Mary Takes Control

[ g/b, nc, enema, anal ]

by Billy12


Published: 16-Jun-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
The usual warnings apply: if you are too young to read this or if it's illegal immoral or wrong where you come from then please do not read any further - go to bed with a fairy tail book or some such. The author does not condone or advocate any of the actions depicted in the following story - and that's all it is - a fantasy from a somewhat twisted mind. The story contains scenes of a sexual nature between a young boy and a young girl; if that's not to your liking then please gentle reader - read no further.

Mary looked up at the kitchen clock from the table where she was studying and saw that Billy was awfully late, he was normally home from school at least an hour before now. At that moment, Billy came storming into the kitchen and slammed the door so hard that the glass rattled in the frame.

"Billy? What's the matter?" she asked, startled.

He didn't answer, but rushed through the kitchen and stomped up the stairs. Mary heard his bedroom door slam behind him.

This wasn't like Billy at all; he was normally so quiet and polite, but when he had run through the kitchen his clothes had been scruffy and torn, his shirt tail was outside his shorts and his knees were scratched and muddy.

She stood up and stretched. Algebra would just have to wait and damn the test tomorrow.

Mary quietly climbed the staircase to Billy's room and knocked on the door.

"Billy, are you alright?"

"Go 'way!" came the muffled reply from inside.

Sighing she opened the door to his room.

"What's the matter Billy? You can tell me" she said as she crossed the room to where the 12-year-old boy was laying face down on the bed and sat down next to him.

Mary noticed mud and broken leaves on the back of his shorts as well, "Have you been fighting? Is that it?"

Billy shook his head and Mary heard a muffled sob come from him, she reached out to stroke his head but Billy flinched away and buried deeper in the pillow.

"I can't help you if you won't tell me what the matter is, Billy." she said softly, her hand now resting gently on his back.

Billy and Mary were step brother and sister, and they had always got on very well, although, like any children, they had their arguments. Her father had married his mother nearly ten years ago. Unfortunately she had been killed in a car crash eighteen months later, when Billy had still been a baby. Now he was nearly eleven and Mary was just approaching her fourteenth birthday.

After his mother's death, her father had thrown himself into his work, always working late, sometimes working away from home and often out of the country altogether. There had been a succession of nannies and housekeepers until he had realised that the children got on better on their own than with any outside interference. He had given them a very generous allowance each as well as regular money for the housekeeping and utilities bills. He loved them in his own way; but after the death of the woman he loved he just couldn't stop working all the hours that he did trying to fill the void.

In many ways Mary had taken Billy's mother's place in his life. After her death, she had always been there for him, had comforted him when he was hurt, ill, or upset, prepared his meals for him, and had even bathed him and changed his nappy when he was a little boy.

"I don't wanna talk about it." he replied sulkily.

"Want to, not wanna." she corrected him automatically.

"So! I don't want to talk about it!" he pronounced the words in an exaggerated fashion.

"Billy, whatever the matter is, I'm pretty sure that it's not my fault, so please don't take that attitude with me."

He broke down then in huge heaving sobs, the tears and sniffles coming thick and fast.

Mary put her hand gently on the back of his neck then, and he turned around and hugged her close, letting his tears fall onto her shoulder as he wept out his misery. After five minutes or so, with Mary rocking him gently too and fro, he calmed down enough to be able to speak coherently. Mary pulled a couple of tissues from the box on the bedside cabinet and passed them to him. He looked up gratefully and wiped his eyes and blew his nose.

"You want to tell me what it's all about now?" she stared with concern directly into his eyes, which were still filled with unshed tears, his bottom lip trembled but he didn't cry again.

"I...I...was on...on my way home from school" he stammered, " I was taking the short cut through Blake's Wood."

"Oh Billy!" muttered Mary, Blake's Wood was a place that all kids were warned about, half superstition and half myth, it was supposed to be avoided at all costs. Kids had gone missing there, never to be heard from again, although no one could ever actually say with certainty which kids they were or put names to them.

"I know, I know; but...but I was running late and I didn't want to let you down for dinner!"

"So what happened, did you get lost?" she asked him.

"!" more tears trickled down his cheeks and Mary wiped them away automatically with a tissue.

"It's alright now Billy, you're safe now; just take your time and tell me what happened."

"Well I...I was about halfway through the woods and I heard a sound behind me. I turned around and there was a kid from the Burberry Estate following me."

The Burberry Estate was notorious for being scum-ville, even most of the children over the age of ten on there had a criminal record for something or another.

"He...he was right behind me so I quickened up and then there was another boy in front of me. I turned left and only went a few paces when there was a bigger boy there, the...there were four in all and they had me surrounded!"

Mary stroked his hair away from his forehead, "What happened then Billy?" she asked softly.

"The...they started taunting me about being from this part of town and being...being..." he sniffled again and Mary waited patiently for him to continue.

"Being what Billy?" she prodded gently.

"B...b...being a sissy!" he blurted out miserably.

Mary looked at Billy. He was certainly a very cute boy, his sandy blonde hair and his deep brown puppy eyes with long fine eyelashes, coupled with his light and flawless complexion. It might seem to some as though he was a little effeminate.

"So then you started to fight?" she queried.

He lowered his head "N...n...not exactly." he stammered

"So then what happened?"

"One of them pushed me, and then another one pushed me towards one of the others, and before I knew it, I was on the floor"

"Poor Billy, but never mind, it's all over now." replied Mary in a soothing voice.

"'s not all that happened, Mary" he stammered, his face crumpling and tears started to flow again."

"So sweetie, tell me what else happened." she held his hand lightly in an effort to calm and comfort him.

With a show of great effort, Billy controlled his trembling and took a deep breath, "A...after they pushed me to the floor, they picked me up and bent my arms behind my back so that I couldn't run away. Then they took me further into the woods where there was a clearing with a large tree stump in the middle. They marched me over to the tree stump and they...they..." another trembling sigh came form the little boy, "They made me bend over it and they pulled down my shorts and my pants."

Mary's face grew hard, her grip on Billy's hand increased, she didn't really want an answer to her next question.

"Billy, what happened then, love?" her voice was hard with anger now.

" of them held me down while the other one put his tail into my bottom." he sobbed, "and then they changed places until they'd all done it to me!" he broke down in great heaving sobs again.

Mary cuddled him tightly, stroking his back and whispering soothing words until his breathing had calmed down somewhat.

"I'm going to call the police, Billy," she stated, looking into his eyes.

"NO! No you can't!" he proclaimed.

"Why ever not? The boys who did this must be caught and punished Billy! You can't just let them get away with it!"

"But...but if you call the police then it will all come out! I'll be a laughing stock at school and called a sissy and worse! You know what they're like!"

Mary thought about it, it was true that it would be horrible to be in that position, the whole sordid story coming out and the other kids at school looking at him, laughing and pointing at him, calling him queer and worse!

Biting her lip nervously she turned to Billy again and said "Billy, that's your decision and I'll stick by whatever you decide, but right now I want to get you out of those dirty clothes and check to make sure that they've not hurt you!"

She reached out and untied his school tie, which had been reduced to a very tight knot somewhere over by his shoulder, after throwing it onto the chair, she unbuttoned his shirt and that followed the tie. She knelt in front of him and untied his scuffed black school shoes followed by his socks.

"Come on, stand up for me hon." she murmured.

Billy's eyes widened and grabbed hold of the waistband to his school shorts.

"What? You can't be seriously worried about me seeing your willy? It's nothing that I haven't seen a hundred times Billy."

"B...but that was when I was a baby!"

"So what's changed so much, don't tell me it's grown that much, or worse, that it's dropped off altogether?"

Billy smiled a little, and Mary knew that she was gaining his confidence, "Tell you what tiger, if you don't want me to see it, then you lay face down on the bed and I'll just pull 'em down from there, how's that?"

He looked a little doubtful, but nodded his agreement and rolled over onto his tummy.

Mary reached over and took hold of the waistband of his muddy shorts, "Lift up for me, sweetie."

Billy raised his hips and Mary pulled his shorts down to his ankles and off, then she did the same for his Spiderman underpants. She noticed that they were wet at the back and Mary prayed that those animals had not hurt him. She swallowed hard before pulling them down and talking them off, she threw them into a corner before Billy could see and the child was now nude.

"Billy, I want you to part your legs, honey, so I can see if there's a problem."

The little boy hesitated for a moment and then slowly spread his thighs.

Mary parted his smooth white cheeks with her thumb and forefinger, noticing the scratch marks on Billy's hips where they had held him as they raped his bottom.

His anus was red and inflamed and she saw the gooey mess between his buttocks. As she gently touched his swollen pucker a large drop of white liquid oozed from inside and he whimpered and clenched his cheeks together.

She stood up and gently stroked his bottom. "It's OK, Billy. I'm just going to get a glove, be back in a second."

Mary went to the bathroom where she opened the medicine cabinet and took out a pair of surgical gloves from the large box in there. Pulling them on, she noticed the enema equipment from when they were both younger, hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

"That could be exactly what we need," she muttered as she pulled on a disposable opaque plastic apron and tied it around her waist before returned to the bedroom.

Billy was still laying face down on the bed, exactly where she had left him and she sat on the edge of the bed carefully. "Billy this may hurt a little, but I have to see if there's any damage inside, is that OK?"

The child didn't say anything, he just nodded and Mary once again parted his cheeks carefully. He shivered slightly as her forefinger touched the tender area in between, and gritted his teeth when she started to press her finger inside his bottom. Her finger slipped into the child's rectum a lot more easily than she had expected, and he cried out then.

"Sorry Billy, but I have to do this, love." she bit her lip at his discomfort and rotated her finger inside him as gently as she possibly could and felt him stiffen at the intrusion, "Not be long now tiger, just a few more seconds."

Mary found his prostate and felt it for signs of damage. Billy grunted as she twisted her finger around. She pulled it out and another bubble of the slimy whitish liquid followed her finger out of his anus as she examined the slippery liquid that coated her glove. There was thankfully no blood at all, so it seemed as if there was no internal injury that she could find by this method of examination. However, she intended to make sure.

"Billy, I want to give you an enema, sweetie."

"You have got to be kidding me!" he cried rolling over to look at her, forgetting his embarrassment for the moment. Mary could not help but look at his cock-let. It was certainly bigger than the last time she had seen it, but that had been nearly three years ago. The preteen boy still had no pubic hair at his groin at all, however it did have the look of a semi hard erection. She raised one eyebrow slightly, but said nothing.

"I'm not kidding, Billy. I honestly think that you need an enema!"

"But why, why do I have to have an enema?" he said petulantly.

"Well, those boys left some liquid in there Billy, and I really want to get it out."

" mean spunk, don't you!" he accused, his face turning rapidly red.

Mary smiled at his unease with the use of that word in front of her. "Yes Billy, but I'd prefer if you'd use the word semen for now."

"Can't I just go and sit on the loo?" he asked, his face really burning now.

"No Billy, I don't know how far it's gone or how much there is and I want to make sure that we get it all out."

He sighed heavily, "O...OK then." he muttered, dropping his head.

"Good boy! I'll go and get the equipment, you just relax for a little while, and I'll come back when I'm ready"

"Mary, how do you know all this stuff?" he asked anxiously.

"I've had enough proctology examinations of my own to know what to look for, and besides," it was her turn to blush slightly, "I've looked up loads of stuff on the Internet!"

He seemed satisfied with her answer and Mary went back to the bathroom, stripped off the gloves and threw them away. She thought about some of the things she had seen on the Internet and felt a familiar tingle. Stop It! She admonished herself, now is neither the time nor the place...on the other hand, they would just have to wait and see.

Mary pulled down the enema equipment and examined it carefully. It seemed to be in perfect working order. Even the nozzles were still in their airtight container from the last time it had been cleaned and sterilized.

She set about filling the bag, making sure that the temperature was just right by mixing the hot and cold water in the large measuring jug by the sink and testing it with her little finger. At the same time, she swirled a bar of Johnson's Baby Soap in every jug full, to cleanse Billy's insides. When there were three litres of slightly soapy water in the bag, she carried it through to the bedroom, Billy's eyes widened when he saw it.

"You're not going to put all that in me are you?" he exclaimed.

"Of course not, silly, just as much as you can take the first time, and the rest afterwards."

"Afterwards? I thought it was one enema, singular, on its own."

"Nope, the first one will get rid of all the nasty stuff, the second will tell me if there's any damage been done to your rectum and lower bowel such as puncturing or bleeding." Mary was being deliberately cruel in her choice of words. She wanted Billy to understand that there may be a problem and if the only was to shock him into it, then so be it.

"I...I guess so." he muttered, "Wait a minute. You're going to look at my poo?"

"Why of course Billy, and don't look like that, I've cleaned up enough of your poo since you were a baby!" He had no answer to that, so he lay back down on the bed as Mary fastened the enema bag to the bracket on the wall.

"Now then, I want you to lay on your left side with your left arm under your head and your right leg drawn up to your chest."

"I know, I remember the drill!" he murmured, one of the nannies had been a firm believer in at least one enema a week whether they had been constipated or not!

"Do you want me to get some KY jelly?" she asked sweetly, "It looks pretty well lubricated down there as it is!" she couldn't help giggling a little.

"Mary!! This might be funny to you but it's not to me!" he grumbled, smiling a little himself even as he complained.

Returning to the medicine cabinet, she pulled on another pair of surgical gloves and got the KY jelly, she also picked up a large bath towel in case of leakage.

"Put this underneath you. We don't want to soak the bed if you can't hold it, now do we."

"I can hold it!" he retorted almost irritably, as he arranged the towel beneath him and then lay on it in the prescribed position.

"Bingo!" thought Mary. Now it was a matter of pride to him that he held the soapy enema in for as long as it took to clean him out thoroughly. Even though there was a one way valve fitted within the nozzle, it was better to have Billy try as hard as he could to keep the liquid inside.

She fastened the enema nozzle tightly to the end of the long tube and allowed a little of the water to run through before shutting off the flow. Next she smeared a dollop of KY around the head of the nozzle and made sure that it was fully coated.

"This may be a little cold, sweetheart." She said as she applied the KY to her gloved finger, parted his cheeks with her left hand and pressed the finger to his anus.

Billy drew in his breath with a hiss as the cold lubricant was smeared across his little pucker, then Mary gently pushed the tip of her finger inside and rubbed it around there as well.

Standing up, she took hold of the nozzle and took a deep breath, "You ready, tiger?" she asked him.

"No, but you might as well get on with it anyways."

Mary again parted his buttocks and put the nozzle to his tightly clenched anal opening. "Billy, love, you're going to have to relax. Otherwise it's going to hurt!"

"You try to relax with someone trying to force a gigantic tube up your backside!"

"It's not gigantic and you've had it before. Now just remember all those times nanny gave you an enema and push down as though you wanted to go to the toilet!"

Billy relaxed as much as he could and pushed down while Mary slid the nozzle into his slippery anus.

Billy yelped as the plastic was pressed into him. Slowly but firmly, she slid it inside his bottom until his anal muscle gripped the slight indentation in the middle of the nozzle.

"That's it Billy, well done!"

"I didn't really have much to do with it!" he gasped.

Mary turned on the valve slowly so that the water first trickled down the tube and then became a steady flow; she gently lifted Billy's right bum cheek and made sure that there was no leakage from around the nozzle. The boy's anus was tensing and relaxing every few seconds, Mary smiled to herself thinking how much it looked like a baby suckling milk.

She carefully checked the level of the water and then watched as it slowly drained into Billy's bottom.

He started to moan after just over a litre, and Mary leaned over him and rubbed his stomach to try and relieve him of the cramps. Billy's forehead was covered in a light sheen of perspiration, and he whimpered and said, "Please Mary! Isn't that enough? I think I'm going to burst if I take any more!"

"Just a little more, sport. Let's see if we can get to the halfway line, OK?" she absently stroked the soft smooth skin of his bum cheeks.

"I really don't think I can take any more, Mary!" he gasped a few minutes later.

"All right Billy, you've done very well," she said as she turned off the flow of soapy water, "You've taken nearly a litre and a half!"

"It feels a hell of a sight more when it's inside you!" he grumbled.

Mary smacked his bottom lightly, "Don't swear Billy, it's a sign of ignorance." she smiled, as she unfastened the tube from the nozzle and hung it up by the half empty bag, the one-way valve acting as an automatic plug to prevent leaks.

"Now you must lay there for at least ten minutes Billy, and after five I'll tell you to turn over onto your right side until the enema does its job."

He moaned, but laid there, the occasional cramp making him wince. After five minutes, Mary told him to turn over and he did so. A grimace of pain flashed across his youthful features as the water in his bowels moved. Another five minutes later and Mary said that the time was up.

The boy struggled to his feet, assisted by his sister, and walked stiffly over to the bathroom.

"You look like a duck," giggled Mary.

In spite of his discomfort, Billy smiled. "Mary, if you make me laugh then this nozzle will go flying across the room at amazing speed, and I for one will not be sticking around to clean up the mess!"

"No," she laughed, "You'll probably be flying around the room like a jet-propelled balloon!"

Billy's whites cheeks clenched together even tighter as he tried desperately not to laugh, "Oh oh!" he said in dismay, as he hobbled quickly over to the lavatory and sat down.

He looked up at Mary ruefully, "That could have gotten very messy!" he accused.

Mary smiled and sat on the edge of the bath, "A...are you staying here?" he asked in astonishment.

"Yes, I want to see that you empty properly." she replied.

"Mary!!" he pleaded, but the girl was firm.

"No Billy, I'm staying and watching you, so stop being a baby about it! Now do you want me to take out the nozzle or do you want to do it?"

His face burning, he mumbled that Mary could do it, seeing as how she was bossing him around; and she knelt in front of the boy.

"Lift your knees up for me a little, Billy, and spread them please," she ordered, and the boy raised his legs onto tiptoe and leaned slightly back, parting his thighs.

She could see the enema nozzle framed by Billy white cheeks, pointing like a gun barrel. Mary reached between Billy's legs to grasp it firmly with her gloved hand, and then turned it slightly to make sure that it was loose. Billy moaned.

Because Billy was leaning back, it pushed his groin forwards and his dickie was less than four inches from Mary's face. He could feel her hot breath on the skin of it, she could see that it was beginning to become slightly erect and that the tip was wet with precum. Given the circumstances it was probably understandable, but it gave her pause for thought.

On impulse she stuck out her tongue and licked his foreskin.

"Mary! Wha...." that was as far as he got because Mary slid the nozzle out of his bottom with a slurping noise, the floodgates opened and Mary moved her hand quickly out if the way.

Billy moaned again as the pressure was released and the water streamed into the bowl, he leaned forwards and the sound was like a waterfall as it hit the ceramic.

After a few moments the torrent grew less and less, and some embarrassing noises came from the boy's posterior. Billy's face turned even more crimson and Mary smiled at his discomfort. "It's OK, Billy. That's only to be expected, don't worry about it." she tried hard to keep a straight face and Billy threw her a murderous glance.

He made as if to get up from the seat, "And where do you think you're going?" she enquired with a raised eyebrow.

"I've finished, er...haven't I?"

"You think so? Well let's just sit there for another minute or two and see what happens."

"But I'm fine, Mary. I..." suddenly his face contorted and another torrent of murky water cascaded from his bottom.

"I think I'll just sit here for a minute or two and see what happens." he grinned sheepishly.

"Good boy!" she said in a patronizing kind of way, "Try leaning to the left and the right, then lean forwards and backwards a bit too."

Following her instructions, Billy continued to eject the water from his bowels until at last there seemed to be no more.

"Do you want me to wipe, or will you do it?" she asked.

"Mary, I'm not a complete baby! I can do it for myself, thank you very much!"

"Suit yourself. I'll be in the bedroom waiting for you when you're through."

"I thought that you wanted to look at my... er... my erm... my poo?" he asked blushing furiously.

"Not that one, silly! The next one is more important! That one has gotten rid of all the... er...all the crap if you'll pardon the expression. The next one will show me if you're bleeding or anything like that."

"Oh." He looked doubtful, but Mary stood up and left the bathroom before he could say anything further.

A few minutes later, he padded naked into the bedroom where Mary was waiting for him, the nozzle cleaned and ready in her hand, attached to the enema bag.

"Come on then, hop up!" she said brightly, patting the towel on the bed. Sheepishly he clambered up and took up his previous position, lying on his left side with his right knee drawn up to his chest.

Once again she applied KY jelly to his anus and to the enema nozzle and parted his cheeks. This time it seemed to slide in a lot easier after only a few gentle pushes.

Mary patted his bum cheeks gently and turned on the valve again, this time watching the water level carefully. After a litre entered the little boy's behind, she turned it off.

"Is that it?" he asked almost confused, "Aren't you going to pump it into me until I look like the Michelin man?"

"No, sweetie" she smiled "I want this one to be measured so that I know how much goes in and how much comes out. Can you hold it in without the nozzle in there?"

"I think so." he replied, and Mary gently removed the nozzle from between his cheeks. A little clear water rolled down and trickled off his nut sac and soaked into the towel, but then he clamped down and there were no more leaks.

Billy rolled over and got to his feet. He headed for the bathroom again, but Mary stopped him by saying, "No Billy, not in there this time."

"What do you mean, if not in there, then where?"

She silently pointed to the baby's white porcelain potty that she had put at the end of the bed.

"You have got to be kidding me!" exclaimed the boy, "There's no way I'm going to sit on that thing pass this!"

"You have to, Billy. I've got to see what's in that water, if there's any blood or anything like that, and the easiest way is if you use the potty. Either that or you do it in the sink or the bath and I don't think that's very hygienic now, is it?"

His face burning a deep crimson and muttering under his breath, Billy approached the child's potty. He knelt down with his knees either side of it and then lowered his hips until his bottom was sitting more or less on the rim.

He looked up at Mary who was watching him intently and was barely able to stifle a giggling fit. "Awwww Mary! This is humiliating enough without you laughing at me!" he grumbled.

"Sorry Billy, but you look so cute sat there!" she answered finally giggling out loud. "You might want to tuck your dickie inside just in case you do pee-pee." She said in a sickly sweet tone as if talking to a three year old.

If his face could have got any redder it would have, as he looked down and lifted his small cock over the rim and into the potty. "Can I do it now?" he asked in a small voice. Mary nodded and Billy released the torrent of water.

He sat there until he was done, again moving back and forth, right and left until he was pretty sure that he had released the entire enema.

Then he knelt forward and got onto all fours and crawled away from the potty. Mary passed him a roll of kitchen towel to dry himself before she looked at what was in the porcelain pot.

She breathed a sigh of relief, as the water was completely clear of any signs of blood or anything that may have meant internal damage. "Everything's alright Billy!" she exclaimed delightedly as she turned to face him. "How do you feel?"

Billy was trying to hide his erection with both hands but it was obvious that he was excited.

"Billy? What are you doing?" she inquired in a low voice.

"N...nothing, Mary." He answered, failing miserably to cover his boner. "Take your hands away please!" she ordered, and Billy slowly lowered his hands to his sides.

His erection was about four and a half inches long and was gently bobbing in time to his heartbeat. The tip was wet with precum and glistened in the light. Mary felt her panties slowly becoming damp as she herself became excited watching the little boy squirm under her gaze.

"I...I...I'm sorry, Mary." Billy hung his head miserably.

"It's alright, Billy. It's a natural reaction to what just happened. Did you like it that much, then?"

He nodded and replied "I liked the way that you took charge and made me do those things. You were almost like a schoolteacher, telling me off when I didn't want to do something. It got me all excited, and the feel of the enema was superb, it never felt like that when Nanny did it!"

"Well Nanny was about 10 times my age!" giggled Mary. "Don't worry, I don't mind if you don't!" she smiled. "Now let's get you into the shower and cleaned up!"

Billy's relief was written all over his face and he turned and ran padded off to the shower, his cute little bum cheeks jiggling as he went.

Mary followed him close behind, "What are you...?" he queried her as she came into the shower room.

"After today, Billy, and after what we've been through just now, and what you just told me about liking me telling you what to do, I'm going to shower you!"

His mouth fell open but he said nothing, just stood there and gaped at her as she started to undress. She quickly stripped and put her clothes neatly on the chair before turning around to face Billy. His eyes bulged as he took in her small budding breasts and her beautiful hairless pussy. He had seen when she was undressing that her bottom was flawless and smooth. She smiled at him, a glint in her eye, "What? You don't think I'm going to get in the shower with my clothes on, do you?"

He shook his head as if in a daze and followed Mary into the shower room. It was a large, tiled room with five showerheads, four set into the wall and one larger one on the ceiling. Mary turned on only the main shower from the controls just inside the door and then checked the temperature with her hand before taking Billy's hand and leading him into the room.

She positioned him under the cascading water and then took the soap from the dish set into the wall. Lathering it up, she began to bathe the boy. Under his arms and around his chest she rubbed the soap all over him, kneeling she washed his legs and couldn't resist a quick suck on his erection and she swirled her tongue around the pink head. He yelped in shock and then giggled as she continued to wash his body.

Mary then washed his bottom, being careful of the scratch marks on his hips, and slipped the soap up and down the cleft between his buttocks.

Billy moaned and pressed back against her hand. She frowned thoughtfully and extended her forefinger to touch his slippery pucker. He moaned some more and pressed back some more until her finger slid into his bottom all the way to her hand.

She looked up at the boy, "Billy, when those boys did what they did to you...?"

He blushed and mumbled "Yes, Mary?"

"Did you like it?"

His face turned a deeper shade of red and he took a deep breath, "Well I didn't like being forced at all. That was scary and made me feel dirty. But I have to say that once the pain had gone it was kind of nice - the feeling of something in my bum hole." he said in a trembling voice. "Is that sick and perverted of me, Mary? You don't think I'm disgusting, do you?"

His large brown eyes filled with unshed tears and Mary hugged him close. Their wet, naked bodies rubbing together sent an electric tingle through both of them.

"No, Billy. I don't think that you're disgusting or perverted. I sometimes like having things in my bum too." she giggled. "Those boys shouldn't have done what they did, but at least you're not traumatized by it all."

He lowered his head and whispered "Mary, will you do it again, will you put your finger inside me?"

She smiled and again slipped her finger into the boy's rectum. She also took hold of his cock-let and began to masturbate him, her hand covered in soap lather to make it slippery. The child moaned and whimpered, humping her hand and sliding his bottom backwards and forwards along her finger. The precum issued from his slit, thick and fast, adding to the slippery mixture. He began to tremble, his legs shook and his whole body seemed to quiver.

Suddenly he gave a high-pitched cry and climaxed, his hot white semen spurting out of the end of his cock-let and into Mary's cupped hand. Mary continued to pump his little dickie until the last of his orgasm dribbled out and he began to soften.

She lifted her hand to her mouth and licked up some of the sticky liquid, her eyes holding Billy's all the time. Then she stood and offered it to him. After a moment's hesitation, Billy's tongue snaked out and he lapped up some of his own semen as well. She knew in that moment that things would never be the same. He was hers - body and soul.

"Don't tell anyone about this, will you Mary?" he pleaded.

"Certainly not, Billy! Not if you want to play like this over and over again!" she grinned.

He threw his arms around her neck and kissed her, his cock-let brushing against her moist pussy. "Oh, do I ever want to!" he laughed.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Looking forward to where this pair are in a year or so. They have more story to tell.


Wonderful story that does your heart good, a very good tale. Thanks.


OMG this is a HOTTTT story!!!


Hot, hot hot!!!!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.