Published: 14-Apr-2012
Word Count:
If stories featuring adult/child sex offend you, then don't read it!
'If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise...'
Or so the song says.
I could have written that song you know, because no one got a bigger surprise in the woods than me.
Well I say woods, but they're not woods as such. It's an area near the river bank, at the top end where nobody ever seems to go. It's full of trees and shrubs, so it is woods in a way I suppose. Anyhow, it was very special to me so I classed is my own, simply because I never saw a single living soul whenever I'd been there.
It suited my purpose, and I often took my 'special little friends' there... if you get my drift?
I knew all the little clearings which I called my hidey holes. It was the perfect setting for taking photographs. What I mean is, if the pictures were ever to fall into the wrong hands god forbid, then one tree or bush looks very much like another... unlike wallpaper. So it would be very difficult for anyone to pinpoint the exact location of where they were actually taken.
Occasionally I'd take a wander up there as it was usually so peaceful, quiet and I never saw another human being. I'd meander through and check out my hidey holes as I felt certain that I'd be able to tell if anyone had discovered them.
The ones I'd selected were brilliant, as you had an all round view should anyone wandering through. It was unlikely, but you never knew. The thing was, you would be able to see them, but they would never see you.
You'd have had to know those hidey holes were there.
I didn't have a special 'little friend' at that moment, so as I wandered through I relived some of my many memories in my mind's eye, remembering the many happy times I'd spent there with some of them.
I was brought snapping out of my reverie by a noise.
I stopped and listened.
The only thing I heard were the birds chirping away.
Bloody hell I thought, I must be going senile. I'm hearing things now.
I continued my stroll through and as I got nearer to my special place, I heard it again.
This time, I was certain I'd heard something.
I crept through really quietly, then when I looked through some of the branches of shrubbery I spotted something.
I bent down and peered through.
It was a man and a young girl.
At first, I thought they were simply enjoying a picnic, as they had a blue and green car rug spread out in the clearing. But then I thought, no one has a picnic stark naked... well except nudists I suppose.
I couldn't see particularly well, but they were both definitely naked. What's more, the girl was laying on her back and her legs were spread wide.
The man had his head buried between them.
I couldn't tell how old she was, but from what I could actually see, she was most definitely pre-teen.
She was moaning softly and making little pleasurable noises, which must have been the noise that I'd heard. She gyrated and ground her hips on his face as he busied himself licking her little pussy.
My cock hardened in an instant.
I noticed there were two tripods set up as well. A video camera was on one and a digital stills on the other.
I couldn't believe that not only had someone discovered my hidey hole... but they were using it for exactly the same purpose and it annoyed the hell out of me.
Then the girl moaned again, arching her back, and it was obvious she was having a strong orgasm.
It was so erotic to watch, and my cock ached in my jeans.
Then the man stood up and the girl got up onto her knees in front of him. He repositioned the cameras before she slipped her lips over the end of his thick cock. The man sighed as the little girl took more and more in.
He reached down and held her head as he began to thrust his hips, sliding his cock in and out of her sweet, sucking mouth.
I couldn't get a perfect view through the shrubbery, but I could see enough.
I'd never been so turned on in my life.
Her head moved backwards and forwards in time with his movements, getting faster and faster, before I heard him groan and I could see her throat muscles working overtime as he pumper her hot little mouth full of cum.
I watched intently as the man rummaged in a bag and retrieved some wipes to clean themselves up with, before they lay down side by side in each other's arms, kissing passionately.
My cock throbbed, and I considered whipping it out to give myself some kind of relief, but something else happened which made my cock deflate in an instant.
Now I'd done everything I could to be as quiet as possible so that I wasn't seen or heard, but life has a habit of tripping you up and kicking your arse.
When I think about it now, I really should have turned my mobile phone off or switched it to silent at the very least while I watched this little sex show.
However the truth was, I was so taken by surprise and was so turned on, it never even occurred to me... until it bleeped to tell me I'd just received a text message.
I jumped at the sound.
So did they.
'Who's there?' the man called out sternly.
I decided not to answer.
The naked man rummaged in his bag and produced a large, aluminium 'mag-lite- type torch which he banged against the palm of his hand menacingly.
'You better show yourself!' he said angrily. 'If I have to come and find you... you'll regret it!'
The little girl looked really frightened as she scrabbled about searching for her discarded clothing.
Despite what society says about people like me, I love children and I really didn't want her to feel that way. She was such a sweet looking thing too, so I stepped out of the clearing holding my hands out in front of me defensively.
'It's okay...' I said in a friendly tone, 'you've nothing to fear from me... honest!'
They looked at me.
'You old bill?' the man asked, still swinging the torch about.
The girl looked really scared. Neither of them had found their clothes or started to dress.
'No' I laughed, 'if I was the police do you think I'd be on my own?'
'Suppose not' the man replied.
I smiled at the little girl to try and reassure her that she had nothing to be scared about, and to my surprise, she smiled back at me.
It was my first proper look at her and she was beautiful. Light brown hair cut into a bob style, with big, soft brown eyes. Her body was lovely. Slim, with little raised mounds on her chest, no more than enlarged nipples really.
Her sexy little pussy was of course totally hairless, and looked incredibly inviting. I felt a stab of jealousy towards the man. She was absolutely gorgeous.
I could only imagine how nice her hole must have tasted when he'd licked her out, and how wonderful the sensation must have been when she'd sucked his cock and let him cum in her mouth, which she'd swallowed without any hesitation at all.
'Put that thing down... and I'll explain' I said in an attempt to calm him down.
He didn't look totally convinced, but he stopped swinging it about.
In all honesty, I was shaking like a leaf as I reached into my pocket and produced a packet of cigarettes.
With shaking hands I took one out and held out the pack to him.
'Peace offering?' I said, more confidently than I actually felt.
He took one and we lit up.
'So come on then...' he said, 'why are you here? It's not like you could just accidentally stumble across this place is it?'
'No' I laughed. 'Actually... how can I put this... it's somewhere that I bring my 'special little friends' too!' I told him.
He looked at me.
'Are you saying...'
'Yeah' I laughed interrupting him, 'I am!'
His face softened and he smiled, much to my relief.
'I'm Peter' I said holding out my hand.
'Tony' he replied as he shook it, 'and this is Gemma!'
I took the little girl's soft hand and kissed the back of it.
Gemma giggled.
'You are one lucky man!' I said looking at the sweet, naked Gemma. 'And you...' I said looking into her eyes, 'are one beautiful, very sexy little girl... if you don't mind me saying'
'Thank you' Gemma replied politely.
'I can't tell you how horny it was to watch you two' I said with a touch of envy. 'I don't have any special little friends right now' I explained. 'The one I had moved away about six months ago...'
Tony nodded his understanding.
'I really miss my Hannah...' I said sadly.
I noticed the expression on Gemma's face change instantly the moment I said that.
'Was her name Hannah Johnson?' she asked.
'Er... yeah...' I answered.
'Uncle Pete!' she said, her little face lighting up with recognition.
'Sorry?' I said, not understanding.
'YOU'RE Uncle Pete? Hannah was my best friend!' she said with a beaming smile, 'she told me all about you'
Tony turned to Gemma.
'The blonde girl with the long curly hair?'
'Yeah... her!' Gemma confirmed.
At this point they both seemed to physically relax and realised that there was indeed, absolutely nothing to fear from me.
'Bloody hell!' Tony suddenly said. 'I sympathise with you. Hannah was a lovely girl. I saw her with Gem here a couple of times, and she was going to try and get the four us together one night' he said with a wink.
'Yeah she did mention it briefly' I replied.
'But then her Mum got promoted or something and they moved up north?'
'Yup' I said sadly, 'and now I don't have anyone'
Gemma beckoned Tony to bend down and then whispered something in his ear.
'It's up to you sweetheart...' he said softly kissing her ear.' Ask him'
Gemma shyly shook her head.
'No... you ask!'
Tony laughed.
'Gemma wants to know... and personally I think it's a silly question as I'm pretty sure I know what the answer will be... I know what mine would be... anyway she wants to know... if you'd like her to give you some relief... you know... a hand job?'
I wasn't expecting that at all, and I was a bit gob smacked.
'Are you sure?' I asked, hoping she'd say yes and I hadn't put the kibosh on the whole idea.
Gemma grinned at me and nodded vigorously as she started to explain.
'Hannah was my best friend and she told me all about you and the nice feelings you always gave her. She really loved you'
'I loved her too...' I said sadly, 'I really miss her!'
'So do I' Gemma continued, 'and it's because of her and the things she told me that I let Uncle Tony start touching me and stuff. If it had been me that had moved away, I reckon Hannah would have done the same'
'I'm sure she would have' I agreed. 'She was a very lovely, sexy little girl... just like you!'
'Thank you' Gemma said accepting the compliment gracefully.
Do you mind if I shoot a video of it and take pictures... you can have copies' Tony said, 'only we like to keep a visual record of Gemma's activities... I have what you might call a large collection... not just of Gemma either!' he winked.
'No problem' I said, 'mine's extensive too. We'll have to have a compare and swap session'
'Sounds good!' Tony replied, moving over to sort the camera's out.
Gemma got up and stood in front of me.
'You are really beautiful' I said to the naked little girl in front of me.
'You can touch me if you want to... wherever you want' she told me.
I placed a hand on each of her lovely little bum cheeks and gently kneaded them. They were soft but firm to the touch, and her silky smooth skin was totally unblemished.
I moved a hand to the front and ran a finger along her soft, wet little slit and she sighed softly.
Tony set the video camera recording and repositioned the stills one to get the best shots.
He snapped away as I stroked her soft folds.
'If you and Hannah were best friends... you must be 9 then?' I asked.
Gemma nodded.
I knelt down and thumbed her pussy lips apart, then swiped along the join of her sweet pussy lips with my tongue, before flicking at her tiny clit.
'Mmm...' Gemma moaned softly.
I lifted my head and then Gemma knelt down so she was next to me. We kissed passionately like I'd seen her and Tony do, her hot little tongue dancing around inside my mouth. As we kissed, Gemma unzipped me and freed my cock which was now rock hard again, from my pre-cum soaked pants.
She wrapped her little fingers around it and began to wank me with expertise.
'Mmm' I moaned, 'that's so nice Gemma... you're really good'
She speeded up getting into a steady rhythm. I complimented her on her skills as Tony continued to snap away.
I knew that being unexpectedly masturbated by a sexy naked 9 year old, I wouldn't last long at all, and the fact that I was already so turned on from watching the pair of them earlier didn't help.
As she continued to wank me harder and faster, Gemma spoke.
'I would have sucked you off...' she explained quietly, 'but my jaw still aches a bit from sucking Uncle Tony!'
'No problem!' I said. 'You're doing a great job... and I'm... about to...cum...'
On hearing me say that, Gemma gripped harder and wanked me furiously, her little hands becoming a blur as she was determined to make me cum as hard as possible.
'Oh... oh god... Gemma...that's so good... aargh...' I gasped as I felt the first spasm and my cock began to spurt out.
As I began to cum, Gemma continued to wank me and put her chest close to me, making my hot sticky cum hit her face, neck and little raised nipples.
I felt like I'd pumped out gallons before I was eventually spent and little Gemma slowed down before she eventually stopped.
'That was brilliant!' I said breathlessly as I hugged her and groped her sweet bum again.
'You're welcome!' she said with a huge, genuine smile. 'That was especially for Hannah!'
Tony passed her some wipes and she cleaned herself up.
'Some fantastic shops there!' Tony said.
'I'm looking forward to a good exchange!' I told him.
Tony searched through his wallet and handed me a business card.
'Email, mobile, home and website...' he said, 'call me any time'
I gave him my mobile number and to my surprise, Gemma gave me hers too.
'You can only call between 6pm and 8pm on weekdays... but any time at weekends' she told me. 'Their the times when I swap over to the sim card that Uncle Tony pays for!' she added with a giggle. 'I have to make sure Mum doesn't know... not that she would be bothered really...' she winked at me.
'Oh right' I said with complete understanding.
I watched as Tony got dressed after he handed Gemma her clothes, such as they were. A short white, sleeveless summer dress and a scrap of powder blue material which were obviously her knickers which when she unrolled them I noticed had some kind of Disney motif on them.
Gemma slipped her dress over her head and then held her knickers out to me.
'These are for you!' she said smiling. 'A little present!'
I looked to Tony.
'It's okay... take them' he urged. 'She's got loads so they won't be missed will they babes?'
Little Gemma nodded.
'I like not having knickers on' she told me, 'it's sexy when you walk down the street... especially if the wind blows your skirt up...'
'Or on the swings in the park...' Tony added. 'She's a bit of an exhibitionist... and it makes life easier... especially in the car!' he winked.
Gemma giggled again.
I gratefully accepted them and immediately held them to my nose. The smell of Gemma's sweet pussy mixed with her wee was strong and intoxicating.
'Another knicker sniffer... just like myself!' he laughed. 'I think you and me are going to get on very well!'
'So do I!' I agreed.
'Thank you!' I said to Gemma again as I gave her a long hard hug, slipping my hands under her dress for a last fondle of that delightful little bum.
I was just about to leave when Gemma spoke again.
'Uncle Tony?' she said, 'I just thought... with Hannah gone... Uncle Peter and Emily?'
Tony thought for a moment.
'What's your age of attraction?' he asked me.
'It varies' I told him honestly. 'It's been as low as 2 or 3... and as high as 14 or 15... it depends on what they're like... you know personality and stuff?'
'Just girls?'
'Predominantly... although I'd never say no to a cute boy either!' I replied with a laugh.
Tony laughed again.
'That could have been me talking... absolutely identical!'
He then turned to Gemma and said 'That's a good idea. Do you reckon Em would be okay and up for that?'
'Sure of it. I'll talk to her and double check, but yeah I'm certain... you know what she's like!' Gemma giggled.
Tony burst out laughing as he nodded his head. I was puzzled by the conversation and it must have shown on my face.
'Emily is Gemma's sister. She's only 7 but she wants an 'Uncle' too...'
'Does she know the score?' I asked.
Gemma giggled incessantly now.
'Oh yeah!' she giggled. 'She might be my little sister and only 7,but she's well up for it. She goes on about it all the time. She wants her own "Uncle". She knows how to keep a secret as well!' Gemma added with a saucy little wink before continuing. 'She said she wants to learn everything and to be a little slut like me!'
She giggled again at her own words.
'You're a slut?' I asked, raising my eyebrows.
'You better believe it!' Tony laughed, 'You ain't seen nothing yet!'
Gemma burst out laughing as she reached out and grabbed Tony's crotch.
'See what I mean?'
I nodded.
'Give me your email and I'll send you some pictures of Emily... see what you think of her?'
I didn't really need pictures.
She was 7 years old and wanted to be a little slut?
There wasn't anything to consider from my point of view. I rattled off my email address anyway as pictures were always welcomed and Tony made a note of it.
I gave Gemma a final long passionate kiss before I shook Tony's hand and then made my way back out.
During the drive home, I felt like I was in a delicious dream that I'd wake up from at any moment. When I got back I tried to do some work but my computer screen remained a blanket of white.
I've never been able to write when I'm frustrated so it came as no surprise really. I drank endless cups of coffee and smoked countless cigarettes. I wondered whether or not Tony would be true to his word. I'd come across like minded people before who'd promised all manner of things which never materialised, although they'd always been online and not in person.
Tony however, came across as totally different. The fact that Gemma and Hannah had been best friends gave me great optimism that he would come through and deliver what he said.
It's funny how the mind works sometimes, and almost convinced myself that nothing would arise from the chance encounter earlier that day when my email bleeped to say I had incoming mail.
I almost ran to my desk.
I checked my inbox and saw it was from Tony's email address. It was brief, simply saying "As promised. Password same as her name. T"
Attached was a password protected RAR file.
I downloaded it and when requested entered "emily".
Nothing happened.
I tried again, this time spelling it "Emily" with a capital letter
Still nothing.
I felt so frustrated knowing how close I was and unable to open the bloody thing and unsure what to do next. Should I send him an email back and tell him I can't open it... or should I phone or maybe text him?
I lit another cigarette while I pondered what to do when my email pinged again.
It was from Tony.
"Sorry. First, middle and last letters are in CAPS" he wrote, so I tried "EmIlY" and to my joy, the file opened up.
I emptied the contents into my own encrypted folder with my own password just in case I had any problems in the future. I was so looking forward to seeing what little Emily looked like.
I clicked on the first picture... and I wasn't disappointed.
It looked like a school photograph, Gemma and Emily together. They were both wearing those gingham school uniform summer dresses in yellow.
You could easily tell they were sisters even though Emily's hair was a dirty blonde whereas Gemma's was brown. Also, Gemma's was cut into a bob style and Emily's was long with her hair in bunches. She was every bit as pretty as her sister though and both of them had huge, beaming smiles on their faces.
The next picture was similar but taken from a little further away so it was a full length shot. I could see that they were both wearing white, knee length socks and if I'm honest, both of their school uniform dresses appeared to end much higher up their thighs than you'd normally expect to see on little primary schoolgirls.
On the picture which followed, Emily was on her own and it looked like it had been taken in her bedroom. She still had her school uniform dress on, but she'd hitched it up to show off a lovely pair of pastel lilac knickers that she was wearing underneath. They were pulled up tightly so they fit lovely and snug. You could clearly make out the shape and outline of her little pussy through them.
This was much more like it I thought as my cock began to stiffen and I clicked on the next one.
This was similar to the last one but taken from behind.
Her perfectly rounded, peachy knicker clad little bum looked every bit as sexy as her big sister's.
In the one that followed she still had her dress hitched up and it was taken from the front. However in this one, her knickers were pulled down to mid thigh, just above her little knees showing her sweet bald slit which looked little more than a line between her legs.
The next one was the same but taken from behind. Like Gemma, her sexy little bum looked absolutely delightful and her skin was flawless.
My cock was rock hard now as I wondered what was to follow and I clicked next.
Emily was now lying on her bed and was totally naked. Her little legs were wide apart with her feet resting flat on the bed. In the one that followed she was pulling those sweet little pussy lips apart and the one after that was a fantastic close up of her doing that.
I studied her gorgeous, hairless little vagina. He inner lips were tinged with a darker pink, and she had a tiny little opening. It looked deliciously wet and inviting.
There were only four photos left to explore.
The next one had Emily kneeling on her bed facing away from the camera with her peachy little bum in the air, and the one after she was pulling her little cheeks apart to show off her tasty little rosebud.
I studied her wrinkled little anal opening. Like most little girls and boys actually are, it was very clean, darker pink and tightly closed. I so wanted to push my finger and tongue up deep inside it, and hoped I'd get the opportunity to do just that.
In the final photograph, it was Emily and Gemma together naked.
Emily had a huge, lifelike plastic cock in her hands and her tiny cherry lips were seductively stretched over the end of it.
She looked so sexy and I could hardly wait to meet her in person, that was if she wanted to meet me too of course, although from the way Gemma had spoke of her sister, there was no doubt that she would.
I got up to grab another coffee and while I was in the kitchen my email pinged again. When I returned, I was surprised to see it had come from a "sexygirl"
Intrigued, I clicked on it and read the message.
"Hello Uncle Pete. I told Emily all about you and how sad you were about Hannah and stuff and that you would be happy to be her Uncle.
She said YES... see I said she would! Lol
She's done a little present for you and it's in the attachment (same PW).
Hope we both see you very soon.
Lots of love, Gemma xxx"
Then underneath, badly typed in that 7 year old way was another short message.
"Hope u lik me presentt.
Gemma sed u ave a nise cok.
Lots luv Emily xxx"
I downloaded the attachment and emptied that into the same folder as the other one
I noticed the extension was .mpg and excitedly wondered what the video would contain.
I clicked on it and the screen faded up from black to little Emily.
'Go on!' I heard Gemma's voice off camera saying quietly, 'it's recording now!'
It was clearly done on a web cam which Gemma seemed to be in control of.
'Hello Uncle Pete!' Emily said enthusiastically with a huge smile that blew me away and waving at the camera. 'Hope you liked my pictures. Gemma says I'm really sexy... I hope you think so as well'
I nodded dumbly at the screen as she continued.
'Did you like my little pussy?' she asked as the camera panned back to reveal Emily was naked.
I sucked in my breath at her delightful 7 year old body. Emily climbed up on the bed and opened her legs wide, holding them by the back of her thighs.
'Pull it open Em!' Gemma directed.
Emily's hands came down and she pulled her little pussy lips apart as the camera zoomed into it shakily.
'Play with yourself...' Gemma instructed.
Little Emily moved her fingers along her slit and then diddled her little clitty bump.
'Show him your bum... and play with that!' the 9 year old budding Spielberg said as the camera pulled back a little.
Emily got onto her hands and knees, showing that fantastic little bum off to the camera. She pulled her cheeks apart as Gemma zoomed in before she stuck on of her tiny fingers into the wrinkly little opening.
Then the camera went a bit shaky before Gemma appeared naked in front of the camera which now appeared to be controlled by Emily.
'Hope you like Em!' she said, 'she's really looking forward to meeting you!'
'I want to suck your willy... and be your little slut!' Emily's sweet little voice could be heard out of shot.
Gemma laughed as she climbed onto the bed, spread her legs and wetting her finger, began to play with herself for a few minutes before turning round and doing the same thing to her tight little poop chute.
She then disappeared off camera and then both girls appeared on the bed, so it must have been put onto a tripod or something.
They both spread their legs wide and began to play with each other's pussies for a couple of minutes.
'See you soon!' Gemma said.
'See you soon!' Emily repeated as they both waved frantically and blew kisses before the screen faded to black and the video ended.
I could feel my rock hard cock had leaked an unbelievable amount of pre-cum and my pants were soaked. I watched the video over a few times, eventually wanking while watching it and having an outstanding orgasm and collapsing exhausted.
Eventually I went to bed, but found sleep hard to come by.
I couldn't get Gemma and particularly little Emily out of my mind.
I couldn't wait to meet her properly and as it happened, I didn't have long to wait.
It was around 10 am the following morning when I received a text message from Tony asking if I wanted to meet him at the McDonald's on the retail park situated on the outskirts of town at midday.
Soon I found myself wandering into the restaurant at the appointed time. Tony was seated in a quietish corner. Next to him was a beaming and excited looking Gemma, waving frantically to attract my attention. Sat next to her was little Emily, who was so busy dipping a chicken nugget into a little plastic pot of ketchup that it appeared she hadn't noticed my arrival.
I wandered in the direction of their table before deciding I best get some food, so I ordered a big mac, fries and a coffee for myself, plus a coffee for Tony and two big ice creams for the girls, before heading back towards their table.
No sooner had I taken a seat when little Emily asked to sit on my lap. She was certainly as pretty, if not prettier than Gemma. She had a cute, innocent look about her which belied how she's behaved on the video. Gemma jumped up onto Tony's lap, not wanting to be outdone.
Tony lowered his voice to ensure that we weren't overheard, although it wasn't that busy and no one occupied the nearby tables.
'What did you think of the photo's?'
'Excellent!' I replied, 'and the video... wow!'
Tony laughed and both girls giggled.
Emily's sweet face was smeared with ice cream around her lips. I watched as she sexily licked it off and I felt my cock stir.
'I have to say... you're even cuter and sexier in the flesh!' I said, wrapping my arms around the cute little bundle sat on my lap.
In response, Emily pushed down and wriggled her little bum onto my increasingly hardening cock.
'How about we leave here and head over to my place for a bit more privacy?' Tony suggested.
'Sounds good!' I said.
'You can follow me' Tony suggested. 'Do you want to go with Uncle Peter Em?'
The little girl nodded vigorously and jumped off my lap.
She was dressed in a pink t-shirt and a short white skirt. Her dirty blonde hair was tied into a ponytail with a matching pink scrunchy and a pair of pink plastic sandals completed her very summery and very sexy outfit. Her sister, looking equally as good, was in a white t-shirt, short pink skirt and a pair of white trainers.
We left the restaurant with Emily's little hand in mine and Gemma holding Tony's. By chance, it turned out I had parked right next to Tony's Mercedes.
'Just follow me' Tony said remotely unlocking his car.
I did the same to mine and opened the front passenger door. Emily jumped in and as I checked she was belted up safely gave her a kiss on her forehead. I followed Tony out of town and soon we were on a deserted country road.
'Uncle Peter?' Emily asked sweetly, 'do you think I'm pretty?'
'I think you're very pretty' I told her honestly, and very VERY sexy!'
Emily beamed me a delightful little smile, just like I'd seen on her sister. I noticed that Emily had little dimples which appeared whenever she smiled, which just served to make her look even cuter, more innocent and even more sexy.
'Does this mean I'm going to be your personal, sexy little slut?' she asked innocently.
'Is that what you want to be?' I asked.
The 7 year old nodded enthusiastically.
'Well... I think the job's yours then!' I said laughing.
I looked down at the little girl sitting next to me in her short little skirt, admiring her sexy little and smooth, milky white thighs.
'Guess what?' she said as she noticed me looking.
'What's that sexy girl?'
She reached down and lifted her skirt up over her flat little tummy exposing her gorgeous little pussy.
'I ain't got no knickers on!' she giggled.
I nearly crashed the fucking car!
'Bloody hell Em!' I almost choked, 'you could have warned me!'
Emily giggled continuously at my reaction.
I was so glad my car had an auto transmission. I looked down as she parted her sexy little 7 year old legs.
'You can touch it if you want to?' she invited.
I'd been dreaming of doing just that and wasn't about to pass up the opportunity. I slid my hand down and put it between her legs. Her mound was warm, soft and smooth to my touch. Little Emily leaned against me and I stroked her as I drove along. Every so often I needed both hands to move the steering wheel but I went straight back to her little pussy each time.
I suddenly became aware that Emily had reached across and was squeezing my hard cock through my jeans.
My mobile started to ring and I jumped. I pressed answer and Tony's voice came across the speakers.
'Nearly there..' he told me, 'take the next left'
'Has she shown you yet?' he asked.
'No knicks?'
'Yeah' Tony replied laughing harder. 'This one's the same. Skirt up... no knicks... pussy on show...'
I laughed.
'I bet I know where your hand is... not to mention hers! I said.
'Yeah... and I bet you're doing the same!' he replied. 'Here we are... through he gate and follow me round to the back'
'Right you are' I said and her clicked off the line.
We approached a large gate which opened automatically as we got closer to it. I spotted a CCTV camera looking down on us as we drove in and the gate closed behind us. We followed a little driveway round to the back of the place and from the front, nobody would have even known we were there.
I noticed there were more CCTV cameras dotted around the place as we parked up. I released Emily from her seatbelt and she jumped out, running over to her sister.
The two of them began whispering and giggling.
'Come on you two!' Tony laughed. 'Always plotting something they are!' he said to me as he led the way, unlocking a door.
It was a beautiful house and must have cost an absolute fortune, I thought as we entered. I wondered what line of business Tony must have been in to afford something like this. Everything about it was huge and expensive, but not in a flashy sort of way. Despite its size and grandeur, it still seemed a functioning home
The lounge was huge with two plasma TV's fixed to the wall which I found a bit odd to be honest. There were large leather sofas and a very deep, shag pile carpet, the type where you feet just sink into it.
Tony picked up a remote control and pressed a button. I soon realised why there was two screens. One showed multiple feeds from all the CCTV cameras that were dotted all around the place. He certainly seemed to take his privacy and security seriously. The place seemed more secure than the Bank of England vaults.
It was very tastefully decorated, and on the walls were various large erotic photograph's of children of both sexes and all ages. Although they were all nude, they were artistically done. All the children in them were carefully posed and not really showing anything, other than maybe their bums.
As I admired them, I noticed that one of them was Gemma and another was Emily. They were both nude, but turned sideways leaning against a wall, so all you really saw was there bum cracks. They'd clearly been taken in a studio by a professional photographer, and both girls looked absolutely stunning in them, as did all the kids in the pictures.
We wandered through to the kitchen, which itself was about twice the size of my own lounge. Tony fetched some cold drinks from the large double fridge. The girls took theirs and then disappeared.
'I bet I know what they're up to!' Tony laughed.
'I'll show you around and explain a few things in a minute' he said laughing as we wandered back to the lounge and sat down.
The girls suddenly came charging back in, both of them stark naked.
'Yup... just as I thought!' Tony laughed.
Gemma made a beeline for Tony's lap and Emily for my own, and we soon had a lapful of naked little girl each. Emily took hold of my hand and placed it between her legs.
'Forgot to tell you... our Em's a bit of a nympho... aren't you sweetheart?'
Little Emily nodded furiously as she tugged at my zip. Gemma was doing the same with Tony and it wasn't long before all four of us were totally naked.
Emily had both of her hands around my cock and was gently wanking me slowly while I stroked her soft little pussy.
'You're very good...' I said encouragingly.
Emily smiled at my praise before she stopped and jumped down off my lap. She knelt down on the carpet in front of me and placed both of her hot, soft little hands back around my cock again, before bringing her head down and licking the pre-cum off the end.
'Oh that feels so nice Em...' I said, 'are you going to put it in your mouth and suck my cock?'
Little Emily nodded.
'Are you going to make me cum?' I asked.
I glanced over to Gemma who was already into a steady rhythm, her head going up and down as she sucked and slurped away on Tony's cock.
'I'm gonna make you cum in my mouth...' Emily said proudly, 'and then I'm gonna swallow it all down like a really good little slut!'
Then her head went down and I felt the hot wetness as her lips closed over the end of it. It was a delicious feeling as she flicked and swirled her tiny tongue around the head.
'Oh my!' I gasped, 'you are sooo good... making me feel sooo nice...' I sighed. 'can you put more in... and show me how good you really are?'
I felt Emily's lips inch further and further down, making little slurping noises as she sucked harder.
There was no way I could hold back with this beautiful, sexy little 7 year old sucking my cock and I felt the first spurt of cum travel up and fly out into Emily's sweet sucking mouth. Instinctively, I grabbed Emily's little head and pushed it down even further, holding it in place as I emptied my load of hot, sticky cum down the back of her tiny throat.
She swallowed repeatedly, her little throat muscles going into overdrive, and although she coughed, choked and gagged a little, she never gave up swallowing nor stopped sucking for a second bless her.
When I eventually stopped pumping what seemed like a gallon of my seed into her mouth, Emily came off, looked up at me and gave me a big cummy smile. Long strands of cum stretched from the head of my cock to her lips, coating her little white milk teeth.
She licked her lips seductively.
'I did it!' she said proudly.
'You sure did baby girl!' I replied, putting my arms out.
Emily stood up and I took her in my arms, lifting her up and over. I gave her a huge hug and kissed her cummy little lips.
Then I kissed her again.
This time, it was a long, passionate one and I slipped my tongue into her sweet, cummy little mouth.
I found it incredibly erotic as I found her tiny tongue that a moment ago had been swirling around the head of my cock, and they touched. As we kissed, I fondled her soft little bum before I probed her tight opening there.
When we broke away she said sexily 'I like things up my bum!'
'Good' I told her, 'because I'm going to enjoy putting all sorts of things up it... and in your pussy too!'
'Are you going to fuck me?' she asked.
'Do you want me to?'
Emily nodded furiously.
'Yup... and I want you fuck me up my bum!' she added.
I hugged her tightly and whispered back in her ear.
'Don't worry baby girl... I'm going to fuck you in every single hole... very hard... and fill you full of my hot, sticky cum... and you're going to love it!'
Little Emily grinned from ear to ear.
Good!' she said sexily.
'What else do you want to do?' I asked her.
'Everything!' she giggled, 'I want to be a total slut!'
'Like what?' I asked, wondering how far she was prepared to take things.
'I want you to wee on me... and poo on me if you want... and I want to do it to you. You can tie me up... spank me... and I want to do a gang bang...' she giggled like mad. 'And I want a willy in my mouth... bum... and pussy... all at the same time!'
I was a little shocked to hear her say all of that, but at the same time excited that it all came out of the mouth of a cute and sexy 7 year old girl. However, Emily hadn't finished.
'And... I want to do things with lots of men... boys... ladies and girls... but only if you say it's okay... because I'm yours now!'
'So who does your pussy belong to?' I asked her.
'You!' she replied.
'That sweet mouth?'
'YOU!' she said again a bit louder.
I gripped my cock.
'So who does THIS belong to then? I asked her.
'That...' she said licking her lips again as she looked at my cock, '... is MINE... but I don't mind sharing it!' she giggled.
I heard Tony give out a loud moan as he emptied his load down the back of Gemma's throat.
'Well baby girl... it's about time I returned the compliment... and I want to taste those lovely little little pussy juices of yours...' I told her.
I laid her down on the sofa and placed one of the cushions under her bum to lift her up and make for easier access.
Emily had one of those prominent mounds that I loved so much, all puffy and fleshy, so I kissed and licked all around it and then in between her legs, before flicking her little clitty with the tip of my tongue.
As I made contact, she gave a little gasp and I felt her little body quiver. Then with my hands on that sweet little bum, I lifted her up even more and pulled her onto my mouth as I feasted on her smooth, hairless mound like a starving man getting his first meal in a month.
Thinking about it, I was starved.
It had been a number of months since I'd last had the delight of tasting little girl pussy when my darling Hannah had moved away, so I devoured little Emily's with relish, savouring every single second.
She had that delicious aroma that you only ever got from between the legs of a pre-teen girl. Her natural, sweet fragrant juices mixed with her lovely amber wee.
Clearly, Emily was enjoying the experience as much as I was..I felt her gyrating and grinding her slim boyish hips in a circular motion, before she began thrusting them forwards to enhance the pleasure she was receiving from my mouth. Then I felt her soft little hands come down onto the back of my head as she applied a gentle pressure.
'Oh yeah...' she squealed, 'so nice... lick me... put your tongue inside...'
Never one to disappoint any of my little lovers, be they boy or girl, my tongue searched out her tiny opening and I licked just inside with the tip of it.
I felt Emily's little body judder as he breathing became heavier and started to get faster in little short .pants.
I knew she was close to cumming and wanted to give her an orgasm to remember.
I removed my hands from underneath her and gently took hold of her skinny little legs. I placed one over each of my shoulders and moved forward slightly, so the 7 year old lay there with her legs as wide open as it was humanly possible for her to do.
I then gently prised her lips apart.
I once again drank in that delicious, intoxicating aroma and the sight of her little pink innards, glistening in a mixture of her own sex juices and my saliva.
Her little vaginal hole was slightly open, but it was clear that she still had her little cherry. I would be rectifying that little matter in due course, but for now I wanted to give her the licking of a lifetime.
I sucked on Emily's clit before I tongue fucked her. Well, as much as I was able to at least, and then gave her long sweeping licks along the join of her soft, tender lips from her clit to her bum crack and back again.
'Oh... oh...oh...' she was panting and wailing, her head moving from side to side. 'I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna... oh yeah... ooh...'she screamed.
I felt her little legs close around my neck in a vice-like grip. Her hands clenched my head as she pulled my mouth harder onto her vulva. Her little body juddered and convulsed as I sucked and licked her swollen, peas sized love button.
'Oh mi god... oh mi god...' she repeated over and over as wave after wave of intense sexual pleasure washed over the 7 year old.
I continued to lap at her until she was just too sensitive to take any more and she gently pushed art my head to signal she'd had enough.
I lifted my head and looked up at my self confessed little slut. Her legs were still shaking, her eyes were closed and she was sweating, as the sensations continued to course through her tiny body.
She was still panting, her little flat chest rising and falling rapidly and it was a few minutes before her breathing slowed and she eventually opened her eyes, grinning from ear to ear.
'How was that baby girl?' I asked.
'Fan... tas... tic!' she managed to gasp. 'I didn't know... I could feel... that good!' she managed to say.
'That's just the start!' I told her. 'You make me feel good, so it's only right I do the same for you'
She held her arms out to me.
Once again, we hugged and kissed passionately. Automatically, little Emily reached down for my cock, wrapped her soft fingers around it and stroked me as we kissed.
It was only when we broke away that I remembered Tony and Gemma. She was sitting on his lap, legs spread wide as he idly stroked her slit.
'That was cool to watch! Gemma said with a giggle as I glanced across. 'he's good at licking isn't he Em?
Emily nodded and then looked at me.
'I hope you do that lots!'
'Oh yes...' I told her, 'I will do it lots, trust me!'
'Uncle Tony?' Gemma said, 'why don't you show Uncle Peter some of our other friends?'
'That's a good idea!' he replied.
Tony got up and went to a drawer where he retrieved a remote control and a wireless keyboard. Emily sat herself up and plonked herself back on my, lap dangling a leg over each of mine so that she sat there with her legs wide open as she leaned back against me.
He hit a button on the remote and the other large plasma screen came to life. The screen asked for a password. He tapped away on the wireless keyboard and I saw a menu come up.
'Who shall we look at first?' Tony asked Gemma.
She pondered the question.
'What about... Ryana?' she suggested.
Tony burst out laughing.
'I knew you'd pick her!'
I must have looked puzzled and Tony explained.
'Gemma has a bit of a thing for other girls... especially black ones... like Ryana!'
'Oh' I said, as Tony flicked through loads of names, all listed alphabetically.
'These are introductions...' he said casually with a wink.
Like that meant anything to me.
'Kind of getting to know you...'
I nodded my understanding now he'd explained a little, as the screen faded and a video started up. It appeared to be a school classroom and a little black girl appeared to be sitting on a desk.
'Hello!' she said brightly in what appeared to be a northern English accent.. 'My name's Ryana... and I'm 11 years old.
It appeared that she was being directed by someone off camera, and as it panned out, you could see that Ryana was dressed only in a skimpy little white training bra and equally skimpy, matching white lace knickers.
She continued talking to the camera.
'I know I'm only 11' she said, 'but I'm a big girl for my age!'
She winked and smiled at the camera, showing off her perfect white teeth. Then she reached round and unclipped her bra before slipping it off.
It was easy to see what she meant by her earlier comment as her lovely little brown titties were unveiled.
For her age, she had quite a nice little pair. They looked firm and pert as you'd expect, coming to a coned point with a much darker areola. She cupped and squeezed them before she pinched her little brown nipples, making them hard so that they stood out more.
'I like having my titties played with. It feels good when they're sucked' she said, it makes my pussy all wet... look!'
The camera panned down as Ryana sat on the desk and lifted her legs up. The camera zoomed in slowly to her white knickers, a large damp patch clearly visible on the lace between her legs.
'You want to see my little black pussy?' she whispered, leaning in to the camera seductively.
'Yeah!' both girls called out.
They'd obviously seen this many times before.
Ryana climbed off the desk and sexily peeled her knickers down to show her pussy to the camera.
It was smooth, shiny and of course, black.
Actually, it was more of a light brown, what they nowadays term as 'mixed race'. She had no hair around her vagina other than the odd stray wispy one, a sure sign of her impending puberty.
She pulled the lips apart, and the wet, dark pink innards contrasted with her caramel coloured skin.
She then turned around.
Her bum was bigger, fuller and more rounded than Gemma or Emily's. Whether that was because she was older or black I wasn't quite sure, but it was more womanly I think would be the best way of describing it.
She looked back to the camera over her shoulder.
'I love to have things up my bum!' she said with a huge grin, 'the bigger the better!'
'Yeah!' Emily squealed enthusiastically, wiggling her own little bum on my hard cock.
'Bye for now!' Ryana said, waving at the camera and blowing a kiss.
The screen faded to black and a title came up: RYANA. AGE:11 Ref:RY/F/091
'How many of those introductions have you got?' I asked Tony.
'Just introductions? Er...'
He had to think..
'Couple of hundred I suppose... not sure' he said casually.
'Seriously?' I said amazed.
'Oh yeah' he replied. 'They're just the short introductions though. The actual films... must be in their thousands by now I reckon... and as for pictures... no idea! Too many to count!' he laughed.
'Fucking hell!' was all I could say, 'and I thought I had a large collection!'
Tony laughed harder.
'I am... how can I put it... well connected and I've been at it a long time!'
I nodded.
There was obviously a lot more to Tony than he'd admitted so far.
'I'll explain it all to you soon' he told me. 'Now if I do this...' he said tapping away at the keyboard, 'you can see all these little thumbnails... so you get an idea of what they look like'
He tapped away again.
'I can list by name...'
Tap tap.
'By sex...'
Tap tap.
Tap tap.
'Or any combination... even down to skin, hair, eye colour, race part of the world... anything really.
'That is some system you have there!' I complimented him.
'A bloody expensive one!' he laughed, 'but worth every single penny I paid the bloke ton design and install it. Mind you...' he laughed harder, 'I got a big discount when I made him an offer he couldn't refuse!' he winked.
'I'll skim through hem quickly on random... shout if anyone takes your fancy...'
'Fuck me Tone!' I laughed, 'they ALL do!'
Tony was in hysterics.
'Okay... if one sticks out then?'
That reference to 'sticking out' elicited a little giggle from Emily, as she knew I was 'sticking out' already. She could feel it.
Tony tapped away again and thumbnails appeared briefly, before changing to be replaced another after about five seconds and so on repeatedly.
There were boys and girls of every age, colour, race, hair style and eye colour you could think of.
'Her!' I suddenly said.
Tony stopped the thumbnails.
'Go back...' I said
He tapped again and the image reappeared.
'That one!' I said
'Are you sure we're not twins separated at birth?'
I laughed.
'She's on my favourites list as well. She's amazing!' he said as he clicked the video to play.
The thumbnail was of a little girl who looked the epitome of pure innocence.
She also looked like what could only be described as a paedophiles dream.
The little girl was blonde, her hair in curly ringlet bunches tied with a red ribbon in bows. The background was full of colourful balloons and streamers with a 'Happy Birthday' banner strung across the back.
She was dressed in a frilly, white silk party dress decorated with little red rose buds. Under her arm, she was clutching a white teddy bear sporting a red bow tie with white polka dots.
With her other hand, she was sucking her thumb.
Her eyes were the clearest, deepest blue I'd ever seen and I was mesmerised watching as she removed her thumb. Then she smiled, waved sweetly at the camera and I felt a huge surge of affection rise up for this darling little child.
When she spoke, I realised she had a little lisp which simply made her more cute and adorable, if that was possible.
'Hello!' she said brightly as she waved at the camera. 'I'm Rosie...' only she pronounced it Ro - thee, ' and I'm 5 today!' she announced holding up five fingers.
Out of shot, a woman's voice could be heard quietly and gently directing her encouragingly.
'Put teddy down for now...' she said.
Rosie did as she was asked.
'Good girl...' the woman said, 'now show us your presents... the special ones?'
Rosie briefly disappeared off camera and returned holding up a little pink 'Hello Kitty' vibrator.
'Thisth isth my thspecial kitty...' she said with that cute little lisp, 'makesth my wee wee all nithe and sthwuidgy ...'
'Where is your wee wee?' the woman asked.
Rosie pointed to between her legs.
'Can we see it?
Rosie giggled sweetly as she nodded eagerly and then disappeared out of shot again.
When she reappeared, the dress was gone and she was wearing only a tiny pair of white knickers with little red roses all over them, and a little red silk bow at the front. She also had on little white stockings and a tiny white suspender belt attached to them.
She reached down and pulled her knickers down to her knees, standing proudly with her legs slightly apart.
'Can we see your bum bum Rosie?' the woman asked.
Immediately, the little 5 year old turned around and bent over.
She had a delightfully cute little bum on her and I let out a low whistle. I have to say, the next bit caught me by surprise.
'Have you had a lovely party Rosie?' the woman asked.
Rosie nodded.
'All your little friends gone home?'
She nodded again, more glumly this time.
'Are you going to have another party?' she was asked.
Her little face lit back up as she nodded.
'What sort of party?' the woman asked.
'A thspecial one... with thspecial friendsth...' she said enthusiastically before adding, '... a thsex one... and I'm gonna be the cum prin-thessth!'
'You better go and get ready then!' the woman said.
'Okay... bye bye!' the little 5 year old said sweetly.
She blew a kiss and waved at the camera frantically with a huge smile as it faded out to ROSIE. AGE:5 Ref: RO/BDY5/122
'She's adorable!' I said
'You should see what followed at the party!' Tony laughed.
'Can't wait!' I said, looking forward to a viewing.
'You'll have to!' he joked. 'let's have a bite to eat and then we can take a look at some of the proper ones!'
It wasn't long before we were all noshing away on pizza and garlic bread, all washed down with copious amounts of fizzy cola and lemonade.
I sat at a large table with Tony as we chatted, while the girls sat together on one of the sofas, whispering and giggling.
It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for the four of us to be naked while we ate.
It was only a short while later that it dawned on me how extremely quiet the girls had become. When I looked across, they'd both fallen asleep.
They looked so cute and sweet with their arms and legs entwined, their little naked bodies allowing all their charms to be viewed.
'All that fun must have worn them out!' I said.
Tony laughed.
'Make the most of it... I know what they're like when they wake up!'
I laughed.
In a way, I was pleased that they'd fallen asleep as it gave me the chance to have a proper chat with Tony.
'This set up' I said, 'it's like...'
I struggled to find the right words.
'A dream?' Tony suggested.
'Well... yeah' I replied, 'and I'm scared I'm going to wake up at any moment. I mean... all this?' I said gesturing around with my hands, 'and that as well?'
I pointed to the plasma screen.
'It's... the ultimate fantasy isn't it... for people like us I mean?'
'Yup!' Tony said, 'and now you're part of it all. Actually...' he continued, 'I wanted a word with you about it...'
Now I felt uneasy, wondering what was coming next.
'Can I ask you something?' I said.
'How come you trust me... you know... so quickly? We hardly know one another yet...'
Tony smiled and laughed as he started to explain.
'I actually know a great deal more about you than you think... I probably know more about you than you know about yourself!' he laughed.
I raised my eyebrows nervously. Now I was really worried about what might follow.
'For a start, you wouldn't have known about that place by the river if you didn't use it for the same purpose. Like I said, I know a lot about you from my own discreet enquiries... and Gemma supplied a lot of details too...'
'Via Hannah?' I asked, raising my eyebrows even more.
Tony laughed.
'Yup. Hannah gave a lot of information. Not in a nasty snitch sort of way either. She knew what I was looking for... and it seemed what I was looking for was you. It was such a shame to lose Hannah, but when I was told about you taking her to that clearing and everything I'd learned about you, I wanted to meet you in person. The easiest way was for you to "accidentally" stumble across us...' he laughed
'You... you mean that you set me up? I was meant to catch you and Gemma... well... at it?'
'Yeah!' he laughed hysterically now at the memory. 'And I'm truly sorry for scaring the shit out of you too. I didn't want you running straight off, and I needed to make sure for myself that you were exactly as I'd been told you were and see it for myself.
'Hence Gemma's offer?'
'Hence Gemma's offer!' he confirmed. 'She was meant to have given you a blow job... but well... you've seen how she is... how they both are... and she got a bit carried away sucking me off. So she owes you a blow job!' he laughed. 'And in case it all went tits up... I had it on video... a little insurance policy if you like ... which I don't need now of course'
I nodded my understanding of what he was saying, although I still wasn't sure where it was heading. Tony must have been reading my mind.
'You're probably wondering what the bottom line is in all of this?' he said.
'Well...' I replied a little hesitantly, 'I did sort of wonder?'
'Okay, I'll lay it all out for you. My business... which as you can see pays pretty well, has expanded somewhat as I've moved into... let's just say new areas with it. I need a reliable, like minded right hand man!'
'Me??' I said in shock.
'By Jove...' Tony said with a laugh, 'I think he's got it Sherlock!'
I was so stunned, I was absolutely speechless.
'I... err... Jesus!' I stuttered and stammered. 'I don't know what to say. I mean... are you serious? I'm no businessman... wouldn't you be better off...'
Tony raised a hand to silence me as he laughed.
'What? Put an ad in the paper? Advertise it down the job centre or engage the services of a recruitment agency?'
He had a point.
He hadn't spelt out exactly what his business was.
He didn't need to. It was obvious what it was.
'I... err.. really don't know what to say?' I told him.
'Try yes?' he laughed. 'Trust me, I will pay you VERY well, however, you don't need me to tell you that this is a VERY risky business I'm in. Your inflated salary would include payment for your silence if ever the shit hit the fan so to speak... not that that's likely to happen, but you need to be prepared for these things.
Also, in the unlikely event that should ever happen, you will continue to be paid your salary for a minimum of five years thereafter and that is guaranteed. Your salary would be paid directly into an offshore account which I will set up for you, and then you'll be free to move it around as you see fit!'
'What would the salary be.... just out of interest?' I asked, trying to sound casual about it.
'So you're interested then?'
'It's possible...' I said trying to act cool and not show my excitement.
When he told me, that façade evaporated in an instant and I almost fell off my chair.
'One hundred, THOUSAND pounds a year???' I said in disbelief.
He smiled.
'Plus perks... and all the fringe benefits you can handle!' he winked.
'Now you are kidding me... a HUNDRED GRAND a year?' I repeated.
'Nope... but I'd expect total loyalty of course...'
'For that money... I'd let you fuck ME!' I laughed.
'I'll pass if you don't mind... you're about thirty years too late matey!'
I couldn't help but laugh at Tony's laid back attitude.
A hundred grand a year... I thought to myself.
I was lucky if I made 25 in a good year.
'Plus perks... and fringe benefits...' he repeated, nodding towards the two sleeping girls , 'or if you fancy a change...' he nodded at the thumbnails on the screen. 'You'll get a prestige company car of course... pick what you want really, Merc... BMW... or maybe a Lexus? It's up to you. Oh and I'll give you a gold card for your expenses!'
I looked at him.
'Oh don't worry, it's in the name of overseas property development company I own... in name only of course, but it does give the business a nice legitimate front. I do have property overseas though... talking of which, there'll be a number of foreign business trips so you'll need to make sure your passport's up to date.
All paid for of course as you'll need to meet some of our international people. You'll need to have a top notch security system like this one installed too...'
He thought for a moment.
'Nah forget that!' he said changing his mind. 'We'll find you a place like this... or build one... whatever you prefer. You can stay here until that's sorted, it's big enough!' he laughed.
I was sitting there like a dumb statue as he rattled all this off, trying to take it all in.
'Anyway' he finally said with a big grin, 'that's the deal!'
'What'll I have to do?' I finally got the chance to ask.
'Nothing hard!' he laughed, 'I'll show you as we go along. I suppose you need some time to consider my offer?'
'Oh yeah!' I burst out laughing, 'are you kidding me?'
I did think about it... for around two seconds before I held my hand out.
'I not exactly sure what I'm letting myself in for...' I laughed, 'but it looks like it's gonna be great fun!'
'Welcome aboard!' he smiled, shaking my hand firmly.
I couldn't help thinking that this was the strangest job interview in the world, even though I didn't know that was what it was going to turn out to be. I was naked, my interviewer was also naked, and present were two naked, little pre-teen girls.
I happened to glance at the clock.
'Won't those two be missed?' I asked, nodding towards Emily and Gemma.
'Not really' Tony replied confidently. 'Their so-called mother is my sister'
'So you're...'
'Yeah. UNCLE Tony... literally!' he laughed before he began to explain.
'She's a totally piss-head. As long as I keep up a constant supply of booze, she's happy. The girls spend most of their time with me anyway, and I told her the minute she fights me, I'll have Social Services knocking on her door so fucking fast. So frankly, she don't give a shit and I make sure she gets £500 a week into her account!'
I looked across to the two beautiful girls sleeping silently.
'They are both so lovely!' I said with genuine affection.
'And both little nymphomaniacs...' Tony added, 'not to mention virgins!'
'You've not fucked Gemma yet?' I asked with genuine surprise.
'I planned to ages ago, but had to sort a few people out... and what with business. I don't just want to do it... if you get what I mean? I want it to be as special as I can make it for her?'
I nodded, as I felt exactly the same way about Emily.
'But I'm going to do it real soon. I usually pop them around 6 or 7... I always say that if it's not popped by 8...'
'It's getting too late?' I finished it for him.
We both laughed.
'What about Emily?' I asked.
'What about her?'
'Well she wants me to bust her cherry... and her arse cherry too?'
'Then go for it!' he replied.
'You don't mind?'
'Why should I? If she wants you to pop her cherry and fuck her, then that's down to her, providing you don't hurt her of course'
'It's bound to hurt a bit the first time' I told him
'You misunderstand' Tony said. 'I meant mistreating her... doing stuff she don't want to do... although knowing Em, that won't be an issue' he laughed, 'but that sort of thing'
'I'd never do that!' I said truthfully. 'I think she's absolutely beautiful'
'No problem then. I know she thinks the world of you already. When you get your new place sorted, you can have her come live with you if you want?'
'Really?' I said surprised, not for the first time during our conversation. 'What about school and stuff?'
'Leave that with me. Home school... or at least someone will act as a private tutor to keep the authorities happy!' he winked.
Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of an alarm going off and every plasma screen automatically switched itself over to the live feed from the CCTV.
Tony had a look.
'Don't panic!' he laughed, 'they're motion sensitive. It's just my security manager making a check'
The noise had awoken the girls and Tony switched the screens back by remote before an extremely large, scary looking man with a shaved head and lots of tattoos came wandering in.
Quite frankly, just the look of him scared the shit out of me!
The moment they spotted him, both girls jumped up and to him. The big man scooped the pair of them up together in his big muscular arms. I was impressed with his tenderness and obviously genuine affection for the two naked little girls, despite his outward appearance.
'Uncle Andy!' the both squealed with delight.
'My two sexy little girls!' he said affectionately. 'Your adorable little pussies and bums get sexier every time I see you!' he added, giving them both a fondle before he put them back down.
He suddenly noticed me.
'I'm sorry Tony' he said apologetically, 'I never realised you had company!'
'No problem Andy' he said as he introduced me. 'Can you make it known that Pete here is my number two' he told the big man, 'and his word should be obeyed as if it were my own?'
'No problems boss. Nice to meet you Pete!' he said with genuine friendliness. 'Kisses and gropes girlie's... time for me to go!'
The girls each gave him a huge hug and a kiss, as once again her grabbed their bums and for good measure, cupped each of their little pussies before he left.
Once he'd gone, Tony said 'I'll show you his kids later on... they're lovely!'
Emily wandered over to me sleepily, rubbing her eyes.
'Hello sleepy head!' I said, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a hug before kissing the top of her head.
She climbed up onto my lap and wrapped her little arms around me as she cuddled into me.
'Uncle Pete?' she asked in that dreamy state between being asleep and awake.
'Yes darling?' I said tenderly.
'I love you!'
Oh bless her, I thought.
'I love you too babes!' I said honestly.
'Em?' Tony said, 'when we sort Uncle Pete a new place to live out... do you want to go and live with him?'
'You mean sleep in bed with him every night and stuff?'
'Yup!' Tony replied.
'Will I still see Gemma?' she asked.
'Course you will you doughnut!' he laughed. Everyday probably!'
'YEAH!' she shrieked, hugging me tighter.
I took her chin gently and turned her to face me as I looked into her bright excited eyes.
'I'd love to wake up... and the very first thing I see every morning is your pretty little face and sexy little body!' I told her.
'Will you fuck me every night?' she wanted to know.
'You bet I will!' I replied with a big smile. ' We will do whatever you want...' I told her before adding with a whisper, 'probably more than once a night...'
'Wicked!' she said.
I moved my hand down to her bum and gave it a tender squeeze, before probing her tight anal opening with my digit. I felt her push back and the tip of my finger entered her.
Gemma wandered over to Tony and climbed up on his lap before they kissed passionately..
I suddenly became aware of a steady bleeping noise. Tony took hold of the wireless keyboard and tapped into it.
An image of a girl came up on the screen and underneath it said Shannon - VIDEOCALL!
Tony tapped again and the girl on screen came to life.
This was mad.
Brilliant... but mad!
I felt like I was suddenly trapped in an episode of 'Thunderbirds'.
'Woohoo!' Tony said animatedly, 'it's sexy Shannon! How are you sweetheart?'
'Wet... warm... and willing!' she giggled with a huge smile. 'Waiting for you to come and see me... so that I can taste that cock and cum of yours again!' she laughed before adding 'Hi Gemma... Hi Em!' and waving.
The girls waved back.
'Down to business...' Tony said. 'What can I do for you babes?'
' I have two more for you...' she said casually, 'one of each!'
'Cool!' Tony said, 'have you briefed them?'
'Course! Does a bear shit in the woods?'' Shannon replied like Tony was stupid for even asking in the first place. 'I've done the usual... don't I always?
Tony laughed.
'You do darling... you do! I dunno where you get them all from. What is it, six already this month?'
Shannon nodded, laughing.
'I know a lot of people... and I do a lot of babysitting!'
'You must be rich!' Tony laughed. 'I'll stick two hundred in tomorrow. Send us the usual yeah? When will I get to see them?'
'They're here with me now' Shannon replied. 'This is Gracie!'
A little red headed girl appeared in the shot.
'hello' she said. 'I'm Gracie and I'm 9'
You could tell she was a little nervous, but Tony and the girls did their best to put her at ease.
'Hello Gracie... nice to meet you sweetie. No need to be nervous. I'm sure Shannon will look after you'
'Course I will!' Shannon's voice could be heard off camera.
'Has Shannon explained everything?'
Grace nodded, visibly more relaxed now.
'And you're happy with it all?'
She nodded again.
'Brilliant!' Tony replied. 'I'll pop and see you next week. Have you done a nice introductory?
'Uh-huh' Grace nodded with a smile.
'I''ll look forward to watching that later' he said before smacking his forehead. 'Where's my manners? I'm Tony as you know... and that man there is Peter' he said pointing me out. And these two sexy little girls are Gemma... and that one's Emily!'
Both girls waved and Grace waved back enthusiastically.
'Shannon said... do you want to see what I've got now?' Gracie asked.
'That would be VERY nice!' Tony replied.
Shannon instructed Gracie to stand on a chair which she did. Shannon panned the camera down Gracie's body on close up from head to toe, starting with her lovely green eyes, to her chest which revealed the beginnings of little raised titty bumps, down her flat little tummy to her gorgeous little thighs and sweet looking mound.
Then Gracie turned around to show off her sexy little bubble bum.
'Nice ain't she?' Shannon asked.
'Definitely!' Tony agreed.
'You wait until you taste her!' Shannon laughed.
'I just knew you would have... you dirty little bitch!' Tony laughed.
Shannon moved the camera to a boy with short brown hair and larger brown eyes. He was very pretty, for a boy that is, and appeared much more confident.
'Hiya!' he said. 'I'm Nick and I'm 11. Hope you like my cock!' he winked.
Immediately, Shannon panned the camera down to his hand wrapped around his stiff little boyhood, which he removed to give us all a nice clear view.
It was a nice size for his age as it stood out proudly, with a nice looking, undropped ball sack. A few very light wispy hairs above the base of his cock indicated he would be developing soon.
He then turned around to show off his bum.
'Nice cock!' Gemma commented.
'Nice to suck on!' Emily agreed.
As the camera panned out, Shannon and Gracie were on their knees in front of him. Grace immediately slipped her lips over the end and began to suck him, while Shannon stroked and fondled his tight little ball sack, before they swapped places.
The older girl then sucked him right off.
'Brilliant!' Tony said. 'I'll be up to see you all next week hopefully. Accounts and retainers will be available tomorrow!'
'Might have more for you by then!' Shannon said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as Gracie sucked on her perky little tits.
'Don't you ever stop?' Tony laughed.
'They don't call me Sexy Shannon Slut for nothing!'
'True! Take it easy babes.. stay safe... see ya!'
Shannon blew a kiss, waved and then disconnected.
No sooner had she gone then the bleeping started again. François Lille - Video call!
Tony answered and a man appeared on screen.
'Bonjour François!'
'Bonjour Tony!' the man said in a heavy French accent before they had a conversation totally in French
Then only words I understood were 'Euros' and 'au revoir', and then he was gone.
'See what I mean?' Tony said. 'This is why I need a right hand man!'
I nodded hesitantly.
'What's up now?' he asked when he saw my face.
'I... err... don't speak any other language other than English... and quite frankly I struggle with that half the bloody time!'
The girls giggled and Tony laughed.
'Don't worry' he told me, the system's got a built in translator. Just pop the little wireless headset on and talk normally. The system will translate everything you say automatically and vice versa. It covers just about every language going. It just so happens that I speak French!'
'Right' I said, suitably impressed, 'so what was all that about... if you don't mind me asking?
'Oh he's entertaining a very important client. Wanted some specifics for two nights in Paris... butter the client up so he awards them a massive contract.!' he laughed. 'A 5 year old Thai who likes to suck cock... and a 7 year old Indian who likes anal...'
'And you can do that? I asked, 'supply them I mean?'
'Course... it's the business I'm in... we're in. I can supply anything they ask for... at the right price!' he winked.
'So what's that likely to set him back?'
'I dunno' Tony did a quick calculation, 'but I quoted him 30,000€' he said very casually.
I let out a low whistle.
'Must be one hell of a contract he's after. And will they pay that?'
'Oh yeah... if they want it badly enough... and they usually do!' he laughed. 'But they know they are going to get exactly what they ask for , and they can ask for absolutely anything specific, no matter what age or kink. They know it will be supplied exactly, with no come backs or problems... guaranteed. We deliver them, provide the clients with secure, high quality accommodation for the duration, total security and collect them at the end'
I nodded.
'They get great value for money'
'How do they pay?'
'In bloody advance!' Tony laughed. 'I give them details of an account to pay it into, offshore of course. Once that's done, I immediately shift the money around you know...'
I nodded.
'The girls get around 300 Euros each per night. That's around £250... give or take... so it pays well. Bear in mind we're talking about a 5 and 7 year old here. Some get more... depends on their age and how experienced they are, plus they all get an annual retainer of £500, simply for being on the books. Take Shannon for example. She gets £400 per night because she is VERY good at what she does. She's also a recruiter and gets £100 for each new one she brings into 'the family'.
'Blimey!' I said with surprise, 'they earn more than I do...err... did!'
'As I said' he continued. 'we provide a quality service, guaranteed hassle free and every single one are very good at what they do'
He nodded towards Emily and Gemma.
'Gemma could earn over £300 a time... but I prefer not to share her with clients so anything she wants, whether that's money, clothes or anything else, she gets. You can do the same for Em if you'd prefer that?'
I looked own at the little girl on my lap. She looked up at me and grinned at the mention of her name.
I gave her a big, loving hug.
'I'd prefer not to share her with clients too' I admitted.
'No problem' Tony said. 'Let her have whatever she wants, clothes, money, gadgets, toys... just stick them on expenses'
'How do they get paid... the kids I mean?'
'Pretty much the same way. I set up offshore accounts for them which are all untraceable and they can dip into it pretty much whenever they want... up to a limit so they don't suddenly have a lot of cash and people get suspicious. A lot of them, the older ones like Shannon especially, realise they have a limited 'shelf life' for the want of a batter expression. Let's face it, you don't stay a child forever, so its squirrelled away for their retirement from the business until they get a bit older. That's except these two of course as they're usually here with me... well Em will be with you now'
I had to hand it to him, it was well set up, thought out and organised.
On top of that, he was making a fortune.
Tony wasn't finished yet though
'Oh and if they are a very regular, trusted client... for an additional fee we offer them access to our very high quality website. It's expensive, but again worth every penny' he laughed. 'How many websites do you know of where you can pick and chose a private performance in high definition to your exact requirements, and in addition, known that it's totally safe?'
I had to admit, I didn't know of any.
'It's fully interactive. Clients can talk to them over a live feed, direct them etc. Whatever they want really'
Not for the first time, I was very impressed.
'We have about 2000 clients worldwide at the moment, each paying £500 a month for unlimited access'
'Fuck me!' I said. 'Your website rakes in a million a month alone?'
'About that' he laughed, you'd have to ask my accountant. And the client base is growing!'
I was so pleased that I had inadvertently become part of all this.
'This is all so hard to take in' I said. 'I think I need to go home for a while... a touch of reality and get my head around it!'
'Uncle Pete!' little Emily said alarmed and tearful, 'please don't go...'
'That's understandable' he told me, 'but there's plenty of space here if you want to stay. If you want a record of anything' he said nodding towards Emily who still looked as if her world was about to fall apart, 'the cameras are all set up for it. You only need to hit the record button. I'll always respect your privacy though. Mind you, we'll probably be otherwise engaged ourselves won't we babes?' he said kissing the top of Gemma's nodding head.
I looked at a tearful Emily.
'I need clothes and stuff...' I said.
Tony gave a laugh.
'Go online... get yourself kitted out with some new clobber and get them to courier it. It'll be here first thing in the morning!'
He put Gemma down and got up, walked over to a drawer and when he came back slid a gold card across the table towards me in the name of his property business.
'That's yours' he said 'there's no limit on that by the way!'
I looked down at it, and that at little Emily looking up at me, almost pleading with her eyes and on the verge of bursting into tears.
'Looks like I'm staying then don't it?' I winked at her.
'Yay!' her little face lit up immediately as I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.
I gave her a big reassuring hug followed by a kiss.
'How could I deny you anything at all?' I said as I hugged her close to me.
A short while later, Tony showed me to a room. I say room, it was more like a self contained apartment and about three times bigger than my own poky little flat.
Like the rest of the house, it was tastefully decorated with an en-suite wet room, living area with leather sofas and large plasma TV's, one in the living space and another which popped up at the foot of the large four poster bed at the touch of a button.
Tony opened a drawer and pulled out another remote control and wireless keyboard. A few taps later and the screen came to life just like those downstairs.
'Enter your own password here...' he said handing me the keyboard. 'Now confirm it... press enter... and bingo! You've got the same access as me now... which is everything! He laughed.
'The menu's self explanatory, but if you do get stuck just hit that help button there' he pointed, and it'll guide you through it. Have fun and if you need anything, just shout!'
He kissed Emily on the cheek and left us alone.
Emily jumped and bounced on the bed, like the little 7 year old girl she actually was.
I got up the regular Internet and ordered some clothes for myself and loads of stuff for my Emily, paying over the odds for a courier delivery service and emphasising it all had to be delivered by 9 am the next morning at the very latest. I paid with the card that Tony had given me, and relieved that I'd sorted that out, turned my attention to my little girl.
'Come here you!' I said with a big smile, wiggling my finger at her. Em stood on the bed and walked over to where I was sitting on the end, her tiny feet disappearing in the soft mattress.
I threw my arms around her, hugging her tightly and caressing her little bum at the same time.
'You are so sexy!' I told her. 'and we're going to have a wonderful time together!'
We kissed passionately, our tongues dancing, before the phone rang making us both jump.
We broke away and I picked it up.
'Hello...' I said tentatively.
I could hear Tony laughing.
'Forgot to mention... bottom drawer... unit by the bed. Press one if you need me. See ya!' he chuckled and the line clicked off.
It was such a cryptic message, I had absolutely no idea what he was on about. Anyway, I went to the unit by the side of the bed and opened the bottom drawer.
I couldn't believe my eyes. It contained every type of sex toy you could imagine, only most of it was scaled down to what could only be described as child size.
There were vibrators, strap-ons, handcuffs, restraints, tools for spanking, dress up clothing and it seemed, an unending supply of both condoms and lubricants in every colour and flavour under the sun.
You name it, and it was in this drawer. I must have had a look of total amazement on my face.
Emily of course, simply giggled at my reaction.
I stretched out on the extremely comfortable bed with my arm around my 7 year old lover, who was cuddling into me with one arm across my chest.
I felt it slowly moving downwards until she was gently stroking and caressing my balls lovingly.
'I love you' she whispered tenderly and quietly.
'I love you too darling...' I whispered back, kissing the top of her head.
She slid her little body down the bed and kissed my balls before she gently licked and sucked them.
Slowly and sensually, she licked up the shaft of my now rock hard cock. Before she swirled her little pink tongue around the top.
I felt an intense feeling of extreme pleasure as little Emily looked up at me with those bright blue eyes.
She gently pulled my foreskin back, exposing the head covered in pre-cum. Her tongue snaked out and licked it off, before smacking her lips loudly.
I reached down as Emily repositioned herself to give me better access between her legs, and I stroked her soft little bum.
Every time my little darling licked and sucked up the pre-cum, my cock oozed twice as much again to replace it, so she was continually licking and sucking, smacking her lips noisily each time.
I probed her tightly closed little bum hole and using a finger and thumb, prised her little cheeks apart. I then took her by her slim little hips and lifted her up to sit her on my chest with her head facing my feet, so that she was lying on her tummy in a classic 69 position. Automatically, she opened her legs and raised her bottom up, while she continued her loving on my manhood.
Putting a hand on each of her little cheeks, with my thumbs I gently pulled them apart. Her wrinkly little rosebud, all dark pink was tightly closed. I lifted my head and ran my tongue from the top of her crack over her little opening and down to the space just above where her little pussy slit started.
'Mmm' she sighed as her sweet lips closed over the head of my cock.
I made my way back up and stopped when my tongue hit the little dip where her hole was. I pushed my tongue against it while taking in that sweet intoxicating perfume of little girl vagina.
I could feel her briefly push back against me in an effort to help my tongue enter her.
I felt its natural resistance so I wet a finger and brought it up.
Emily pushed her bum back as my digit forced the tight anal ring to open. This time, I used my index finger instead of my little one. Emily strained as if trying to poo and my finger slipped in a little more.
As my finger invaded her rectum, I felt Emily react by sucking me harder.
'Oh baby...' I sighed to the little 7 year old, 'you suck cock so well...'
I knew it was a daft thing to ask, as she'd struggle to answer with her tiny mouth stuffed full of my cock.
'Do you like me fingering your bum darling?'
She did her best to nod.
'Shall I put more in?'
She gave another little nod.
I pushed my finger up her bum a bit deeper until it reached the first joint.
'More?' I asked.
She nodded.
I pushed again.
This time, I decided to see how much of my finger her tight little poop chute would take. Slowly, my finger began to disappear right up to the knuckle.
Emily took more of me into her sweet mouth and began sucking harder. I withdrew my finger slightly before reinserting it, slowly building up a rhythm as I slid it in and out of her.
I could feel her little anal muscle working, clenching hard around my finger each time I pushed it back up her. I reached for the drawer and pulled out a sachet of the lubricant.
Meanwhile, little Emily had built up a steady rhythm of her own, her little her bobbing up and down with squelchy, slurping sounds coming from her as she enjoyed sucking on my cock.
I withdrew my finger from her totally, much to Emily's disappointment. I reached down and gently persuaded her to stop sucking me, as I didn't want to cum in her little mouth this time, as tempting as that was. She got the message and lifted her head up.
'That was so nice baby girl...' I told her softly, 'you are a wonderful little cock sucker, but this time... I want to make you feel nice!'
'That felt super nice with your finger up my bum!' she told me. 'Are you going to do that some more?' she asked hopefully.
I nodded and showed her my finger, glistening and coated in slippery strawberry flavoured gel. I got her to lie sideways across me with her knees slightly under her so that her gorgeous peachy bottom was raised up.
With my left hand, I forced the little cheeks apart to expose her wrinkled little anus again. I took some more of the lube and gave it a good squeeze to make sure her bum got a good amount.
'Ooh that's cold!' Emily giggled.
'Sorry sweetie!' I said apologetically.
I worked it in to make sure she was coated properly and to warm the gel up a bit. As I pushed my finger back into her, Emily strained again and with the assistance of the lube, it slipped in much easier this time around.
I was pleased as I couldn't bear the thought of causing my little Emily any unnecessary pain or discomfort if I could possibly avoid it.
My finger went straight in up to the knuckle like before, this time with very little effort and I could feel Emily pushing back , trying to get even more in.
'Ooh' she gasped. 'More... put more in...'
Clearly, she hadn't been lying when she'd told me she enjoyed things up her bum.
I then had an idea.
I reached back into drawer again and pulled out a vibrator. It was quite slim, only a little thicker than a ballpoint pen. I had no idea where Tony had acquired it from, but it was obvious it had been designed for use by a child. In fact, when I looked at it more closely, it was printed 'pre-teen anal size 1'
I gave it a coat of the lubricant and withdrew my finger from Emily's sweet bum. Her sexy rosebud gaped opened briefly and I watched it pulsate before it slowly closed up again. I lined the smooth, rounded tip of the implement up and pushed. Immediately it slipped in and continued to disappear up the little 7 year old's rectum.
'Oh yeah...' Emily gasped. 'Put it all the way... I want it right up my bum!'
I continued to push and around three quarters of its length went in. gently I withdrew it, before reinserting it with another coat of the lube.
'That feels soooo nice!' Emily informed me as I slowly began to fuck her tight little bum with the child size vibrator.
'Faster... harder...' she urged as I built up a little speed.
With my free hand I reached between her legs which emily parted for me, and stroked her slit. I then searched out her hard little nubbin and began to rub it in tiny little circles. Emily began to gyrate her slim boyish hips as I fingered her slippery little slit and began to pound the plastic into her harder and faster.
'Yes... yes... yes...' Emily gasped each time I pushed it in going fractionally further up her bum each time I did it.
Emily wrapped both her little hands around my cock and squeezed it as she began to squeal.
'Oh mi god... I'm gonna... fuck me... rub me... I'm cummmmingggg!'
She was panting now and pushing back against me hard writhing her hips about as most of the pink plastic disappeared up her little poop chute.
Her body trembled and stiffened and little legs were shaking too.
I rubbed her little love button harder and faster as Emily had a powerful little orgasm.
'Mmm... yeah... cumming... oh mi god...' she shrieked.
I continued to rub her clit and pound her tight little bum until she couldn't take it any more and I stopped both actions. I hugged her close to me as the pleasure waves continued to rack her body.
It gave me a lovely feeling to know that I could give my little girl such wonderful pleasure sensations, and the fact that my Emily was so sensitive and receptive to them as well. I just continued to hug her close to me until she eventually calmed down breathlessly and opened her little eyes.
I looked down at her and she looked up at me.
All I could see in those beautiful blue eyes of hers was pure love for me.
She beamed me the most heart-warming little smile.
'That was super...' she said softly, 'thank you!'
She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. Eventually, she sat up and with her sitting on my lap we had a long, very passionate kiss.
Once we broke away, I playfully threw her down on the bed next to me, pinned her arms out to the sides and blew large, loud raspberries on her soft, smooth, flat little tummy, making her giggle non stop.
I never ever forgot that Emily was just a little 7 year old girl, even if she was a precocious little slut in the making with a massive sexual appetite, and at times, a little 7 year old girl was exactly what she was.
Like the way she was giggling now.
I let her up and we had another hug and kiss.
'Well then Missy' I said as I tickled her skinny little ribs, 'how about we have a bit of a rest and watch one of those films now... if I can work out how to operate this bloody thing!' I added, reaching across for the keyboard.
'Yeah!' Emily squealed with delight. 'can we watch Rosie's birthday party... it's really good!'
I'd temporarily forgotten all about that. It was the adorable, fuckable little girl I'd seen in the introductory video and I quite liked the idea of seeing what happened at her special 5th birthday party.
I tapped 'Rosie' into the search box and a list of about 20 films with 'Rosie' in the title from all around the world came up. They were also various ages.
I scrolled down and then I saw it.
'Rosie's 5th Birthday Party!'
I clicked on it as Emily and I settled back on the bed and the screen came to life.
A colourful title came up with the same name as a group of young children on the soundtrack sang 'Happy Birthday To You'... with gradually faded out.
The title slowly dissolved into more writing.
'Rosie is 5 today... so all her special friends came round to her party...
And to wish her a very SPECIAL... Happy Birthday....'
End Of Part One
Sid Sin
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