Published: 19-Mar-2012
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Author's Profile
I consider myself a humanitarian. A compassionate humanitarian. Don't get me wrong, I love my work, but the real reason I do it is for the kids. Kids whom, without my help, likely would never discover their true potential or realize there true passions. My name is not terribly important, but if you need one in order to feel comfortable reading this, you may call me Henry Smith. Now to this charity work I have been speaking of. I run a boys school of sorts up in north western Maine. This school however is different from most. It is run out of my humble mansion and one hundred acre property. I am the only staff member, and the school only has three pupils at a time. Once they graduates, they are replaced by a new class.
Like most schools, ours goal is to prepare our students for the rest of their lives. The manor in which this is accomplished however, is unconventional to say the least. We teach boys aged thirteen through sixteen how to be sex slaves to wealthy men. For three years each boy is rigorously trained how to be a proper house boy. Upon graduation, each boy is presented to there new masters, whom all have agreed to take care of the boy. In exchange, our boys serve their masters for life. Since our boys are the best that can be found, extensive background checks are done on all men who apply for a boy. Thousands of applicants are received over the course of the three years the boys are in training, and unfortunately, only three of the said applicants are able to receive a boy. I shall not bore you with details of the extensive application process, but all masters must be between twenty and thirty, extremely wealthy, healthy, and know how to treat and take care of a boy.
The application process for the boys however is quite a bit different. I personally dig up the boys from the dark corners of the internet. I often find them poking around BDSM chat rooms or websites. When I find one, I discreetly begin the application process. All boys I consider must have an interest in submission to another man. They must be thirteen or almost thirteen. They must also be strikingly beautiful, intelligent, innocent, and kind individuals. All boys must also have a poor home life or relationship with their parents. After all other aspects check out, I invite the boy to run away from home and come live with me. The only way for a pupal to be accepted is for them to directly refuse my offer. This may seem odd however there is a reason. Those boys who accept my offer are those who will ultimately end up in the lifestyle, with or without my help. Those who refuse are those who would enjoy the lifestyle, but themselves do not have the courage to actively pursue it. It's my job to show them that they will enjoy it, and to make them enjoy it for the rest of their lives. Once I've decided on my new class, I hire some "friends" to go fetch the boys for me and bring them to school. They do a very good job with little mess. Since a prerequisite for acceptance is a poor home life, very little effort is usually placed in recovering the missing boys and poof, after a month or two, the heat is completely off and they are forgotten. This is when their new life may begin. This story is about a specific class of mine, the class of 2010. A class whom, in particular, experienced exceptional hardships and triumphs, and is the class that I will never forget.
The date was August 22nd, 2007. The time was 3:00 PM. It was a very exciting day. Our newest class of boys was to arrive any minute. I was especially excited about this group of boys, the class of 2010. This class was likely to be the most physically beautiful group of boys our school had ever seen. The flip side of this was that, some of them, seemed particularly strong willed. Although training a strong willed boy is more difficult than a naturally passive boy, it is also much more rewarding when they finally fall into line and accept their place in the world.
We were expecting the arrival of all three boys on this day; Jacob, Matthew, and Eric. I had extensively interviewed all of the boys via the internet, as is policy before any boy is considered for acceptance, and I felt I had a good understanding of all the boys and the backgrounds they came from. Jacob was the youngest of the three, about twelve and three quarters, and was also the physically smallest; about five foot and ninety-seven pounds. He had bright blue eyes, a small mouth and nose, and a blond bowl cut on top of his head. All and all he was a pedophiles dream boy. Jacob was from a rural village in the United Kingdom. Like most of our pupils, Jacob came from a poor family. His father abandoned his mother when she got pregnant, and his mother cared more about sex than about Jacob. Jacob attended the local school in his village, were he tended to be the quiet boy few people noticed. What attracted me to Jacob the most was his shyness, yet under this shyness he gave off the feel of being a true submissive.
The second oldest of the boys was Matthew, hailing from Greenwich, Connecticut. Matthew was different from most of our accepted boys because he came from a wealthy, high class family. His parents however never intended on having children. During the school year Matthew was shipped off to boarding school and during the summer he was shipped off to summer camp. He rarely saw his parents at all. When they did see him they felt that showering him with gifts would make up for the love and support his life had lacked all year. Physically, Matthew was stunning. His perfectly straight brown hair reached just above his shoulders. His face was a bit thinner than Jacobs and accented with just a few freckles under his deep brown eyes. Standing five foot three inches and one hundred and three pounds, Matthew was, like Jacob, a walking wet dream. Through his years of wealth, Matthew had come to expect what he wanted when he wanted it, and had learned to work the system to his benefit, learning to insincerely submit to superiors to accomplish his goals. Overall this kid begged for discipline, and he was going to receive it.
Our final new pupils name was Eric. Eric was the oldest of the three boys at an ancient thirteen and a half. From the start I knew Eric would likely be the toughest boy I would ever have to break. At this point in my career I had trained so many boys it had become almost tedious, and I felt I needed a challenge in order to keep myself sharp. That is why I chose Eric. Eric was a strong willed boy from Los Angeles, California. Eric's mother died when he was young and his father was a corrupt cop who beat Eric often. Long ago Eric learned how to take care of himself. Now Eric faced the greatest challenge he had ever faced in his life, letting someone else take care of him. The streets had made Eric tougher and less innocent than the other boys. Since his father provided him with nothing, Eric learned to steal and manipulate in order to get what he needed to survive. Since he didn't own a computer, he would go to the public library to surf bondage related chartrooms, were I inevitably ran into him. Eric was tall, about five foot seven inches. He was also a bit more muscular than the other boys, which wasn't saying much. He weighed in at about one hundred and twenty pounds. He had a slim face and dirty blond curly hair. He looked more fourteen of fifteen than thirteen.
The time had come to meet the boys face to face. I knew they had arrived when I saw an orange Uhaul rolling up the long gravel driveway towards my estate. As it pulled up next to the marble stairs up to the front door, two large muscular men climbed out of the drivers cab. At this point I payed my "friends". After payment had been received the men opened the back door of the Uhaul. Inside sat three burlap sacks. My friends informed me that the boys had been in the sacks over a day and would likely be covered in there own urine and fecal matter. Because of this, I had the men take the sacks directly inside and left to my shower room. This was a tile room, resembling a World War Two gas chamber, with shower heads all along the ceiling. We each carried a sack to the room. I could feel a small body moving a bit inside the sack, however it was clear the boy had given up struggling long ago. Once we arrived in my shower room, I dismissed my friends. I was finally alone with my new class. Three burlap sacks lined the floor. At this point I stripped down to my birthday suit and turned on the water. Water poured from the ceiling. The sacks got damp and began to stick to the boys bodies. This caused the boys to struggle a little more in their sacks, perhaps being a bit panicked that they were going to drown. The time had come to see them. I opened each of the sacks and dumped there contents on the wet tile floor. Each boy had been prepared exactly to my request. They were completely naked with their hands tied behind there back and feet tied together. The rope binding there feed and the rope binding there hands was then tied together with another rope, effectively hogtieing the boys. Each boy also had a large ballgag filling their mouth and a blindfold covering their eyes. Now each boy was struggling on the ground, trying to keep there faces out of the puddles. It was a beautiful sight seeing there supple, naked bodies all bound and gagged, struggling on the ground trying to get up. Both Jacob and Eric clearly had been soaking in there own waist for sometime, however Matthew seemed to have held it, however now I could see he was releaving himself as a stream of urine trickled from his dick, mixing with the water. Smart boy. It was time to clean them all off. Since the name of the game is discipline at our school, we mandate a high standard of personal hygean and dress at all times.
I decided to start with Matthew. I cut the rope binding his hands and feet together and stood him up. He was quite glorious looking. His pale skin looked beautiful in contrast with his dark brown hair, which glistened in the water. I got behind him and pulled his back up against my front and reached around to his privites. I soaped up my hand and began to clean his dick and balls. My dick rested length wise in his crack. As I cleaned Matthews dick he began to moan a bit through his ballgag. I could feel his arm tense up as he instinctivly tried to reach around and stop my invasive hand from molesting him, however the rope kept his hands securily behind his back. He was clearly not used to being in control. God how I wanted to fuck his arrogant little ass right there, however it was still not the time. His dick was now fully erect at about 4 inches. Matthew continued to moan. He had a very femminen voice, even for a thirteen year old boy. At our school we have a rule, no boy is to ever have an erection unless told to have an erection. Not knowing the rule is no excuse. I felt I needed to make an announcement.
"Excuse me boys, I need to have your attention for a moment."
Both Matthew and Jacob stopped struggling to listen, probably hoping for some information about their fate. Eric however just went right on struggling.
"I know you don't know what is going on or were you are or anything else about your situation, you will learn all of that shortly. However I do need to notify you that there are certain rules here that you need to abide by. One such rule is that none of you are to have an erection unless I say otherwise. Matthew, you have an erection now, since you didn't know the rule I will give you thirty seconds to get rid of it, otherwise you will be punished."
As the thirty seconds began I knew perfectly well that no thirteen year old boy without a chastity device or proper training can prevent themselves from having an erection. I believe Matthew tried to inform me of this.
"Mmmmmfffffpppp" Matthew muffled into his gag, which, since it was made for an adult, filled his whole mouth. As I counted down Matthews muffled please sounded more desperate, however his erection stayed. I assume he was trying to tell me something to the extent of "I can't make it go down." however I didn't care, just kept on counting. Once thirty was reached i kicked out his knees so he fell to them, then I pushed his head to the ground.
"Matthew, You are going to be spanked now, until your erection disappears. The sooner it goes down, the sooner the pain will stop." Matthew was crying by now, his high pitched voice made him sound like a little girl. It wouldn't be bold to say this kid had probably never been disciplined in his life, and he sorely deserved it.
"One..." I said as my hand came down hard on his tight ass. Matthews head shot up and he yelped a muffled yelp, his wet hair shook in the air as his head shot up. His hair glistened in the light. He had beautiful hair.
"Two..." I said as the second one came down.
"Three..." I began speeding up now, "Four five six..." I gave him three quick in a row. I check on his dick which was now much harder than before. There was no way it was going down while being spanked.
"Five six seven eight" I was going at about one per second now continuously. Matthew was crying like a girl now. He was in for a rude awakening if he thought this was the worst that was to come. The other boys were obviously struggling harder on the ground now, trying to get away. Water poored over Matthews glittering red ass as I continued.
"Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine" with my free hand I had begun to jerk off my own ramped prick. At around fifty I exploded all over Matthews now purple ass, covering it with jizz. I just pushed Matthew over now and he just collapsed in a sobbing pile. What a pussy.
"Matthew you were unable to get rid of your erection for me, so you are going to need to be punished again later."
Matthew sobbed harder and between sobs tried to speak through his gag. All i heared was "mmfffppp" however it was probably something to extent of "I want my mommy."
The rest of the cleaning went without insident. I carried all three boys up to my attic. I hooked all three boys hands to meathooks hanging from the ceiling so they were dangling in the air. Eric was still struggling but Matthew and Jacob just hung there like pieces of meat. I removed there blindfolds but left their gags in place. This was the first thing they had seen in days: a creepy wooden attic with sheets over the furniture, and old paintings. Three beds were up against the wall. I purposly left the attic in ill repair to scare new students. This was were they stayed until they learned to submit, to some extent. Once they were broken they could move into the nicer dormitories and home.
This is the step I like to call orientation.
I left the boys alone in the attic for a while to dry off and let them contemplate there lives. After an hour or so I was hard again and ready to continue. I climbed the creaky wooden steps back up to the attic. All the boys were still there in the same position I left them; Gagged with tied hands and legs, dangling from the ceiling. They all looked pretty miserable, however they all also had erections, which indicated to me I had made the right choices in selecting my boys. As I entered the room all eyes focused on me, probably hoping to learn news of there fate.
"Hello boys." I said with a smile on my face. "I hope now to answer all the questions you have whizzing around your head and give you some indication about what will be in store for you over the next few years." At this everyones eyebrows shot up. The prospect of three years in there current situation obveously did not settle well with the boys. They would get used to the idea. "First of all, you may refer to me to others as Mr. Smith, however when you refer to me directly you will call me Sir, do you understand?" All I got for a response was a bunch of blank angelic faces staring at me. At this I turned around and pulled down a long riding crop.
"As a general rule, you speak when spoken to, and only when spoken to, unless what you need to say is of large importance. If for some reason you are unable to reply to me, ie: right now, a simple nod or shake of the head will work fine. So now I will ask you again, do you understand?" At this Jacob and Matthew give me a nervous nod, at the very least understanding what would happen if they didn't nod. The large riding crop in my hand looked quite threatening, and it's bite was as bad as its bark.
Eric however just let his head hang between his arms, his eyes looked calm as he stared at the floor, almost as if he was gazing off into the distance. His body was limp and his lips gently relaxed around the ball gag filling his mouth.
"Eric, by your lack of response, are you telling me you don't understand, or are you simply being defiant?" Eric didn't budge at the question. He didn't even budge. At this point I approached Eric until our foreheads almost touched. With my hand I grabbed his hair and pulled his head up from its hanging position until he was looking me in the eye. He was still defiant even then.
Thwack! I brought the riding crop down hard on his pale ass. Eric winced at the pain. He bit down hard on his gag and squeezed his eyes shut hard. His head tried to dip down once more but I yanked it up again, with more force this time.
Thwack! This time Eric made a little noise, sort of a small boyish grunt as the blow collided with his behind. After about five more blows Eric seemed to be in a considerable amount of pain. He was a tough kid. One of those blows would have had either of the other boys crying, but Eric kept his composure.
"Eric, are you ready to tell me if you understand that you need show me respect?" Eric still remained steadfast, although I could tell he was thinking about it this time. I went behind Eric at this point to inspect my handy work. About eight dark red lines were running across Eric's behind, some of which were bleeding moderately. I realized then that I probably had to be physically harder on this kid than I ever had on any boy before. Fortunately, my attic is equipped with all the tools I needed to do so. I picked up a simple table salt shaker nearby and brought it over to Eric's bleeding ass. I began sprinkling. Eric made a hissing noise as the particles made contact, working there ways into the gashes. I continued to shake until the blood became saturated and his ass had I nice layer of the season on it. I now returned to the front of him. His head was lowered, not in defiance but pain, and probably in shame, as at this point an enormous erection protruded from his waist. With one hand I grab Eric's testicles and squeeze firmly, and with the other I reach behind and rub the salt deep into the gashes of his ass. Finally I knew I had hit Eric's breaking point when he began screaming into his gag. At last tears welled up in Eric's eyes and I knew he was indeed only a boy. After a minute or so of enjoying my victory and Eric's screams and tears, I stopped my assault on his ass and testicles. Without having to ask again, although still with his head lowered, Eric nodded his teary face. "Good, I think we can now continue. You boys are actually very fortunate to be hear. You are at a prestigious, competitive boys school. We only admit three boys every three years, and you boys are so lucky enough to be the class of 2010. Hear you will learn everything you need to know about being a modern house boy, most notably, discipline, respect, obedience, and sexual service. After your graduation you will be given away to very wealthy men, whom you will be in service to for the rest of your life, and who will in return provide all the necessary things you need to survive. You will learn our basic schedule and how our lessons work from day to day, however there are a few basic rules that you must follow. Some of them you boys have already learned."
1."No boy is to ever have a erection unless given permission." At this point all three boys looked down at there rock hard cocks. Matthew and Jacob blushed a little. Eric was still just hanging there whimpering about his hurt pride and ass through his gag.
"And yes, you will all be punished for those, but from now on to make things a little easier, you will all ware chastity devices for the first two years of school." I assumed none of them really knew what a chastity device was, fortunately I had one nearby for an example. It was a small metal device with a metal lock and pyramid shaped pointers on the inside.
"This is a chastity device. Your penis goes in the tube shaped area and the bottom part wraps securely around your testicles. The lock is so that you can not take it off. It makes it so you don't get an erection. You still need to learn control however, so if you do try to get an erection, there are small pointers along the inside which will poke into the skin on your penis, causing substantial pain." All the boys looked pretty horrified at this point, however there dicks still stood at attention.
2."The second rule is you always speak when spoken to." I glanced at Eric at this as he returned a sheepish look. "You must always refer to all other individuals as "Sir" or "Mame" except for your peers, whom you call by name."
3.The third rule is that you must always be dressed in your school uniforms. The uniform consists of a white oxford shirt, tie and blue blazer with school crest. Bellow your waist you ware slacks with a belt, black dress socks, and loafers. The only difference between your uniforms are your ties. Jacob, your tie is green, Matthew, your tie is blue, and Eric, your tie is red. Uniforms must always be warn correctly, meaning shirt always tucked in, top button done, ties worn tight and of the correct length. Do I make myself clear?" Three heads nod. "Uniforms are warn at all times except during sports, certain lessons which you will be informed of, and sleeping, when you sleep naked. Blazers must be warn during the school day which is between seven and five Monday through Saturday, and at dinner every night."
4."All pupils do as they are told in a quick and effective manor." "Breaking any of these rules will result in swift and harsh punishment." I stopped reading at this point to see how our new pupils were holding up. They had been hanging for close to two hours now and two had already withstood a beating. I decided it was time to show a little mercy. I unhooked Eric and Matthew and lied them down on there backs on two of the beds in the attic. I rehooked both there hands and legs to the top and the bottoms of the beds. Although they were clearly glad to have the pressure off there arms there were clearly uncomfortable having there raw bums forced up against the cloth sheets of the bed. Little Jacob was the only one left still hanging. The kid looked dead, he could barely keep his eyes open and was drooling a little out the corner of his gag. His blond bowl cut dangled a bit over his eyes.
"Boys, I'm now going to process you one by one, which takes some time. You may rest while this is going on. Once this is done you will be official pupils of the school. Your first real day starts tomorrow!" With that I unhooked Jacob and carried him in my arms to another room. He was so adorable. He was asleep now, his cute hair flopped in his face as he subconsciously sucked sweetly on his ball gag.
I carried Jacob to another room in the attic. This room was pretty much empty. Same creepy wooden walls with one chair in the center. It was also wooden, with bars as the back. Various BDSM tools decorated the walls. I needed to wake Jacob. I placed his sleepy body on the chair and lightly slap his cherubic face just enough to wake him and tingle just a little. He slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly his eyes shot open and he seemed surprised and startled. He had probably assumed what was happening to him had just been a dream, or a nightmare. His feet were still bound and hands in front. This made him easy to manipulate. I picked the boy up and made him kneel on the chair so his front was facing the back of the chair. I pulled his arms and the front of his body over the chair and tied them to the bars. His feet i tied to the top of the front legs of the chair. His naked body was now effectively tied over the chair, not allowing him to move and allowing me easy access to his ass and genitals. He was a beautiful boy. Very thin. I ran my fingers and hands all over his pale, sensitive skin. He shivered and moaned at the touch. I rubbed my hands around his face and caressed his lips as i suckled a little on the ball gag. His cock was rock hard. I finally removed his gag. Jacob stretched his mouth open really wide and then closed. He did this several times stretching his mouth, since it had been in the same position for over a day. I continued to caress him as be breathed deeply and shivered.
"What is your name, boy?" I asked him.
"Jacob" he replied in not much more than a whisper. My hand came down hard on his pale ass and he yelped, his little body shivered.
"Jacob, Sir." He said again.
"How old are you?"
"Thirteen in two months, Sir."
"Do you masturbate?"
"No Sir."
As he answered my question I continued my evaluation. He was very thin with very very little muscle mass. I stuck my finger in his hole and he groaned. It was very tight. His raging woody was about three and a half inches.
"Have you ever been fucked, Jacob?"
"No Sir."
"Would you like to be?"
Jacob was silent for a moment. Smack! My hand landed hard on his ass leaving a mark.
"Ahh Sir please Sir I don't know." he responded. Smack, my hand landed again in the same place.
"You don't know what Jacob? Be articulate."
"I don't know if I want to be fucked Sir. It sounds appealing, but I'm scared."
Jacob had an adorable British accent, especially when he was talking about getting fucked. For now I stopped the questions and continued processing him. I trimmed the little public hair he had so it was just a little fuzz. He had no other body hair to shave.
"Jacob, you know that you have an erection without permission." I informed him. He blushed.
"Yes Sir, I know Sir, I can't make it go down Sir."
"I'm afraid not being able to make it go down Jacob is no excuse, and you know you are going to have to be punished. I need to do some things to you now to prepare you for school, and they aren't going to be fun, and I'm going to make extra sure they are not fun by adding other extra things, so that this will count as your punishment."
"I'm not sure I understand, Sir?"
"Don't worry Jacob you will."
Once a month our boys go through an extensive cleansing process. This includes an enema, genital cleaning and trimming, as well as milking. Since our boys always ware chastity devices, they never release there seamen. To much of this build up can lead to health problems so once a month our boys are milked to remove excess seamen.
To start of the process I grabbed some nipple clamps. It was a chain about a foot and a half long with two tiny vice grips on the end. I reached around Jacobs smooth body and tightened one of the grips around his pink little nipples. "AHHhhhh" Jacob moaned as the clamp tightened and increased pressure around his tit. I also applied the other one. The chain dangled down, putting increasing weight on his nipples. "Owwwwaahhhhh, please Sir!" Jacob yelped as i gave a little tug on the chain to make sure its secure.
"It hurts Sir please stop!" Thwack. This time I wacked the boy with my belt. He needed a bit stronger disapline.
"Jacob, I'm in charge and don't you dare presume to tell me what to do, I own you and I can do is I please." As i said this I brought down another blow on his ass. He yelped again and started crying.
"Jacob, I haven't even begun." I said as I went to the wall and took down a ball crusher and a cane. I took the ball crusher and placed Jacob's testicles inside. I started to turn the screws as the piece of metal began placing pressure on his testicles. Jacob simply began to cry harder, doubled over on the chair as I tightened and tightened, stopping just short of were they might pop. Jacobs crying was starting to get on my nerves. I went back to the wall and returned with a penis gag. It was a large one, probably an inch and a half in diameter and two and a half long. It was shiny and black. I forced it in Jacobs crying mouth and buckled it in the back securely.
"I want you to practice sucking on that Jacob. Use your tongue to wrap around it." I pulled a little more on his nipple chain just to hear him moan through it and shiver. I listened for a sucking sound but heared none. THWACK. The cane came down hard on Jacobs already somewhat raw ass.
"Jacob, I said suck! I want to hear it." Finally I heared a slurping like sound. He was practicing.
Now the fun was over, it was time for the work. I needed to clean him out. I took a pouch filled with water and a long plastic tube coming out the end over to him. His ass was still sticking straight out off the end of the chair. I stook my finger in to feel the situation inside. "Jacob, I need you to relax a little." He was just crying but i think his shphicter lootened a bit, so i shoved the hose in about five inches. As i began to squeeze the bag i told Jacob, "I need you to hold this water in Jacob, don't let any out. I squeezed the bag more and I knew the water was filling his rectum and intestinal area. He moaned deeper and deeper, altough it was less painful, it sounded like he was enjoying it. THWACK!
"I want to hear sucking Jacob!" Jacob stopped moaning and started sniffling again. The sucking also started again. Finally after I got the whole pouch in I pulled a bowl over.
"Ok Jacob I need you to let it out slowly, It will feel like you have diareah but your going to just squeeze a little out at a time." Slowly Jacob started letting the water out. I went around to his face to see how he was doing. I love looking at a boys face while I'm training him. The look is priceless. The innocent look with so much discomfort yet excitement. I check on his nipples and balls as well, they were both a nice shade of purple. Slap. I slapped Jacobs face a bit and told him to keep sucking. I looked his cute blue eyes up me as he continued to suck.
Finally all the water was out. Time for milking. I went to my wall and came back with a substantial sized curved dildo. I lubed it up a bit and started to work my way in. His hole was really tight so I went slowly. He moaned a sweet innocent moan as something penetrated him at the first time. Thwack!! I brought the cane down on him just for the hell of it. His ass cheeks were starting to bleed a little bit so I spanked him with my hand once. I minipulated the dildo in his ass until I found the sweet spot, then started to massage it.
"MhhhhhhMHHHHHMHHHHHH" Jacob started shivering and moaning like crazy as I massaged his prostate. Sweet seamen started flowing out of his cute little dick right above his purple balls. I could still hear him sucking as well. I could tell he was getting into it. He even started to push his ass back a little bit. He wanted to be fucked. The seamen kept flowing for a while until there was a nice little puddle on the chair. Finally when there was no more i extracted the dildo. Slowly, from shear exhaustion, Jacob started going flat. Thwack!! "Keep sucking Jacob!" "MMHHHH" he yelled through his gag, he was obviously in a lot of pain. I could finally now equip the chastity device. It fit nicely on his dick and around his purple nuts. I pulled on his nipple chain again just so he knew who was incharge. It was now time for my fun.
"Jacob, I'm going to remove your gag, but if you say a word, its going back." Jacob nodded his head franticly, he was clearly anxious to get it out. I pulled it out and he gasped for air.
"Now Jacob, I'm going to put my dick in your mouth and you are going to give me a blow job. The worse it is, the harder i'm going to spank you while you do it."
"Yes sir, but I've never done this before Sir."
"Well you just had a half hour of practice, and this is your first test."As I said this i pushed my rock hard cock towards his mouth. It went into his warm mouth nicely. I could feel his sweet twelve year old tongue wrap around it and the tip run along the roof of his mouth. He puckered his lips in a circle so he could move them up and down the shaft. It wasn't bad but I began the spanking. He moaned as I continued fucking his mouth. Tears dripped from his eyes and down towards my dick. I almost came seeing his cute little blond head bobbing up and down on my dick, but I stopped myself. I withdrew and went to the back of him.
"Jacob tell me, do you want me to fuck you?"
"I don't know Sir."
THWACK! I brought the cane down harder than ever on his little bitch ass. "Say Yes Sir!" I commanded him! THWACK! I brought it down for emphesis. His ass was really bleeding now.
"Yes sir!" He yelled, in ghasping pain!
"'Yell fuck me, Sir', Jacob!" as I brought it down again!
"FUCK ME SIR!! PLEASE!" He yelled.
With that I shoved the penis gag back in his mouth and strapped it in. Instantly he started sucking as hard as he could. He was clearly as excited as I was. With that I shoved my dick into his tight little pussy. I could feel my dick run past his first and second sphincters and deep into his warm moist hole. He screamed as I started fucking the shit out of him. He kept sucking on that gag. Thwack! I broguth the cane down as I was fucking him.
"PPMMKKK MMMM HHHDDDRR!!!" I could tell Jacob was screaming "fuck me harder" Through the dick in his mouth. He was so excited getting his ass raped for the first time. My huge cock stretched his hole to the limit and I reached around to massage his crushed testicles underneath the cage that was holding his dick, trying desperately hard to get so, but only pushing painfully up against the spikes. My dick kept sliding in and out through his muscles. Jacob was also pushing back and forth. He was turning out to be quite the little whore-boy. I reached around and pulled on his nipple chain once more and carresed his chest and face. Jacob was just screaming and crying at this point, but loveing every minute of it. Finally I burst in his tight little hole, spraying jizz all inside of him. I withdrew and looked at my handywork. His asshole and cheeks were both bleeding, his nipples and balls were both restrained and purple. His dick was also restrained and unable to expand at all, making pleasure for Jacob that way impossible. Jacob was still sucking on the huge penis gag in his mouth and humping back and forth groaning frusteratedly. He had obviously not relieved himself. I walked up to his cute head and kissed him passionatly on the mouth around the lips, being difficult since there was a fake plastic penis in there. Jacob looked up at me with his blue eyes frusteratedly. "MMMPPFFF" he said in sort of a high pitched frusterated squeak. He obveously wanted to get off. He obveously had not learned to orgasm anally or orally. He would eventaully, but until then he would go unsatisfied. One last time I went to the wall and pulled out a large butt plug. Going back to Jacob, I lubed it up with Ivory Soap and shoved it in his ass. He moaned, then after a moment of it being in there, he began to wiggle and let out signs of distress. I picked up the cane one last time as well. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! I caned him about 10 times and he was done. He was sobbing, and trying to reach around to his ass to get out the itchy stinging plug, but it was there to stay for the night. I shut the light off to the room and left. I still had two more boys to process.
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