Published: 19-Jun-2012
Word Count:
It was 1937, and I was in the town of Winter Haven, Florida. I was working for the Florida Department of aid to the poor . My job was to tour the state and interview migrant workers, take pictures of the various camps and try to gather as much information as possible about their living and working conditions. I was also to take pictures of each family interviewed. I would return to my home office in Tampa every 6 weeks to have my pictures developed and turn in my reports.
I was 36 years old, never married and was cussing the dusty dirt roads as they put a gray layer of dust on my new 1937, 4 door Chevrolet.
Work in Florida in 1937 consisted, for a large part of the population, of working picking fruit, vegetables,or working in meat packing plants. Winter Haven had a large packing plant, ringed with metal shacks. The metal shack housed the migrant workers who worked in the packing plant and that was the reason I was there. The workers came from all over the south and worked in deplorable conditions for menial wages. This work was all they had to earn enough money to keep themselves and their family alive. The State of Florida wanted to gather information to aid in allocating their limited funds in the most needed areas. So, they hired people like me to gather the information for them.
Up ahead was the last house, in the last area, in Winter Haven. Finish this one, go back to the ratty tourist court that I was staying in, pack my bags and tomorrow morning it was back to Tampa. My 6 weeks were up and I would have a little time for myself.
The house was the last one on a dusty road and couldn't really be called a house. It was probably built when my mother was a baby and started falling down about the time I was born.
It sat in a grove of scrub trees and the front was shaded by a roofed over front porch that ran across the entire front of the house. The only living thing in sight was a bitch with 5 puppies and she didn't seem too happy to see me.
Rather than risk getting dog bit I stayed in the car and honked the horn. waited, and honked again.
Damn people, "get you ass out here so I can finish up and get my ass back to Tampa".
Following the last honk a shape appeared from inside the house and stood in the doorway. The shape turned into a small girl as she came out onto the porch rubbing her eyes and yawning.I could only assume I had interrupted her morning nap. With a final yawn she stepped across the porch, bent down and picked up one of the puppies,and sat down on the top step.
I yelled at her from inside car, "I won't get dog bit if I get out will I"?
"Nope,not unless you try to fuck with one of her puppies".
Damn, I thought, "fuck with one of her puppies". this little tart must be older than she looks.
Gathering up my questionnaires and my camera I got out of the car, tried to push the door shut with my elbow and got the shit burned out of it by the hot door. "Damn, it must be 110 degrees and its not even noon yet".
As I got closer to the porch I couldn't help but notice that due to the slope of the yard the little girl and the top step were just about at eye level with me. Looking at her closer she appeared to be about 6 to 7 years old, ratty brown hair and probably the filthiest creature I had ever seen..I had been in many migrant camps in the last two years,but, this girl looked like her dirt had been baked on.
"Hi, my name is Paul, and I work for the State of Florida". "Is your Mother or father home".
"Are you here by yourself"?
I knew right then it was going to be a long day.
"Well, where are they or when will they be back"?
"Well, Charlie,that's the man who married my mom, he's dead". "He got killed at the plant a few weeks ago, something fell on him". "Mom and sis are out working".
"How old is your sister"?
"She's almost 10 and I'm almost 8".
About that time the puppy tried to escape and while she was grabbing at him she spread her legs and I was looking under her filthy dress at the most beautiful preteen pussy I had ever dreamed of. Now, I had never actually seen a preteen pussy but, I had beat off many nights thinking of getting to see one. Here it was, right before my eyes, not covered by anything. I felt the blood rush to my head, I couldn't breath, all I could do was stare at that pussy.
Now, that pussy wasn't just a little slit like I thought it would be. It was a little open so that the lips were apart just a bit and it looked just a little bit swollen. What seemed strange was the area around that pussy was clean as though it had been washed but everywhere else was dirty. All I could think of was how that pussy was kept so clean and who kept it that way. Oh, if I could just reach out and touch it one time or just one quick taste.
When I could finally looked up she was setting there looking at me. She had the biggest smile on her face, and it said "I know what you are looking at and I don't mind you looking. Her eyes were locked to mine and the feeling came over me that she was trying to tell me that if things were different I could touch and taste that beautiful little pussy all wanted to.
My mouth was as dry as a desert and before I could stop myself I looked back down again. I just stared and felt the blood continue to pound in my head, and as if to give me a little better view she spread her legs a little bit more.
Looking back up into that smiling face I croaked "where are they working?"
"Your mom and sister".
"She and sis are working for our landlord". "Since Charlie got killed that's the only way we can stay here is to work for him doing chores". "Mom sez that with the little money she has, plus today's money, we will have enough for gas and we are gong to take Charlies old truck and get out of here. If she has enough money we will be gone from here tomorrow morning.
"Mom doesn't like the man who owns this place. She says he keeps wanting to make her do sex things with him". "I heard her tell sis that she was not to suck on his "thing" even if he offered her money, mom said that she was the only one to do that and today would be the last day".
I stepped a little closer to her and in a low voice said, "what does a little girl like you know about sex things?.
With that same smile on her face she said"I know a lot about sex things, but Mom doesn't like me to talk about how I know".
"Did you do sex things with Charlie?.
"I can't say, but, I knew about sex things before Mom married charlie".
With that she dropped the puppy, jumped up and ran inside and shut the door.
I got back in the car and sat there for a long time praying she would come back out. Finally the swelling in my pants went down and I drove back to the tourist court. I stopped and bought a quart of home grown moonshine, went back to my room, sipped on it and beat off thinking of that beautiful preteen pussy and wondering if I would ever see it again.
sex man
Charles Dodgson
I really liked this little slice of the depression in 1937 Florida. Poor guy never had seen a little girl's jewels before, and now he does on what seems a more than willing LG, and she disappears into the house. Surely, surely, we have not seen the last of the seven year old hottie, and we'll get to meet mom and nine year old sis. Surely!
Loved it...
Daddys Hard
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