Beautiful Day

[ Mg, rom ]

by Bill


Published: 9-Jul-2012

Word Count:

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Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

What a beautiful spring morning it was, the sun shinning brightly, the skies blue as the deepest oceans. I sat at my computer checking my mail and finally decided this was too nice a day to waste inside. I had been inside for most of the winter and there was no way I was going to let this day go bye without enjoying it to the fullest.

I got my shower and was finally totally awake, now what am I going to do? I dressed quickly and walked out to the garage. As I raised the door, the old Ford was sitting where I had parked it in November, a few spider webs clinging to the underside and dust that shown how little the car had been used in months; but today it was going to give me the pleasure I had enjoyed the previous year. I sat down and turned the key and the engine came to life.. I backed it out of the garage and sprayed some water on it to get the months of dust from the pale blue paint. It didn't take long to bring the shine back to old beauty.

Thinking a little about where I might go or what I might do for the day, I decided to drive up to the park and enjoy the quiet and peace there.. I rolled down the windows and brought the old car to life.. As I pulled onto the main road, it came into a rhythm of a rattle here and a moan there, all the sounds I had remembered as a teenager, but driving this old machine took me back to those days of my youth when I was happy and care free, if for no other reason I would have loved the old car.

I drove along enjoying the trees and the lawns as they were returning to life from their long winters nap, I was hypnotized by the beauty beginning to surface for all to enjoy. What a beautiful day to be alive.

I pulled into the park and was greeted by many people doing as I was, some children playing on the swings and others on the merry go round laughing and enjoying themselves as their parents watched with big smiles on their faces. I saw young lovers sitting on blankets talking and touching with love in their eyes. What a lovely site to these tired eyes.

My search for a place to be alone was rewarded when I saw a spot available under a tall old oak tree, whose branches were like many arms reaching out to caress me in their beauty. As I parked the car I was in a mood that made me happy to be alive at that point in time. I got out and went to the trunk to unload my lawn chairs and cooler. After a few minuets of adjusting my temporary home I decided to wax and clean more on the car.

While putting wax on the roof my eyes caught a fleeting glimpse of an attractive little figure walking towards me. My eyes tried to adjust from the shade where I was standing to the sun she was walking in. She was  slender little girl wearing jeans and a soft white three quarter sleeve summer sweater. The sweater caressed her small body like paint covering wood, her childish figure totally visible and completely erotic. A sight for any pedophile to gaze on with desire. As she approached where I was standing she smiled at me and I began to melt like the wax I was putting on the car.

I wanted to speak but my mouth couldn't produce the words I wanted to say. I was totally hypnotized by this little girl. When I looked at her closer I could see her short well groomed blonde hair, high proud cheek bones, a long slender neck. The sweater easily gave a view at her still slender child body within as my eyes caressed her. Finally embarrassed at my indiscretion I said hello.

She gracefully returned the greeting and walked over to the car looking inside as most people do. She turned to me and said how nice she thought the car looked. Finally my mouth was beginning to work as it was intended. Thank You, I said, and asked her her name and how old is she. She responded with a smile. Her name was Sandra. She said she was eleven and continued telling me about delightful array of things she was enjoying on her walk, telling me of the spring wild flowers along the path, the beauty of the green canopy of the trees and how she likes to ride her bicycle.

I was listening to her sweet words but my mind was on her innocent beauty thinking the flowers of the wood held no contest for her. Finally I asked if she would like to have a soft drink from the cooler. I was afraid she would refuse but I had to try and keep her with me for awhile. To my joy she accepted my invitation and I offered her a chair to sit as I returned to the trunk to remove one for myself.

We sat and talked for hours. I was so happy just being with this lovely child. Every time she smiled I melted a little, when she laughed I turned into jelly. I could not seem to think as I gazed into those huge eyes, she had me in her power and I didn't seem to mind.

Then the time came we had to part. As I walked her to her home I felt a bit of loneliness. I wondered if I would ever see her again, see her smile, touch her little soft hands.

As we approached her home, I asked if I could hug her. She looked at me, smiled and slid so easily into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her small form and felt a jolt of electricity as if I had just been hit by lightening. I held her close not wanting to let her go but knew I had no choice. Sandra looked up into my eyes and it was so natural to lean forward and kiss her long and deep, my entire being holding this tiny child, enjoying her sweet taste and fragrance.

I wanted to hold her forever but knew I had to let her go. I asked if we would see each other again. She smiled and said yes. I watched her as she entered her home and walked out of sight. As I walked back, it seemed to be just a little less beauty in my park, but with hopes of her returning I returned to my car and left, still dreaming of the next time I would be able to hold her in my arms.

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