Published: 6-Nov-2011
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Glenn had just set up the video camera they used as a stationary means to record their depraved lifestyle when he heard the duo enter. He preferred shooting detailed stills while using the video as a mere recording of their sinful acts. In the future the family knew they would have to bring in an outsider to help them out when demand for incest vids increased. He hit the record button and turned toward the door and his breath caught in his throat. Jen was dressed in an altered lab coat, white stilettos that matched Taras and an old fashioned nurses cap. The top revealed her creamy breasts and he could tell that underneath she had donned the skimpiest of white thongs that did nothing but show case the wild growth of her long, black pubic hairs and the enticing trail that extended along the hard plane of her tummy past her pierced navel. She had in her delicate hand a small medical bag that contained a variety of instruments to open up and gently probe Tara's sex orifices. But it was not his wifes sexy looks that were causing his cumbags to fill and percolate at this moment. It was Tara who was still partially concealed behind her mother. He could see a bit of her face and the glitter of eye makeup that adorned her right eye and one leg that looked far too long and toned for a seven year old. "Damn!" he breathed softly as his eyes shifted from Tara's shoes to Jens twinkling eyes and back again.
"You like baby?" Jen asked with a smile as she stepped aside and presented their only child. Tara beamed as her father and lover took in the sight of her. His pedo eyes flashed as he looked over the girl and her slut attire. Tara slowly turned in a circle to provide the full effect knowing his fatherly cock was ballooning at the lurid sight of a preteen dressed to lure men of all ages. Her advanced knowledge of sex convinced her that even the most anti pedos male and female alike would be hard pressed to resist the temptation she offered.
"Perfection Jen! This is the best look yet. I can't believe you were able to find her fuck me shoes that fit perfect and even those nylons and garter. Damn!"
"And my makeup daddy? And don't you love how you can just barely see my pussy slit under the material?"
"Beautiful honey. Just glorious. Your mom did a beautiful job with the makeup just like those little Russian sluts we love." he answered as he did indeed check out what he could of her barely concealed cunt and the oversized clitoral hood he knew was hanging out in the open.
"Better even than Oleysa?" Tara beamed.
Jen laughed. "Honey it seems most of the models your father used to jack to were named Oleysa. I told you they have nothing on you now. You my darling are the epitome of kiddie whoredom. Isn't that right Glenn?"
"You have outdone yourself darling! Those shoes and that fucking garter! I love how that sheer top makes her nipples look even smaller and darker too." Glenn was shaking his head in wonder at how his wife had transformed their already desirable daughter into a temptress lolita that would soon sit atop the small, hidden world of the most illicit and taboo hardcore. While Jen in the past had thrown an ill fitting negligee and some red lipstick on the kid this was beyond his wildest dreams. Molesting Tara to her joy and mutual satisfaction had just taken a turn from merely watching her grossly overpainted full lips stretched apart and buried below her little nose in his pubic hairs. The bar had been set far higher now and with that perverted couples fashion help there was no limit to the way they could dress up their amazing fuck toy in the future. Jen in fact had often mentioned the idea of parading the prostitot around in public and even to her grade school dressed like a common hooker. Tara of course was all for the idea.
As mother and daughter glowed with pride Glenn walked over and took Jen in his arms and kissed her deeply. Tara sighed longingly as she watched and felt a tingle when he pulled away and bent down to offer her a kiss as well. Just as Tara's eyes began to close in anticipation Jen called out. "Careful of her lipstick honey! Just suck her tongue till we finish our shoot then you two can have at it." Tara pouted but obeyed as she offered her talented tongue which Glenn gladly sucked on gently as his thumbs caressed the scantily covered child's nipplettes once again marveling at how hard and long they were for a mere girl. It was pure bliss to have two females that were so opposite in their sexual maturity to enjoy. While he adored Jen and her full tits and thick, long nipples it was just as heavenly sucking and toying with Tara's boyish micro nips. The same could be said comparing her mothers wildly haired cunt and the long, frayed lips that hung loosely with their sluts teeny peach fuzzed prepubescent mound.
Jenny smiled proudly as she watched her two lovers but when Tara began breathing heavier and began pulling her fathers lips closer she reluctantly halted their actions. "OK kids. I know where this is headed. Enough. Let's get this shoot done. We have clients waiting and money to make."
"Meany!" Tara giggled as she drew her tongue back in her mouth to savor her dads sweet spit. Still she felt a flush of pride knowing that soon she would be posing for the type of photos that were the building blocks of their future empire. She was also savvy enough to know that preteen models had a very short shelf life and the family had essentially wasted a few years of hers. If they had gotten something other than quick snapshots of her mouth bulged with cock when she was only four or five they could have brought in some good money. As it was, at seven years old they all knew her peak was soon approaching and by the time she turned thirteen it would fade fast. She knew from her upbringing and all they had seen online that the beginnings of breasts and swelling of hips was the death knell for their enlightened market. This was also why they planned on impregnating her at the earliest age possible for that would be groundbreaking videos and stills never before done in their limited market.
Glenn stepped away to check on the video camera lens angle. For the most part they were recording their sex games for their own enjoyment. He still hoped to get Jen more involved in video recording or hire someone to help out soon. Satisfied with the camera angle he asked, "Ok so we are doing some gyno scenes today?"
Tara nodded enthusiastically as Jen explained for the camera. "Yes today I am playing a nurse hired by Tara's "Kiddie Klub" to perform routine checks. As you know they only employ proven virgins twelve and under and require monthly hymen exams."
Standing tall in her stripper heels Tara jokingly added, "I hope I get fired soon!"
The sinners laughed at her quip knowing the time was nearing to have her dream come true. "Why don't we get a few stills of her in various poses in that sexy outfit before she strips for us and gets her exam?" Glenn suggested as he grabbed the still camera.
Tara was happy to oblige and with her mothers guidance struck up several dozen suggestive poses in her risque custom outfit. Glenn grabbed a number of great shots of her backlit. The lighting was perfect to show the sheerness of the material that covered her from the waist up and did wonders accenting her lack of any semblance of hips. He then had the budding star pose sideways offering great views of the utter flatness of her chest save for the longish bumps of her dark brown nipples. Jen suggested that he get some partial shots of the seven year olds long legs focusing on the frilly garter, silky hose and the impossibly tall spiked heels that she wore so well. Tara was a pro and despite having never been dressed so perfectly whorish had no trouble striking seductive poses. She smiled or pouted on cue as her father zoomed in on her face capturing the perfectly applied lip gloss, mascara, jewelry and even the expensive fake eyelashes. He stepped back and swapped memory cards and commented. "You're hot baby. So fucking good at this."
The nymph batted her fake eyelashes in reply. "Dad, just like you said way back. The reason those little Russian models were so awesome in their posing was because they knew what was what."
Jen nodded her agreement and added, "Well you can tell many did. It was very obvious that the best posers were the same kids that were fucking and sucking adults off camera."
"And that's the frontier we are going to explore girls. We are taking preteen modeling into what happens off screen. Our clients love those Loli mags but they also want to see the same kids having sex. They can find the rehashed hardcore but we all know few of the girls are as hot as Tara. I think we have enough for the routine stuff now Jen. Let's get her on the exam table but leave those shoes, garter and the nylons on her. Makes her sexy , skinny legs look even longer." In the background the silent video camera captured it all for the family to look back on fondly one day.
Glenn and Jen began setting up a long table in the center of the room as Tara carefully stripped and folded her see through top and panties. Tara shivered as she viewed the medical exam table covered in a crisp white sheet. This was something new and exciting for her having only heard snippets of her father mentioning that he found a source to borrow one. Her mother had only said she would be posing on a device where her 'nurse' could properly elevate and spread her legs open. As her father stepped aside to adjust a light and the tripod mounted video camera she saw the nipple like brown snout of his luscious foreskin peeking out of his baggy shorts. She wet her lips. Jen saw her and where the darlings eyes were focused and winked at her. She turned to her husband, "Honey you know we will be doing some extreme close ups of our daughters fuck holes."
"As close as possible and up inside!" Tara added playing along as she watched her makers organ expand a bit."
Jennie went on, "You know how yummy our girls cunt looks when it's juiced up baby? I bet it will start oozing real nice for the camera if you Tara take those shorts of yours off."
Glenn only smiled as wordlessly Tara strutted over and lowered herself to her knees before her dad. As her slender painted nails reached up for the hem she heard her mom behind her back. "Nothing else you two. Just get his pants off."
Tara gave her father a pouty look as she slowly began pulling down the frayed shorts carefully revealing the masterful organs that had helped make her the slut she was born to be. Even limp it still struck fear in both her and Jen. The dark skin was covered with pencil thick veins. It was easily six inches long when soft and that did not factor in an inch of thick, rubbery foreskin that extended far beyond the apricot sized glans that could faintly be made out below the yummy cocoon. Her eyes glazed over as she took in the egg sized balls that hung down very low and very heavy. She could tell he had freshly shaved the goat like cumbag. She fought the need to taste his balls and merely took a moment to place her delicate nose near the tip of his foreskin and sniff deeply. Her legs quivered as she stood back up and turned to her mother.
"Fathers balls look so full mom. Didn't you empty them this morning?"
Glenn laughed as he looked down at his heavy cum factory as Jen answered with a smile. "Look miss smarty pants, we did not have time to do that plus doll you up for the shoot. Just pretend he is fermenting his sauce for you instead. Now if you are a good little slut I'll let you harvest your fathers sperm after we wrap up. In fact I have a new idea for you to try out anyway. It will make for some truly groundbreaking images!"
"Can I harvest it in my baby hole finally?"
"Your cunt tonight honey. Your mouth for this new idea but you guys will love it. Now hop up on the table and let your nurse mother get her medical kit. I have something new to examine your baby chamber with today."
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