Published: 19-May-2012
Word Count:
I smoked the rest of my cigarette and then I made myself a coffee. I got my laptop out and surfed to some of my favourite sites, downloading anything new and saving them into my encrypted drives before I put it away.
I lit another cigarette and there was a bang on my front door.
I got up and went to open it.
'Hello you!' I said warmly to the little 6 year old stood there.
She was dressed in a pink towelling robe, big pink slippers in the shape of bunny rabbits and had a pink cuddly toy under her arm.
'Hiya!' she said brightly as I ushered her in.
As soon as we were away from possible prying eyes, I scooped the smiling little blonde bundle up into my arms.
' I missed you!' I told her.
I meant it too.
Don't get me wrong, Kevin and little Ellie-May were both incredibly beautiful, sexy kids, but there was something about Suzy which simply captivated me and I had missed her terribly.
'I missed you too!' she told me, planting a big, wet sloppy kiss on my lips.
'So who's this then?' I asked pointing to the big pink toy.
'Mr Bunny!' she replied like I was stupid for even asking.
'Oh right' I laughed, none the wiser.
I noticed her robe had a white rabbit motif embroidered on it.
'You like rabbits then? ' I asked.
The moment I said that, Suzy burst into an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.
I couldn't quite work out what had set her off, but she was a 6 year old girl and assumed that her sense of humour was entirely different to mine.
I carried her into the lounge and sat on the armchair with my little lover on my lap. She placed Mr Bunny on the carpet beside the chair and then turned herself round to face me with a leg draped over each side.
'Brian said he came to see you...' she told me as I held her pretty face in my hands.
'She did' I told her, 'and he brought Ellie-May and Kevin with him'
'I know' she replied. 'EM sucked your cock didn't she?'
'She certainly did!' I confirmed with a big smile as I remembered those sweet 3 year old lips on it.
'Was it nice? she wanted to know.
'Very!' I told her, 'but not as nice as when you do it though!'
Suzy grinned.
'I think she sucks cock good for her age though...' she said.
I couldn't believe that I was sitting her with a little 6 year old on my lap, discussing her little 3 year old sister's cock sucking skills.
'Kevin sucks cock good as well...' she said casually as if we were discussing her brother's footballing skills.
'Well he seemed to suck Brian's good' I told her.
'he said you're gonna fuck him up the bum'
I nodded.
'Are you going to put your cock up my bum as well? She asked.
'I'd like to... if it's what you want to do as well though..' I replied.
Suzy nodded eagerly.
' I want to do everything' she said enthusiastically. ' I want to be a slut... a little whore!'
'Do you?'
''Uh-huh' she nodded, 'but not any old slut. I want to be YOUR slut!'
'Why me?' I was curious to know.
'Because I love you... and I want to' she said like it was no big deal.
'I love you too honey' I replied.
Suzy put her arms around my neck and pecked me on the lips, before we kissed again. The second kiss was a long, hard and passionate one. Our tongues searched one another's mouths before we sucked them and I ran mine along her perfect, soft cherry lips.
'Mmm...' she sighed, 'I like that!'
'Me too darling' I told her.
'Oh... nearly forgot!'
She raised a hand to her mouth.
'I got something for you?'
She reached into the pocket of her little pink robe and fished out a high capacity memory card.
'Here' she pressed it into my hand. 'It's from Brian. 'He said to copy them to whatever you like but...'
She did an impression of Brian which was spot on.
'I want the card back cost they cost a fucking fortune!'
I rolled up with laughter. She was such a good little mimic.
'What is it?' I asked.
Like I didn't know.
Suzy giggled as she took him off again.
'If her asks what's on it... tell the lazy cunt have a look!'
'Suzy!!' I gasped, surprised at the language she was using.
'What?' she asked innocently.
'That word... you know... the four letter one?'
'Oh sorry' she giggled, 'I didn't mean to call you lazy!'
I burst into gales of laughter.
How can you tell someone off with a sense of humour like that?
Suzy had got me and by the look on her face, she knew she had too.
Mind you, when I thought about it, it was ridiculous. Here was I trying to admonish her for using the word cunt, yet I was happy for her to spend the night in my bed, suck my cock, swallow my cum or wank me off. I was happy to fuck her mouth, her bum and next month, her delicious little hole, so the use of the word was actually insignificant.
I kissed her again.
'I love you Suzy woozy!' I told her as I kissed her lips again.
'I love you too Petey Wetey!' she replied.
Suzy was still taking the piss.
'Would you like a drink darling?' I asked.
She nodded.
'What would you like... Juice? Cola?'
'Got any lager?' she asked.
I looked at her with wide eyes.
'You can't have that!' I laughed.
'Why? Brian lets me!'
To be honest, I wasn't entirely surprised.
'I like lager... and cider... and wine!' she told me.
'Okay okay' I admitted defeat, 'you can have some cider. But only a little drop. I don't want Brian complaining that I got you drunk!'
'Okay' she replied.
I lifted her down and got up to go to the kitchen. Suzy followed me of course.
'Lift me onto the worktop Uncle Pete?
I did as she asked and lifted her up so that she was standing on my worktop. I had my back to her while I retrieved two glasses, and when I turned back, she'd undone the belt on her little pink robe.
All she was wearing underneath was a pair of white knickers with little prints of bunny rabbits in pink, light blue, green and yellow all over them.
'No nightie or jim-jams? I asked in surprise.
She shook her head.
'No point... it won't stay on for long will it? I nearly didn't wear these either!' she told me, pining the waistband of her knickers, 'but I know how you like to pull them down...'
She was such a perceptive little girl. I'd never mentioned anything about that, but it was true. I always derived great pleasure in slowly pulling down little girl's knickers or little boy's pants.
'Especially when they're yours...' I said with a wink.
As I poured the drinks I noticed Suzy slip her hand down the front of her knickers and it was moving about. Clearly she was playing with herself.
My cock was hard in an instant.
I poured the drinks and made my way over to her.
'You are one sexy little girl!' I told her.
Suzy pulled her hand from her knickers and offered me her finger.
I took hold of her soft little hand and held it to my nose.
Oh, that fragrance. That sweet, delicious aroma of her darling pussy.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I moved her hand to her own nose.
'That's what's your pussy smells like...' I told her.
'I know...' she giggled before she stuck her finger into her mouth and sucked it seductively.
'Come on you' I said lifting her down, 'let's have that drink'
I lifted her back down, picked up the glasses, and we returned to the lounge.
I was keen to see what was on the card, so I grabbed my laptop and booted it up before slipping the card in as Suzy sat on my lap.
'Shit!' I said out loud. 'They've all got a password!'
Suzy put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle and scrabbled in her pocket again. She pulled out a scrap of paper and handed it to me.
'Sorry... I forgot!' she giggled.
'Yeah right!' I replied in a disbelieving tone.
I punched in the password and I couldn't believe the number of files on it. All the folders were named and everything neatly arranged.
Suzy and each of her siblings had a folder each. There were others marked 'cousins', 'friends' and a lot more besides.
'Those are mine!' Suzy pointed to her folder.
Out of sheer curiosity, I clicked on it and found they were separated into sub-folders marked 'images' and 'videos'.
These were further subdivided and there was a folder for every year of Suzy's six.
There was also a folder called 'firsts'.
I clicked on it to see these were sub-divided too; 'Suzy's First Wank', 'Suzy's First Suck' etc.
I clicked on 'Suzy's First Suck'.
'That's me!' the 6 year old said proudly as an image filled the screen.
She was no more than maybe 8 or 9 months old, her little baby lips attached to the head of a big hard cock.
'Oh wow!' I gasped.
'There's lots and lots...' Suzy told me, 'and next month there'll be a new folder!'
I looked at her.
'Suzy's First Fuck!', she told me proudly. 'Oh and Brian said, if you fuck my bum... can you take pictures and do a video for the album if you can?'
'Er yeah...' I answered, trying to remember where I'd put my camera equipment. 'I'll look at these properly when I have the time... I'll just set it to copy them for now'
I set it to copy them over to my encrypted folder and placed it out of the way.
I took a sip of my cider.
Suzy however, whacked hers down like it was lemonade and she was dying of thirst, before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and letting out a big burp.
'Excuse you!' I laughed.
'I like cider!' she smiled as she put the glass down.
'I'd never have guessed!' I laughed.
I quickly drank my own.
'Shall we go to the bedroom? I asked her.
Suzy nodded eagerly.
'I need a wee first though. Do you want to come and watch?
Now I was the one who nodded eagerly. I loved to watch kids wee, especially little girls.
'Thought you might!' she giggled as she got up.
I picked her up and gave her a kiss.
'Come on then..'
'Wait!' she suddenly said, 'put me back down a minute!'
Intrigued, I did as she asked.
She scooted to the side of the chair and picked up Mr Bunny, before raising her arms for me to pick her back up.
'Mustn't forget Mr Bunny must we/' I said.
'Uh-uh' she shook her head, bursting into another fit of uncontrollable giggles, the reason for which I couldn't quite fathom.
As I carried my little 6 year old lover up the stairs, I slipped my hands under her robe and fondled her lovely little bum through her soft, cotton bunny knickers.
'You've got a lovely little bum...' I complimented her as my fingers went under the leg bands and I squeezed her soft little globes.
When we reached the top I set her down on the carper outside my bedroom.
'Why don't you put Mr Bunny in there for now?' I suggested.
Suzy ran into my room and placed her soft toy on the bed before returning.
We entered the bedroom and I sat on the closed lid of the toilet as Suzy stood in front of. I cupped her sweet face in my hands and planted a light kiss on her lips.
'Sexy Suzy...' I whispered as we broke apart.
'Sexy slut Suzy!' she giggled.
'My sexy slut Suzy?#
The little girl giggled and nodded like mad..
I placed my right hand on the back of her little blonde head and gently pulled her towards me as I leaned my own face forward. I watched Suzy's lovely blue eyes disappear as her eyelids fell and our lips touched.
Her hot little tongue invaded my mouth immediately as she swirled it around. I sucked on it, making the little girl moan in my mouth.
With my free hand, I slipped it under her robe and lightly circled her tiny areola where one day, she would have full firm breasts.
I loving squeezed an equally tiny nipple, making it stick out a little.
I felt Suzy's little body tremble at my touch.
As we continued our long, passionate kiss, I moved my hand over her silky smooth skin, down her side and round to her back, stroking her tenderly.
I left my hand there, resting in the small of her back, just above her lovely bum as we finally broke away.
'You kiss beautifully...' I whispered, as I idly rubbed her back.
'That feels nice...' she whispered back.
'Good' I told her, 'because I want to make you feel good too my little darling...'
I moved my hand out and my other hand to undo the belt on her robe, before I slipped it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
I looked at this 6 year old stood in front of me in just her cute, little girl bunny rabbit knickers.
Her beauty literally took my breath away, and I just sat there looking at her for long moments.
Suzy was looking directly into my eyes. I noticed something in them that I'd never seen before in any child I'd ever been involved with.
The trouble was, I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was.
I just knew that this little girl stood before me was very special.
Very special indeed.
'You alright Uncle Pete? She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I didn't realise that I was sitting there simply staring and I think I unintentionally unnerved her slightly.
'Er... yeah... course I am sweetheart... I'm here with you aren't I?'
'Are you going to take your clothes off as well?' she asked sweetly.
'Well I think that's only fair don't you?' I replied with a laugh.
Suzy giggled and nodded.
I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and then stood up to undo my jeans.
'No!' Suzy suddenly said. 'I want to do it... please?'
'Er yeah okay... sorry poppet... I didn't realise'
The little girl beamed me a smile as she reached up for my jeans and undone the button.
She then unzipped me and gripping each side firmly, tugged with all her might. They were tight and failed to budge, so I did the thing whereby you wiggle your hips to help them on their way.
As I did, I started singing badly.
'I'm a single lady... all the single ladies....'
Suzy thought this was hilarious and fell about in guffaws of laughter as they started to come down.
I changed the song.
'Wiggle it... just a little bit...'
'You're funny!' the 6 year old told me, 'you really make me laugh!'
'And you're sexy...' I told her mimicking her sweet sing-song voice, '... you make me all hard!'
Suzy was snow laughing so much she was in danger of falling over.
'Shut up...' she said between laughs. '...or you're gonna make me wet me knickers!'
'Ooh you mucky little girl!' I laughed playfully.
Eventually the jeans were down and I kicked them off my ankles and they flew across the bathroom.
'We're the same now!' I said looking at her.
'Uh-uh' she shook her sweet head.
'Nope... I got bunny knickers and you got red pants... and a big hard willy...'
She reached forward and ran her fingers over the outline, collecting up some of the pre-cum that had soaked through.
'And you're leaking loads!' she giggled as she ran it between her fingers making it web between them, before sticking her fingers into her mouth and sucking them clean.
Fuck I nearly cum there and then.
'Better take them off...' she said casually, 'they're all wet!'
With that she hooked her tiny thumbs in either side and yanked them down to my ankles.
My hard cock sprang out and flicked a long rope of pre-cum across Suzy's flat little chest.
Suzy was almost doubled up with laughter as I stepped out of my pants and kicked them across to join my jeans.
I sat back down and holding her by her slim waist, pulled her closer to me for a big hug.
I kissed the top of her head as my hands delved down the back of her knickers, taking them down with them.
I then slid my hands around each side of her waist to the front and my hands shot down her legs, pulling the front of them down so that her knickers were around her knees.
Suzy did a little wiggle like I'd done.
'I wanna sex you up...' she sung as they fell to her ankles and stepped out of them.
Then copying what she'd seen me do, she hooked them with her foot and kicked them high into the air so they flew across the bathroom in the direction of my jeans and pants.
'She shoots... she scores!' I laughed.
With my left arm around her, I used the index finger of my right hand to lightly trace the join of her soft, fleshy little vaginal lips.
'Mmm...' Suzy moaned, 'that's nice but I really need to wee now!'
'Sorry babes, I totally forgot!'
'Der!' she replied, scrunching her little face up at me.
I stood up and lifted her onto the seat.
Suzy spread her legs wide to ensure I got the best view.
'Here it comes...' she whispered, as a little trickle of amber liquid began to dribble from her little hole, running down the rest of her slit to her bum crack and into the pan.
God that was so sexy to watch.
I've always adored watching little girls having a wee, and it turned me on beyond belief.
'Can you start and stop?' I asked.
'Uh-huh' she nodded as the flow came to an abrupt stop.
I reached forward again and ran my finger along her soft, wet little sit.
Suzy sighed with pleasure as I rubbed her.
'That nice darling?'
She nodded.
'You like being watched as well don't you?
Suzy giggled and nodded furiously.
'Especially men I don't know when I play or wee outside or something... when they think I don't know they're looking!'
I couldn't help but laugh.
Suzy was one amazing, very sexual little girl.
She knew exactly what she liked and what she wanted.
She also knew what men liked and wanted too.
'I got a cool idea' I said as I stood up.
I lifted Suzy up an sat down on the toilet seat, turning her to face me. The feeling of her hot little pussy as it rested on my hard cock was fantastic.
Soft, hot and damp from the wee she'd started and was yet to complete.
I kissed her lips.
'Now finish your wee darling...' I whispered, 'wee over Uncle Pete's big hard cock...'
I held her by her sweet bum cheeks as I felt her hot liquid beginning to trickle out again. It felt exquisite to have this ;little 6 year old naked on my lap, her wet little slit against my hard cock as she released her sweet, golden flow on me..
'Oh darling...' I whispered as I squeezed her bum, 'that feels so nice...'
Suzy gave one of those sweet giggles.
'I've never wee'd like this before... this is So cool!' she cooed.
'I like wee games' I told her.
'I think I do too' she replied. 'Do sluts play wee games?'
'Uh-huh' I nodded.
'Goody! She squealed happily as she emptied the remainder of her bladder on my cock and balls.
Eventually her flow stopped and what she said next kind of floored me a bit.
'Are there poo games?' she asked.
'Er... yeah... there are...' I answered, 'they're called scat'
'Do you play them?' she wanted to know.
I'd done most things with kids, but I'd never managed to coerce one into scat play. I think it's because it's drummed into them from an extremely early age that things that come out of your bum are 'dirty' and not to be played with. I'd convinced a few along the way to play wee games... somehow they never viewed their wee in the same way I suppose, and they always thoroughly enjoyed them. However, scat, or 'poo' games they tended to call them always seemed a step too far for them.
'I haven't so far...'I answered honestly.
'Well' I continued with the same honesty, ' a lot of boys and girls think it's dirty... and they don't like the smell much!'
'That's silly!' Suzy replied.
'What do you mean darling?' I asked.
Well' she began to explain with that straight forward honesty that kids of that age tended to have, 'if something's dirty, you can always wash your hands afterwards can't you?'
I nodded and was about to speak when she continued.
'And a lot of things are smelly. I mean when you poo in the toilet it's smelly... sometimes... but you still have to do it don't you?'
I nodded dumbly and was again about to speak, but never got the chance .
'And...' she cut me short for the second time, 'when you fart it smells like poo. Boys and girls don't find that horrible most of the time... they usually think it's funny!'
I couldn't really argue with her logic.
'that's perfectly true sweetie' I told her.
'Do sluts play poo games? She wanted to know.
'Dunno... I suppose some of them do. |If they're a real, proper dirty slut' I told her.
Suzy flashed me a wicked little grin.
She didn't speak.
She didn't have to.
The look on her face and in her eyes spoke volumes without her saying a single word.
'You are so special!' I said, hugging her close and kissing her forehead.
I grabbed some toilet roll and wiped my cock before doing the same between Suzy's legs, throwing it into the pan and then flushing.
Then with the little girl in my arms, I stood up and carried her to my bedroom.
I gently laid the 6 year old down on my large bed. Suzy's little body looked lost on it, and her naked form made her look so sexy, wanton even, yet with a hint of vulnerability and innocence.
I crawled up the bed next to her, wrapping her skinny little body in my big , strong arms, before tenderly stroking her soft blonde hair and kissing her forehead.
'You okay baby girl?' I asked.
She smiled.
'I am now...' she said softly.
'What do you want to do darling?' I asked as I continued stroking her hair.
' I don't mind' she replied, 'anything!'
'Well' I laughed, 'that really tells me a lot doesn't it?'
Suzy giggled.
'I want to do whatever you want me to do...' she told me.
Suzy really was 6 going on 16. You could talk to her and she would respond like an adult.
In fact, she made more sense than a lot of adult women I'd been involved with, and one of the things I loved about kids, Suzy especially, was their brutal honesty.
They always said it exactly as they saw it, and they made very few demands on you. Women wanted the emotional side and everything that went with it. Children like Suzy had sex because it felt good.
Pure and simple.
To them, it was like eating chocolate or ice cream. They ate those things because they tasted nice, so why should sex be any different?
I moved my hand down to her flat little chest and like before, lightly traced my fingertip around the darker pink areola and her tiny nipple..
'Mmm..' she sighed, 'I like it when you do that... it makes me go all goose pimply...'
She reached across and idly p;played with the hairs on my chest as I moved the arm was around her, down her back and onto her bum. As I caressed and fondled it, she repositioned herself a little so that her legs were parted and she could cuddle into me a bit more.
I ran my fingers down her bum crack and onto her slit. I could feel the heat and as I ran my finger along the centre crease of her lips, I was surprised at how wet and slippery the little girl was.
As I fingered her, she sighed softly.
'Nice babes?'
'Uh-huh' she murmured.
It was nice just laying there with her as we gently caressed one another. It was tender and unhurried.
Usually with kids it was a quick furtive thing, always one ear open for any sign that we might be interrupted , especially if we were in heir bedroom or elsewhere in their own house.
This was so different.
Suzy's parents knew all about it. Not only that, but she was here all night and with her parent's full knowledge and blessing, knowing why she was with me too.
We both knew we didn't have to rush anything, worry about how much noise we made, nor worry about getting caught or found out.
Because those elements had been removed, we were both very relaxed and took the time to explore one another.
'Uncle Pete?' Suzy suddenly said.
'Yes poppet?'
'I love you...'
'I love you too sweetie!' I replied and kissed her nose.
Her hand moved from my chest, across my stomach to my groin as her soft little fingers with tiny pink painted fingernails, curled around my hard cock, and she gave it a gentle squeeze.
'Oh baby..' I gasped, 'that feels so nice..'
I felt Suzy push her bum back, so that as I rubbed her slippery little slit, there was more pressure on it.
'Yeah...' she cooed as began to wank me gently.
I stretched my fingers up from behind her and I found her little hard nubbin
Suzy jolted as my fingertip brushed it.
'Oh yeah... rub it...' she encouraged.
I rubbed it a little harder, up and down and side to side. Suzy's hand movements got faster before she began to caress my heavy balls.
Suddenly she moved and sat up.
'You okay darling?'
'Yup!' she said brightly as she climbed into the small space between my open legs facing me.
With her eyes locked onto my own, she grasped my cock with both hands
'Don't you want me to make you feel good?' I asked.
'After... I want to make you feel good first' she explained, 'like a good little slut should do!'
I wasn't about ton argue with her as she began to wank me in earnest.
'Oh Suze... that is so nice baby...' I heaped praise on her.
She was doing a fantastic job too.
Every so often she would stop, pull the foreskin back slightly and let her little fingers do a dance over the head in the copious amounts of pre-cum that bi was leaking non stop.
The whole time, her eyes never left my own. She was watching my reactions and from them,seemed to know instinctively what I liked and wasn't quite so good.
Occasionally, she would wank me with one hand, and fondle my balls with the other.
'Oh baby... darling...'I sighed, 'ooh'
I watched as Suzy bent down and swiped her little tongue across the head, scooping up some of the pre-cum before lifting her head back up.
Long ropes of of stringy goo stretched between the head of my cock and those perfect, sweet little lips of hers.
She smiled at me, which looked so damn sexy as she continued her hand job.
'Do you want me to suck you off Uncle Pete?' she asked.
'It's up to you darling...'I answered. 'We have all night so you can always do that later... or now... it's entirely up to you. What you're doing now feels fantastic...'
Suzy decided that her proposed blow job could be a treat later as she brought her other hand back up and grasped my cock firmly and began to wank me furiously.
'Oh fuck... yeah... Suze... oh baby...' I moaned and groaned as he little hands became a blur.
I could feel I was close to cumming.
So could Suzy.
He eyes were still locked to mine as I half closed them in sheer pleasure. Suzy switched to one handed and with the other, ran her thumb continuously around the head and into piss slit.
The feeling of the little 6 year old doing that sent me over the edge.
'Oh yeah... cumming... cumming Suze... oh fuck...' I gasped as my cock erupted little a geyser, sending jets of hot sticky cum flying into the air.
Huge globs landed on my chest and stomach. Another landed on Suzy's shoulder and the less powerful ones coated her little hand which continued to wank me in earnest, only stopping when the little 6 year old was certain she had milked every last drop of sperm from me.
When I reopened my eyes, Suzy was still looking into them.
'That was so nice baby...' I whispered, 'thank you'
I watched as she released her grip on my cock and brought her fingers to her mouth. Sexily, she licked the cum from each of her fingers in turn, and then from the palm of her hand until there was no trace and she smacked her lips noisily.
'Yummy cummy!' she giggled.
'Yummy Suzy!' I replied as I reached out for her and lifted her up so that she was lying on flat on top of me in the gooey, cummy mess on my chest.
Suzy squirmed about a little to spread it around, as my hands rested on those perfect little orbs, squeezing them tenderly as we kissed long and hard.
'Did you enjoy that?' she asked when we broke away.
'very much sweetie!' I replied as I squeezed her bum again. 'You really like the taste of cum don't you?'
She nodded enthusiastically.
'Especially yours... it's scrummy. The bestest tasting!' she told me.
'The bestest? I teased.
'Don't take the mickey!'
'Don't take the mickey!' I mimicked her.
'I'm warning you!'
'I'm warning you!' I copied her again.
Suzy poked her little pink tongue out at me.
Quickly I moved forward and sucked on it.
'Mmm...' she sighed.
'Ha!' I laughed when I stopped, 'you cant warn me. If you start I'll do this...'
I raised my hands and brought them down on her bum cheeks. Not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough for a resounding 'thwack' to echo around the room.
'Uncle Peter' she suddenly said, in that unmistakable tone children used when they wanted some thing.
'Yes Suzy darling?' I mimicked her tone.
'You know I'll be 7 next month?'
'Well you know I'll be able to fuck...'
'Yessss...' I replied, wondering what was coming next.
The next thing she said absolutely left me speech less.
'Will you do it?' she asked.
I thought I'd misheard her.
'Will I do what darling?'
She tutted like I was thick.
'Will you do it... you know... be the first one to fuck me... bust my cherry? I want this one to be the first one inside me...' she said as he little hand snaked down between us and she gently squeezed my now flaccid cock.
I was so stunned, and not for the first time with this amazing little girl, I wasn't quite sure how to answer her.
'I.. err... dunno babes...'
'Pleeeasssssse?' she asked in that whiny childish way.
'I'd love to darling... and I feel so special that you asked me...'I said giving her a huge, loving hug, 'but I think that's something that Mummy and Daddy will decide?'
Suzy shook her head vehemently.
'Uh-uh' she said as she shook it.
'what do you mean, uh-uh?'
'It's up to ME!' she told me.
That revelation shook me I can tell you.
'What do you mean babes?'
'It's up to ME who does it... you know... who busts my cherry and puts their cock in me first'
'Is it?' I asked with surprise.
Suzy nodded.
'And I want YOU to do it!'
She was so genuine and adamant about it, I felt quite emotional with a lump in my throat and could hardly speak.
'I'd love it to me baby... I would be very honoured and privileged to..' I said softly, 'but are you sure about all this?'
Suzy nodded furiously.
'I'll have to have a chat with Brian about it sweetie...' I told her.
'Okay' she said cheerily before adding, 'I'm not fibbing... honest!'
'I'm not saying you are sweetheart...'
'Brian did Caitlin... Hannah wanted her teacher...' she giggled, 'but chose Uncle Trevor in the end because we didn't know if Hannah's teacher was a paedo or not... although Hannah reckons he is because whenever she gets changed for P.E or swimming and she's only in her knickers or something, he always tries to sneak a look at her... he thinks she don't know... so she teases him!'
She giggled again.
'Danni chose Granddad to bust hers...'
I nodded.
Brian did the boys as well... I think...'she added, 'but I want YOU!'
I was really touched by her determination that it should be me, and I was totally enamoured by this sweet, sexy and totally fuckable 6 year old.
With my arms around her, I hugged little Suzy close in the squidgy mess, not that either of us cared a single jot.
I then put my hands under her little armpits and hauled her up so that she was sitting astride my chesty with a leg each side. With my hands on those lovely little bum cheeks I looked at that beautiful little pink hole in front of me.
I could smell her juices and see her wet, darker pink innards a little, even though her tiny hole was still tightly closed.
As I pulled her closer to me, little Suzy opened her legs wider in anticipation of what was to follow and knelt up on my chest a little.
I closed my mouth over her soft little mound and ran my tongue up and down her tasty little slit as the 6 year old sighed softly.
'Mmm... that's so nice...' she moaned barely audible as my tongue searched out her hard little clit.
I flicked it with the tip of my tongue as Suzy gyrated her tiny hips on my face to maximise her pleasure.
I gripped her bum tighter and pulled her hard onto my my mouth as Suzy gripped my head. When I sucked her hard little pearl, she went wild, bucking, gyrating and swivelling her boyish little hips to enhance the oral stimulation I was giving her.
'Oh yeah... mmm... so nice...' she continued to gasp as I lapped at her sweet honey pot.
For a girl of her age, she released a lot of little girl juice and I sucked up every last drop of her sweet nectar. As I licked her bald, smooth little pussy, my fingers probed that tight little opening between those lovely bum cheeks.
I knew even then that before little Suzy returned home in the morning, my thick, hard cock would have been inside that tight little hole.
As she gripped my head, she held it even tighter, trying to guide my licking of her. The only sounds in the room were my noisy slurps as I licked and sucked the little 6 year old mixed with her soft sighs and moans of pleasurable delight.
Suzy's sweet little body suddenly began to stiffen.
'Oh yeah... cumming Uncle Pete... cumming.... CUMMING!' she screeched.
I continued to flick and circle her hard little nubbin with the tip of my tongue as little Suzy came hard, long and passionately.
'Oh fuck.... so nice... really nice... ooh goddddd...' she screeched.
She suddenly pushed my head away, signalling that she'd had enough and her little clit was too tender and couldn't take any more.
She collapsed on top of me, gasping for breath and I just held her close to me while she recovered.
As she lay on me, I squeezed her bum cheeks and continued to probe her anal opening.
I didn't put my finger in her as yet. I just toyed around the outside of it, idly teasing her. I kissed Suzy' s head again and breathed in the most beautiful fragrance in the world.
Little girl.
When she eventually got her breath back, she looked up at me with those lovely blue eyes of hers and smiled widely.
'Hello sexy!' I said with a laugh.
Her dreamy smile got wider.
'You okay?' I asked.
Suzy just nodded with that silly look on her face.
'You not talking?'
She shook her head.
Playfully, I smacked her on the bum.
'Oww! She complained.
'You are now!' I laughed.
'That's not fair!' she giggled, 'you cheated!'
'Well' I laughed again, 'you'll just have to smack MY bum then won't you?'
Suzy found that comment hilarious and burst into a fit of giggles. When she stopped she spoke
'You should have out it in...' she told me, 'you know... your finger? I liked it when you did that last time... she reminded me.
'Don't you worry your pretty little head about that' I told her, 'it won't be long before I do and...' I paused for a bit of dramatic effect before leaning to whisper in her ear, 'I'm going to put my cock up it and fuck your tight little bum tonight!'
'Yeah!' she replied enthusiastically. 'I wish you could fuck me in the front as well... right now!'
'Well' I told her, 'tomorrow I will have a chat with Brian and see what can be done okay?'
Suzy hugged me tightly and then giggled.
'What's tickled you?' I asked in all innocence.
I hadn't a clue what had set her off, but when I said that it made her worse, and it went from giggles to hysterical laughter.
'It's... not... what's tickling... me...' she managed to get out in between laughs, 'it's... what's... digging into... me belly...'
I saw the joke now. Literally. My cock had hardened during our conversation and that was what had made her giggle in the first place. Then my asking what had 'tickled' her just hit her on the funny bone.
'That's YOUR fault' I told her, 'it's because you're such a sexy little girl!'
She gave me that cheeky, sexy little grin of hers.
'Well if it's because of me that it's hard...' she said, 'it's up to me to do something about it isn't it?'
Before I had time to respond, I felt Suzy sliding that cute , naked 6 year old body down mine. I spread my legs apart and Suzy slipped between them as my rock hard cock stood up to attention. As I watched her put both little hands around it, Suzy sat up on her knees.
Her wonderful cobalt blue eyes locked onto mine once more as she licked her lips sexily and wanked me gently with one hand while using the other to to caress and stroke my balls.
'Ooh... Suze... Suzy...' I moaned.
This little 6 year old clearly knew how to pleasure a man and had quickly picked up on what I liked.
She sent me to heaven again as her head came down and her little pink tongue snaked out and swirled around the head.
'Oh fuck' I gasped as she worked the tip of her tongue into my piss slit.
Then I felt her lips on just the head very lightly as she swirled her hot little tongue around it. I closed my eyes at the feeling of pure bliss from this sexy little 6 year old's mouth.
Still holding my cock with one hand, she lifted it up and began kissing and licking my balls, before taking long slow swipes up and down the whole length of my cock, starting at my balls, going right up to the tip and back again.
She then done it again, only this time instead of her tongue, she did it with her soft little lips.
'Ooh that feels so good darling...'I sighed, before she closed her lips over the end and sucked half of my cock down her tiny throat.
I opened my eyes briefly to see Suzy watching me intently. I reached won for her sweet little head and pulled her mouth further down.
The little girl began to bob her head up and down, sucking hard as instinctively I began to thrust.
Suzy allowed me to dictate the speed and the pressure, her dirty blonde head jolting with each of my thrusts. I got faster and faster, and Suzy sucked harder and harder, her little cheeks bulging out each time my cock filled her tiny mouth.
My orgasm even caught me by surprise and I didn't get a chance to warn Suzy that it was approaching.
Having said that, she probably knew anyway as I had one of the most powerful cums I'd ever known. My cock exploded in her hot, 6 year old mouth and my little girl lover simply gulped it down noisily and surprisingly fast. I held her head in place as the overflow of thick, stringy cum dangled out the sides of her mouth.
She coughed and gagged a couple of times, so I released my grip a little. However, she never removed her mouth for a second until she was sure she'd milked every last drop.
Finally she lifted her mouth off, long ropes of cum hanging from her lips which she slurped up noisily with a giggle.
'You are one hell of a great little cock sucker darling!' I praised her.
Suzy gave me a big cummy smile before she crawled back up towards me for a big hug and a huge cummy kiss.........
*** End Of Part Four ***
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