Detention with Mr. White, Part 6

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Published: 27-Mar-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 9

Thursday was an average day at the school. He had all of his classes. He has had a hell of a first week of school. He was at lunch in the Teacher's lounge where he always took his lunch period. He was watching a new face make her way thru the room as he tried to figure out if he ever saw her before. She was a new Teacher this year. She taught Reading and Writing for grades 2-5. She was a really cute woman. She had platinum blond hair that was tied in a bun. Female teachers often did that. They thought it made them less attractive to the male students. It might have worked on a ten year old, but not on him. He saw the beauty that lay behind the uncomfortable bun, the loose clothing and the face with little makeup and bookish glasses.

She was winding her way around the room as if she were looking for someone. Mr. White sat at the table reading a magazine as she approached his table.

"Do you mind if I join you?" she asked in a very demure manor.

"Sure!" He said. "Grab a seat!"

She sat down and straightened out her table settings and readied herself to eat. "I'm Miss Violet. I teach Reading and Writing grades 2-5. You're Mr. White right?"

"Yes I am," he said.

"I thought that was you. So many of the students speak so highly of you," she said tightening her bun. She took off her sweater as she prepared to eat. Once it was off, he could see she had a very nice shape. She was thin, but not skinny. She had large tits and her blouse was stretched thin in front of her bosom. He could see the outline of a sexy lace bra underneath her white blouse. He could tell cleavage was hidden behind her tight shirt.

"You have me at a disadvantage Violet. I knew you were coming this year but I didn't know your name until just now. I should have since you are so beautiful. I must be getting old and my radar is off."

Miss Violet smiled at him and said, "That's ok. I'm so ordinary I usually get ignored. I've been looking to meet you. I would like to know your secret with the kids."

Mr. White's stomach dropped. His secret? He was worried one of the children spoke to her about what he was doing. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"So many of the girls in my class speak so highly of you. I was just curious how you make them so happy." She said smiling at him in a curious way.

"I am strict, but fair. I teach my class, but no disruptions are tolerated. If a student breaks the rules, they must server detention. It's as simple as that."

"I noticed that. Most of the girls I spoke with said they did serve detention with you but they still loved you." Her eyes were looking straight through him. He was still not sure of her sitting with him today.

Mr. White shrugged and said, "What can I say? Some of these children lack discipline. Once someone is consistent and fair, they don't know what to do at first, but figure it out eventually."

"I bet." She said with a crooked grin. When I was a girl in school. I had a crush on all of my favorite Male Teachers. Do you ever get that?"

"Sure!" he said. "You just have to be the adult."

They talked for a while and then they went their separate ways after lunch. Mr. White could not wait for his fifth graders today. He wanted to meet with Sarah. Jonah told him about his brother having fun with Sarah this summer. He said that she was having sex with Jonah's brother Joe. He wanted her to come to his house tonight. She came in on time and he was very anxious. Before the end of the period, he gave Sarah a red card and asked her to meet him after school. Sarah knew what to expect.

As usual, he was waiting for Sarah after school when Miss Violet popped her head in his classroom to see if he was there. Once she saw him she came in.

"Hi there," she said as she walked in his room scanning the class.

"So this is where you live eh?"

"Yep! This is all mine," said Mr. White.

Miss Violet walked over and came to his desk and sat on the corner propping her leg up raising her skit a bit to get comfortable. He noticed her legs and that she had sexy stockings that came up to the top of her thighs. "I like it," she said. "It's very 'you'," she said giving quotes with her fingers.

"Well thank you. I do have a student about to come in for detention. So did you need anything?" Mr. White didn't want anything to interrupt his detention with Sarah.

"No, not really. Well that's not true. I wanted to ask you over for dinner. Is that too forward?" She asked as she pulled down her glasses and looked over them with her sexy blue eyes.

"It might be for some, but not for me," he said.

"Good," she said as she slid off his desk, handed him a slip of paper with her address and number written on it in a very sexy script. She straightened her skirt and started heading for the door. He noticed she was walking a little sexier than she did when she walked in. "So I'll see you at six?"

"I wouldn't miss it," he said. She looked back at him as she turned the corner and gave him a sexy smile and left the room. In the hallway she walked down to the end of the hall when she heard little Sara James walking towards his room. She saw her turn into Mr. White's room and as she went inside and closed the door. Then she thought she heard the door lock as well. She walked back to the door and tested the lock and indeed it was locked. She thought that was curious. She headed down the hallway until she came to a door with FACILITITES printed on the door. Matt was the guy in charge of the building and he had all of the keys to all of the rooms.

She went inside and Matt was on the other side of the room on a computer. He was busy doing something so she walked over and turned on the charm. Matt had been hitting on her since she started this year. "Can I get a favor?" she asked.

"Hi Miss V, sure thing, what can I do for you?" He said scanning her body as she stood in front of his desk.

Well I was supposed to drop off some things for Mr. White today, but I think I missed him. His room is locked and I'd really appreciate if I could borrow a key. I promise to bring it right back," she said giving her a sexy smile and talking like a little girl.

"Oh, well we aren't supposed to do that. Can't it wait until tomorrow?" Matt was very turned on by this little teacher but he wanted to keep his job as well.

"Oh, please? I promise to bring it right back when I'm done."

"Well, OK," he said. "But you'll owe me for this one."

"OK, I know how it works, one hand washes the other right?" She said reaching for the key he was taking off the wall in a safe box.

"Yeah," he said. "Something like that," he was planning on her doing more than washing his hands. "Let me take you out for drinks on Friday."

Miss Violet walked up to him and took the key from him standing right in front of him. "How about a blowjob instead?"

Matt was surprised. She was looking up at him and he said, "Sure! That works too!"

"I thought so. Meet me in my classroom after lunch tomorrow. I have a free period then and I'll suck your cock so well, you won't know what hit you," she said as she got up on her tip toes and kissed him slightly on the chin. But for that I get to keep this key. Fair?" She said as she turned and started walking to the door.

"Sure, that's a deal!" he said. He had no idea what he as dealing with.

Miss Violet walked back down the hallways towards Mr. White's room. She looked around then listened to the door. She heard nothing in the room so she quietly opened the door, took off her heals and slid in the room. She heard noises coming from his office so she headed that way. They were strange noises. Not ones she would expect to come out of a teacher's office. She quietly made her way around careful not to make a peep. The door was partially open. She peeked inside in the crack of the door and was shocked at what she saw. Her mouth dropped open and her hand went up to cover it and prevent her from gasping.

In his office she saw little Sarah James in his office on her knees in front of Mr. White wearing nothing but her panties. She was directly in front of him sucking his cock. She couldn't believe her eyes. Here was this tiny girl, ten years old, beautiful long flowing blond hair and she was sucking on her Math Teacher's cock after school in his office. Mr. White had his hand on the back of her head and he was feeding the length of his hard cock into the girl and she was sucking it all. Mr., White stopped her and told her to stand up and lay down on his desk.

"I'll teach you to let a teenage boy take your cherry," he said as he laid her down on her back along the top of his long wooden desk and he positioned the girl so that her head was hanging over the edge of the desk in front of him upside down He put his cock back into the girl's mouth and started fucking her mouth.

From this angle she could see everything. She noticed he had a nice sized cock, it was about 6 or 7 inches long and plenty thick. He was sliding his cock in and out at a pretty rapid pace. Mr. White was rubbing her chest up and down. She has only the slightest hint of breasts and he was playing with her nipples. She was sure they were hard. He slid one hand further down her body and was playing with her pussy. She was moaning as he fingered her and making noise as he practically fucker her face.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh" The girl was taking everything he was giving to her. She was impressed with Sarah, she would find it a challenge to suck his cock and take as much as she was doing. Miss Violet's pussy was on fire and she reached down and slid her hand inside her panties. She was soaking wet from watching the scene. She had to stifle a moan as she touched her engorged clit. "Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, uhuhuhuhuhuhuh" Sarah moaned around his cock as he sped up his thrusting.

His thrusts were getting deeper as he continued the assault on her mouth. She looked up at Mr. White as he was fucking the girl, she could see he was going to cum soon. Suddenly, he made a large grunt and shoved his cock all the way down her throat and kept it there. Pulled back out then all the way back inside again with another load grunt. He continued cumming in her mouth and finally he released her from his grasp and the girls was panting and breathing very hard. She coughed a couple times gagging from his cock being so far down her throat. Miss V could see her face better now. It was covered in spit and cum. She looked quite a mess and she continued recovering from sucking the man's cock that must have seemed gigantic to the pre-teen girl. Miss Violet snuck back over to the door as she heard the couple talking in the office. She slipped back out of the classroom and closed the door making sure it was still locked.

She went around the corner of the hallway and waited a few minutes. Soon Little Sarah came out of the door and skipped down the hall obviously unaffected by the whole ordeal as she went on her way probably going home. Miss Violet turned and kept walking to her class which was on the other side of the small building. She was about halfway there when she stopped. She just realized that she didn't have her heels. Her stomach dropped as she realized that she left them in Mr. White's class. Even worse she dropped them right next to his office door. She was quite upset and she worried about how she was to explain. She started formulating a story as she was gathering her things. She grabbed a pair of plain white running shoes she kept there for days when her feet were hurting.

She got in her car and drove home. She couldn't stop thinking about what she just saw. Mr. White was a Pedophile. Not only that, but it appeared that he was molesting half of the elementary girls in the school. The more she replayed the vision of the young girl getting face fucked in the office, the hornier she got. She never thought about touching her children from her classes. But now it was all she could do not to. Visions of the girls in her classes sucking his cock and who knows, maybe even more. He was obviously punishing the girl, because she didn't let him fuck her first. She was so horny she was trembling.

She pulled her car over and put the small car in Park and spread her legs. She hiked up her skirt and put both hands on her pussy and started masturbating in the front seat. She couldn't wait to get home. Within minutes she came really hard rocking the car on its springs as she bucked to a fast orgasm thinking about the girls getting fucked by Mr. White. She was on a not so busy street and her window tint offered her some privacy. She started to calm down when someone knocked on her window. She looked and there was a cop outside her window asking her to roll down her window.

Miss Violet took her hands out of her crotch hoping the policeman could not see what she was doing. She rolled down her window and she was still breathing heavy recovering from her orgasm.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't park here," he pointed to the sign directly in front of her that said NO PARKING.

"I'm sorry officer. I had to take a phone call so I pulled over," she was scared to death he saw her Jilling off in her car near a school.

"Well OK, just try to pay attentions to the signs next time," he said and got on his motorcycle and drove away.

Miss Violet drove home and took a shower. She wasn't sure what she could say to Mr. White. He was coming over to dinner. She would have to think about a lot between now and then.

Chapter 10: The Dinner

Miss Violet was cooking dinner trying not to think about what she saw earlier. She cooked a simple dinner for her date the child molester. She was shocked that she was not as repulsed by the idea of a fellow teacher getting his cock sucked by one of her students. In fact, she was so aroused by the scene she didn't make it home before she had to masturbate and make herself cum! What did that mean? She asked herself.

"Does that make me a pedophile too?" she said to herself not realizing she said it out loud.

Mr. White arrived at her apartment. He walked up the stairs to her place and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood Miss Violet. She was standing there in her bare feet. Her platinum blond hair was down now and had been combed. She was wearing a pair of tight blue corduroy shorts with a simple red halter top. "I hope you don't mind me dressing casual. I dress up so much for school I just hate to dress up when I'm home," she said as she opened the door and let in her new friend.

"Thank you." Mr. White said as he walked into the room. He pulled her black high heel shoes from behind his back and dangled them on two fingers in front of her. "I see you left your shoes by my office this afternoon."

"Oh yeah, I must have forgotten them when I came in to hit on you," she said smiling.

"Yes, but I don't remember you being that close to my office," he said as he watched her for a reaction.

She was cool and calm and she said, "I went over to see how big your office was when I came in.

"I don't remember it that way. Are you sure you didn't come back to my room later?" He said as he continued watching her. She was a terrible liar. He could tell she was lying. He was sure she came back. Now he needed to find out how much she saw. "You did come back didn't you? So what did you see?" he asked.

Miss Violet with terrified. She figured coming clean would be best. "OK, so I borrowed a key and went in your room. I say Sarah sucking your cock. I also saw you punish her for not letting you take her virginity and fucking her face until you came. So there! I am not the one in trouble here."

"Indeed. That was the question of the day. I would have expected you to go straight to the Principal. Or worse yet, to the Police. You decided to go home and keep your date with a Pedophile. That is strange behavior isn't it?" He walked closer to the woman. Close enough he could smell her perfume. "So why didn't you report me?"

She looked up at him. She took a step backwards and turned around and walked into the kitchen and grabbed her drink.

"That's a good question," she said drinking a big gulp of her vodka she was drinking. She went for the bottle and asked if he wanted one. He nodded. She poured him a drink and herself as well. She sat down at the kitchen table. "I've been asking myself that as well. I walked in and saw you too and to be honest the reaction I had surprised me."

"What exactly was the reaction you had?" Mr. White sat next to the young teacher and took a swig of the drink she poured.

"I don't know... I was confused. I had never seen anything like that before. I was shocked. I was embarrassed," she said.

"You were excited. Weren't you?" Mr. White said to the woman. She refused to look at him.

"No way! That would be disgusting wouldn't it?" She was crying now not sure what was happening. She was afraid he was going to hurt her.

"No, not necessarily. Not if you love children. I mean really love children... like I love children," he said as he reached over and held her hand on top of the table. "Did you masturbate after seeing us?" he asked.

Miss V nodded at him still crying. "Yes!" she screamed.

"More than once?" he asked again.

"Yes!" She cried as she leaned in and started crying on his shoulder. "It's OK. Calm down. It just means that you are a child lover. I've been a child lover my entire life. I've been making love to children since I was sixteen. I would never hurt any of the children I've been with. Never! I've taught children the joys of sex and enlightened them to understand their own sexuality. No matter what that was," he said as he pulled her off his shoulder and looked at her. "Now stop crying and pull yourself together. Go clean up and come back out. We need to talk," he said as he went into the kitchen to assess dinner. He turned everything off and pored another dink for them both.

She came out and he handed it to her. "No Miss Violet, sit down."

"Please call me Vicky." She said as she sat down.

"Is that short for Victoria?" She nodded. "OK Victoria, I just made a call. One of my students who just left last year lives right around the corner from here. She started the sixth grade this year and is in Middle School. She is well aware that you are here and she loves both men and women. She agreed to come here and she will be here in a few moments."

"Oh, no! Not here! She'll know where I live!" She cried.

"It's okay. She is one of my best students. I fucked her for two years before she left. She is very safe and very quiet. Trust me," he said as there came a knock at the door. He put a finger up and said "Wait here." And he went to the door and let in the girl.

"Hi Mr. White!" She said as she came in the door quickly. She was a small Mexican girl. She had long black hair and a slim petite body. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans that rode low on her hips and a tight t-shirt that showed her beautiful B cup breasts. She went into the kitchen and sat down at the table with Vicky. "Hi! I'm Mandy! What's your name?"

Miss Violet looked up and saw the girl. She was beautiful. "My name is Vicky."

"Victoria is a new teacher this year. She just realized that she is a closet child lover. So I brought you over here to help her deal with her new discovery. You will be the first child she's ever loved," he said.

"Cool! A virgin!" she giggled and that made Victoria feel more at ease.

"First things first. You know the rules, we have to get undressed before we start anything." Mr. White said to the girl.

"I know... I forgot," she looked at Miss Violet and said. "Would you like to undress me? I would love to do the same for you."

Victoria blushed at the question. But she looked at the girl and nodded. "I'd like that," she said.

Mandy stood up and pulled up her new friend as she reached in her mouth and removed the gum she was chewing. She saw the trash bin and tossed it in.

"OK," she said. "I'm ready."

Victoria reached for the bottom of her t-shirt and she saw the girl's nipples poking through the shirt. She reached up and caressed her breasts through the shirt focusing on her nipples. She was not wearing a bra and she was quite aroused. Her nipples were fantastic. She could even see their outline of them through her t-shirt.

Miss Violet reached down and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. She slowly started pulling it up her body exposing the most perfect well-tanned skin. It slid up her flat stomach and further up exposing her breasts. She continued and the girl helped her get it over her head and around her hair. Once the shirt was over her head Mandy smiled at the teacher and she took off her flip flops and stood bare foot. Mandy turned around and showed Miss V her ass as it was packed into her tight jeans. The girl had developed a very nice bubble butt and the jeans showed it off quite well.

"Wow! Mr. White said. Your ass looks terrific. It's really bubbled out even more than it was last year," he said as he reached over and caressed her ass in her jeans and slid his hand in between her thighs and up the crack of her ass.

Miss Violet slapped his hand and he looked at her with a funny expression. "Sorry," she said to him. "It's my turn."

They all laughed. Mr. White was happy that she was starting to loosen up. Vicky stood behind the girl and pushed her over on top until she was leaning on the breakfast bar. The girl stood there topless bent over waiting to see what the young woman would do.

"So," she said. "How old are you Mandy?"

"I'm eleven and a half! I'll be twelve next February," she said proudly.

"And when did you first suck Mr. White's cock in detention?" she said as she continued rubbing her ass enjoying the look and feel of the young girl's ass in front of her.

"I was seven," she said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the attention she was getting from Victoria.

"I see," she said. "And he first fucked you when?"

"It was a year later when he fucked my ass. I was about eight. Then he took my cherry in fifth grade about two years later I was ten," she said enjoying her hands on her ass.

Miss V reached around her and unbuttoned her jeans and they loosened on her hips. She got all five buttons undone and she reached inside the girl's jeans and rubbed her pussy under her panties. Mandy was soaking wet. She slid her finger up and down her pussy slit getting inside the moist folds of her outer lips.

"Ohhhhh" Mandy said as she leaned her head back against the woman. She was no stranger to women. She considered herself wholly bisexual by nature. She loved them both. She leaned over and kissed Mandy's neck and sucked on her ear lobe as she continued stroking the girl's fresh pussy. "You sure know what you're doing." said Mandy.

Miss Violet giggled. I said I never touched a child. I never said I never touched another woman. She got on her knees behind the girl and pulled her pants down her hips exposing her luscious ass to both adults.

"Oh, wow!" she said. "Your ass is fantastic," her butt was firm and tan and curved deliciously all the way around. Neither one of them had seen such a perfect ass. Mr. White watched and nodded to Victoria as he watched her remove her jeans from her legs and put the clothes under the bar.

"Makes me wish we had a middle school," he said smiling.

"Uh huh." Vicky said as she went back to the marvel in front of her. She left her panties on. They were a sexy thing that did not get in the way. She reached up and caressed her naked ass with both hands. Filling both hands with her ass kneading her and caressing her all over. She reached up and led the girl to the kitchen table where she gently pushed her down so she was bent all the way over the table. She reached up and pulled her panties down over her ass exposing her exquisite ass and beautiful pussy. She still had no hair on her pussy and from behind her lips were round, meaty and delicious. Mandy turned her head and was watching her over her shoulder smiling.

Mandy had a feeling she was in for a treat. Vicky leaned in and smelled her ass from the top of her ass to the bottom of her pussy. "Mmmmmm," she said. "She smells so fresh!" She spread the girl's legs a little wider so she could have better access to her fresh young pussy and she slid her tongue from the bottom all the way up to her asshole.

"Ohhhh, man! Does that feel good?" Mandy said looking over at Mr. White who had unbuttoned his slacks and was removing them. "Oh, are you joining in?" She asked as he began unbuttoning his shirt to take it off.

"Oh yeah, I am not going to be the odd man out in this equation," he said as he finished stripping and walked over to the couple. He moved Mandy away from the table and repositions the two. Mandy bent back over with her legs spread wide in front of Vicky's face and she started licking the girl's pussy again. Mandy then bent over and put Mr. White's hard straining cock in her mouth. She was able to engulf his entire cock at once. Mr. White groaned as he felt her hot wet mouth on his cock. She started sucking his cock as Victoria was licking her pussy. She brought the girl to a quick orgasm and she moaned and squealed around his cock as she came.

Victoria was not finished with her yet, she reached up higher and sank her tongue deep inside the little girl's asshole. She was so happy Mr. White caught her. She was loving the taste of her new friend's ass and she reached down and stuck first one, then when the child didn't protest two fingers inside her. She couldn't cuck on his cock anymore because she was breathing so hard. So she was jacking off his cock with her tiny hands as she came again.

Mr. White was in charge and he told moved the girls over and put Mandy on the couch in the living room. Victoria was just behind him and he put her on her hands and knees in front of the eleven year old. Victoria pushed her legs up off the floor and pushed them against her shoulders exposing her pussy and ass. She went to town continuing to eat her pussy and play with her supple ass. Meanwhile, All but forgotten, Mr. White ran to her bedroom and scoured her bedroom for lubricant. As he suspected he found some in one of the side tables of her bed. He walked back to the room and saw Victoria's supple white ass bent over on her hands and knees licking the child. He admired the beauty of the situation and pulled up right behind his beautiful blond coworker and lubed up his straining cock and pressed it to her tiny pink asshole.

"No Mr. White. Not in my ass!" He pushed his slippery cock into her snug asshole and with all of the lubrication is slid in easily. "Ohhhh, ow, shit!," she said as he entered her ass.

Mandy reached down and pulled her face up in her hands and said, "Just relax Miss V. Just relax and go with the feelings of your body," she said. Mr. White smiled at the child. She's learned well. That what he told her the first time he fucked the little girl in the ass. Mandy pulled her face back down to her pussy. Miss V had her eyes closed as she tried to relax her body like Mandy said. Soon Mr. White was moving his cock in and out of the beautiful Teacher's ass. She was not hurting as much any more. "Play with your clit! That always makes me fell better when he fucks my ass!" She said as she rubbed her own clit and tweaked her nipples.

Mr. White reached under Victoria and held her tits from behind as he twirled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. "Ohhhhh." She moaned as she started feeling better. She stuffed her hand between her legs and rubbed her clit he started fucking her harder. She started rocking back forcing more of his hard cock inside herself. Mr. White took this as a sign and he picked up the pace. Soon, his entire cock was working in and out of the woman. Her slim ass looked fabulous as he looked down watching her ass engulf his cock.

She opened her eyes and started eating the girl's pussy again. Mandy moaned as she put her hands in the woman's hair and removed her own hands from her pussy.

"Yeah Miss V. Lick my pussy!" She said as she watched her licking up and down her bald smooth pussy. "Fuck her harder Mr. White! She likes it now!"

"We both knew she would didn't we?" He said as he slapped her on the ass.

Vicky screamed and looked back over her shoulder. Her face was covered with the girl's pussy juice. She was grunting on each thrust.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh Ohhhhh yeah. Fuck my Ass Mr. White!" she said. He slapped her ass again and started fucking as faster. "Uhuhuhuhuhuhuh," she moaned as he picked up the pace.

He was about to cum. So he fucked her ass hard. His balls welled up and released inside the adorable blond teacher. She took his load and came with him. She grabbed the sofa cushion as she peaked.

Afterwards, Mandy left Victoria's apartment and went back home. Vicky gave Mandy her number. She wanted another session with the girl at least. She also figure the girl could turn her on to other kids as well.

Mr. White left and went home around seven o'clock. He and Victoria talked at great lengths about a great many things. He was happy to have a friend who shared his interest. He was even happier that it was someone he could fuck!

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