Published: 6-Apr-2012
Word Count:
I finally decided to go to one of Mr. D's annual get-togethers. I'd been meaning to go for some time, but something had always come up.
It was very nice, great food and lots of fun folks. It was quite thoughtful of Mr. D to give everyone name tags, and the authors had the option of putting either their real names, or their 'nicks', or both on the tag. I just went with 'cc'.
I milled around, tried all the food, had a few nice conversations. There was a kicking rockabilly band playing, very entertaining. I was pleased to see the number of women represented there. I've always been somewhat surprised to find a woman interested in almost any of the kind of stories represented at Mr. D's and similar places; I've always figured it was more of a man's predilection. I've learned better through the years, but still. Then a woman came up to me.
She wasn't young, but she certainly wasn't old. She was probably in her 40's but looked 10 years younger. Not a stunner, but not hard to look at. Not slender, she probably thought she could lose a few pounds, but really she was reasonably attractive by any measure. She had straight brown hair which nicely framed her face, and a very nice smile.
"Ohmygosh, you're cc!" she exclaimed as she approached.
I smiled and said, "Yes, I guess I am. And you are...?"
"Oh, my name is *****. I've just gotta tell you, I have loved your stories for-for years, I guess. I've come to this party three times now hoping to see you. This was going to be the last time I was going to try. I'm so glad you're here!" She did seem excited. Certainly made my day, I can tell you! I mean, what author doesn't like to hear that someone loves his stories, eh?
"That's very nice, I appreciate hearing that," I said, I hope suitably genially. In reality I was more than mildly pleased. Like I said, it always surprised me that any woman would 'go for' the kind of stories I write, and it gave me a real 'kick' to hear her gush about them. We exchanged a few pleasantries, fairly quickly finding out what the other did in 'real life', and that neither of us was 'attached' at the moment.
She looked away for a moment, biting her lip. She seemed to be trying to-decide something. Then she turned back to me, with a more resolute look on her face.
"'Daddy' cc," she began (and you can bet she got my undivided attention!), "I've been a very naughty girl. I need to be stripped, and spanked, and whipped, and punished....other ways."
Well, I can see why she had seemed a bit undecided! She was taking a bit of a risk of rejection, all though truth to tell, the only way I would have rejected her at that point was if I'd dropped dead of a heart attack, which was not totally out of the question, considering how my poor ticker was hammering in my chest. Even if she didn't really mean it, it was easily the most...stimulating thing I'd ever heard a woman say to me! And, of course, she didn't really know me at all, though I suppose one could say that the stories one writes are a window into one's mind.
At any rate, I had to play along, if only to see how far she wanted to take this. I led her by the hand to a nearby bench, a bit apart from the rest of the party-goers. "Little one," I said, and she smiled a bit, "Do you really know what that means?"
She looked down for a moment, then looked up and said, "It means you get to rape me in my anus, don't it?"
I was nearly hyperventilating. I had just enough awareness to stay in character. "Doesn't it," I corrected her in a croak, "And yes, that's what it means." I cleared my throat and tried to regain my composure. "Well, I guess we better find a place to get your punishment over with, hadn't we, young lady?" She nodded, and walked with me to the parking area.
I wasn't quite sure how to handle the issue of transportation; would we take two cars, or whose? She deftly stayed in character, asking, "'Daddy' cc, where's your car? C'n I sit in the front seat?" So we got in my car.
Fortunately we were in a vacation area, and it was off-season. I wanted to find one of those old-style 'motels', where there were essentially multiple cabins separated from each other, and I was able to find one fairly quickly, with a little help from the trusty GPS. On the way she spotted a drugstore. "'Daddy' cc, c'n I go in there and get sumpin'? I'll just be a minute, OK?" Like I was going to say 'no', right?
She popped inside and came out in a few minutes with a small bag. "OK, 'Daddy' cc, I'm ready," she chirped, and I drove on to the motel.
In a few minutes we were checked in and inside our little cabin. As soon as we got inside she said, "'Daddy' cc, pleaseplease c'n I go to the bathroom first? I really gotta go!"
I smiled (again, genially, I hope) and said, "OK, little one. Do you need any help?"
"No, I'm OK," she replied. She spent a half-hour or so in there. I heard the water running a few times, and the toilet flushing.
Finally she came out. She moved a bit slowly, diffidently, shyly, with her head lowered, but peeping up at me through her eyelashes. She didn't look any different, but I suspected (and hoped!) she had done some...preparation. I said, "Come here, little one." She shuffled over. I took her face in my hands and gently tipped it up, caressing her cheek a bit. "You've been a very naughty girl, haven't you?"
"Oh, yes, 'Daddy' cc, but please, please, do I haveta be punished?!" she pleaded fetchingly.
"You know you do, little one. But remember..." I began, but she put her fingers on my lips.
"I know," she said softly, her eyes seeming to shine a bit, "If it's too much, all I have to do is say 'stop' or 'no' or 'don't or 'ow'. Because you're cc. And I trust you."
My heart was hammering, and I felt a little dizzy. She certainly had understood what I was trying to express in my stories, that's for sure! I barely managed to stay with the 'scene'. "That's right, little one, that's right. Now bend over," I commanded, and she did. I tucked her under one arm, and tossed up the hem of her skirt. I had hardly dared to hope, but indeed she had-"You're not wearing any underwear, are you, young lady? That's very naughty of you. I'll just have to spank you even more, won't I?" Without giving her a chance to answer I began to spank her on her bare bottom [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK-SMAK] in what I hoped was the signature 'brisk, business-like spanking'.
She moaned and yelped a bit quite fetchingly, seeming to dance from foot to foot, as her bottom reddened faintly. With one last [SMACK!] directed almost full between her legs, I let her up. She rubbed her buttocks and sniffed a bit.
"You know the rules for punishment time, little one: everything off," I told her.
"Oh, 'Daddy' cc, do I haveta?! You'll be able to see my little breasts, and-and-everthin'!" she dithered quite charmingly, twisting her hands in front of her.
"Right now, young lady!" I barked, and punctuated it with a smack to the front of her left thigh. She jumped and yipped and hurried to obey, managing to convey both alacrity and reluctance as she unbuttoned and pulled off her blouse, and unzipped and pulled down her skirt. Soon she was naked except for her socks, which I told her to leave on. "Put your hands behind your head." She did, whimpering a bit.
She was quite lovely. Oh, she could have stood to lose a few pounds, but I had no room to talk. Her breasts were on the small side and quite nicely formed. As I had hoped, her cleft was as bare as if it was unfledged, nestled between her pale thighs. I had pulled my belt off, and now paced around her, slapping it doubled over into my palm. [WHAK-WHAK!] I flashed it out against the backs of her thighs. She jumped and yelped a bit, and continued to cry out softly as I whipped her there again and again, enjoying the look of the faint red lines that sprang up with each stroke, then faded slowly. I 'casually' let my left hand that rested on her left shoulder drift down, cupping her breast, squeezing and pinching her nipple. She writhed prettily, and squealed, "Oh, 'Daddy', please!"
I paused for a moment and moved around in front of her. I cupped her bottom with my left hand, and commenced to whip the front of her thighs, [SMAK-SMAK-SMAK!] "AH-AH-AH," she cried out, a bit more....passionately, "OH, 'DADDY'PLEASEI'LLBEGOODPLEASEI'LLBEGOOD!" I took the strap-end of the belt to her breasts and nipples, [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!] "AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAA!" she nearly screamed, "OH, 'DADDY' MY LITTLE BREASTS! OO-OO-OO!"
I paused for a moment, tossing the belt aside. I couldn't resist caressing her, soothing her, "Hush now, little one, it's all right, sh-sh-sh, it's okay," I whispered as she whimpered. I let my hands wander over her nakedness, feeling the bit of warmth on the backs and fronts of her thighs where I'd whipped her, then cupping and gently squeezing her bottom. She made soft noises. I let my hands wander up to her breasts, suddenly seizing them, kneading and working them, pinching and twisting her nipples, as she gasped and moaned, "S-S-S-S, ooooo! Oh, 'Daddy', please, it's so 'barrassing!"
After a bit of that pleasant pastime, I slid my hands in front and behind her, dropping them down, cupping her bottom and seizing her cleft at the same time, squeezing and hefting, as she cried out breathlessly, "Oh, 'Daddy'! Oh, 'Daddy'!" I began to front-spank her, not hard, but sharply, [SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!]. "AAA! AAA! AAA! OH'DADDY'PLEASEOH'DADDY'PLEASEOH'DADDY'PLEASE!" she yelped, jerking and writhing with each SMACK!
I could feel her cleftlips getting moister, and her writhing and cries were getting more passionate. Certainly I was getting more passionate! This was easily the most....stimulating thing that had ever happened to me in my life.
I paused again in the action, pulling her into an embrace, cuddling and soothing her, gently rubbing her fetchingly reddened cleftlips and clitoris (which she seemed to press insistently into my hand!). She burrowed her face into my shirt. I tipped her chin up and kissed her lightly on the lips, her eyes closed.
I led her over to the bed, and told her to lie down on her back. I knelt over her and kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose, then her glabella, then long on her lips. Her tongue darted out between her lips, so I pushed mine in, French-kissing her as the tip of her tongue tickled the tip of mine. Then I slid down, taking first one nipple, then the other, in my mouth, sucking, nibbling, pulling. She gasped and moaned, writhing a bit. Further down, pausing to blow a flurbish in her bellybutton. She giggled, and I smacked the front of her right thigh once, sharply, saying, "No laughing, young lady!" but with what I hoped was a smile in my voice. She gasped and jumped a bit.
I told her to put her legs in 'modified frog-leg' position (I had to explain it to her: her knees up, then let fall apart. She covered her face in 'embarrassment', squealing, "Oh, 'Daddy' cc, do I haveta?!, Now you c'n see my little cleft and everthin'!"
I smacked the front of her right thigh with my open palm, and said, "Get those hands off your face, young lady! And keep your legs wide apart. It's time for you to be whipped on your little-girlhood."
Without giving her time to exclaim, I brought the strap-end of the belt down, [WHAP!] full upon her cleftlips and clitoris. "AAAIII!" she nearly yelled, and "AAAA! AAA! AAAAA!" as I continued to whip her vulva, [WAK-WAK-WAK!].
At last I tossed the belt aside, bent down and said softly, "Now 'Daddy's going to kiss it and make it better." I pressed my lips against her faintly reddened cleft, taking her clitoris in long bites between tongue and teeth. She made a most charming collection of noises, her hips bucking, writhing on the bed.
It makes for a great story when both parties come together, but let's face it: it's usually going to work out a whole lot better for the girl to come first, eh? That was certainly my aim, and she seemed to have no objections. Soon she was having a most satisfyingly noisy orgasm as I interspersed oral stimulation with occasional sharp spanks to her cleftlips and clitoris.
As she subsided I lay down next to her, cuddling her close. She snuggled into me, saying, "Thank you for the wonderful punishment-'gasm, 'Daddy' cc."
"You're most welcome, little one," I replied, kissing the top of her head. She snuggled closer, pressing her tummy against my groin, clearly feeling my rod through my pants, which trust me, was as hard as it ever has been in my life!
"What's that hard thing bumping against my tummy, 'Daddy'?" she asked most charmingly. Yes, she had read all my stories!
"That's 'Daddy's' punishment rod, sweetie," I replied.
"Are you going to sp-spank me with it?" she inquired, screwing her face up questioningly.
"No, honey, Daddies use their punishment rods to punish their little girls by raping them in their little anuses and girlclefts when they've been naughty. And you've been very naughty, so it's time for you to be raped," I told her.
"Oh, 'Daddy' cc, even though I gave myself the enemas like you told me to, do I haveta be raped hard in my anus?!" she exclaimed, looking at me intently. I got the message.
I hugged her close for a little while, then said, "It's all right, little one, you know you need to be punished, it'll be over soon. Now get up on your knees and put your chest on the bed."
"Oh, 'Daddy', do I haveta!?" she complained.
"Right now, young lady!" I commanded, smacking her thigh sharply. She yelped and hurried to obey.
What a fetching display she made, her anus bared, her cleft visible below, trembling, whimpering. I took the belt and whipped her repeatedly, on her buttocks, her thighs, her anus, and cleft lips, [WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP!] "OOOH! OOOH! OOOH!" she cried out wildly, wiggling her bottom around.
I had spotted the tube of lubricant that had 'magically' appeared on the night stand. Also the condom. I snagged the lubricant and put some on the fingers of my right hand, then pierced, penetrated, and probed her anus with first one, then two, and finally three fingers. Her sphincter clenched and spasmed on my hand as she yelped and writhed. With my other hand I reached around and seized her cleftlips and clitoris, pinching, twisting, probing.
It's rather plebian to have to say that I paused to put on the condom, but I did. It was ridged; nice touch. I would have been willing to go without it. I knew I didn't have anything, and I guess I was willing to take the risk. But it was there, so I used it.
I positioned myself at her rosebud, then pushed hard, driving into her. She was well-lubricated, and I'm not particularly large, to be honest. I was pretty much able to go 'to the hilt' with one thrust. It was wonderful: tight, yet soft, her sphincter clenching on my shaft, and she was nearly yelling, "AAAA! OH'DADDY'PLEASE-YOU'RERAPINGMYANUS-OH'DADDY'PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!"
Needless to say, it didn't take me long. I thrust into her, hard and fast, as she cried out rhythmically with each one, "AAA! AAA! AAA!" and then I was emptying myself within her, groaning, collapsing onto the bed with her, hugging her tight, kissing the back of her neck, her ears, the top of her head. She sort of whimpered and chuckled at the same time.
After a while I withdrew, and we went to the bathroom to clean up, and have lots more fun. Somewhere along the line I looked at her and said, "Will you ***** **?"
And she said, "***."
And we ***** ******* **** *****.
The End
Loud huzzahs to the readers who can fill in the dialogue at the end!
Awesome story CC!
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