Published: 18-Nov-2011
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It took Jim several days to research who had leased various parts of the ramshackle building at one time or another.
Eventually he found a promising lead: George Taylor had been a renter for two years and, better still, there was a physical address for him, a home address moreover, not twenty miles away.
Cautiously, Jim considered his best approach before deciding to be as direct as possible.
He drove to George Taylor's home, ascertained that the addressee was still alive and still living at the same address and dropped off a brief note suggesting that he, Jim, and George Taylor get together to discuss a matter of mutual interest. He gave his cellphone number and an e-mail address and waited with ill-concealed impatience.
A day later, e-mail contact was made and at the weekend the two men were seated in a tavern booth and engaged in lively coversation.
"I like that sort of stuff, too, George. I mean, kiddie sex stuff," Jim offered after passing the note to George Taylor.
George grinned before replying.
"Ever seen any good kid stuff? Got any?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Seen some in the past. I watched a movie made in Rhodesia of a little blonde girl - maybe eight or nine - and an Indian boy of the same age. Both were naked on a bed in what looked like a big African hut and both were sucking an enormous African cock. I think the film was made over a period of several hours; that nigger spurted his load all over those two kids'lovely young bodies and into their mouths six or seven times."
"Lovely!" George responded with a guffaw. "Kids that age really love sexplay, the weirder and kinkier the better. It's educational and fun at the same time. I was sucking my Mom's clit when I was six months old. You might not believe this, but at the age of four I was fisting her big wet furry cunt while my Dad's prick was up her ass and he was buggering her real hard. Christ,she howled and yelled and came agäin and again!"
Jim gaped.
"Seen any really exciting animal stuff, Jim?" George asked quietly. "I mean videos with kids and animals fucking together?"
Jim shook his head.
"Nope. Mind you, I'd like to, that's for sure."
"A guy I know has some stuff you'd like to see, Jim. Let me make a phone call."
A little later the pair were seated in a sprawling ranch-house fifty miles away and staring at a VCR screen.
Their host, a plump man in his sixties, presented his guests with whiskies and joints.
"This little film is from England,"he said with a chuckle. "It's from the seventies, I think. I call it refugee resettlement."
He laughed gleefully as the screen filled with images.
In what lookd like a barn, a naked and visibly sweating black girl of perhaps eleven or twelve was pulled to a trestle by two masked Girl Guides. Despite her evident terror, piteous howls and desperate struggles, she was soon spreadeagled and secured.
"Lick her cunt and bummie, my dear. Get her eady for her very first cock," a languid upper-class English male voice said and the taller of the two girl Guides immediately obeyed, eliciting yet more piteous shreiks from the trussed victim.
"Bring in Towser, my sweet,"the voice ordered and the younger Girl Guide scampered out of the frame, to reappear a moment later with a dog of impressive proportions. Jim later recognised the breed as being an Irish Wolfhound.
"Help Towser mount the sweet child, you two,"the voice said quietly. "Get his cock well into her young cunt and then stand back and watch."
The Girl Guides stroked the wolfhound's penis sheath and the the animal's penis emerged a matter of minutes later. Meanwhile, the black girl was doing her best to crane her neck and see what the two Girl Guides were doing.
"Lead Towser n front of our guest so she can see his cock," the voice ordered and the Girl Guides obeyed immediately.
The Rwandan refugee girl squealed in terror as she stared at the animal's impressive penis.
"A fine cock for your pretty cunt, Bernadette," the off-screen voice said, amusement in the speaker's tone. "Something to really fill that pretty little clam of yours!
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