Published: 18-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Lisa climbed up next to Carl and said, "Poppa Carl, tell me a story!"
Carl pulled little Lisa up onto his lap and said, "Well, let me think a minute."
Carl wasn't Lisa's real grandfather; he had married Lisa's grandmother when Lisa was a baby, and, as far as she was concerned, Carl was just 'Poppa Carl'. Today Carl and Lisa were in the house alone together; Lisa was spending a few days with them, and her grandmother was out shopping and not expected back for a few hours at least.
Lisa was nine, sweet, smart, and cute as a button. Lately Carl couldn't help but notice exactly how cute she was getting to be. She had a pixie face, breastbuds just beginning to poke out beyond the plane of her chest, and a little bubble-bottom that Carl couldn't help staring at whenever she ran past him. Carl had long known that he found cute preteen girls sexually attractive, and Lisa was certainly no exception! He had managed to catch a 'panty shot' or two of her, and had even gotten a glimpse of her naked chest once when she had been bathing in his and his wife's bathroom. But he never dared hope for anything more.
Lisa loved her Poppa Carl. Carl loved Lisa very much, too, and would do anything for her. He also found himself getting more and more...excited being around the little preteen. He had fantasies, fantasies which, of course, he would never share with anyone, except perhaps with someone likeminded in an anonymous online setting. Besides being attracted to little girls, Carl was also a 'spankophile'. He couldn't help it: he longed to turn Lisa over his knee, toss her skirt up, pull her panties down, and give her sweet, bare bottom a good spanking. And that was just for starters. In fact, what he really wanted to do was to strip, spank, and whip her, and gently and lovingly rape her in her mouth, anus, and vagina. He wanted to bring her to orgasm, to hear her squeal, see her little hips buck, see and touch and taste her unfledged girlcleft and clitoris.
Now, with little Lisa on his lap, her round-soft bottom pressing down onto his already-stiffening rod, he couldn't help but think about what he'd love to do with her. His mind hit upon an idea...
"OK, Lisa, I'll tell you a story. But this is a very special story. It's one that I like very much, but I don't know if you'll like it. Maybe you will and maybe you won't. Anytime you don't like it, all you have to do is say 'stop', and I won't tell you any more about it. Also, this has to be a secret story, just for you and me. If I tell it to you, you can't tell anyone about it, you can't even tell anyone that we have a secret story. Not your mom, not your sister, not your friends, not your grandma, not anyone. Whether I tell you the whole thing, or you stop me before it's done, it has to be a secret. Now, if you don't want me to tell you the special story, I won't. But if you do, you have to tell me that you will keep it secret. So, do you want to hear it?" Carl waited, almost breathlessly. But, really, what little girl, unless she was well-schooled and on her guard, would not want to hear the 'special story'?
"Tell me the special story, Poppa Carl, tell me! I promise I'll keep it secret!" Lisa said.
"OK, then, I'll start. Remember, if you want me to stop, just tell me, OK?" Lisa nodded. So Poppa Carl began:
"Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lisa." Lisa giggled. Carl goosed her in the ribs and she giggled more. "Lisa lived with her Poppa Carl. Lisa had lost all her family when she was just a baby..." At this Lisa spun around and gave Carl a partly mad, partly sad, face. "It's just a story, sweetheart, OK?" Lisa screwed her little face up thoughtfully for a second, then gave a quick nod and sat back against him. "Well, there's the first place she might have said 'stop'," Carl thought to himself, then said aloud, "But Lisa still had her Poppa Carl, and he loved Lisa very much and took very good care of her.
"Lisa was mostly a good little girl, but, like most children, she did misbehave frequently. Sometimes she stayed up too late, or didn't make her bed, or eat all her vegetables, or pick up her room, or do all her homework. And whenever she misbehaved, her Poppa Carl would give her a spanking..." At this Lisa spun around with almost a shocked expression. Lisa never got spanked; the only discipline she received was being sent to her room. Pretending to ignore her, Carl continued, "But Poppa Carl never ever spanked Lisa very hard. In fact it didn't really hurt at all. At most it stung just a little bit, but afterwards Poppa Carl would rub Lisa's bottom so softly and gently, and it felt so good, that Lisa actually looked forward to her spankings, and even misbehaved in little ways, like maybe sticking her tongue out at her Poppa, or calling him 'poopyhead', so that he would spank her..." Lisa had still been looking back at Carl almost in disbelief since he mentioned spanking, but at this she had to giggle. Then she turned back around and sat back against him again. "Next place she might have said 'stop' gotten through," Carl mused to himself. He continued:
"Now Poppa Carl thought Lisa was a very cute little girl. That's because she was a very cute little girl. Poppa Carl often told Lisa that she was like 'eye candy'. That meant she was as sweet to look at as candy is to eat." Lisa giggled again, and leaned back a bit more firmly against Carl's chest. No little girl minds being told she's cute, after all. "In fact, Poppa Carl thought Lisa's little body was so cute, that he always spanked her naked, because he loved to look at her so much." Lisa got very quiet, and Carl waited a moment or two, but she didn't look around or say anything. "One more 'stop' place passed," he thought to himself, then continued:
"So one day, when Lisa had been a little mischievous, Poppa Carl told her to come to him for a spanking. She pretended to be nervous and reluctant, but she didn't really mind. Poppa Carl told her, 'Lisa, take all your clothes off right now!' Lisa pretended to be really embarrassed, and she really was just a little embarrassed, and she said, 'Please, Poppa Carl, do I haveta be naked?' But her Poppa Carl gave her a little smack on the front of her thighs, which didn't really hurt, but made her jump just a bit, and he said, 'Right now, young lady!' so she took all her clothes off.
"Now she was standing naked in front of Poppa Carl, and she was just the prettiest thing he had ever seen. Her face was so cute, so pixie-sweet, and her little body was just stunningly beautiful. Poppa Carl loved the way her nipples looked, sitting on top of her little breastbuds, which just barely stuck out past her chest. He loved her little hips that were just starting to think about getting a little bigger, like a big girl's. He loved her little bottom, which was so round, and smooth, and soft, and so much fun to spank!" Lisa had been very quiet since Carl started talking about seeing her naked, but at this she gave just a short chortle. Encouraged, Carl continued:
"And most of all, Poppa Carl loved to see Lisa's little girlcleft..."
At this Lisa didn't turn around, but asked, "What's a g-girlcleft, Poppa Carl?" all though she thought she knew what it was.
"That's another word for your vulva, or your 'wee-wee', baby-doll. It's a secret word just for the story, though, so don't use it with anyone else, OK?" Carl replied. Lisa just nodded, and Carl continued:
"So now Lisa was standing naked in front of her Poppa Carl, shivering a little bit. Poppa gently took Lisa's face in his hands, leaned out, and kissed her very sweetly, and stroked her hair, and told her how much he loved her." Lisa snuggled a little bit tighter against Carl's chest. "Poppa Carl turned Lisa around and gave her a very gentle backscratch and a backrub. Lisa liked it so much she almost purred just like a cat." Lisa giggled again. Carl continued:
"Then Poppa Carl let his hands wander gently all over, loving the feel of Lisa's beautiful little body. Sometimes where he touched it tickled a little, and Lisa would giggle. Sometimes where he touched just felt so good, like when he touched Lisa's secret place on her girlcleft, on her clitoris..." Carl paused for a second, expecting it, and Lisa didn't disappoint him:
"What's a cliterus, Poppa Carl? she asked.
"It's 'clitoris', honey-pie; that's the little button thing on your wee-wee that feels so good when you touch it, you know?" Carl replied.
"Mm-hmm," Lisa responded, apparently satisfied, so Carl continued:
"Then Poppa Carl pulled Lisa gently over his lap and began her spanking. 'SMAK-SMAK-SMAK' went his hand on Lisa's little bottom, and the back of her thighs, and Lisa said, 'Oh! Oh! Oh!' but it wasn't really hurting her. It stung a teeny bit, but only about as much as your hands sting when you clap them at a show. Her little bottom and thighs got just a little red from the spanking. Then Poppa Carl rubbed where he spanked her, very gently and soothingly, and Lisa purred again, like a little cat." Lisa giggled again. "Then Poppa Carl turned Lisa over, so she was lying face-up on his lap. Poppa Carl gave Lisa a front-spanking, spanking her right on her girlcleft and clitoris, 'SPANK-SPANK-SPANK', but he did it very gently, so it didn't hurt at all, but it made Lisa feel so funny and good to be spanked there, and she made little noises, like, 'Ah! O-o-o! M-m-m!' and she wriggled around a bit on Poppa Carl's lap. Poppa Carl loved to see and hear her do this, because he knew that she was feeling good, and he loved to make Lisa feel good, and he loved the way it felt to be gently spanking her on her bottom, and her thighs, and her girlcleft.
"Then Poppa Carl rubbed Lisa gently right on her girlcleft and clitoris in between spanks. This made Lisa feel very, very good, and soon she was making little noises again, just like she was eating something that tasted so good, like this: 'MMM! MMM! MMM!' And pretty soon her little hips were bouncing up and down on Poppa Carl's lap and she was making even more noise because she was enjoying it more and more and more, until finally she had an orgasm."
The response from Lisa was, of course, inevitable: "What's an 'orgasm', Poppa Carl?"
"Well, sweetheart, that's a little difficult to describe. It's a really really strong and good feeling that people get when their private parts get touched in a special way, and it starts at the private parts and kind of spreads through the whole body. Different people start having it at different ages, but almost everyone can have one by the time they're a teenager, and most children can have one if they try. They're not only lots of fun to have, it's lots of fun to help someone you love get one, too."
Carl continued: "Lisa had her orgasm for what seemed like forever, but it was only a minute or two. Poppa Carl just loved to see and hear her have one, because he knew it meant she was feeling so good. When she was finally done, Poppa Carl pulled her up into a big hug and rocked her back and forth for a while. Lisa was still trembling a little bit from having had a big orgasm, and she was still feeling very good.
"Now Lisa knew that when Poppa Carl spanked her, he wasn't really punishing her, it was more for fun. It was like a game, and Poppa Carl liked to play the game so much because for some reason the idea of spanking and punishing little Lisa helped him to get an orgasm, especially when he knew it wasn't really hurting her, and it made her feel good, too. So as part of the game, Poppa Carl said to Lisa, 'Now little girl, Poppa Carl is going to finish your punishment by raping you.'"
He waited for it. "What's that mean, Poppa Carl?"
"Hmm. To answer that, sweetheart, I'm going to have to see how much you know. Do you know what a 'penis' is?" Carl asked.
"Mm-hm" Lisa nodded.
"OK, now in the special story, Poppa Carl's penis is called his 'manhood', you got that?" Lisa nodded again. "In the story, 'rape' means when Poppa Carl's manhood gets hard and big and goes inside Lisa's girlcleft or her mouth."
"Eww, yuck," Lisa exclaimed.
"I know, I know, babydoll, it sounds icky, but people really do that, like when they're married. And as long as everybody keeps themselves clean, it's not really yucky. Also, 'rape' means Poppa Carl's manhood going inside Lisa only in the special story. In real life 'rape' means something different, something that's not nice at all. So don't use that word outside the special story any time, not until you've learned it from real life, OK?" Lisa nodded again. So Carl continued:
"Poppa Carl picked Lisa up and carried her to his bed. He laid her down on it and started kissing her all over. He kissed her forehead, and her eyelids, and the tip of her nose. He kissed her on her mouth again and again and she kissed him back. He nibbled on her neck and she giggled." Here Carl tickled Lisa on her neck and she giggled, too. "He kissed her collarbones, then slid down to her nipples. He took the in his mouth one at a time, kissing them, sucking them, gently biting them. Lisa gasped a bit at the sensation. Poppa Carl moved his mouth down to Lisa's perfect little bellybutton and blew a flurbish in it..." Here Carl pulled Lisa toward him and flurbished the back of her neck. Gales of laughter and some more tickling ensued. Once things had settled down, he continued:
"Poppa Carl continued to slide his mouth down until finally he was there, at Lisa's little girlcleft. Poppa Carl just loved to kiss Lisa on her cleft because she was so pretty there, all smooth and soft. Poppa Carl spent a lot of time kissing her cleft, rubbing his tongue up and down on her clitoris, and even pushing it in a bit inside her. By now Lisa was feeling very, very good, and she was bouncing up and down a bit on the bed, and making those 'feel good' noises, like, 'MMM-MMM-MMM!' Pretty soon Poppa Carl could tell that Lisa was having a very nice orgasm. She was moving her hips up and down, and making lots of feel-good noises, and pressing her girlcleft against Poppa Carl's mouth. Finally she began to settle down a bit, still feeling good, but the biggest part of her orgasm was fading.
"Poppa Carl took his manhood out of his pants. It was stiff, and pointing up. Lisa thought it looked very big, but Poppa Carl's manhood was really just normal size for a man, it's just that even a normal size manhood looks big to a little girl.
"Poppa Carl told Lisa to take his manhood in her mouth for a bit. Lisa had done that before, so she knew what to do: she sucked on it like it was a lollipop, and licked it, and she didn't use her teeth. She could only get part of it inside her mouth because it was too big. Poppa Carl loved it when Lisa took his manhood in her mouth. It felt so good, and Lisa really did a very good job even thought she was only a little girl. Making his manhood feel good like that made it even harder and stiffer.
"Once Lisa had gotten Poppa Carl's manhood all wet, Poppa Carl told Lisa that today he was going to rape her of her maidenhead." Before Lisa could ask, Carl continued, "He told her that meant he was going to rape her in her girlcleft. Inside the girlcleft is a little piece of skin that gets torn the first time a girl gets raped. It hurts a bit and bleeds a little bit, but it's not dangerous.
"Poppa Carl laid down over top of Lisa, using his arms to hold his body off of hers so she could breathe. He put the tip of his manhood between Lisa's legs and started to push it into her girlcleft. Poppa Carl didn't want Lisa to hurt very badly, so he did it slowly, and gently. It took a long time, because it did hurt Lisa some, but Lisa knew it would make Poppa Carl feel so good to rape her in her girlcleft, and she knew, because Poppa Carl had told her, that once the hurt from getting raped of her maidenhead went away, that getting raped in her girlcleft would feel very good to her, too, so she tried hard to help Poppa Carl get his manhood inside her. Poppa Carl pushed and pushed, but gently, and he stroked Lisa's hair, and kissed her, and told her how much he loved her, and how good she was making him feel. And Lisa was making little noises that were part hurt, but part feel-good, and Poppa Carl was making noises that were all feel-good!
"Pretty soon most of the hurt was going away, and most of Poppa Carl's manhood was inside Lisa's little girlcleft. She was crying just a bit, but she was also proud that she was able to be raped in her girlcleft like a big girl, and proud that she could make Poppa Carl feel so good. Poppa Carl moved his manhood in and out of Lisa's little girlcleft a little harder and faster, and it made Lisa make little noises, like, 'Ah! Ah! Ah!' And Poppa Carl was making even louder feel-good noises, and pretty soon he pushed a bit harder into Lisa and stayed that way for a moment and made a really loud feel-good noise, because Poppa Carl had had an orgasm and had spent himself inside Lisa's little girlcleft and it felt so good."
"What does 'spent himself' mean, Poppa Carl?" Lisa asked.
"When a man has an orgasm, his seed, which is sort of like a bit of thick milk, comes out of his manhood. If he's raping a girl who's old enough to get pregnant, it's his seed that gets inside her and makes her pregnant. But if she's too young to get pregnant, it won't do anything. It almost always makes a man feel very very good when he has an orgasm and puts his seed inside a girl."
Carl continued: "Poppa Carl hugged and kissed Lisa, and loved her and loved her, and they just lay together for a while. Then they got up and went to the bathroom and got cleaned up and went downstairs and had supper. And Poppa Carl kept spanking Lisa and making her feel good, and Lisa kept helping Poppa Carl feel good, and they lived happily ever after.
"The end," Carl concluded. And waited...
"Poppa Carl?"
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"...Do really want to do...all that stuff with me?" Lisa was almost whispering.
Inwardly Carl groaned. How he longed to shout, 'You bet I do, and right now!' But he had all ready taken an enormous risk, not only to the tranquility of his own life, but also a risk of darkening the happiness of this little girl whom he loved dearly. His brain churned...
"Well, sweetheart, that's kind of hard to answer. I'll see if I can explain it. Let's play a little 'let's pretend', OK?" Lisa nodded. "Let's pretend your Grandma has baked a wonderful cake for your sister's birthday. You watched her make it, and it's your favorite cake, and you know it's going to be delicious. Now Grandma tells you, 'Lisa, don't you touch that cake yet! It's for your sister's birthday. You'll get a piece when it's time!' But you look at that cake and it looks sooo good, you almost can't stand it. And you look closer at the cake, and you notice a piece of the frosting hanging off the cake, hanging down the side of the plate. It's a pretty big piece. It's not really supposed to be there. You can tell that if you carefully flick it off with your finger, Grandma will never even know you touched the cake.
"Now, you know that if Grandma saw you take that piece of frosting she'd be upset. But you're pretty sure that if you take it, and she doesn't see you, she'll never know, and it'll taste so good, and you can still have the piece of cake later.
"So here's what I mean: you are a totally beautiful, adorable, sexy little girl, and there's a part of me that would love to do all those things with you, like in the story. But putting my manhood into you, well, that's something that only your husband should do, when you're older, and married. That would be like taking a piece out of the birthday cake when you're not supposed to, when it would make your Grandma so upset to do it. So there's a big part of me that doesn't want to do that.
"But just to see your beautiful little body, and touch you gently, and give you just a little spanking, and try to make you feel good, well, I guess that would be sort of like just taking the little piece of frosting that no one will notice. So, yes, I guess I really do want to do that." He waited, hardly daring to breathe. Lisa just sat there for what seemed like forever, but was probably only half a minute.
Then she slid down off Carl's lap, and turned around, her legs leaning against his knees. She stuck her tongue out at him and said, "Poppa Carl, you're a poopyhead!" She had a mischievous little smile on her face.
Carl's ears were ringing, and his head was buzzing. He could hardly dare believe what he was seeing. He reached out and took Lisa's little pixie face in his hands. "Sweetheart, are you sure?" Lisa nodded, still smiling. "OK, then, but sweetheart, this has got to be an even bigger secret than the story. Nobody can know about this. If anyone found out, your Poppa Carl would be in very big trouble, and your Grandma would be very unhappy. I would probably have to go away and never see you again, do you understand?"
"Mm-hm. I understand. I won't tell anybody, not even Janie," Lisa said.
"Well, all right then. And remember, sweet little girl, any time you want me to stop, all you have to do is say, 'no', or 'ow', or 'don't', or 'stop', OK?" Lisa's little head bobbed up and down.
"OK, then, Lisa, you've been a naughty little girl, and you need a spanking! You know the rules: everything off for a spanking, so get those clothes off, right now!" Lisa giggled, and nervously began to undress. She kicked her sandals off. Then she pulled her shirt off over her head. She was too young to be wearing anything else, so immediately Carl was treated to the sight of her sweet nipples, all ready erect with excitement, atop her breast buds that barely broke the plane of her chest. She undid the waistband of her skirt and slid it off. Now she was dressed only in her little cotton panties, properly girlish, with lacy trim and a colorful pattern of stripes. She hooked her thumbs in them and slid them down and stepped out of them.
Now she was gloriously naked, a little preteen girl nude in front of a grown man. Carl had seen the occasional naked little girl throughout his life, but never at this age, and close-up. He reached out and caressed her cheek, then slid his hand down, taking both her slender shoulders in his hands, sliding down her arms, then back up and in, down the center of her chest, then out to touch her nipples. She trembled and gave a little blip of a giggle as he gently squeezed them between his thumb and fingers, and softly kneaded her breastbuds.
Without speaking her pulled her gently around to the side, then tipped her over his lap. He spent some time just caressing her, giving her a back-scratch and a back-rub, holding and rubbing her buttocks. He wasn't sure if she remembered it from the story, or if it was automatic, but she made a sound very much like a purr as he did so.
Carl began to spank her, very gently at first, then a little harder, just enough to make a smacking sound and make her little buttocks jiggle a bit. Lisa didn't object, and she wriggled her little bottom around in a most fetching way as a faint red flush appeared.
Inwardly Carl was groaning with pleasure. His rod was stiffening in his pants, pressing up against little Lisa's stomach. This was easily the most enjoyable thing he'd done in...probably forever. A sweet, naked, preteen girl was lying over his lap, and he was spanking her, feeling her soft little bottom under his hand, seeing it jiggle, caressing her lovingly with his other hand on her back, her neck, her cheek, and running underneath her to rub her nearer nipple.
Moving the 'action' forward, he flipped the little preteen girl over on his knees, fully exposing her unfledged cleft to his gaze, puffy lips framing a prominent clitoris that begged for attention. He looked at Lisa's face. She was looking back at him, her expression part questioning, part anxiety, but a little smile was playing at her lips. Carl winked at her, and, to his delight, she winked back! He laid his hand against her cheek for a moment, and she pressed back, nuzzling a bit.
Sliding the one hand back down to her chest, he took her nearer breastbud and nipple in his grasp, gently squeezing and kneading. With the other hand he began to spank her directly on her cleft and clitoris, SMAK-SMAK-SMAK! using just enough force to make an audible sound, and to make her little puffy unfledged cleftlips jiggle a bit. In between some of the spanks he took her clitoris between his thumb and fingers, twisting and gently pinching, rubbing it against her pubic bone, then resuming spanking her on her sex, gradually building up the intensity until each spank was sharp enough to bring a little cry to her lips.
As he continued her gentle sexual discipline, Lisa gradually parted her thighs more and more, and pushed her little hips up, pressing her vulva into his hand, her little cries becoming more and more impassioned. The sight, sound, and feel of the scene was so intoxicating, Carl thought he might pass out, his breathing was so heavy and his heart pounding so wildly.
He switched hands for a moment, using his left hand to continue spanking Lisa on her cleft, while he quickly moistened his right in his mouth as best as he could. Then he resumed spanking her, now with slippery fingers rubbing her clitoris between spanks. Soon he was deeply rewarded with the sight and sound he had desired for years: a pretty little preteen girl was orgasming as he spanked and caressed her, her little hips jumping up and down on his lap, her little cries seeming to go straight from her ears to his manhood. He kept spanking and caressing her, but softer and softer, as her orgasm subsided. Then he swept her up into a bear hug, rocking her back and forth, kissing her neck, caressing her back.
After a bit he whispered in her ear, "Are you all right?" She nodded. "Did that feel good?" She pulled back a little bit and looked at him, an almost awe-struck expression on her face as she just nodded again in reply. "I'm so glad, sweetheart, I'm so glad. Now remember, this has to be a secret, OK?"
Lisa nodded again. "I won't tell anyone!" she promised.
"Not even Janie?" Carl asked.
"Unh-unh, nobody!" she replied.
"OK, then," Carl said, and hoped it was true. He gathered the naked little girl back into his arms, now facing a bit away from him, rocking her back and forth. His rod was still stiff inside his pants, pressing into her bottom.
Perhaps she felt it, because after a few moments she looked at him and asked, "Poppa Carl, what about you? Aren't we gonna make you...feel good?"
Carl was stunned, yet very gratified, to hear her ask that. "Well, sweetheart, that would be very nice, and I think there's a way we can do that and still not be 'taking a whole piece of the cake'," he told her with a wink. She winked back.
He stood her up before him, her reddened cleft gorgeously displayed between her sweet thighs. He slid forward a bit, and undid his trousers, releasing his manhood. It sprang out, rampant. Lisa stared at it, seeming almost hypnotized at the sight, like a baby bird at the sight of a snake.
"Touch it, sweetheart, it won't hurt you," Carl encouraged her. She reached out and timidly touched the tip with one finger, then jerked back. Carl just waited. She reached out again and caressed it a bit. Soon she was running her hands up and down the shaft as Carl groaned inwardly with pleasure.
Then he said, "Let's try something. I don't think it will hurt at all, and you'll get to see the seed come out, OK?" Lisa nodded.
"Let's turn you around," and he gently turned the little girl until her faintly reddened bottom was facing him. "Now spread your legs a bit," and she did so. Carl couldn't resist running his hands over her bottom, diving in between her legs to caress and tickle her as she giggled.
Then he gathered as much spit as he could and used it to moisten the end of his rod. He guided it between her legs, sliding in just below her girlcleft, pulling her back against him until her back was against his body, and the end of his manhood was protruding from between the front of her upper thighs. "Are you all right?" he asked her. She nodded. He started working his manhood back and forth, pressing the shaft up against her cleftlips but not penetrating her. The end of his rod rubbed over her clitoris with each thrust. After a few seconds her little hips began to move with him as she responded to the stimulation.
But Carl was also 'responding to the stimulation', and the stimulation had been very intense, and in no time he was emptying himself with a loud groan, his semen spilling out in front of Lisa as she gazed fascinated at the sight.
Carl collapsed back on the couch with another groan and sigh. "Did that feel good, Poppa Carl?" Lisa asked charmingly, her little hands resting on his knees as she leaned against him.
"Oh, yes, sweetheart, that felt so good, thank you so much, that's such a marvelous gift you gave your Poppa Carl!"
Carl took Lisa to the bathroom and got them both cleaned up. By then it was time to get her dressed; Carl wanted to take no chances at an untimely interruption by her grandmother!
Carl continued to remind Lisa that she must keep what they did secret, and she promised she would. Carl wondered what would happen the next time they had some 'alone time' together. He couldn't wait to find out!
The end
All comments deliriously welcomed!
Earl Warwick
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