Published: 23-Mar-2012
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The boys were still slightly groggy by the time they reached the plane. Even so, they kicked up a fuss (Or at least as much as two well-bound and gagged kids could.) until Grace presented a wicked looking Taser and threatened both with a shock. After that, both went quietly into the plane and allowed themselves to be strapped into seats facing each other. Both seats had another on each side, making two pair's altogether.
After take-off, Grace poured two glasses of white wine and gave Jan one of them. She drank it down greedily, not able to look over at her son.
"Easy there, Janice." Grace laughed. "You don't want to be drunk when we land do you?"
"No." Janice said weakly.
"Ummmpphh! Umm!" Jeff tried to say into the thick gag in his mouth.
"Grace, lets take these gags off." Janice said.
"Why? Who would hear them?"
"I would. Trust me Janice, all boys... hell, all children, should be kept tightly gagged at all times."
Janice turned to Jeff and silently mouthed the words, I'm sorry. Jeff, still not understanding what was going on, simply looked at her with a hurt and confused expression.
Finishing her wine, Grace said, "There is something we need to do before we land." Then she got up and pulled out a small bottle of lotion and two clear containers.
"What's this?"
"We need to make sure these two can produce the right material, so we're going to test them."
"Right here? Now?"
"No time like the present. Besides, it will make the trip go by faster." What Grace didn't say was that a failure to produce would mean that one or both boy, and probably Janice, would be dumped in the ocean... never to be seen again.
Janice sat blinking, not comprehending what was about to happen, until Grace unzipped Mike's pants and pulled out his penis.
"Grace! You mean you're going to... to..."
"No Janice. We're going to. We're going to play with their little weenies until they squirt. If they squirt that is. Then I'm going to test it. "
Mike couldn't believe what was happening. He sat there with a truly beautiful woman, at least as old as his mother; holding onto his rapidly hardening penis.
"See? At their age, just touching their little wee-wees makes them stiffen. Hurry up, will you?"
"Grace... I can't... I can't do that to my own son! Let me do Mike, at least!" Janice said in horror.
"Two things Janice Kent. One, this is a test for you as well. One that your life might depend on. Two, we don't follow any such archaic rules in our society. From this point on, your son ceases to exist. He's a sperm cow now. That's all. Do you understand?"
Janice sat perfectly still. What had she done?
"I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Grace said forcefully.
Janice understood, but this wasn't what she had thought at all when she agreed to do this. On the other hand, she felt... no, she knew...that her life and the boy's lives revolved around her response.
"Yes. I understand completely. I... I'm sorry I hesitated. It won't happen again."
Grace smiled and looked down at Mike. She had been lightly playing and touching his dick and now it was rock hard. Small, slender... but hard.
"Ohhhh, look Janice. Mine is all stiff. You have some catching up to do!"
Janice smiled into her son's eyes as she unzipped his pants. He looked at her wide-eyed. When Grace turned to get a small towel, Jan bent over and whispered into Jeff's ear, "Just play along and I'll get us out of this... I promise!"
Meanwhile, Grace was tormenting Mike. Very experienced at this, her lightly oiled hands and fingers stroked the boy to brink, and then stopped completely. Mike groaned into his gag and bucked against his restraints, instinctively trying to push his dick up into Grace's warm, soft hand. He felt like one touch, any sort of friction at all, would give him the same wonderful feeling he'd felt about a week ago. It was purely an accident. He'd been lying facedown on an old couch his dad kept in the basement watching TV. The couch had thin cushions and a hard "bar" running along the front edge under those cushions. Bored, lying half-on and half off the edge, he'd absent-mindedly began to rub his crotch against that hard edge. He had no idea of what he was doing, knowing only that it felt good. As his penis got hard, he began to thrust up and down over the edge... rubbing intently thru his thin shorts and underwear. The thrusting felt good, but all of a sudden a feeling shot thru him that was... indescribable. Like an explosion in his pants. Even odder, the feeling made him instinctively push his penis up against the bar as hard as he could. He would have pushed right thru it if he could! Mike lay there for a long time trying to understand what had happened. He wanted to replicate that awesome feeling again, but his mother came down to wash clothes and ran him off. Later, when he had to pee, he noticed his underwear was all sticky... like someone had put some sort of glue in there. What was that about?
Grace might have been tormenting Mike, but Jan just wanted to do this quickly and in as clinical a manner as possible. She had absolutely no sexual feelings toward Jeff at all. She tried to think of it as she did when she had used a rectal thermometer on him or bathed him. Trouble was, that had been years ago.
Now, she was about to masturbate her own son.
"Let's just get this over with." She said to him as she oiled up her hands. It had been a hell of a long time since she'd given anyone a hand job too, but things like that were like riding a bike. Gingerly, she pulled her son's penis out. It was flaccid. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to achieve an erection with his mother. Lightly, she began to stroke it up and down, playing with the sensitive tip. Within seconds, Jeff began to swell up in his mother's hand. He didn't find his mom sexy at all, but whatever she was doing felt wonderful! Jan felt the hardness and despite herself, looked down. The 12 year old was (She guessed) about average sized for that age. She'd read sex stories on the Internet with pre-teen boys who always had 8, 10, even 12 inch dicks. That was a joke as far as she was concerned. Not to say such a boy didn't exist but only once had she even come across a full grown man quite that big, much less a boy.
Grace was getting bored, so she decided this game should end. Reaching up with her free hand, she released two more buttons and that allowed most of her impressive cleavage to show. The boy's eyes quickly locked on his tormenter's low cut bra and large breasts. She leaned in as she continued to stroke so he could get the full scent of her expensive perfume. Deciding to put him over the edge, Grace moved in tight and began to lick and nibble at his neck with her full, sensuous lips.
That did it. Mike groaned into his gag as that incredible feeling shot thru his groin once again. This time it was, if anything, even more intense. Janice, feeling the youngster surge up, focused all her stroking actions on the super-sensitive head of the boy's penis sending jolt after jolt thru his exploding cock.
"That's it sweetie, let Aunt Grace have all your cream... here we go now..." She cooed into his ear as sperm shot out like a rifle shot.
Gagged as he was, Mike could hardly catch his breath as he instinctively thrust his penis into Grace's warm, slick hand, sending every bit of cum he had to offer. Intent on getting all of it and then some, the evil bitch kept stroking his head even when all seemed done. What had felt intensely good only a few seconds ago was now intensely uncomfortable. Tightly bound, the boy could only squirm a bit as he tried to get her to stop assaulting his penis.
Jan saw this, and asked. "What are you doing?"
"The most sensitive part of a male is the penis head. Well, during and immediately after they cum, that sensitivity goes thru the roof. I like to rub on their weenies a while afterwards just to let them know that while I can give them pleasure, I can also give them pain."
"Right Mikey-baby?" Grace said as she looked her captive directly in the eye. Mike nodded with a frightened, pained look in his eyes.
"Good baby boy. Auntie Grace will stop rubbing your weenie now. In fact, why don't you go back to sleep?" Taking her free hand, the one not covered in cum, Grace pulled a large, white pad out of her handbag and pressed it over Mike's nose. With his mouth completely stopped up by the rubber plug gag, he had no choice but to breathe in the noxious fumes. He struggled of course, but Grace held the pad over his face easily.
"OmiGod! What are you doing now?" Jan asked with alarm.
"Calm down. This is just a harmless sedative. It works like ether or chloroform but without the nasty side-effects. By the way, are you done yet?"
Jan, embarrassed and repulsed with the idea of masturbating her own son, and morbidly fascinated with what was happening with Mike and Grace, had, for the past several minutes, been almost absent-mindedly stroking Jeff's penis while otherwise paying him no attention at all-not even looking at him.
Jeff, himself horrified by his mother's attention to his penis, was shocked to find himself thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his mom's soft, warm hand lightly caressing him down there. However, he was at the point now where his dick wanted a firmer, faster rub.
"Oh! I'm sorry sweetheart! Am I hurting you?" She asked as she pulled her wonderfully oily hand away suddenly.
"Ummphgh!!" Frustrated by the gag, Jeff groaned and shook his head.
"I don't understand! Grace, please let me take his gag off! I think I'm hurting him somehow!"
Amused by it all, Grace responded. "Jesus Christ Jan! You really are a stupid cow sometimes! First of all, the gag stays on. Ask me again and I'll tighten it! Second, you silly fool, you're not hurting him! He wants you to stroke him harder and faster!"
"He... he does?"
"Well, his little cock does anyway."
Jan looked at Jeff, who offered a slight nod as an embarrassing way of saying Grace was right. Truthfully, he didn't know what he wanted, but harder and faster sounded good to him.
Jan went back to work, this time focused on task at hand (So to speak.) with Grace offering technical support.
"I've found a few long slow strokes, followed by a few hard and fast ones on the head works best. Also, kissing and nibbling on his neck and talking dirty helps a lot."
Janice cringed at the thought. The hand-job was disgusting enough.
"Whatever." Grace said as she saw that Jan wasn't going to use her advice. "Bottom line, if you don't get a cum out of this boy in the next two minutes, we'll do it my way- and my way means shoving a finger or two up his little asshole and tickling his prostate gland. He'll cum then. I guarantee it."
Both Jeff and his mother got nervous at that one. Jan put a renewed vigor into her actions, which had a definite effect on her bound and gagged son.
"C'mon Jeff, give mommy your cum! Squirt for me like a big boy! That's it, just let it happen..."
Suddenly, her son's penis seemed to swell and expand. Jeff thrust as hard as his bound frame would allow and semen shot up like a geyser. Several streams came thru and Jan was shocked at all the material her young son had produced.
Meanwhile, Grace had tested Mike's sperm by placing a small amount in a vial and adding an unknown clear liquid to it. She shook it up vigorously and the contents turned blue. She seemed very pleased with the result and began to lick up all the excess spunk that didn't hit the floor.
Now Janice really was disgusted. Seeing her look, Grace asked, "What are you looking at?"
"That's... vile! I thought you took the... sperm... and mixed it in with other chemicals."
"That's right... at first. After your body gets acclimated to the process, fresh pure sperm is just as good. In fact, it's like a... booster shot. Here. Test your son's."
Grace did, and it turned blue as Mike's had.
"Good stuff. I knew it would be, but we always have to check. You can have the rest for yourself." Grace said.
Eat her own son's spunk?
"No thank you."
Grace's face grew hard. "I said... eat."
Jan hesitated, and then took a small dollop of cum and placed it in her mouth. She had never been a swallower, and it had been awhile, but the taste was familiar. She grimaced as she gulped it down.
Grace laughed and handed Jan the same pad used on Mike. "You'll learn to love the stuff, trust me. Put him to sleep and I'll clean up the rest. No sense letting good food go to waste. If he struggles too hard, grab his balls and squeeze a bit. He'll do anything and everything you tell him to after that."
Jan had no desire to hurt her baby boy and a simple look told him to be still and breathe. Jeff still struggled a bit but was soon out.
Janice sat back and tried to take in all that had happened. She began to sob.
"Now what's the matter?" Grace asked.
"I've made a terrible mistake. I let myself get caught up in your crazy world and now I've destroyed my life, not to mention my son's. My house is gone, and Kim... my baby girl! She's just 13! How will she make it?"
"Oh, that. Didn't I tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
Grace got up and walked to the back of the cabin. There was a large trunk that Janice had seen when they first entered. She had assumed it contained clothes and such, but when Grace opened it Jan was stunned by what the powerful woman pulled out.
Near naked except for a tiny set of white panties, strictly bound from head to foot with leather binding straps and tightly gagged with a huge swath of white tape covering her bulging mouth was Jan's daughter, Kim.
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