Published: 1-Dec-2012
Word Count:
The living room was a mess. Casting his eyes around the room Tom sighed as he saw piles of toy's, clothes, empty dish's and what appeared to be the family dog covered in hair ribbons. With a nod of sympathy to the dog Tom started to clean up. It was just a little past 9pm.
It only took a few minutes to get things back to normal and for the first of many times tonight Tom was thankful he dosed the girls ice cream with his special blend of muscle relaxers and sleeping pills. It had taken Tom months to get the dose just right. He wanted to girls to stay asleep but not be so doped up there was any risk to there health or hangovers in the morning.
Looking down he threw a smile at the pair of sleeping Pre-teens. They were sprawled over each other next to the TV. Both were wearing oversized T-shirts and boy shorts. Surrounding them were various Stuffed animals, unused blankets and there empty bowls of Sleepy time Ice cream.
Vicky was his daughter, at the age of 10 she was the spitting image of her deceased mother. Green eyes, Blond hair cut in a short bob and a dash of freckles across her face. Her skin was a still slightly tanned from a summer spent lounging around the pool. Her body was well muscled almost making her look like one of those Gymnast he watched on TV.
Tom loved her and it was nights like this that he was so glad that bitch wife of his was six feet under.
Her friend was Tammy or Tam-Tam as she liked to be called. She was a wild child, with long frizzy brown hair that always looked like it needed to be brushed. Tom suspected Tammy's father was.. not the actual father but either way the girl was a knockout. Her skin was so white it was almost translucent. Her eyes were steal Grey and she always seemed to be laughing. At least when she wasn-t out cold. Like his daughter her body was great shape from all the running around.
Now, that the living room was picked up Tom could get to work! Making sure the drapes were pulled tight Tom double checked the girls. There breathing was deep and regular and just to make sure he pinched both of them on the inside of there arms.
Not even a twitch!
"Excellent!" he muttered as he turned on the rest of the living room lights. Like always it was a struggle for Tom not to just "Dig in" having a pair of helpless little girls under his thumb gave him a perpetual hard on. But, Tom liked to believe he has some class.
Walking over to the closet he pulled down his box. Inside were sheets to cover the walls and floor, Some prop's and of course his Camera. It was always during this time that Tom wrestled with the guilt of what he was doing. It never stooped him of course, by the time the livening room was ready so was he.
"First things first!" he said as he bent over his daughter. Clicking the camera to get a close up shot of her face, then he did the same for Tammy.
"Now for the fun part!" he thought to himself as he slowly rolled Tammy off of his daughter. Both of the the girls were not laying on there backs, the hem's of there shirt's just covering there belly's. Starting with Tammy, Tom slowly peeled the shirt up till it was just covering her nipples, then he did the same for Vicky. Clicking a few shots of both he traced his fingers over there skin. Marveling at how smooth they both where.
Next, he pulled Tammy's shirt up to her neck, exposing a pair of puffy nipples that started to stiffening a little when exposed to the cool air. Tom quickly snapped another one, then put the camera down. Reaching out with both of his hands he took the girls nipples into each of his hands. Slowly he started pinching and releasing them. Tugging at the little buds for a solid minute before letting go. Picking his camera back up he snapped a few more before turning to Vicky. Lifting up her shirt to her neck like he did Tammy he repeated the same process.
"Harder?" he asked the unconscious girls? "Well, maybe in a little while" Last thing Tom wanted to do was leave bruise's. Those inspired questions he'd rather not answer.
Crawling between the girls he sat the Camera back down and started to Tug Tammy's shorts down. Revealing a pair or white cotton panties with little pink hearts printed over them. He just adored how cute they were so he took a few pictures of that as well. Not wanting Vicky to be left out he tugged her shorts down as well. Unlike her friend, Vicky was wearing a pink bikini style pair. That had a tiny bow in the middle and lace trim.
Getting more then a few close ups of each of the girls it was time to start the real fun. Running his finger over Tammy's camel toe he pulled the panties to the side and snapped a quick shot of her hairless mound. "Not bad Tammy your a natural!" he mocked as he sat pulled the panties up so the crotch slipped in between her pussy lips. Snapping another picture he dragged the panties down to get another. He was tempted then to take a few of Vicky then but he had thousand of her.
Setting the camera down he hooked his fingers around the waist band of the panties and dragged them down till they were around Tammy's ankles. Now, inspiration struck, grabbing her right hand he placed her fingers right over her crotch making sure to get her middle finger into her hole. Capturing the mock masturbation scene in his camera he decided to treat himself.
Moving her hand he bent his head down till his nose was hovering right over her slit. Sticking out his tongue he slowly lapped at her sex. Digging his tongue past her folds, her probed her virgin pussy like cop looking for drugs. Then trailing it up he found her tiny clit. Sucking on it gently he reached up with his hands and found the girls nipples. Pinching them like before he swirled his tongue in circles over the helpless girls sex. Tom had always hoped he could make one of them cum but to date all he ever got was a few moans.
This continued for a few minutes before Tom started to taste the girls pussy reacting to the sensations. "No way!" he thought but sure enough the little tween was getting wet. Her breathing was getting deeper and wouldn-t you know it, her face was even getting flushed! Stopping a moment he couldn-t help but smirk as he watched a dribble of spit and pussy juice ooze out of the girls snatch.
"My my what a slut!" Bending his head back in he continued working the little girls clit. His tongue dancing over the little nub as he half heard, half felt the girls breathing grow faster. The first moan out of the child nearly gave Tom a heart attack but he continued. In his mind, he felt it was worth the risk. So he kept sucking and flicking his tongue over the girls little sex button. His camera forgotten he marveled at how much juice the girl was gushing out. By now his face was covered and he loved it.
As he continued Tammy's body started to squirm. Her breathing grew shallow and Tom could tell the tween was getting close. Her moans were constant, a sharp jagged breath in, followed by a slow release as her hips wiggled. Craning his neck Tom took his hands off the girls nipples, amazed to see how swollen and hard they had gotten. The pair of buds looked like pencil erasers.
Despite his best efforts there was a growing wet spot on the carpet. The girls body trembling as his tongue kept up it's wicked dance. Then the most amazing thing Tom had ever witnessed happened. The girls body tensed up her legs squeezing against his head as the kids immature cervix started to spasm. Splashing juice and spit over the mans face.
They girl was cumming, hard. Looking up through the haze of cunt juice he could see her face screwed up in a look of pure pleasure. Her tiny hands opening and closing as his tongue kept pushing and prodding, pushing her past the first climax into a second. By now Tom knew the kid had to be awake so really he only had one of two choice's. Stop now and hope she went back to asleep or keep going and see what happened.
Perhaps it wasn-t the wisest choice but his tongue just kept going. By now the girls eyes were wide open, her breath coming in choked sobs as her body convulsed. "" she moaned out as the second climax peeked. Her back arched as her body went ridged...Her legs felt like a vice around Tom's head. It was taking everything he had to just keep his tongue working her over. Letting go of her nipples he slide his hands down and pried open her legs. It was hard but by now the girl could barely breath, the alien sensations having completely overridden even rudimentary thought. With the girls legs lewdly spread open Tom increased the speed and pressure of his tongue. Tammy's hips finally unfroze and the poor girl started to buck them, attempting to get her swollen clit away from the evil wet thing that was driving her crazy.
Tom however, was up to the challenge.
Matching each of her movements he kept lapping away, his lips locked around the little nub of flesh. Sucking so hard it made the button swell even larger. By now, the girl was grasping for breath. The second peeked was followed by a third that spilled into a fourth.
The girls muscles so unused to this type of activity had started to tire, making her already feeble protest's useless. As Tom noticed this he gave it one last surge. Ignoring the half sobs from the girl he started flicking his tongue so fast he knew he wouldn-t be able to talk the next day. Tammy just laid there, her body shaking so much it looked like she was being electrocuted. Soon, what was to be the fifth and hardest orgasm, spread through the girl. Through a colossal effort she screamed, at least it looked like she was screaming but the only sound was a faint his of breath out of her stretched open mouth. She sat up on her hands her head rolled back as wave after wave coursed through her. Tears running down her face she fell back as her mind finally no longer able to take it, switched off like a lamp.
Tom finally pulled his face out from between her legs, looking down to see the last few squirt's fly out of the girls swollen cunt. Wipeing off his face he stood up and wondered if he was going to get away with this....
End of chapter 1.
Gabbius Maximus
old perv
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