The Young Teen Slavegirl

[ M/tg, spank, reluc, rom ]

by CC

Published: 9-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My company was near the end of our patrol, and I decided to swing by a village of libtards that was pretty much on our way. I had a suspicion they may have had some trouble with the muzzies. Turns out I was right; nearly the whole place was burned down. We poked a bit through the wreckage to see if there were any survivors. I heard some knocking under a pile of smoking beams and we kicked them aside. There was a bolt-hole with a plank over it. We pushed it aside and looked in.

She was knocking, but when she actually saw us she didn't seem to want to come out. She was skinny, probably 13 or 14, cute but you couldn't tell with all the dirt and grime covering her. We didn't have any time for niceties; the sarge just reached in and hauled her out.

"Your family live here?" I asked her. She shook her head. "What were you doing here, then?" Not too many people went on visits for fun anymore, not since the Fall and the Troubles with the muzzies. Not unless you were well-armed, anyways, and no one would send a young girl out without a serious escort; the muzzies have no gallantry or chivalry; they believe in dominating and abusing women, and even little girls. After all, their 'prophet', who trust me has no peace upon him, raped a nine-year-old, so they figure it must be OK.

"I-I'm an orphan. I was staying with some people here and working for them. I-I don't know where..." She looked kinda dazed.

We actually hadn't found too many bodies; I suspect most of the libtards had bugged out. Maybe they'd stuck the girl in the hole to be rid of her, since she didn't really belong to anyone.

"So you don't have any family anywhere?" I asked, "No one who would care about you?" She shook her head again, and looked downcast. I sighed. When I started this day I had no intention of taking a slave, but it looked like I didn't have much choice.

"You'll have to come with us, then," and grabbed her wrist and started off. My men had already collected their gear and were assembled on the path.

She tried to jerk her arm away from me, and started raising Cain about us being 'warmongers and babykillers and playing with guns makes you feel so big and we should all just get along'. I could tell she had spent way too much time with the libtards. I didn't have any time to coax her or convince her, and I didn't have much patience with leftist drivel anyway.

I spun her around facing me and grabbed her chin so she couldn't look away. "Listen up, fool. If I leave you here the muzzies will come and grab you, if you don't just starve to death first. If they grab you, raping you will be the least they do to you. You may be willing to risk that, but I'm not. Get this straight: there's no child welfare agency here, no adoption service, no police station. There's no one I can hand you over to to take care of you. I'm on patrol, I have a job to do protecting our settlement, I don't have time to baby you along. There's nothing else to do with you except take you as my slave. You will do as I say or else." She just gaped. I figured the quickest way to get a move on was just to sling her over my shoulder and hump it, so that's what I did. She seemed too stunned to do anything at first. After a few steps she started to struggle. I reached up and smacked her bottom, hard, and said, "Quit it if you know what's good for you." She settled down.

Back at the settlement I debriefed the next watch, got the men dismissed, and stowed my gear, all the while towing the girl with me. Then I took her to my house.

She probably assumed we all lived in shacks and never bathed, judging from her reaction. I had a nice house, it even had running water, which not all of the homes in our settlement had. We've been making some nice progress, since we don't let the government get in the way of trade and innovation, and we keep taxes down to what's needed for defense only.

I sat down in my easy chair and called her over to me. "What's your name?"

"T-Tori" she stammered. I think the reality of the change in her life was starting to sink in and she was nervous about it. Understandable.

"Listen well, Tori: I'm not going to try to keep you here against your will. After all, there's no place for you to go. Without me you'd be dead or headed for a worse fate. Without a man to protect you you won't survive, and you don't have anyone else."

"Women don't need men..." she started to protest.

"Spare me the lib idiocy. Here..." I got up, spun her around and frog-marched her to the door and opened it. "You want to go, be a woman on your own, do without a man? Go ahead." I didn't even bother to wait, I just went back to my chair. In a few moments I heard the door close and her return. She just stood by my chair, head down. "Are you my slave?" I waited a few beats.

"Yes," she whispered.

"You will call me Sir or Master. Do you understand?"

"Yes...Sir." She had to force out the words.

I told her what I expected of her. I really made no major demands, mainly just the housework and otherwise stay out of the way and out of trouble. I wasn't sure if I wanted anything more from her or not at that point, and figured I'd wait and see. Taking a slave sexually in our culture meant you basically had to give her a wife's rights. I knew way too little about this one to do that, and what little I knew so far wasn't encouraging; she had soaked up far too much drivel from the so-called 'reality-based' community, whose 'reality' was actually a total crock from start to finish.

She wasn't too bad to have around. She was fairly bright, and we actually had some interesting conversations. She did her chores adequately, and she knew how to cook, thankfully. She stayed quiet, and mostly didn't torment me with her vacuous political ideas. In fact, I think she was beginning to realize how idiotic they were. I actually began to grow fond of her, and I made it a point to bring her something nice when I could, a book, or a piece of candy, and of course I bought her clothes and made sure they were attractive. She seemed appreciative.

But eventually she got into trouble. I started to suspect that she was stealing, not only from me but from the neighbors. I managed to come home from patrol early one day and caught her in the act. I suspect she was trying to put together some kind of 'nest egg', maybe in hopes of somehow going out on her own, I don't know; there really wasn't much she could do with the meager amount she had collected.

I don't really get mad, so I can't say I was furious. I was irritated, and I knew what I had to do. I have to admit a certain part of me was looking forward to it; I've always known I have a mildly sadistic streak.

I grabbed her arm and marched her towards the door. "I guess you've earned yourself a whipping, young lady," I intoned as I pulled her out onto the street. She was stunned for a moment, and then started struggling wildly, flailing around, making a major ruckus. You'd think she'd never had a whipping before. Come to think of it, she may not have; libtards think corporal punishment is immoral, which is a funny thing for folks to think who don't actually believe in morality.

By now I was getting really irritated, so I grabbed her and slung her over my shoulder and carried her over to a bench near the public square where her discipline was to take place. Whippings don't have to be in public, and casual discipline of a slave or a child isn't scheduled, so no crowd is expected. But we often discipline in public; it's instructive for others who are under authority, and it adds to the disciplinary effect for the one being whipped.

"What's the matter with you?! Why are you making such a fuss? This is ridiculous and unseemly. Explain yourself!" I shook her a bit and waited for her response.

"Y-you're going to whip me. I-it's gonna hurt bad and cut me and..." I cut her short. I couldn't believe this garbage.

"Why you ungrateful...listen to me carefully: have I been mean to you? Have I treated you badly? Have I hurt you in any way? Hmmm?" She hung her head and then shook it. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you, slave!" She popped her head up, startled. "How dare you think such a thing, that I would cut you, or hurt you badly. I have never given you any reason to think I would do such a thing. So on top of stealing from me and my neighbors, now you accuse me of being mean. What do you have to say for yourself?" I just waited. Her shoulders started to shake. Soon she was sobbing audibly. "Come on, we don't have all day," I insisted.

"I-I'm sorry, Sir," she managed to say between sobs. "I-I'm sorry I stole, and I'm sorry I thought you were mean." Tears were running down her cheeks. I must admit I was feeling a bit for her now. I hoped she was learning a lesson.

"So you understand that you have to be punished?" I inquired.

"Yes....NO!...yes, I guess so, I have to get a whipping, Sir," and the tears rolled down harder and her shoulders shook even more.

I took some pity on her. I actually pulled her up on my lap and dried her face a bit. The unexpected kindness seemed to affect her greatly, and she clung to me and stained my shirt with her tears. I tipped her face out and away and looked in her eyes, and said, "Listen to me, Tori: yes, you're going to get a whipping, and it will hurt some, and it will be embarrassing because you'll be naked and I will whip many places. But it will not mark you any more than a little redness that will fade quickly. And it will not hurt anywhere near as bad as you think it will. So come on, let's get it over with."

I stood up and headed for the square. I assumed she'd follow me, and she did.

I stripped her up on the platform. I hadn't seen her naked before. She had a nice little body, trim figure, sweet bottom, perky little breasts. Her cleft was only very lightly fledged with hair that matched her head, a very light brown. She really was quite adorable. She trembled as I fastened her spread-eagled between the poles placed there for just that purpose. As I moved back to swing the tawse I had brought along for her discipline, I caught her gaze and closed one eye in a half-wink. To my surprise and pleasure, she did the same!

By this time we had a few onlookers, including some teenage boys clearly pleased at the spectacle. They poked each other in the ribs and made some comments. Tori blushed even more deeply than she already had and began to whimper.

I swung the tawse against the back of her thighs, SWAK-SWAK! "AAA!" she cried out, more in startlement than pain I expect; I really wasn't whipping her hard at all. I reddened the backs of her thighs for a bit, then moved around to the front, enjoying the sight and sound of the tawse against her sweet flesh, and her faint cries, and her breasts heaving. I swung back around behind her again and gave her the bulk of her discipline on her buttocks, WHAK-WHAK-WHAK-WHAK! "OO-OO-OO-OO!" she cried out as the straps snapped across her bottom cheeks that jiggled so prettily. I paused for a moment. She may have thought it was over judging by the pleading look she gave me, but I was not through. I took her buttocks in my hands, and she snapped her face forwards with her eyes widening. I kneaded and worked them, and she whined and whimpered as she felt my hands on her nakedness, not too sore from the whipping, but still uncomfortable. Her eyes widened even more as I dipped my fingers deeper between the cheeks, touching and toying with her anus and the nether edges of her cleft. Interestingly enough, she was a bit moist...

I took up the tawse again, this time targeting her breasts for a few strokes, which set her fairly wailing, this time surely from surprise and embarrassment rather than pain, for I was careful not to swing too hard. A faint redness was all there was to show for it, though her little breasts bounced very nicely with each stroke and her nipples stood out fetchingly. I paused again in her whipping and took hold of her breasts, feeling the sweetness of her, squeezing and releasing, pinching and twisting her nipples as she gasped and moaned, "SSSS-OOOO!"

After a short bit of that pleasing past-time I let go and stepped back. I think I actually caught a bit of a sigh that may have been...disappointment, but I'm not sure. I swung the tawse up sharply between her legs for three quick strokes, SMAK-SMAK-SMAK! "AAAAAA!" she nearly screamed, again from surprise and distress rather than pain, as I was true to my word: nothing I had done to her could have hurt very much.

I cut her bonds and she would have slumped perhaps to the platform floor, but I caught her up into my arms. I didn't sling her over my shoulder, but carried her in the crook of my arm, like a father carrying his daughter, with my hand firmly applied to her bottom, and her head buried in my shoulder.

I let things rest for the next few days. She returned to her duties, somewhat somber, clearly chastened. She was also more affectionate than she had been, and I did not refuse her; if she came up close to me, I might put my arm around her, and she would lean against me, or I might pat her bottom as she went by, and she would wiggle it a bit in passing.

I called her to me a few days after her whipping, and sat her on my lap. She leaned her head against my shoulder with a sigh. I caressed her, and let my caresses grow a bit more passionate. She did not resist, and even returned the caresses. I tipped her face up and gave and received some sweet kisses. I let my hand wander up...She actually tipped her shoulder out and put her little breast into my hand. I did not refuse the gift, but spent some time squeezing, kneading, working it, tweaking the nipple as she moaned softly.

I stood up, cradling her in my arms as I did so. I looked her in the face steadily. "Tori, I could just take you. You are my slave. But I will not take you against your will." I waited. She may have been young and naïve, but she knew what I was talking about.

In a few seconds she replied in a shaky little voice, "Please take me, Master," and buried her face in my shirt, trembling all over. As I strode towards the bedroom I stroked her back and her hair, soothing her.

I lay her on the bed and undid her clothing, her eyes closed in embarrassment. She lay there naked, trembling, whimpering, altogether fetching. I kissed her forehead, then briefly on her lips. Then I spent some time letting my hands meander over her slender form, her arms and legs, sweet thighs, tummy, belly button, then suddenly seizing her breasts in both hands, squeezing, pulling them up and apart, twisting and pinching her nipples as she yelped. Then running my hands down to her cleft, unceremoniously seizing the core of her being, probing to her hymen as she cried out. I couldn't resist: I whispered in her ear, "You're such a naughty little girl, aren't you, Tori?" and I gave her a bit of a front-spanking, her eyes, which had been closed from embarrassment (and passion, I think) popping open in surprise. SMAK-SMAK-SMAK! went my hand upon her vulva and clitoris, the tips of my fingers trailing onto her anus.

As long as it's not too hard, a front-spanking can be very...stimulating to a young girl. It certainly seemed to be so for Tori. She cried out and...writhed most responsively. I continued to pinch and twist her nipples with one hand, while with the other I variously kneaded and worked her cleftlips and clitoris, probed her to her hymen, and spanked her again and again.

I don't know if it was her first orgasm. Probably not; masturbation is pretty universal, even among girls. But it was impressive, and noisy. I waited til she was just past her peak. Then I pulled my rod out of my pants, positioned myself between her thighs, and thrust firmly into her, raping her of her maidenhead with one stroke. She squealed and clutched at me, shivering violently for a few moments. Then she settled back on the bed. I stroked her cheek and she smiled a shaky little smile at me. "That's my girl," I said, and proceeded to piston in and out of her with some moderate force, feeling her tense a bit with each thrust, driving for her cervix as she moaned rhythmically.

She didn't come again, and I don't know how much of the lubrication I felt was from continued stimulation, or her virginal blood. But she began to move under me in rhythm towards the end, which did not take long. In just a few minutes I was groaning and shooting my seed inside her, then collapsing onto the bed next to her, kissing her, nuzzling her neck, stroking her hair. She seemed to both chuckle and sob at the same time, and clung to me tightly, still trembling but subsiding, a slave girl content in her master's arms.

The End


All comments welcomed!

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Very nice work! hopefully you will turn this into a series


I like your stories, and ive read most of them too! :3

um, my only criticism, well not really a criticism at all, is just that maybe you can add more about how the girls cry out or whatever. like add more 'sides just OOO and AAA. ^__^ but thats just a suggestion <3


This is one of your best. I know you don't usually write second parts to your stories but I wouldn't mind seeing more of this.


This bullshit is filled with too much political BS to really be erotic.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.