know if she ever told anyone else about our relationship, and she seemed to know instinctively to maintain the 'father-daughter' appearance. Legally it wouldn't have mattered, but some of the congregation and our neighbors would have disapproved, I'm sure.

I went to my den and dug through my desk and found it, the packet I had prepared long ago. I trudged down the hall to her room and knocked on the door. After a few beats she grunted, "What!?"

"I just need to give you something, sweetheart. I'll slide it under the door," and I did.

I went back to my den and put my head in my hands. I guess I cried some. I lost track of time...

The packet had a letter in it which read:

"To my sweet girl:

If you're reading this, then I must think you've decided you may not want to stay with me anymore. I can't blame you. Most people would maintain that I took advantage of you, that I exploited you. I won't try to argue. It's not much of a defense to say that I loved you dearly, and took care of you, educated you, clothed you, and fed you, and that without me you would very likely have had a much harder life, if you survived at all. But it's all I have.

I've made arrangements for you that you may want to use. In this packet are a number of different items: enough money to get you out of the house and get you where you'd need to go to get more; phone numbers for taxis; phone numbers and addresses of good hotels you can stay at; flight information to the States.

Most importantly, there's information on a bank account I have for you. There's enough money in it to set you up in the States, get you through college at any reasonable school, and some money left over to start a life afterwards, as long as you don't spend wildly. Also there's contact information for a lawyer in the States. He doesn't know everything about us, but he knows enough to get you declared a citizen of the US, and then get our marriage annulled. Any court in the States would do that, with the information he has. And no good church in the States would blame you, under the circumstances.

If you want to stay with me for now, but you don't want to continue as we used to, I understand. If you want, I'll try to be just a friend, and as good a 'father' to you as I can be, but nothing else.

It's up to you, Sweetheart. I hope, no matter what you decide, that you'll be very happy someday. I'm so sorry if you're unhappy now.



I don't know how long it was. I was 'out of it' for a while, I guess. I 'came to' with a start, when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I spun around in my chair, and she was there.

O my, but she was beautiful. She was dressed in a sheer baby-doll nightie. The hem was so short I could easily see the bottom edge of her cleft under it, bare and smooth like a little girl's. She had blue ribbons in her hair.

"Daddy-Master," she whispered, "I've been such a naughty little girl."

"Oh, my sweet darling," I almost shouted, and pulled her to me, onto my lap, hugging and hugging her, kissing her through both our tears, laughing with relief and joy.

But after just a bit of that she lay herself down over my lap and just waited.

"Are you sure, BabyDoll?" I had to ask.

"Yes, 'Daddy', I need a spanking. And 'Daddy'," and here she turned to look back at me intently, "I really want you to spank me. Hard. I...I want it to make me cry," even though she all ready was crying. Before I could object she said, fiercely, "I mean it, 'Daddy'! Punish me for real!" and she lay back down and pushed her bottom up. Her little anus was fully visible, bared, winking as she clenched and trembled.

I had spanked her 'for real' one other time. I think she was about twelve, and she had been running recklessly around, and had thrown herself onto a chair. But my favorite guitar had been standing up on that chair, and she had shattered it when she landed back against it. I told her not to worry about it, it was my fault for leaving it there, but she had insisted on being spanked hard, until she cried. I think partly she just wanted to see what it felt like. And afterwards, well, let's just say 'Daddy' made it better!

I started spanking her, going about as hard as I usually would have done at the hardest, if we were only 'playing'. Then I went harder, and harder. Her bottom was jumping, and reddening, and she was going, "MMM! MMM! MMM!" with each spank, not crying out loud, but clearly feeling it. After twenty or so her bottom was nicely reddened, and my hand was stinging! I stopped spanking and started rubbing. I pulled her up to sit on my lap and hugged her.

But she pretty quickly stood up, and gently pulled me to my feet. She slid her hands down to my belt, all the while looking winsomely at my face. She undid the buckle and pulled it out. Then she stood back, handed it to me, pulled her nightie off over her head, and turned around, hands clasped behind her neck. She stood there, stolidly, waiting.

What could I do? I really didn't want to hurt her, I never had wanted to do that. I won't deny that part of me longed to see the belt snap against her bottom, hear the WHAP!, hear her cry out...but part of me just wanted to cuddle her, kiss her tears away, tell her everything was all right.

But she just waited, hands clasped behind her neck. So I doubled the belt up and swung it against her bottom, SNAP! She jumped a bit, and went, "MMM," her mouth still closed. Then, "Harder, 'Daddy'," she whispered.

I swung the belt back and forth against her bottom, enough harder that she didn't have to tell me again, WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!, red lines from each stroke showing quickly on her sweet flesh, her cheeks bouncing, and she was no longer moaning through closed lips, she was crying out, "Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!"

I took her by her slim shoulders and turned her around, taking her face between my hands, kissing her forehead, her glabella, her nose, quickly and sweetly on her lips. Then I asked her, softly, "Are we done?"

After a beat she just shook her head. I stepped back and took the strap-end of the belt to her small, high breasts, SMAK-SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!, bringing a fetching red flush to each one. She was sobbing softly when I was done, but I didn't even have to ask; she just shook her head. I knew she meant 'No, we're not done'. She spread her legs a bit more...

She still kept her cleft unfledged, a beautiful sight nestled between her slim thighs, her clitoris barely poking out beyond her labia. I whipped her again and again, bringing the belt to bear full upon her vulva and anus, WHAK-WHAK-WHAK-WHAK!, as she cried out loudly and hoarsely with each stroke, "OOOH! OOOH! OOOH!"

Finally I couldn't bear to go on any longer. Desire, love, hurting for her when she hurt, it all swirled around in my brain. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the bed, cradling her, cuddling her, kissing her as she sobbed.

I slid my hand down to her thighs and caressed her, carrying it up and up, her legs parting. I soothed her at her cleft, rubbing softly, finding her cleftlips surprisingly moist despite the severity of her punishment. Her hips began to rock...

Then she suddenly slipped out of my arms and knelt on the bed on her knees and elbows. "Rape me in my anus, 'Daddy-Master', I'm cleaned out. [I had taught her to give herself enemas years ago.] Rape me now, hard!" Her little face screwed up in anticipation.

"Not yet, Honey, first..." I began, but she almost shouted,

"No! I don't want...I don't get a 'punishment-'gasm'!"

I knelt next to her and took her face in my hands and turned her to look at me, the tears running down her nose. I grabbed a tissue and wiped her gently. "Blow," I said, like I had so many times so many years ago, and she did.

"Honey, don't you know that it's no good for me if it's no good for you? If we don't at least try to get you a 'punishment-'gasm' it's...I...I just can't do it. We have to," I said, as I gently but insistently turned her over, she resisting but finally going along, still sobbing a bit, face buried in her hands as I laid her on her back in the 'modified frog-leg' position we had used since she was five.

It didn't take long. She was wet, her clitoris all ready stiff. I don't know if the soreness of her cleft and clitoris from her whipping made it take longer, or actually pushed her over the edge faster, but soon she was having a noisy, bucking punishment-'gasm as my tongue rasped over her clitoris, interspersed with occasional hand-spanks on her cleftlips.

I took my rod out of my pants and stretched myself over her, entering her with one push even as she sobbed out the last of her climax. As I thrust deeply she cried out and said, "OH! No, 'Daddy-Master', in my anus, rape me in my anus!"

"In a minute, baby, 'Daddy' will rape your anus in just a minute," I semi-groaned. Fortunately as I've gotten older I've gotten more 'staying power'. I was able to rape her cleft for a few minutes, and still have the strength to pull out.

"Now, little slavegirl, I'm going to rape your mouth. No biting, or it'll be the belt for you!" I intoned, mock-sternly. She couldn't help a little grin coming unbidden to her lips. We'd played this 'scene' before. I know it's not one of her favorite things, to be taken in her mouth, especially with my rod covered in her own juices, but she wanted to be punished. Indeed she showed no hesitation beyond the 'play' reluctance of a little slave girl.

I worked myself in and out of her sweet mouth, her tongue swirling around the rim. I couldn't help but notice how much more of me she was able to take in now compared to when she was seven...

I pulled out just in time, leaving her gasping a bit, her lips still reaching for my member. "Now 'Daddy-Master' is going to rape you in your anus, little slavegirl! Assume the position!"

"Yes, 'Daddy-Master'," she replied, and resumed knee-chest, her welted bottom beautifully displayed, her reddened anus winking as she clenched in anticipation.

I mounted her forcefully, pushing through her sphincter, working my rampant rod into her, THRUST-THRUST-THRUST!, until I was buried deep within her anus, my scrotum slapping against her abused cleft, she crying out hoarsely in time with each thrust, "AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!" I didn't even have time to reach around and molest her cleft and clitoris as I used to when she was nine, to try (and often succeed!) to bring her to another punishment-'gasm; in just a few seconds I was groaning out a top-notch orgasm, emptying myself in her rectum, collapsing on the bed next to her, hugging and hugging her, telling her over and over how much I loved her as she sobbed against my chest, until we finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

And she stayed. And we lived happily ever after, and had kids, and even grandkids.

The End


All comments deliriously welcomed!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I love all your stories. Huge fan. Could you do a story about a young girl who is curious about spanking and meets a man who has that fetish. maybe she go's to his house and lets her hold a paddle to examin it. Takes her to his bed room where a pillow is in the middle of the bed waiting for her tummy lie over it. Could he tell its best on her bare. She is shy maybe..You write some of the best ones here. I wish I could write as good as you...


loverly story :-)

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