Tara: Slut, Model, Breadwinner, Part 5

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by cats


Published: 27-Nov-2011

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It's fake, fake, fake!!!!!

"Damn!" Glenn softly said as the concept began hammering home. The very idea of breeding his own preteen daughter had till now been an abstract thrill they all shared. As it turned out she would again be fertile not long after they began coupling. Jen must have read his mind.

"Our slut will be dropping another egg in a couple weeks honey. I think it will be best to begin fucking her today for sure! You know it's going to take at least a week for you to even begin stretching her hole and gradually getting deeper."

Tara's sexily adorned feet began to twitch in her stirrups. "Deep mommy! How soon can I get it all up me?"

Jen smiled. "Soon baby. I'll get you on the meds right away and I promise by the time you have another egg your father will be punching up your womb with ease."

Glenn shivered in anticipation of what some have claimed to be the fuck of fucks. Like minded pedos have often agreed that the sensations exceed the feeling of the first time your cock feels the undulations of a child's throat lining. He supposed it was as much a mental trip as physical just knowing your cock has breeched the little girls actual cervix and entered her womb itself. The meds Jen spoke of were administered to aid in childbirth in some cases. They caused the cervix to dilate allowing easier passage of the newborn. In Tars case they would permit her daddy to fuck eight inches of gristle in and out of her seven year old belly with ease.

Tara had now turned her needy eyes toward her dads cock in a new light. He was as hard as he had ever been as he pictured their coupling. She saw the tasty, rubbery cock snout that capped the veiny stalk plastered tight, thick, and throbbing against the hairs on his hard abdomen. Pre fuck was pouring out of the nipple like foreskin that extended far beyond her lovers belly button. She saw his low hanging egg sized balls and knew they were filled to the brim with his potent sperm. Her skinny legs spasmed as she envisioned the godly organ rearranging her internal organs in a profound fuck like no other. Her throat and intestines had been mere child's play in more ways than one compared to what they would soon be engaged in. Jen had a thought and quickly stepped to the side and began attacking the keyboard on one of their many computer terminals scattered throughout the home.

"What are you doing mom? Can you guys untie me already? You promised me a meal from dads balls before he rips my cherry!"

Jen turned and replied over her shoulder, "Yes.......yes in a moment. I just want to post an announcement on our site about this. The sky is the limit now!" She had quickly navigated past their home page showing a fairly recent shot of Tara naked performing a lewd stripper pole routine. They were finally on the way toward moving beyond the risque nudes into hard core. PTHC the likes of which would open a new frontier in the growing industry. The sinning family knew that they would have to stand out from the crowd and the usual kiddie sex shots so common now. The days were long gone when the sight of an old grainy shot of a five year old half heartedly sucking an adult cock was shocking and new. The chronicle of Tara's 'molestation' culminating in her pregnancy would be new ground. There was no limit to the portfolio they could assemble including gang fucks while showing off her huge belly at nine months!

"That it is baby." Glenn added as he too turned to face his wifes back as she clacked away. "Are you planning on auctioning off the cervix penetrations too?"

Jen shook her head. "Nope. Those will be a bit hard to photograph. I'm gonna take bids on the first shot that shows the bulge of your cock head under the skin on her tummy! The rest of the hard core stuff all of our subscribers can view. I figure the tummy bulge we can post small and the winning bid gets access to the large hi res life size shots."

"This will be way cooler than the ones you're gonna post of dads cock poking out in my neck mom!"

All three quivered knowing that bulge would be someplace close to the little diamond jewel near her sexy navel. Tara too had shifted her eyes from her fathers mighty fuck engine back to her toned little belly as she conjured up images of how it would look bulging with cock and soon an inbred. Jen finished up her gleeful web announcement to their pedo fans and turned their way. "Ok you two. Tara I am going to get you a pill to get you started. Our doctor said it will probably take several days and doses before your cervix starts to pop open and we need to get rid of that pesky hymen first anyway. First things first though. I want you and your father to switch.....for now he can just lie on his back on the exam table so you can help me with your feast."

"With pleasure!" Tara chirped to Glenns delight as he began unfastening the restraints that held her sexy little feet to the device. He paused several times to run his thick, strong fingers up and down his little fuck toys stockinged legs lingering at the custom made lacy garter that so perfectly framed her peach of a cuntlet. Today he would finally feel those strong yet skinny legs try to urge him deep in her schoolgirl baby oven. It was only the thrill of some new way to let the girl feed from his scrotum that prevented him from power fucking his tramp right now.

As Glenn settled in on the bench in a prone position with his hands behind his head Tara scooted over and began kissing him lightly and whispering in his ear. Jen heard them snickering together as they were undoubtably chatting about her first vaginal fuck. She had herself paused to unbutton her top as a prelude to action before rummaging through her makeshift medical bag. When she joined the two lovers she handed Tara a small blue pill. "Take it. In a few days you'll have enough doses so dad can fuck your uterus."

The nymph smiled broadly and fluttered her long eyelashes at her man as she made a show of parting her glossy, blood red lips to place the contraband on her pink tongue. Jen could see her husbands balls expand as he watched and thought about the effects the pill would have on her cervix in a few days. After the child swallowed the dose she popped her mouth open to show both parents that she had done her duty. Jen bent lower to check inside the child's open mouth allowing her firm tits to swing freely beneath the open top of her nurses outfit. "Hmmm maybe I better check to be sure you didn't hide it under your tongue sweetheart." she purred as her little girl reached to cup the well displayed motherly breasts. "But mom I want my womb fucked. I wouldn't lie but maybe you better check anyway." Her slender fingers felt Jens nipples grow turgid as their lips met and Jen began checking the inside of her mouth with her long talented tongue. It was always a treat for the schoolgirl to French kiss with the woman who began teaching her how when she was only five. With the onset of their porn site the two girls had found little time for sex together. Jen was increasingly involved in helping her model and learning how to worship her daddy properly. It was time to teach her a new method of showing respect for the sperm that helped make her what she was. Reluctantly she broke the deep kiss and the hot sensations of the youngsters fingertips expertly toying with her rubbery nipples.

She reached into her uniform pocket and pulled out a slender clear plastic cocktail straw. Twirling it between her fingers she handed it to Tara with a grin as she took in the confused look on the models face. Glenn too was peering their way just as curious as his child. "What the hell is that for Jen?"

"The girl wants to have a spermy meal dear to build up her strength for her first cunt fuck. Is the video camera still rolling?"

Glenn looked toward the tripod and confirmed it was on with a nod of his head. "Good dear. Maybe we can split it into vid caps until I either learn to take better photos or we hire a fellow pervert."

"Mom you want me to stick that in dad's pee hole and suck out the cum?" the pre teen slut asked with a twinkle in her eye as she watched her man grimace.

Jen arched her eyebrows and laughed. "Gawd no! I doubt your father would approve anyway. Come and I'll show you what I have in mind."

Glenn propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look as the two captivating girls each took one side of the bench near his now widely spread legs. Jen eyed the long snout of his wrinkled foreskin leaking like a faucet and plastered tightly against his hairy belly. "mmmmmm this is really gonna work well." she said softly in a husky voice as she licked her upper lip."

"He's pouring out pre.cum like usual mom and his balls look full to the brim!" Tara chirped as her eyes shifted from the dark rubbery cock nipple to her fathers silky smooth scrotal sack resting heavily on the vinyl exam bench. Jen nodded her approval as she too surveyed the congested mass of his cumbag. "As long as the camera is rolling why don't you scoop up his balls honey and weigh them for our clients. Show our fans how full your fathers sperm factories are so they can get an idea of how much semen there is for your eventual breeding."

"Like this mom?" Tara said with a coy smile for the camera as she reached with both small hands and scooped up the heavy assembly of her makers egg sized balls and the massive hairless sack that housed the monsters. The video camera dutifully recorded just how tiny the child's hands were in relation to the naked ball sack. As she hefted the hot assembly her gentle hands were still barely able to contain the gift in two palms. "Nice full balls daddy. Full of hot baby makers." she cooed as she leaned over to place a reverent kiss on one testicle then the other.

"Suck them slut." Jen croaked as she coaxed her charge to begin churning up the creamy reward that was even now building and expanding beneath the girls loving touch. A small groan escaped from both parents lips as Tara carefully sucked one of the hard, oblong orbs into her steamy mouth. It was much easier sucking his manly nuts ever since her mother suggested he shave the wrinkled sack. Tara looked up toward her daddy and did her best to smile around a full mouth full of rich ball meat. Glenn nodded back at her and winked. Nothing looked more beautiful than a seven year old with her mouth packed solid with his genitals. "Marinate that one a bit more whore before gobbling the other." he ordered as she tried her best to slosh the tasty mass around in her mouth.

"She's as good as me already darling. Too bad neither of us can mouth your whole cumbag." Jen proudly stated. "I can tell you are really packing a load honey....much more than usual since we didn't drain you this morning. I just hope it's not cooked up too thick for the straw to work." Jen added hopefully. She knew that her husband could consistently jet four or five full spoonfuls of his precious cargo and with luck, after not unloading this morning, he had cooked up much more.

"She is good baby. You taught her well. Just look at that oily fuck sauce seeping outa my foreskin!"

"So much precum!" Jen whispered as she reached up and scooped up a glob on her middle finger. "Maybe this will help make even more sweety." She said with a smirk as she reached below Taras chin and began to slowly glide her finger up his steaming asshole. She dearly looked forward to the new combinations they could try once he started cunt fucking their little tramp. It would be fun pounding his ass guts with her strap on while he power fucked the slut.

Glenn sighed at the dual sensations of having both females working on his masculine equipment. Each admirer had also placed a hand on the thick, veiny strutted gristle gristle of his fuck organ as well. Tara's tiny fingers still could only reach half way around the meaty stalk which always played out well for the camera. Jen pressed a long nail against the hard lump of his prostate as Tara switched balls. Each knew that his balls were now boiling inside the silky bag. Jen leaned over and kissed the top of Taras head before looking up toward her husband. "Ok honey. I want to show you what this straw is for Tara has. I'm going to pry your cock straight up with one hand baby and I want you to take your fingers and pull your foreskin out as far and wide as you can." Tara spit out her fathers left ball and looked up at what they were doing still questioning the idea her mother had. Glenn was beginning to understand as he stretched the wrinkled nipple out and away from the slimy apricot shaped glans of his breeder. He could in fact see that he had essentially produced a vessel of cock skin that could hold a great quantity of fluid. As Jen began to use her other hand to jack the eight inch stalk she instructed Tara to continue to carefully milk his balls in one hand and keep the straw ready in the other.

As Tara milked the fatherly balls she swore she could almost hear the sperm sloshing around inside of them. Jenny rose a bit and peeked down inside the flared, deep cocoon of cock skin and could already see a good deal of pre cum collecting. She hoped her plan would work when he finally began jetting his load. "Tara switch with me now. I'll take the balls and you keep milking your father slowly." she instructed. Just as Tara happily took the cock root in her fingers Jen spit at the junction to provide some lube. "Keep jerking and spitting on the meat baby. And Glenn when you start feeling the load rising pinch your foreskin shut so it doesn't spray all over the room!"

Because his daughters delicate hand was scarcely able to encircle even half of his horny gristle the excitement was always magnified for the family of sinners. There was something about children that just couldn't help but make an already beyond average sex package look even more glorious. With every stroke of her hand he and Jen could both feel his nuts expanding and swelling with his sauce.

"Getting close darling?" Jen asked with a smile.

"Very baby. I think I know what you have up your sleeve. I'll blow soon if you let the slut jack and lick at the same time."

The child spit again at the juncture and looked at her mother with pleading eyes. "Go ahead whore but just work your tongue along that sperm bulge underneath. And keep spitting and jacking!" "Ok mom but I wish he could just throat fuck me like he usually does. This is not as fun when dads balls aren't swinging over my face to look at." The proud parents laughed at how quickly their little porn star had become spoiled. Still she made the best of a limited situation as she ran her glossy painted lips up and down the finger thick swelling that ran along the base of his manly fuck engine. Up and down went her slick little fingers with her full lips not far behind as she did her best to hurry up his cum. The sooner she lugged out his gummy load the sooner they could get down to some real fucking.

Glenn seemed to have read her young and wicked mind. "Starting to rise up the shaft baby. Can you two feel it?" Both of his girls knew the telltale signs that began in his egg like balls and quickly moved to the wrist thick root of his fucker. They nodded and in unison declared. they could feel the sperm rising.

"It's almost there sluts! Remember Tara the better you make me nut the longer and harder and deeper I can pound your cunt when we tear apart your cherry!"

The thought of that and the sensations of her still developing cuntal guts soon being his caused the first jet to rocket out of the opening of his foreskin."

Jen saw this and squeezed his cumbags gently one in each palm. "Seal that off dammit! I don't want you to waste another precious drop!" Jen freed up her right hand and again ran a finger up her husbands ass searching out his throbbing prostate. Her kiddie slut kept jacking the gnarled organ while the three of them and the video camera watched and recorded the groaning adults pedo cock pulsing and throbbing. The now tightly sealed foreskin began inflating like a small balloon as it was being pumped full of the well fermented discharge. Countless living sperm cells were swimming around in the viscid sauce just waiting to fuck into an egg or be digested by an adoring mouth. This would be Tara's final meal before having her virgin cunt sacrificed for the family business and their future. Jen wanted the tramp to show a newfound respect for her fathers semen today other than having it hosed straight down into her greedy belly!

The enterprising mother could tell by the contractions of Glenns balls and steaming ass that he only had three of four more ropes of cum in his balls and that the rubbery snout of skin had a bit more capacity. The thin bag of loose skin was now about the size of a gold ball and almost chock full of hot human sperm. She leaned to the side a bit to be certain the video was capturing the spectacle. "Fuck mom! Look at that foreskin inflating! It's gonna blow up soon."

"No it isn't baby. Just hold the cock up now and get that straw and get ready. Glenn, Just open it a teeny bit and Tara you get that straw in your mouth and lean over his cock."

The child stars eyes lit up when she finally realized what her twisted mother had planned. "I get it now mom. A kiddie cocktail of hot sperms that I can take my time sucking out!" "That's right whorlette and be sure to look straight in his eyes with total love when he gives you the precious gift of his balls. I want it recorded for us, your children by him and our pedo clients. You savor every sip darling long enough to feel the sperms wiggling on your sassy tongue. These are the life you will worship from now on. The same ones that made you and will breed your future children."

Tara's cunt sleeve quivered as she gently inserted the tip of the thin, clear cocktail straw into the small pursed opening of the inflated vessel. Now that she was producing eggs to be fertilized by her father/lover his sperms were indeed taking on more importance. It truly was proper for her to cherish this invaluable gift of life with respect. This was not to say the seven year old did not enjoy leaking her fathers semen from her ass or digesting it in her belly during school. She adored this and even the rare times that he was not jetting straight into her undulating esophagus she always took the time to savor the rich, nutty flavor of his glorious milk.

When Tara had the straw in position and placed it to her gaudy painted lips gazing lovingly into her makers approving eyes Jen almost swooned. This video footage would sell like crazy on line and right then and there she decided that in the morning she would go out and hire a still photographer. The family was going to be far too involved now with incest hard core for Glenn to be merely behind the camera doing nude shots of the whore. She lugged her finger out of her husbands ass and dug deep below the thick mass of her cunt hairs to begin a slow but much needed jack off of her clit cock. "Suck up that slop slowly child while mother jills off." she commanded as her hands busied themselves with her distended organ and her husbands balls.

Glenn and his wife watched with great pride as Tara began to suck gently on the thin straw. Slowly the thick, milky fluid began to rise inside of the device and when the first trace was clearly resting on the child's tongue Jen creamed down her legs. "Suck it up Tara." she hissed when she saw the girls skinny legs trembling as well knowing she was also cumming down her sheer nylons. Even the small fingers that adoringly gripped the veiny fuck engine were quivering as the girl truly savored the subtle flavor and texture of the plentiful wad. "Plenty left to enjoy little one. Looks like it's still half full." Glenn husked as he watched the balloon like foreskin slowly deflate. He broke eye contact with the loli for a moment to turn to his smiling spouse. "Damn this is a cool idea you had for the site baby. To think I was thinking the first PTHC we should post was me skull fucking her!"

"Thanks baby. Don't worry. From now on we post everything we do with her and we are going to start taking suggestions from our customers as well. In the morning I am making a call to bring in an outside photographer for her womb fuck."

"Fine. I know you said the cervix meds will take a few days but after this I am still going to rip her cherry out today. I can wait a bit to rearrange her womb."

Jen grinned and nodded yes while Tara smiled around the straw as they watched her slowly suck out the full contents of his velvety foreskin. By the time she had drawn out the last thickest dregs of semen her first sip was already on it's way to her bloodstream. In true child porn star fashion Tara finally removed the straw and turned to the camera with a cummy smile. She made a show of sucking the straw clear of any remnants and opened her mouth wide to assure the clients she had swallowed almost a full ounce of potent sperm. She paused a moment to run the straw across her perfectly flat chest before handing it back to her mom. Once done she replaced her fathers fingers with her own and probed her tongue down inside the foreskin clearly swirling it around the apricot head to collect any remaining nectar. Satisfied she had gleaned it all she skinned the mass back and placed a gentle kiss of thanks on his flared open piss hole followed by one devoted kiss to each of his balls. She rose on her stilettos again and smiled his way. "Thank you for the meal father. My very first kiddie cocktail!"

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Nice, very nasty story.


Excellent fantasy! Miskito76 is right; it is a nice nasty one. Bring on part 6 :)


hope to add on soon to the tale of the slut. Thanks


What happened to the follow up? I've been looking forward to the next chapter of Tara but it's been too long now.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.