Published: 5-Apr-2012
Word Count:
WAP-WAP-WAP! "AAAA! OH-OH-OH!" the little girl jumped and cried out, as the tawse snapped against her bare buttocks. Then, "OOO! OH, 'DADDY'-CHARLES, PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE!" as he whipped her repeatedly on her unfledged mons and cleftlips. Soon her sweet nakedness had a fetching red flush as she sobbed and moaned, mouth dry, knees weak, chest heaving, the lips of her vulva strangely moistened. He swept her in his arms and caressed her, rubbing her bottom, then tracing his fingers across her labia and clitoris. Soon she was bucking and rocking, gripped by a preteen's orgasm as she arched and cried out.
Valerie 'came to' with a start; just another daydream memory. Next to her lay her 'Daddy'-Charles, just as he had for what seemed like so long, although it had only been a few weeks when the first signs of illness struck. He was so weak, so thin, his breathing so labored. It wouldn't be long, that's what the visiting nurse had said.
"Don't worry, little one, everything will be all right," he had told her, when they had first learned the full story: only a few weeks, nothing to be done. "I've wired my brother, Buzz. He'll be here as soon as he can, and he'll adopt you and take care of you." She had never met 'Daddy'-Charles' younger brother, but she had seen pictures; a handsome man. And 'Daddy'-Charles always spoke well of him. Buzz had been married, but his wife had been killed in a tragic accident, and he had never remarried. He was a successful international consultant, often working in isolated areas of the world on important projects, so it would be a little while before he could travel to ******, where Valerie and 'Daddy'-Charles lived.
She watched him for a few moments, making sure there was no change, then settled back in the chair, eyes closing again...
The little blond girl crouched in a corner of an alley, clutching the crust of bread she had scrounged from a nearby trashcan, hoping no bigger child, or street bum, would snatch it from her. After she had wolfed it down, she scurried back 'home', or what passed for it. She had never known her father, and her mother had died shortly after she was born. She lived with her mother's sister, a slattern who, when not drunk, had at least tried to put scraps of clothing on the child's back, and food in her mouth, paid for by whoring, mostly. Lately she had been too wasted even to do that, and the child was becoming more desperate. At eight she was just beginning to understand her plight, and how much worse it might become. The only comfort she had ever had was when a missionary couple had spent some time in the slums of *******, where she lived. They had taught her to read, and to sing some songs. Under their loving and gentle tutelage she had even converted. But they had been forced to leave by the local despot, and she was effectively alone again. Her aunt had started to talk about finding men who would pay to spend time with the little girl. She talked in euphemisms, but the girl knew. Her life had been hard and drab up until then; now it looked to become brutal and degrading, as well.
Then He had come: 'Daddy'-Charles. She never knew how he had decided on her; she supposed he had seen her on the street. She knew he had come to that area to find someone like her. He had money, and papers, and in only a few minutes had convinced her aunt to sign them. She found out later that they said that he was now her guardian, and her aunt had signed away all rights to her. He had taken her to the house he was staying at, in *******. It was really a simple home, nicely appointed and not very big, but it seemed palatial to her. She had her own room, a soft bed with sheets and a blanket, a bathroom with a sink, a tub, and a shower! She got really clean for the first time in her life. And the food! Simple fare, by civilized standards, but ambrosia to her.
He let her get accustomed to her new life for a few days. He found out she could read, and got her books, marvelous books. They ate in restaurants she would never have dreamed of even working in, let alone eating in, she now dressed so prettily that heads turned as they sat down. They went to church together.
Then he sat down and talked seriously to her. He explained why he had come seeking for someone like her. He wanted to adopt her, so that she would be his daughter. And he wanted to marry her. And he wanted her to be his slave. It was difficult for her to understand, and she probably didn't, fully, but he was patient. Soon she realized what he wanted to do with her: he wanted to love her, and raise her, care for her and cherish her. He wanted to spank her, and whip her, not severely, but as a father might do with an erring daughter, only sexually. And he wanted to rape her. He said he wouldn't do that last, not yet, at least not 'all the way'; she was still a little too young. Maybe in a year or so...
He was leaving it up to her. He told her that he could take her back to her aunt, if she wanted. Or he could find an orphanage for her to go to. She pulled a face, the universal preteen 'yuck' face, at those ideas. He chuckled, and said, "I guess not, eh?" Or she could stay with him. She snuggled up against him, but didn't answer, yet. She was conflicted; she was desperate to stay with him, and not just because of the material circumstances; other than the missionaries, he was the only one who had ever shown her any love or tenderness. But the things he wanted to do to her!
It was as if he could read her mind. "You don't like the sound of the things I want to do, do you, little one?" She hung her head. "I don't think you'll find them as bad as you expect. Actually, believe it or not, you might come to like it a lot." She screwed up her little face in surprise at that. "I've got an idea; how about if we try, just a bit, of what I'm talking about, and see what it's like? Don't be afraid: all you have to do is say 'Ow' or 'Don't' or 'Stop' or 'No', and I'll stop. OK?"
She had reluctantly agreed. He took her in his arms for a while, just hugging her close. Then he gently bent her under his arm, lifted the hem of her skirt, and pulled down her panties. He took a moment to softly rub her bare bottom as she trembled. WAPWAPWAPWAP! he suddenly smacked her jiggling buttocks, briskly, but not severely, leaving only faint red marks where his hand impacted her flesh. She gasped but didn't cry out. Then it was over, so quickly she was almost...disappointed. Again he rubbed her bottom, soothingly, tenderly, cuddling her against him. He tipped her little face up to look at him.
"So? Was that too much?" he inquired.
"N-no, I-I guess not. It didn't really hurt that bad. It just stung, sorta," she replied somewhat shakily.
"If you stay with me, that's the kind of punishments I'm talking about. Sometimes I'll just spank you, sometimes...other things, but none of them should be any worse than that, really. Different, maybe, but not worse. And I think that some of might even come to like, eventually. I know that's hard to believe, but it's true," he intoned.
It wasn't really that hard a decision. And she had never regretted a day of it since then. He was so loving to her, so kind. And, true to his word, the discipline he gave her never really hurt that much. Even when she had really been naughty, he might whip her a bit harder, so that she cried a little, but he was never cruel to her.
She was surprised, but very glad, to find that he was right: she did come to enjoy much of what he did to her. For a while he just spanked her, every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Usually he would just bend her under his arm, toss up her skirt, pull down her cotton panties, and smack her bare bottom as she trembled and whimpered a bit. He always finished by gently rubbing her faintly reddened girlflesh, kissing her forehead as she melted into his arms.
In a few weeks he arranged for them to be married. Since the age-of-consent in ******* was 8, he was able to do this quite openly, even if a few eyebrows were raised. It was like a dream to her, dressed in a beautiful white gown, and he so handsome in a tuxedo.
After that he 'stepped up the pace' a bit. Soon he was stripping her naked, ogling her sweet charms openly as she shivered, deeply embarrassed to be so exposed in front of a grown man. He had something that looked, had she known it, like a tawse, but was a special implement called the 'B-Stik'. It was designed for punishing children; no matter how hard he swung it, it wouldn't break the skin. Indeed, it didn't even hurt, really, just stung like a bee, hence the name. He whipped her with it on her bottom first, and she danced and jiggled as she yelped. Then he shifted his aim to her thighs, front and back.
He paused for a moment in her punishment to take her in his arms and kiss her, she sweetly putting her little face up to kiss him back. He ran his hands up and down her pretty little body, cupping and squeezing her soft buttocks, kneading and working her little breastbuds and nipples as she gasped, then sliding his hand down, down, to the core of her being. She nearly fainted from embarrassment and the intensity of the strange sensation it gave her, as he seized her little unfledged girlcleft, pinching and twisting her labia and clitoris.
Suddenly he stopped, grasped her bottom again, and swung the 'B-Stik' repeatedly against her front, first her little nipples, then full upon her mons and cleftlips as she cried out wildly. He only whipped her briefly, then tossed the tool aside, taking her in his arms and holding her closely as she whimpered and sobbed. He stroked her gently, murmuring in her ears how much he loved her. She sighed and relaxed, lost in love and trust. He continued to rub her, concentrating on her nipples and breastbuds, then on her cleft and clitoris. She began to rock her pelvis back and forth, keening and whining, then actually coming on his hand as she yipped and yiped. In the afterglow she clung to him, shivering.
As the days went by he repeatedly disciplined her in a similar fashion. He hand-spanked her bottom regularly. Her thighs, bottom, nipples, cleft, even her anus often felt the sting of the B-Stik. Afterwards he would hold her on his lap, rubbing her tender flesh, and often bringing her to what he taught her to call a 'punishment-'gasm'.
As she sat on his lap she often noticed something hard poking into her bottom. She knew it was his 'penis'; she had seen little boys on the street before. But she had never seen one that was hard. Finally after one intense session that left her with a nearly screaming 'punishment-'gasm', he pulled his rod out of his pants and showed it to her. He told her to touch it, and she ran her hands up and down its length. Then he explained to her that he was going to rape her mouth with his rod, and that something would come out of it when he was done, and he wanted her to swallow it. Valerie made the universal preteen 'yuck' face at that, but relaxed when he told her that it wasn't pee, and many girls did that sort of thing.
He told her to make a 'tunnel' with her tongue and the top of her mouth, and not to use her teeth! Then he slid his tool about halfway through her lips. She was afraid he would push farther in and gag her, but he was careful not to do that. He worked it back and forth for a while, then he spurted into her mouth. It tasted salty, but not too bad. She tried to swallow it all, but there was too much of it. When he was done, he withdrew, took a cloth, and gently wiped her chin and chest where some had dribbled. Then, heedless of the traces of his seed still on her lips, he kissed her long and sweetly.
She knew, from comments he made and hints he dropped, and from what little she knew about sex in general, that someday he intended to rape her more fully, and that his rod would go inside her little cleft. But he made no move in that direction yet.
He continued to bring her to 'punishment-'gasm' regularly. One of the last times he punished her before his illness was manifest, he whipped her thoroughly on bottom, nipples, and cleft, even putting her up in knee-chest position to bring the B-Stik to bear on her tender anus as she yelped. Then he laid her supine and kissed her all over: forehead, eyelids, glabella, the tip of her sweet upturned nose, dusted with freckles. Then her soft mouth, butterfly kisses back from her, the tip of her tongue even darting out to touch his. Then nibbling her neck, her delicate collarbone, then fastening onto first one nipple, then the other, sucking, pulling, biting as she moaned and writhed. Down to her bellybutton, pausing to blow a flurbish into it, making her giggle. "No laughing," he commanded, but with a smile in his voice, and smacked her once on her cleft, sharply, making her gasp.
Then he was there, essentially raping her preteen sex with his mouth, unceremoniously probing hard for her hymen as she arched and spasmed, rasping her unfledged labia with his tongue, then taking her turgid clitoris in long, excruciating bites between tongue and teeth as she nearly screamed, bucking and rocking, finally climaxing as he alternated cunnilingus with sharp spanks directly on her clitoris.
'Valerie,' his voice brought her out of her reverie. "I wanted you to know...I haven't told Buzz everything...about us. I'm leaving it up to you. He thinks you're just my daughter. He doesn't know we're...married. He doesn't know about...the things we do, how I 'punish' you. I don't know what he'll think of that. You don't have to tell him. He might get mad about it, but he wouldn't be mad at you. And I'll be...gone, so it won't matter if he's mad at me. But he might not be mad at all. So it's up to you, if you want to tell him, you can." As if the effort of saying all that had tired him out, 'Daddy'-Charles fell back asleep.
It wasn't long after that that 'Uncle' Buzz arrived. 'Daddy'-Charles was almost gone by then. There were tearful hellos, then tearful goodbyes. Little Valerie was distraught, but both the men did their best to comfort her, and children are resilient.
'Uncle' Buzz took to his newfound fatherhood with aplomb. Fortunately he resembled his brother in looks, voice, and build, which made it easier for Valerie. There was about a six-month period of mourning for her, during which nothing much happened. She got up, she ate, she did her schoolwork, she went to bed. She cried some. Buzz, now 'Daddy'-Buzz, did his best, and was really a great comfort to her, and she to him; he had lost his brother, too.
It was inevitable. She was only ten, after all. As her normal high spirits reexerted themselves, she began to misbehave at times. Nothing too bad, just normal childish pranks, impudence, and disobedience. Buzz was distressed. He pleaded with her, cajoled her, even cut off privileges. But nothing seemed to work. Sometimes his earnestness would affect her, and she would be temporarily repentant, but it didn't last. Finally, after a day of nearly nonstop backtalk and obstinance, he exclaimed in exasperation, "Valerie, what in the world am I going to do with you?!"
She hung her head, and then peeped up at him through her eyelashes. "Spank me!" she blurted, and then turned away, embarrassed.
'Daddy'-Buzz was taken aback. "Wh-what did you say?"
Valerie just mumbled something inaudible. But he pressed her, and finally she almost yelled, "You should spank me, okay? Just spank me all ready!" Then she turned and ran into her room, burying her face in her little heart-shaped pillow and sobbing.
'Daddy'-Buzz let her alone for a few minutes, then sat on the bed next to her. "Why did you say I should spank you, honey?" he asked.
"'C-cuz 'D-Daddy'-Charles allus did. He spanked me 'most ever day, and you never do. Don't you like me?" And she burst out crying again. He cuddled her close, murmuring in her ear how much he loved her. She relaxed into his arms.
After a while he continued, "Did...Charles really spank you every day?"
"Uh-huh. And he whipped me and punished me in all kinda ways. And he made me have punishment-'gasms. I wish you would, too," and she hung her head, embarrassed to have told so much so fast, but peering up at him through her eyelashes, wondering how he would take it.
Buzz sat back, stunned, but somehow...entranced. He thought for a while, then came to a decision.
"You've been very naughty, young lady. You need a good spanking!" he announced.
As much as she had been begging for it before, Valerie was suddenly apprehensive. "Oh, 'Daddy'-Buzz, please, do I haveta be spanked?"
"Right now, little missy!" And he pulled her over his knee, tossed up her skirt, pulled her little cotton panties down, and gave her a brisk, business-like spanking on her bare bottom as she squealed and kicked. He smacked her and smacked her, until he judged her little cheeks to be sufficiently reddened. Then he let her up, and she bounced to her feet, rubbing her bottom and her nose as she sniffled and sobbed. He gathered her in his arms and held her gently. She quickly relaxed into him, burying her face into his shirt, snuggling in with an occasional sob or sniff, but mostly with a contented sigh. He kissed the top of her head and nuzzled her silky hair.
Later that evening they had a long talk. Valerie guilelessly (or perhaps mischievously!) told him everything that 'Daddy'-Charles had done with her. "You're not mad, are you?" she asked anxiously when she was done.
"No, honey, I'm not mad. I'm not mad at you, and I'm not mad at Charles. After all, who could resist spanking such a beautiful and mischievous little girl as you?" He grinned at her and tousled her hair. She smiled back, shyly.
She wondered where things would go from there. She didn't have long to wait. The next day he took her on his knee and said, "I don't think you were punished sufficiently last night. After all, you've been a naughty girl for quite some time!"
He pulled her down over his lap, and, tossing up her skirt, grabbed the hem of her panties, and pulled them down to her knees. Now her trim little bottom was exposed. She squirmed with embarrassment, and then squirmed even more, and moaned and cried out, as he spanked her directly upon her bare bottom. (WAP! SMAK!) "Oh, Oh, OOOOH!" she yelped again and again as his hard hand punished her.
Suddenly 'Daddy'-Buzz picked her up off his lap, spun her around, and sat her down on his knees, facing away from him. He pulled on her shoulders so that she was leaning back against him. He spread her thighs apart and began to spank her directly upon her girlcleft! (WAK! SWAK!) "AAAAAA! O-O-O-O-O!" She cried out wildly as his hard hand punished her girlhood so thoroughly. After about twenty smacks on her cleft, he threw her back over his lap, but instead of resuming her spanking as before, he held her bottom cheeks apart with one hand, and commenced to devote strict attention to her tender, delicate anus, raining spank after spank down onto this most sensitive part of a little girl's anatomy. She was so distracted by the punishment of her bottomflower that she scarcely noticed his other hand sliding underneath her and seizing her girlcleft, pinching and twisting the lips and clitoris, except to feel a rising wave coming over her, that soon had her yelping and bucking, as she came, and came, even as he continued to spank her little rosebud.
When it was over, he let her off his lap with a last smack on her bottom. She stood shivering and trembling, rubbing her reddened buttocks and sniffling. He cuddled her for a while, gently rubbing her where he had spanked her. Then she tipped her head up, and, in a little tickling whisper, said, "'Daddy'-Buzz, thanks for the punishment-'gasm."
He continued to punish her nearly daily, bringing her to climax nearly every time. Very satisfying for her, but very frustrating for him, although he relieved himself privately often. Soon afterwards she asked him shyly, "'Daddy'-Buzz, when're you gonna marry me?"
He looked at her closely. "Valerie, do you know what it would mean, if we were married?"
"Uh-huh. It means you'd get to rape me, doesn't it?"
The question hung in the air between them, revolving lazily. Buzz felt as if he could barely breathe. Vertigo, and a sudden jolt pierced him, so sharp it almost was nauseating. "Yes, it does," he finally managed to croak.
She probably mistook his pallor, sweat, and unsteadiness as displeasure. She got up slowly and said, "I know, but you don't want me 'cuz I'm so little and not sexy like big girls." She turned and trudged off towards her room.
Buzz had never been a sprinter, but he could have beaten any Olympic champion from the floor to her side that day! He took her in his arms and held her for a while. Then he looked into her sweet, trusting, sad eyes, and poured out his heart to her. How he loved her, and wanted to cherish her and be with her always. How he desired her sweet little body. How there was no one else in the world he would rather marry than her. The look on her face was worth more than all the jewels in the world, as she flung herself into his arms in a fierce embrace while he buried his face in her hair.
After a while he whispered in her ear, "You know you've been a naughty girl, and you need to be punished, don't you?" he nearly held his breath, waiting.
After a long beat, she just said, "Yes, 'Daddy'-Buzz."
He stood her up, bent her under his arm, and gave her a brisk, business-like spanking, WAPWAPWAPWAPWAP! She whimpered and yelped, "AAAH! OHOHOH! AAA!" as she danced from foot to foot.
He stood her back up, and unceremoniously pulled her dress over her head, and her panties down to her ankles, and commanded her to kick them off. Now she stood in only her knee socks and loafers, looking like an angel in despair after her spanking. He pulled his belt off and ran it through his fingers as she looked on, eyes widening, trembling in anticipation. He strolled around her naked form, slapping his doubled-up belt in his palm, admiring her slim hips, flat chest with nipples barely breaking the plane, cute little bottom, and most darling of all, her unfledged girlcleft peeping out from between her slender thighs.
Suddenly he swung the belt onto the backs of her thighs, SWAP! "OH!" she cried out, and then, "AAA! OOOOO! AH-AH-AH!" as he continued to whip her thighs and bottom. He took the strap-end of the belt and paddled her nipples with it, SMAKSMAKSMAK! "AAAAAH! OO-OO-OO-OO!" she cried out wildly. Soon her nipples were erect and fetchingly reddened. He paused for a moment to seize her little nipples and breast buds, kneading them and working them as she moaned and writhed.
He picked her up and carried her lithe form to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed he quickly fastened his mouth to her nipples, sucking and nibbling. Moving south he found her jewel of a navel, and blew a flurbish into it, making her squeal and giggle. Then his mouth slid down, down, to her maidenhood. He probed her with his tongue, pressing firmly against her hymen, making her cry out. Then he caught her clitoris in a long, excruciating bite between tongue and teeth.
She began to come. He quickly stood up and brought the belt down across her swollen, glistening cleft lips. She nearly screamed as she bucked up and down in the throes of her little preteen orgasm. As she shuddered out the last of it he swept her up in his arms and held her close. She clung fiercely to him, her tears staining his collar as her tremors slowly subsided. After a while he lay her gently down on the bed, kissed her forehead, and whispered, "Good night, little love." She was asleep before he pulled the covers to her chin.
The next day he swiftly set marriage plans in motion. Soon she was again dressed in a darling wedding gown, standing in the church, saying, "I do."
When they got home he enfolded her in his arms for a long time, just reveling in the knowledge that she was completely his. The top of her head came to the middle of his chest. He nuzzled her hair as she buried her face in his shirt. But he couldn't bear to wait much longer. He disentangled myself from her arms, and whispered in her ear, "You know you've been a naughty girl, don't you?" She nodded, shyly. "And naughty girls have to be punished, don't they?" She just hung her head, peeping up at him through her lowered lashes.
He bent her under his arm and tossed up her skirt. Her bottom gleamed bare in the light; he had ordered her not to wear any panties. SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! He paddled her rapidly, alternating from one cheek to the other. She whimpered and moaned, "Oh, 'Daddy'-Buzz, please! Oh, please, my bottom!" as the redness appeared.
He stood her up and stripped her unceremoniously, leaving her naked in front of him. She blushed prettily, down to the tips of her little breasts, just barely breaking the plane of her chest; not breasts at all, really, only nipples on top of breast buds. He took the B-Stik, and snapped it across the front of her thighs, SWAK! She jumped and cried out, "AAA!" and then, "OH! AH! OOOO!" again and again as he whipped her repeatedly, on her thighs, front and back, her already-punished bottom, and then her nipples. She yipped and yiped at the sting, "AH! 'Daddy'-Buzz, my little breasts! OOO!" He paused every now and then to admire the faint red marks left by her punishment, before they faded rapidly.
He laid her down on a couch, widely spread, and brought the B-Stik down sharply onto her unfledged girlcleft, SWACK! "AAAAAAA!" she nearly screamed, and "OOO-OOO-OOOOH!" as the tool whistled through the air to punish her little-girlhood again and again. Then he turned her over to knee-chest position, and gave the same treatment to her tender, delicate anus as she wailed and sobbed.
He tossed aside the B-Stik, and let his hands roam over her body, as she remained in knee-chest. He found her little nipples and toyed with them, tweaking and pulling them, pinching and twisting as she sucked air in through her teeth, then softly moaned, "SSSS-oooo!" He lubricated his right hand fingers and pierced her anus, with first one, then two, and finally with three fingers, penetrating and probing her, while his other hand seized her clitoris and cleft lips, kneading and working them. A steady stream of moans and gasps were torn from her lips. Soon she was bucking, and her cleft lips were moistening. He gave her a few firm spanks on her anus and cleft, and she began to come.
He rose up over her and plunged his lubricated rod into her preteen bottomflower, raping her of the maidenhood of her anus. She screamed briefly, then panted hoarsely as he began to work his tool in and out of her, withdrawing almost to the tip, then plunging to the hilt as she quivered and spasmed. He continued to molest her clitoris as he raped her, and soon she was over the top again. He let go, and poured his seed into her rectum. Then they collapsed on the bed together, panting and murmuring.
He took her into the shower. She moaned and struggled briefly as he firmly scrubbed her cleft and anus with a terry washcloth, so he pressed her nipples and cleft against the cold tile and paddled her sharply on her bottom, thrust three soapy fingers into her abused anus and probed her, then quickly withdrew and smacked her on her cleft. She sobbed, "Oh, 'Daddy'-Buzz, please, I'll be good!" She held still for the rest of her scrubbing, and for the vigorous toweling she received, firmly massaging her tender nipples, cleftlips, and anus as she trembled and whimpered.
He covered her cleft with his hand, lifted her up that way, carried her to the bed, and fastened his lips to her vulva. As he tongued her already-punished little-girlhood, her cries intensified, from soft little coos at first, to hoarse cries as her slender hips began to move almost against her will.
It was time. He stood up, towering over her petite form, positioned his rod at the opening of her little womb, then plunged in, raping her of her maidenhead with one stroke, driving for her cervix, as she screamed and writhed underneath him. He lay buried in her for a few minutes, his rod throbbing in her abused vagina, as her distress died down to the occasional sob and sniffle. He couldn't believe how tight and sweet her little girlhood was. He began to rape her in earnest, long slow strokes that took her breath away, then harder and quicker, grinding his pubic bone against hers, as she cried out rhythmically with each thrust, "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA!"
Soon the stretching and stimulation of her abused clitoris made itself known. Her cries became more intense and wild, her little hips moved of their own accord, and then he was treated to the sight, sound, and feel of a little preteen climaxing as he raped her, his hard rod buried deep within her.
In the afterglow she lay in his arms, content, nearly asleep, a pretty little preteen, his to love and cherish, and to strip, spank, whip, and rape, as long as they both shall live.
All comments deliriously welcomed!
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