Work Where the Love Happens

[ Mg, MF, slow, nc, cons ]

Published: 16-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1: That Day

Working in a mental rehabilitation center is very stressful but I love what I do. As a 23 year old case manager, I was in charge of collecting and analyzing data on the client based on programs that the client ran throughout their stay at Valley Rehab. My client's name is Lilly. She is a 12 year old young lady diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder, ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), and OCD . She was about 5 feet tall ( six shorter than me), skinny but not sickly, shoulder length straight brown hair, big brown eyes, and fair skin. Her favorite things to do were to repeat others, especially curse words, color, dance, watch movies on a personal DVD player, and horde paper items. This would most often be in the form of tearing tags off shirts/shoes or ripping pages out of books. She also did not speak too often and when she did she was soft spoken, unless she was having one of her tantrums. These tantrums included screaming, crying, aggression towards trainers and herself, and property destruction. Many clients were actually quite aggressive and had to either be restrained at times or even heavily medicated. One guy even was restricted to a padded room and the hallways needed to be cleared anytime he needed to be transported. Luckily I have never had to restrain Lilly, though I wouldn't mind.

You see, I am what you can call a pervert. When I was first hired, I took notice of Lilly and more specifically her body and knew that I wanted to be near her. It was large eyes, perky developing a-cups under her tank top, narrow hips, and soft smile that drove me to work my ass off to get to work with her. I have always been turned on by little innocent girls and crazy girls. Lilly was a combination of the two. But there was an obstacle. You see, everyone starts with the less aggressive clients and moves up with experience. Then there was that fateful day that I was trained to be with her. Just being in the room got my heart beating. It also didn't help that the person training me was pretty hot also. Her name was Amanda and she sported a tight blonde bun, shapely body she often hid under baggy clothes (kind of a tomboy), and dark green eyes. She noticed my dedication to doing my best to get time to work with Lilly and asked if I wanted to join the team. Ever since that day, work has been great.

Now as a pervert, I would fantasize about Lilly making a move on me. I would also touch her a lot when rewarding her for being good and not having tantrums or tearing up things. It would not be anything inappropriate. It usually involved things like ruffling her hair, rubbing her back, or massaging her hands. She would smile that adorable smile. She seemed to like having me around. It could have been that I was very affectionate with her and often gave her extra sweets. That didn't mean I wasn't constantly checking her out and driving myself wild in my mind. I didn't want to hurt her and there were also cameras in every room and I always had a sick feeling in my stomach that someone was watching me even though I knew that no one really paid attention to the cameras unless there was an excess of noise from chairs crashing or screaming. So I kept everything PG.

Then that fateful day came that set the wheels in motion about a month after getting onto Lilly's program team. It started out just like any other day. Lilly and I were doing a puzzle together and I was telling her how great she was doing in a quiet tone. She put one of the last pieces into place and softly said, "bathroom."

"Alright Lilly-girl, we can go to the bathroom," I said and we got up and headed out of her room. We got to the bathroom down the hall and she went in. She turned on the light and I closed the door until there was only a cracked open. Protocol had it this way so if anything wrong happened, like clients trying to break the toilet or eat their own feces, the employee could be on hand to deal with it while giving the client privacy if they behave. Luckily Lilly did neither of those and trips to the bathroom were pretty uneventful, but like I mentioned before she liked to horde paper items. So when I heard her flush the toilet, I walked in to find standing with her pants and panties still at just below her knees and a piece of dirtied toilet paper in her hands. My eyes went straight to her pussy. There was a bit of pubic hair starting to form. This was the first time I had seen her pussy because usually by the time she flushed the toilet, she was fully dressed. My eyes made their way up back to hers. She stared me down with those beautiful big brown eyes and I knew that I had to get that toilet paper into the the bowl and she may not make it easy on me. I slowly walked in and said, "Hey Lilly, why don't you throw that away?" I asked, kind of cooing and she just kept staring. I got some latex gloves on from the door by the sink and slowly walked up to her. I offered out my hand and said, "I can take that for you." She looked at my hand and after a quick sniff of the toilet paper she handed it to me. I quickly put it in the toilet and started to back up when she grabbed my arm with enough strength to tell me she wanted me to stay put.

"Clean me," she said and broke eye contact with me by looking down. I was dumb founded. I was already in the bathroom with a 12 year old crazy girl with her pants practically on the floor and she wanted me to clean her undercarriage. I just kind of stood there and was snapped back to the moment when her hand slid down my arm to my wrist and she tugged it towards the toilet paper roll on the wall. "Clean me," she repeated just a little louder, but nothing to cause an echo in the fully tiled bathroom. I complied and tore off a piece. My eyes were glued on her bush as my hand approached it and I wiped her front to back (I heard that is how it is supposed to be done). My hand was shaking and my heart was beating in my ears.

I tossed it in the bowl between her legs and as the toilet paper hit the water, a thought occurred to me, 'there are not cameras in the bathroom.' With this thought I ran my hand across her lips softly one more time without any toilet paper and stood up. She pulled up her panties (white with blue polka dots) and her pants and flushed the toilet. I followed her over to the sink and waited for her as she washed her hands. When she walked past me to get a paper towel, I decided to push my luck a little bit more and walked up behind her. I left an inch between us so she would not feel my hardening cock and reached around her. I started at her hips and ran my hands up her stomach and stopped at those a-cups hidden under a well fit sweater. My hands rested on her breasts and I gave them a squeeze. Then I lowered my hands to around her waist, pulled her for a hug (hugs were not uncommon at my workplace since a lot of the clients liked physical touch and social interactions), and said softly, "You did great washing your hands and going to the bathroom, Lilly."

"Thank you," she said and I let go. We walked back to the room and I don't what was worse: trying to hide the boner or trying to keep myself from shaking so hard from the adrenaline rush. Well one thing is for sure: I got some Lilly and I wanted more!

Chapter 2: The Next Step

Back in the room I was just trying to collect my thoughts. I couldn't believe what I just did. I knew what I did could get me put away for a very long time. What worried me most was that it would be Lilly who would expose me if she even hinted at what just went on. As I looked at her setting up her DVD to watch Ice Age for the third time that day, it seemed that she was not really bothered by anything that went on in the bathroom. 'Maybe this kind of thing has happened to her before,' I thought to myself. With every passing minute, my heart started to slow down to normal. Once it did and the room was just filled with the sounds of the video, I began rubbing her back. I received no response but when I stopped to write some stuff down on the clipboard, she said quickly, "Rub by back, please." So I went back to rubbing her back. The rest of the day went on as normal without incident.

My hands ached for her she did not make it easy on me. As with many of the clients, she dressed herself in the clothes provided by the facility. They were nothing fashionable that was donated but she found a way to try to wear some form of short sleeves and shorts. Many of the other trainers would just let her sit like that and she would often shiver or have a temper tantrum whenever someone offered to put a blanket or jacket around her. I knew this because I was stuck on camera room duty for a few days. Along with observing sweet Lilly either cutely bouncing along with the beat of some Disney song on a DVD or lunging at trainers. I would feel bad for some of the trainers (the good handful that are really trying to look out for Lilly so she is not in discomfort) but then there are a good many of them who would not even attend to her. Often she was left shivering or asking several times for something. This soft, "snack please." would soon turn to crying. This crying would turn to screaming and ended with a few trainers having to run in to restrain her. She definitely had a short fuse and that turned me on. Whenever I would be with her, it was like a bomb ready to go off. The other thing I learned from watching from the camera room were all the out of frame spots in the various rooms. Lilly's were right by her cabinets of magazines and stuffed animal toys. I knew exactly where there was going to be "playtime" the next time I was with her. That was Friday.

Monday could not come quick enough and after a short staff meeting where the Head Supervisor went over the weekly goals. I was really tuned out and Amanda nudged me in the ribs when the Head Sup asked me a question while off on in Lala Land.

"I said, you and Amanda are to really work on Lilly's tantrums," He repeated. His bald head shined in the florescent lights above. This was nothing new. This 40 something year old has been telling whoever is on Lilly's team to work on decreasing the number of tantrums.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "Understood." Once out of there I went to the secretary for assignments. For the first hour I was with a client named Billy who had severe mental retardation and enjoyed talking so much that if interupted, he was known to box them until sedated. Yes, box people like put up his dukes and give them the ol' one two. Except in this case it was more like giving them the ol one, two, three, four, five... you get the point.

The second hour I was put in the arts and crafts room. It was here that the higher functioning clients got to come together to interact a bit while doing some crafty thing to keep their minds of having to be locked up in a facility. Lilly was in this room at this hour along with a handful of other that came to a total of six clients to three trainers in the room. The project that day were water colors. It was a pretty simple idea that had pretty calming affects on the clients.

Time passed and I walked around to see the progress of their master pieces. It was mostly squiggles or flowers or something for the lot of them. When I came to Lilly, she had two stick figures with one painted blue and he other red. They were both facing towards the left with the blue one behind the red one. Just looking at it reminded me of the end out our bathroom excursion. My cock woke up in my pants and I became very nervous. 'What if someone asks her about her painting?' I thought in a panic. I stayed near Lilly, praising her on her good brush strokes and tried to subtly block any trainer's eyes to her picture with my body.

The few minutes that past felt like hours when Lilly promptly put her paint brush down, picked up her still wet painting, and gave it to me. She had filled out the hair and added some shoes but not much else detail.

"What did she paint for you, Billy?" I heard over my shoulder and spun to find my collegue Sam chuckling at the nervous reaction on my face.

"Looks like dancing," I shrugged with a smile.

"What kind of dancing has the person behind the other?" Sam questioned and I froze. He was getting closer to the truth, I just knew it.

"A Congo line," Amanda chimed in while helping a client clean his face from painting it instead of the paper. Good save. Thank you.

"Bathroom," Lilly chirped and stood.

"I'll take her," I said and softly took Lilly's hand to guide her to the door. "I mean you guys look like you have your hands full and also this way I can hang this up on the wall along the way." I continued yammering until we were out the door.

Once in the bathroom, I stood by the door and instead of closing the door for her privacy I decided to watch. Lilly did not seem to mind, pulling down her pants and panties in one swoop and sitting down. She looked at me and smiled. We just looked at each other for about twenty seconds and then she held up a finger and curled it repeatedly as a sign for me to come to her. I waltzed right in and stood next to her on the toilet. She offered out a hand and I held it. Her smile grew and a minute passed before she stood up. I got a great view of her bush again. She let go of my hand to wipe herself and bent over to throw the tp in the bowl and flush. I got a nice view of her butt and my hand practically reached itself out to touch it. She jumped and giggled and with her pants still down, toddlered over to the sink. I gave chase and met her at the sink.

"You have to pull up your pants, pretty girl," I said softly to her and looked at her in the mirror.

"You do it," she said and began washing her hands. I swallowed hard and just stood there. I guess she thought I was going to refuse to do it, so she explained, "You touch my butt, you pull up pants." This was probably the most she has ever said to me that didn't involve getting some kind of candy or toy. I was amazed but knew I needed to do something before she changed her mind. My cock was hard and my hands were a bit shaky as I hurried and pulled up her panties and pants together. I quickly buttoned it just as she was moving to get a paper towel. I wanted to grope her again but I figured that I shouldn't push it too far in one room.

Sadly the day went on and I did not get to see Lilly that much. It looks like I will have to wait at least another day before testing my limits in her room.

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It's good. It has potential. Even mentally handicapped girls know they sit on a gold mine.

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